SCHEDULE January - July 2022 - We've Got It All
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SCHEDULE January – July 2022 We’ve Got It All Voice Over • Acting • Improvisation • Business • Marketing • Demos
2 0 2 2 C L ASS S C H E D U L E • PAC I F I C T I M E • J A N U A RY – J U LY T R A I N I N G D I S T I N C T VO I C E S F O R OV E R 3 0 Y E A R S S TA RT I N G O U T We are the leading voice over training school in San Francisco offering a comprehensive Beginner Classes program in commercial, narration, and character voice over. Taught by industry profes- sionals, Voice One will give you the tools to pursue your dream in VO. A M E SS A G E F R O M S A L LY NEW STUDENT DISCOUNT BUNDLE Our spring schedule is here, and it feels like spring R e g i s t e r f o r a l l t h re e B E G I N N E R c l a s s e s a n d t a ke t he has sprung! Soon, across America, baby plants will be pushing through the soil in the same way that I N T R O c l a s s f o r F R E E ! Th a t ’s a $50 savings! many of us are peeking our heads out of our houses A l re a d y t a ke n t he I N T R O ? Yo u c a n s t i l l s a ve $25 by in anticipation of the new opportunities and growth in 2022. Voice One is here to be your fertilizer! We re g i s t e r i n g f o r a l l t h re e B E G I N N E R C L ASS E S N OW ! have expanded our signature Core Curriculum to include Acting, Voice, and Career classes. We’ve COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER added Advanced Commercial classes to boost Co m m e r c i a l v o i c e o v e r i s t he w o r kho rs e o f t he your authority and double your chances, and our Advanced Character classes will have you sprout- i n d u s t r y. The t e c hn i q u e a n d s ki l l r e q u i r e d m a ke s $ 12 0 i t m u c h m o r e t ha n “ s e l l ! s e l l ! s e l l ! ” . Co m e ex - ing with happiness in an expanded toy workshop, pand your confidence with essential reading live-action dubbing class, and the return of VO Bat- a n d a c t i n g t e c hn i q u e s . Yo u ’ l l p e r f o r m i n s i n g l e tle Chest and Anime Mania. Join us for in-person or & d i a l o g u e s p o t s , b r i n g a t t i t u d e t o t he w o r d s , online classes and cultivate the skills to take root and s t a y n a t u ra l , a n d ha v e f u n ! Thi s p r e l i m i n a r y flourish in the voice over industry. We can’t wait to class prepares you for more in-depth study in watch you grow! t he c o m m e rc i a l t ra c k . Warm Regards Instructor: Jim Edgar Sally Clawson Owner, Voice One C R E AT I N G C H A R AC T E R S ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER D i s c o v e r t he m a n y v o i c e s t ha t l i v e i n s i d e y o u ! Yo u ’ l l b e e n c o u ra g e d t o t a ke c ha n c e s , ex p l o r e $ 12 0 INTRO TO VOICE OVER a s a m p l i n g o f d i f f e r e n t c ha ra c t e rs , a n d c r e a t e a b ra n d n e w c ha ra c t e r t ha t ha s n ev e r b e e n d o n e b e f o r e ! Thi s p r e l i m i n a r y c l a s s p r e p a r e s y o u f o r m o r e i n - d e p t h s t u d y i n t he c h a ra c t e r t ra c k . I N T R O t o V O I C E OV E R ONLINE Instructor: Danny Scott Participate in a 3-hour workshop designed to provide an overview of the voice over industry. We’ll cover the evolution of voice over, the different types of VO, current and future trends, N A R R AT I O N S I M P L E ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER financial possibilities, and what it takes to build a career. Plus, Fro m c o r p o ra t e n a r ra t i o n t o a u d i o b o o ks , t he a r t o f t e l l i n g s t o r i e s i s t he f o u n d a t i o n o f n a r ra t i v e $ 12 0 everyone in class gets the opportunity to read copy on mic. v o i c e o v e r. U n c o v e r y o u r n a t u ra l “ s t o r y t e l l - Instructor: Sally Clawson $50 e r ” a n d d i s c o v e r ho w y o u c a n ha v e a l a s t i n g i m p a c t o n t he l i s t e n e r. Thi s p r e l i m i n a r y c l a s s p r e p a r e s y o u f o r m o r e i n - d e p t h s t u d y i n t he n a r ra t i o n t ra c k . VIEW DATES & REGISTER Instructor: Pam Lorence Pa g e 1 All times listed are Pacific Time 415 - 974 - 110 3 w w w. vo i c e o n e . c o m Pa g e 2
2 0 2 2 C L ASS S C H E D U L E • PAC I F I C T I M E • J A N U A RY – J U LY C O R E E SS E N T I A LS CORE CURRICULUM CORE ELECTIVES COMMERCIAL NARRATION CHARACTER ACTING VOICE CAREER BREAKING IT DOWN NARRATION NUTS & BOLTS CHARACTER PLAYBOOK ACTING FOR VO VOICE DEVELOPMENT BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS Assess commercial copy at a glance Master three performance compo- Build your book of character voices One of the misconceptions about The Voice Core series starts with Sal- Live your dream of working full-time by breaking down the script into com- nents that create the world of a nar- through the use of creative exercis- voice over is that it requires proper ly going over the kinesthetic process as a voice actor by developing your mon copywriting themes, rules you rative script. Find the tone to captivate es, acting basics, and impulse. Your and polished speaking, when in truth of speech, practicing warm-up and freelance business skills! The first part should recognize, and writing hints the listener, harness your pace to re- unique playbook might include real it requires emotionally connected strengthening exercises, and perform- of our Career Core series is taught by that reveal the unique message ev- veal the message, and maintain con- and exaggerated voices, heroes and and intentional talking. And since our ing heightened text that challenges Voice One alum and attorney, Angeli ery commercial script contains. Once sistency to keep them engaged. villains, celebrity mash-ups, and vari- emotions and intentions arise spon- even the seasoned speaker. Then Fitch, who built her voice over busi- you develop the technical muscularity Instructor: Pam Lorence ous archetypes. taneously, we must manufacture or Rebecca Castelli will show you how ness from student to full-time working required by commercial copy, you’ll Instructor: Sally Clawson, Jim Edgar “act” the emotion and intention au- to zero-in on your problem areas actor. She will cover creating an ef- $425 feel confident enough to tackle any $425 thentically. That’s why it’s called voice such as slurred words, enunciation fective business plan, setting realistic ONLINE IN PERSON VO script. ONLINE IN PERSON acting, and not voice speaking. In this difficulties, and regionalisms, among goals, using time tracking and man- Instructors: Sally Clawson, Jim Edgar VIEW DATES & REGISTER impactful class, you’ll build your foun- other issues. She’ll strengthen your agement strategies to stay on target, VIEW DATES & REGISTER dation of taking an action-based ap- lips, tongue, and jaw so you are free and conducting focused industry re- $425 proach to copy. You’ll discover your to focus on your acting and intention. search. Then Sally will follow up with ONLINE IN PERSON CHARACTER STYLES motivation, break copy down into Lastly, Julia Norton will help you dis- a go-to resource grid on who’s who This technical class compares video VIEW DATES & REGISTER NARRATION STYLES beats, learn how to score a scene, cover how to get through hours of in the industry and how they will play games, cartoons, and toys to prepare and imbue your copy with meaning, narration and video game voice over a part in your career growth, net- Expand your repertoire by identify- you for the performance and vocal subtext, emotion and intention. by exploring breathing, resonance, working, and self-promotion. Lastly, ing different narration styles including requirements of each style. You’ll Instructor: Michael Ray Wisely and posture to master the tips and Jim Edgar will serve as your fees and corporate, audio tours, training, in- COMMERCIAL STYLES explore parsing and concatenation, $425 tricks that keep your voice healthy finance guide to help you figure out show, documentaries, telephony, and This class helps you identify and deliv- audition prep, and how various ONLINE IN PERSON and happy all day long. how to set your rates, determine in- e-learning. You’ll analyze the script, er different styles of commercial VO: genres affect the style. Instructors: Sally Clawson, Julia Norton, dustry standards, and figure out what determine how to approach the con- Taglines, Retail, Spokesperson, Real Instructor: Sally Clawson, Melissa VIEW DATES & REGISTER to charge. tent, and make the right acting choices Rebecca Castelli Person and more. You’ll learn how to Hutchison $425 Instructors: Angeli Fitch, Sally Clawson, to match the style. determine the style and how to adjust $425 ONLINE Jim Edgar Instructor: Pam Lorence your timing, rhythm, and energy to ONLINE IN PERSON $425 match the script. $425 VIEW DATES & REGISTER ONLINE Instructors: Sally Clawson, Jim Edgar ONLINE IN PERSON VIEW DATES & REGISTER $425 VIEW DATES & REGISTER VIEW DATES & REGISTER ONLINE IN PERSON CHARACTERS IN ACTION Put a character into action by expe- VIEW DATES & REGISTER riencing the complete audition to NATURAL NARRATION performance process. You’ll devel- Elevate your skills from passively op dimensionality, functionality, and reading aloud to actively narrating dynamic physicality as you inhabit a SPONTANEITY vivid projects! Through drills, games, fun and out-of-this-world character Confidence and taking chances are DISCOUNT BUNDLES and critical listening exercises, this throughout this 12-hour class. Set your needed at auditions and jobs. Explore class will guide you to find a con- universal translators to Marcopian how being in the moment helps you nection with the text, paraphrase the and get ready for some action! stay fresh and elevates your perfor- All Core Classes may be bundled in the following ways: story, understand the writer’s intention, Instructors: Sally Clawson, Melissa mance. You’ll improvise sections of the and paint a portrait with your words. Hutchison script, increase listening and response BUNDLE COST SAVINGS Instructor: Pam Lorence $425 times, and trust your instincts. ONLINE IN PERSON Commercial Core $1,155 $120 Instructor: Sally Clawson $425 $425 ONLINE IN PERSON VIEW DATES & REGISTER Narration Core $1,155 $120 ONLINE IN PERSON Character Core $1,155 $120 VIEW DATES & REGISTER VIEW DATES & REGISTER Core Electives $1,155 $120 Mix & Match $1,155 $120 (any 3 Core classes) Core Essentials $3,425 $400 Complete Core $4,500 $600 Pa g e 3 All times listed are Pacific Time 415 - 974 - 110 3 w w w. vo i c e o n e . c o m Pa g e 4
2 0 2 2 C L ASS S C H E D U L E • PAC I F I C T I M E • J A N U A RY – J U LY C OM M E R C I A L T R AC K A D VA N C E D T R A C KS N A R R AT I O N T R AC K Once you’ve completed the Core Commercial Track (pg 3) Once you’ve completed the Core Narration Track (pg 3) sign up for these Advanced Commercial classes: sign up for these Advanced Narration classes: SCRIPT ANALYSIS PROMOS STYLES DEEP-DIVES CORPORATE NARRATION DOC TALK: MEDICAL NARRATION TELEPHONY In this “thinking” workshop, you’ll de- Promo reads are energetic and char- Tune up your commercial styles in Corporate Narration is one of the Medical narration is a fast growing Find out how you can make IVR and fine choices based on content and ismatic, along with technical, precise, these two-hour deep-dives. You’ll largest markets in the VO industry. area of voice over for those who are Message-On-Hold a foundation of meaning. Analyze a wide swath of and challenging. Jeff gives specific di- start each session by reviewing how You’ll need to have a clear vision of prepared to do a little research and your voice over business. From perfor- copy to figure out structure, who buys, rection to hone your approach based to identify the style, then you and your your potential clients, and an under- who enjoy juicy tongue twisters for mance to workflow to rate structure, who sells, and marketing/branding on his experiences as a talent agent, classmates will dive into your reads standing of the intricacies of corpo- breakfast! You’ll tackle polysyllabic come learn the ins and outs of the messages. WARNING! When you producer, director, and coach. Refine using a curated packet of scripts. rate culture. In this dynamic class, words so they roll off your tongue Telephony genre with Liz, who has do this consistently, you’ll be in dan- your skills and grow beyond your cur- Instructor: Sally Clawson you’ll discover the nuances behind like your own name, stay calm when recorded thousands of these messag- ger of booking work. rent abilities to rise to the top of the $95 corporate narration technique by faced with a slew of mine-field tech- es over the past 15+ years for clients Instructor: Sally Clawson industry! ONLINE telling the right story, making the mes- nical terms, and identify and fully con- worldwide. To register, press 1. To $425 Instructor: Jeff Howell sage engaging, and connecting with nect to the intended audience to tell a hear the description again, press 2. ONLINE IN PERSON $140 VIEW DATES & REGISTER the audience. Carpe the Corporate story they can hear and absorb. Instructor: Liz de Nesnera ONLINE Diem! Instructor: Julia Norton $225 VIEW DATES & REGISTER Instructor: Anne Ganguzza $225 ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER THE COMMERCIAL STORYTELLER $140 ONLINE Immerse yourself in the compelling ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER THE INSIDE SCOOP style of storytelling. Discover how to VIEW DATES & REGISTER Get the inside scoop on making DOUBLE YOUR CHANCES entrance your listener by honoring the VIEW DATES & REGISTER commercials and how you fit into the More and more producers are asking words and following the arc. We’ll process. You’ll perform and be direct- for two takes in commercial auditions. delve into the art of the short story for- E-LEARNING ed on award-winning copy from the How can you make them creative, au- mat through literature and children’s EXPLAINER VIDEOS E-Learning is a multi-billion-dollar advertising superstar who created it, thentic and different from one anoth- books and apply our discoveries to Videos have incredible power to tell global industry and continues to grow along with insight into the writing, au- er? This seasoned pro will guide you storyteller scripts for commercials. stories and hold an audience captive. as more and more people are learn- dition, and selection process. through some solid, sustainable and Instructor: Sally Clawson Explainer videos can help businesses ing from home. Practice the various Instructor: Jon Wolanske surefire solutions to performing two $330 increase conversion rates by up to types of scripts and styles required of $140 takes, and doubling your chances of ONLINE 80%! Since these videos are so con- today’s E-Learning narrator, and gain ONLINE booking. nected to corporate growth, explainer the specific skills needed by the genre. Instructor: Gavin Hammon VIEW DATES & REGISTER video voice-over needs to be increas- We will also take an in-depth look at VIEW DATES & REGISTER $225 ingly compelling, connected, and how to effectively market yourself to ONLINE caught up with today’s trends. In this your ideal clients and get the work! Instructor: Angeli Fitch interactive class, you’ll discover and THE AUDITION IS THE JOB VIEW DATES & REGISTER practice the nuances behind today’s $330 The ratio of auditions to bookings can explainer video narration, helping ONLINE make it feel like auditioning is the job. you connect and engage with your That’s because it is. Tip the balance in BE THE BOSS VIEW DATES & REGISTER audience. your favor by honing your audition The state of being certain is hard to Instructor: Anne Ganguzza skills with a professional voice actor come by, yet it’s mandatory for a suc- $140 and booth director who has been on cessful career as a commercial voice ONLINE both sides of the glass. Find out how over artist. We must express authority to make your auditions competitive in our representation and promotion VIEW DATES & REGISTER and what you can do to get them into of a company and a product. But how producer’s inboxes. can we express it when we don’t feel Instructor: Calum Grant it? Increasing your “read swagger” $225 is a physiological and mental adjust- ONLINE ment you can make to consistently match the status of the script. Gain VIEW DATES & REGISTER freedom from uncertainty and em- brace being the boss. Instructor: Sally Clawson $225 ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER Pa g e 5 All times listed are Pacific Time 415 - 974 - 110 3 w w w. vo i c e o n e . c o m Pa g e 6
2 0 2 2 C L ASS S C H E D U L E • PAC I F I C T I M E • J A N U A RY – J U LY C H A R AC T E R T R AC K A D VA N C E D T R A C KS Once you’ve completed the Core Charactor Track (pg 3) sign up for these Advanced Commercial classes: TWO TAKES ON TOYS PLAY OF THE GAME VIDEO GAME CHALLENGE TALK TO THE BOOTH LADY LIVE-ACTION DUBBING Join not one, but TWO talented toy AAA video game developers are Join the freelance video game direc- When you’re alone in your booth, it’s As American audiences are embrac- creators! Chuck is a 15+ year Leap- known for sending out huge casting tor behind nearly all the Star Wars easy to forget that you need to talk ing foreign language shows and Frog toy designer, writer, and director. nets for their characters. Increase your games as he shares inside tips and to someone. Never again! Lori Alan, films like never before, the dubbing Gavin is the voice of Furby and tons dexterity and energize your reads by ways to compete effectively against the iconic voice of Pearl Krabs, Diane industry is booming! Join the legend- of toys and games. Reignite your in- hearing what the 2K Games Casting Hollywood talent. Darragh will direct Simmons, and Bonnie’s Mom from Toy ary Jeff Howell, who has directed ner child with TWO perspectives as Director is listening for in your au- you in video game scenes and offer Story has condensed her years of ex- the English-language dubbing for 10 you identify the subgenres of toys and ditions. This class will prepare you the director’s perspective on what perience into ”The Booth Lady” - one films and 8 episodics including “The their unique requirements. You’ll find to stand out and make it to the final makes a talent bookable, and what to incredible handout complete with all Naked Director 1 & 2”, “Bordertown the right energy, develop consistency, round. do once you’re on the job. the performance tips you’ll ever need, 3”, “A Fortunate Man”, “Nothing to speak gibberish, tackle concatena- Instructor: Tom Celia Instructor: Darragh O’Farrell and your very own Booth Lady to talk Hide”, and “Who would you take to tion, and most importantly, awaken $225 $120 to. She’ll shower you with voice over a deserted Island”, and discover the your sense of play! ONLINE ONLINE wisdom, and then direct you for two acting skills and technical require- Instructors: Chuck Wedge, Gavin Ham- days of incredible animation fun. ments you need to dub shows and VIEW DATES & REGISTER VIEW DATES & REGISTER Instructor: Lori Alan films for Netflix and more! mon $450 $250 Instructor: Jeff Howell ONLINE ONLINE $140 TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN THE CHARACTER OF YOU ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER You are a fantastic video game actor! Real acting in video games and ani- VIEW DATES & REGISTER Yusss! But if you can’t take direction, mation is in demand and to be com- VIEW DATES & REGISTER your career won’t survive. Let this fan- petitive you must master the character LOOPING LIKE A PRO tastically talented actress from series of YOU. No voices or dialects! Simply THAT’S NOT ALL FOLKS Video Games, Anime, Cartoons, like The Walking Dead and Space a version of yourself that is natural and Expand and create new cartoon Films, and TV shows need profession- Racers sharpen your skills in receiving authentic, but heightened to match characters with the thrice Emmy-nom- al voice actors who can add back- direction, getting out of your comfort the style of the cartoon or game. Let inated voice of Porky Pig! Create ground voices and dialogue to on- zone, making a character more dy- this amazing voice actor guide you rich characters, challenge yourself to screen actors and characters. As the namic, and turning your performance to finding all aspects of you as you Bob’s mic and audition techniques, founder of Holly’s LG, Ms. Dorff has up to eleven. develop a character that no one can sustain energy, and discover industry looped over 600 films, and created Instructor: Melissa Hutchison equal. dos and don’ts. Prepare to laugh, a virtual loop group, so you can learn $225 Instructor: Zehra Fazal flesh out full performances, and play! to perform donuts, call-outs, and add ONLINE $250 Instructor: Bob Bergen dialogue to individual lip-flap from ONLINE $425 VIEW DATES & REGISTER ONLINE home. VIEW DATES & REGISTER Instructor: Holly Dorff VIEW DATES & REGISTER $150 SELF-TAPES FOR MOCAP ONLINE If a voice actor gets a request for ANIME MANIA VIEW DATES & REGISTER a self-tape, it can only mean one Dramatic acting! Vibrant characters! THE VO BATTLE CHEST thing: it’s a MoCap Audition! You’ve Fantastical themes! Join Stephanie Put on your parkas, the blizzard is trained for years behind the mic, but Sheh, anime superstar who has ap- coming! Blizzard’s characters and now what do you do that you’re in peared in countless anime titles, for cinematics set the bar for video game front of a camera? From the proper this action-packed class. You’ll work voiceover, demanding voice actors lighting, framing, and equipment, to on creating real, believable charac- bring their truth to heroes and monsters script preparation, memorization and ters while keeping up the high energy alike. Experience Andrea’s acclaimed performance, a MoCap audition that anime demands, and discover acting-first approach that the best can throw a voice actor for a loop! some tips and tricks for Automatic Dia- actors in the industry covet, because Well have no fear, Walt Gray the 4th logue Replacement (ADR) also known “even if you’re an orc, troll, demon, is here to put you on the right track! as “dubbing”. or goblin, video games are about the Instructor: Walt Gray IV Instructor: Stephanie Sheh human experience.” $120 $250 Instructor: Andrea Toyias ONLINE ONLINE $250 ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER VIEW DATES & REGISTER VIEW DATES & REGISTER Pa g e 7 All times listed are Pacific Time 415 - 974 - 110 3 w w w. vo i c e o n e . c o m Pa g e 8
2 0 2 2 C L ASS S C H E D U L E • PAC I F I C T I M E • J A N U A RY – J U LY DIALECTS A DVA N C E D C A R E E R BASIC BRITISH AMERICAN ACCENTS YOUR VOICE PRINT BRANDING: MAKE YOUR MARK ADVANCED British is commonly requested in many Come study regional American ac- Every voice is unique, just like a fin- Define your place in the VO indus- character and narration jobs. Immerse cents with this dialect coach who has gerprint. This class will reveal the three try and leave a lasting impression yourself in this dialect by developing been called the Bay Area’s Meryl adjectives that match what producers, through branding. You’ll find out CAREER BUNDLE basic London and RP accents. You’ll Streep of dialects. Games, Anima- agents, and directors hear in your how to discover your specific brand, practice key sounds and common pit- tion and Commercials are common voice print. Determine which jobs best create a marketable image, and get falls, and perform scripts that put your genres requesting American accents, match your voice, what status your heard by potential clients and agents new British accents to the test. so get ahead of the competition. voice conveys, and how your voice with a well-crafted website. Register for all Demo Prep Instructor: Ian Price Week one, you’ll focus on east coast can leave a lasting impression. Instructor: Ian Price classes and pay $630. $225 accents. Week two, you’ll head south. Instructor: Sally Clawson $330 ONLINE Instructor: Lynne Soffer $120 ONLINE SAVE $60 $225 ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER VIEW DATES & REGISTER VIEW DATES & REGISTER PREPARING FOR YOUR DEMO RECORDING Demystify the demo making process P R O F E SS I O N A L from start to finish by exploring the purpose of a demo, what it should include, and listening to samples. NAILING THE AUDITION VO BOOTCAMP RECORDING AT HOME POST PRODUCTION POLISHING SOURCE CONNECT, PHONE We’ll explore how to showcase your Want to hear what a talent agent Spend a full day with a four star gen- Time to set up your Home VO Studio! Wondering why your brilliant au- PATCH, AND REMOTE DIREC- voice and personality, ways to curate has to say as you show off your stuff, talent agent, developing your Our incredible instructor will walk you ditions don’t get noticed? Trouble TION scripts, and create a plan for making on mic? PRESTO!! The planets have marketable skills as a voice over ac- through key essentials in getting ready meeting ACX spec? How much These days, the ability to seamlessly aligned and your wish has been tor. You’ll be put through your paces: your demo when the time is right for to record at home and will detail processing do you need to be com- work with remote studios and directors granted. There’s a different agent precision timing, character develop- you. Note: Demos are produced sep- the audio equipment you’ll need to petitive? How much is too much? Is is a must. Have no fear! We are here each semester, so you can attend one ment, personality, believability, and arately and on an individual basis. capture your brilliant performances. Noise Reduction OK? How about to help you connect your studio to this or more of these informative hands-on truthfulness. Sign up if you’re up for Instructors: Sally Clawson Includes demos of home recording Compression? EQ? Normalization? brave new world of receiving remote classes. the challenge and want to be heard! $120 core skills using affordable computer This two week workshop will build an direction at home. Jim will walk you Instructor: Talent Agent Note: each session will feature a dif- ONLINE software. Handouts and resources understanding of these tools so you through the steps of mastering Source $140 ferent local agent. supplied. can use what you need, polish your Connect and ipDTL, as well as other VIEW DATES & REGISTER ONLINE Instructor: Talent Agent Instructor: Jim Edgar auditions, and refine your workflow. commonly used options. You’ll un- $215 $225 You’ll begin with a pre-class assign- derstand the tools you need to be a VIEW DATES & REGISTER ONLINE ONLINE ment and receive detailed feed- connected studio, and feel your confi- PURPOSEFUL SELF-PROMOTION back on your current audio quality. dence soar as you become prepared Develop your personal “elevator VIEW DATES & REGISTER VIEW DATES & REGISTER Instructor: Jim Edgar for a professional home session. pitch” as you learn to succinctly and $225 Instructor: Jim Edgar confidently present your value to PROFESSIONAL INVITATIONAL VO MASTER CLASS ONLINE $120 a potential client. Discover how to AUDITION READY AUDIO ONLINE talk about yourself, your work, your This is a great opportunity to meet Dive deeper into your believability You have your studio gear - but simply VIEW DATES & REGISTER writers, directors, producers, and ad- and truthfulness by creating specific uniqueness, and your abilities in a owning good equipment is no guar- VIEW DATES & REGISTER vertising professionals who hire voice choices that will elevate your reads. way that makes a prospective client antee that your sound is competitive. talent. Hear their perspectives on the This master class is the rigorous kick in say “I want to hire you!” How do you know if it is any good? industry, read copy, and receive di- the pants that you need to get serious Instructor: Sally Clawson Poor quality audio gets deleted, rection. There’s a different guest each about your career. Home recording $120 and generally, no one will tell you if time. capability required. ONLINE it sounds bad. In this 2-week work- Instructors: Sally Clawson + Guest Instructor: TBA shop, you’ll start by sending a current VIEW DATES & REGISTER $140 $475 recording for detailed evaluation, ONLINE ONLINE receive specific feedback and areas to address, and gain a clear under- VIEW DATES & REGISTER VIEW DATES & REGISTER standing of what makes “audition ready audio.” Handouts and resourc- es supplied. Instructor: Jim Edgar $225 ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER Pa g e 9 All times listed are Pacific Time 415 - 974 - 110 3 w w w. vo i c e o n e . c o m Pa g e 10
2 0 2 2 C L ASS S C H E D U L E • PAC I F I C T I M E • J A N U A RY – J U LY S TAY I N S H A P E SAY YES TO IMPROV IN THE BOOTH PRO “MEET AND READ” PRIVATE LESSONS with Sally Clawson Need to make a character happen You’ve worked hard to develop those In this two-hour ”Meet and Read”, ASAP or perform a new take on a VO chops. Now it’s time to join us at you’ll get the chance to talk shop, script you’ve already made choices the Voice One studio and workout in read copy, and ask your burning on? Want less nerves during a ses- the booth for some in-person, live-ac- questions. Get to know the industry sion? Improv is an invaluable skill to tion direction! Sally is well known for professionals who inspire you! Each have in the voice actor’s tool kit. It running you through your paces and workshop is limited to 8 students. helps you feel calm, capable, and putting your hard earned skills to the Instructors: Various directable, and increases your spon- test. Be ready - she’ll make you sweat $100 single session taneity and therefore your bookabili- and like it! ONLINE ty. Laura creates a fun and safe space Instructor: Sally Clawson where you’ll laugh and learn a lot! $99 VIEW DATES & REGISTER Instructor: Laura Derry IN PERSON $175 ONLINE VIEW DATES & REGISTER DROP-IN IMPROV Free your pursuit for perfection while VIEW DATES & REGISTER you play, laugh and bond with a FRIDAY NIGHT STUDY group of your peers. We’ll amuse our- GROUP selves with ensemble games, space COPY INTENSIVE Continue to hone your skills outside object play, scene work, and failing Auditioning as a working actor means of class in focused, low-cost study joyfully. All experience levels. New reading a LOT of copy, and the style groups led by voice one alums who students welcome. and type of scripts varies from day to have excelled in our program. These Instructor: Clay Robeson day. Sally has curated a collection talented voice actors will give you $20 single session that mirrors this myriad of scripts you’ll feedback and guidance on your ONLINE IN PERSON be wading through, so you can devel- reads, and offer insight into their own op the flexibility to take on whatever voice over journey. VIEW DATES & REGISTER comes your way. Focus is on reading Instructors: Various lots and LOTS of copy! $25 single session Instructor: Sally Clawson ONLINE $330 Dig deep into specific areas of VO that interest you. Private lessons with Sally VIEW DATES & REGISTER ONLINE Clawson, owner of Voice One, will provide direction and clarity to your path VIEW DATES & REGISTER of study. Choose your area of focus from the tiers below: CAREER & GOALS TRAINING & SKILL DEVELOPMENT 30 minutes • $100 1 hour • $175 • Gain guidance and focus on your path of study. • Receive specific feedback on your current skills • Discuss next steps in the Voice One program or and direction in where you need to grow. into your professional career. • Identify personal obstacles and work with Sally • Evaluate your branding materials, strategize for to overcome them. talent submission, and review your website. • Improve on home auditions, script analysis, and ability to self-direct. EVALUATION & PLACEMENT 45 minutes • $140 LESSON PACKAGES Consistent action creates consistent results! Step up • Receive a performance evaluation. your training with a continuous, private lesson plan • Discuss your current and future voice over goals. • Formulate a plan that integrates your prior train- Ten 1-hour Lessons $1,575 ing with the Voice One program. (save $175 - that’s one free lesson!) Pa g e 11 All times listed are Pacific Time 415 - 974 - 110 3 w w w. vo i c e o n e . c o m Pa g e 12
2 0 2 2 C L ASS S C H E D U L E • PAC I F I C T I M E • J A N U A RY – J U LY A U D I T I ON meetthe Te am CLUB Sign up for our incredibly popular Sally Clawson has over 20 years of experience as a voice teacher, speech coach, actor, and performer. A former professional dancer, Ms Clawson toured Audition Club! Members of internationally with the Margaret Jenkins Dance Company. After a hip injury, she Audition Club will get the chance took a day job answering phones, discovered her voice, and began studying at to submit one audition a month Voice One. Sally now teaches classes and workshops in voice, acting, presenting for six months (Jan-Jun or Jul- and performing all over the Bay Area, including Berkeley Repertory School of Theater, Google Arts, and California Shakespeare Theater. In addition, Sally is a Dec) and receive personalized certified executive coach through the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, and and “real-world” feedback on is the annual emcee at the Dreamforce conference hosted by Salesforce. Sally’s their reads from Sally Clawson, voiceover performances include: Yoplait, Clorox, Toyota, Old Navy, McDonalds, owner of Voice One. You’ll also Sally Clawson Pixar, Apple, Google, Microsoft, EA Games, Telltale Games and Lucas Film to have the chance to hear all the Owner and CEO name a few. submitted auditions and see how Danny began his voice over career at Berkeley Rep School of Theatre in 2015 in competitive your reads are vs. Sally’s Beginning Voice Over class, and continued to study voice over, acting, your peers. Both performance and improv for the next three years at multiple schools in the Bay Area and Los and audio quality will be Angeles. His background in linguistics gave rise to an avid interest in dialects in evaluated. Each month, see if you addition to fluency in French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Danny is represented by booked the job! Stars the Agency in San Francisco. While he specializes in character work, he has been no stranger to commercials and narration. Credits include 2K Games, $130 (6 month membership). Amazon Music Unlimited, Facebook, the California State Fair, Eisenhower Health, Enrollment opens Monday, UC Berkeley, and Creativity Inc. December 13 at 10:00am PDT. Danny Scott LEARN MORE School Director Aaron is a Bay Area native actor whose love of the performing arts started when GET SOCIAL he was at Skyline high school in Oakland. He’s studied acting (and voice acting in particular) extensively at Berkeley Repertory’s School of Theatre and at Voice One with Sally Clawson and other excellent teachers. He is the brand voice for Monkeylectric in Berkeley California and is part of an improv troupe with other WITH US Voice One alums. Aaron Burke School Administrator FACEBOOK /voiceone Yma has a background in dance, film, and theater design and production. Her interest in performance design brought her to the Washington Ensemble Theater to study theater design and fabrication, the Northwest Film Forum and Wiggly World Production Studios as a contributing Assistant Administrator, independent film work TWITTER in Seattle and San Francisco, and the independent arts community in Seattle, San @VoiceOneSF Francisco, Philadelphia, and New York. She is currently studying comedy writing and training at Voice One. INSTAGRAM @voiceonesf Yma Osani Administrative Assistant Pa g e 13 All times listed are Pacific Time 415 - 974 - 110 3 w w w. vo i c e o n e . c o m Pa g e 14
Voice One 414 Jackson Street, Suite 202 Read our teacher bios San Francisco, CA 94111 and join our newsletter online at 415-974-1103
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