Senior News - Somerset County Area Agency on Aging
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Senior News THE AREA AGENCY ON AGING OF SOMERSET COUNTY●March 2021 FIRST DAY OF SPRING 2021: SPRING EQUINOX Before you try to balance that egg, read this! In the Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox (aka spring equi- nox or vernal equinox) occurs when the Sun crosses the equator line, heading north in the sky. This event marks the start of spring in the northern half of the globe. A(er this date, the Northern Hemisphere begins to be )lted more toward the Sun, resul)ng in increasing daylight hours and warming temperatures. (In the Southern Hemi- sphere, it’s the opposite: the March equinox marks the start of autumn, as the Southern Hemisphere begins to be )lted away from the Sun.) WHEN IS THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING? In 2021, the March equinox happens on Saturday, March 20, at 5:37 A.M. EDT. In the Northern Hemisphere, this date marks the start of the spring season. In the Southern Hemisphere, the March equinox marks the start of autumn, while the September equinox marks the start of spring. WHAT DOES “EQUINOX” MEAN, EXACTLY? The word equinox comes from the La)n words for “equal night”—aequus (equal) and nox (night). On the equi- nox, the length of day and night is nearly equal in all parts of the world. With the equinox, enjoy the increasing sunlight hours, with earlier dawns and later sunsets. WHAT HAPPENS ON THE MARCH EQUINOX? On the March equinox, the Sun crosses the celes)al equator going south to north. It’s called the “celes)al equa- tor” because it’s an imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator. If you were standing on the equator, the Sun would pass directly overhead on its way north. Equinoxes are the only two )mes a year that the Sun rises due east and sets due west for all of us on Earth! While the Sun passes overhead, the )lt of the Earth is zero rela)ve to the Sun, which means that Earth’s axis neither points toward nor away from the Sun. (However, that the Earth never orbits upright, but is always )lted on its axis by about 23.5 degrees.) A(er the spring equi- nox, the Northern Hemisphere )lts toward the Sun. Although in most loca)ons (the North Pole and Equator be- ing excep)ons) the amount of daylight had been increasing each day a(er the winter sols)ce, a(er the spring equinox, many places will experience more daylight than darkness in each 24-hour day. The amount of daylight each day will con)nue to increase un)l the summer sols)ce in June, in which the longest period of day- light occurs. Q: DOES SPRING BEGIN ON MARCH 1 OR ON THE EQUINOX? A: Well, both. The answer depends on your defini)on of “spring.” Both dates are accurate; they’re just from different perspec)ves. We’ll explain …Astronomically speaking, the first day of spring is marked by the spring equinox, which falls on March 19, 20, or 21 every year. The equinox happens at the same moment worldwide, though our clock )mes reflect a different )me zone. And, as men)oned above, this date only signals spring’s be- ginning in the Northern Hemisphere; it announces fall’s arrival in the Southern Hemisphere. Interes)ngly, due to )me zone differences, there isn’t a March 21 equinox in mainland U.S. during the en)re 21st century! We won’t see a March 21 equinox again un)l 2101. Spring-time sweet! The whole Earth smiles, thy coming to greet. - Unknown
Caregiver Corner Who can help me with transporta on, in-home care (bathing, dressing, si er services, preparing meals) and other local services such as respite care that I may not even know about? Your local Area Agency on Aging can connect you to informa$on about transporta$on op$ons and in- home care support (bathing, dressing, si-er services, preparing meals). They can also inform you about other local caregiving services, like those provided under the Na$onal Family Caregiver Support Program. 814-443-2681 My father is a veteran. What programs could he or his spouse be eligible for? Caregivers of Veterans can contact the VA Caregiver Support Line by calling 1-855-260-3274. The VA Caregiver Support Line is available Monday through Friday 8 am to 8 pm EST. Counselors can answer ques$ons and provide informa$on about resources and support for Veterans and their caregivers. In addi$on, you can visit the VA Caregiver Web site at to learn more. Can I get paid for caregiving? Some states have programs that provide funding or reimbursement to family caregivers. The eligibil- ity, reimbursement policies for these programs vary by state. For informa$on on what, if any, caregiv- er reimbursement programs are available in your state, contact your local Area Agency on Aging. Who can I call for free or low-cost legal assistance? Legal assistance programs help people with low and moderate incomes with legal needs. Programs and services offered differ by state and are o@en dependent on funding sources. To find a legal aid program that serves your area, call your local Area Agency on Aging. My mother has been diagnosed with demen a. Where can I go to learn more about what to expect? Learn more about programs and support services for persons with demen$a by calling the Alzheimer’s Associa$on 24/7 Helpline at 1-800-272-3900. In addi$on, is the federal government portal to informa$on on Alzheimer's disease and related demen$as care, research, and support. Where can I get help understanding Medicare, Medicaid and prescrip on assistance programs? Apprise offers no-cost, unbiased health benefit counseling, educa$on and advocacy services to help empower people to make informed benefit decisions. Call your local Area Agency on Aging for more informa$on. I have a complaint about the quality of care my friend is receiving in a nursing home. Who can I call? The Long Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) advocates for residents in nursing homes and assisted living communi$es. While the LTCO does not license or regulate facili$es, they protect the rights of resi- dents and can provide educa$on to family members and caregivers about the state’s licensing author- ity. To find a LTCO program that serves your area, call your local Area Agency on Aging. I live pre y far away. Where can I learn more about programs for my parent who lives in another state? Area Agencies on Aging can provide informa$on about services and programs that are offered in local communi$es. The Na$onal Ins$tute on Aging offers $ps and informa$on to help you with long dis- tance caregiving. (Cont’d on page 3) 2 Senior News March 2021
Caregiver Corner I am concerned about a situa on involving my neighbor. Where do I report suspected elder abuse? In the event of an emergency related to elder abuse, call 911. All instances of suspected abuse, ne- glect or exploita$on involving an older adult should be reported to the designated adult protec$ve services program in your state. All reports are confiden$al. To find the contact informa$on for the adult protec$ve services program that serves your area, call your local Area Agency on Aging. The Eldercare Locator publica$on, Older Adults and Elder Abuse, provides addi$onal informa$on about elder abuse. Where can I find more informa on about senior ac vi es and wellness programs? Your local Area Agency on Aging can help provide informa$on about senior ac$vi$es and wellness programs. Where can I learn more about housing op ons, including independent living, subsidized housing and as- sisted living? Your local Area Agency on Aging can help provide informa$on about housing op$ons. My brother is not yet 60 but has a disability. Is there a statewide number to call so I can learn more about programs for people with disabili es? All states operate Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs). Many are also coordinated through local Area Agencies on Aging. ADRCs can connect you to cri$cal programs and services in your area. I am a caregiver. How do I work with my employer? Check with your human resources department or employee assistance program at your workplace to learn more about company leave policies or other guidelines and regula$ons of your employer. Visit the Family Caregiver Alliance and AARP websites to learn more about work and eldercare is- sues. How do I handle family conflict? Open communica$on and family mee$ngs are important parts of caregiving. A counselor or media- tor may be able to help families resolve disagreements and difficult situa$ons. Your local Area Agen- cy on Aging can connect you to informa$on and resources that may be helpful for family members facing challenging situa$ons. The Na$onal Ins$tute on Aging offers $ps for sharing caregiver respon- sibili$es among family members. I am a caregiver. How do I know that I am making the right decisions? Having good open communica$on with the person receiving care is an important first step. Become informed about local programs and services, including caregiver support groups. Your local Area Agency on Aging can help provide informa$on about resources and providers. The Na$onal Ins$tute on Aging offers helpful informa$on about things to consider when making decisions on care. The Family Caregiver Alliance sponsors a secure online service and offers a personal dashboard of informa$on, support and resources for caregivers. h ps:// 3 Senior News March 2021
Sponsor a senior IN HOME DELIVERED MEALS PROGRAM As you may know, our senior center activities have been suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are still continuing to prepare our Home Delivered Meals for our seniors of Somerset County. Our Home Delivered Meals have grown to over 900 meals delivered daily. Our suggested donation is $3.00 per meal; however, some find it difficult to make that donation. We are asking for your support and help. Alt- hough all donations are welcomed, please consider sponsoring a senior for $60.00 which will cover the cost of one month of meals. The Federal Government, local funds and the Pennsylvania Lottery provide only a portion of the total cost. This is why we depend so much on donations. In order to continue and increase quality meal service, we need your help. Your tax-deductible gift provides hot meals to those among us who are most in need. The names of all contributors will be acknowledged in the Daily American in February, 2020 unless anonymity is requested. Donations can also be made in Remembrance. Any questions please call 814-443-2681. g{tÇ~ çÉâ yÉÜ çÉâÜ zxÇxÜÉâá wÉÇtà|ÉÇ Donation Coupon Make your donation payable to: AAA of Somerset County Mail to: Area Agency on Aging, 1338 S Edgewood Avenue, Somerset, PA 15501 Name:______________________________________Donation$____________ Address:__________________________________________Zip Code_________ Donation for or in Remembrance of____________________________________ May we tell your recipient you are the donor? Yes No Do you need a receipt? Yes No Thank you! 4 Senior News March 2021
PROHIBITED AGENT/BROKER BEHAVIOR for MA/PD PLANS APPROPRIATE AGENT/BROKER BEHAVIOR for MA/PD PLANS Cannot state that they are from Medicare or use words May call a beneficiary who has expressly given ad- or symbols, including “Medicare” in a misleading manner. vanced permission (e.g., submission of a business re- For example, they cannot state that they are approved, ply card or scope of appointment). The permission endorsed or authorized by Medicare, are calling on be- applies only to the plan or agent/broker the benefi- half of Medicare, or that Medicare asked them to call or ciary requested contact from and specific to the prod- see the beneficiary. uct type (s) selected/requested. Cannot solicit poten$al enrollees door-to-door (in May call a beneficiary they enrolled in a plan to dis- person or via leaflet/flyer). cuss plan business, as well as discuss the availability of other plan op$ons/types within the same parent organiza$on. Dis-enrolled beneficiaries may also be called for quality improvement purposes. Under lim- ited circumstances, Low Income Subsidy (LIS) eligible enrollees may be contacted. Cannot send unsolicited text messages or leave May call or visit beneficiaries who a-ended a mar- voicemail messages. ke$ng/sales event if prior permission is given and documented. Cannot approach beneficiaries in common areas (i.e. May ini$ate a phone call to confirm an appointment. parking lots, hallways, lobbies, sidewalks). A second scope of the appointment must document addi$onal product types of interest to the benefi- ciary that were not agreed to in advance. Cannot conduct marke$ng/sales ac$vi$es in healthcare May conduct marke$ng/sales ac$vi$es in common seNngs except in common areas. Restricted areas in- areas of healthcare seNngs. Appropriate common clude, but are not limited to exam rooms, hospital pa- areas include wai$ng rooms, cafeterias, community $ent rooms, dialysis centers and pharmacy counter are- or recrea$onal rooms and conference rooms in hos- as. pitals, nursing homes, assisted living centers or other congregate housing. Cannot make unwanted calls, including contac$ng benefi- Must secure a signed scope of appointment (SOA), ciaries under the guise of selling a non- Medicare Ad- prior to the appointment, when prac$cable. A bene- vantage (MA) or non-Prescrip$on Drug Plan (PDP) product ficiary may sign a SOA at a marke$ng/sales event and allow the conversa$on to turn to MA or PDP. For ex- for a future appointment. Marke$ng/sales events ample, an agent/broker cannot begin by selling a Medicare do not require documenta$on of beneficiary agree- Supplement plan and then turn the conversa$on to MA or ment. PDP products. Cannot provide meals at marke$ng/sales events. Refreshments and snacks may be provided at marke$ng/ sales events. Cannot conduct marke$ng or sales ac$vi$es at an ed- May schedule appointments with beneficiaries who uca$onal event including distribu$ng marke$ng mate- live in long-term care facili$es and other congregate rials or enrollment forms. housing only upon request by the beneficiary. 5 Senior News March 2021
March 2021 Menu 1 BIRTHDAY LUNCH 2 3 4 5 Roast Pork w/Gravy Cheeseburger on Bun BBQ Chicken Chile w/Cheese Fish Sandwich w/Cheese Mashed Potatoes Lettuce & Tomatoes Brown Rice Pilaf Mixed Green Salad on Bun Sauerkraut Baked Beans Winter Blend Vegetable Italian Dressing Tartar Sauce Fresh Orange Pickled Egg/Beets Molded Citrus Salad Apricot Halves Cole Slaw Applesauce Cake Melon Fruit Cup Corn Muffin Diced Peaches 8 9 10 11 12 Roast Turkey w/Gravy Macaroni & Cheese Chopped Steak w/Gravy Stuffed Chicken Potato Crusted Cod Mashed Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes Parslied Red Potatoes w/Gravy Tartar Sauce Broccoli Florets Three Bean Salad Brussel Sprouts Mashed Potatoes Pierogis Cranberry Salad Clementine Fruit Medley Peas Normandy Vegetables Wheat Dinner Roll Wheat Bread Pineapple Tidbits Church Slaw Fresh Banana Donner Roll 15 16 17 ST. PATRICK’S 18 19 Baked Ham w/Pineapple Salisbury Steak DAY LUNCH Beef Barley Soup Vegetable Lasagna Sauce w/Gravy Irish Pot Roast Chicken Salad on Mixed Green Salad Scalloped Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Carrot Raisin Salad Whole Grain White w/Egg Green Beans Succotash Jellied Shamrock Salad Bread Ranch Dressing Diced Peaches Mandarin Oranges Cottage Cheese Marinated Pasta Salad Fruit Cocktail Irish Scone Fresh Apple Italian Bread Crackers 22 23 24 25 26 Kielbasa w/Sauerkraut Creamed Chicken Stuffed Cabbage Ham, Green Beans, Omelet w/Cheese Mashed Potatoes over Biscuit Mashed Potatoes and Potatoes Sausage Link Sliced Carrots Peas & Carrots Corn Mixed Green Salad Fresh Orange Pineapple Tidbits Tropical Fruit Salad Melon Cup w/Cheese Whole Grain Muffin Cottage Cheese Cheddar Cheese Diced Pears V-8 Juice Rectangle Yogurt Whole Wheat Roll 29 30 31 All Bread and Italian Marinated Pork Beef Ravioli Roast Turkey w/Gravy Milk Chop Mixed Green Salad Mashed Potatoes Spanish Rice w/Cheese Brussel Sprouts Served Rolls are Winter Blend Vegetables Italian Dressing Cranberry Salad Applesauce Citrus Salad Wheat Dinner Roll with Served Italian Bread Every with Meal Margarine So you can enjoy a relaxed and comfortable dining experience, reservations are recommended. Lunch is served at each center at 11:30 AM. Please call the Center you plan on attending by 11:30 am the day before. Please indicate your preference for the hot meal or salad/café meal (Option B). The menu is subject to change due to typographical errors or other unforeseen circumstances. 7 Senior News
Is your Senior Newsletter Subscription expiring? Check the expiration date below your address. Senior News Published monthly by the Area Agency on Aging of Somerset County, a department of Somerset County Government under the Commissioners of Somerset County Gerald Walker, Chair Colleen R. Dawson, Vice Chair Pamela A. Tokar-Ickes, Secretary James T. Yoder, Administrator Melissa Beam, Deputy Administrator Linda Myers, Advisory Council Chairperson This project is funded, in part, under contract with the PA Department of Aging. If you would like to obtain further infor- mation about any newsletter topic or Agency services please call the Somerset office at (814) 443-2681 or 1-800-452-0825 letter sent right to your email address for FREE! email address to : and get your news- $5 Non-Refundable yearly fee. If you have email, just send your To renew subscription, clip out mailing label and send it in with the RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Website: Email: (814) 443-0557 Fax: (814) 443-2681 Phone: Somerset, PA 15501 1338 South Edgewood Avenue
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