Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

Page created by Clyde Marshall
Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

                                                                              Amy Elsila, OD                            Alexandria Wiss, OD

Myopia Management:
New Strategies to Prevent
Nearsighted Progression
Amy Elsila, OD
Alexandria Wiss, OD


1                                                     What is Myopia (Nearsightedness)?
                                                         ⦁ The inability to see clearly at distance
                                                         ⦁ Typically develops in childhood as the eye is

 What is Myopia?                                         Emmetropia (Non-Myopic Eye)
 Myopia is also known as nearsightedness


Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

             What is Myopia (Nearsightedness)?                                                                                                     What is Myopia (Nearsightedness)?
                ⦁ The result of an eyeball that is too long or a cornea that is too
                ⦁ Blurred vision results from light rays focusing in front of the retina
                  (light-sensitive cells) rather than directly on the surface   5                                  6

                            2                                                                                                                      What Causes Myopia?
                                                                                                                                                      ⦁ Myopia can be attributed to GENETIC and/or LIFESTYLE factors

                                                                                                                                                      GENETIC FACTORS:

                                     Causes of Myopia?
                                                                                                                                                                 1 in 2                                           1 in 3         1 in 4
                                                                                                                                                             BOTH parents                                     ONE parent   NEITHER parent
                                                                                                                                                              are myopic                                       is myopic      is myopic

Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

What Causes Myopia?                                                    Insufficient Time Outdoors
                                                                       ⦁ The average American child spends 4-7 minutes/day in
⦁ Myopia can be attributed to GENETIC and/or LIFESTYLE factors
                                                                         unstructured play outdoors and over 7 hours/day on a screen
LIEFSTYLE FACTORS:                                                     Benefits of Outdoor Play:
                                                                       ⦁   It promotes creativity and imagination
                                                                       ⦁   It teaches responsibility
                                                                       ⦁   It provides different stimulation
 Insufficient time      Increased time         Time spent in           ⦁   It gets children moving - improves fitness and gross motor skills
     outdoors          spent reading &         poor lighting           ⦁   It build confidence
                      working/playing on        conditions             ⦁   It reduces stress and fatigue – reduces depression
                        digital devices                           9                                                                             10

Screen Time Statistics                                                 Screen Time Statistics
⦁ On average, preschool children spend 32 hours a week with            ⦁ Time spent with screens is associated with childhood obesity,
  screen media.                                                          sleep disturbances and attention span issues.
⦁ Screen time for children under 3 is linked to irregular sleep        ⦁ Children with 2 or more hours of daily screen time are more
  patterns and delayed language acquisition.                             likely to have increased psychological difficulties, including
⦁ Direct exposure to TV and overall household viewing are                hyperactivity, emotional and conduct problems, as well as
  associated with increased early childhood aggression.                  difficulties with peers.
⦁ More time preschool children spend with screens = less               ⦁ Adolescents who watch 3 or more hours of television daily are at
  time spent engaged in creative play – the foundation of                especially high risk for poor homework completion, negative
  learning, constructive problem solving, and creativity.                attitudes toward school, poor grades, and long-term academic
                                                                  11                                                                            12

Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

What Can We Do?                                                                       What Can We Do?
                                                                                         ⦁ Children 18-24 months: If parents want to introduce digital
⦁ Turn off screens 1-2 hours before bed time
                                                                                           media, choose high-quality programming, and watch it with the
                                                                                           children to help them understand what they're seeing.
⦁ 20/20/20 Rule (American Optometric Association)
                                                                                         ⦁ Children 2 – 5 years: Limit screen use to 1 hour per day of high-
                                                                                           quality programs. Parents should co-view media with children to
⦁ Designate media-free times together, such as dinner or driving,
                                                                                           help them understand what they are seeing and apply it to the
  as well as media-free locations at home, such as bedrooms.
                                                                                           world around them.
  (American Academy Pediatrics, 2016)
                                                                                         ⦁ Children 6+ years: Place consistent limits on the time spent
                                                                                           using media, and the types of media, and make sure media does
                                                                                           not take the place of adequate sleep, physical activity and other
                                                                                           behaviors essential to health.                                         14

   3                                                                                  Myopia is impacting more of the population
                                                                                                       1970s                                   2000s   By 2050

     Is the Prevalence of
     Myopia Increasing?

                                                                                                           25%                                 42%      58%

Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

4                                                     Myopia Risk Assessment

                                                                         LOW                                          MEDIUM                                        HIGH
                                                       > +0.75D at age                                             ≤ +0.75D at age                        confirmed myopia
                                                        6 or younger                                                6 or younger                            at school age
Who is at Risk?                                       Recommendations:
                                                      - Limit hours spent on close
                                                                                                                   - Monitor for shifts in

                                                                                                                                                            - Consider enrolling in a myopia
How do you know if your child needs a                       work outside of school                                   prescription, especially in a            management program
                                                      - Encourage at least 2 hours                                   short period of time
                                                                                                                                                            - Limit hours spent on close
myopia management program?                                  of outdoor play per day                                - Limit hours spent on close               work outside of school
                                                                                                                     work outside of school
                                                                                                                                                            - Encourage at least 2 hours of
                                                                                                                   - Encourage at least 2 hours               outdoor play per day
                                                                                                                     of outdoor play per day


5                                                     Long-term Implications of Myopia
                                                     Retinal                                                      Myopic                             Glaucoma                            Cataracts
                                                   Detachment                                                   Maculopathy

Implications of
                                            Each diopter = 30%                                                 Each diopter = 67%               Each diopter = 20%                   Each diopter = 20%
                                              increased risk                                                     increased risk                   increased risk*                      increased risk*
                                                                                                                                                     *open-angle glaucoma            *posterior subcapsular cataract


Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

   6                                                          Visual Impairment & Myopia
                                                              • Each diopter less of myopia reduces visual impairment by 20%

     Benefits of Myopia                                       ⦁ Slowing myopia progression by 1 diopter:

                                                                   40%             20%             20%            0.5 – 1.0
                                                                   myopic        open- angle       visual      years saved from
                                                                 maculopathy      glaucoma       impairment    visual impairment


Myopia Management Program Benefits                               7
⦁ Minimize the long-term impact of myopia

 SLOWING             IMPACT              RISK                       Myopia Management
the worsening of
                     on eyeball
                                      REDUCTION                     Programs
                                      in myopic health
                   and elongation                                   Programs at Hellerstein & Brenner Vision
                                                                    Center, PC


Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

Multi-Focal/Anti-Fatigue Design Spectacles in
Myopia Control                                                                                   ***On the Horizon
Treatment: Continued wear of spectacles with near/computer add.
                                                                                                  ⦁ Many groups/organizations are collaborating resulting in:
                                                                                                  - More research
 ⦁ Great for child who are too                ⦁ Reduced efficacy                                  - More technology
   young to wear contact                        compared to other options
   lenses                                       (about 20% reduction in                           ⦁ SightGlass’ Diffusion Optics Technology
 ⦁ Flexibility with higher                      progression with wearing                          - New lens designed to lower contrast in a focus-independent
   myopic and astigmatism                       bifocal)                                            manner while still providing excellent visual acuity
   corrections                                                                                    - Different from traditional bifocal or progressive lenses

                                                                                            25                                                                                            26

Atropine in Myopia Control                                                                       Orthokeratology Lenses in Myopia Control
Treatment: One drop 0.01% atropine in each eye at bedtime. Wear typical vision correction        Treatment: Wear custom hard lenses overnight for corneal reshaping, at least 8 hours.
during the day.

 ⦁ Does not require use of                    ⦁ Compounded medication may                         ⦁ Free of glasses and                        ⦁ Limited by prescription (up to
   contact lenses (maybe                        have higher cost                                    contacts during waking                       -6.00D nearsightedness and
   better suited for younger                  ⦁ Nightly use of eye drops                            hours                                        -1.75D astigmatism)
   patients or those not                                                                          ⦁ Great for sports including                 ⦁ May have fluctuation in visual
                                              ⦁ Some light sensitivity and
   wanting to wear contacts)                                                                        water sports                                 clarity (particularly end of day)
                                                reduction in focusing flexibility
 ⦁ Not limited by prescription                  (has improved with lower                                                                       ⦁ Requires adequate wear time
   amount                                       concentrations)                                                                                  overnight, consistent schedule
 ⦁ Can be used in combination                 ⦁ Requires motivation                         27                                                                                            28

Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

           Soft Multi-Focal Contact Lenses in Myopia Control
           Treatment: Wear soft contact lenses throughout the day for vision correction.

              ⦁ Freedom from glasses*                                            ⦁ Increased expense compared to                                                               Brilliant Futures™
              ⦁ More effective control                                             single vision distance contacts
                                                                                                                                                                               Myopia Management
                than single vision contact                                       ⦁ Limited treatment for
                lens correction                                                    astigmatism (up to -0.75 D)                                                                 Program
              ⦁ Better for sports and                                            ⦁ Previously best options were
                athletics                                                          monthly disposable lenses higher
                        *All contact lens wearers should have a back-              risk of keratitis or infection
                        up pair of glasses.                                                                          29                                                                                          30

           Brilliant Futures™ Myopia Management Program                                                                              MiSight® 1 Day Technology
              ⦁ Comprehensive approach focused around Misight® 1 day contact                                                            ⦁ MiSight ® 1 day with ActivControl™ Technology helps slow the
                lenses (daily wear, single use contact lenses)                                                                            elongation of the eye and myopia progression, while fully correcting
                                                                                                                                          refractive error
              ⦁ Only FDA-approved contact lens for slowing the progression of
                myopia in children who initiated wear between the ages of 8 to 12.                                       31         32

Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

Prime Candidates for MiSight® 1 Day                                                       Effectiveness of MiSight® 1 Day
• Indicated for Treatment:                                                                   ⦁ Results of three-year clinical study:

                                                                                                 Reduced myopic prescription
- Initiation of treatment for children between the ages of 8-12                                                                                                 Reduced axial length by 52%
                                                                                                     progression by 59%
- Refractive error (prescription): Between -0.75D to -4.00D of
  nearsightedness with ≤ -0.75 D of astigmatism

                                                                          33                                  34

                                                                                          Should you be Considering a Myopia
      of MiSight® 1 Day                                                                   Management Program for your Child?
 Easy for Children to Handle         Able to Focus on What Matters
                                                                                             ⦁          How old is your child?
          90%                                9 out of 10                                     ⦁          Is your child already myopic (nearsighted)?
⦁ Of children preferred              ⦁ Report seeing well while doing                        ⦁          How old was your child when they were first diagnosed with nearsightedness?
  compared to glasses                  school work                                           ⦁          Has your child’s prescription been changing at the past few check-ups?
⦁ Of children could insert &         ⦁ Report seeing really well while                       ⦁ How many of your child’s parents are nearsighted?
  remove on their own                  playing outdoors                                      ⦁ How many hours per day does your child spend outdoors?
⦁ Of parents noted their children    ⦁ Report seeing well while looking                      ⦁ How many hours per day does your child spend on close work (reading, tablet
  were happy (noted benefits           at computer/playing video                                        use, computer use, writing/coloring/drawing, etc)?
  such as comfort, vision, ease of     games
  use, & freedom from glasses)                                            35                                                                                                                   36

Myopia Management: New Strategies to Prevent Nearsighted Progression

                                                                                                                                      Join us for future talks
                                                                                                                                      CONCUSSION: HOW      SPORTS VISION TRAINING:
  ATTENDING!                                                                                                                          VISION IS IMPACTED   IMPROVE YOUR SPORTS
                                                                                                                                      March 16, 2021       GAME
                                                                                                                                                           April 2021

                           Amy Elsila, OD
                                            Alexandria Wiss, OD
                                                                                                     37                                                   38


  ⦁   All About Vision -

  ⦁   American Academy of Pediatrics -

  ⦁   American Optometry Association -
  ⦁   Brilliant Futures™ Myopia Management Program –
      day-fda-approval ,,

  ⦁ –

  ⦁   Johnson & Johnson Vision – Managing Myopia: A Clinical Response to the Growing Epidemic

  ⦁   Review of Optometry -
  ⦁ -


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