Matakana School CHARTER - Taking Students Beyond Expectations!

Page created by Tony Wang
Matakana School CHARTER - Taking Students Beyond Expectations!
Matakana School
              School Number 1364

        Strategic Plan 2019 – 2021
            Annual Plan 2019

Taking Students Beyond Expectations!
Matakana School CHARTER - Taking Students Beyond Expectations!
Matakana School Context
• Our modern, semi-rural school is situated in large grounds in a popular country village setting which
  contributes to the peaceful learning environment of the school. We are currently classified as a
  Zoned, U5 Decile 9 School with a grading roll of 362 students. The school has a long history and
  celebrated its sesquicentennial (150 years) in 2012. We believe our students need to be actively
  engaged in individual, shared and cooperative learning experiences that are enjoyable and
  challenging. We deliver a school curriculum which is rich, real, relevant and respectful.

• Matakana School aims to develop the whole child, intellectually, socially, emotionally, creatively and
  physically in a caring learning environment that prepares students to succeed in today's world. Our
  vision statement, ‘Taking students beyond expectations!’ is founded on this. Our students personal
  development programmes focus on ‘Matakana Magic’ where being mature, articulate, goal driven,
  inquiring and caring is of primary importance.

• A focus on explicit teaching in Literacy and Numeracy is complemented with Inquiry Learning.
  There is also an emphasis on strong outdoor, sporting and creative arts activities, including school
  choirs and Kapa Haka. We foster a commitment to action and service in our community and are as
  committed to our community as they are to us. Parents, staff and students proudly work together to
  create a great nurturing school in an aesthetically pleasing environment. A Montessori Unit currently
  exists on site. Our school also has a fully equipped special needs facility called The Castle.

• Our community is a constantly changing one and rapid growth has been experienced both in the
  community and the school. Most of our children have experienced a formal pre-school education
  setting and are generally well equipped for school being confident and articulate. In general our
  parent body are community-minded professionals who are highly articulate, well-educated and
  informed. Parents are proactive and demonstrate a keenness to be involved in their children’s
  education and are highly supportive of the school.

Vision, Mission, Motivation          Values               Strategic Goals
                                              1. The wellbeing of every child attending
                                              Matakana School will be paramount and every
                                              child will have equitable opportunities to make
                                              progress towards achieving the School
                                              Standards in literacy and numeracy.

                                              2. The Principal and Teachers will respond
                                              quickly and effectively to the learning needs of
                                              children who are not achieving.
                                              Formative assessment practices will be an
                                              integral part of all classroom programmes to
                                              improve the quality of curriculum delivery in
                                              order to accelerate student learning outcomes
                                              and ensure equity across the school.

                                              3. The principal and teachers will work with
                                              parents to further enhance their understanding
                                              of their child’s literacy and numeracy needs.

                                              4. The school will report to parents about their
                                              child’s progress and achievement against
                                              national or age appropriate norms.

                                              5. The school will work to accelerate and raise
                                              levels of achievement of Māori and Pasifika
                                              students in literacy and numeracy.

                                              6. The principal and teachers will give effect to
                                              the New Zealand Curriculum through ‘Spirals of
                                              Inquiry’ Pedagogy, the Integrated Matakana
                                              School Curriculum and the Matakana School
                                              Inquiry Learning Model.

                                              7. The school will embrace the opportunities
                                              that blended e-learning presents to transcend
                                              the boundaries of the classroom using ICTs,
                                              robotics and thinking skills.

Obligations to the Ministry of Education
                                                                                                      The school acknowledges its obligations to the Government and
                                                                                                      the Ministry of Education under legislation and guidelines that
                                                                                                      include the National Education Goals, National Administration
                                                                                                      Guidelines and National Education Priorities.
Charter Undertaking:
                                                                                                      Our Cultural Diversity
This Charter was ratified by the BOT on 25 February 2018 and submitted to the Ministry of Education   The School curriculum will encourage students to understand and
on 28 February 2019.                                                                                  respect different cultures that make up the New Zealand Society.
                                                                                                      It will ensure that the experiences, cultural traditions, histories and
                                                                                                      languages of all New Zealanders are recognised and valued. It
                                                                                                      will acknowledge the place of Pacific Island societies in New
                                                                                                      Zealand society, and New Zealand’s relationships with the peoples
                                                                                                      of Asia, Europe and the South Pacific. The school is committed to
                                                                                                      responding to cultural diversity and also fully recognises the
                                                                                                      national education priorities and is committed to excellence and
                                                                                                      equity in learning outcomes.

                                                                                                      The Unique Position of Māori Culture
Chairperson, Board of Trustees                                        Date: 25 February 2019          The School curriculum will recognise and value the unique position
                                                                                                      of Māori in New Zealand society and the vision of Māori students
                                                                                                      enjoying and achieving education success as Maori. All students
                                                                                                      will have the opportunity to acquire some knowledge of Māori
                                                                                                      language and culture. The school curriculum will acknowledge the
                                                                                                      importance to all New Zealanders of both Māori and Pakeha
                                                                                                      values, traditions and histories.

                                                                                                      Te Reo and Tikanga Māori
                                                                                                      The school integrates aspects of Te Reo and Tikanga Māori into
                                                                                                      teaching and learning programmes making use of staff and
                                                                                                      community expertise. The school will develop new and expand
                                                                                                      current teaching and learning approaches that are engaging,
                                                                                                      effective and enjoyable for all Māori students. The school will also
                                                                                                      strengthen capability and accountability for Māori education and
                                                                                                      language outcomes across all stakeholders. The school does not
                                                                                                      provide specific instruction in te reo and tikanga, however, parents
                                                                                                      may be directed to local schools providing bi-lingual education.

                                                                                                      Charter Consultation
                                                                                                      The Board will document and maintain an ongoing programme of
                                                                                                      reporting, self-review and community consultation over a three-
                                                                                                      year period. Reports from reviews and student achievement will
                                                                                                      form the basis for deciding priorities for school development and
                                                                                                      improvement, student wellbeing and student progress and


   1. The wellbeing of every child attending Matakana School will be paramount and every child will have
equitable opportunities to make progress towards achieving the School Standards in literacy and numeracy.

                    2019                                  2020                                                2021
Refer annual action plan             Reporting will cover the whole curriculum and      PaCT used to record student progress and
                                     the requirements for the new ‘progress-based’      achievement. Progress and Achievement data
                                     approach for reporting data, will be used.         will be reported to the BOT and trends analysed.
                                     Introduction of PaCT recording for Reading and     Ongoing targeting of students – based on the
                                     Writing progress and achievement.                  analysis of Kāhui Ako and School data as
                                     Ongoing targeting of students - data from target   reported to the BOT.
                                     students in literacy and numeracy will be          Targeted Kāhui Ako and School specific PD to
                                     measured and analysed each term.                   support effective teaching, additional resources
                                     School and Kāhui Ako targets around student        (people and/or financial).
                                     wellbeing will be added and tracked.
                                     Target PD with additional resources (people
                                     and/or financial) to support effective teaching.

2. The Principal and Teachers will respond quickly and effectively to the learning needs of
  children who are not achieving. Formative assessment practices will be an integral part of all classroom
 programmes to improve the quality of curriculum delivery in order to accelerate student learning outcomes
                                   and ensure equity across the school.
                    2019                                     2020                                                2021
Refer annual action plan                Use of OTJ sheets (in conjunction with the         Analysis of PACT data.
                                        Learning Progression Framework (LPF)               Review OTJ sheets in line with Kāhui Ako needs
                                        Refining the use of eTap to record all data        and LPF if implemented across the Kāhui Ako.
                                        electronically for ease of access by teachers to   Continued use of eTap by teachers to ensure
                                        ensure learning needs are identified promptly in   learning needs are identified in students who are
                                        students who are not achieving.                    not achieving and students themselves are able
                                        Focus on priority students to ensure wellbeing     to track their own progress over time.
                                        and early identification & tracking of students    Review of student self assessment practices.
                                        needing acceleration to ensure equitable           Review of formative assessment practices.
                                        outcomes.                                          Review of acceleration practices.

              3. The principal and teachers will continue to work with parents to further enhance their
                            understanding of their child’s literacy and numeracy needs.
                    2019                                     2020                                                2021
Refer annual action plan                Embed the PR1ME Maths programme from               Review the effectiveness of the Hapara Teacher
                                        Year 1 – 6.                                        Dashboard Parent Portal or Seesaw to inform
                                        Refining and embedding of PPPs in                  parents of student progress and learning via
                                        combination of use with 1-to-1 mobile devices      Mobile devices (Chrome Books/iPads).
                                        (Chrome Books/iPads) and implementation of         Review the implementation of the PR1ME Maths
                                        the Hapara Teacher Dashboard Parent Portal         programme from Year 2 – 6 and the impact it is
                                        or Seesaw to inform parents of student             having on student achievement.

4. The school will report to parents about their child’s progress and achievement
                                      against national or age appropriate norms.
                    2019                                     2020                                                 2021
Refer Annual action Plan                E-Tap database used to synchronise OTJ data         Kāhui Ako (CoL) collaboration on data analysis
                                        for student reports (most likely in conjunction     across the schools.
                                        with the new PaCT analysis and graphing tool if     Full implementation of LPF & the PaCT analysis
                                        implemented across the Kāhui Ako) to further        and graphing tool to further enhance reporting to
                                        enhance reporting to parents.                       parents in the Kāhui Ako (CoL).
                                        Kāhui Ako (CoL) collaboration on sharing data
                                        analysis across the schools using the LPF.

    5. The school will work to accelerate and raise levels of achievement of Māori and Pasifika students in
                                            literacy and numeracy.
                    2019                                     2020                                                 2021
Refer annual action plan                Kāhui Ako (CoL) collaboration and use of LPF        Full use of PACT analysis of data and graphing
                                        & PaCT analysis of data to identify children at     within the Kāhui Ako (CoL).
                                        risk in order to:                                   Kāhui Ako agreement to identify children at risk
                                            § Ensure student wellbeing by targeting         in order to:
                                                 students specific learning needs               § Ensure student wellbeing by targeting
                                            § Ensure equity by providing acceleration               students specific learning needs
                                                 programmes to address the specific             § Ensure equity by providing acceleration
                                                 learning needs of priority students                programmes to address the specific
                                            § Raise levels of excellence and                        learning needs of priority students
                                                 achievement                                    § Raise levels of excellence and
                                        Maori/Pasifika annual Consultation Hui will be              achievement
                                        used to consult/inform the Māori community as           § Annual Māori/Pasifika Consultation Hui
                                        originally promoted through the Mahurangi LCN               will continue to be used to consult/inform
                                        and now Kāhui Ako, to integrate elements of                 the Maori community on specific learning
                                        students’ identity, language and culture into the           needs
                                        curriculum teaching and learning.                       § Retain high expectations of students to
                                        Develop new and expand current teaching and                 succeed in education as Māori
                                        learning approaches that are engaging,              Continue to develop new and expand current
                                        effective and enjoyable for all Māori students.     teaching and learning approaches that are
                                        Continue targeted PD to support effective           engaging, effective and enjoyable for all Māori
                                        teaching, additional resources (people and/or       students.

6. The principal and teachers will give effect to the New Zealand Curriculum through ‘Spirals of Inquiry’
  Pedagogy, the Integrated Matakana School Curriculum and the Matakana School Inquiry Learning Model.
                     2019                                 2020                                              2021
Refer annual action plan             Continuous improvement of School Curriculum       Firmly focus on Global curriculum content.
                                     – focus on curriculum being Real, Rich,           Review the Integrated Themes accordingly and
                                     Relevant and Respectful.                          make changes to the curriculum delivery plan
                                     Embedding Kāhui Ako (CoL) Inquiry Hubs to         ensuring continuous improvement. Continue
                                     share teacher knowledge and effective             electronic national and international classroom
                                     teaching practice.                                teaching via Skype etc. to enrich the School
                                     Kāhui Ako across-school and in-school             Curriculum and continue targeted PD to support
                                     teaching expertise used to enhance the quality    effective teaching and additional resources.
                                     of school leadership and teaching and raise       Continuous improvement of School Curriculum –
                                     the professional status of teaching.              focus on curriculum being Real, Rich, Relevant
                                     Electronic national and international classroom   and Respectful. Embed the Matakana School
                                     collaboration via Skype etc. using ultra-fast     Inquiry Learning Model.
                                     broadband to enrich the School Curriculum.        Kāhui Ako Inquiry Hubs, within-school and
                                     Focus on global curriculum content (PYP) in       across-school teaching expertise used to
                                     integrated studies to lead/guide student          enhance the quality of school leadership and
                                     learning using the Matakana School Inquiry        teaching, and raise the professional status of
                                     Learning Model.                                   teaching.

7. The school will embrace the opportunities that blended e-learning presents to transcend the boundaries of
                           the classroom using ICTs, robotics and thinking skills.
                    2019                                 2020                                               2021
Refer annual action plan            Regular live internet based learning and           Review learning and teaching opportunities using
                                    teaching opportunities using 1-to-1 mobile         1-to-1 mobile devices (Chrome Books) on ultra-
                                    devices (Chrome Books) on ultra-fast               fast broadband using the Hapara Teacher
                                    broadband using Hapara Teacher Dashboard.          Dashboard and the Parent Portal.
                                    Focus on Robotics as key learning tool for         Regular Robotics Classes implemented as part
                                    delivery of the new Digital Technologies           of the new Digital Technologies Curriculum.
                                    Curriculum.                                        Continue targeted PD to support effective
                                    Possible Sister School involvement through         teaching additional resources (people and/or
                                    LEGO Education and Robotics.                       financial).


   1. The wellbeing of every child attending Matakana School will be paramount and every child will have
equitable opportunities to make progress towards achieving the School Standards in literacy and numeracy.

Specific Strategies for 2019 incl.           Who             Expected Result
Encourage teachers to attend all Kahui       ASL             All teachers join in all Kahui Ako professional development opportunities and join
Ako PD, Teacher Hui Days and to join         WSLs            an Inquiry Hub to share their Spirals of Inquiry and mine gems of effective
Inquiry Hubs                                 Principal       teaching practice.
To continue to gather and analyse            Teachers        Following analysis of data:
achievement data in literacy and numeracy    SMT                  § Planning and teaching programmes will be tailored to meet the specific
as per School and Kahui Ako                  SENCO/AP/DP             learning needs of students
requirements.                                Kahui Ako            § ‘Need’ trends and patterns across the school will be identified
Identify trends and patterns from 2013 –     WSLs/ASL             § Kāhui Ako (KA) - ‘Need’ trends and patterns across the KA will be
2018 National & School Standards data.       Principal               identified
Kāhui Ako - collaboration with achievement                        § Specific PD for staff in order to continue to accelerate and lift
data sharing and analysis.                                           achievement according to the trends identified in the analysis of data.
To gather and analyse achievement data       Teachers        At risk students identified:
in literacy and numeracy for at risk         SMT                  § Programmes put in place across the school (and KA) in order to
students across the school and Kāhui Ako.    SENCO/AP/DP             accelerate raising levels of achievement.
                                             Kahui Ako            § Develop new and expand current teaching and learning approaches that
                                             WSLs/ASL                are engaging, effective and enjoyable for all Māori students.
                                             Principal            § Specific programmes for at risk children, will be monitored on a regular
                                                                  § Students monitored on a regular basis, by teachers and Senior
To report to the BOT on student              Kahui Ako ASL   Progress and Achievement Data (School and KA) will be presented to the BOT.
achievement across the school and Kāhui      SENCO/DP        Results will be differentiated;
Ako.                                         Principal            § All children- Year Level / Gender / Maori / Pasifika / Special Needs.
Progress Data from target students in        SMT             Data will be gathered from targeted students and measured twice yearly to
literacy and numeracy will be measured       SENCO/DP        monitor progress and achievement. This will be reported to the BOT as part of
twice yearly.                                Principal       the mid-year and end-of-year assessment reports. Kāhui Ako data will be
Progress and Achievement Data will be                        reported to the BOT when made available.
reported to the BOT.

2. The Principal and Teachers will respond quickly and effectively to the learning needs of
   children who are not achieving. Formative assessment practices will be an integral part of all classroom
  programmes to improve the quality of curriculum delivery in order to accelerate student learning outcomes
                                    and ensure equity across the school.

Specific Strategies for 2019 incl.            Who             Expected Result
All teachers will have a Teaching Inquiry                     Teachers will reflect regularly on their teaching inquiries in their appraisal
(Spirals of Inquiry) to complete as part of   SMT/Principal   journals.
targeting the priority student needs as                       Teachers will meet regularly in their Kahui Ako Inquiry Hubs to share learning.
mentioned in the 2019 School Progress and                     Teachers will use formative assessment goals to accelerate raising student
Achievement Targets and Kahui Ako                             achievement for priority students to ensure wellbeing, equity and excellence in
achievement challenges.                                       learning.
Teachers to join Kahui Ako Inquiry Hubs.                      Teachers will have high expectations for all Māori and Pasifika students.
Develop new and expand current teaching
and learning approaches that are engaging,
effective and enjoyable for all Māori and
Pasifika students.
OTJ sheets used for accurate overall                          The summative OTJ sheets (assessment grids) for accurate overall teacher
teacher judgements (OTJs).                    Teachers/SMT    judgements (OTJs) will be used for accurate progress and assessment reporting
Evaluation Associates contracted to deliver                   to parents.
LPF & PaCT PD                                                 The assessment schedule for 2020 will be updated in Term 4, 2019.
Results entered on SMS (E-Tap) for student                    LPF & PaCT PD in Writing attended by all Teachers
Formative assessment will be evident in                       Students will articulate their own success criteria in “child speak” in response to
classroom practice.                           Teachers/SMT    the question “What are you learning?” This will also form part of the teacher
                                                              appraisal process (Student Voice).
Formative assessment will inform planning                     Learning intentions will be evident in all planning.
and teaching programmes to ensure             Teachers        Learning intentions will be shared with students in written and oral form.
learning needs are being met.                                 Evidence of feedback/ feed forward in children’s books.
Goal Cards used by teachers to ensure                         Teachers use Goal Cards ensure coverage of all aspects in Reading and Writing.
coverage of all aspects in Reading and

Reading Recovery and Lexia will be           Teachers, SENCO,   Reading Recovery and Lexia programme covers maximum numbers of students.
implemented.                                 Principal, DP      Tracking of all students achieving below the School Standard.
The addition of ‘Quick 60’ and ‘Rev it Up’                      Moderate Needs Identification and Support Register in use.
Early Words, and Targeted Writing                               Māori Tracking Register in use.
programmes when required.                                       Pasifika Tracking Register in use.
                                                                Priority Learners Matrix in use.
                                                                DATA shared with Kāhui Ako schools.

                3. The principal and teachers will continue to work with parents to further enhance their
                               understanding of their child’s literacy and numeracy needs

Specific Strategies for 2019 incl.           Who                Expected Result
Operating a Three Team School                Principal          The School will operate in three Teams – Junior Team (Years 1-2) Middle Team
Organisation in 2019.                        SMT                (Years 3-4) and Senior Team (Years 4-6) allowing for better communication and
                                                                collaboration amongst Senior Management, Teaching Staff and Parents.
                                                                The Montessori Unit teachers will operate in these teams.
Continue to strengthen home/school           Lead Teacher       The Matakana Magic Home-Learning Challenge will be implemented in Term 1.
partnerships in literacy and numeracy –      Teachers           Parents and Students will be encouraged to take on the extra challenge. A
Matakana Magic Home-Learning Challenge.                         special School Assembly will be held at the end of the year to celebrate the
                                                                success of students who have completed all aspects of the challenge and
                                                                medals awarded.
Support all stakeholders to have high        SMT/Teachers       All teachers have high expectations of their Māori students.
expectations for all Māori students and                         Develop new and expand current teaching and learning approaches that are
develop and use a range of networks to                          engaging, effective and enjoyable for all Māori students.
share and grow knowledge and evidence of                        All Māori students are engaged in quality teaching and learning experiences.
what works to support student wellbeing,                        Maori students have high expectations of their own learning abilities.
equitable opportunities and excellence.
Entry Interviews and Transition to School    DP                 All students are assessed by the DP for oral language and basic literacy and
each Term.                                                      numeracy skills within 1 month of starting school. A meeting is held with parents
                                                                to discuss the results and set the first learning goals. Parents are also advised
                                                                on how they are able to assist their child to achieve and maximise learning

Written Reports to parents                   Teachers    Written Reports – will be generated from the Student Management System (e-
Term 2 (Mid-Year) and Term 4 (End-of-year    Principal   Tap) for each student.
Report).                                                 Reports contain specific information regarding literacy and numeracy levels.
                                                         Reports clearly indicate to parents how their child is progressing in relation to
                                                         School Standards and expectations across the curriculum.
Parent Interviews & Goal Reviews will be     Teachers    At Parent Interviews & Goal Reviews the focus will be on the goals for future
held in Term 1, Week 4.                      Principal   learning as carried over from the student end-of-year reports for 2018.
Parent Interviews and Mid-Year Reports in                Mid-year reports will be issued to parents at the Parent Interviews in Term 2 that
Term 2 Week 9.                                           focus on student progress and achievent data.
Pupil Progress Presentations in Term 3,                  At the Pupil Progress Presentations, students will share with their parents their
Week 6.                                                  learning journey so far and where to next using their goal cards. Students will
End-of Year Reports will be issued in Term               also guide their parents through their class showing their work and talking about
4, Week 10.                                              their learning journey.

4. The school will report to parents about their child’s progress and achievement
                                        against national or age appropriate norms.

Specific Strategies for 2019 incl.             Who            Expected Result

Revised written reports will be used in 2019   Principal      Revised eTap format reports used in Term 2 & 4.
which are generated using our Student          SM             Anniversary reports will be entered online within 2 weeks of the student’s school
Management System (eTap).                      Teachers       attendance anniversary date (After 1, 2 & 3 years at school).
                                               Parents/ BOT   Reporting timetable for 2020 updated in Term 4, 2019.
                                                              Reports will be written in such a way that parents are able to clearly understand
                                                              where their child’s learning is at.
                                                              Reports will indicate specific learning levels in relation to National Standards
                                                              Reports will indicate student attendance/absence.
Reports to parents will reflect current        Principal      Assessment practice will be rigorous to ensure as far as possible that results are
achievement levels, against expected levels.   Teachers       an accurate reflection of a child’s progress.
                                               SM             Cross-school collaboration in terms of moderation will have been pursued.
                                                              Data on reports will be up to date.
                                                              Format of written reports will make evident to parents their child’s learning levels
                                                              in relation to our School Standards.

Parent Interviews & Goal Reviews will be       Principal      Dates will be set for Parent Interviews and Goal Reviews, Parent Interviews and
held in Term 1, Week 4.                        Teachers       Mid-Year Reports as well as PPPs in the relevant term.
Parent Interviews in Term 2 Week 9.            SM             Parents will be encouraged to attend – 100% attendance expected.
Pupil Progress Presentations in Term 3,
Week 6.

Written reports will be given to parents in    Principal      Written reports will be completed by class teachers.
Terms 2 and 4.                                 Teachers       Senior Management and the Principal will oversee the writing of reports.
Anniversary reports will recorded online       SM
within 2 weeks of the student’s attendance
anniversary date.

5. The school will work to accelerate and raise levels of achievement of Māori and Pasifika students in literacy
                                                 and numeracy.

Specific Strategies for 2019 incl.          Who                            Expected Result
The Māori/Pasifica Consultation Hui will    Principal/SMT                  Support for all stakeholders to have high expectations for all Māori students.
be held in Term 4                                                          Develop and use a range of networks to share and grow knowledge and
                                                                           evidence of what works to support student wellbeing, equity and high
                                                                           achievement expectations for our Māori students.

To gather and analyse achievement           Principal                      Progress and achievement data for these students will be analysed and all
data in literacy and numeracy.              Senior Management              at risk students identified.

Support all stakeholders to have high       Principal                   Programmes put in place for identified at risk students in order to accelerate
expectations for all students in terms of   SENCO/Senior                raising levels of achievement.
equity and achievement.                     Management/Teachers         Moderate Needs Identification and Support Register in use.
To gather and analyse achievement                                       Māori Tracking Register in use.
data in literacy and numeracy.                                          Pasifika Tracking Register in use.
To report to the BOT on achievement of      DP/Principal                BOT will be informed re Maori / Pasifika student achievement.
Maori and Pasifika students.                                            Maori and Pasifika Consultation Hui will be used to inform the Maori and
                                                                        Pasifika community as originally promoted through the Mahurangi LCN and
                                                                        now the Kāhui Ako.
To implement the Ka Hikitia and             Principal/DP/Senco/Teachers Use strategies and ideas as suggested in these documents as well as those
Pasifika Education Plans (2013 – 2017)                                  originally agreed/determined by the Mahurangi LCN member schools and
                                                                        the new KA to accelerate raising the achievement of our Maori and Pasifika
                                                                        students. Matakana School Priority Learners Matrix in use.
Commitment to and participation in all      Principal/SENCO             Continue to use joint strategies as determined by the original Mahurangi
activities of the original Mahurangi                                    LCN member schools (and now the KA) to raise the achievement of our
Learning and Change Network (LCN)                                       Māori and Pasifika students (Member Schools are: Matakana, Snells Beach,
and now the Kāhui Ako.                                                  Warkworth, Mahurangi College, Pakiri, Leigh, Kaipara, Horizon).
Assist in the establishment of the Kahui                                SENCO continues to participate in the Youth Action Group (YAG) meetings.
Ako Learning Support Hub                                                SENCO and Principal involved in Kāhui Ako Learning Support Hub

6. The principal and teachers will give effect to the New Zealand Curriculum through ‘Spirals of Inquiry’
   Pedagogy, the Integrated Matakana School Curriculum and the Matakana School Inquiry Learning Model.

Specific Strategies for 2019 incl.                 Who         Expected Result
Implement reviewed Integrated Curriculum           Principal   Effective implementation of the
for 2019                                           SM          Curriculum Reviews for 2019 are: School Curriculum, Assessment and
    § Curriculum overview/Delivery plan            Teachers    Reporting; Digital Technologies. Reviews will be completed in Term 3.
       incorporating thinking skills                           Staff meeting - Term 4 to reflect/review on Integrated Curriculum topics of 2019
    § Concept/Context planning                                 – focus on Concept/Context and the Matakana Magic thread that keeps it all
    § Reviewed Matakana School Inquiry                         together – PMI.
       Learning Model                                          Review of the Curriculum Delivery Plan for 2020 in Term 4, 2019.
    § Implement new ‘Spark Weeks’
    § Matakana Magic golden thread

School-wide Targets for 2019                       Principal   More students reach the school standard in Writing. Equity and excellence is
School Wide Target 1                               SM          achieved.
All students enjoy expressing their ideas and      ASL/WSLs
actively participating in the writing process in   Teachers    More priority learners reach the standard in Writing, Mathematics and Reading.
order to become better and more confident
writers.                                                       Student wellbeing improves, equity is assured and excellence in teaching and
School Wide Target 2                                           learning is enhanced.
All priority learners identified as being
‘Below’ the school standard are supported to                   Support for priority learners shows them making accelerated progress across
make accelerated progress across the core                      the core curriculum areas of writing, mathematics and reading.
curriculum areas of Mathematics, Writing and
Reading. (more than 1 year's progress)                         Our school results contribute positively towards attaining the aspirational
                                                               challenges of the Mahurangi Kāhui Ako.
These targets align with the current
Mahurangi Kāhui Ako ‘Aspirational
Achievement Challenges’.
Teacher Inquiries will support the
attainment of the targets.

‘Spirals of Inquiry’ pedagogy used - teachers   Principal   During Term 1 – 4 as the reviewed Integrated Curriculum for 2019 unfolds
inquire into the teaching–learning              SM          teachers will focus on:
relationship “moment by moment (as              ASL, WSLs      • Creating a supportive learning environment
teaching takes place), day by day, and over     Teachers       • Encouraging reflective thought and action
the longer term” (NZC, page 35).                               • Enhancing the relevance of new learning
                                                               • Facilitating shared learning
Teachers use the revised Matakana School                       • Making connections to prior learning and experience
Inquiry Learning Model.                                        • Providing sufficient opportunities to learn.

Collaboration and Collaborative Teaching        Principal   Whole Staff Conference (Professional Development) presented on LPF and
initiatives in 2019                             SM          PR1ME Maths – January 2019.
                                                Teachers    Collaborative agreements set up between teachers/teams – January 2019.

Staff Appraisal System 2019 and Teacher         Principal   Using ‘Appraisal Connector’ for Staff Appraisal based on Spirals of Inquiry and
Inquiries                                       SM          continuous reflection/improvement on teaching and learning practice.

7. The school will embrace the opportunities that blended e-learning presents to transcend the boundaries
                         of the classroom using ICTs, robotics and thinking skills.

Specific Strategies for 2019 incl. budget           Who              Expected Result

For ICTs to be incorporated into classroom          Teachers         Blended e-learning will be encouraged in all learning practices.
programmes:                                         ICT Team         Teachers will be encouraged to use the media room facilities.
     § iPads/Chromebooks                            Principal        Teachers will share learning with colleagues.
     § Swivels                                                       Students actively using Chromebooks, iPads.
     § Digital Cameras – Video & Still                               Teachers using the Soundfield Systems to enhance student auditory
     § Visualisers                                                   processing and learning.
     § Soundfield Systems
To continue to develop the use of thinking skills   Teachers         Professional Development opportunities will be available for staff.
in the classroom as per the Curriculum Delivery     Principal        Teacher’s pedagogical knowledge will increase and impact on children’s
Plan.                                                                learning (personal PD).
     • Blooms Revised Taxonomy Model                                 Integration of thinking skills will be evident in classroom practice.
     • Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences                             Children will be able to articulate their knowledge of thinking skills.
     • SOLO Taxonomy                                                 Teachers will reflect on their practise and collaborate/share with colleagues
                                                                     their ideas and thoughts.
Implementation of 2015 Future Focused               Principal, ICT   Blended e-learning and One-to-One devices (Chromebooks) fully integrated
Learning Initiative including Robotics              Team, Teachers   into the teaching and learning programme in Years 4-6. Lego Robotics kits
                                                                     in full use – Years 3-6. Osmo Coding Kits in use Years 1-3
Use of ICT’s and programmes will be evident in      Lead Teachers    Professional Development opportunities will be available for staff to
planning, programmes and teaching as                Team Leaders     effectively use Hapara Teacher Dashboard and Google Apps for Education
observed by Team Leaders                            Teachers         (GAFE) to ensure the effective use of Chromebooks in Years 4-6
School Radio Station contributions to Student       Teachers         Staff PD and Student Radio Crew learning opportunities includes visits to
learning and wellbeing (MagicMix 97.6fm)            Principal        commercial radio stations. Student broadcasts on a daily basis.
Teachers will have access to more Robotics          Lead Teachers    More Robotics hardware will be provided through Grants or BOT funding.
hardware to ensure the effective                    Principal
implementation of the Digital Technologies
Teachers will have access to more online            ICT Team         Teachers will actively follow various social media teacher sites, for teaching
resources                                                            tips and suggested programmes/apps to assist in teaching and learning
                                                                     programmes. Teachers also encouraged to use N4L (Network for Learning).

Progress and Achievement Targets for 2019
                               In Writing, Mathematics and Reading
                                (using Overall Teacher Judgement)

School Wide Target 1

All students enjoy expressing their ideas and actively participating in the writing process in order to become
better and more confident writers.
School Wide Target 2
All priority learners identified as being ‘Below’ the school standard are supported to make accelerated
progress across the core curriculum areas of Mathematics, Writing and Reading. (more than 1 year's

These targets align with the current Mahurangi Kāhui Ako ‘Aspirational Achievement
More specific detail may be determined as part of the Kāhui Ako
co-construction and development process.

  NAG             FOCUS AREA                                   PLANNED STRATEGIES FOR THE YEAR

 NAG 1        Literacy                Refer annual action plan and School Writing Target
 Curriculum                           Evaluation Associates PD over the course of the year on the Learning Progressions Framework (LPF)
 …with the                            Kāhui Ako PD expected to be available during the course of the year to dove-tail with Kāhui Ako shared
principal and                         writing targets
    staff     Numeracy                Refer annual action plan and School Targets
                                      Implementation of the PR1ME Maths programme – Years 2-6 with focused PD
              Other curriculum area   Curriculum Reviews for 2019 are: School Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting; Digital Technologies.
              initiatives             Reviews will be completed in Term 3. Year 1 of a new four year cycle.
                                      Te Reo Tuatahi programme – Years 1-3 (funds approved by the BOT) starts as soon as a tutor is found.
                                      Science Days – every ‘Spark’ week.
              Inquiry learning
              NZC Implementation      Implementation of the new Digital Technologies Curriculum. Refer annual action plan.
              Integrated Curriculum
              EOTC                    Camps held for Year 4, 5 & 6 Students
              Assessment                 • OTJ Sheets & all Reports generated using the SMS (E-Tap)
                                         • NZCER PATs online
                                         • e-asTTle
                                         • LPF & PaCT
              School Achievement      Minimum for our School: 85% ‘At’ or ‘Above’ School Standard for Reading, Writing and Mathematics
              Students at risk        Refer strategic and annual action plan as well as the school’s Priority Learners Matrix
                                      Moderate Needs Identification and Support Register in use
                                      Māori Tracking Register in use
                                      Pasifika Tracking Register in use

GATE, CWSN and ESOL         As per SENCO and DP/AP. Our approach is inclusive and we provide a range of extension programmes as
programmes                  listed in our curriculum delivery plan and on our website
Regular, quality physical   Through our Sport Specialist (Sharon Hallet) - continue promoting physical activity including organised
activity                    sport. Our own MMMM programme will allow students to have access to a variety of sports
                            equipment/games at play breaks.
Regular, quality physical   Through our Sport Specialist (Sharon Hallet) - continue promoting physical activity including organised
activity                    sport. Our own MMMM programme will allow students to have access to a variety of sports
                            equipment/games at play breaks.
Consultation with Māori     Refer strategic and annual action plan – Māori /Pasifika Consultation Hui will be used to consult/inform the
Community                   Māori community as promoted through the original Mahurangi LCN strategy and new KA strategy.

Student Wellbeing for       Student Wellbeing for Success. Focus on improving those areas identified in the 2018 community Health &
Success                     PE survey in relation to the draft indicators. Focus on ERO report February 2015 ‘Wellbeing for Children’s
                            Success at Primary School’.
Teachers will have access   Literacy and Spelling Shed school licences.
to more online learning     Teachers will also actively follow various social media teacher sites, for teaching tips and suggested
resources                   programmes/apps to assist in teaching and learning programmes. Teachers also encouraged to use the N4L
                            (Network for Learning).

 NAG 2           School review/Self      Continious school review and self review. Improvement as per the 2019 BOT School Review and Work
  Strategic      review                  Plan as well as the Curriculum Review and Consultation Schedule in the 2019 School Curriculum Delivery
Planning/Self                            Plan.
   Review                                Continue initiating and implementing the recommendations from the 2017 ERO review and note the
...through the                           findings in the ERO CoL report of late 2016.
principal and                            Curriculum Reviews for 2019 are: School Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting; Digital Technologies.
      staff                              Reviews will be completed in Term 3.

                 Policy and Procedure    As per SchoolDocs Policy Review Cycle for 2019 (BOT Policy Sub-committee)
                 review                  As per 2019 BOT School Review and Work Plan
                 Strategic Plan review   Ongoing through 2019 as per 2019 BOT School Review and Work Plan

                 Develop Annual Plan     Charter/ Strategic and Annual Plans for 2019 - 2021 to be presented to the Board in February 2019 for
                 Develop student         Two specific targets in 2019:
                 progress and                                               In Writing, Mathematics and Reading
                 achievement targets                                         (using Overall Teacher Judgement)

                                         School Wide Target 1
                                         All students enjoy expressing their ideas and actively participating in the writing process in order to
                                         become better and more confident writers.
                                         School Wide Target 2
                                         All priority learners identified as being ‘Below’ the school standard are supported to make accelerated
                                         progress across the core curriculum areas of Mathematics, Writing and Reading. (more than 1 year's

                                         These targets align with the current Mahurangi Kāhui Ako ‘Aspirational Achievement Challenges’.
                                         More specific detail may be determined as part of the Kāhui Ako co-construction and development process.
                 Curriculum learning     As per the Curriculum Review and Consultation Schedule Curriculum Reviews for 2019 are: School
                 area reviews            Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting; Digital Technologies. Reviews will be completed in Term 3.
                                         Community Survey Term 3

Reports to BOT         Principal reports to BOT at each meeting referenced to the annual plans and targets as per the Matakana
(general)              School 2019 BOT School Review and Work Plan.

Reports to BOT –       Report to the Board as per the Matakana School 2019 BOT School Review and Work Plan including
student achievement    Montessori Unit.

Reports to BOT re      Report to the Board re Māori and Pasifika student achievement in reading, writing, and numeracy -
Māori and Pasifika     February 2019 and August 2019
Reporting to parents   See strategic and annual action plan
                       Report to students and their parents on the student’s progress and achievement in relation to National
                       Standards. Reporting to parents in plain language in writing must occur at least twice a year.
                       See Matakana School – Reporting to Parents on Student Progress and Achievement Cycle 2019

ERO Review             Build on outstanding work as reported in the 2017 ERO review

Mahurangi Kāhui Ako    Working/structure and collaboration agreements in place and operational in 2019

Community              Māori/Pasifika Consultation/Information Hui (Term 4)

 NAG 3         Professional          Staff Conference – Learning Progressions Framework and PR1ME Maths
Personnel/PD   development programme Jenni Donohoo – Collective Efficacy – Principal, DP, ASL, WSLs
  BOTs are                           Te Reo Tuatahi – all teachers – Te Reo Tuatahi Facilitator
required to…                         Robotics PD - all teachers – Jess Bertelsen/Ellen Edwards
                                     Robotics - Visit to Te Matauranga - BOT
                                     ICT PD for all teachers - ICT Team
                                     Mathematics – Maths Team teachers – Primary Maths Association Conference – July 2019
                                     PR1ME Maths PD – all teachers - Ellen Edwards and Sophie Kurmann & Maths Team
                                     Google Chrome Books/Hapara Dashboard Roadshow – ICT Team
                                     Leadership Coaching Course (Auckland) August 2019 – 2 x Team Leaders to attend
                                     ACEL Conference October – Principal/DP/SENCO
                                     ICT PD – Interface Expo (Auckland) May 2019 - ICT Team attending
                                     Kahui Ako (CoL) – several PD sessions in 2019 for Teachers/Principal and BOT
                                     Health and PE PD – Sport Specialist Sharon Hallet - throughout the year for all teachers
                                     Defribulator Training – Michelle Stevenson – All staff.
                                     First Aid – All Teachers
               New staff and PRT     New staff and PRT will be supported into the school by their Team Leaders and the DP/Principal. Team
               induction             Leaders will be specifically responsible for the induction of new registered teachers. Designated Mentors
                                     will be responsible for the induction of beginning teachers.
               Staff appraisal –     Teacher Appraisal System – Appraisal Connector - inclusive of registered teacher criteria.
               teaching and non-     Teacher appraisal goals to align with school strategic goals and Kahui Ako goals.
               teaching              Ensure all non teaching staff are appraised against job descriptions.

               EEO programme           To ensure that the principles of equal employment opportunities are reflected in school policies and
               Good employer practices As outlined in policies.

               BOT training              BOT members – Governance vs Management – Mac Stevenson
                                         BOT members – STA Board training available for BOT members

 NAG 4         Prepare annual budget       Property allowed for in budget.
 Finance and
  Property     Allocate funds to reflect   Funds allocated through budget according to identified school needs eg. Field drainage maintenance,
  BOTs are     Charter goals               Signage maintenance, Concrete painting maintenance, Property Managers shed - asphalt maintenance, Pool
required to…                               & area maintenance, Shaded area development and maintenance
               Regular reviewing of        Monthly reports to the BOT by Finance and Property Sub-committee.
               financial situation with
               Maintenance of school       3rd Year of implementation of the new 10YP and 5YA plan (Started on 01 July 2016)
               buildings and grounds       Manage BIP progress with Ministry of Education officials

               Develop property to         As per 5YA and innovative teaching/learning environments. Complete Room 16 & 17 toilet & roof upgrade
               reflect charter goals       and outside areas

               Planned major asset         Various innovative teaching/learning environment furniture pieces in R1/2/6/7/8/9/10/13/16/17.
               purchases                   180 x Hapara Teacher Dashboard License renewals
                                           44 x iPads - Junior School
                                           13 x Lego Mindstorm Kits – Senior School
                                           30 x Chromebooks (to replace old stock and meet the demand of roll growth)
                                           1 x Chromebook charging station (36 slots to meet the demand of roll growth)
                                           3 x Osmo Coding and Base Kits – Junior School

 NAG 5         Provide a safe physical     Continue with current behaviour management strategies - school values system – Matakana Magic, Wheel
 Health and    and emotional               of Choice.
   Safety      environment                 Ensure duty teachers are monitoring the playground using high visibility pink fluoro jackets or high
  BOTs are                                 visibility fluoro orange hats
required to…                               Student Incident Book in use for student support (2 x Student Support Teachers)
                                           SENCO continues to participate in the Youth Action Group (YAG) meetings and becomes part of the
                                           Kāhui Ako Learning Support Hub
               Anti-bullying initiatives   Wheel of Choice – embedding behaviour choices
                                           Values system – Matakana Magic Ethos embedded. Ongoing review.
                                           Cool School Peer Mediation programme in action (Peer Mediators).
               ‘Student Wellbeing for      The ethical responsibility of teachers, leaders and trustees is to consider, promote, balance and respond to
               Success’                    all aspects of the student, including their physical, social, emotional, academic and spiritual needs. Focus on
                                           deliberate action across all curriculum areas, pastoral care, strategic priorities and teaching practices to
                                           improve student wellbeing.
                                           Focus on improving those areas identified in the 2018 community Health & PE survey in relation to the
                                           draft indicators.
               Community Health            Focus on improving those areas identified to be of concern in the 2018 Community Health and PE
               Consultation (every two     Consultation Survey. New survey due Term 3 2020.
               ‘Health and Safety at       Health and Safety Audit completed in 2016
               Work Act’                   Continuous Identification and reporting of risks
                                           Ensure all policies and procedures are up to date as per SchoolDocs
               ‘Vulnerable Children        Implement all procedures as required by law to keep vulnerable children safe.
               Act’                        All vetting kept up to date.
               Food Act 2014               In force since 2016 – make sure of compliance
               NAG 5 other (e.g. major     Civil Defence – Confirmed Local Evacuation/Assembly Area
               accidents, hazards,

  NAG 6          School Attendance             Attendance Report to BOT – March 2019
  Legislation                                  LEGISLATION
  BOTs are       Ensure that correct           Use of electronic registers using SMS (eTap)
expected to…     procedures are followed re:   Stand downs and/or suspensions
                                               Management of truancy
                                               Enrolment scheme
                                               Teacher registration
                                               Staff salary increments.
                                               Police vetting of non-teaching staff and contractors
                                               Mandatory reporting to teachers council re competency and/or serious misconduct

                                                       ANNUAL CHARTER UPDATE
  NAG 7          Charter Update                Principal to complete the Charter update to be presented to the BOT in February 2019.
Charter Update                                 Provide the Secretary for Education with a copy of the updated school charter before 1 March 2019.
  BOTs are
expected to…

                                                          ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE
  NAG 8               Variance Analysis        To provide a statement providing an analysis of any variance between the school's performance and the
  Analysis of                                  relevant aims, objectives, directions, priorities, or targets set out in the school charter at the same time as
   Variance                                    the updated school charter provided to the Secretary for Education under NAG 7.
  BOTs are                                     Principal to prepare the Analysis of Variance.
expected to…

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