School Educational Plan 2018-2019 - MEDICINE HAT CATHOLIC BOARD OF EDUCATION St. Mary's School - St. Mary's School

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School Educational Plan 2018-2019 - MEDICINE HAT CATHOLIC BOARD OF EDUCATION St. Mary's School - St. Mary's School
                                                         St. Mary’s School

                                             School Educational Plan

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School Educational Plan 2018-2019 - MEDICINE HAT CATHOLIC BOARD OF EDUCATION St. Mary's School - St. Mary's School
St. Mary’s School
                                          MEDICINE HAT CATHOLIC BOARD OF EDUCATION

Our Mission
In partnership with family, Church and community, we provide Catholic Education of the highest quality to our students .

Our Vision
A Gospel-centered community committed to:
                 Learning excellence
                 Christian service
                 Living Christ
Our Motto
Showing the Face of Christ to All.

Our Values
We believe that Catholic education is a ministry that is at the heart of the Church.
In our ministry, we value and celebrate:
       Teaching and living our Catholic faith.
       Our Catholic traditions.
       Our ability to offer a full range of educational programs for all students.
       The uniqueness of each child (that each child is special).

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School Educational Plan 2018-2019 - MEDICINE HAT CATHOLIC BOARD OF EDUCATION St. Mary's School - St. Mary's School
Principal’s Message for St. Mary’s School:
                                     My name is Mike Weisgerber, I am the Principal of St. Mary’s School. We are
                                    extremely proud to be one of the nine Catholic Schools within the Medicine Hat Catholic Board
                                    of Education (MHCBE). At St. Mary’s, we have several programs, including a Fine Arts Academy
                                    stream, a French Immersion stream, an Adapted stream, a Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
                                    and a Regular stream. This year, there is an increased emphasis on integration, as students with
                                    adapted programs are integrated into regular stream classrooms whenever possible.

As a Catholic Dual Stream School, St. Mary’s School endeavors to:

         Teach and reinforce the principles of our Catholic faith
         Provide a Catholic Christian atmosphere to enable each student to gain understanding of his/her faith
         Provide a Catholic Christian atmosphere to enable each student to learn to apply Catholic principles to everyday life
         Deliver quality instruction in both French and English In order to achieve our objectives, parents are encouraged to
          communicate frequently with the school and participate in school-sponsored activities whenever possible.

We continue to work diligently with all stakeholders to ensure that we provide a safe and caring school environment and
welcome any suggestions or feedback from parents. As the principal of St. Mary’s School, I am excited and proud to share
with you the results contained within this report. Thank you for your interest in this document.

School Profile
St. Mary’s is one of two Middle Schools within Medicine Hat Catholic. We are the only dual track school and are also home
to the Middle School Fine Arts Academy as well as Adapted and Regular programs. We have a student population of 357
students in Grade 7 to 9. This includes 31 French Immersion, 75 Fine Arts Academy and 239 regular and adapted
program students combined. St Mary’s offers a full range of academic and extracurricular activities. We offer quality French
and English Language Arts programming from grades 7-9, extensive fine arts programing as well as exemplary instruction
in all other curriculum areas
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School Educational Plan 2018-2019 - MEDICINE HAT CATHOLIC BOARD OF EDUCATION St. Mary's School - St. Mary's School
St. Mary’s School: Enrolment Trends
 Grade           2018-19      2017-       2016-          2015-   2014-   2013-   2012-   2011-   2010-   2009-
                              18          17             16      15      14      13      12      11      10
 French    25                 31          32             33      26      30      19      31
 from 2011
 7         112                99          105            103     112     130     78      134     122     128

 8               107          110         95             105     148     86      143     116     113     126

 9               113          105         114            124     86      130     114     102     122     128

 Total           357      345             346            365     372     376     354     383     357     382

Why a School Education Plan?

Continuous improvement is an expectation within our schools. Planning and reporting processes at the school level are
essential for focusing efforts to improve the quality of education provided to students. Each year schools complete an annual
plan. School plans focus on the strategic priorities of the District and align with the Provincial Annual Education Results
Report (AERR).

The Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education held a Strategic Planning session. The Strategic Planning session provided
an opportunity for stakeholders to review the vision, mission, values, and to articulate the strategic priorities for the district.
Representatives from stakeholder groups included trustees, senior administration, central office staff, and school based

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Based on the responses, the stakeholder groups brainstormed possible themes. The information collected was used to
develop District Strategic Priorities. The Strategic Priorities are the focus for the MHCBE 3 year plan (2018-2021) and for
School Based Annual Plans for the 2018-2019 school year.

                                                         Blue Day 2018

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Developing our Priorities for the School Education Plan

The District priorities for 2018-2019 focuses on OUR FAITH, to enhance our Catholic identity. Ensure every student is
successful through LITERACY AND NUMERACY. Support student learning through the use of TECHNOLOGY.
Provide a CONTINUUM OF SUPPORT for the MENTAL HEALTH and wellbeing for students, parents & staff in a
welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment. To foster MEANINGFUL PARENT INVOLVMENT and

COMMUNICATION, effective and meaningful communication to all stakeholders and PLANNING, developing a long
term facility plan on the effective use of schools.

Each priority includes strategies for implementation at the District and school level and provides outcomes for what success
looks like. Working together, in partnership, the priorities will become achievable.

The Medicine Hat Board of Trustees is committed to strategic planning as a systematic process for developing a long term
vision that engages stakeholders in meeting the needs of all students who attend the Medicine Hat Catholic School District.

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5            Strategic Priorities for 2018-2019

         District & School
         Strategic Priority        #1
         To enhance our Catholic Identity.
         District Goal: Enhancement of Catholic Education.                                     Genetics Google Lock Boxes

         Strategic Priority        #2
         To foster meaningful parent involvement and stakeholder engagement.
         *Outcome One: Alberta Students are Successful.
         *Outcome Two: Alberta’s education system supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ success.
         *Outcome Three: Alberta’s education system respects diversity and promotes inclusion.
         *Outcome Five: Alberta’s education system is well governed and managed.
         Strategic Priority        #3
         To develop a Literacy and Numeracy Initiative to ensure every student is successful.
         *Outcome One: Alberta Students are Successful.
         *Outcome Two: Alberta’s education system supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ success.
         Strategic Priority #        4
         To develop a vision for the use of technology to support student learning.
         *Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, school leaders, and school authority leaders.
         Strategic Priority        #5
         To provide a continuum of support for the mental health and well-being of parents, students, and staff in a
         welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment.
         *Outcome One: Alberta Students are Successful.
         *Outcome Three: Alberta’s education system respects diversity and promotes inclusion
         *Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, school leaders, and school authority leaders.
*Annual Education Results Report (AERR) Outcomes

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Strategic Priority #1 To enhance our Catholic Identity
District Goal – The Enhancement of Catholic Education
District Strategies                                                                                 Indicators of Success
1.    Continue to foster the Parish-School relations that were implemented in the previous          Two administrators on each parish council communicating with all stakeholders.
      year by having two administrators become/continue as a parish council member at
      each of the parishes.
2.    Hire a chaplain for our High School and Junior Highs to foster a climate of living faith in   Increased student engagement and participation of staff and students in liturgies, masses, service
      our entire school communities.                                                                projects, etc. focusing on living our faith
3.    Encourage staff in our division to access PD opportunities in regards to faith with our       More staff enrolling in faith courses online
      links to advanced education sites on our website and in our parish run RCIA programs
4.    Celebrate the parish/school community’s relationships                                         November 4th – Catholic Education Sunday – share a video and a message from trustees at all masses. Give
                                                                                                    a division highlight sheet to parishes during World Catholic Education Week in May.
5.    Religious Coordinator facilitates social justice projects for various grades.                 Grade 1: Birthday Bags (Women’s Shelter) Grade 2: Baby Bundle We Care Kits (Pregnancy and Support
                                                                                                    Centre) Grade 3: Care packages for the homeless
                                                                                                    Upper elementary/junior/high school- Feeding the less fortunate. Help support school initiated projects.
                                                                                                    Summary sheet of the social justice projects will be completed.
6.    District Faith Day: These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that    Staff feel renewed and empowered in their vocation as an employee in Medicine Hat Catholic that we can
      your joy may be full” (John15:11)                                                             lead our young people and ourselves to experience the joy we encounter in Christ. Survey staff about the
7.    Celebrate nominees for Excellence in Catholic Teaching and provide financial support          One teacher will be selected as the successful recipient of Excellence in Catholic Teaching. Three
      for attendees of SPICE                                                                        teachers/administrators are provided financial assistance from the Education foundation (standing item)
8.    Dedicated support for our new Religion programs                                               Grade level PLC meetings to support implementation of grade 5 curriculum. A full day workshop to be
                                                                                                    held in the spring for grade 6 teachers in anticipation of implementation of the new curriculum using print
                                                                                                    and digital resources.
9.    Staff gather to celebrate a district-wide Mass twice a year.                                  A district wide Mass held on August 31 and March 29.
10.   A web portal with resources to support faith in the home, school, and parish will be          Grades 1-5 parents access a variety of resources that connect the home, school, and parish. District web
      posted on school websites.                                                                    page contains links to numerous Catholic resources to support and nurture the faith of staff.
11.   Highlight each school’s involvement in service projects and provide the parish                Each month one school will be featured in the parish bulletins and announcements.
      community with opportunities to participate and connect with the schools.                     Each parish priest shares a message in school newsletters about themselves and/or the parish community.
12.   Bible Liturgy for all grade 4 students at Holy Family Parish on September 27 th.              Students are more aware of the bible and the contents and how to use it in their daily life as the living
      Schools are encouraged to invite parents to the Liturgy. Each grade 4 students                word.
      receives a Bible blessed by the parish priests/deacons. Bibles are purchased with
      funds donated by the parish community on Catholic Education Sunday.
13.   Focus on the concepts of building church and being witnesses to the church with               Grade 5 and 6 retreats that connect to the religious education curriculum will be held at Holy Family Parish
      students in our local parishes.                                                               and St. Patrick’s Parish. Students will join the parish community in a Eucharistic celebration. Volunteers
                                                                                                    from the parish help with the retreat. The retreat will be followed by an evaluation to ensure that it is
14.   Full-day school retreats will provide students and staff with opportunities to connect        Retreats offered at every grade level through the year. Survey by staff and students at the end of the
      with God through prayer, music, and games.                                                    retreats.
15.   Support for our newly hired teachers through Faith Formation sessions held four times         New teachers feel confident in sharing their faith and curriculum with their students
      throughout the year.
16.   Work with schools to provide visible symbols of our faith to enhance our identity.            Clear visible representation of our faith in all schools.

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Strategic Priority #1 To enhance our Catholic Identity
District Goal – The Enhancement of Catholic Education
School Strategies                                                            Indicators of Success
1.Creation of a sacred space in the Library/Learning Commons area            Students and staff using the space for reflection and prayer.
that students and staff may access.
2. Student participation in Random Acts of Kindness Day November 2,          Sticky note campaign in the school.
2018 and communication of the activities on social media.                    Posts on social media of RAK Day including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
3. Service Projects to assist families within the school and the             Food Bank Campaigns- eg. Hunger games, collection for Mission Mexico.
community.                                                                   Support Brown Bag lunch program with service project.
Participation in Division Faith Day and Donation Drive                       Continue to promote neighbourhood help projects… shoveling snow, caroling,
Development of a Students Group with a mission of service.                   Donations collected for Saamis Immigration, and school food drives.
                                                                             Invite student to participate in a noon hour group that does service work,
                                                                             Brown Bag program, neighbourhood shoveling, Prairie Gleaners, etc.
                                                                             Investigate each class being involved in a Service project.
4. School based retreat for all grades                                       Face to Face Retreat booked for January 16, 2018
                                                                             Investigate long term plan for enhanced retreat or three year schedule
                                                                             (eg. Michael Chaison)
5. Promotion of Equip and Unchained in the school.                           Enhanced role of Parish Youth Worker in the schools interacting with students
                                                                             (eg. Chaperone, supervisor, volunteer.)
6. Continued emphasis on the importance and inclusion of prayer in           Prayer over the intercom in the morning and the blessing at the end of the
daily life. Prayer daily on the intercom as well as the blessing of          day. As the blessing continues, and invitation for teachers to join the
students.                                                                    blessing. Prayer in the classrooms before and after lunch.
                                                                             Include French in intercom prayer.
Staff prayer group to meet weekly in the sacred space.                       Number of staff participating in prayer group.
8. School Religious Celebrations and Liturgies                               Students to the church 3 times a year
                                                                             School celebrations monthly-
                                                                             Reconciliation offered at school with the priests
                                                                             School Liturgies with priests- Ash Wednesday at school
                                                                             School assemblies that have a grounding in faith twice a month.
                                                                             In class gospel reflections presented in Home Rooms every other week.
                                                                             Investigate the possibility of holding liturgies at school with Priest present.
9. Incorporating a Biblical connection within the school.                    Scripture reading or verse of the week.
                                                                             A Faith fact on Fridays to be sent out.
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Strategic Priority #2 To foster meaningful parent involvement and stakeholder engagement;
AERR *Outcome One: Alberta Students are Successful.
AERR *Outcome Two: Alberta’s education system supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ success.
AERR *Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, school leaders, and school authority leaders.
AERR *Outcome Five: Alberta’s education system is well governed and managed.
District Strategies                                                                    Indicators of Success
1.     Meet with parents and stakeholders quarterly to provide information,            Parents feel engaged in decisions that affect their children.
       engage in open conversation and receive feedback on strategies outlined         Improvement in PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Accountability Pillar Results.
       within School Education Plans, Annual Education Results Report (AERR)
       and discuss other topics of interest to parents and stakeholders.
2.     Ensure that the MHCBE and its schools are safe, caring and welcoming,           Parents are included in activities, committees and planning sessions held by the
       viewing parents as partners by inviting parents and stakeholders to             District. Improvement in Safe and Caring Schools Accountability Pillar Results.
       participate in key areas such as Liturgical celebrations, Strategic Planning,   Percentage of teacher, parent and student agreement that: students are safe at
       District committees, (Mission review), and other decisions that affect their    school, are learning the importance of caring for others, are learning respect for
       children.                                                                       others and are treated fairly in school.
3.     Develop a communication plan that outlines strategies for the coming            A Communication Work Plan is completed that outlines the strategies and goals
       year. The plan will incorporate a monthly communications work plan. The         to be undertaken throughout the school year. The plan will include how to track
       Board will annually approve the communication strategy.                         implementation of strategies. Communication goal aligns with the annual
                                                                                       District Strategic Priorities. The Communications Work Plan will serve as a
                                                                                       monthly timeline to efficiently and effectively implement communication

4.     Social media platforms are regularly used to communicate.                       Stakeholder’s engagement increases on all social media platforms.
                                                                                           -   Public bodies and stakeholders endorse MHCBE content through social
                                                                                               media platforms by Sharing, Liking, and Retweeting posts

5.     Social media platforms will increase at the High School and Middle              The High School and Middle Schools has an Instagram presence.
       Schools.                                                                        Improvement in the PARENT INVOLVEMENT and CONTINOUS IMPROVEMENT
                                                                                       Accountability Pillar Results.
6.     Effective ongoing communication with our parish communities, including          The two parishes and parishioners within Medicine Hat feel connected to the Medicine
       regular updates in church bulletins and invitations to school and district      Hat Catholic School District and knowledge about the school district increases. Parish-
       functions. Members of the Parish community are invited to participate in        School standing committee meets with parish service groups to provide suggestions for
                                                                                       nurturing the relationship between parish, home and school. Two administrators become
       District functions and committees.
                                                                                       a parish council member at each of the parishes.
                                                                                       Improvement in the District Outcome 1: The Enhancement of Catholic Education. Our
                                                                                       students, staff, and parents believe that Catholic Education offers a unique and valuable
                                                                                       dimension to education.
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                                                         WILL DO
 Strategic Priority #2 To foster meaningful parent involvement and stakeholder engagement;
 AERR *Outcome One: Alberta Students are Successful.
 AERR *Outcome Two: Alberta’s education system supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ success.
 AERR *Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, school leaders, and school authority leaders.
 AERR *Outcome Five: Alberta’s education system is well governed and managed.
 School Strategies                                                          Indicators of Success
 1. Implement the use of Google Classroom, Remind, PowerSchool,             Parents are aware of the many ways they can access their child’s
 communication book, email, Parent Teacher Interviews and Meet the          progress, as well as the number connected through the various
 Teacher Night to develop/maintain effective communication with             methods- PowerSchool, remind, Google classroom etc.
 parents.                                                                   MMM include either a question for feedback or Google survey.
 2. Monthly newsletter, Twitter, Facebook, school website and               Exposure on social media, higher attendance at events.

 3. Parent Council                                                          Increase communication between parent groups – joint meetings, fund
 Fine Arts Parent Council                                                   raisers

 4. Fine Arts Academy Review                                                Involve parents/students/staff in Fine Arts Review

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 Strategic Priority #3 To develop a Literacy and Numeracy Initiative to ensure every student is
 AERR *Outcome One: Alberta Students are Successful.
 AERR *Outcome Two: Alberta’s education system supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ success.
 District Strategies                                                          Indicators of Success
 1. Established District Literacy Committee will continue. The                District Literacy Committee meets four times annually.
     Committee will have representation from each school, a school            Committee reviews each school literacy plan and recommend
     based Administrator, a Kindergarten Teacher, and a                       adjustments based on researched best practice.
     representative from Senior Administration. The group will                School plans and recommended adjustments are reviewed by each
     review school based literacy plans to meet goals established by          school staff. If necessary, school literacy plans are updated.
     committee.                                                               Increased level of achievement on DIP’s PAT’s in Language Arts and
 2. District provides teachers time to collaborate on                         District Literacy Committee members coordinate collaboration
    recommendations made by District Literacy Committee.                      days for literacy in each school.
 3. Inform School Administration and Staff of PD opportunities on             Each school will have a staff member trained in administering the
    student assessment and benchmarking through SAPDC using                   Fountas and Pinnell or another Benchmark Assessment System.
    the Fountas and Pinnell or another benchmarking system to                 Schools will assess students in grades 1-6 to benchmark levels in
    ensure that each elementary school has a minimum of one staff             literacy a minimum of twice per year to measure growth. Results
    member trained in a benchmarking system.                                  to be shared with stakeholders.

 4. Engage schools in developing specific programming to assist               Programs will be implemented at each school for students to
    students struggling with literacy/numeracy. (RTI, LLI, Leveled            provide support ensuring success in literacy and numeracy.
    grouping, Joyful Literacy etc.)                                           Schools will use the data in program planning and implementation.
 5. A District Numeracy Committee will be established consisting              The committee meets four times annually.
    of one representative from each school, a school-based                    A District Numeracy Plan will be developed. Committee members
    Administrator, a Kindergarten Teacher, and a representative               will research best practice in teaching/student learning in
    from senior administration.                                               numeracy. Research finding will be shared with all teachers.
                                                                              Increased level of achievement on DIP’s, PAT’s in Math & Science.

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 Strategic Priority #3 To develop a Literacy and Numeracy Initiative to ensure every student is
 AERR *Outcome One: Alberta Students are Successful.
 AERR *Outcome Two: Alberta’s education system supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit students’ success.
 District Strategies                                                         Indicators of Success
 1.Literacy and Numeracy to be implemented in all disciplines                Professional discussion, and practical examples provided at staff
                                                                             meeting to cover literacy in all disciplines.

 2. Book of the Week Report- feature books of the month in the school        Assembly book reports by staff and students on the latest books
 library.                                                                    available in our library.
 “What are you reading”- a bulletin board established to showcase to         Actual staff participating in the bulletin board.
 students that staff are also reading
 3.Investigate strategies and resources to improve Math literacy             Number of students that partake in using resources outside of the
                                                                             classroom.(eg. Mathletics, Exam Bank…)
                                                                             Student achievement on the non-calculator portion of the PAT.
 4. PLC’s with a focus on numeracy and literacy                              Develop tiered programming to challenge all students
 Homework Club available to students 2 days a week                           Closing the learning gap within classrooms
                                                                             Access ADLC
                                                                             Professional discussion at staff meetings/during collaborative time.
                                                                             Collaborative time during assemblies
                                                                             Teachers attend SAPDC workshops on literacy.
 5. Focus on Math and LA when timetabling.                                   Students in grade 9 have common Math time- allows for movement
                                                                             between regular and adapted streaming.
                                                                             LA is common between 2 grade 9 classes, allowing for movement

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 Strategic Priority #4 To develop a vision for the use of technology to support student learning.
 AERR * Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, school leaders, and school authority leaders.
 District Strategies                                                         Indicators of Success
 1. The Learning and Technology Policy Framework is used as a                A vision for technology in Medicine Hat Catholic Schools is
     guide for the development and implementation of the vision.             developed which drives the development of a technology plan.
     - Policy Direction 1 : Student-Centered Learning
     - Policy Direction 2 : Research and Innovation
     - Policy Direction 3: Professional Learning
     - Policy Direction 4: Leadership
     - Policy Direction 5: Access, Infrastructure and Digital
          Learning Environments
 2. District planning committee reviews the Ministry of Education            Technology Committee is established and meets regularly (6)
     District Technology Report, District Technology survey results,         meetings annually. A five year plan is developed and implemented
     best practices from other Districts and begins development of           for the District.
     a defined five-year plan for technology in the district.
 3. Research on the most promising ways of using technology to               Research is completed and presented to the committee on the use
     improve student learning.                                               of technology to enhance learning and this data helps direct
                                                                             decision making of the 5-year plan.
 4. Participation continues in the ATLE – Alberta Technology                 District Technology staff are involved with ATLE events and the
    Leadership in Education conference.                                      opportunity to network, discuss and learn about trends in the field
                                                                             along with emerging technologies and Alberta Education initiatives.
                                                                             Certificated staff member attend the annual conference.
                                                                             Conference attendees report and share knowledge with the

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 Strategic Priority #4 To develop a vision for the use of technology to support student learning.
 AERR * Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, school leaders, and school authority leaders.
 School Strategies                                                           Indicators of Success
 1. Increase use of technology by students                                   Removal of lab 9 and laptop cart for two chromebook carts or “six
       Increase availability of chromebooks to students                     packs)
       Continued use of “breakout boxes” as a classroom tool.               Chromebook carts are used regularly
       Google classroom adopted by several teachers/classes                 Six “breakout boxes” available for classroom use tied directly to
                                                                             Continued increase of use of Google classroom and Google docs as
                                                                             forms of communication.

 2. Students use personal devices appropriately                              Decrease in the number of personal electronics violations.
 Electronics policy is aligned with other MHC schools                        Access ADLC as a teacher and student resource.

 3. Increase use of technology as a communication tool                       Maintaining teachers, students and parent using Remind
                                                                             Implement use of Google classroom including parent involvement.
                                                                             Increase parent and student access to PowerSchool
                                                                             Secretaries available at first PTI to promote use of PowerSchool and
                                                                             School Cash online
                                                                             Increase number of parents accessing the digital MMM and Newsletter
                                                                             Webpage updates including calendar, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
 4. 3D printer installed in Industrial Arts.                                 Student access to technology and the projects created using the 3D

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 Strategic Priority #5 To provide a continuum of support for the mental health and well-being for parents,
 students and staff.
 AERR *Outcome One: Alberta Students are Successful.
 AERR *Outcome Three: Alberta’s education system respects diversity and promotes inclusion.
 AERR * Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, school leaders, and school authority leaders.
 District Strategies                                                          Indicators of Success
 1.   Develop a “Safe Interventions with Students” Administrative             Administrative Procedure is developed and shared with stakeholders to
      Procedure and Support Space Guidelines, to ensure safe                  increase awareness and support for implementation of strategies at each of
      interactions between students and staff.                                these levels:
                                                                              - Proactive and/or Regulatory Strategies
                                                                              - De-escalation strategies
                                                                              - Follow-up/Restorative/De-briefing strategies
 2. Train staff in creating and maintaining holistic safety through           - Shift from Behaviour Support Plans that put the emphasis primarily on the
    SIVA, Self-regulation training and a focus on Trauma-informed             reaction cycle to Safety and Regulation Support Plans and/or WISE Plans
    practices.                                                                that place the emphasis on ongoing safety and regulation.
                                                                              - Emphasis on student involvement (and eventual leadership) in these plans.
 3. Provide a continuum of support through school teams                       - Increase in community engagement in collaborative meetings.
    consisting of School Liaison Counsellors, Mental Health                   - Increased family/community supports and family-school connections.
    Workers, CCT wellness facilitators, teachers trained in mental            - School teams meet regularly to plan programming.
    health literacy, Learning Services facilitators, Behaviour
    associates and administrators.
 4. Mental Health Committee will meet to review our reporting                 – Processes are identified and shared with stakeholders.
    procedures and supports available to those experiencing and               - Utilization of support services within the schools and outside agencies are
    witnessing acts of aggression or violence.                                providing support for students and staff.
 5. Participation of staff in Mental Health Wellness PD – “Mental             - Staff feel supported and knowledge of Mental Health awareness is
    Health First Aid”, “Not Myself Today” “Mental Health                      increased.
    Literacy”. Etc.
 6. Members of the school team will deliver Social Emotional                  - Utilize support spaces and staff to support social emotional learning for all
    Learning strategies and curriculum to assist students in gaining          students.
    knowledge, attitudes and skills to manage emotions, build
    healthy relationships, set goals and make decisions.

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 Strategic Priority #5 To provide a continuum of support for the mental health and well-being for
 parents, students and staff.
 AERR *Outcome One: Alberta Students are Successful.
 AERR *Outcome Three: Alberta’s education system respects diversity and promotes inclusion.
 AERR * Outcome Four: Alberta has excellent teachers, school leaders, and school authority leaders.
                              School Strategies                                                       Indicators of Success
 1. Allot time for communication between MH workers, CCT                      Meeting records of resolutions, strategies and plans kept to be
 facilitators, learning services facilitator, behavior associates, learning   accessed and updated as required.
 assistants, teachers and administration. This time would be used to
 share concerns, strategies and red flags,

 2. Implementing a Wellness Wednesday.                                        Students are utilizing wellness time, developed in an avenue for
                                                                              coping with proposed stress and anxiety.

 3. Staff Wellness Evenings (paint nights, Archery night, pool night,         Building staff collegiality and reduces stress and anxiety, producing
 exercise classes, escape room activities.                                    more productivity.
 Staff appreciation days and small recognition each month.

 4.Staff participate in mental health in-services- SIVA, VTRA, ASSIST         Administrator(s), teachers and learning assistants participating in
                                                                              professional development session either for first time certification or
 School commits to half time Counsellor for support.                          School counsellor is available to students (retain 0.50 FTE)
 School commits to AMH, PAS and Addictions Support                            AMH and Addictions workers in the school weekly and meeting with
                                                                              administration, learning services and counselling bi-weekly.
 School Resource Officer involved in VTRAs                                    School Resource officer involved in VTRA.
 Update ASSIST training                                                       ASSIST Training up to date for at least 2 staff members and
                                                                              Involve CCT in delivering Health and Religion lessons

 5. Students participate in mental health leadership opportunities-           Students/Staff participate in Headstrong Summit (AMH)
 CSLC, Mental Health Summit, HASS conference                                  Students/Staff participate in CSLC (every second year)
                                                                              Students/Staff participation in HASS conference
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St. Mary’s School: Accountability Pillar

                                                                                          St. Mary's School                        Alberta                                 Measure Evaluation
          Measure Category                              Measure                 Current      Prev Year    Prev 3 Year   Current   Prev Year   Prev 3 Year
                                                                                                                                                            Achievement       Improvement             Overall
                                                                                Result        Result       Average      Result     Result      Average
 Safe and Caring Schools              Safe and Caring                            90.3           84.4          87.2       89.0       89.5         89.4        Very High          Maintained            Excellent
                                      Program of Studies                         90.0           85.4          82.1       81.8       81.9         81.7        Very High     Improved Significantly     Excellent
                                      Education Quality                          93.6           89.0          90.7       90.0       90.1         89.9        Very High          Maintained            Excellent
 Student Learning Opportunities
                                      Drop Out Rate                               0.6            4.5          2.1         2.3        3.0          3.3        Very High          Maintained            Excellent
                                      High School Completion Rate (3 yr)          n/a            n/a          n/a        78.0       78.0         77.0           n/a                 n/a                 n/a

 Student Learning Achievement         PAT: Acceptable                            79.4           80.0          78.6       73.6       73.4         73.3       Intermediate        Maintained           Acceptable
 (Grades K-9)                         PAT: Excellence                            15.2           15.8          15.9       19.9       19.5         19.2       Intermediate        Maintained           Acceptable
                                      Diploma: Acceptable                         n/a            n/a          n/a        83.7       83.0         83.0           n/a                 n/a                 n/a
                                      Diploma: Excellence                         n/a            n/a          n/a        24.2       22.2         21.7           n/a                 n/a                 n/a
 Student Learning Achievement
 (Grades 10-12)                       Diploma Exam Participation Rate (4+
                                                                                  n/a            n/a          n/a        55.7       54.9         54.7           n/a                 n/a                 n/a
                                      Rutherford Scholarship Eligibility Rate     n/a            n/a          n/a        63.4       62.3         61.5           n/a                 n/a                 n/a
                                      Transition Rate (6 yr)                      n/a            n/a          n/a        58.7       57.9         59.0           n/a                 n/a                 n/a
 Preparation for Lifelong Learning,
                                      Work Preparation                           88.9           78.3          80.6       82.4       82.7         82.4        Very High          Maintained            Excellent
 World of Work, Citizenship
                                      Citizenship                                86.6           74.8          80.4       83.0       83.7         83.7        Very High           Improved             Excellent
 Parental Involvement                 Parental Involvement                       79.2           80.6          85.3       81.2       81.2         81.0          High             Maintained             Good
 Continuous Improvement               School Improvement                         91.7           80.8          83.5       80.3       81.4         80.7        Very High     Improved Significantly     Excellent

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 School Strategies by Measure                                    Indicators of Success
 Safe & Caring Schools                                           SRO presentations at assemblies, counsellors, extracurricular clubs
                                                                 and sports teams, HUB, CCT, Spirit Days.
                                                                 Majority of staff is trained in First Aid; ASSIST, SIVA and VTRA training
                                                                 among staff.
                                                                 Review/Update student handbook to include new legislations & APs
 Student Learning Opportunities                                  Homework club.
                                                                 Math help/DT
                                                                 Timetabling for movement between regular, adapted and LAP
                                                                 Access ADLC as a teacher and student resource
                                                                 Increase use of technology through Google classroom and activities
 Student Learning Achievement                                    Focus on non-calculator portion in math.
                                                                 Honor roll, awards night, re-writes, second chance policy
                                                                 Common assessments
                                                                 Statistical assessment of PAT results
                                                                 Continued teacher tutorial opportunities for students outside of
                                                                 regular class time
 Preparation for Lifelong Learning, Citizenship, World of Work   Service projects, leadership club, all clubs and teams.
                                                                 Religion class, implementation of a Service Club,
                                                                 RAK day, Seniors home visits, 30 hour famine, Leadership Conference,
                                                                 HASS conference.
 Parental Involvement                                            Parent council, email newsletters, remind, MMM and online calendar,
                                                                 Google classroom, parent emails and phone call, interview nights,
                                                                 Meet the Staff night, orientation and Morning meetings
                                                                 Administration and teacher present at FAPAC and PAC meetings
 Continuous Improvement                                          Fine Arts academy review
                                                                 PD days including staff collaboration time
                                                                 Teachers Convention,
                                                                 Collaborative time during staff meetings and assembly time, grade
                                                                 level meetings, subject specific meetings during assembly
                                                                 PAT marking in Edmonton
                                                                 PLC groups, collaborative marking
(St. Mary’s School) - School Education Plan 2018- 2019                                                                    Page 19 of 20
St. Mary’s School - Educational Plan
                      All 9 Medicine Hat Catholic Schools will post our annual Education Plans on our websites

                 School Education Plans are developed in partnership with our school staff and parent community.

                 The Medicine Hat Catholic Board of Education is committed to providing quality education to the
                                                students entrusted in our care.

         We thank you for your interest in this document. For more information please contact your School Principal.


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