School Charter Strategic and Annual Plan for Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt 2017 2021 - Principals' endorsement

Page created by Edwin Harrington
School Charter Strategic and Annual Plan for Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt 2017 2021 - Principals' endorsement
School Charter
                 Strategic and Annual Plan for
                     Sacred Heart College
                          Lower Hutt

                                       2017 - 2021

Principals’ endorsement                      Maria Potter
Board of Trustees’ endorsement               Diane Barker
Submission date to Ministry of Education     March 2017
Strategic Plan 2017-2021
Sacred Heart College students are compassionate, confident and resilient young women, who live gospel values, challenge themselves, have a
thirst for knowledge and are ready to serve others.

Sacred Heart College inspires each student to reach her full potential through an education built on Gospel values, while providing
opportunities for leadership and continuing excellence in her chosen pursuits.

                                                                MANA ATUA
                               Learning and experiencing gospel values: to love God, to love self, to love others.

                                                             MANA TĀNGATA
                                         Respect and tolerance: we have a responsibility to act justly.

                                                              MANA TIPUNA
                                               Acknowledging and remembering our forebears.

                                                               MANA WHENUA
                                                       Protection and care for our land.

                                                          MANA MĀTAURANGA
                                        Respecting knowledge and the pursuit of academic excellence.
                                                         “Virtue and Knowledge”

Sacred Heart College Lower Hutt has shaped and influenced the lives of young women since 1912. It was established by Euphrasie Barbier,
foundress of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions. Her vision was to provide young women with a Catholic education and skills to equip them
for the world. Sacred Heart College is proud of its past and the place it still holds today as a successful educator of talented women.
We provide a Catholic education which encourages each student to aim for excellence and to pursue her full potential. At the heart of the
Catholic character of this school are the Catholic hearts of all those who work here. They are witnesses to the students of a mature faith, and
an integration of faith with life.
Our school is based on traditional values with innovative approaches to teaching and learning supported by modern information
communication technology.
We have a proud tradition of academic excellence and a proven record of outstanding achievement in sport, visual and performing arts and
The Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award Programme.
Personal development is given high priority and leadership opportunities abound at all levels throughout the school. We welcome
international students and value their contribution and the cultural diversity they bring to our school community.
Sacred Heart College is a school that undertakes to ensure that the young women entering its gates will receive an education that enhances
learning and is responsive to individual needs.

We aim to promote Sacred Heart College as a Catholic school in which the whole community, through all school programmes and observances,
exercises the right to live and teach the values of Jesus Christ.
We implement programmes which foster the traditional spirit of the Order of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions as expressed in the 5th schedule
of the Integration Agreement.

We aim to fulfil the spirit and intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi) by valuing and reflecting New Zealand's/Aotearoa’s bi-cultural
We encourage and foster the learning of Maori language and culture and to accord both the tangata whenua status guaranteed by the Treaty of
We incorporate Tikanga Maori and Te Reo Maori across the curriculum and to encourage all students to have an appreciation of the language and

  Fostering the Catholic                                                                                                 Building Student
                                 Developing Teaching       Enhancing School Culture     Encouraging Community
        Character                                                                                                          Engagement
                                                                                                                        MANA MĀTAURANGA /
                                                                                          MANA TĀNGATA / MANA
                                MANA MĀTAURANGA                MANA TĀNGATA                      ATUA
                                                                                                                          MANA TĀNGATA
       MANA ATUA

                                                            Our Student Centred Focus

                                                                                                                                                  Adequate and targeted Finances
                                                                                                                                                  Relevant, safe and well maintained ICT, Resources and Property infrastructures
                                                                                                                                                  Well appointed, managed and professionally developed staff
Continue to develop            Ensure teaching             Embrace and celebrate        Enhance collaboration and     Provide opportunities for

                                                                                                                                                         Through the provision of:
programmes that foster the     programmes continue to      diversity                    develop interactive links     students to pursue their
RNDM charism                   meet the individual needs                                between the school and        goals
                               and interests of students   Be inclusive                 families/whanau

Through the Liturgical team,                                                                                          Further develop
develop meaningful faith       Ensure professional         Develop the schools                                        meaningful and effective
experiences                    development opportunities successful traditional and     Encourage opportunities for   relationships between
                               that support staff          contemporary values          involvement in the wider      staff and students,
                               members being reflective                                 community                     students and students
Maintain a focus on            and inquiring practitioners
developing special character                               Provide leadership
events                                                     opportunities                                              Empower student
                               Provide appropriate                                                                    ownership of their
                               professional support and                                 Foster relationships with     learning and ensure they
Enhance the relationships      guidance to staff                                        external agencies             know ‘how’ to learn
with the parish and diocese
By 2021, students will:
  Fostering the Catholic                     Developing Teaching                      Enhancing School Culture                 Encouraging Community                      Building Student Engagement
  Character                                                                                                                    Engagement

• Engage positively in Catholic             • Know that their learning needs and     • Be able to articulate the pride and    Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora      • View their relationships with staff
  services, prayer and extracurricular        interests have been identified, met      confidence with which they view        ai te iwi - With your basket and my          and other students as positive
  activities                                  and extended through the                 the Sacred Heart College culture       basket the people will thrive              • Able to develop and hold good
• Develop knowledge and see                   programmes offered                     • Be resilient and have the strategies   • Be active contributors to community        friends
  relevance in the school’s charism         • Feel they have ownership of their        to cope with disappointment and          organisations and agencies               • Understand that programme
  and virtues programmes                      learning                                 failure                                • See and appreciate clear links             content and assessment practices
• Feel involved in programmes offered       • Be ‘fluent’ in several learning        • Understand and practice college          between their families/whanau and          are designed to support their
  to support the school’s charism (eg.        methods                                  values in their everyday lives           the school                                 learning
  Liturgical team, masses)                  • Appreciate the need to                 • Know that success, endeavour and       • Have an extensive understanding of       • Know that teaching pedagogies are
• Appreciate the important role that          accommodate and adapt their              difference is valued and celebrated      and empathy for the community in           designed and delivered to resonate
  clergy have in their lives                  learning in a rapidly changing world     by staff and peers                       which they live                            with their learning styles and
• Participate enthusiastically in special     (life long learners)                   • Have a respect for the traditions of   • See service to their community as an       dispositions
  character events (eg. Feast day,          • Understand how the curriculum is         the school                               important part of their lives            • See opportunities for goal setting,
  Mission day)                                integrated and inter-related           • Be accepting of others – tolerant,     • Actively participate in and contribute     personal planning and reflection as
• See relevance in the special              • Agree that they have received a          empathetic, compassionate and            to the community issues that affect        important supports for their
  character curriculum programme              consistently high level of teaching      respectful                               them (eg. Voting). Able to positively      learning
• Avail themselves of opportunities for       across the curriculum                  • Be a good team member – able to          influence others                         • Recognise that they have been
  prayer and worship                        • Believe they have been nurtured          get along with others                  • Understand the responsibility they         trusted, and feel belonged and
• Understand and appreciate the               and supported by teachers to be        • Have a questioning mind and a            have to connect positively with their      empowered
  issues, challenges and joys that come       motivated and self directed learners     curiosity for learning                   community                                • Understand the importance of
  with being a Catholic                     • Know that teaching programmes          • Have humility – be humble and          • Make use of and participate in             social justice
• Have opportunities to interact with         have been diverse, relevant,             gracious                                 community groups and services that       • Know that their leadership
  the catholic contributing school            interesting and engaging               • Be a good example to others – a          enhance their lives                        strengths and aspirations have
  within the diocese                                                                   positive role model who is able to     • Be aware of the career choices             been realised and met
• Leave school with the ability,                                                       make wise choices                        available to them, and confident in      • Feel proud of Sacred Heart College
  knowledge and appreciation to                                                      • Have high aspirations. Whāia te iti      pursuing them                              and the role it played in their
  participate in community based faith                                                 kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he        • Be outward looking and receptive to        achievements
  events                                                                               maunga teitei - Seek the treasure        community challenges                     • Aim for academic success – be
• Value and have a knowledge of faith                                                  you value most dearly; if you bow      • View the transition from primary –         determined to reach their potential
• Have a positive view about religion,                                                 your head let it be to a lofty           secondary – tertiary and the work        • Have confidence in themselves and
  morals and values                                                                    mountain                                 force as seamless                          their abilities
                                                                                     • Be an effective communicator with      • Know that the community is aware
                                                                                       good ‘people skills’                     of the achievement, engagement
                                                                                     • Understand the importance of             and progress of students
                                                                                       participation as opposed to winning      Understand, value and promote the
                                                                                     • Be active and healthy – physically,      Sacred Heart College image/brand
                                                                                       mentally and spiritually               • Able to make good decisions in social
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