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SEASONAL AND HABITAT-RELATED DIETS OF SLOTH BEARS IN NEPAL ANUP R. JOSHI, DAVID L. GARSHELIS, AND JAMES L. D. SMITH Departments of Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 (ARJ) Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Grand Rapids, MN 55744 (DLG) Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 (JLDS) Most bears are opportunistic omnivores; their diets consist of fruits, other vegetative ma- terial, and in lesser amounts, mammals, fishes, and insects. Sloth bears (Melursus ursinus) are the only species of ursid specifically adapted to feed on insects, especially termites and ants, although they also feed on fruits when available. We studied diets of sloth bears in Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal, where fruits are available for ca. 4 months (May- August) and access to colonies of termites is reduced in lowlands that are flooded during the fruiting season. We analyzed feces and observed sloth bears foraging to investigate their responses to changes in availability of food. Diets of sloth bears were dominated by insects (>90%), especially termites (2:50%), from September through April, but they relied heavily on fruits from May through August. Seasonal movements between lowland and upland habi- tats seemed to be prompted mainly by availability of termites. Termites were more domi- nant in the diets of sloth bears in our study than in a study conducted 20 years ago in Royal Chitwan National Park and in studies in India. The dietary shift of sloth bears in Royal Chitwan National Park may have been related to changes in habitat conditions asso- ciated with relocation of people out of the Park. It appears that sloth bears, like other bears but unlike other myrmecophagous mammals, can adapt their diet to changing food condi- tions. Key words: Melursus ursinus, sloth bear, diet, foraging observations, myrmecophagous, Nepal, point sampling fecal analysis All species of bears, except polar bears Nozaki et aI., 1983; Reid et aI., 1991; (Ursus maritimus), feed on insects, espe- Schaller, 1970; Schaller et aI., 1989). Little cially ants. Although insects may comprise is known of the diet of sun bears (Helarc- >40% of the diet of bears in some areas tos malayanus), which may consume more during some seasons (Mattson et aI., 1991b; insects (especially bees and termites) than Raine and Kansas, 1990), they are usually Asiatic black bears, but they are still pre- a small portion of the annual diet: :::; 11 % dominantly frugivorous (Kunkun, 1985; Le- in American black bears (U. american us- kagul and McNeely, 1977). In contrast, in- Eagle and Pelton, 1983; Graber and White, sects are a staple of sloth bears (Melursus 1983; Grenfell and Brody, 1983; Holcroft ursinus-Laurie and Seidensticker, 1977; and Herrero, 1991; MacHutchon, 1989), Schaller, 1967). Among the ursids, only :::; 10% in brown bears (U. arctos-Clev- sloth bears have morphological adaptations enger et aI., 1992; Elgmork and Kaasa, for feeding on insects, including absence of 1992; Mattson et aI., 1991a; Mertzanis, the first maxillary incisors, a raised elon- 1994; Ohdachi and Aoi, 1987), :::;3% in gated palate, mobile lips, a nearly naked spectacled bears (Tremarctos ornatus- snout, long curved front claws, and a long Mondolfi, 1989; Peyton, 1980), and :::;1 % shaggy coat. in Asiatic black bears (U. thibetanus- Despite their adaptations for myrmecoph- Journal olMammalogy, 78(2):584-597,1997 584
May 1997 JOSHI ET AL.-DIETS OF SLOTH BEARS 585 agy, results of past studies indicate that diets Coftea bengalensis, and Bridellia stipularis in of sloth bears may vary seasonally and geo- riverine forests. Ficus occurred along riverbeds graphically across their range from Nepal in the lowlands, and Cassia fistula, Syzygium south through India and Sri Lanka, depend- cumini, and S. jambolana were in uplands. Al- though some fruits were available throughout the ing on availability of fruit and hardness of year, most were ripe May-August (fruiting sea- mounds that harbor colonies of termites son). We defined September-April as the non- (Baskaran, 1990; Davidar, 1983; Eisenberg fruiting season. Tennite mounds, which often and Lockhart, 1972; GokulaetaI., 1995; Go- were 1-2 m tall and nearly as wide at the base, pal, 1991; Johnsingh, 1981; Laurie and Sei- were common in uplands (ca. 17/ha), less com- densticker, 1977; Norris, 1969; Schaller, mon in grasslands (ca. 5/ha), and virtually ab- 1967). We found that sloth bears in Royal sent in riverine forest. Conversely, based on the Chitwan National Park, Nepal, moved sea- extent of holes dug by sloth bears, underground sonally between lowland and upland habitats colonies of tennites (without mounds) appeared (Joshi et aI., 1995) and hypothesized that to be most common in grasslands. changing availability of food prompted these Foraging observations.-We captured and ra- diocollared sloth bears and monitored them from shifts in home range. Our purpose was to test the back of an elephant (Joshi et aI., 1995). We this hypothesis by investigating dietary radiotracked each sloth bear about twice a week variation by season and habitat. A second ob- from February 1990 through November 1993, jective was to ascertain if diets of sloth bears except during the monsoon, when we located in Nepal differed from those in areas further them less frequently but conducted longer south and also if sloth bears in Royal Chit- (::;12-h) monitoring sessions. wan National Park had changed their diet Sloth bears were approached until they were since Laurie and Seidensticker's (1977) seen, unless the vegetation was too dense. We study there in 1973-1975, as a consequence conducted observations with the aid of binocu- of changes in use of land and resulting al- lars from a distance of 30-50 m and recorded terations in habitat that occurred during the activity, location, and surrounding habitat of the bear. Our presence did not seem to affect their past 15-20 years. activities. If a sloth bear was seen foraging, we attempted to discern the type of food that it was MATERIALS AND METHODS eating (tennites, ants, other insects, fruits, or Study area.-Our study was conducted in the honey) and recorded if it was taking food from 932-km 2 Royal Chitwan National Park in south- a tree, bush, surface of the ground, digging a hole central Nepal on the border with India (84°20'E, in the ground, or digging in a tennite mound. Af- 27°30'N). Climate was monsoonal; mean ter a sloth bear left a feeding site, we looked for monthly rainfall exceeded 10 cm from May to uneaten food items, collected samples, and re- September. However, we defined the wet season corded other pertinent data (e.g., amount and as extending from May through November be- type of food remaining, reactions of tennites and cause soils remained saturated and most sloth ants). A sample unit was considered a feeding bears that left flooded lowlands at the start of the episode, which we defined as a sloth bear feed- monsoon did not return until mid-November ing on predominantly one type of food at one (Joshi et aI., 1995). place (e.g., a single colony of tennites, column About 30% of the Park was alluvial floodplain of ants, bush with fruit). with either tall (5-8 m) grass (Saccharum, Analysis of feces.-We systematically Themeda, Narenga, and Phragmites) or riverine searched for and collected feces along three forest (Bombax ceiba, Trewia nudiflora, Litsea transects, each ca. 8-km long, ca. twice a week monopetala, Acacia catechu, and Mallotus phil- (when possible) from April 1991 through March ippinensis). The remainder of the Park was up- 1993. These routes bisected home ranges of lands dominated by sal (Shorea robusta) forest. nearly all of our radiocollared sloth bears. One Principal fruiting species included Zizyphus route was in tall grass and riverine forest, the mauritiana, Grewia sclerophylla, and Miliusa second ran along the ecotone between tall grass velutina in grasslands, and Murraya koenigii, and sal forest, and the third was in sal forest. We
586 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Vol. 78, No.2 also collected feces opportunistically at trap contents of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virgin- sites, feeding or resting sites, and along trails. ianus-Chamrad and Box, 1964). Feces were soaked in water for 4-6 h, washed We sprinkled ca. 1 ml of dried material from through 0.7- and O.4-mm-mesh sieves, and dried a fecal sample in a thin layer of nonoverlapping in the sun. particles on a petri dish that was marked with To assess composition of feces, we found it nine sample points. We used a binocular dis- necessary to develop a procedure that would not secting scope (45 X) to identify the fragment on require separation of innumerable fragments of or closest to each of the nine marked sample termites and ants. Most previous studies of food points and categorized each sample fragment as habits of bears separated particles in feces into head of a termite (which we subdivided into different types and then quantified composition soldier and worker castes), head of an ant, head by dry weights (Baskaran, 1990; Gokula et al, of an insect other than a termite or ant, part of 1995; Ohdachi and Aoi, 1987) or volumes that an insect other than a head (although these were assessed either visually (Clevenger et aI., generally were small enough to pass through 1992; Elgmork and Kaasa, 1992; Graber and our sieves), seed of a fruit, part of a plant other White, 1983; Grenfell and Brody, 1983; Mattson than a seed, unidentified item, or debris. We et aI., 1991a; Reid et aI., 1991) or by displace- saved seeds for later identification. We then ment of water (Cicnjak et al., 1987; Holcroft and discarded the material on the petri dish, ex- Herrero, 1991; Landers et aI., 1979; Peyton, tracted more from the same scat, identified nine 1980). more fragments, and continued in this manner At least two previous studies of food habits of until 100 fragments of food (Le., fragments bears used a sampling procedure to analyze fe- other than debris) were identified or the fecal ces (Eagle and Pelton, 1983; Hellgren, 1993). sample was entirely gone (in which case the They estimated relative density of foods by their smaller number of identified fragments was frequency of occurrence in random samples standardized to 100). For statistical analyses, drawn from a fecal sample or a composite of fe- each fecal sample was considered an indepen- ces. Fracker and Brischle (1944) and Johnson dent sample unit. (1982) described the mathematical rationale for We used loglinear models (Agresti, 1990) to converting frequency of occurrence to density of investigate associations between composition of particles, and Sparks and Malecheck (1968) feces, months, and habitat. Because the two habi- found that this conversion corresponded well tats were not intermixed and sloth bears did not with actual counts of particles in simulated fe- routinely move between them, samples found in ces of herbivores. Holechek and Gross (1982) a given habitat were likely to have been from a found that if particles from simulated feces were sloth bear that had fed there. ground to a uniform size and spread uniformly When the loglinear model indicated associa- across the observation field, errors associated tion (significant lack of independence) among with food-specific differences in identifiability variables, we used correspondence analysis to and fragmentation of the particles had less ef- examine these interactions (Dixon et aI., 1988). fect on estimated composition derived from fre- Correspondence analysis reduces a contingency quency of occurrence than counts of particles. table of interrelated rows and columns to a 10w- These sources of error were not concerns in our dimensional plot (often two-axis) in which the study because we did not grind particles and position of points and distance between them de- >99% were identifiable. Moreover, because the picts their degree of relatedness in terms of the particles were different sizes (e.g., heads of in- variables considered (Greenacre, 1984). This sects versus various-sized seeds) and because we procedure is like principal-components analysis, sought to estimate relative numbers of different except that data are discrete rather than continu- items of food that were consumed, rather than ous. Specifically, in our situation, composition of relative weights or volumes of undigested re- samples was described in terms of the number mains, we chose to count particles. However, to of times each type of food landed on a point in increase efficiency, we developed a point- the petri dish, so each fecal sample was charac- sampling procedure. To our knowledge, this pro- terized by a frequency distribution among dis- cedure has not been used previously to analyze crete types of food. A distinct advantage of cor- feces of bears, although an analogous point- respondence analysis is that it displays an over- sampling technique was used to quantify rumen lay of two sets of relationships plotted on the
May 1997 JOSHI ET AL.-DIETS OF SLOTH BEARS 587 same axes (Carroll et al., 1986; Hoffman and TABLE I.-Types of food consumed by sloth Franke, 1986). In our case, we examined dietary bears (Melursus ursinus) in Royal Chitwan Na- relatedness by month and habitat, overlaid with tional Park, Nepal, determined from periodic ob- a graphical depiction of the relatedness (degree servations (2 times/week) of radiocollared bears of co-occurrence) of the different types of food foraging during nonfruiting (September-April) in feces. Thus, distance between two points, each and fruiting (May-August) seasons and continu- representing a specific month and habitat, indi- ous observations (~12-h periods) during the cated dietary similarity, and the proximity of fruiting season, 1990-1993. these points to the overlaid set of points repre- senting types of food indicated the relative rep- Periodic Continuous observation observation resentations of these foods in the diet for the in- dicated month and habitat. Nonfruiting Fruiting Fruiting Our results could not be compared statistically season season season Food with those of other studies due to differences in type na Percent n' Percent n' Percent methods, but general comparisons were possible. Termites 36 59.0 42 40.0 321 45.6 We computed seasonal and yearly estimates of Ants 8 13.1 19 18.1 164 23.3 composition of the diet in our study by combin- Other ing habitats and averaging monthly values for insects 4 6.5 0 0 0 0 composition of feces. Schaller (1967) and Johns- Fruits 10 16.4 40 38.1 219 31.1 ingh (1981) analyzed fecal samples of sloth Honey 3 4.9 4 3.8 0 0 bears, but they reported frequency of occurrence Unidenti- rather than composition. They combined termites fied 36 60 6 and ants into a single group and seeds into an- Total 97 165 710 other group and observed that feces contained ei- a Number of episodes in which sloth bears were seen feed- ther insects or fruits, but not both. Thus, their ing on the indicated food item; episode corresponded to a data on frequency of occurrence could be single feeding site (e.g., termite mound, column of ants, fruit- equated directly to dietary composition simply laden bush). by dividing by the number of feces. Laurie and Seidensticker (1977) also presented frequency of fruiting season and identified the type of occurrence of various types of insects and fruits, food at 61 of these sites. We observed feed- but they did not present data for insects and fruits as groups. However, they indicated that 85% of ing at 165 of 886 locations during the fruit- fecal samples contained only one type of food, ing season and identified the food at 105 and the frequency of occurrence for all indi- sites. We also conducted 78 continuous vidual types of food summed to 100%. Thus, we monitoring sessions on six sloth bears dur- simply collapsed foods into broader categories ing the fruiting season, during which we by summing percentage frequency of occurrence made 710 feeding observations and identi- for six types of insects and eight types of fruit fied the food consumed in all but six of that occurred in more than trace amounts. Baska- these. Fruits comprised a higher proportion ran (1990) and Gokula et al. (1995) presented of the food items identified during feeding both frequency of occurrence and relative dry observations in the fruiting season (bi- weights for several types of insects and fruits, weekly and continuous observations com- but the total frequency of occurrence for all types exceeded 100%, which indicated that scats con- bined due to similarity of results) than the tained a mixture of different items. Therefore, it nonfruiting season (X 2 = 6.5, df = 1, P = was not possible to estimate composition from 0.01; Table 1). Sloth bears generally ob- frequency of occurrence; instead, we used rela- tained fruit from the ground litter, except tive dry weights. Zizyphus, which typically was taken off the bush. RESULTS Termites (Macrotermes, Odontotermes, Foraging observations.-We captured Microcerotermes, Hypotermes, and Reticu- and radiocollared 18 sloth bears. During bi- litermes) were the most frequently obtained weekly monitoring, we observed them feed- food in both the fruiting and nonfruiting ing at 97 of 1,573 locations during the non- seasons (Table 1). While foraging for ter-
588 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Vol. 78, No.2 mites, sloth bears sniffed along the ground Overall, 81 % of the samples contained ter- to locate nests, either in mounds or under- mites, 10% contained only termites, and ground colonies, and dug them out with 40% contained ants and termites (Table 2). their front Claws, periodically sucking in Ants occurred in 69% of the feces. Other termites and blowing away debris. Sloth insects in feces included larvae of the beetle bears typically spent 10-15 min foraging on Phy/eophaga rugosa, other beetles, crick- a colony of termites. We observed sloth ets, dragonflies, and centipedes. Insects oc- bears digging termites out of 53 (46%) curred in >98% of feces from the nonfruit- mounds and 61 underground colonies dur- ing season and 80% of feces from the fruit- ing the wet season and 8 (18%) mounds and ing season. 37 underground colonies during the dry sea- Seeds of fruits occurred in 69% of fecal son. The ratio of mounds to underground samples from the fruiting season but only colonies that were dug by sloth bears was 9% from the nonfruiting season; 30% of fe- higher during the wet season than the dry ces from the fruiting season contained only season (X 2 = 11.25, df = 1, P :::; 0.001). seeds and other parts of plants. The most Ants were the next most commonly iden- commonly occurring seeds were Syzygium tified insect that we observed sloth bears jambolana, Ficus cunia, Phoenix acaulis, foraging on (Table 1). We observed sloth and Grewia sclerophylla, all of which oc- bears slowly walking and sucking up col- curred in 2': 10% of feces from the fruiting umns of traveling ants or ants foraging in season (Table 2). Zizyphus mauritiana, groups on the surface. Bears also may have which fruited December-February, was the obtained ants that invaded and inhabited only fruit common in feces during the non- colonies of termites, but we could not dis- fruiting season. Parts of plants other than cern this from our observations. Larvae of seeds (leaf or woody particles) occurred in beetles were the only other insect identified 30% of feces collected during the fruiting- during foraging observations. From Sep- season and 26% of feces collected in the tember through December, sloth bears up- nonfruiting season. These items generally rooted clumps of grass in the alluvium to comprised
May 1997 JOSHI ET AL.-DIETS OF SLOTH BEARS 589 TABLE 2.-Frequency of occurrence of food items in feces of sloth bears from nonfruiting (n 378) and fruiting (n = 249) seasons in Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal, 1990-1993. Nonfruiting season Fruiting season Annual Food item n Percent n Percent n Percent Insects Soldier tennites 307 81.2 134 53.8 441 70.3 Worker tennites 287 75.9 118 47.4 405 64.6 Black ants 245 64.8 89 35.7 334 53.3 Red ants 192 50.8 79 31.7 271 43.2 Other ants 91 24.1 46 18.5 137 21.9 Larvae of beetles 64 16.9 0.4 65 10.4 Other insects 92 24.3 34 13.7 126 20.1 Plants Bombax ceiba 6 1.6 5 2.0 11 1.8 Cassia fistula 0.3 11 4.4 12 1.9 Ficus cuni 0.3 35 14.1 36 5.7 Ficus glomerata 1 0.3 7 2.8 8 1.3 Grewia schlerophylla 0 0 25 10.0 25 4.0 Magnifera indica 0 0 4 1.6 4 0.6 Milius velutina 0 0 15 6.0 15 2.4 Murraya koenigii 0 0 3 1.2 3 0.5 Phoenix acaulis 0 0 28 11.2 28 4.5 Syzigium cumini 0 0 10 4.0 10 1.6 Syzigium jambolana 0 0 36 14.5 36 5.7 Zizyphus mauritiana 8 2.1 0 0.0 8 1.3 Fragments of plants 97 25.7 75 30.1 172 27.4 Unidentified 5 1.3 4 1.6 9 1.4 Summary Insects 372 98.4 199 79.9 571 91.1 Fruits 34 9.0 172 69.1 206 32.9 Ants and tennites 219 57.9 34 13.7 253 40.4 Only ants 8 2.1 0 0 8 1.3 Only tennites 52 13.8 9 3.6 61 9.7 Only larvae of beetles 30 7.9 0 0 30 4.8 Only fruits 8 2.1 75 30.1 83 13.2 TABLE 3.-Mean percentage composition of feces of sloth bears collected in Royal Chitwan Na- tional Park, Nepal, at different times of year and in different habitats, 1990-1993. Nonfruiting season Fruiting season Grassland Sal forest Grassland Sal forest Type of food (n" = 203) (n = 175) (n = 110) (n = 139) Termites 50.0 68.5 35.5 52.7 Ants 24.4 27.7 8.0 12.0 Other insects 19.6 0.9 7.4 3.9 Fragments of plants 2.6 1.5 2.4 5.8 Seeds 3.3 1.3 46.6 25.6 Unidentified 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 • Total number of scats examined within season and habitat; however, percentage composition was calculated from the mean among months, not the mean among individual scats.
590 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Vol. 78, No.2 1.0 Other 8 Seed ....• insect A 6 .... .- :. A Plant .' r' .. fragment 0.5 t\. 5 : . 11 ..•····· ....·.,.10 . ... A .- . 9 . 12 ... ' . ~. .•• • ••• '" ";C 0.0
May 1997 JOSHI ET AL.-DIETS OF SLOTH BEARS 591 TABLE 4.--Comparison of diets of sloth bears based on composition of feces from national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in Nepal and India. Percentage composition Location Time of year n feces Insects Fruits Other Reference Nepal Royal Chitwan National Park, 1990-1993 Year-round 627 83 14 3 This study Fruiting season 249 58 38 4 This study Nonfruiting season 378 95 2 3 This study Royal Chitwan National Park 1973-1975 Year-round 139 52 42 7 Laurie and Seidensticker, 1977 India Kanha National Park (central India) Year-round 92 39 61 0 Schaller, 1967 Bandipur National Park (South India) Year-round 95 53 37 10 J ohnsingh, 1981 Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary (South India) Fruiting season 350 8 90 2 Baskaran, 1990 Mundanthurai Wildlife Sanctuary (South India) Nonfruiting season 111 75 25 Gokula et aI., 1995 Fruits were a large component of the diet tive was to assess variation in diets of sloth during May-August in grassland and river- bears between seasons and habitats, be- ine forest and during May-July in sal for- tween Royal Chitwan National Park and est. Termites and ants became more com- other areas, and within Royal Chitwan Na- mon in diets of sloth bears in sal forest in tional Park between the present and past. August and dominated the diet in this habi- Seasonal and habitat-related variation in di- tat throughout the nonfruiting season (Fig. ets was apparent. When fruits ripened, sloth 1). In grasslands, however, other insects, es- bears included fruits in their diet. When pecially larvae of beetles, constituted a large beetle larvae were available in the grass- portion of the diet (37%) during the early lands, sloth bears consumed large numbers part of the nonfruiting season (September- of them. However, our direct observations December). No feces were collected from of foraging by sloth bears (Table 1) and sal forest in September and October, but fe- analysis of their feces (Tables 2 and 3) in- ces from November and December showed dicated that termites remained their staple no indication that beetles « 1%) were an throughout the year. important dietary component of sloth bears It appears that this reliance on termites in that habitat. was more pronounced in our study than in Overall, feces of sloth bears in our study other studies (Table 4), although our com- appeared to be dominated by insects more parisons were obfuscated by differences in than in previous studies with comparable methods, presentation of data, and timing of data (Table 4). Results of other studies were collections of samples. Baskaran (1990) similar to ours from just the fruiting season. collected feces of sloth bears in a wildlife sanctuary in southern India during March- DISCUSSION August, which spanned the main fruiting Other ursids, like black bears and brown period. His results showed a relatively high bears, exhibit appreciable variation in diet percentage of fruits and correspondingly across their geographic ranges. Our objec- low percentage of insects compared to our
592 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Vol. 78, No.2 results from the fruiting season (Table 4). This change in habitat may have prompted Gokula et al. (1995) collected feces in an- an increase in the density of termites or a other wildlife sanctuary in southern India decrease in fruits, and a concomitant change during December-March, when most plants in the diet of sloth bears. Only one fruit, were not in fruit, but their results showed Zizyphus mauritiana, was abundant during substantially more fruits than our results winter in Royal Chitwan National Park, from the nonfruiting season. Johnsingh when most sloth bears resided in the grass- (1981) in southern India and Schaller lands and riverine forest (Joshi et aI., 1995), (1967) in central India collected feces year- and it appears, comparing Laurie and Sei- round, although they did not indicate what densticker's (1977) data to ours, that sloth proportion were found during fruiting ver- bears were more reliant on this fruit in the sus nonfruiting seasons. Both reported pro- early 1970s (12% of their diet; referred to portions of fruits in feces similar to what we then as Z. jujuba) than in the early 1990s observed during the fruiting season (Table (1 % frequency of occurrence = < 1% 4). V. Iswariah (in litt.) did not present dietary composition; Table 2). Another al- quantitative data, but she indicated that luvial fruit, Grewia asiatica, which was ripe from June to December sloth bears at a site during summer and accounted for 13% of in southern India depended heavily on the diet of sloth bears in the early 1970s, fruits, especially cultivated crops; termites was not found in feces during our study, nor were taken only after mounds were softened did we observe it in the wild. Zizyphus is a by monsoon rains. Gopal (1991) also could thorny shrub commonly found in habitats not quantify diets based on sightings of degraded by grazing livestock (Champion sloth bears that were foraging, but he con- and Seth, 1968; Purl, 1960), and G. asiatica cluded that fruits were eaten year-round in is a tree often associated with cultivated ar- central India and were the mainstay of the eas (Gupta, 1969), so we suspect that both diet from February to June; termites, ants, were more prevalent during the years of and honey were the predominate foods in Laurie and Seidensticker's (1977) study other months (although he made few obser- than during ours. vations in these months). Overall, fruits ap- Because of differences in methods be- peared to be more plentiful in the parts of tween Laurie and Seidensticker's (1977) India where sloth bears have been studied study and ours, we cannot dermitively at- than in our study area in Royal Chitwan Na- tribute apparent dietary shifts to changes in tional Park, Nepal. availability of food. Laurie and Seiden- Laurie and Seidensticker's (1977) results sticker (1977: 194) examined scats of sloth suggest that fruits may have been more bears "on the spot" during the course of plentiful and thus more prevalent in the diet their studies of greater one-homed Indian of sloth bears in Royal Chitwan National rhinoceroses (Rhinoceros unicornis), tigers Park 20 years before our study. Laurie and (Panthera tigris), and leopards (P. pardus). Seidensticker's (1977) study was initiated It thus seems probable that their fecal analy- just after Chitwan was designated a national sis was less thorough than ours, possibly ex- park in 1973. Prior to this, much of the al- plaining why they found more than one type luvial floodplain was inhabited by people, of food in only 15% of the fecal samples who cultivated the land and grazed >20,000 that they examined. In contrast, we found head of livestock. In establishing the Park, multiple foods in 71 % of the fecal samples. most of the people were relocated and live- If they tended to characterize feces by the stock grazing was prohibited, enabling re- dominant food and focus on seeds more growth of the tall grass, which was main- than exoskeletons of termites or ants, their tained by annual burning and cutting results could have been skewed toward a (Mishra, 1982; Mishra and Jeffries, 1991). higher proportion of fruits. Indeed, their in-
May 1997 JOSHI ET AL.-DIETS OF SLOTH BEARS 593 cidental observations of sloth bears that though we did not do this, the potential to were foraging (n = 13 on ants or termites, estimate relative numbers and biomass of 9 most likely on insects, and only 6 [ca. consumed foods is an advantage of our 21 %] on fruit-Laurie and Seidensticker, method of fecal analysis. Other methods of 1977) were consistent with our observations assessing composition of feces of bears not of foraging (Table 1) and indicative of a only entail more effort, but also yield results higher reliance on insects than implied by that have less intuitive meaning because their data from feces. they estimate relative weight or volume of In contrast to Laurie and Seidensticker undigested particles. Seeds, the undigested (1977), we observed a higher proportion of remains of fruits, tend to be heavier than the fruits in foraging observations than in feces. hollow exoskeletons of digested insects, so Fecal samples collected during the nonfruit- dietary composition assessed from dry ing season contained only 2% seeds (Table weights (e.g., Baskaran, 1990; Gokula et al., 3), but sloth bears consumed fruits during 1995; Table 4) may be biased toward fruits, 16% of the foraging episodes that we ob- especially those with large, heavy seeds. served during this season (Table 1). Con- Our method of fecal analysis probably versely, fecal analysis and observational re- yielded a reliable estimate of the relative sults were equivalent (ca. 35% fruits) dur- consumption of termites: ants (excluding ing the fruiting season. eggs and larvae without exoskeletons) be- Feeding observations were an imperfect cause we counted numbers of heads. We measure of diet in several respects. 1) These found that termites outnumbered ants observations reflected only the frequency > 2 : 1. Gokula et al. (1995) also found that sloth bears fed on certain types of food, (comparing dry weights) that termites were not the quantity of food consumed. 2) The 2 : 1 more common than ants in feces of number of feeding episodes that we re- sloth bears from southern India. However, corded was affected by the size of the patch Baskaran (1990) reported that in another of food, which varied by type of food (e.g., nearby area of India, but in a different sea- termite mound, group of ants, clump of son, feces of sloth bears contained 2 : 1 more fruit). 3) Feeding episodes were likely au- ants than termites (also based on dry tocorrelated in that during an observation weight). Area and seasonal-related variation period, sloth bears tended to feed at differ- in the relative representation of ants and ter- ent clumps of one type of food. 4) Small, mites in the diet has been recognized for dispersed foods, like ants, were more diffi- many other species of myrmecophagous cult for us to see than large fruits or termite mammals (Redford, 1987). mounds. We also were able to quantify relative Analysis of feces also had shortcomings. consumption of soldier and worker termites. In particular, varying numbers of seeds in Although workers typically far outnumber different kinds of fruit (and possibly vary- soldiers in colonies of termites, including ing digestibility) affected representation of those of the genera preyed upon by sloth fruits in samples. For example, Zizyphus, bears in our study (> 10 workers: 1 sol- the primary winter fruit, contained only one dier-Haverty, 1977), soldiers predomi- large seed, so it may have been underrepre- nated in feces of sloth bears, suggesting that sented in feces compared to fruits eaten dur- they defended the colony when sloth bears ing the fruiting season. If we had obtained invaded. Usually, when we inspected a ter- data on the number of seeds per fruit, aver- mite colony just after it had been preyed on age mass of the fleshy part of each kind of by a sloth bear, termites or eggs were not fruit, and mass of termites and ants, we visible. However, on occasions when a sloth could have estimated relative consumption bear was disturbed and left an excavated of fruits and insects in terms of biomass. AI- colony prematurely, we observed remaining
594 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY Vol. 78, No.2 eggs and soldiers. We surmised that sloth bears that moved to sal forest compared to bears consumed mainly the densest group of those that remained in grassland and river- prey, consisting of eggs and defending sol- ine forest (Fig. 1) suggested that availabil- diers; workers were consumed less fre- ity of fruit was not the principal factor quently because they were more dispersed. prompting sloth bears to move. Bears re- Although soldier termites use physical turned to lowlands during the dry season, and chemical defenses against intruders possibly because termite mounds in sal for- (Delign et aI., 1981; Redord, 1987), we saw est became hard, underground colonies of no indication that these defenses were ef- termites were more accessible in the soft, fective in deterring sloth bears. Myrme- alluvial soil, and biomass of termites in the cophagous mammals may be somewhat tol- lowlands may have been higher than in sal erant of defensive secretions of termites forest. This last point is supported by the (Richardson and Levitan, 1994), but persis- high density of sloth bears that we observed tent attacks by termite soldiers apparently on the alluvial floodplain during the dry cause feeding bouts of most termite-eating season (Joshi, 1996). Sloth bears also found mammals to be short (often < 1 min- larvae of beetles in the grasslands for sev- Abensperg-Traun et al., 1991; Krouk and eral months (Fig. 1), which indicated the Sands, 1972; Montgomery and Lubin, 1977; presence of another important source of Nel, 1978; Redford, 1985; Richardson, food that was absent in the sal forest. The 1987; Shaw et al., 1985). Sloth bears fed abundance of beetles and correspondingly longer than other myrmecophagous mam- lower relative percentage of termites in the mals at colonies of termites, possibly be- diet of sloth bears in the grasslands com- cause they sucked up termites with a vacu- pared to those in sal forest should not be uming action, rather than using their tongue, construed as indicative of a low density of as in other myrmecophagous mammals. The termites in the grasslands. We suggest that ability to feed on a colony of termites for a availability of alluvial grasslands may be relatively long period may enable sloth the main reason that sloth bears in Royal bears to extract a large proportion of the Chitwan National Park were more myrme- 4,000-90,000 termites that occupy colonies cophagous than sloth bears in other parts of that are typical of this area (Roonwal, their range. 1970). It is apparent that despite morphological Our data and those from other studies specializations for myrmecophagy, sloth (Davidar, 1983; Gopal, 1991) suggest that bears are adaptable .to seasonal and geo- sloth bears may be deterred from feeding on graphic variation in availability of food. termites by the hardness of their mounds. Their diet is considerably broader than that Bears preyed on termites both in mounds of other myrmecophagous mammals (Red- and underground colonies, but they favored ford, 1987), including the bat-eared fox mounds more during the wet season than (Otocyon megalotis-Kok and Nel, 1992; the dry season. One explanation is that Nel, 1978; Nel and Mackie, 1990), which mounds were softened by monsoon rains. like the sloth bear, evolved from a lineage The monsoon also flooded the ground, of omnivores. Bears often are characterized which made excavation of underground as generalist, opportunist feeders, and al- colonies difficult in lowland areas. Many though sloth bears diverged toward a diet sloth bears moved from lowland grasslands composed largely of insects, they appear to and riverine forest to upland sal forest at the have retained the ability to use a variety of start of the wet season (Joshi et aI., 1995), foods. However, their relatively restricted possibly due to restricted access to under- geographic range and the small extent of ground colonies of termites. The greater overlap between their range and that of the prevalence of termites in the diet of sloth more omnivorous Asiatic black bear implies
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