Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future

Page created by Javier Kramer
Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
Open House The newsletter for Garden House Hospice Care

Started by the Community
Serving the Community
Sustained by the Community

      A Hospice United:
         Caring during the pandemic
         Fighting for our future                                  Summer, 2020
Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
Welcome from
                                       Sue Plummer, CEO
    It’s hard to believe that it was                      enjoy some of the creative ways the
    only a few months ago that                            community have come together to
                                                          support their local hospice (page 8).
    ‘normal’ life was suddenly put
    on pause.                                             It would be lovely to see as many of you as
                                                          possible at Lights of Life this year (page 14). We
    Last edition I wrote about our 30th anniversary       are working hard to make the event extra
    year, looking ahead to a wonderful 12 months          special, offering a much-needed get together
    of celebration. Like everyone else, I had no idea     and opportunity to reflect as we head towards
    how life was about to change.                         the end of the year.
    Well over four months into the coronavirus            In April, we launched an urgent appeal and
    pandemic, the future is still uncertain for us all.   asked for help, as the financial impact of
    We are continually adapting our services so           COVID-19 became clear. We have been blown
    they are as ‘normal’ as possible, while keeping       away by the support of our community. I hope
    patient safety at the top of our agenda. With         this edition of Open House serves as
    demand remaining high, we are working hard to         confirmation of the amazing – and vital work
    continue raising money to fund our care in a          your support enables us to carry out.
    turbulent financial climate and with restrictions
    that have changed the face of fundraising.            I am honoured to lead a team that has been
                                                          truly unified in the face of this adverse and
    But in the worst of times, we have seen hospice       scary situation. Thank you ALL for your
    care at its very best. This issue of Open House is    courage and dedication. Our team includes
    dedicated to a mere handful of the striking and       you, our supporters too. Thank you for the
    inspiring stories from the past few months.           essential part you play.
    Learn more about the friendships made
    between colleagues who have retrained
    to care for patients (page 4), discover
    the realities of having to close the
    doors to our outpatients (page 6), and
                                                          Sue Plummer, Chief Executive

             s on
    Follow u
    Social M                                              Simply follow us on:

    Stay connected via social media!
    Keep updated on the latest news,
    events, stories, services,                                    @garden_house_hospice_care
    competitions and more.

Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
Our response
to COVID-19

The rapid spread of COVID-19 presented challenges unlike anything our staff
have experienced before. Here is how we have adapted, responded and continue
to work during the pandemic.

We increased our bed capacity on the Inpatient Unit to ease pressure on our local hospitals.

We added another ‘virtual bed’ to the community, to cope with demand and keep more
people out of hospital.

We have cared for patients who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in hospital and
discharged to our teams.

Our Frailty Clinical Nurse Specialists have been working with care homes, helping to plan
residents’ care and offering them, as well as staff, face-to-face support and training.

Group activities such as the fatigue and breathlessness course and seated exercise class, have
moved online.

Our doctors have provided support to GPs in the community.

Our bereavement support has continued via the telephone, with the service extended to
people experiencing bereavement away from the Hospice.

Our education team have developed and delivered bespoke training to external health and
social carers.

          175 extra hours of care a                         129 staff from residential,
          week have been made                               nursing and learning
          available because 18 staff                        disability support care
          from across the Hospice,                          homes, have had palliative
          including fundraising and                         and end of life care training
          trading, had clinical training                    from our education team.
          to support our front line

           250 outpatients have had                         70 isolated community
           regular phone or video calls                     members at a time have
           from our Hawthorne Centre                        been joining virtual
           team.                                            meetings hosted by our
                                                            Compassionate Neighbours.

Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
l l in t h i s
     At Garden House Hospice Care,
     we believe in a ‘one team’                                                           Hayley
     approach.                                                                       and Richard

     Never more so has that been the case than in
     these times of COVID-19. With demand for our           “Initially, when we were told that people
     care still on the rise, staff from all areas of the    were being redeployed to Hospice at
     Hospice volunteered to undergo clinical                Home I was sceptical as we are all aware
     training to support as healthcare assistants on        these individuals come from very different
     the frontline, resulting in over 175 hours             backgrounds to us, we have an extensive
     additional care a week for local people in need.       background in palliative end of life care and
                                                            are used to the pressures and difficult
     Richard Harbon, Head of Events at the                  situations we face daily.
     Hospice, was one of many valiant volunteers.
                                                           “ I will take away
     “As an experienced fundraiser, I know how to
     organise events and support our community               many memories from this period,
     with challenges such as treks and cycle rides,          some of which are sad, but the
     never have I supported with the delivery of             highlight is how well the Hospice
     care until now.                                         pulled together as a team.“
     “After an intense two-day training session, I          “I was pleasantly surprised how these
     certainly felt very well prepared for what was         individuals faced their new challenges head on,
     going to be expected of me.                            they rolled up their sleeves and got stuck in,
                                                            never shying away from whatever faced them.
    “ Everything had been thought
      through to give me the                                “They showed a real interest and built up a
      confidence that everything would                      rapport with the patients, but they also looked
      be okay.”                                             out for the relatives too.

     “Working with the community team has been              “They have shown that actually you can face
     an amazing experience, really bringing it home         any new challenges with the right guidance and
     to me what we are fundraising for. The nurses          support and I'm certain its opened up their eyes
     on the team are inspirational, bringing care and       as to why they are fundraising in the first place,
     support to patients and their families in their        running shops and eBay or driving a van!
     darkest hours and always with a smile
     on their face.”                                        “It's been a pleasure showing them the ropes
                                                            and watching them develop.”
     Richard was regularly partnered up
     with Senior Healthcare Assistant,                      Hayley and Richard connected from
     Hayley Cocks to make home visits.                      their first visit, and are continuing to
                                                            care together and even plan to meet up
                                                            outside the Hospice for a socially
                                                            distanced run.
Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
A smile
   the mask
                                                 “One of the things that’s affected us most
                                                 here is that families haven’t been able to be
A hand to hold and a hug when                    as involved in the care of their loved ones as
it’s needed most – these are the                 they would have before, so we’ve had to find
words so regularly used to sum                   new ways to ensure that patients can still
                                                 communicate with their families and that we
up the care provided on our
                                                 can still allow family members to visit in line
Inpatient Unit (IPU) at the                      with the government guidelines.

The last few months have changed the way
we care; with comforting smiles hidden               We increased IPU
behind a mask and hands being held through
the barrier of a plastic glove, it’s been a          capacity from 8 to
challenging time for our patients, their             10 beds to support
families, and our staff.
                                                     our local NHS Trust.
With many of them facing their own anxieties
around the welfare of their loved ones,
juggling work and home schooling and
adjusting to ‘the new normal’, our               “When you’re poorly, seeing the faces of
courageous team continued to put on their        those you hold dear can make a world of
uniforms to provide palliative care 24 hours a   difference. Thanks to the generosity of our
day.                                             community we received donations of 20
                                                 iPads which enabled our patients to see their
Michelle is a sister on the                      loved ones virtually.
Inpatient Unit
                                                 “Staffing has been a challenge with some
                                                 having to shield. However, clinical teams
“What I love most about my job is the level of
                                                 across the Hospice have worked together to
personalised care that we can give to
                                                 ensure safe staffing to continue giving the
patients and their families. We’ve been
                                                 high level of personalised care we’re so proud
involved in celebrating weddings with
                                                 to provide at end of life. It has been a
patients and many other special points in
                                                 difficult and trying time, but we have been
their journey.
                                                 so well supported and the team have
                                                 been fantastic.”

Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
y S e r v i ces
       go digita

    " In my almost three years of
      working at Garden House
      Hospice Care, I have never
      gone home and cried…until a
      few weeks ago."

     These are the words of Sarah Bradfield, who
     manages the Hawthorne Centre. At the
     beginning of the pandemic, they made the
     difficult decision to close the centre, which
     focuses on the wellbeing and rehabilitation          Heather was diagnosed with cancer in
     of people diagnosed with a life-limiting             2017 and has been attending the
     illness.                                             Hawthorne Centre for two years.

     " I will never forget the days we had to call        “I really miss being able to go to the Hospice.
     our patients to tell them to stay at home for        The biggest thing is the understanding you
     their own safety. This went against                  get from the staff and from the other people
     everything we’d ever said to them as we are          who are going through similar things to you,
     normally encouraging people to live as full          so during lockdown it’s been really, really
     and active a life as possible. It was                hard. However we are being well supported
     heart-wrenching.                                     through Zoom sessions which is absolutely
                                                          fantastic as you get to see somebody face to
     “One particular call that stays with me was          face. I miss confidence boosting, the
     from a patient who asked me to thank our             friendship and of course the cakes which are
     physiotherapists in the gym. She said: “they         fantastic!
     have made me so much fitter. If I do get this
     thing, I feel like I do have a chance of fighting
                                                         “ The thing is, the Hospice are missing us
     it off and it’s all thanks to them.”
                                                          as well because in the end, we are what
     The day services doors may have                      they are there for.”
     temporarily closed, but the support
     continues.                                                   To find out more about our
                                                                  services and how the
     The team have been making regular                            Hawthorne Centre can
     telephone consultations, holding wellbeing           support you or a family member,
     sessions via Zoom and uploading an online            visit our website:
     library of seated exercises and guided
     meditations to support our patients who are
     self-shielding.                                      patients-carers/day-services

Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
 We understand the importance
 of positive social interaction.
 With the nation in lockdown,                                Macmillan Senior Sister,
 the effects of social isolation                             Educator for Community Services
 and loneliness can have a
 negative impact on both
 mental and physical wellbeing.
                                                   wait to match them up with people in
 Compassionate Neighbours couple, Tom and          the community.”
 Jeanne Batterbury, have been reaching out to
 ensure older members of the local community      “ It’s been wonderful to see so
 in Letchworth, Royston and Stevenage feel          many smiling faces on the screen
 supported during the coronavirus pandemic.
                                                    and also for people to make new
 As part of the scheme, the couple have been
                                                    connections despite the physical
 running errands, shopping and picking up
 prescriptions.                                     restrictions.“

 “My wife and I signed up as Compassionate
 Neighbours to give something back. My mum
 died in the Hospice 18 months ago, she was 91,
 and had been so happy with the care she
 received from the Hospice at Home team and
 in the Inpatient Unit. We have delivered
 shopping to people living in Royston,
 Letchworth and Stevenage. “

“ We can’t wait to see our
                                                   Compassionate Neighbours are
  community members again.”
                                                   trained volunteers who are
 Whilst our Compassionate Neighbours and           matched with a community
 community members are unable to see each          member based on their interests
 other face-to-face, they are continuing their     and hobbies, offering regular
 friendships over the phone, with some             visits, companionship, emotional
 learning to use technology for the first time     support and a listening ear.
 via video calls.

 Richard Julian is the Community                          More information can be found
 Development Manager for the scheme and                   on our website:
 has been hosting virtual get togethers, so
 both the Compassionate Neighbours and
 community members feel supported.
 “We have just welcomed 10 new people to                  -neighbours
 the Compassionate Neighbours family after a
 two-day virtual training session and we can’t

Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
From veg stalls and head
    shaves to bike rides and
    bake offs, your support has
    made a massive difference.
    Lockdown certainly had your creative juices
    flowing and we’ve loved hearing about the
    wild and whacky ways that people of all ages
    have taken to fundraising to raise money for
    the Hospice.

    Over the last few months we have been
    utterly inspired by the children and young      Over 300
                                                              masks an
    people in our community and thank you all       face-cove           d
                                                              rings hav
                                                   hand-mad             e been
    from the bottom of our hearts for                         e for staf
                                                                         f and
    challenging yourselves for charity.                     rs to wea
                                                   the Hosp            r at

    Betty-Leigh Allinson is five
    years old. When her trip

    to Disneyland got cancelled
    at the beginning of
    lockdown, she decided to
    use the £7 spending money
    she had saved to start a
    fundraising page for
    the Hospice.

    Having recently learnt to ride
    her bike without stabilisers,
    this triumphant tot took on
    the challenge of cycling a mile
    a day for 100 days with the aim
    of raising £500. Peddling in a
    different football shirt every
    day, she has had huge support from
    local and global teams, receiving
    special video messages from David
    Beckham, Frankie Detori, Ashley Young
    and Robin Van Persie to name a few. Betty
    has captured our hearts and has now raised                                       losing £           ps
                                                                           We are            o u r sh o
    over £20,000 and hopes to reach £25,000 by                                       ecause
                                                                           week, b              events
                                                                               re c lo sed and
    the end of the challenge. Keep your eyes on                            w e
                                                                                      d .
    our social media pages for more information                            cancelle
    on her 100th celebration ride.

    To support Betty-Leigh, visit:

Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
Firefighters fight for
   20 tots have been busy selli
                                                            our future.
   plants and doorstep trea
   bouncing on trampolines,
   running and cycling for mile
                                 s to    As the sun began to set over Letchworth on
   raise funds.                            12th June, the Baldock and Letchworth On
   What superstars!                      Call Firefighters put on their full equipment
                                         for the 13.6 mile walk around the Greenway
                                                        to raise funds for the Hospice.

                                          The equipment weighed a whopping 26kg,
                                            but the blisters and sore bodies it caused
                                        didn’t stop our firefighting fundraisers. With
                                               social-distanced support on-route and
                                                 donations flooding in, they raised an
                                           incredible £17,000 for our Urgent Appeal.

                                              Celebrating 10 years by
                                                   braving the shave.

                                                 Over the last decade, Sue Monigatti
                                                        has worked in our clinical and
                                                               trading teams, recently
                                                             volunteering to return to
                                                         the Hospice frontline to care
                                                      for patients in their own homes
                                                    during the coronavirus outbreak.
                                                     On 15th June, Sue celebrated her
                                                10 year anniversary, with the support
                                                   of her friend and colleague Nicola,
                                                                by shaving their heads.

                                           “I wanted to mark this special occasion by
                                               raising much needed funds to support
                                                  this great local charity as they have
                                                                       supported me.”
    Lo ca l t
    f o u n d a s ts a n d
               tions h
   awarde              ave                  The courageous pair raised over £3,000!
   in gran over £35,000                          Happy Anniversary from the whole
              ts to h
   our esc            elp cov
              alating         er                                     hospice family.

       Without the support, courage and determination of our third party
 fundraisers, we couldn’t continue to care for local families at the end of
    life. If you’d like to find out more about how to support, we’d love to
                                                            hear from you!
                                                  01462 679540 (option 3)
Open House - A Hospice United: Caring during the pandemic Fighting for our future
The Big                                     The response was incredible. Within hours we

                                                        had hundreds of enquiries and we collected
                                                        donations from more than 800 homes.
                                                        Hundreds more people donated their

                                                        unwanted items to our Distribution Centre.

                                                         “The generosity of our community has once
                                                         again been astounding,” said Carla Pilsworth,
                                                         Director of Income Generation and Trading.
                                                         “Our volunteer van drivers were busy for
     Raise your hand if                                  weeks, crossing towns and villages across
     you used lockdown for a                           “ Hertfordshire, collecting items ranging from
     much-needed clear out                               clothing, to toys and books, to bric-a-brac.
                                                         Thank you to everyone who has donated.
     of your cupboards and
     re-organisation of your
     You’re not alone!

     After hearing anecdotally how many people
     were doing exactly that, and with the closure
     of our 12 shops causing a devastating blow to
     our income, we spotted an opportunity for
     a restock.

     In the midst of lockdown, we launched our         “ Our shops reopened in June with
     Big Charity Restock, inviting people to bag or
                                                        bursting stock levels. We raise a
     box their goods and arranging collection days
                                                        third of our income from our
     and drop-offs so our shelves could be filled in
                                                        charity shops, so the sale of these
     readiness for the eventual reopening of
     our stores.                                        goods will make an enormous
                                                        difference to the lives of our
                                                        patients and their families.”

         £17,000                              444,373                        410 volunteers
         was raised                           items were                     across 12 stores
         from books                           sold in our                    and Distribution
         sold online                          shops last                     Centre
         last year                            year
Shop to sustain, save
money, and change lives

With smartphones and next day delivery,           Change someone’s life: By buying
we know it is hard to resist the ease of          something from our shops, you are
ordering a new outfit, toys and furniture in a    changing somebody’s life for the better,
few clicks online. But let us convince you why    because all the proceeds from your purchase
a trip to your high street to join the queue      funds the care we give our patients and their
for your local hospice shop is worthwhile:        families.

Bag a bargain: Our 12 shops stock many
nearly-new items – often, clothing arrives
with tags still on and it will always be better
value than the original price.

Help our planet: According to Wrap,
336,000 tonnes of clothing ended up in
landfill last year. Do your bit to reduce this
waste by re-using and re-cycling clothes. Plus,
you are making carbon savings by extending
the life of the items you buy.
                                                  Still not sure our shops are worth a visit? We
Find treasure: We never fail to be amazed         popped into our Distribution Centre for a
by the items we are donated. Whether it’s         quick scan of the donations, to see what we
unique vintage goodies, unworn shoes or           could find. Here is our haul:
hardly-used toys, everything is quality
checked before it enters our shops and items      A Moses basket, Adidas backpack, children’s
are often wonderfully unique.                     books by authors including Jacqueline Wilson,
                                                  Julia Donaldson and the ‘That’s Not My’
                                                  series, clothes from Monsoon and Ted Baker,
                                                  toys including a Duplo pirate ship, board
                                                  games and a super-soft teddy, a
                                                  wide-rimmed sun hat, rollerblades and a
                                                  vintage tea set. So, why not think twice next
                                                  time you go to shop online, and see what
                                                  your local hospice shop has to offer first?
£199 was the                     £1,572,000
highest winning                  was raised                  For our shop locations and
bid on our eBay                                              opening hours, visit:
                                 by trading
page in June – for               in 2018/19
a metal detector
e  e  c h e e rs
         for our
           o l u n t e e rs

     38% of the UK population
     volunteer at least once a year,
     with 22% volunteering at least
     once a month. As well as helping
     others, volunteering has been
     shown to improve volunteers'
     wellbeing too.

                                                    Volunteering at the Hospice, has been
     Rukia Augustine is the Voluntary
                                                    hugely impacted by the coronavirus
     Services Manager at the Hospice.               pandemic, with many volunteers shielding
                                                    and unable to carry out their weekly shifts.
     “Our volunteers are absolutely vital to
     continue the work we do at the Hospice.
     What astonishes me is the number of
     volunteers we have that give up their time,        “
     come rain or shine to work in our shops,            From one hour per week
     Distribution Centre, at the Hospice, in the
                                                         to a few hours a day, our
     Community or supporting at events.
                                                         team of over 600
     “Our strap line as a Hospice is 'Started by         volunteers make a huge
     the Community, Serving the Community,               difference and save us
     Sustained by the Community' and none                over £700,000 a year in
     more so is that the case in our volunteering        staffing costs which we
                                                         wouldn't be able to
     “Our patients, carers, family members and           sustain.“
     friends may not get to meet all our
     volunteers but on behalf of everyone that
     accesses our services, a HUGE thank you to
     our valiant volunteers that help our Hospice   “The last few months have been tough; we
     to continue to support our community,          have really missed our volunteer family and
     now and in the future.”                        are thrilled to be gradually welcoming
                                                    people back to carry out the volunteer
                                                    roles they love so much.”



Steve has been a volunteer at our
Distribution Centre (DC) in                       We have a wide range of volunteering
Letchworth since September 2018.                  opportunities available and would love to
Volunteering up to ten hours a                    have you on board to help in any way you can.
week, he supports our eBay team,
our van drivers with collections
and deliveries, and acts as a                        “ I really encourage
mentor to other volunteers who                         anyone who is thinking
may need support.                                      about volunteering, or
                                                       has time to spare, to
“Volunteering for Garden House Hospice
                                                       do so.”
Care has given me the opportunity to get to
know people in the area.

“I really enjoy what I do, it has given me the    Some of our current roles include:
ability to do something to help others. I also
go to the Hospice once a week and can see            Gardening Volunteers
that what I am doing is really making a              Distribution Centre Volunteers
difference. “                                        eBay Researcher Volunteers
                                                     Shop Volunteers
Over lockdown, Steve has not been able to            Choir Leader
carry out his volunteering duties, but is still      Van Driver Assistant Volunteers
helping his local community.                         Admin Volunteers.

“I have been shopping and picking up              The opportunities are endless and can be
prescriptions for my more vulnerable              tailored to your skill set should you wish to
next-door neighbours and enjoying                 help with specific projects and share your
gardening, walking, baking and trying out         knowledge and expertise.
new recipes. I take wildlife photography
from my window, which I post in the               To find out more about flexible
Volunteers’ Facebook page as a means of           volunteering opportunities at your
staying in touch with them. I am really           local Hospice:
looking forward to getting back to the DC
and helping the Hospice again.”                       01462 679540 or email
        A year t
        rememb                                            • We will continue to monitor the government
                                                            guidance to ensure the safety of everyone
                                                            who attends, and there will be an option to
                                                            join virtually, giving you the chance to take
                                                            part from home.
     It’s been a stressful and testing year
     for us all, but we would like to end
     it on a positive note. We warmly
     invite you, your family and friends
     to Lights of Life.

     Lights of Life is our annual remembrance
     event, giving you an opportunity - alongside
     many others - to pause, reflect on precious
     memories, celebrate the lives of those we
     love and write a dedication.

     We are working to make this year’s events
     extra special, in recognition of how
     particularly difficult this year has been -
     especially if you have been bereaved of a            For more information on Lights of Life or how
     loved one.                                           to give in memory of a loved one, please
                                                          email Clare Edwards:
     Lights of Life will offer people of all faiths and
     backgrounds a meaningful way to remember
     and celebrate loved ones, whether their death
     was recent or many years ago.

     Here’s what you need to know:                            Register your interest

                                                              If you would like to be the first to know
     • Lights of Life events are free to enter and
                                                              more about Lights of Life, including when
       will take place on 21st and 22nd November.
                                                              you can make a dedication in memory of
       Put the dates in your diary!
                                                              your loved one, please visit our website
                                                              or visit:
     • Lights of Life is open to all, whether you
       have a connection with the Hospice or not.
                                                                        and complete the ‘register
     • The events will be hosted by a special
                                                                        your interest’ form. We will
       guest, and will include festive treats and
                                                                        be in touch as soon as our
       drinks to buy, music, readings and a
                                                                        plans develop.
       moment to reflect.
Gift Aid
Fundraising                                                                                             Declaration
                                                                                                        Garden House
during a                                                                                                Hospice Care
pandemic                                                                                                Donor’s Details

Our services cost around £5m a                                                                           Home Address:
year to provide, and we rely on
the generosity of our community
to raise over two-thirds of this total.                                                                  Post Code:
We expect to lose £1.3m of our
                                                                                                         To Gift Aid your regular gift, please tick one of the following boxes:
fundraising income because of the
impact of the coronavirus pandemic on                                                                         I want to Gift Aid my donation of £
                                                                                                              to Garden House Hospice Care
our fundraising activities, putting the
                                                                                                              I want to Gift Aid my donation of £
future of our services under threat. We need
                                                                                                              and any donations I make in the future or have made in the
your support more than ever.                                                                                  past 4 years to Garden House Hospice Care

                                                                                                         I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of UK Income
If you are thinking of supporting us, thank you. Fundraising has become trickier as a result             Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5
                                                                                                         April) that is equal to, or more than, the amount of tax that all
of the coronavirus, but there are still ways you can get involved.                                       the charities and CASCs that I donate to will claim on my gifts
                                                                                                         for that tax year. I understand that it is my responsibility to pay
                                                                                                         any difference.
         Organise your own event: Download our third-party events guide from our website.
         It is full of ideas for events that can be held safely at home or at a social distance.          Signed:

         Give a monthly donation: Regular donations allow us to plan sustainably for the                  Date:

         future. Choose an amount that suits you and complete the form overleaf to set up                     Please tick if you are not a taxpayer
         your standing order. Don’t forget to sign up to Gift Aid, as that increases your
                                                                                                         Please notify Garden House Hospice Care if you:
         donation by 25%, at no extra cost to you.
                                                                                                         • Want to cancel this declaration
                                                                                                         • Change your name or home address
         Donate your savings: Whether you have managed to save a few quid because you                    • No longer pay suffificient tax on your income and/or capital gains
         are no longer buying a daily coffee on the commute, or your business has an                     If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want
         untouched travel budget, consider donating some of your savings to the Hospice.                 to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include
                                                                                                         all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or
                                                                                                         ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Visit: for more
                                                                                                         Please return your completed form to:
information and to download our Third Party fundraising pack, or email                                   Freepost RTJK-LRYB-RSXB, with any questions or support you need.                                 Garden House Hospice Care, Fundraising Department,
                                                                                                         Gillison Close, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 1QU

                                                                                                         Garden House Hospice Care
                                                                                                         T 01462 679540 F 01462 483251
       01462 679540                                          

                                                                                                         Follow us on Twitter: @GHHospice
                                                                                                         Like us on Facebook: Garden House Hospice Care
                                                                                                   15    Registered Charity Number: 295257
Regular Giving Ref. number (office use only)

                                                                                                 Thank you
Regular Giving
Standing order form
To the Manager:
 Name of Bank:



 Sort Code:

 Account Number:
 Please pay:
 NatWest Bank, Station Road, Letchworth Garden City SG6 3AL
 Sort Code: 60 13 08 Account Number: 41028864
 For the credit of North Herts Hospice Care Association.
 The sum of (please tick):

 £5        £10        £20               Other Amount

 Please choose the frequency of payment (please tick):

 Monthly         Quarterly   Annually

 Preferred date of payment:

 Please note that if you are a UK taxpayer we will be able to      Your support will help us to continue to care for local
 claim back from HMRC if you complete the form overleaf.
                                                                 people, today, tomorrow and in the future, helping protect
 Signed:                                                                        the future of end of life care.
                                                                      Donate a special gift to Garden House Hospice Care by completing the
 Name:                                                                                        donation form attached.

 Address:                                                       *If you are a UK taxpayer – don’t forget to sign up to Gift Aid on the other side, as we can reclaim 25p for
                                                                                                           every £1 you donate.

                                                                                                                                               01462 679540

 Please return your completed form to:
 Garden House Hospice Care, Fundraising Department,                                                                                            Registered Charity 295257
 Gillison Close, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 1QU
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