Junior School welcome guide 2020/2021 - Dover Campus

Page created by Sherry Harvey
Junior School welcome guide 2020/2021 - Dover Campus
Junior School welcome guide 2020/2021
                          Dover Campus

                                                                                                          Welcome to the UWCSEA Dover
Contents                                                                                                  Junior School (Grades 2–5)
Welcome to the UWCSEA Dover Junior School....................... 1                                                                   It is my great pleasure to welcome
                                                                                                                                     you and your family to the Junior
School contacts and supporting your child............................... 2
                                                                                                                                     School at the Dover Campus at
Contacting/notifying the school.................................................. 3                                                  UWCSEA.
Website and communications....................................................... 3                                                 As teachers, we are incredibly
                                                                                                                                    fortunate in this school to have the
School day......................................................................................... 5
                                                                                                                                    opportunity to engage with such a
Transport to school......................................................................... 5                                      diverse group of wonderful children,
Uniform.............................................................................................. 6                             whose parents are so completely
                                                                                                                                    committed to supporting their
Meals at school................................................................................. 7                                  endeavours and ours. Whatever
Health and well-being of students............................................... 7                        reputation we enjoy as a school, it has been earned for us by
                                                                                                          our community, working together to achieve a broad-based,
Curriculum information.................................................................. 8                holistic education for the children in our care. As Principal of
Parental involvement...................................................................... 10             Primary School, it is an honour to take on the responsibility
                                                                                                          of ensuring that the College’s mission, vision and values are at
Important dates for the start of Term 1...................................... 10                          the forefront of all we do in the Junior School section.
Dover Junior School contacts........................................................ 11                   Junior School provides that all-important bridge between the
                                                                                                          uninhibited curiosity of Infants and the confident striding out
                                                                                                          of Middle and High School.
                                                                                                          For the first time, our students are challenged by overseas
                                                                                                          expeditions in the Outdoor Education element of our
                                                                                                          programme and a staggering variety of Activities and Service
                                                                                                          opportunities are offered. We encourage and cajole them
                                                                                                          into a breadth of varied experiences, so that as they progress
                                                                                                          in the school, they may discover that ‘grand passion’ that
                                                                                                          they take with them into adulthood perhaps. It is a truly
                                                                                                          exciting and crucial stage in their school careers and we aim,
                                                                                                          in partnership with parents, to make it a successful one for
                                                                                                          every individual.
                                                                                                          The Junior School day runs from 8am to 3pm but formal
                                                                                                          lessons end at 2.45pm to allow students time to prepare for
                                                                                                          activities which begin at 3pm. Most after-school activities
                                                                                                          finish at 4.20pm. Our students are given access to more
                                                                                                          specialist subjects than in Infant School, including a greater
                                                                                                          choice of languages, increased Physical Education and
                                                                                                          specialist Art lessons for the first time. These changes are
                                                                                                          important and help our students to approach Middle School,
                                                                                                          which in turn amends the architecture of their day to prepare
                                                                                                          them for the independence and self-regulated learning
                                                                                                          required in High School.
                                                                                                          We are very much looking forward to welcoming your family
                                                                                                          to UWCSEA.
                                                                                                          Kind regards,
                                                                                                          Brian Ó Maoileoin
                                                                                                          Primary School Principal

School contacts and
supporting your child
Reception and the school offices are open from 7.45am to          Personal and Social Education (PSE) programme
4.30pm.                                                           The role of the Vice Principals in the Junior School is to ensure
There is a comprehensive staff directory on the website, and      that our students are in an environment where they feel safe,
the key contact details for Junior School are on the last page    happy and secure as well as excited to learn. Along with the
of this booklet. However, some of the key contacts are below.     other curriculum leaders in Primary School and across the
                                                                  College, the Vice Principals ensure that the curriculum the
There are three secretaries in the Junior School Office:
                                                                  students experience is challenging, differentiated and holistic,
                                                                  and that there is a seamless articulation from Primary School
                                                                  into Middle School and beyond.
                                                                  UWCSEA has a strong programme that nurtures positive
                                                                  relationships amongst the children. In this school we are always
                                                                  our best selves by ensuring:
                                                                  We keep ourselves and each other SAFE.
Louisa Paulo        Nurashikin Ishak       Suria Hussain          We are BRAVE when faced with challenges.
                                                                  We show RESPECT for ourselves, each other and the
If you have any concerns regarding your child, whether they
are academic or related to their social and emotional needs,      We are KINDER than necessary.
the first person to talk to is your child’s class teacher. The    We have FUN together.
class teachers are supported by a number of other staff
whose roles are outlined below. The next person in the            A strong home-school relationship is crucial in ensuring that
support chain is the Head of Grade:                               the children are happy, confident learners. Please feel free to
                                                                  discuss any matters of concern at any time.

Rhys Vosper      Leah Daniels Scott Ziemer Hugh Pollard
Grade 2          Grade 3      Grade 4      Grade 5

If, after discussions with the class teacher and Head of Grade,
you feel you would like to have further a discussion with one
of the Vice Principals, please let us know:

Allison Ziemer       Erin Belliveau
Vice Principal       Vice Principal

Contacting/notifying the school                                       Website and communications
Absence                                                               We believe strongly in the importance of a close partnership
Students                                                              between home and school and clear, effective communication
                                                                      facilitates this. Parents are welcome in the school, and during
Please telephone the school office if your child is sick and          the year you will be invited to come on trips, attend activity
will not be coming to school. It is vital that we are informed        days and help in your child’s classroom.
immediately if your child has an illness that is infectious so we
can alert other parents to be vigilant for symptoms.                  We try to limit the amount of paper sent home, though
                                                                      occasionally we send a letter home for your attention. To
Travel in term time                                                   keep up-to-date with events please read eBrief, look daily at
Taking children out of school during term time is detrimental         your child’s student planner and keep an eye on the online
to their learning. However, we appreciate that there are some         notices and calendar.
situations when this is unavoidable. If your child has to miss
any school, please inform the class teacher and the Principal         Workshops for parents are offered to help familiarise you
in writing.                                                           with the features of the website.

We ask that parents restrict travel to school holiday periods         Student planner
wherever possible. While we understand that circumstances             Each child is given a planner, which they bring home each day.
may arise where a child may need to miss some days of                 This is used for you to write messages to the class teacher and
school, we are not able to provide school work for children           for the teacher to communicate with you. Students also use
who will be absent due to travel.                                     the planner to make notes about their homework and other
Temporary supervision notification –                                  reminders.
absence of both parents from Singapore                                Please check your child’s planner daily for messages and
It is a UWCSEA requirement that parents of all day students           information from school.
are resident in Singapore. If for any reason, for example             Please date all messages and sign when you have read any
a family emergency, both parents are out of Singapore,                messages sent by the class teacher.
we must have clear details of the adult who will act as a
supervisor in their absence so we know whom to contact in             If you need to get a message to the class teacher during the day,
case of an emergency.                                                 please phone the Junior School Office as teachers do not always
                                                                      have time to check their emails during the busy school day.
The Nomination of a Supervisor during Temporary Parental
Absence form must be filled out prior to the parents’ absence. This   Grade blogs
form can be found on the Parent Portal of the school website.
                                                                      The Heads of Grade maintain a blog for each grade. There is a
Appointments                                                          link provided each week in the eBrief, and also on the website
                                                                      portal (see below).
If your child needs to attend an appointment, for example
with a doctor or dentist, we ask that you try to make these           Seesaw Learning Journal
after school hours. If this is not possible, please inform the        and Class Announcements
school office and class teacher of your plans to collect your
                                                                      Seesaw is an online learning platform that is used by teachers
child and return him or her to school. Please arrange for your
                                                                      and students from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Students post
child to wait for you in the Primary School office and at no
                                                                      work they have done in class and it is shared digitally with
other location please.
                                                                      parents providing a glimpse into the classroom activities.
                                                                      Teachers will also share classroom specific information,
                                                                      such as homework and reminders, through the Seesaw
                                                                      announcements feature.
                                                                      Early in the year, parents will be guided through the process
                                                                      of joining the Seesaw account in order to have access to their
                                                                      child’s work and the classroom information.

                                                                      Student records
                                                                      Student records are available for viewing online via the portal.
                                                                      This gives a summary of your child’s attendance and provides
                                                                      access to downloadable copies of their reports, including
                                                                      medical reports.

Website portal                                                      Online calendar
The website is a rich resource and has portals dedicated to         There is an up-to-date online calendar on the school website.
providing information on the College and the Junior School.         There is also a printable academic year calendar listing term
Each parent is issued with a login to the parent portal via         dates and public holidays.
our website where you can view information tailored to your
                                                                    The College uses Google Calendar, and, depending on the
family and about your child/ren. Access to a number of key
                                                                    calendar system you use, you can import all or some of these
systems as well as daily updated notices are located here,
                                                                    events from Google Calendar to your own to help you keep
                                                                    on top of what’s happening. If setting this up in advance,
• online medical information system (for review and                 please make sure you include the Junior School, Dover
  updating)                                                         Campus and UWCSEA/College calendars—you can also
• contact information update system (for review and                 include other school sections and the PA calendar.
• student record system (timetable, attendance records,
  reports and assessments)
• notices for parents (you can see the notices sent to
  students as well)
Parents and students are all issued with individual logins;
parents have theirs emailed to them prior to the start of the
school year; students are provided their logins during their
first week of school.

Updating your contact information
If there is any change in contact information (i.e., phone,
address or email), it is very important that parents amend the
details the school holds on file. This can be done by logging in
to the portal. We use the latest data recorded here for every
communication sent by individual departments.

This weekly email consolidates key information into an easy-
to-read format for parents. Considered essential reading,
eBrief is sent to all parents every Friday during the school
term. It contains information for parents on the upcoming
two weeks. You can expect the first eBrief the Friday before
school commences—to help you get ready for the start of the
year. It is not sent during school holidays.
If you do not receive eBrief, please contact Junior School

The UWCSEA App is available for iOS and Android devices via
the app stores. Search for UWCSEA and download the app
to access eBrief, the calendar, notices, a campus map, your
child(ren)’s timetable (including their activities for each day),
the staff directory and more.
You will need your login details to access the App, as the
information is customised to each user.

School day                                                       Transport to school
The school day is designed so that all students have breaks at   The following describes our normal routines when there
the same time, allowing us to plan whole-school events more      are no government restrictions. We will send more detailed
easily:                                                          guidelines at the start of school when we know what we are
                                                                 permitted to do.
7.30am     the earliest time students can be dropped at
           school                                                There are a number of options for travelling to and from
                                                                 school each day.
8.00am     start of school (students can enter classrooms
           from 7.50am)                                          Buses
9.50am     morning break (20 minutes)                            Transport forms to arrange the bus service were contained
11.30am lunch (1 hour)                                           in the letter of offer information packet sent by Admissions.
                                                                 Although every request is processed at the earliest possible
2.45pm     students finish formal lessons                        date, bus boarding forms submitted less than two weeks prior
3.05pm     activities (these are optional; see below)            to the start of school (or required start of bus service) may
                                                                 not be able to be accommodated for the preferred start date.
4.20pm     end of activities                                     The Campus Transport Manager coordinates the services
Students are asked to leave school at the end of the school      and facilitates communications; however a third party is
day unless they are staying back for activities (see below).     contracted to supply bus transport for students.
Students who need to stay back for an activity which             All buses are air-conditioned with seat belts fitted and each
begins at 4.30pm must report to the library and stay             bus has an assistant to look after the children while in transit.
there until the library closes at 4.15pm. Students then          Some important things to note about the bus service:
proceed to their activity.
                                                                 • Junior School students are dropped at their designated
Once you have been sent your login details, you can access         drop-off point even if nobody is waiting to meet them. It is
and print your child’s full timetable via the Student Record       essential that the students are clear about what to do when
System, using the parent portal (see website section above for     they are dropped off
more details).                                                   • students are not allowed to travel on another bus for any
                                                                   reason—so if they are visiting another student, they need to
Arriving at school                                                 be picked up by car
The school day begins at 8am. Students should arrive no          • the bus service will pick up and drop off only to one
earlier than 7.30am as there is no supervision before that         address; logistical requirements are such that there can be
time. We advise that students be on campus by 7.55am so            no provision to have a regular drop off at different addresses
that they can be punctual to their classroom.
                                                                 • due to insurance regulations, parents are not allowed to
Leaving school                                                     travel on the school bus
All Junior School students make their own way to the             • one-way or two-way services are available; however
designated bus and car pick-up areas. In order to avoid            preference is given to two-way applications
congestion in the Junior School pods, we ask parents or          More information about the bus services, the bus rules and
helpers who are collecting by car or taxi to meet the students   areas of Singapore covered by the service can be found on the
in the car pick-up area rather than in the pod area.             website.
Students will be supervised until 3.20pm, and after this time
any child who has not been collected will wait in the Primary    Cars
School Office. Please phone the office (+65 6419 9314) if you    Morning drop-off
are delayed.                                                     Students being driven to school should arrive between
                                                                 7.30am and 7.50am. Students should not be dropped before
Mobile phones/Smart watches                                      7.30am as there is no supervision available. For safety
Since they are often necessary for after school contact,         reasons, we ask that parents use the designated drop-off
students who need mobile phones are permitted to have one        areas, rather than letting Junior School students out onto the
in their bag. However, during the school day, they are not       pavement on Dover Road.
permitted to use them or have them on their person. They
                                                                 Please try and move as far forward as possible within the
are strictly for after school contact between the student and
                                                                 drop-off zone to ensure a flow of traffic. We ask that parents
their parents.
                                                                 remain inside their car. Our experienced security guards are
                                                                 on duty to help the flow of traffic.

Please do not stop your car for any longer than is necessary.       Students are required to wear the uniform every day. Our
If you decide you need to come in to the school, please move        uniform policy can be found on the website portal. Students
through to the parking areas to facilitate the flow of traffic.     should wear their uniform on the first day of school; it is not
                                                                    necessary on orientation day.
Afternoon pick-up
At the end of the school day, students who go home by car           Clothing
make their way to the pick-up area, and can be collected from       All students wear a UWCSEA turquoise polo shirt, with grey
2.45pm. Parents arriving before this time are asked to park in      culottes for the girls, and shorts for both girls and boys. A
the designated parking areas on campus. We ask that you do          UWCSEA cardigan is available.
not park or leave your car in the driveways so we can create
a flow of traffic and everyone can depart the campus quickly
and safely.                                                         Shoes should be black and fully enclose the feet but not cover
                                                                    the ankles. Socks should be white, grey or black.
Taxi directions
                                                                    PE uniform
Ensure you ask the driver to take you to ‘UWCSEA on Dover
Road.’ As we have two campuses, it is important that you ask        A PE uniform is also needed, and sturdy trainers (athletic shoes)
for the correct one.                                                are required for nearly all PE activities. Students participate in
                                                                    swimming lessons during the year, and UWCSEA sun protection
Bicycles                                                            vest are available in the College Shop. Students in all grades
Some students cycle to school, and we have bike stands on           should wear their PE uniform to school if they have PE at any
the campus where bicycles can be secured for the day. If            time during the day, Please note:
your child would like to cycle to school, please inform the         • Grade 2 and 3 – they may stay in their PE uniform for the
class teacher. All students who cycle to school are expected          remainder of the day;
to wear a bicycle helmet and follow the Singaporean cycling         • Grade 4 and 5 – must change after PE and must therefore
regulations. Younger students should be accompanied.                  pack their normal school uniform to get changed into
                                                                      (including the uniform black shoes).
Security pass and security check
The security guards check all vehicles and pedestrians              Backpack
entering the campus. Parents are advised to get a security          Junior School students may choose their own backpack/
pass to facilitate a speedy arrival to school. Photographs for      school bag style.
the passes are taken during the first weeks of term. This can       Sun protection
be done at the Main Reception.
                                                                    All students are required to wear a sunhat for outside play
If your helper or another nominated adult will be collecting        times, during PE, lunchtime sports, sports team practices and
your child on a regular basis, they will also need to be issued a   sports days. Junior students who do not have a hat will have
security pass.                                                      to play in the shaded areas.

Changes to travel arrangements                                      Jewellery, hair and make-up
If there are any changes to your child’s transport                  Students are permitted to wear one pair of earrings (studs or
arrangements, it is very important that you write a note in         sleepers) and a watch to school. Rings, bangles and necklaces
the student planner, ensuring that it is clear which day the        are not allowed and any religious symbols should be discreet.
change will occur.                                                  Junior students should not wear extreme hair styles and
                                                                    make-up and nail polish is not allowed.
For emergencies and last minute changes of travel
arrangements, call the Junior School Office (+65 6419 9314)         Where to purchase the uniform
before 1.30pm. Messages received after this time may not            Uniforms for all grades of the school can be obtained from
reach the class teacher before they have left for the buses.        the College Shop on Dover Campus:
Please make sure you speak to one of the secretaries and do
                                                                    Term time: 8am–12pm; 12.45–4pm
not leave a voice message.
                                                                    School holidays: 8.30am–12pm; 1–4pm
We cannot accept ‘word of mouth’ messages from your child           Tel: +65 6775 5344 ext 1923 dovershopstaff@uwcsea.edu.sg
about changes to arrangements. An email sent to the class
                                                                    Used uniform sales
teacher during the day may not be seen as teachers often
check their emails only after the children have gone home.          Periodically, there are secondhand uniform sales on campus,
                                                                    offering gently used uniform items, including PE kit and
                                                                    backpacks, for sale at a nominal price to support one of the
                                                                    Global Concerns programmes. Donations of used uniforms in
                                                                    good condition are also called for prior to the sale. Details are
                                                                    provided in the weekly newsletter in advance.

Meals at school                                                   Health and well-being of students
Students have a choice of bringing their own food to school       Medical care
or purchasing lunch and snacks from the canteen. A catering       The centrally located Primary Clinic is staffed by trained
contractor looks after the canteen and provides both snacks       nurses and is fully equipped to handle minor injuries that
and a pre-order lunch service for Junior School students in       occur in school. If a child has been taken to the clinic and
Grades 2 to 4.                                                    needs to go home, one of the nurses will contact their
Grades 2–4 parents can log in to the system via the parent        parents, or the designated supervisor or emergency contacts
portal to place orders in advance. Grade 2 students who           should the parents not be contactable.
order in advance are served their meal in their classroom         If your child has any medical condition that may require
and Grade 3–4 students who order lunches online receive a         medical treatment, emergency care or that our staff
silicone wristband to claim orders in the canteen. Meals can      should be aware of, please notify us via the online medical
be ordered online—a four-week menu cycle is uploaded on a         questionnaire so we have the information necessary to assist
regular basis. A pre-order meal can be cancelled by 8.30am        them if needed.
on the day of order itself.
                                                                  Any medication should be given at home or, if it is essential
Grade 5 will be issued a UWCSEA Campus Card, a cashless           that it is administered during the day, then it will be given
card system designed to support the food service at the           by the nurses at the clinic. Students are not permitted to
school by allowing for payment by card. It is a voluntary         carry medication around the school.
system as cash can still be used in the canteens.
                                                                  If your child shows any signs of illness, please do not send
In addition, the campus card/wristband can be used in the         them to school, and if they become ill at school, the College
library.                                                          nurse will contact you to arrange for them to be picked up.
Healthy eating                                                    Please refer to the section below on nominating alternative or
                                                                  emergency contacts.
We encourage students to eat and drink as healthily as
possible, and we ask for your assistance with this when           Online medical forms
sending food and drink into school.                               There is a comprehensive online medical questionnaire
Drinks                                                            that we require all parents to complete for each child no
                                                                  later than orientation day. The form covers pre-existing
We have water fountains located around the school at              conditions and illnesses, as well as related information for
appropriate heights for students to access comfortably. Junior    activities such as PE, swimming ability and other conditions
School students should bring a labelled water bottle to school    that may affect their participation.
with them each day. Please do not pack fizzy or caffeinated
drinks in your child’s lunch box. The canteen offers juice and    As it can take some time for this information to be processed,
milk drinks for sale.                                             it is also important that you inform the class teacher of any
                                                                  serious allergies or health problems your child may have.
Food allergies
                                                                  If there are any changes in medical information, please amend
If we need to exclude specific food or other allergen items       the online form as well as informing the class teacher.
from a class, we will let parents in the class know as soon as
possible. Please see the section on Food and other allergies on   Emergency contacts
page 8 for more information on this very important policy.        Part of the online medical form asks parents to nominate two
                                                                  emergency contacts in Singapore. It is important that these
                                                                  are kept up-to-date. These should be people you trust to
                                                                  make medical decisions for your child should the unfortunate
                                                                  need arise. We therefore request that you do not nominate
                                                                  your domestic helper, because, sadly, their instructions might
                                                                  not always be heeded.
                                                                  Please also note that these contacts are not necessarily the
                                                                  same as the nominated guardian which we require if both
                                                                  parents are out of Singapore at the same time. This situation
                                                                  requires separate notification to the school (see section on
                                                                  page 3) for each and every absence.

                                                                  Curriculum information
Food and other allergies                                          There is a dedicated section on the portal that provides
Some children have food allergies, and we monitor this very       an outline of the curriculum. Please log in to access the
carefully. If a student with a severe allergy, such as a nut      information. In no particular order, highlighted below are
allergy, is identified in a class, we will request that items     some areas related to sections of the five elements of the
containing the allergen are not brought into the school           UWCSEA Learning Programme that we are often asked about.
by any student in that class. For safety, the parents of          Academics
students who suffer from such allergies are encouraged,
nevertheless, to assume that the classroom is not nut             Library
free and to behave in accordance with that assumption.            Your child will visit the library once a week with their class
                                                                  teacher to select books. Students can also visit the library
Once we have a better idea of the requirements of each            before and after school and during break times. Books
student, via the online medical questionnaires, we are able to    are normally kept for a week, and once the book has been
assess the level of caution we need to adopt in each class.       returned a new book may be borrowed. Teachers will inform
If your child has a severe allergy, please make sure that this    you which day your child’s class will visit the library.
is indicated on the online medical questionnaire and bring it     Parents are also able to sign up to borrow from the library.
to the class teacher’s attention as soon as possible. We also
require details of the management plan to be set out for staff.   Excursions
We can provide contact details for a support group of parents     There are many excursions that students undertake as a class
of allergy sufferers.                                             group within Singapore. These support the curriculum and
                                                                  are generally scheduled to coincide with each unit of study to
                                                                  extend students’ knowledge. Permission slips are sent home
                                                                  prior to each off-campus excursion. Parents are asked to
                                                                  contribute to the cost of entry tickets where appropriate.
                                                                  PE programme
                                                                  Students are expected to participate fully in the PE
                                                                  programme, and this includes swimming lessons. There is
                                                                  space in the online medical form for parents to inform us of
                                                                  their child’s swimming ability. Even if a child cannot swim, we
                                                                  expect all children to participate in lessons.
                                                                  We believe that if a child is well enough to attend school then
                                                                  they should be well enough to participate in PE. However, we
                                                                  understand that sometimes circumstances mean your child
                                                                  cannot participate in swimming or other PE activities. Please
                                                                  send in a note via the student planner explaining why your
                                                                  child cannot participate in PE.
                                                                  The amount and type of homework set differs in each grade;
                                                                  specific information on homework can be found in the front
                                                                  of the student planner. Please provide an appropriate space
                                                                  for your child to complete their homework comfortably.
                                                                  Access to a home computer of some kind is vital.
                                                                  Reporting and assessment
                                                                  Reports are shared with parents at the end of Term 1 and
                                                                  the end of Term 3. Parents meet with the class teacher for
                                                                  settling-in interviews at the start of the year and then again
                                                                  in Term 2. There are parent-teacher conferences and student-
                                                                  led conferences during the year which enable parents to keep
                                                                  up-to-date with their child’s progress in school.
                                                                  Although we have scheduled dates for parents to talk with
                                                                  the class teacher, appointments can be arranged at other
                                                                  times if there is an issue that needs to be discussed.

Learning support and external tuition                              Music
There are dedicated Learning Support teachers available to         We have a strong music programme for Junior School
children in the Junior School. Parents are always consulted        students. There are a variety of opportunities that students
before a child is referred for Learning Support. The majority of   can sign up for online.
students who receive support need short-term instruction in
                                                                   We also have an Instrumental Teaching Programme (ITP),
a small group and will not require long-term intervention.
                                                                   which provides tuition on a number of musical instruments,
The school works with many outside professionals to support        open to students in Grade 2 and above. A number of highly
children with specific needs. We request that any referrals        qualified music tutors come to the school to provide after-
to outside professionals—for specific learning needs or for        school lessons. More information is available through
general tuition purposes—are done after consultation with          www.uwcsea.edu.sg/portal/learning/instrumental-teaching-
the class teacher and/or the Learning Support Department.          programme.
Stationery and school supplies                                     The ITP is not part of the Activities programme and additional
Students do not need to bring any stationery or other              fees are levied directly by the music tutors.
supplies to school as we provide all materials needed in the       Register for ITP lessons here.
classrooms, including pens, pencils, rulers, books, stationery
and colouring pencils. However, many students like to have         Sports
their own pencil cases and their own stationery.                   UWCSEA fields teams in the Singapore-based ACSIS
                                                                   competition in a number of different sports for students
Activities                                                         in relevant age groups in the Junior School. In past years,
We encourage all students from Grade 2 on, to participate          this has included teams for boys and girls in cross country,
in lunchtime and after-school activities. The Activities           swimming, football, rugby, netball and basketball.
programme is broken into four seasons, running roughly
parallel to the competitive sporting seasons in which
UWCSEA participates. However, by no means are all activities
sports-related. They cover a range of special interest areas,
including: service (such as the SPCA group or environment
club); sports (both recreational and competitive); music (such
as the choirs); art, craft and games (such as drawing, drama
productions, batik or chess); and special interests (such as
cooking or Lego). This diversity allows students to try out new
experiences and develop interests and hobbies. The selection
changes from season to season.
Many activities are included in the tuition fees; however some
will incur additional fees if we need to purchase materials
or provide external coaching, tuition, transport or uniforms.
The approximate cost will be noted at the time of selecting
activity preferences, and payment will need to be made once
a student is accepted into an activity at the commencement
of the season. Some activities require commitment for more
than one season; this is also noted in the preferencing system
the students use to request activities.
Online activity sign up
Sign-up for activities is done online, and while parents can
browse the available activities, students need to use their
own login to complete their preferences each season. Staff
can also assist new students through the process. Sign-up
opening and closing dates, and full information on how to
sign up, will be posted in eBrief and in the online calendar.

Parental involvement
At UWCSEA we know that parent participation strengthens
the College community and the educational experience
for students, and we welcome and encourage parent
involvement. There are many opportunities for you to get
involved, from attending social events, to volunteering at
school or in the wider community, to sharing your culture,
talent or professional expertise. For those who have the time
and interest, volunteering can be a wonderful way to make
connections in the College, providing a network of contacts
within and beyond your child’s class or grade.
Specific opportunities for parental involvement will be
advertised in the weekly eBrief newsletter.

Parents Online Address Book
The parent portal on the website contains a link to an online
database of parent contacts. You can search for telephone
and email contact details for your child’s classmates on this
It is important for the success of the database that it is only
used for school-related purposes.
This is an opt-in address book and we recommend at least
one parent elect to appear, which you can indicate in your
contact preferences on the portal.

Parents’ Association (PA)
The PA provides an opportunity for all parents to contribute
to the UWCSEA community.
Being involved in PA activities provides parents an
opportunity to be active participants in their child’s school
community, keep up-to-date with happenings in the school
and an avenue to meet other parents and members of the
wider school community. New parents are encouraged to
contribute as much as their time and interests allow.
The PA offers many opportunities for parents to become
further involved in the life of the school. These include:
• coffee mornings and other networking opportunities
• nationality-based social events
• events such as the Community Fair, Holiday Fair and
  Careers Fair
To contact the PA, see details on the back page or drop in to
the PA lounge whilst on campus.

Dover Junior School contacts
Reception and the school offices are open from 7.30am to 4.30pm.
Dover Campus Reception                                 +65 6775 5344
Junior School Office                                   +65 6419 9314

Junior School Secretary
Louisa Paulo                                           louisauwc@uwcsea.edu.sg
Nurashikin Ishak                                       nurashikinuwc@uwcsea.edu.sg
Suria Hussain (Primary Curriculum)                     suriawati.hussain@uwcsea.edu.sg

Heads of Grade
Rhys Vosper (Grade 2)                                  rhys.vosper@uwcsea.edu.sg
Leah Daniels (Grade 3)                                 leah.daniels@uwcsea.edu.sg
Scott Ziemer (Grade 4)                                 scott.ziemer@uwcsea.edu.sg
Hugh Pollard (Grade 5)                                 hugh.pollard@uwcsea.edu.sg

Junior School leadership
Brian Ó Maoileoin, Primary School Principal            brian.omaoileoin@uwcsea.edu.sg
Allison Ziemer, Primary School Vice Principal          allison.ziemer@uwcsea.edu.sg
Erin Belliveau, Primary School Vice Principal          erin.belliveau@uwcsea.edu.sg

School services
Primary Clinic                                         +65 6775 5344 | ext 1993
Transport Office                                       +65 6872 3213
Library                                                library.uwcsea.edu.sg

Parents’ Association                                   +65 6775 5344 | ext 1080
Online staff directory
All staff contact email addresses can be found on the school website. Please look in the online staff directory for email addresses
for individual staff and in the Campus Contacts section of the website for the emails and telephone numbers for departments such
as Admissions and Finance.

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