Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...

Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks:
           An Impossible Trinity

Nima Afraz
School of Computer Science
University College Dublin

Online Webinar | Friday, July 30 2021
Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
The Impossible Trinity
  A Concept Borrowed From Economics
  Used to describe ‘‘a nding from empirical studies
  where governments that have tried to simultaneously
  pursue all three goals have failed.’’ By John Marcus Fleming,

  1. Setting a xed currency exchange rate

  2. Allowing capital to ow freely
            with no xed currency exchange rate agreement

  3. Autonomous monetary policy

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
The Triangle of 5G Applications
      5G Requirements

     • Capacity: Enhanced Mobile Broadband

     • Latency: Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency
         Communication (uRLLC).

     • Scale (No. of connections): Massive
         Machine-Type Communication (mMTC).


Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
Vitalik’s Blockchain Scalability Trilemma
  co-founder of Ethereum
   ‘‘There are three properties that a blockchain try to
   have, and that, if you stick to "simple" techniques,
   you can only get two of those three.’’
   The three properties are
    • Scalability: the chain can process more
      transactions than a single regular node (think: a
      consumer laptop) can verify.

    • Decentralization: degree of diversi   cation in
      ownership, in uence and value in the blockchain.

    • Security: the level of defensibility a blockchain
      has against attacks from external sources e.g.
      >50% Attack

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021

Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
Two of the Three
      Three classes of "easy solutions" that only get two of the three:

                                                 Proof of Stake
                                                  and Similar

     • Traditional blockchains -           • High-TPS chains - These        • Multi-chain ecosystems
       These rely on every                  rely on a small number of        scaling out by having different
       participant running a full           nodes (often 10-100)             applications live on different chains.
       node that veri es every              maintaining consensus.This       This is decentralised and scalable,
       transaction, and so they have        is scalable and secure           but it is not secure, because an
       decentralisation and                 (using the de nitions above),    attacker need only get a consensus
       security, but not scalability.       but it is not decentralised.     node majority in one chain.

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021

Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
Blockchain for Telecoms
   Our Trilemma

  • Scalability: The number of participants
     (users or things) transacting on the
     blockchain and the scale of veri ers.

  • High Throughput: The rate of processing
     automated transactions triggered by the
     smart contracts has to keep up with the
     arrival of the transactions.

  • Ultra Low Latency: The latency imposed
     on the system by the blockchain should
     not hamper the operation of the network.

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
The Performance Trade-Offs
     Transaction                Transaction
     Throughput                   Latency

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
The Performance Trade-Offs
     Transaction                Transaction   Node’s Geo        Transaction
     Throughput                   Latency     Distribution   Throughput & Latency

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
Geographical Distribution
      Propagation latency
     Each transaction on the
     blockchain might require
     multiple rounds of
     communication between the
     nodes to reach consensus,
     verify transactions and create

      Node’s Geo                   Transaction
      Distribution              Throughput & Latency

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
Scaling Blockchain for Telecom Networks: An Impossible Trinity - Nima Afraz School of Computer Science University College Dublin Online Webinar | ...
Geographical Distribution
      Propagation latency
     Each transaction on the
     blockchain might require
     multiple rounds of
     communication between the
     nodes to reach consensus,
     verify transactions and create

      Node’s Geo                   Transaction
      Distribution              Throughput & Latency

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
The Performance Trade-Offs
     Transaction                       Transaction     Node’s Geo        Transaction
     Throughput                          Latency       Distribution   Throughput & Latency

     Computing                     Transaction
       Cost                     Throughput & Latency

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
The Performance Trade-Offs
     Transaction                       Transaction     Node’s Geo           Transaction
     Throughput                          Latency       Distribution     Throughput & Latency

     Computing                     Transaction                              Transaction
       Cost                     Throughput & Latency      Scale       Cost & Throughput & Latency

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
What has often been coined as ‘the
                                                                             blockchain trilemma’, refers to the
                                                                             trade off in any network between

                                                                             scalability, decentralization and
                                                                             security. Any two will succeed at the
                                                                             expense of the third.
                                Scalability               Security

      Public/Private - Permissionless/Permissioned



Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
How do they compare? (approx.)

                  LatencyAvg :   10 Minutes   12.5 Seconds     Milliseconds

                  Throughput:      7 TPS       10-30 TPS     Up to 20000 TPS

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
Could it be faster?
        Hyperledger Fabric: A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains

          3500 TPS      32 vCPUs

       Accelerating Throughput in Permissioned Blockchain Networks

       11000 TPS 3.8 GHz quad core CPU

       FastFabric: Scaling Hyperledger Fabric to 20,000 Transactions per Second

        20000 TPS
           Two IntelR XeonR CPU E5-2620 v2


Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
• Smart Cities • Smart Factory
                   Use Case          • Smart Roads • Smart Energy            Energy          Local
                                                                            Authorities   Governments

                                      •   Distributed Identity
                                      •   Contract Enforcement
                                      •   Distributed Marketplaces
                   Application        •   Counter- t/ Fraud Prevention

                                     • Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)
              Cloud and Datacenter   • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

                                     • FPGA-Based Hardware Acceleration
              Hardware and Storage   • Private Fabric Chaincodes
                                     • Storage

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                       16
Use Case              • Smart Cities • Smart Factory
                                    • Smart Roads • Smart Energy      Energy          Local
                                                                     Authorities   Governments

                                Bringing Trust to Connected Communities
               Smart Road

                                                                              Smart Energy

            Smart Factory

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                           17
Use Case           • Smart Cities • Smart Factory
                                 • Smart Roads • Smart Energy      Energy          Local
                                                                  Authorities   Governments

                                Challenge: Interoperability

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                        18
Use Case                             • Smart Cities • Smart Factory
                                                    • Smart Roads • Smart Energy                                                                                              Energy          Local
                                                                                                                                                                             Authorities   Governments

                  Standardisation                                                                                         Common Infrastructure
                                           WHAT IS EBSI?                                                      European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)
                                                                                                   This is the status of the EBSI network
                                                                                                   Updated on 14 May 2020 – Latest information available here

                                           The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) aims to
                                           become a “gold standard” digital infrastructure to support the
                                           launch and operation of EU-wide cross-border public services            24 Member State Nodes
                                           leveraged by blockchain technology.

                                           EBSI aims to establish itself in ‘virtually’ every public sector
                                                                                                      24 nodes have been requested by Member State institutions    from
                      ITU-T SG17/ISO TC 307domain that can benefit from blockchain technology. It will be
                                                                                                      14 Member States, of which:
                                           materialized as a network o distributed nodes across Europe,
                                           leveraging an increasing number of applications focused on
                                           specific use cases.                                        • 16 nodes have been connected with all available services
                                                                                                  • 3 nodes are currently in the process of connection
                                           These use cases are identified and selected each year by the
                                           Member States (European Blockchain Partnership) and •the5 nodes are in the preparatory stages to connect during Q2/Q3          2020
                                           European Commission.                                   • 8 nodes are in the process of being on-boarded

                                                                                                                     6 Commission Nodes

                                                                                                     At least 30 Node TestNet Planned for 2020                                                                                                                          12

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                                                                                     19
•   Distributed Identity
                  Application             •   Contract Enforcement
                                          •   Distributed Marketplaces
                                          •   Counter- t/ Fraud Prevention

       Distributed Identity         Contract Enforcement                 Distributed Marketplaces          Fraud Prevention

                eSim Card           Quality of Service (QoS)                 5G Network Slicing               SDN Security
               Data Privacy        Inter-Carrier Settlements                Spectrum Allocation          Equipment Supply Chain
              Smart Vehicles    Service Level Agreements (SLAs)            Optical Access Sharing
                                                                       Virtual Network Functions (VNF)

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                                     20
•   Distributed Identity
              Application       •   Contract Enforcement
                                •   Distributed Marketplaces
                                •   Counter- t/ Fraud Prevention

    Challenge: Scalability

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                        21
•   Distributed Identity
                 Application                        •   Contract Enforcement
                                                    •   Distributed Marketplaces
                                                    •   Counter- t/ Fraud Prevention

                                                            Solution: New Architectures
       Hierarchal Blockchain


Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                                            22
Cloud and Datacenter                                          • Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)
                                                                     • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

                                                                Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) Market to Hit USD 24.94 Bn by 2027*

                                       BaaS                                                                        IaaS                                                           On-Premises
           Pros:                                                                            Pros:                                                                         Pros:
           • Lower on-boarding costs for:                                                   • Lower on-boarding costs for:                                                • Full decentralisa on possible
               • Server Administra on                                                           • Server Administra on                                                    • No vendor lock-in
               • Blockchain Development                                                     • Allows interoperability                                                     • Members in charge of BC governance
           • Plug and Play Deployment                                                       • Members in charge of BC governance
                                                                                            • Lowest cost for hos ng                                                      Cons:
           Cons:                                                                                                                                                          • On-boarding costs for:
           • Cri cised for being centralised                                                Cons:                                                                             • Server Administra on
           • Limited interoperability (mul -cloud)                                          • On-boarding costs for:                                                          • BC development/deployment
           • Members not in charge of governance                                                • Blockchain development/deployment                                       • High TX latency in hybrid deployment
           • Limited control on BC con gura on                                              • Higher TX latency if deployed in mul -cloud

Nima    Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                                                                                      23
Challenge: Sustainability/Cost
    Cloud and Datacenter
                                Solution: More Efficient Consensus

           Sole reliance on the Consensus               Can partially rely on
                    to provide trust                        reputation

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                 24
Hardware and Storage              Off-Chain Storage

    The InterPlanetary File System
    Non-transaction data, such as
    pictures, PDF, personal
    information could be stored off
    the chain to

    • Reduce the blockchain burden
    • Comply with data Regulatio

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                    25


Hardware and Storage                         • FPGA-Based Hardware Acceleration
                                                     • Private Fabric Chaincodes

                                                                                       Private Fabric Chaincodes
            Optimised Hardware/Infrastructure                                 Using Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs)


Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021
Self-enforcing Smart Contracts
Secondary Resource Sharing in 5G
               Radio Spectrum                                                       5G Network Slicing                    Optical Access Networks

        Cognitive radio Technology enables secondary                     Wireless Virtualisation Technology enables on-   PON Virtualisation Technology enables Inter-
                redistribution of radio spectrum                                   demand slice creation                             operator PON Sharing

                                                                                                                                  TR-370 Fixed Access Network
                                                                                                                                 Sharing - Architecture and Nodal


Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                                                                          28
Distributed 5G Slice Brokering
    A Collective of Participants (MVNOs, OTTs, etc.)

    reach a consensus instead of a central BROKER

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                             29
Sneak Peek into our tool stack
      Hyperledger Fabric blockchain Framework-Based Implementation

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                               30
Experiment Results

                                                               (a) Send Rate V. Latency                                                                                                       (b) Send Rate V. Transaction Throughput

                       Ni a' D cke a d                 e   i      i g3
                                                                             vs.4:Latency                           Input  vs. Real  Transaction   Throughput
                                                                                   Benchmark Results: Send Rate V. Latency and Transaction Throughput
                                                                                                                                              Ni a' D cke a d
                                                                                                                                     2019-10-23 10:56:58 to 2019-10-23 11:01:04
                                                                                                                                                                                          e         i      i g3

                                                                                                                                  Container Group       A            Interval         a             Node     N      e

                Container Group   All   Interval   a       Node    N   e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Received Net ork Tra c per Container
                                                                                           CPU Usage per Container

                                                                                                                                  22.5000 MB

                                                                                                                               de -cali e -   e la -5 g_ca_ g1_e a     le_c     .1.e k0e1 ck4 4         7 f k l7k

Nima Afraz, PhD |July 30 2021                                                                                                                                                     Orderer0
                                                                                                                               de -cali e -   e la -5 g_ca_ g2_e a     le_c     .1.cdl2 c 7 c b le5783 83 i

                                            Orderer1                                                                 31        de -cali e -   e la -5 g_ca_ g3_e a     le_c     .1. h 8j1 c7 j6     k1ed43 2 ad                                                  d

                                                                                                                               de 20.0000
                                                                                                                                  -cali e - MB
                                                                                                                                             e la -5 g_ca_ g4_e a      le_c
                                                                                                                                                                                .1.dek i fkfk 2a        jb g12a6                                                 d

              600%                          Orderer2                                                                           de -cali e -   e la -5 g_ca_ g5_e a     le_c     .1.       dff37 5h 8 84 c8       7 8                                             d

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