Senior Drama Class Presents: Cedars Christian School

Page created by Morris Alvarez
Senior Drama Class Presents: Cedars Christian School
Cedars ChrisƟan School                                                                                Uif!Tupsz!
   Senior Drama Class Presents:
                                                                           Our story is set in a 1940’s radio sta on as a group of radio actors use
                                                                           their voices and some ingenious sound effects to bring this story to life:
                                                                           Ambi ous, loyal, and despairing small town banker George Bailey is sent
                                                                           an angel who grants his wish that he’d never been born. George is given
                                                                           the opportunity to see first-hand the difference that one life can make.

                                                                           You’ll see our actors portray both their 1940’s “radio personali es” in
                                                                           the old me commercials AND their clever character work as each brings
                                                                           many different roles to life.

                                                                           We are so glad you can join us as we discover that even in difficult mes,
                                                                           when we show kindness to others, “IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE”

                                                                           Caroljoy Green, Director
                                                                           This is Mrs. Green’s fi h year teaching high school drama at Cedars Chris an School.
                                                                           She’s enjoyed each group of students and their produc ons: A er Hours, A Christmas
                                                                           Carol, Anne of Green Gables, “Not Exactly Shakespeare” comedies and It’s a Wonderful
                                                                           Life. She also teaches drama to students of all ages through her private studio: SHINE!
                                                                           Speech Arts & Drama. She’s served as adjudicator at fes vals in Burns Lake, Quesnel,
                                                                           and Williams Lake and has nearly earned her ARCT.

                                                                           Meg Peters, Stage Manager and Camera Director
                                                                           A UNBC/CNC student, Meg was an invaluable weekly volunteer in this role. She brings

              A Live Radio Play                                            a strong background in drama as she’s completed her RCM Grade 10, worked as an
                                                                           Assistant Teacher in SHINE! Speech Arts & Drama, and performed at Theatre North-
                                                                           west. She’d like to be a schoolteacher herself someday and was grateful for the stage
                                                                           manager experience and director’s perspec ve.

              Original Music and Musical Arrangement                       Emma Child, Pianist
by Kevin Connors, Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.   Emma has been studying piano for twelve years and is currently in grade 9 piano. She
                       (                               is working towards her grade 9 RCM exam this June. Emma is a grade 12 student cur-
                                                                           rently a ending Duchess Park Secondary school and is thrilled to par cipate in this
        ©2004 Joe Landry                                                   performance. She is beyond thankful to be asked to perform with such wonderful
                                                                           group of people.
Senior Drama Class Presents: Cedars Christian School
Anneke G., Gr. 9
                      Dbtu!'!Cjphsbqijft!                       I’ve performed in lots of Speech Arts and Drama Fes vals,
                                                                but this is my first me in an actual play, other than ele-
                                                                mentary Christmas plays. I love ac ng. The hardest part for
                                                                me was all of the quick switching of character’s voices and
                                                                emo ons. Drama has been a great experience; everyone in
                                                                the class was so suppor ve. In my free me, I love reading,
                                                                hanging out with my sister, and art (pain ng, drawing). I’d
                                                                like to be an interior designer someday. I would like to
Andrew Isaac, Gr 11                                             thank Meg and Mrs. Green. She tweaks our ac ng to the
This is my second year in Senior Drama (and I’ve done 4         last detail to make it even be er than your average high
years of speech arts). Last year was fun because I played a     school play.
character that let me be weird and annoying on purpose.
This year, I loved the challenge of all of George Bailey’s      Roles: Lana Sherwood, plays Violet, Mr. Gower, Uncle Bil-
emo onal shi s throughout the play. I’m passionate about        ly, Rose (Ma) Bailey, Nick, Zuzu
basketball, hun ng, and gaming with friends. In my free
 me, I work as a host at Mr. Mikes, research trucks and the
economy. I’m interested in psychiatry, real estate and engi-    Breanna Bolen, Gr. 9
neering. I might like to play Macbeth someday.
                                                                I’m passionate about ac ng. I enjoyed ac ng in the Cedars
                                                                Elementary plays, and have worked on monologues with a
Roles: Jake Laurents, plays George Bailey
                                                                bit of speech arts. The most challenging part of being the
                                                                Foley Operator was making sure that I was always on me
                                                                with cues. I’m also passionate about playing piano and en-
                                                                joy riding horses. I’d like to thank my friends and family for
                                                                their support.

                                                                Roles: Vivien Dellechor, plays the Stage Manager and
                                                                Foley Operator

Arianna Rosen, Gr. 12
I love ac ng, and how much it can push you, but also allow
you to tell such a beau ful story. I’ve done a bit of speech    Josh Bouwman, Gr. 10
arts and had so much fun as Diana Barry in Cedars’ Anne of
Green Gables. I love that Clarence the Angel s ll holds on to   I’ve loved ac ng since I was around 7 when I was a “pop-
childlike whimsy, no ma er his age, and found being Bert        STAR” in a Christmas play. The most challenging aspects in
the cop to be the most challenging role. In my free me, I       the play for me were coming up with Mr. Po er’s voice
teach dance at the studio I’ve danced at for the past 10        and Mar ni’s accent. I’m passionate about videogames
years. I love working with kids. A er gradua on, I plan to      and books, and someday I’d like to be a game designer. I
go to CNC for their nursing program, my dream since I was       think it would be fun to play a superhero someday! I’d like
ten. Thank you to all my friends who always keep school         to thank my parents for driving me.
fun, and my always-suppor ve parents.
                                                                Roles: Freddie Filmore, plays Announcer, Mr. Po er,
Roles: Helen “Jazzbo” Heywood, plays Clarence Oddbody,          Harry Bailey, Old Man Collins, Mr. Mar ni, and Binky
Bert, Ruth Bailey, Mrs. Thompson & Janie
Kate Bandstra, Gr. 10
I love the 40’s themes of this play, and introducing the ac-
  on in my character as Head Angel Joseph. The hardest
part was finding a different voice for each one of my char-
acters. I was o en in the Cedars Elementary plays, and                      CLARENCE: George’s Guardian Angel
have done speech arts for many years. In my spare me I
love to read and paint, and I love learning in general.
                                                                           JOSEPH: the superintendent of angels
Someday I’d love to work in the sciences. I’d like to thank             GEORGE BAILEY: a typical American dreamer
Brie for being an amazing friend, and Mrs. Green for being
                                                                             HARRY BAILEY: George’s brother
so encouraging.
                                                                                MARY HATCH: George’s girl
Roles: Phoebe Duncan, plays Joseph, Mrs. Hatch, Sadie                         VIOLET BICK: a small-town siren
Vance, Ma lda, Tommy, Ed
                                                                               OLD MAN GOWER: a druggist
                                                                            UNCLE BILLY BAILEY: George’s uncle
                                                                  PETER BAILEY: George’s dad; runs the Bailey Bldg. & Loan
Jenevieve Wilson, Gr. 12                                        HENRY F. POTTER: the richest and meanest man in the county
I love drama and would love to be a film director someday.                          ERNIE: a cab-driver
I’ve performed in Cedars’ produc ons of “A Christmas Car-
                                                                                        BERT: a cop
ol,” “Anne of Green Gables,” and the two one-act come-
dies last year, and I’m excited to be Mary Hatch in this                   SAM WAINWRIGHT: an entrepreneur
classic story. I’d like to thank my family for pu ng up with               OLD MAN COLLINS: an eavesdropper
all these plays!
                                                                    DR. CAMPBELL: board member of Bailey Bldg. & Loan
Roles: Sally Applewhite, plays Mary Hatch, Peter Bailey                  MATILDA: secretary at Bailey Bldg. & Loan
                                                                             RUTH DAKIN BAILEY: Harry’s wife
                                                                              ROSE BAILEY: George’s mother
                                                                               MRS. HATCH: Mary’s mother
Elyran Hrankowski, Gr. 12                                       ED, CHARLIE, MRS. THOMPSON, SHULTZ: Bldg. & Loan clients
I’ve done drama in grades 8 & 9 and was in Anne of Green                     HORACE THE TELLER: a bank teller
Gables in Grade 10. It wasn’t easy playing 8 different char-
acters in this play, but I liked doing drama twice a week                 SADIE VANCE: the state bank examiner
and I really liked the group of students we got this year.            PETE, JANIE, TOMMY, ZUZU: George’s children
Passionate about photography and road trips, I explore
the city via bike, longboard, car and on foot, take photos,                    MRS. WELCH: Zuzu’s teacher
hang out with my friends and keep searching for my next                MR. WELCH: teacher’s husband with a temper
adventure. I’d like to thank Mrs. Green, my friend Jennie
for pushing me to take drama again, and of course, the                      MARTINI: owns an Italian restaurant
cast and my family.                                                                  NICK: bar tender
Roles: Walter Davis, plays Dr. Campbell, Ernie, Sam Wain-                            BRIDGEKEEPER
wright, Bridge Keeper, Horace the Teller, Schultz, Pete                              BINKY: bouncer
Qspevdujpo0Dsfbujwf!Ufbn!                                                                   Tqpotpst!
                            Sound Engineer: Noah Driedger
                             Camera Director: Meg Peters
                          LighƟng Operator: Marshall Carlaw

Producing this show in this challenging year has o en looked daun ng. Thanks be to
God for the joy of working with a team of generous volunteers who truly made this
produc on possible.
                                                                                                is happy to support the
Thank you to:

•   Lakewood Alliance Church for their generous provision of a venue, rehearsal space           Cedars’ Drama Program!
    & storage, and tech support from Dave Driedger, Jonathon Peters and especially
    our Sound Engineer, Noah Driedger.
•   Theatre Northwest’s Produc on Manager, John Reilly, for the loan of theatre flats,
    props, and furniture.
    Broadway on Demand, our streaming service, for waiving all fees!
    Meg Peters who volunteered hours at rehearsals as stage manager AND took on
                                                                                                 Proudly sponsored by
    the role of direc ng cameras for the final produc on.
    Chris Isaac who took on the daun ng task of crea ng our set on stage.
    Shelley Hempstead who painted the set.
                                                                                          Christopher Isaac Construc on Ltd.
•   Marshall Carlaw who volunteered to operate ligh ng for each performance.
•   Shane Nelson, Cedars Principal, Terence Wall, Vice-Principal, and Dave Rowland,
    Director of Community Engagement for shared wisdom and support in the ongo-
    ing challenge of pu ng on a produc on in these every-changing mes.

Thank you, too, to my students who put in hours welcoming my detailed coaching. I
was so impressed with their ability to create such defined, diverse characters without
the advantage of costume changes, as 1940’s voice actors.

Thank you to the parents who provided transporta on, snacks, and help transpor ng

And lastly, I am so grateful to the donors and sponsors who stepped up to help us pay
for the many costs involved in pu ng on a program of this quality. The scripts, produc-         Thank you to KG Photography for their $100 dona on
  on rights, paint, and more add up, and without cket revenue, their dona ons were                and to an anonymous donor for a $500 dona on.
invaluable. Please support our sponsors with your business! And thank you for sup-
por ng drama at Cedars!

Caroljoy Green, High School Drama Teacher
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