Page created by Mathew Neal
                                                                                           Originally situated within the Security                                              between HRDs and their networks. It did this                                 the technical barriers faced during the pilot.
                                                                                                                                                                                by collaborating with HRDs to understand                                     A major technical bug was brought to the
                                                                                           with Human Rights Campaign at                                                        and build upon their existing practise and by                                attention of AI following the beta release on
                                                                                           Amnesty International (AI), the                                                      designing a flexible security framework that                                 Google playstore in June 2014. This was the
                                                                                                                                                                                would help them prepare for and manage                                       ‘false alert’ problem whereby the app began to
                                                                                           Panic Button project was born out                                                    physical security threats. This framework                                    send alert messages without the user having
                                                                                           of a desire to creatively engage with                                                is called the PACT (Prepare-Act) and it                                      proactively activated the alert. The false alert
                                                                                                                                                                                was piloted - along with the app - with 120                                  bug was both frustrating and confusing for
                                                                                           technologists to positively impact on                                                HRDs from 3 regions (Africa, Asia and Latin                                  users and in some cases actively contributed
                                                                                           situations of enforced disappearances                                                America) in a series of workshops and a testing                              to fear, as their contacts believed something
                                                                                                                                                                                period between March and December 2014.                                      had happened to them. While the team worked
                                                                                           and unlawful detention.                                                                                                                                           hard to identify the cause of the problem,
                                                                                           Between November 2011 and January                                                    This evaluation report reflects on the learnings                             this was a major and unanticipated technical
                                                                                           2012 hundreds of designers, technologists                                            of the Panic Button project since its inception                              challenge and its resolution was delayed
                                                                                           and human rights activists were invited to                                           in 2011, documenting AI’s methodology                                        due to resource and capacity constraints.
                                                                                           submit their ideas about how technology                                              and approach and presenting feedback from                                    After putting more resources towards the
                                                                                           could be used to help protect individuals at                                         those it aimed to support. The report is                                     resolution of the problem, the current version
                                                                                           risk as part of an open innovation challenge                                         primarily based on qualitative insights gained                               has significantly diminished the problem,
                                                                                           AI ran in collaboration with design agency                                           from 39 HRDs who participated in the pilot                                   emphasizing the importance of sustained
                                                                                           openIDEO1. This was the first time AI                                                workshops and the feedback and testimony                                     technology support to address unforeseen
                                                                                           publically opened up its work to the input                                           they provided in a series of surveys about                                   issues and provide improvements long after
                                                                                           and ideas of the technology and design                                               how they had used the app during the testing                                 a technology project is first launched.
                                                                                           communities to seek new and creative                                                 period4. In addition, we draw on key insights
                                                                                           solutions to human rights challenges.                                                provided by partners and the feedback of                                     Despite this major technical hurdle, every
                                                                                                                                                                                beta testers globally who reported technical                                 respondent who completed the final survey
                                                                                           The open innovation challenge, which                                                 bugs to us following the public beta release                                 said they would use Panic Button in the future
                                                                                           reaped 360 strong and creative concepts,                                             on the Google playstore in June 2014.                                        if the technical problems were fixed5. HRDs
                                                                                           set AI on the course to design and develop                                                                                                                        continued to reiterate its relevancy as a tool
                                                                                           a smartphone alert app for human rights                                              While the data in this report is not statistically                           in their security plans, even as they noted its
                                                                                           defenders (HRDs) - the Panic Button App2.                                            representative of the participants who took                                  limitations. In two cases, for example, HRDs
                                                                                           The app aims to quickly and discretely alert an                                      part in the global pilot, it gives insight into                              reported that they had faced a threat but
                                                                                           HRD’s network of an impending or occurring                                           how the HRDs who took part feel about the                                    were unable to use the Panic Button because
                                                                                           physical security threat when activated.                                             overall Panic Button project. Throughout                                     of lack of phone signal. Other reported
                                                                                           Following two years of design, development                                           the report, suggestions and comments from                                    limitations included not having enough time
                                                                                           and testing involving more than 150 human                                            the pilot participants are incorporated. The                                 to activate the device and not being able to
                                                                                           rights activists, 25 developers and a strong                                         evaluation assesses many aspects of the                                      use the app because their phones ran out
                                                                                           community of partners and advisers, a beta                                           project – from the usability and utility of the                              of credit. HRDs noted that they often felt at
                                                                                           version of the app for Android was launched                                          app itself to the effectiveness of the PACT                                  higher risk when working in rural and isolated
                                                                                           on the Google playstore in June 2014 3. It                                           framework. We hope that this evaluation                                      communities and that poor telecommunication
                                                                                           has since been downloaded and tested by                                              will provide useful insights for NGOs                                        infrastructure represented a challenge to
                                                                                           5,000 users in countries across the world.                                           and civil society, funders and technology                                    their security. Despite these limitations,
                                                                                                                                                                                developers interested in how technology                                      respondents emphasized that the app could
                                                                                           From the outset the project was about much                                           can be used to support HRD protection.                                       support them in their work by helping them be
                                                                                           more than developing an app. At its centre, the                                                                                                                   more prepared for risks and making them feel
                                                                                           Panic Button project aimed to develop a model                                        The strongly positive response from HRDs who                                 confident that their networks would respond
                                                                                           for strong peer-to-peer response mechanisms                                          responded to the surveys is notable in light of                              rapidly should something happen to them.

                                                                                          “The Panic Button is a fundamental strategy for alerting but also for
                                                                                           devising a security plan and articulating this with our contacts so that
                                                                                           the plan is strategic and coordinated…The workshop has forced us to
                                                                                           sit down and work out what would we do and how to be able to guarantee
                                                                                           a greater level of security for women human rights defenders.”
                                                                                           Human Rights Defender, Mexico

                                                                                               OpenIDEO and Amnesty International Open Innovation Challenge, How can technology help people working to uphold   3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Panic Button App (Beta), Google Playstore, online at:
                                                                                           human rights in the face of unlawful detention?, online at:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    All surveys were conducted using Survey Monkey. There were three surveys in total over the testing period, in English
                                                                                               The project was funded with a $120,000 grant from the Ford Foundation followed by a £100,000 from the Google     and Spanish. Only 39 people out of a total pilot group of 120 answered at least one of the surveys.
                                                                                           Global Impact Award. The Amnesty Swedish Fund and Amnesty Switzerland also contributed £25,000 to the project’s
                                      Human Rights Defender demonstrates Panic Button      global pilot.                                                                                                        5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    23 participants responded to the final survey in December 2014. This represents 15% of the total participants who
                                    during a workshop, Feb 2014 © Amnesty International                                                                                                                         took part in the pilot.

2 SECURITY IS COMMUNITY JULY 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          JULY 2015 SECURITY IS COMMUNITY 3

1                                   2                                             3                     4                                                5                                                 6
TAKE TIME to                        Create a plan with                            CHECK you are         ACTIVATE Panic                                   Panic Button ALERTS                               Your network will continue
set-up Panic                        your contacts                                 ready and that your   Button in an                                     your chosen contacts                              to receive updates of
Button somewhere                    so that they are                              mobile phone has      emergency by rapidly                             that you are in trouble                           your location helping
safe and quiet.                     PREPARED to ACT                               credit and battery    pressing the phone’s                             and sends a map link                              them to COORDINATE
                                                                                                        power button                                     to your location                                  and RESPOND FAST

                                                         “In the dry run, a lawyer who was              Feedback from participants revealed              invested time and resources in testing and
                                                                                                                                                         feedback throughout. This was a mutual              OPEN SOURCE
                                                          in my list called me up just few              that the greatest contribution that              learning process for both AI and the HRDs
                                                                                                        the Panic Button project had made to             we worked with, helping everyone gain               Panic Button was developed using Open
                                                          minutes after the button was                  their security was the PACT framework            greater understanding of how technology
                                                                                                                                                         interacts with security, both supporting HRD
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Source licenses, allowing anyone to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             freely access, use, modify, and share the
                                                          triggered, my wife provided me                and security methodology.                        protection and also presenting new threats.
                                                                                                                                                         Several of the participants reported that they
                                                                                                                                                                                                             application technology for any purpose.

                                                          with the map of my exact location.            According to those who responded to the          have previously found technology alienating,
                                                                                                                                                         reserved for those with a technology skillset
                                                                                                                                                                                                             This choice has also enabled the
                                                                                                        surveys, creating a PACT has made them,                                                              building of strong partnerships
                                                          So this would be very helpful                 and those close to them, more aware of           or background. The Panic Button project has
                                                                                                                                                         helped HRDs to recognize the importance
                                                                                                                                                                                                             with other organisations which
                                                                                                        security concerns, frequently monitoring each                                                        have adopted these principles.
                                                          in real life. If only all HRDs in             other’s security, improving communication        of technology and to take ownership in
                                                                                                                                                         the development of technologies that can
                                                                                                        and enhancing current security protocols.                                                            It has also allowed several
                                                          Basilan were equipped with the                The PACT framework was integrated into           support their own security and protection.          technology partners to work in turns
                                                                                                        HRD networks’ security protocols in a                                                                on the software development and
                                                          system, I could have responded                number of countries. A participant from
                                                                                                        the HRDs Network in Uganda commented
                                                                                                                                                         Overall, the varied feedback from our
                                                                                                                                                         users affirms that the greatest value of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             contributes to the aim of developing
                                                                                                                                                                                                             a technology community that will
                                                          to friends and relatives who just             that “Panic Button reinforced the already
                                                                                                        existing individual and organizational
                                                                                                                                                         Panic Button project lies in the real-world
                                                                                                                                                         relationships between HRDs and their trusted
                                                                                                                                                                                                             continue to improve Panic Button.

                                                          went missing many years ago.”                 security mechanisms” and that the PACT
                                                                                                        “has formed a big part of our security
                                                                                                                                                         contacts, and the ways that these can be
                                                                                                                                                         strengthened for emergency response when
                                                          Human Rights Defender, Philippines            management trainings”. In Honduras, a            an HRD faces a situation of risk. In this
                                                                                                        women human rights defenders network             way, the Panic Button project represents
                                                                                                        reported that it has integrated the PACT into    a technology-based strategy for planning,
                                                                                                        security protocols at the national level.        mitigation and response to physical attacks on
                                                                                                                                                         HRDs and not simply a mobile alert tool. As
                                                                                                        A further key learning has been the value        one participant put it, “Security is community.
                                                                                                        of integrating technology within traditional     Having a PACT gives you a sense of security.”
                                                                                                        human rights protection approaches. From
                                                                                                        the beginning of the project, AI were aware
                                                                                                        that involving HRDs in the design process       “Security is community.
                                                         (Left) A human rights defender from El         would be key to ensuring that the app
                                                         Salvador creates a visual map of the risks     would work for its users. For this reason we     Having a PACT gives you
                                                         she faces during a Panic Button workshop,      engaged in a co-design process where we
                                                         April 2014 (© Amnesty International)           involved HRDs in designing the project and       a sense of security.”

4 SECURITY IS COMMUNITY JULY 2015                                                                                                                                                                                           JULY 2015 SECURITY IS COMMUNITY 5
LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE                         Relying on mobile (and in particular          challenges from arising. NGOs play a vital
                                                                                                                                                                                                       smartphone) technology will limit the           role in bridging software developers and
                                                                                                                                                        PANIC BUTTON PROJECT:                          utility of the app for many HRDs who            user communities, however they generally
                                                                                                                                                                                                       do not have the financial resources to          lack expertise in product development. It is
                                                                                                                                                           There is tremendous value in employing      access smartphones and/or live in areas         recommended that NGOs invest in a long-term
                                                                                                                                                        user-led and co-design methodologies           where connectivity and coverage issues          partnership with an organization with technical
                                                                                                                                                        when developing technology-based               render mobile phones ineffective.               expertise and together share ownership of
                                                                                                                                                        approaches to security and protection                                                          delivery, recognizing that partners with diverse
                                                                                                                                                        within the human rights field. This includes      Ensuring that a technology project is well   expertise create a stronger end product.
                                                                                                                                                        ensuring that there are enough time and        supported with adequate technical and
                                                                                                                                                        resources to work with user communities        financial resources over time is essential to      Mobile technology has inherent security
                                                                                                                                                        in a concerted and sustainable manner.         ensure a high quality and reliable product,     risks, particularly to HRDs and others
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and quick response time when something          who may be targeted and monitored by
                                                                                                                                                          It is important to focus beyond tools on     goes wrong. This is even more crucial           the state. Engaging experts to understand
                                                                                                                                                        creating technology-enabled strategies.        when developing a tool on which people’s        the threat model for your target users is
                                                                                                                                                        Great efforts must be taken when               physical and emotional security depends.        important, as is communicating the risks
                                                                                                                                                        designing a technology project to facilitate                                                   clearly so that users can take an informed
                                                                                                                                                        the necessary behavioural change that            Building technology is hard and even          decision before using the technology.
                                                                                                                                                        will support effective use of a tool.          careful planning cannot prevent technical

                                                                                                                                                       “As we head to the 2016 elections back here in
                                                                                                                                                        Uganda, the Panic Button will be a key tool to
                                                                                                                                                        secure pro- democracy activists and journalists.”
                                                                                                                                                        Human Rights Defender, Uganda

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WHERE NEXT FOR PANIC BUTTON?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Our vision is that by June 2017, dozens of
                                                                                                            (Above) A Technology and Human Rights                                                                                                      human rights networks around the world
                                                                                                              design workshop takes place in Kenya,                                                                                                    will have integrated Panic Button and the
                                                                                                                Nov 2012 (© Amnesty International)                                                                                                     PACT framework into their security protocols,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       empowering HRDs at risk and their close
                                                                                                        (Right) A Panic Button design exercise takes                                                                                                   networks to feel more equipped to respond to
                                                                                                        place with human rights defenders in Kenya,                                                                                                    physical threats that occur in the course of
                                                                                                                 Nov 2012 (© Amnesty International)                                                                                                    their work.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       June 2015-June 2017, the Panic Button
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       initiative will focus on:
AI has benefitted immensely from                   management expertise that helped bring              the importance of networking and
                                                   together the various dimensions of the project.   information sharing in creating robust peer-                                                                                                        developing and improving the existing app
working alongside partner organizations                                                              to-peer and network security mechanisms;                                                                                                          and PACT materials and increasing their value
who contributed diverse expertise to               For the future of the project, working with                                                                                                                                                         and relevancy to end-users by facilitating
                                                   partners that see the value in open and             the role of participatory training                                                                                                              product localization, adaptation and reuse;
the design and delivery of the project             user centric methodologies will continue to       methodologies to assist in practical and
and who will continue to play an even              be key. For instance, one of the avenues to       contextually relevant security planning;                                                                                                            supporting local/national and international
                                                   explore is growing the community of open                                                                                                                                                            partners to deploy the app, by providing
greater role moving forward.                       source contributors who will focus their talent     observations about both the role                                                                                                                materials, advice/mentorship and growing a
The engine room, which investigates and            and resources to improve Panic Button as a        played by, and limitations of, technology                                                                                                         network of ‘Panic Button’ trainers regionally
supports the effective use of technology by        technology base that is capable of serving        as a tool for HRD protection.
civil society, brought both strategic insights     different needs. Our intention is to create a                                                                                                                                                         investing in research and development that
and practical advice during every phase            ‘modular’ codebase so that Panic Button can         AI’s strengths in relation to this                                                                                                              will help Panic Button reach more people in
in the project’s implementation. Frontline         easily be repurposed and packaged by others.      project and the challenges we faced.                                                                                                              remote/rural areas;
Defenders, an international organization
working to protect HRDs at risk, provided          This evaluation of the Panic Button project       We hope that this evaluation will help                                                                                                              exploring interactive training methodologies
input into the development of the app and          charts the development of the project from        others who are interested in using                                                                                                                for HRD security planning and emergency
training methodology and provided a further        its inception, initial assumptions made, the      technology to support HRDs to develop and                                                                                                         response;
feedback loop with HRDs they support and           development of the mobile app and PACT            implement genuinely impactful projects.
train. Finally, iilab (information innovation      framework, partnerships with HRD networks                                                                                                                                                             fostering stronger relationships and
lab), a small technology social enterprise,        and other organizations and the learnings                                                                                                                                                           knowledge sharing within the sector, including
played the pivotal role in moving the project to   that reshaped the project. We believe the                                                                                                                                                           by strengthening support within the open-
its beta launch and providing the technology       evaluation provides rich insights about:                                                                                                                                                            source community.

6 SECURITY IS COMMUNITY JULY 2015                                                                                             Index:ACT 10/2134/2015                                                                                                                     JULY 2015 SECURITY IS COMMUNITY 7
iilab - information innovation lab - is a      The engine room is a global team that         Front Line Defenders is the International Foundation for
social enterprise using interdisciplinary      supports the safe and effective use of data   the Protection of Human Rights Defenders. We work to
thinking and innovative technology to enable   and technology in advocacy.                   provide fast and effective action to help protect human
individual agency and social care networks.                                                  rights defenders at risk so they can continue their work as
                                                                                             key agents of social change.

IILAB.ORG                                      THEENGINEROOM.ORG                             FRONTLINEDEFENDERS.ORG

                                               Panic Button is an alert app for Android      Amnesty International is a global movement of more
                                               that aims to assist human rights defenders    than 7 million people who campaign for a world where
                                               at risk of enforced disappearance and         human rights are enjoyed by all.
                                               other kinds of attacks. The Panic Button
                                               project is an initiative of Amnesty           Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights
                                               International in collaboration with key       enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
                                               advisors and partners including Front Line    and other international human rights standards.
                                               Defenders, iilab and the engine room.
                                                                                             We are independent of any government, political ideology,
                                                                                             economic interest or religion and are funded mainly by our
                                                                                             membership and public donations.

                                               PANICBUTTON.IO                                AMNESTY.ORG

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