SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths

Page created by Tim Ball
SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths

             Plug in
           to better
SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths
Trade Magazine Only.
At Redpaths our focus is to the Trade.
All pricing is to account holders only and
is always excluding GST.

                                                Welcome to the Security edition of the Circuit Breaker. With winter
                                                well and truly upon here many of us are opting to spend more time
 EDITORIAL                                      indoors. This is great but let’s stay secure while doing so.
 Sarah Orange                                   The internet is becoming an increasingly large part of our day-to-
                                                day life, using it not only for work but also for staying in contact
                                                with loved ones, and as our main source of entertainment. Staying
                                                safe online is just as important as thinking about physical security.
 Paula 021 885 888                              Older folk are much more vulnerable to these internet attacks so                           let’s educate ourselves so we can keep our loved ones safe.
                                                Cyber security isn’t the only thing we’re talking about in this issue.
 PRINTER                                        We’ve got some great stuff on home security and environmental
                                                security too. And of course, as always, we have the best
 Caxton                                         entertainment recommendations for you.
 Cnr Lodestar Ave & Stark Drive
                                                This month we are also celebrating the life of Ralph Redpath, who
 Wigram, PO Box 36411
                                                sadly passed away last month. Be sure to check out his amazing
 Christchurch 8146
                                                legacy at Redpaths.
 03 366 8516

 The opinions in this magazine do not
 necessarily reflect those of R.Redpath
 Limited or the publisher. Although all
 materials are checked for accuracy, no
 liability is assumed by R.Redpath Limited or
 the publisher for any losses due to the use
 of this magazine. Whilst all care has been
 taken in production, products and prices       Brent Cameron,
 advertised will be on sale from the
 beginning of the promotional period or         Director of Operations
 while stocks last. We reserve the right to
 substitute any of these products with
 similar products or vary pricing in
 extenuating circumstances and limited to
 Trade customers only.

Plug in                                             Plug in                                                Plug in
to better                                           to better                                              to better
value.                                              advice.                                                service.
SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths
Giddy up, it’s race time!

            Limited number of tickets available.
Ask your Branch Manager how we can get you there.

                                                   Supported by
SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths
           During June/July at your local Redpaths branch!
            Branch                          Date                         Time               Type                     Branch                               Date          Time     Type

          REDWOOD                  Thursday, 9 June 2022                  7am            Breakfast               INVERCARGILL                  Thursday, 7 July 2022    7am    Breakfast

          ST ASAPH                  Friday, 10 June 2022                  7am            Breakfast                 DUNEDIN                       Friday, 8 July 2022    12pm    Lunch

        QUEENSTOWN                Thursday, 16 June 2022                  7am            Breakfast                ASHBURTON                    Thursday, 14 July 2022   7am    Breakfast

          WANAKA                  Thursday, 16 June 2022                 12pm              Lunch                    TIMARU                       Friday, 15 July 2022   7am    Breakfast

         ALEXANDRA                  Friday, 17 June 2022                  7am            Breakfast                 OAMARU                        Friday, 15 July 2022   12pm    Lunch

         CROMWELL                   Friday, 17 June 2022                 12pm              Lunch                    NELSON                       Friday, 22 July 2022   12pm    Lunch

         ROLLESTON                Thursday, 30 June 2022                  7am            Breakfast                SOCKBURN                       Friday, 29 July 2022   7am    Breakfast

          RANGIORA                   Friday, 1 July 2022                  7am            Breakfast

                                                                                                                        PowerCalc calculates the correct
                                                                                                                        Hole-Saw & offers recommendations on
                                                                                                                        the appropriate arbor & cutting speed.


             Starrett’s new PowerCalc application for Android
             and iOS devices. The free download selection tool
             is designed exclusively for Starrett holesaws to
             increase efficiency and precision in cutting, and
             boost product life. By entering a few simple details,
             including the required hole diameter, the type of
             material you wish to cut and its thickness, it will
             calculate which hole saw you should use.

             By clicking the ‘details’ option beneath, it offers
             further technical specifications, as well as
             recommending the appropriate arbor and cutting
             speed. Within the app, users also have direct access
             to the Starrett hole saws catalogue, as well as a
             link to the Starrett website. Make sure you select
             the right hole-saw for the job everytime!

                                                                                                                    Starrett has the right Holesaw for the job

      Terms & Conditions apply: promotion valid during June & July 2022 .
      Starrett NZ: Unit J, 61 Hugo Johnson Drive, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand. Tel: 64 9 589 1421 FAX: 64 9 589 1428.

SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths
Purchase a qualifying Hole-Saw Set & pick your own $50.00 voucher*
*Choice of New World, Hunting and Fishing, or Mitre 10

 Cordless Thin Wall Hole Saw Kit                                                                           Fast Cutting GP TCT Hole-Saw Kit

     Cordless Thin Wall                                                                                        Fast Cutting
     Hole Saw Kit                                                                                              General
     Contains 16, 20, 22, 25,
                                                                                                               Purpose TCT
     32, 40mm hole saws                                                                                        Hole-Saw Kit
     each with their own                                                                                       Contains 25, 32, 40,
     arbor.                                                                                                    51, 57, 64, 73, 92 &
     KCS06001                                                                                                  159mm + 2 Arbors.

                                                             $50.00 voucher when you                                                               $50.00 voucher when you
                                                             purchase this Hole Saw Kit!                                                           purchase this Hole Saw Kit!
                                                             *Choice of New World, Hunting                                                         *Choice of New World, Hunting
                                                             and Fishing, or Mitre 10                                                              and Fishing, or Mitre 10

 Deluxe Electrician’s Bi Metal kit                                                                         Structural Steel & Stainless Kit

                                                                                                               Structural Steel
                                                                                                               & Stainless Kit
     Deluxe                                                                                                    Contains: 16, 20, 22,
     Electrician’s                                                                                             25, 32, 40, 51mm
     Bi Metal kit                                                                                              KSM07001
     Contains: 16 20,
     22, 25, 32, 40, 51,
     64, 83, 89, 92mm +
     kwik change arbor &
                                                             $50.00 voucher when you                                                               $50.00 voucher when you
     KFC11132                                                purchase this Hole Saw Kit!                                                           purchase this Hole Saw Kit!
                                                             *Choice of New World, Hunting                                                         *Choice of New World, Hunting
                                                             and Fishing, or Mitre 10                                                              and Fishing, or Mitre 10

Terms & Conditions apply: promotion valid during June & July 2022 .
Starrett NZ: Unit J, 61 Hugo Johnson Drive, Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand. Tel: 64 9 589 1421 FAX: 64 9 589 1428.

                                                                                                                                          JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 3
SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths

BACK UP YOUR DATA                          DON’T GIVE OUT                           UPDATE YOUR COMPUTER
If you’re targeted by a cyber-attack       PERSONAL INFORMATION                     Although time-consuming software
all your saved data can be erased. It is   Phishing through social media and        updates play a crucial role in keeping
key to back up your files on either an     email happens every day, and older       your computer safe. These updates
external hard drive or a cloud-based       people are much more vulnerable to       often include upgrades and bug fixes
service such as iCloud or Dropbox.         it. Don’t give out any personal          to keep you safe, so don’t keep
                                           information online or through email      pressing “Remind Me Tomorrow” for
USE UNIQUE PASSWORDS                                                                too long!
Using passwords without capitals,          unless you are 100% certain that it is
numbers, or symbols leaves you             legitimate.                              BE A SELECTIVE SHARER
vulnerable to hackers. Passwords very      SCAN YOUR COMPUTER                       Having limited privacy settings and
personal to you such as children’s                                                  sharing too many details about
names also leave you vulnerable as
                                           FOR VIRUSES                              yourself can leave the door open for
                                           Malware can find its way onto your
this information can be easily found                                                potential hackers to steal your
                                           computer as easily as clicking on the
out. Use unique, strong passwords to                                                information. Make sure your social
                                           wrong website or link. Regularly
keep your accounts safe.                                                            media accounts are set to “Friends
                                           scanning your computer for viruses
                                                                                    Only” to ward off any unwanted
TWO-FACTOR                                 ensures you aren’t being targeted
AUTHENTICATION                             without even knowing!
Two factor authentication helps keep       AVOID DOING
you safe when someone guesses your
password. You can set this up using
                                           TRANSACTIONS ON
another email or a phone number in         PUBLIC WI-FI
which a unique code will be sent to        Public Wi-Fi
your device. Nobody without this           networks are often
code will be able to access your           unsecure with
account.                                   hackers waiting to
                                           attack. Do not
STAY SAFE ON SOCIAL                        complete anything
MEDIA                                      sensitive such as a
Clicking on fraud links through social     credit card
media can lead to your accounts            transaction
being hacked. Make sure to be              while on a
vigilant when following links on social    public
media.                                     network.

Your credit card information can be
stolen through unsecure transactions.
Make sure to regularly check your
bank statements and keep an eye out
for any suspicious transactions.

SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths
Plug in to the Power of Colour
Nexans colour series cables are made with the end-user in mind for instant identification and specific application.
   And better yet, Nexans advantage of local manufacturing means the products are made by kiwis for kiwis!
  Our team know their stuff and are proud to ensure high quality products and solutions for the New Zealand
       building industry. Nexans colour series - supplying a full range of electrical application solutions.


 PLUS                 ALERT           ENVIROLEX              CLIMATE             SWITCH              CURRENT


                                                                                    JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 5
SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths

THE        New Zealand government has just announced a
           $2.9 billion initiative to fight climate change. This
includes the push out of Electric Vehicles, a new way of
dealing with waste, and a plan to reduce carbon emissions.
SCRAP-TO-REPLACE                        ENERGY                                   FORESTRY
TRIAL                                   The government will                      It has been
                                        be boosting funding                      decided that
This initiative is
                                        to move to cleaner,                      woody biomass is
to help lower
                                        more affordable,                         the best alternative
income families
                                        efficient energy                         to coal in our
move over to
                                        choices. This will                       efforts to move away from fossil fuels.
electric vehicles.
                                        future-proof our                         10,000 hectares of new forest will be
EV’s often come at a higher price
                                        energy system.                           planted during this scheme.
point than regular petrol cars, often
making them less accessible. The new                   INSULATION
scheme will help people buy low-
                                                       Higher insulation
emissions vehicles in exchange for
                                                       standards for new
scrapping their old cars.
                                                       buildings will be
WASTE                                                  introduced to ensure         The Circuit
                                                       they take 40% less
              The government is
              investing to reduce and
                                                       energy to heat.              Breaker is
              divert organic waste
              from ending up in
                                        AGRICULTURE                                 printed with
              landfills. This will
                                        The government
                                        would like to ensure
              include investing in
waste infrastructure and making food
                                        that New Zealand is
                                        one of the most
waste collection more accessible.
                                        sustainable                                 friendly ink.
TRANSPORT                               providers of food in
                                        the world. There
The clean car discount will be
                                        will be a price for agricultural
continued as part of this
                                        emissions introduced by 2025. There
scheme. As well as
                                        will also be a large investment in the
cheaper public transport,
                                        acceleration of high-impact
improvement of EV
                                        technologies and practices to reduce
charging stations, and a
                                        agricultural greenhouse gas
zero-emissions bus fleet
by 2035.

SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths

      IS NOW


                   LOOKING FOR GE?
      IS NOW       GE’s low voltage DIN products are being
                   discontinued and are replaced by ABB product.
                   Distributed and supported by Vynco in New Zealand,
 FH RANGE          the wide range of ABB product is now available.

                   See the product conversions to the left, or discuss
                   with store staff for more information.


       IS NOW



       IS NOW


                                    1 kilowatt = $10 *Terms and conditions apply*

                                            JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 7
SECURITY EDITION Plug in to better - Redpaths
     XGT® is a new 40V system with its own tools, batteries and chargers.
     A combination of innovative tool design and higher output batteries provide a genuine solution
     for the highest demands in construction, industry, horticulture and many other areas.
     The XGT® batteries deliver a maximum of 40V, meaning that they offer unprecedented
     independence from stationary power sources.
     The XGT® range of tools and batteries come with a built-in programme, that provides digital
     communication between the battery and the tool. Revolutionary technology ensures that battery
     and the tools' motor technology work together for optimum performance.

     XGTX2 (80V)
     Two 40V XGT batteries can be directly installed on the tool to supply 80V to the powerful drive.

-   -   -   JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 9

Celebrat∈g the Life of
                Ralph Redpath
            e are sad to announce the passing of much-         In 1960 Ralph took over the reins from his father and
            loved Redpaths legend Ralph Redpath on May         began controlling the day-to-day running of the company,
            7th 2022. Rather than focus on the sadness, we     officially being appointed Manager in 1962. Following the
            would like to celebrate Ralph’s amazing life       death of Reg Redpath in 1970 Ralph was appointed
and his legacy at Redpaths.                                    Governing Director, and his wife Marie was appointed
The second generation of Redpaths, Ralph’s first               Director of the company. With Ralph at the helm, the
experience working for the family firm was at the young        business flourished, expanding to larger premises, and
age of 12 making deliveries around Christchurch on his         opening new branches throughout the South Island.
bike for his father Reg Redpath. At the age of 15 Ralph        Until his retirement in 2001 Ralph continued to grow the
left school to take up an electrical apprenticeship with T L   business with the help of his daughter Gayle and her
Jones, where he began forging long-standing relationships      husband Tony Saunders. Tony and Gayle took over the
that remain today.                                             helm, but Ralph continued to provide support and
                                                               encouragement in the background. He took great pride in
                                                               the fact that R Redpath Ltd is a truly family business with
                                                               the fourth Generation now coming through in Grandson
                                                               Callen, also an electrician by trade, and Granddaughter
                                                               Greatly respected both within the Electrical industry and
                                                               outside of it, Ralph, leaves behind many close family and

                                                               He will be dearly mißed.


                                                        Sparky Central
                                         Redpaths Apprentice Program.

Sparky Central
The newest apprentice program in the industry!
                                                         SIGN UP for the
We want to support you through your apprenticeship
every step of the way with our new support program
Sparky Central.
                                                         many perks:
By plugging into Sparky Central you’ll have access to
sweet discounts and great offers on all the tools and
accessories you’ll need.                                     Sweet             Competitions
                                                             Discounts         & Prizes

                                                             Training          Get off-site

                                                                Tools for       Networking
                                                                your belt       Opportunities

                                                          Follow us on
                                                          @rredpaths and
Get       a prize for being the
          Apprentice of the Month! If
you or your apprentice has done
                                                          R.Redpath Ltd for
                                                          exclusive content,
something awesome this month let us                       promotions, and
know at                          giveaways.
and you’ll be in the draw!

Just because electrical conduit looks the same,
it doesn’t mean it will perform the same.
Marley ARMA is a fully featured conduit system
packed with 8 key performance factors,
making it the only solution for all your jobs.



PRODUCT                                                 ˚C

                  PROTECTION UNDERGROUND    4431    TEMPERATURE      FINISH     MATCH     FITTING      CUT
                      (T)                              RANGE                              RANGE

                                                                                     JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 13
Electrical Testing of Motors
       25% to 35% of motor issues are electrical faults
       Electrical faults give no visible warnings prior to breakdown so electrical testing is
       critical as part of a good Asset Management plan to identify any issues and avoid costly
       unplanned shutdowns.

       AVO New Zealand comprehensively covers electrical testing of Motors with the Baker Instruments range:

                     Baker AWA Static                 Baker DX Static
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                Baker ZTX and ATF5000            Baker MTR105 Hand Held                      Baker EXP4000 Dynamic
                   Armature Tester              Multifunctional Motor Tester                     Motor Analyzer

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          Talk to AVO New Zealand today and lets chat about how we can help your organisation
                              improve the reliability of your motors today.
          T R Lord and Associates Ltd t/a

                                                             0800 485 990

 AVO Motor Testing A4.indd 1                                                                                         16/05/22 8:31 AM




      Now available at your local Redpaths store.

             Klein Tools New Zealand          @klein_tools_nz

                                                        JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 15

                                                     inancial security means
                                                     different things for
                                                     different people. Many
                                                     think that you need to be
                                                     a millionaire to achieve
                                                     financial freedom, but
                                       this is untrue, you don’t even need to
                                       pay off your mortgage. When it
                                       comes down to it, financial security
                                       means that you have control over
                                       your money and don’t need to worry
                                       about covering bills or emergency
                                       Being financially responsible can be
                                       difficult. Working so hard without any
                                       immediate reward is disheartening,
                                       and purchases with instant
                                       gratification are always tempting.
                                       However, long-term financial freedom
                                       is worth so much more than any
                                       short-term purchase.
                                       We’ve put together some suggestions
                                       below to help you achieve financial

                                       THINK ABOUT IT EARLY
                                       Starting to think about your finances
                                       young is a crucial part of achieving
                                       financial stability. It can be easy to
                                       get caught up in the moment and not
                                       think about the future. However,
                                       investing early in growth funds early

                                       can be the key to achieving financial
                                       freedom in the future.

                                       THINK ABOUT YOUR DEBT
                                       Feeling financially secure is often not
                                       possible when you’re constantly

                                       worried about large debts. Think
                                       about how to efficiently pay off the
                                       debts you already have and consider
                                       all the options before taking out any
                                       more loans.

BE CONSISTENT WITH                       help you achieve security as you                     Planning for what you
                                         progress through your life. Playing it               want to achieve during
YOUR SAVINGS                             safe can mean a very low return on                   your retirement can
Treating your savings                    investment. However, on the other                    ensure you reach your
account like a bill rather               hand taking too many risks can also                  savings goals in time.
than an optional                         lead to great losses. This is why
contribution can help                    diversification is important.            PLAN FOR POTENTIAL
you to reach your                                                                 EXPENSES
monthly goals.                           REASSESS YOUR                            Pesky bills can come out of nowhere
TALK TO A                                PORTFOLIO ON A                           and being prepared for them can help
FINANCIAL ADVISOR                        REGULAR BASIS                            avoid getting into further debt.
                                         Your investment portfolio should         Having an emergency fund separate
Investing can be overwhelming and                                                 from your savings account prepares
difficult to navigate. Talking to a      reflect where you are in your personal
                                         life. Reassessing as you move through    you for expenses without affecting
professional about where to head in                                               your savings goals.
your financial journey can take off      each phase of life ensures you get the
some of the pressure.                    most out of your investments.

DIVERSIFY YOUR                           PLAN FOR RETIREMENT
                                         It’s no secret that the government
PORTFOLIO                                superannuation isn’t enough to live
Investing in a wide range of funds can   comfortably in your golden years.

   IN 5 YEARS?
   $ Cut your expenses as much as you can
   $ Pay as much debt as possible
   $ Prioritse investing in growth funds
   $ Consider boosting your income with a second
     job or side business
   $ Increase the amount you save per month

         Purchase a refill of screws and receive a

                                                                                   JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 17


    With the app, you can drive the vehicle around, and when you flip
    the car over (or hit a wall), it will reveal a completely different car
    below. Because the LEGO car features suspension, you can even
    drive it over uneven surfaces.

    The NightWatch orb magnifies an Apple Watch’s
    display to effectively turn it into an alarm clock for
    your bedside table. There is a slot in the back that
    holds the watch’s MagSafe charger. Simply tap the
    surface of the orb to wake up the watch screen so
    you can see the time. The shape of the NightWatch
    also amplifies sound to transform your watch into
    an effective alarm clock.

    A500 MINI
    A compact reimagining of the Amiga 500 home computer,
    featuring perfect emulation of not only the original A500 but
    also the Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA) of the A1200.
    Play 25 classic Amiga games including all-time greats like Alien
    Breed, Another World, Chaos Engine, Simon the Sorcerer and
    Worms. Or play the games you already own from a USB stick.



                  BY WOMBO
                Create beautiful
    artwork using the power of AI.
    Enter a prompt, pick an art style,
    and watch WOMBO Dream turn
    your idea into an AI-powered
    painting in seconds.

             BE REAL
             Every day at a different time, everyone is
             notified simultaneously to capture and
             share a Photo in 2 Minutes.
A new and unique way to discover
who your friends really are in their
daily life.

                                                          DELIVER IT 3D
                                                          Have you ever wanted to deliver packages?
                                                          Pick up and drop off packages to customers to earn
                                                          money and level up. Explore the world and discover
                                                          new zones.

                                                                              JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 19
                                efficient LEDs


                                                                                       Leading the way in emergency lighting technology
   Lithium iron
    phosphate                                                                          ABB’s Stanilite® range of products continues to
     batteries                                                                         provide the New Zealand emergency lighting
                                                                                       market with the safest, most reliable,
                                                                                       environmentally friendly, energy efficient
                                                                                       emergency lighting fixtures.            Scan for more info
                                                    Wireless monitored
                                                     system options
         Advanced power
                                                      available using        
                                     Low            Nexus® RF Infinity

     Stanilite Wireless Monitored Emergency Lighting System Made Easy
     Stanilite Emergency Lighting has a        building safety, which can be
     history of innovation and development,    processed directly from a smart                Key features and benefits:
     and has been leading the way in           device.
     emergency lighting technology for                                                        • Easy installation with hassle free mobile phone
     over 40 years.                            This system does not require a                 __commissioning
                                               server computer, nor does it require           • Backwards compatibility for existing Nexus RF
     In 2020 Stanilite launched Nexus RF®      data cabling to fittings. The user             __installations
     Infinity, incorporating the latest        interaction with Nexus RF® Infinity is         • Report distribution from mobile devices
                                                                                              • Flexibility and scalability
     technology in wireless system             via a “mobile optimized web
                                                                                              • 300% increase in router capacity
     monitoring, using a proprietary           platform” or a website browser on
                                                                                              • Simplicity
     protocol for radio frequency wireless     any computer with access to the
                                                                                              • Building Management System (BMS) integration
     communication between the fittings        network.                                       • Enhanced IT security features including HTTPS
     and network infrastructure. This allows                                                  __(SSL) encryption and DHCP via Static IP address
     the user to set-up, maintain, and         Electrical Supply Corp has been the
     control their entire emergency lighting   proud distributor of Stanilite in New
     installations via a website browser on    Zealand for over 18 years and has
     any mobile device or computer with        grown a large team of experienced
     access to the network. It provides a      and dedicated staff consisting of a
     real-time overview of all systems which   nationwide sales force, technical
     in turn saves time, enables better        support, and design team.
     maintenance and enhances building
     safety.                                   Their design team can provide you
                                               with a free emergency design
     The Nexus RF® Infinity builds on the      service, including the supply of
     solid foundation of the Nexus RF®         approved PS1’s (Producer Statement
     wireless system and now incorporates      – Design), As an additional service
     digital enhancements to strengthen all    they can also provide and issue
     aspects of the product life cycle. It     PS4’s (Producer Statement –
     provides a digital overview through a     Construction Review) on request.
     mobile optimised web interface, which
     gives users instant information to        Find out more:
     assist resource planning and enhance


Microsoft Tech
Support Is Calling
(or is it)…?
“Hello sir, this is John from Microsoft support calling”
“We have detected over 100 hacking files on your computer, you are very high risk.”
“Each one has already started corrupting your whole computer system."
“We need to act quickly to stop the threat and protect your accounts.”
“Can you please go to this website and download the support tool so I can assist you….”

HAVE             you ever received a
                 call like this? or had a
friend or family member tell you
                                             • Download further tools to record
                                               your keyboard or steal saved
                                               passwords straight from your web
                                                                                     maintains a list of up-to-date advice
                                                                                     on security trends and scams. This is
                                                                                     what you should be on the lookout
about one they have received? How              browser. They can then log in later   for when getting an unsolicited call:
about a random text message saying             to make purchases using your           • Contact that is out of the blue –
you need to pay a bill immediately?            saved credentials.                       even if the person says they’re
These scams may seem obvious in              • Find private information to try and      from a legitimate organisation like
hindsight, but in the moment, they             blackmail you with.                      your bank, Microsoft or your
can be very convincing. Scammers                                                        internet provider.
will use current events & news,                                                       • Getting told there’s a problem with
social pressure, financial urgency                                                      your phone, laptop or internet
and generally will abuse the good                                                       connection – often with an offer to
trusting nature of Kiwis to get                                                         fix your device!
what they want. Even the most
computer literate person can fall                                                     • Being asked for passwords –
victim to a scam if they are                                                            legitimate organisations will never
targeted during a time of                                                               ask for the passwords to any of
stress or busyness.                                                                     your online accounts.
Sometimes, it’s                                                                       • Needing to verify your account or
plain old                                                                               details – don’t respond or click on
curiosity that                                                                          any links in the communication
gets the better of                                                                      even if it looks like it’s from a real
us!                                                                                     organisation.

What do they                                                                                 • Trying to get you to move
                                                                                                 outside of an online
want from you?                                                                                       trading or booking
To put it simply, it’s usually all about                                                             website or app (like
the dollar! There are many ways                                                                   Airbnb) – don’t ever pay
someone can steal money from you                                                             outside of normal website or
using your computer. Most commonly,         What                                          app processes.
phone scammers will get you to click        should you                                • Offering money or a prize in
a link to download a legitimate free
remote support tool so they can:            be watching                                 exchange for something up front –
                                                                                        they might say that it’s a
 • Convince you to log into a banking       out for?                                    processing fee – “pay us $50 and
   website to pay a fake invoice or         Netsafe (New Zealand’s independent,         you get your $10,000 prize”!
   subscription.                            non-profit online safety organisation)
                                                                                      • Being asked for money by people

you’ve met online – this is a            bad (e.g. an account being closed)       perspective.
 common tactic, and you should            or to take advantage of something        VALIDATE, if you’re unsure whether
 never pay the money without              good (e.g. a deal or investment).        it is a scammer or a legitimate
 getting advice from someone first.
                                       How can I prevent being                     organisation, hang up and call the
• Unusual ways to pay for something                                                organisation using the official helpline
  – scammers try to use payments       scammed?                                    number. This also works for validating
  that can’t be traced such as pre-    If you suspect that you might be on         scam text messages.
  loaded debit cards, gift cards,      the receiving end of a scam call or
                                                                                   REPORT, Report cold calling scams
  Bitcoin, iTunes cards or money       text. There’s some simple advice you
                                                                                   to Netsafe at so
  transfer systems.                    can take.
                                                                                   they can use this information to
• Asking for remote access to your     BE AWARE, stay up to date with the          educate people about scams, and to
  device – never do this unless you    basics and ask the people around you        help people who have been affected
  have actively sought out the         for support. Check with the person          by them.
  service they are providing.          sitting next to you, “Why is Microsoft

• Pressuring you to decide quickly –
                                       calling, have they called you too?”.        STAY SAFE
                                       Often getting input from someone
  this could be to avoid something     else can help to put a situation into
                                                                                   OUT THERE!

                                                                                          > Consultancy & strategy
                                           Build a tribe around
                                                                                            > Managed services
                                              your business                                      & support
                                          We are a progressive technology                    > Business systems
                                          consultancy firm who understand                       & technology
                                              business & put people first.                > Security & Monitoring
                                         We don't just fix problems we go all-in
                                           to identify opportunities & value              0800 862 103
                                                     for our clients.         

                                                                                   JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 23
Wiser by SE App

                                                                                                         360Degree       Switch
                                                                                                       ZB/IR Converter
                                                                                                                                  Motion Sensor

       Imagine making every
                                                                                              Dimmer                                           Temperature/
                                                                                                                                              Humidity Sensor
                                                                                  Wiser hub

       home a smart home                                               Internet

       with PDL Wiser.
       Be at the forefront of your next smart home installation with
       PDL Wiser™, a solution that combines local know-how with
       Schneider Electric’s unrivalled global R&D and extensive
       smart home expertise.                                                                                                                          Blind Switch

       Best of all, a Wiser Smart Home solution can be upgraded            Sensor
       with modular components as your customer’s needs change.                                                                   Water Leakage
                                                                                        Connected                                    Sensor
       Plus your customers can integrate products from the Iconic                        Socket
       range, so their Wiser Smart Home can grow with them.                                              Switch

PDL Wiser Smart Home components.
                        Wiser Smart Home Hub                                    Wiser IR Converter
                        The Wiser system communication interface. The           Controls TVs, heat pumps and HiFi systems via the
                        hub allows you to control the home from a remote        Wiser by SE app using infrared (IR) technology.

                        Wiser Table Stand for Hub                               Wiser Iconic Switch, 2AX
                        Optional stand for placing the Wiser Hub on a table     Ideal for controlling LED lighting loads and exhaust
                        or other flat surface.                                  fans. The small housing with integrated terminals
                                                                                allows quick installation into 6-gang plates and
                                                                                standard wall-boxes.

                        Wiser Micro Module Switch                               Wiser Iconic Dimmer
                        Transforms a conventional push-button switch into       Suitable for controlling a wide variety of loads.
                        a connected device you can control from the switch      The housing with integrated terminals allows quick
                        or through the Wiser by SE app.                         installation into 3-gang plates and deep wall-boxes.
                             PDL5011WSZ                                              PDL354PBDMBTZ-VW

                        Wiser Micro Module Dimmer                               Wiser Iconic Switch, 10AX
                        Transforms a conventional push-button switch into       Suitable for controlling a wide variety of loads.
                        a connected device you can control from the switch      The housing with integrated terminals allows quick
                        or through the Wiser by SE app.                         installation into 3-gang plates and deep wall-boxes.
                             PDL5010WDZ                                              PDL356PB10MBTZ-VW

                        Wiser Micro Module Blind Controller                     Wiser Iconic Twin Socket Grid, 10A
                        Transforms a conventional double push-button            The Iconic Connected Socket has two independent
                        switch into a connected device you can control          10 A rated socket outlets. The subtle Iconic status
                        blinds from the switch or through the Wiser by SE       LED indicator can be customised using the Wiser by
                        app.                                                    SE app. Skin code is PDL395CSC.
                             PDL5015WBZ                                              PDL395CSGZ

                        Wiser Window/Door Sensor                                Wiser Iconic Switch, 2AX
                        Detects opened and closed windows and doors,            Ideal for controlling LED lighting loads and exhaust
                        and reports the status to the Wiser Hub. It consists    fans. The small housing with integrated terminals
                        of two separate parts: a sensor and magnet.             allows quick installation into 6-gang plates and
                                                                                standard wall-boxes.

                        Wiser Motion Sensor                                     Wiser Iconic Dimmer
                        Detects movement and measures luminance in a            Suitable for controlling a wide variety of loads.
                        room, and reports the status to the Wiser Hub.          The housing with integrated terminals allows quick
                                                                                installation into 3-gang plates and deep wall-boxes.

                        Wiser Temperature/Humidity Sensor                       Wiser Iconic Switch, 10AX
                        Helps to maintain a comfortable environment in the      Suitable for controlling a wide variety of loads.
                        home by detecting changes in temperature and            The housing with integrated terminals allows quick
                        humidity and reporting climate data to the Wiser        installation into 3-gang plates and deep wall-boxes.

                        Wiser Water Leakage Sensor                              Wiser Iconic Twin Socket Grid, 10A
                        Detects the presence of water and alerts via an         The Iconic Connected Socket has two independent
                        alarm and/or notification. When the sensor is           10 A rated socket outlets. The subtle Iconic status
                        connected to the Wiser Hub and detects water on         LED indicator can be customised using the Wiser by
                        the floor, it sends out a sound alarm and reports the   SE app. Skin code is PDL395CSC.
                        event to the Wiser Hub.

  Zigbee connectivity         Bluetooth connectivity

                                                                                      JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 25

             DESIGNER SERIES

                                                                                                       ntinuous Tr i
                                                                                                   r Co              ckl
                                                                                               t fo                      eO
                                                                                             se                            p




                 Life Indoors
THE        new provision to the
           Healthy Homes Standards
allowing for continuous ventilation in
                                         efficient operation but also complies
                                         with the new Healthy Homes
                                         regulations. The award winning fan
                                                                                 installations. The intuitive app
                                                                                 provides the homeowner fully flexible
                                                                                 ventilation control allowing the option
bathroom and kitchen installations in    exceeds the minimum airflow             to easily customise any settings to
modern consented rental properties       requirements of 10 l/s for bathrooms    best suit their desired indoor air
comes into effect on the 12th of May     and 12 l/s for kitchens when set to     control requirements at any time.
2022.                                    high continuous mode.                   Take advantage of the sleek modern
The Manrose Genius (FAN6844) is          Genius features intelligent             design and intelligent features of the
not only designed with multi-sensor      programming options to meet the         Manrose Genius fan for a healthier
automation, ultra-quiet and energy-      demands of a wide range of domestic     home.

Don’t keep putting it off

FREE* Workflow Software
from the team at Redpaths
Register at

                                      JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 27

                                                                                                             DATA SHEET

   FLD10 / FLD20 / FLD50 / FLD100 / FLD200 / FLD300
   FLD50RGB (Remote Colour Change Model)
   A slim design well priced LED high output general flood light utilizing the latest in AC driver
   on board technology
                                                                                                                                          INPUT VOLTAGE
   Suitable for domestic, commercial and Industrial applications with a range of sizes, Wattage                                               240V
   and lumen output to suit most tasks

   Flexible mounting options with rotatable mounting bracket and supplied fitted with 1.5M cable.

   All hard wear and breathing valves feature 316 grade stainless steel.
                                                                                                                                          OUTPUT POWER

                                                                                                 FITTING COLOURS:                            FLD10 10W
                                                                                                                                             FLD20 20W
                                                                                                     Black                                   FLD50 50W

                                                                                                                                           FLD100 100W
                                                                                                                                           FLD200 200W

                                                                                                                                           FLD300 300W

                                                                                                                                          FLD50RGB 50W

                                                                                                                         * COLOUR

   Lumax                   FLD10       FLD20     FLD50      FLD100           FLD200     FLD300 FLD50RGB
   Input cable                                                      240V
                                                                                                                                              FLD10 900
   Wattage                  10W         20W       50W         100W             200W      300W           50W
                                                                                                                                            FLD20 1,800
   Lumen output            900lm       1,800lm   4,500lm     9,000lm         18,000lm   27,000lm       4000lm
                                                                                                                                            FLD50 4,500
                            12 pcs      24 pcs    36 pcs     100pcs          200pcs      300pcs       272 pcs
   LED Diode
                           2835SM      2835SM    2835SM      2835SM          2835SM     2835SMD     2835SMD CC                             FLD100 9,000

   CRI                                                     >80                                          NA                                FLD200 18,000
                                                                                                                                          FLD300 27,000
   Driver                                                        AC on board
                                                                                                                                         FLD50RGB 4,000
   Colour Temp Kelvin                                      4000K                                        NA
   Beam Angle                                                      120 deg
   Power Factor (PFC)                                                0.9
   Aluminium Housing                                               ADC12
   IP Rating                                                        IP65
   Dimensions              W 103       W 121     W 206        W 270            W 379     W 445         W 206                                COL TEMP
   L x W (mm)              H 83        H 95      H 160        H 210            H 279     H 335         H 160                                4,000K
   Input cable                                               1.5M (0.75mm)                                                                FLD50RGB NA
   Pressure relief Valve                                             Yes
   Weight                  0.35Kg       0.4Kg    0.73Kg      1.34Kg            2.4Kg     3.6kg         0.73Kg
   Electrical Class                                                Class I
   Warranty                                                        3 years
   Remote colour changer                                    NA                                          Yes
                                                                                                                                            3 YEARS

   LUMAX TECHNOLOGY LTD              | | | M. 021 228 4529

Multicore Cables                                     Cut to length - No Cutting Fees, No
                                                     Minimum Order Quantity
                                                     3 core to 5 core 1.5mm² to 95mm²
MAXCAB MC Series range of Circular                   Power
TPS and Circular TPS SWA cables are
                                                     2 core to 37 core 1.5mm² to 2.5mm²
manufactured for applications where power,
control, direct burial and outdoor use is
required. SWA options are available in               Unarmoured and Steel Wire Armoured
0.6/1kV and 450/750V. Made to AS/NZS                 (SWA) for mechanical protection
5000.1,2,3 the MC range has been third               Suitable for direct burial or underground
party tested and approved by TÜV Australia.          ducting
                                                     Flexible Class 5 Conductors for easy
                                                     installation 10mm² and above (MCX
                                                     Metre marked for better length control

                            Available through your local Redpaths Branch.


                                                                   JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 29

          HOME SE
IMPORTANT BUT, IN MANY                 A common mistake is leaving
                                       windows shut but not locked. This
                                       creates an easy access point for

CASES, CAN BE EXPENSIVE!               potential burglars. Double-checking
                                       that all your windows are locked
                                       before heading out could be the
WE’VE GOT SOME USEFUL                  difference between being burglarized
                                       or not. Planting bushes under your
                                       first-floor windows can also act as an
TIPS FOR YOU TO HELP                   extra deterrent;
                                       especially if
                                       they’re prickly!
KEEP HOME SECURITY                     SECURE
                                       WITH MORE THAN ONE
                                       Relying on your doors' built-in locks
                                       is risky as these are often easy to
YOUR FAMILY SAFE SHOULD                break. Installing deadbolts onto your
                                       outside doors adds an extra layer of

ALWAYS BE A TOP PRIORITY.              protection without breaking the

MAKE IT LOOK LIKE                        collect your mail are both easy ways       GET AN ALARM
                                         to achieve this.
YOU’RE HOME                              It is also important to stay vigilant on
                                                                                    There are many alarm systems
                                                                                    available ranging from affordable to
Deterring burglars can often be as       social media while you are away.           top of the line. Consider investing in a
easy as keeping a light turned on        Publicly posting your holiday snaps        good one to keep yourself and your
while you’re away. You are much less     can leave you vulnerable to potential      family safe not only when you’re on
likely to be burglarized if it appears   burglars. Make sure you have your          holiday but also when you’re at
from the outside that there is           privacy settings set to only friends       home.
somebody at home. Setting up lights      while you’re away.
on a timer and asking neighbours to
                                                                                    REMOVE POTENTIAL
                                                                                    HIDING PLACES
                                                                                    Overgrown bushes and trees are
                                                                                    good hiding spots for potential
                                                                                    thieves. The clearer
                                                                                    your section the
                                                                                    less likely you are to
                                                                                    be burglarized so
                                                                                    make sure to
                                                                                    upkeep your yard.

                                                                                    The obvious benefit here is being able
                                                                                    to record who is coming onto your
                                                                                    property when you aren’t around.
                                                                                    However, just having visible security
                                                                                    cameras attached to the front of your
                                                                                    house acts as a huge deterrent to any
                                                                                    potential thieves.

                                                                                     JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 31

                                            WINTER WAVES

                                  Off the Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster
                                  Comedians Ed Gamble and James Acaster invite special guests into their magical
                                  restaurant to each choose their favourite starter, main course, side dish, dessert
                                  and drink.

  The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
  A few years ago, I was a broke university dropout, living in one of the worst parts
  of the country, alone, with nothing but a laptop & a dream. Fast forward a few
  years, I’m the 29-year-old ex-CEO of one of the UK’s fastest-growing companies.
  That company is called Social Chain.

                                  Very Scary People
                                  In 1974, a mass murder shook the sleepy waterfront town of Amityville, New York.
                                  One November night, police found an entire family — the DeFeos — dead, face
                                  down in their beds. Only one family member survived: Ron DeFeo Jr., the eldest
                                  son with a troubled past. In this six-part series, host Donnie Wahlberg untangles
                                  the dark and complicated story of what happened that night and unearths how the
                                  grisly murders transformed into an infamous haunted tale.

                            The Killers are coming back to                              NZ’s top winter
                            New Zealand for a massive                                   festival is back for
                            arena show on their Imploding                               2022! It’s time to
  The Mirage Tour 2022 in November. Originally                                          dress up in your
  announced in 2020 when COVID first halted worldwide                                   craziest costume and have
  touring, this will be The Killers’ first time back on our    some fun in the snow. Coming back to Ohakune and
  shores since their 2018 Australasian tour which              Queenstown in June, it’s a great line-up this year so be
  included ten completely sold-out arena shows.                sure to get amongst it.

Nexans Sustainable approach
                                       DID YOU KNOW?

                     Recycling of Wooden
                      Drums and Pallets

  As part of Nexans Environmental Policy, we conduct
  our business with respect and care and have in place
  a process to reduce the amount of waste to landfill                                                        Diesel to Electric
  by recycling our wooden drums and pallets.                                                                     Forklifts
                                                                       Re-circulated Water
    Drums and pallets that are damaged and cannot be                We harvest our rainwater by             We have started our
         repaired are sent to a local New Plymouth company          utilising around four acres of our      journey to electric
                to be made into wood-chip for animal                factory roofing and Taranaki’s          by removing and
                       enclosures and ground cover. Our             rainfall! Our re-circulated water       replacing our diesel
                               drum and pallet return process       system’s cooling towers are also        forklifts on our sites,
                                      is free – visit our website   programmed to operate at night          significantly reducing
                                              for details.          when the temperature drops so           our carbon footprint
             Green Drums                                            that it reduces the work, making        annually.
              Programme                                             its energy consumption much
Our commitment to sustainable development                           lower and using night power
includes our supply chain for our wooden drums                      rates which are significantly
and pallets. We ensure our wooden products are from                 cheaper.
sustainable forestry and have suppliers that take part in FSC
                            (Forest Stewardship Council) or
                                  PEFC (Programme for the
                                        Endorsement of Forest
                                              Certification).                       Production of PVC Free Cables
              to Landfill
                                                                       As a solution to a growing green building sector, Nexans
In 2021 we recycled over 305 tonnes                                    Envirolex® and Alsecure® select range of cables are made
of wood, 58+ tonnes of cardboard,                                      as a health and fire safety option for large commercial
7+ tonnes of HDPE and MDPE scrap, 58.8                                 projects and for conscious builds such as a Living Building
tonnes of PVC scrap and 26+ tonnes of steel. This                      Challenge. These cables are 50-89% recyclable at end
                               reduced our impact                      of life, and made with non-toxic and PVC free materials
                                  to landfill with 81% of              that last over 50 years. Envirolex® and Alsecure® proudly
                                      tonnes recycled!                 have Red List Free Declare status by the International
          Energy Savings                                               Living Future Institute™.

When it comes to machine energy
consumption and to calculate and
understand our carbon footprint per SKU, we                                                        Machine Optimisation
have installed energy meters on all our category
A machines. These meters allow us to collect data and                          Nexans continually review manufacturing processes
obtain energy use per job at each machine.                              and systems to ensure high optimisation and reduction of
Energy is also consumed at peak periods between Monday                  waste and energy consumption. Our triple extrusion Medium
to Friday for lighting. We fitted all factory high bay lighting         voltage line was typically wasting on average 130 metres of
with LED or inductive fluorescent lighting and LED lighting             non-reversable thermoset material on each start up. With
throughout our offices in New Plymouth, Auckland and                    clever design and investment in 2021, our start up length is
Christchurch with remarkable savings.                                   now 30 metres, saving 100 metres of material from landfill!

                                                                                              JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 33
Smooth Curves

                  Slim 6.5mm* profile
                  *The double horizontal with extra
                  switch/USB has an 8.5mm profile.

                                            Satin Finish

         COME HOME
         TO METRO
         Vynco Metro incorporates the homeowner’s
         need for aesthetics and functionality, with a slim,
         curved satin fascia.
         Compatible with all standard Vynco mechs, Metro
         is a versatile addition to your switchgear offering.
         By offering a refreshed contemporary feel,
         this is a sophisticated step up from basic
         switchgear ranges.
         For information on the full range of Metro
         switchgear, visit us at VYNCO.CO.NZ

-   -   JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 35

                                                                                                   TRIVIA TIME
                                       01.                                            02.
                                                                       Which city has the
                           What is the rarest
                                                                        most diversity in
                            M&M flavour?
                                                                       terms of language?

                                           How many hearts
                                           does an octopus

                                       04.                                            05.
                        The name of which                             What can be broken
                       African animal means                            but is never held?
                            river horse?

                                       ANSWERS: 1. Brown | 2. New York City | 3. Three | 4. Hippopotamus | 5. A promise

 Plug in to                                                                                            Plug in to
 some fun!                                                                                          some banter!

Gotta                                    Gotta                                 Gotta
see it!!                                 read it!!                             do it!!

The next installment in the thrilling    AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND                  SPA IN METHVEN
Marvel Universe! Thor attempts to        Ultimate Road Trips: New Zealand is   Offering an adult-exclusive experience,
find inner peace, but must return to     your inspirational and                soak & unwind with superior views
action and recruit Valkyrie, Korg, and   comprehensive touring guide to        across the foothills of the Southern
Jane Foster—who has become the           New Zealand, featuring 36 road        Alps. Indulge at the swim-up bar, the
Mighty Thor—to stop Gorr the God         trips across the North and South      Tranquility Bar & Eatery offers exclusive
Butcher from eliminating all gods.       islands.                              poolside canape and beverage service.

                                                                               JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 37
       Ultra Performance Flexible
       Rubber Control Cable

       Firstflex CT Series is an extremely flexible              Cut to length - No Cutting Fees, No
       control and signal cable for use on machines,             Minimum Order Quantity
       portable tools, conveying equipment and
                                                                 Stocked 2 core to 50 core
       other industrial applications. It has a durable
       SER sheath with excellent resistance to oil,              Sheath of Special Elastomer Rubber
       abrasion and solvents making it suitable in               (SER) 300/500V 80°C
       harsh industrial environments. It is flexible for         Extra fine stranding for extreme flexibility
       fixed installation as well as occasional flexing
                                                                 Extensive oil, solvent and chemical
       without tensile load.
                                                                 Metre marked for better length control
                                                                 UV Stabilised

                                       Available through your local Redpaths Branch.



                                                                                     Chen fought valiantly in the opening
                                                                                     stint, however a safety car error soon
                                                                                     after the driver changeover left us
                                                                                     languishing ‘out of sync’ the the rest
                                                                                     of the field. I was a minute down on
                                                                                     the pack, and had to fight tooth and
                                                                                     nail to get back into contention.
                                                                                     We made our way back up to 2nd.
                                                                                     Actually, we would have won if the
                                                                                     race hadn’t been flagged a lap early.
                                                                                     We were charging and I was really
                                                                                     enjoying my time in this new, front-
                                                                                     wheel drive style of racing.
                                                                                     We’ll come back stronger next round
                                                                                     and take that #1 spot. It’s only a
                                                                                     matter of time.
BOARDING AN INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT AT THE                                              Now I’m in Thailand, settling into my
START OF APRIL, I FELT LIKE A KID HEADING OFF                                        new home base for the year in
                                                                                     Jomtien. I’ve got an awesome condo
ON MY FIRST OVERSEAS ADVENTURE AGAIN.                                                on the beach, which is a lovely place
GROUNDED FOR OVER TWO YEARS THROUGHOUT                                               to have my morning coffee and run
THE PANDEMIC, THESE ARE THINGS I HAD - ONCE IN                                       along before the heat of the day
                                                                                     soaks into the atmosphere.
MY LIFE - TAKEN FOR GRANTED.                                                         I’ll be racing here in a Ford Mustang,
                                                                                     which by the time this issue of Circuit
Now as I set off for Taipei, via           meaningful adventure that ticked a
                                                                                     Breaker is published will be
Singapore, I felt like I was getting a     couple of personal boxes.
                                                                                     announced formally. I can’t wait.
second chance to chase my passion          Now though, it’s back into race (car)
for motorsport. I’m grateful. I’m                                                    I’ll also be back home for some racing
                                           mode. As mentioned, first stop is
motivated. I’m ready.                                                                in September and October, in the
                                                                                           South Island Endurance Series,
To say I’m the fittest I’ve ever
                                                                                           with a new team in an awesome
been is validated by the               We’ll come back stronger next                       car I’ll share with you all in a
adventure I went on the week
before setting off on this flight. I    round and take that #1 spot.                       coming issue.
                                                                      This will also mean that, like in
donned my running pack and set
off on a solo ultramarathon,
                                          It’s only a matter of time. 2020 at Highlands, we’ll have
covering the 84km Timber trail                                                           some cool opportunities to host
from sunrise to mid-afternoon in a         Taipei. It was my first visit to Taiwan   Redpaths staff and guests at the
                                           and after 12 days in quarantine I         events…there may even be a few hot
                                           learned on my release what a magical      laps up for grabs too!
                                           city and country it was.                  CHECK IN WITH YOU AGAIN
                                           I was there with HubAuto, a team I’ve     SOON. KEEP THE PEDAL TO
                                           driven for previously, winning races in   THE FLOOR! - JONO LESTER
                                           the Ferrari 488 back in 2018. This
                                           time around, we’re stepping into a
                                           new challenge with TCR touring car
                                           race. We had a brand new Audi RS3
                                           LMS at our disposal, and we fronted
                                           up for the first round of TCR Taiwan
                                           full of enthusiasm and confidence.
                                           We were fast, setting the quickest lap
                                           across both qualifying sessions (and a
                                           new track record to boot) before
                                           taking to the start from the front row.
                                           My co-driver (and team owner) Morris

  Follow Jono’s racing at and @jonolester across all major social media platforms.

                                                                                     JUNE-JULY 2022 | REDPATHS.CO.NZ | 39
Underground Services
  Surface Marking COLOUR

     Electricity                               Orange                        E
     Gas                                       Yellow                        G
     Telecommunications                        Purple                        T
     Water                                      Blue                         W
     Waste Water (Sewer)                        Red                          SS
     Storm Water (Drainage)                     Pink                        SW

                                       Be A SAFE TRADIE!
                                           USE THE RIGHT
                                           COLOUR FOR THE JOB
                                                            NEW ZEALAND
                                                        OWNED & OPERATED

Dive in this winter
                Shop with Powerpoints.

Register with PowerPoints and you can start earning
rewards points with each purchase.

Sign up and start redeeming today
                                                      Plug in to better rewards.
You can also read