Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021

Page created by Cecil Hartman
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
Nisga’a Lisims Government Newsletter   Spring 2021
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
In this issue //////
President’s Message........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Nisga’a Nation Shares in Grief of the Discovery of Remains of 215 Children at Kamloops Indian Residential School.................4
Nisga’a Nation Mourns the Loss of Thomas Berger......................................................................................................................... 5
Rehabilitated Eagle Returns to the Nass..........................................................................................................................................6
Hoobiyee Nisga’a Nation Virtual Showcase with CFNR.................................................................................................................... 7
Nisga’a Nation Virtual Memorial........................................................................................................................................................8
Vancouver Canucks Indigenous Peoples Night / Honouring Youth Indigenous Athletes...............................................................9
PUBLIC NOTICE / Sea Lion (T’ibin) Consumption / NFWD............................................................................................................. 10
PUBLIC NOTICE / NFWD Seal Study.................................................................................................................................................11
Public Notice / Nisga’a Bivalve Notice / Nisga’a Fisheries & Wildlife............................................................................................ 12
                   ‑                        ‑
Nisga’a Fisheries & Wildlife / Notice of Mountain Goat Study...................................................................................................... 14
2021 Halibut Licence & Quota Information / Applications to Lease.............................................................................................. 15
Message from the President of the Nisga’a Nation on LNG.......................................................................................................... 16
Nisga’a Child and Family Services Contacts.................................................................................................................................... 17
Flooding Updates on the Nisga’a Highway...................................................................................................................................... 18
The Giving Voice Project / Giving Voice and Being Heard / The 7 Invitations................................................................................ 19
Notice to Participate / Housing Condition Assessment & Energy Savings Kit Installation.........................................................20
Notice 1 of Indigenous Communities Conservation Program / Stream 2 / Rebates for Home Energy Upgrades...................... 24
Cultural Calendar / June 1, 2021........................................................................................................................................................25
NVHA / Nisga’a Healer newsletter now available...........................................................................................................................29
Emergency Preparedness Committee / Province of BC and Nisga’a Nation
to move forward with cautious steps for a careful and safe restart.............................................................................................30
NVHA COVID-19 Update / May 25, 2021.......................................................................................................................................... 33
We are hiring / Data Entry Clerk......................................................................................................................................................34
We are hiring / Fisheries Technician/Deckhand — Prince Rupert................................................................................................... 35
We are hiring / Fisheries and Wildlife Manager..............................................................................................................................36
Board of Education Meeting / School District No. 92 (Nisga’a)...................................................................................................... 37
We are hiring / Forest Resource Officer..........................................................................................................................................38
We are hiring / Information Technology Director............................................................................................................................39
2021 Property Tax Notice................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Resolutions from NLG Executive Meeting / Jan 12,18,27,28, 2021 ................................................................................................ 41
Resolutions from NLG Executive Meeting / February 24-25, 2021 ...............................................................................................45
Resolutions from NLG Executive Meeting / March 24–25 / 2021 .................................................................................................47
Resolutions from NLG Executive Meeting / April 21–23 / 2021 ....................................................................................................50
Resolutions from NLG Executive Meeting / May 26–28 / 2021 .................................................................................................... 53

                                                                                                                                                                                /// Page 2
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
President’s Message
Greetings to the Nisga’a Nation
                             I would first like to extend my sincere condolences to all of
                             those families grieving. I also offer my thoughts and prayers
                             to those battling cancer or other illnesses.

                             It has indeed been a very trying time — especially with the
                             recent news of the discovery of 215 remains of children who
                             attended the Kamloops Indian Residential School. May the
                             legacy of those precious souls lead us all forward in a good way.

                             During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became incredibly important
                             for us to find innovative ways to offer support — especially to
                             our elders. On April 19th I was happy to have had the opportunity
                             to visit our Nisga’a residents at Terraceview Lodge along with
                             representatives of the Dr. REM Lee Hospital Foundation. Before
                             Christmas, Nisga’a Lisims Government on behalf of the Nisga’a
                                              ‑                                           ‑
                             Nation contributed to the Foundation’s ‘Wrap a Door’ initiative
                             for Nisga’a residents at Terraceview Lodge. A small gesture that
                             would go a long way to brighten the lives for the residents.

                             I would like to commend the staff of NLG’s Programs & Services
                             directorate for the incredibly kind gesture with the Wellness
                             Bag initiative — again another heartfelt gesture to our elders
                             in each of the four Nisga’a Villages to let them know we thank
                             them for their knowledge and wisdom and that we care.

                             The roll out of the second dose of the Moderna COVID-19
                             vaccine was a very joyous experience for those in the Nass
                             Valley who received it. The vaccine brings us one step closer
                             to returning to normal, but as the roll out of the vaccine
                             continues everywhere, we must continue to stay the course
                             and practice safe, COVID-19 health and safety protocols.

                             Once again, I extend well wishes to all for continued health
                             and safety.

                                           ’ , gabiihl hiy’
                             Si’aamhl wilsim

                             Nox- s Wil-luu G-aamiks Hlok- s
                             Eva Clayton

                                                                                   /// Page 3
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
Nisga’a Nation Shares in Grief of the Discovery
of Remains of 215 Children at Kamloops Indian
Residential School

                                              /// Page 4
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
Nisga’a Nation Mourns the Loss of
Thomas Berger

continued on page 6                 /// Page 5
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
Loss of Thomas Berger... / continued from page 5

Rehabilitated Eagle Returns to the Nass
                                                   On February 25, 2021 an eagle was reported injured in Gingolx.
                                                   Staff of the Gingolx Maintenance Department were able to cage
                                                   the eagle and report it to NLG’s Department of Compliance and
                                                   Enforcement who then picked up and transported the eagle to
                                                   Terrace to meet Northern Lights Shelter of Smithers, BC.

                                                   Fortunately, the eagle fully recovered from its injuries and was
                                                   transported by NLG’s Enforcement Officers to Lax‑galts’ap where
                                                   it was released at Maple Point. This release spot was perfect as
                                                   there are no power lines or obstructions in the area.

                                                   This is an incredibly heartwarming story and one we should
                                                   all enjoy!

                                                   To report similar incidents, use the NLG Department
                                                   of Compliance & Enforcement’s online reporting tool:
                                          or call their
                                                   on-call cellular phone at 250 975 1936.

                                                                                                          /// Page 6
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
Hoobiyee Nisga’a Nation Virtual
Showcase with CFNR

Nisga’a Lisims Government was proud to co-sponsor CFNR’s Hoobiyee Nisga’a Nation —
    ‑                                                                  ‑
Virtual Showcase on February 19 and 20, 2021. Watch on CFNR’s website:

                                                     Hoobiyee … the rising of the waxing crescent
                                                     moon, as winter nears its final act. Each February
                                                     since the dawn of time, the Nisga’a Nation
                                                     celebrate this as the start of the New Harvest
                                                     Season. The crescent moon also signifies the
                                                     oolichan run and a time of great harvest.

                                                     View performances from past Hoobiyee
                                                     celebrations from 2015 — onward for a walk down
                                                     Hoobiyee Memory Lane from CFNR’s website too!

                                                     With thanks to fellow co-sponsors, CFNR,
                                                     Cedar Coast Dental and MNP Consulting.

                                                                                             /// Page 7
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
Nisga’a Nation Virtual Memorial
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 a virtual memorial was held via Zoom to honour and pay tribute to all Nisga’a citizens
that have passed on to the spirit world since the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                                                                                 /// Page 8
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
Vancouver Canucks Indigenous Peoples Night /
Honouring Youth Indigenous Athletes
Nisga’a Lisims Government,
in partnership with Rogers
Communications, is proud to
feature young Nisga’a Athlete
Matthew Stewart-Clayton who
participated in the Vancouver
Canucks Indigenous Peoples
Night on Saturday March 13th
via Zoom.

Matthew Stewart-Clayton is from Wilps
Gwisk’aayn and hails from the community
of New Aiyansh.

Currently Matthew is in Grade 12 and
attending Caledonia Secondary School in
Terrace, British Columbia. Since moving
to Terrace in his Grade 10 year, Matthew
has had the opportunity to play with the
Caledonia Kermodes, travelling all over the
north and south as far as Vancouver competing            Now Matthew plays men’s soccer with his home
in basketball tournaments.                               community or any Nisga’a team when he can.

In the off season Matthew also had the opportunity to    When Matthew isn’t playing sports, he is volunteering to
try out for the Northwest UNBC Timberwolves Basketball   coach or referee the little leagues basketball at Caledonia
team. Matthew made that team a few years in a row.       every Friday.
Travelled and competing in Edmonton and Langley in
the months of April and May.                             After graduation Matthew plans on attending UNBC to
                                                         continue his basketball/soccer dreams.
Matthew also takes so much pride in representing his
community of New Aiyansh at the Junior All Native and    The past year Matthew has grown to love cooking and
All Native Basketball Tournaments every year.            would love to study in culinary arts, like his Ye’e Fred.

When Matthew was in grade 9 and 10, in summer months     We thank Matthew’s mother Melissa Clayton for
he played with Northwest White Caps Soccer Academy and   contributing Matthew’s bio and photographs!
Terrace Youth Soccer.
                                                         Si’aamhl wilin Matthew!

                                                                                                             /// Page 9
Sayt K'il'im G oot Spring 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE / Sea Lion (T’ibin)
Consumption / NFWD

                               /// Page 10

                            /// Page 11
Public Notice / Nisga’a Bivalve
Notice / Nisga’a Fisheries & Wildlife

continued on page 13             /// Page 12
Bivalve Notice... / continued from page 12

                                             /// Page 13
Nisga’a Fisheries & Wildlife /
Notice of Mountain Goat Study

                                 /// Page 14
2021 Halibut Licence & Quota Information /
Applications to Lease

                                      /// Page 15
Message from the President of the
Nisga’a Nation on LNG

continued on page 17          /// Page 16
Message from the President on LNG... / continued from page 16

To watch the Message from the President online go to:

   Nisga’a Child and Family Services Contacts
    Nisga’a Child & Family Services                             Sub Offices
    5100 Skateen Avenue
    PO Box 231                                                  Prince Rupert
    New Aiyansh, BC V0J 1A0                                     860 3rd Avenue
    Phone: 250 633 2603                                         PO Box 21010
    Fax: 250 633 2609                                           Prince Rupert, BC V8G 4P2
    Toll Free: 1 888 633 2603                                   Phone: 250 627 4141
                                                                Fax: 250 627 4151
    FGC: 250 633 2552                                           Toll Free: 1 866 627 4141
    Toll Free: 1 866 990 2552
    IDP: 250 633 2085                                           #200, 4545 Lazelle Avenue
                                                                Terrace, BC V8G 4E1
    NSCD Coordinator: 250 633 2319                              Phone: 250 635 3008
    Toll Free: 1 888 633 2319                                   Fax: 250 635 3040
                                                                Toll Free: 1 877 635 3008
    NSCD Consultant: 250 633 2593
    Toll Free: 1 888 533 2593

    NSCD Support Worker: 250 633 2135
    Toll Free: 1 888 633 2135

                                                                                            /// Page 17
Flooding Updates on the Nisga’a Highway
                     Please check for current
                                                                updates. Continue to stay safe!

                                                                June 3, 2021 — 5:35pm
                                                                High Flood Warning — Ministry of Transportation and Infra‑
                                                                structure has closed the Nisga’a Highway from Y (on lava
                                                                beds) to Lax‑galts’ap due to increased water levels at WD
                                                                Mckay Bridge. Highway Crews will re-evaluate the highway
                                                                at 8:00 am Friday June 4, 2021.
June 5, 2021 — 10:20am
The water level has dropped significantly overnight, and
                                                                DriveBC website is currently down and does not have up‑
there is down to about 30cm or so in the deep parts.
                                                                dated information. Please remain home until further notice,
                                                                contact your Village Government for any assistance.
We are opening the road shortly to two way traffic for
vehicles with high clearance. There is some damage to
                                                                June 3, 2021 — 12:25pm
the shoulders, so it is a bit narrow in places through there.
                                                                HIGH FLOOD WARNING — Ministry of Transportation and
Emil Anderson is going to put out some delineators to
                                                                Infrastructure has closed the Nisga’a Highway to light duty
mark it, and drivers should use caution through there.                                            ‑
                                                                traffic (Cars and Small SUV’s) at Mckay Bridge.

We expect to be able to open to all traffic by early this
                                                                Travel in small cars and SUVs is not recommended in the
afternoon. Emil Anderson, and Ministry staff will be as‑
                                                                Vetter Creek area on lava beds (A-frame to Tree Mould) and
sessing the roads and bridges throughout the day today.
                                                                between the Nass Rd and Big Cedar Bridge (45.2 km marker)
                                                                due to flooding over the road. Recommend only trucks at
The No Name wall area has minimal water on the road,
                                                                this time. More information to come as soon as available.
but there is damage to the shoulder and asphalt in that
area as well.
                                                                June 3, 2021 — 11:14am
                                                                Between Gitwinksihlkw and Gitlax‑t’aamiks on the lava beds:
June 4, 2021 — 6:13pm
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has
                                                                HIGH FLOOD WARNING — Ministry of Transportation and
confirmedthat Nisga’a Highway 113 will be closed overnight
                    ‑                                           Infrastructure has closed the Nisga’a Highway to light duty
because the water level has not subsided enough to allow                                         ‑
                                                                traffic (Cars and Small SUVs) at Mckay Bridge, Vetter Creek
for safe passage of vehicles. Water levels continue to lower
                                                                area on lava beds (A-frame to Tree Mould) and between
in most sections along the lava beds so we are hopeful
                                                                nass road and Big Cedar Bridge (45.2 km marker) due to
conditions will improve overnight and most if not all routes
                                                                flooding over the road. Recommend only trucks at this
will be able to be opened in the morning.
                                                                time. More information to come as soon as available.

The contractor will assess in the morning and we will
                                                                June 3, 2021 — 8:07am
update Drive BC the conditions are known.
                                                                The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has
                                                                closed the Nisga’a Highway at the McKay Bridge to light
June 4, 2021 — 12:39pm                                                         ‑
                                                                duty traffic (small cars) due to flooding over the road.
The waters rose more overnight but appears to be cresting.
The full highway closure remains in effect and the next up‑
                                                                Please check for further updates.
date from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
                                                                Travel safe!
will be at 4:00pm.

                                                                                                                /// Page 18
The Giving Voice Project / Giving Voice
and Being Heard / The 7 Invitations

                                    /// Page 19
Notice to Participate / Housing
Condition Assessment & Energy Savings
Kit Installation

continued on page 21

                                   /// Page 20
Housing Condition Assessment... / continued from page 20

continued on page 22
                                                           /// Page 21
Housing Condition Assessment... / continued from page 21

continued on page 23                                       /// Page 22
Housing Condition Assessment... / continued from page 22

                                                           /// Page 23
Notice 1 of Indigenous Communities
Conservation Program / Stream 2 /
Rebates for Home Energy Upgrades

                                     /// Page 24
Cultural Calendar / June 1, 2021
                                 NISGA’A NATION CULTURAL EVENTS CALENDAR
                                                   Announcements courtesy of Nisga’a Lisims Government

         Please provide the details of your Event such as the: date(s), name of event, location and if applicable the tribe(s)
         and the Wilp(s) involved. Please provide all necessary information for your booking. If your event is not in the
         Cultural Calendar the event maybe missing information; please contact main reception.

                                      Submit to:               Bryanna Pelletier, Main Receptionist –

                                                              Nisga’a Lisims Government
                                                              2000 Lisims Drive, PO Box 231,
                                                              New Aiyansh, BC V0J 1A0
         Revised: June 1, 2021                                Tel (250)633-3000 Toll Free: 1-866-633-0888
                                                              Fax 250.633- 2367 Website:


                                                                   June 2021
               May 2021                                5           WEDDING                                     June 2021
   29          WEDDING                                 Samuel T. Stevens / Flora Thelma
                                                                                                      30     Family Reunion &
     Lawrence Moore / Micita Barton                                     Stewart
   Son of Alan Moore & the late Victoria                                                                       Dinner & Dance
                                                       Grandson of the Late James/Norma
                McMillan                                                                                           Lax̱ sgiik
                                                              Lincoln (Arlene Lincoln) &
     Daughter of Melvin & Rita Barton                                                                  Sgańisim Sim’oogit Sagawe’en
                                                       The Late Robert Sr/Thelma Stevens
              Laxsgiik / Ganada
                                                                   (Robert Stevens)                          Prince Rupert, BC
        Wilps Hleek / Wilps Ksim Xsaan
                                                             Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jason               Moved from July 1, 2020
              Lax̱̱ g̱̱ alts’ap, BC
                                                                  G̱ anada / Laxgibuu
                                                              Wilps Ax̱ dii Wil Luug̱ ooda /
                                                                 Wilps Axgwindaskw
                                                                    Gingolx, BC
                                                              Moved to August 7, 2021
                                                                                                               July 2021
               May 2021                                                                             02-03     STONE MOVING
   29          WEDDING                                                                                         FOR THE LATE:

        Medrick Azak / Gena Edwards
                                                                   June 2021                                Isabel Stevens (Watts)
             Parents: Clifford & Millie                19      Nisga’a Elementary                                  Lax̱ sgiik
          Azak/Sharon & Jolly Edwards                           Secondary School                       Sgańisim Sim’oogit Sagawe’en
              Nisga’a -G̱ anada
                                                                  2021 Graduation                               Nisga’a Hall
          Wilps Ksim X̱ saan/Lillooet
                                                            Commencement Ceremony                            Prince Rupert, BC
               Kamloops, BC
                                                       Nisga’a Elementary Secondary                    Moved from July 3-4, 2020
                                                            School Gymnasium
                                                                Gitlaxt’aamiks, BC
                                                                                                                            Page 1 of 5

continued on page 26

                                                                                                                                  /// Page 25
Cultural Calendar... / continued from page 25

              July 2021
                                                                                                 August 2021
  03          WEDDING                                                                   14          WEDDING
     Roberto Azevedo / Mercy Davis                          July 2021
      Son of Maria & John Azevedo                                                             Allan McKay Jr. / Chantelle
      Daughter of Norma & the Late                                                                    Stephens
               Charles Davis                    31          WEDDING
          Hosting Tribe: G̱ anada                                                            Son of Allan Sr. & Teena McKay
                                                      Allan McKay Jr. / Chantelle
             / Wilps Ni᾽isjoohl                               Stephens                  Daughter of Harry & Anita Stephens
   (Private Ceremony Vancouver, BC)
   Blessing & Reception postponed to                 Son of Allan Sr. & Teena McKay             G̱ anada / Lax̱ gibuu
                                                                                         Wilps Ax̱ dii Wil Luug̱ ooda / Wilps
                                                Daughter of Harry & Anita Stephens                      Duuḵ ’
           October 30, 2021
           Lax̱̱̱̱ g̱̱ alts’ap, BC                      G̱ anada / Lax̱ gibuu
        Moved from May 8, 2021                   Wilps Ax̱ dii Wil Luug̱ ooda / Wilps            Lax̱̱ g̱̱ alts’ap, BC
                                                                Duuḵ ’                      Moved from July 31, 2021

                                                         Lax̱̱ g̱̱ alts’ap, BC
                                                      Moved to August 14, 2021

              July 2021
                                                                                                 August 2021
  10         50th Wedding
                                                         August 2021                    21      STONE MOVING
             Anniversary                                                                            FOR THE LATE
       Mr. and Mrs. John and Betty              07          WEDDING                                Charles E. Davis
                                                Samuel T. Stevens / Flora Thelma                       Laxsgiik
                                                                 Stewart                           Sim’oogit Xsgaak
               Terrace, BC
                                                Grandson of the Late James/Norma                    Laxgalts’ap, BC
                                                       Lincoln (Arlene Lincoln) &
                                                The Late Robert Sr/Thelma Stevens
                                                            (Robert Stevens)
              July 2021                               Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jason               August 2021
                                                                 Stewart                28          WEDDING
  17          WEDDING                                      G̱ anada / Laxgibuu          Vincent Johnson / Zelda Komurcu
   Justin Clayton / Hannah Robinson                    Wilps Ax̱ dii Wil Luug̱ ooda /               (Barton)
           Son of Tracey Clayton                          Wilps Axgwindaskw                        Gisk’aast/Laxsgiik
       Daughter of Patrick Leeson and                        Gingolx, BC                       Wilp Ni’isyuus/Kwa’kaans
            Glenna Robinson
                                                       Moved from June 5, 2021                       Gingolx, BC
                Invite only.
            Gisḵ’aast / G̱ anada
   Wilps Wisin XbiÍtkw / Wilps Ax̱ dii Wil
               Luug̱ ooda

                                                                                                           Page 2 of 5

continued on page 27

                                                                                                                        /// Page 26
Cultural Calendar... / continued from page 26

                                                      September 2021
                                                17-18    STONE MOVING
          September 2021
                                                           FOR THE LATE:                   October 2021
   4            WEDDING                                     Susan Trimble
         Ashlee Shanisa Thompson /                         Desmond Barton         8-9      STONE MOVING
                Nathan Fehr                                    Lax̱ sgiik                    FOR THE LATE:
    Daughter of Kimberly & Franklin                          Kwa’kaans
   McDonald & the Late Bradley Willard                                                  Sigidimnak’ Diiks Kate Tait
                                                            Gingolx, BC
              Thompson                                                                    Mercy Dorothy Moore
           Son of Dawn & Tim Fehr                          MOVED FROM
                                                                                              Janet Stevens
             Laxgibuu / Smithers                        September 18-19, 2020
                                                                                             Marka Robinson
         Wilps Ksdiyaawak / Smithers
                                                                                             Elsie Robinson
       Gitlaxt’aamiks Recreation Centre
                                                                                                 Lax̱ sgiik
             Gitlaxt’aamiks, BC
                                                                                              Wilps Laaõ
                                                      September 2021                        Laxgalts’ap, BC

                                                24-25    STONE MOVING                        MOVED FROM
                                                                                          November 13-14, 2020
                                                           FOR THE LATE:
          September 2021                                    Nicole McKay
                                                            Louise Holota
   10-11    STONE MOVING
                                                           Daryl Swanson
               FOR THE LATE:
                                                Leonardus Kheelan Tyrone Howard            October 2021
              Oscar H. Mercer
                                                               Lax̱ sgiik
              Cuthbert Munroe
                                                          Wilps Bayt Ńeeâhl       15-16    STONE MOVING
              Cecil M. Morven                             Laxgalts’ap, BC                    FOR THE LATE:
       Loretta Schmelzel (nee Doolan)                      MOVED FROM                       Charles Kingston
           Dorothy (Sharon) Russ                      SEPTEMBER 25-26, 2020                Damon Ross Elliott
                   G̱ anada                                                                      Lax̱ gibuu
               Wilps Ksim X̱ saan                                                           Wilps Ksdiyaawak

               MOVED FROM                                October 2021
                                                                                            New Aiyansh, BC
            October 16-17, 2020                 1-2    STONE MOVING
             Gitlaxt’aamiks, BC
                                                           FOR THE LATE:
                                                        Chemako Morgan aka
                                                             Mike Woods
                                                      Wilps Axdii Wil Luugooda
                                                          New Aiyansh, BC

                                                                                                     Page 3 of 5
continued on page 28

                                                                                                               /// Page 27
Cultural Calendar... / continued from page 27

           October 2021                                                                November 2021
           STONE MOVING                             November 2021
  22-23                                                                         26-27   STONE MOVING
              FOR THE LATE:                        5-6    STONE MOVING                    FOR THE LATE:

          James Edmund Adams                                                            Leonard Guy McKay
                                                           FOR THE LATE:
           Vern Harvey Gosnell                                                                Gisḵ’aast
                                                          Guy Craig McKay
       Sadie Elizabeth Robinson                                                          Wilps Wisin Xbiètkw
                                                               Lax̱ gibuu
             Humphrey Davis                                 Wilps Ńagwa’un               Lax̱̱ g̱̱ alts’ap, BC

          Herbert (Herbie) McKay                Laxgalts’ap Community Centre         MOVED FROM May 14th and
                 Lax̱ gibuu                                Laxgalts’ap, BC                  15th, 2021
                Wilps Duuḵ ’                              MOVED FROM
           Gitlaxt’aamiks, BC                           November 20-21, 2020
             MOVED FROM
           October 23-24, 2020
                                                    November 2021
                                                12-13    STONE MOVING
                                                           FOR THE LATE:                 March 2022
           October 2021                                 Ernest Johnson Morven
                                                                                19       WEDDING
  30          WEDDING                                          Lax̱ sgiik
                                                                                Matthew James Wesley / Susan
  Blessing and Reception                                   Wilps Gitähoon
                                                                                           Sharon Azak
    Roberto Azevedo / Mercy Davis                        Gitlaxt’aamiks, BC       Son of Deborah & Allan Azak
       Son of Maria & John Azevedo                         MOVED FROM           Daughter of Audrey & (late) Jerry
       Daughter of Norma & the Late                      November 6-7, 2020
             Charles Davis                                                              Laxsgiik / Ganada
                                                                                 Wilps Hleek Gans Naaw / Wilps
           Hosting Tribe: G̱ anada
                                                                                       Ax̱ dii Wil Luug̱ooda
                   / Wilps Ni᾽isjoohl
             Laxgalts’ap, BC                        November 2021               Gitwinksihlkw & Gitlaxtaamiks

                                                19-20    STONE MOVING
                                                           FOR THE LATE:
                                                            Kevin Morven
                                                              Lax̱ gibuu
                                                             Wilps SÞat’iin

                                                         Gitlaxt’aamiks, BC
                                                           MOVED FROM
                                                        November 12-13, 2020

                                                                                                  Page 4 of 5

continued on page 29

                                                                                                                 /// Page 28
Cultural Calendar... / continued from page 28

                                                  NVHA    / Nisga’a Healer
                                                  The Cultural
              April 2022
                                                 Calendar will be
                                                  newsletterstnow available
   22                                           revised on the 1 &
         Jasmine E Davis/ Kirby K                       15th                                 NISGA’A

            Matthews (Kispiox)
    Daughter of Audrey & Ken Davis
                                                  of each month.                                                                                                                                                                                              Issue #0

                                                   Please have

    Son of Corie Skulsh & Raymond                                                                                                                                                                                                            Nisga’a
    Matthews (Adopted into Duuk by                  completed                                                                                                                                                                                Healer
            Marina Mercer)
                                                  applications in                                                                                                                                                                             Update

        Wilps Ni’isyuus / Wilps Duuk            before these dates              WILLIAM

              Lax̱̱ g̱̱ alts’ap, BC                                    Nisga’a                                                                                                                                     IN THIS

                                                                       Update alley Health C                                                                                                                       NVHA Co
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           vid-19 up
                                                                         March 19t
                                                                                  h, 2021.
                                                                                             OVID                                                                            -19                                  Mental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Health De
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     date pa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ge 1-2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2-8             partmen
                                                                        A messa                                                                                                                                                            t page
                                                                                   ge from
                                                                                              our CEO                                      Although
                                                                       NVHA ack                                                                        NV
                                                                                                                                           December HA is assure                                               Family W
                                                                      COVID-19 wledges the                                                                                d that the                                   ellne      ss page
                                                                                                        tol                               resolved, 2020 COVID-19                       ori                                                   9
                                                                      Nation, and restrictions l that the                                             there do                cluster has ginal
                                                                                com                      have had                        sporadic                es
                                                                                                                                                    cases thr continue to be                                  CCHR pa
                                                                     individual munities, fam                        on the             wit                     ougho                  expect                        ge       10 – 11
                                                                                 s.                    ilie                                 hin the Nis
                                                                    however It has been a cha s and                                    ens                ga’a Lan ut the communit ed
                                                                               , collective               llenging                          ure  the isolat          ds. NVHA is            ies              Nurses
                                                                    be diligen               ly                     year,
                                                                                t and con we need to con                                                     ed cases                working                          page 12

               July 2022
                                                                                                                                                  any furthe            rem                   to
                                                                               g the vul
                                                                                            tinue to               tin
                                                                                                       be diligen ue to                                        r “cluster” ain isolated and
                                                                   Nisga’a                nerable                                                                            infection
                                                                                                     members t in                     Recently                                                               NV
                                                                             Nation.                                                              NVHA has                             s.                         Holiday
                                                                                                                 of the              confirm                    received                                    unity me           clo
                                                                  The only                                                                     ation of
                                                                                                                                                          6                laborator                                    mber aresure page
                                                                             wa                                                      Lan ds, and            act ive cases              y                                             still requir 13
                                                                 together… y we will get thr                                        these inf it is understoo               in the                       1) Me                                    ed to:
                                                                              as a Natio             ough thi                                  ect                   d that at Nisga’a                             ticulous
                                                                                           n.                  s is                of the Mo ions presented                      lea                           hand san handwashing/us
                                                                NVHA is                                                                         der                    after the st 3 of                                  itizer
                                                                           pro                                                     has receiv na COVID-19                          Dose 1                                                           e of
                                                                Provincia vided with vac                                                       ed furthe             Vaccine.                          2) Ma
                                                                           l Vaccine             cin                              infection                r                     NV
                                                               supplies.              planning es according to                                is the com confirmation tha HA                                      sk at all

                                                                           We succes              , gui                          identified                mon var                 t                         with any            es when
                                                              commu                    sfully vac delines and                                                         iant and the                                      on                   in con

                                                                                                                                              as a “va
                                                                        nity me
                                                                                 mbers in           cinate                                              riant” str               not at all                 househo e outside of the tact
                                                              awaiting                       February. d 1018                   The body’                          ain.                                                ld “bubb
                                                                         inf                                                                                                                                                       les”
                                                             for the rem ormation on the                   NVHA is             time to
                                                                                                                                             s response                                              3) Ma
                                                                                                                                                           to the vac                                          intain soc
                                                            the 2 nd do aining populati vaccine supply                                   ens
                                                                                                                              COVID-19 ure full resistance cine takes                                                       ial distan
                                                                         sing.                on 18+ as                                                                                                                                 cing
                                                                                                           well as            commit infection, thus                 to active                            -     at least
                                                           Provincia                                                                    ted                     the                                                       6 feet aw
                                                                      l                                                      precautio and consistent adherence to                                                                     ay from
                                                          second authorities hav                                                          ns                     COVID-19                                       anyone
                                                                    dosin                  e now ext                         vulnerabl is essential in                                                         “bubbles side of househo

       Jeffrey W.J Palmer / Teniel
                                                          allows 2 nd g guidelines                     ended the                         e memb                pro                                                        ”                        ld
                                                                      dosing up           to 4 mo
                                                                                                     nths wh                                       ers of the tecting the                          4) Lim
                                                                                    until mid                               NVHA wa                              Nation.
                                                                                               -June 202 ich                                                                                                it trips
                                                                                                            1.             that the
                                                                                                                                        nts to rem
                                                                                                                                                     ind com                                           commu outside of the
                                                                                                                                      Va                        munity                                           nity to ess

             Rebecca Angus
                                                                                                                           preventio ccine is only on                    members                      only                    ential pur
                                                                                                                                       n                     e part of
                                                                                                                          transmissi of potential CO                    the
                                                                                                                                       on and inf            VID-19                                      -    Medical

      Son of (Late) Richard Palmer &
                                                                                                                                                                                                     -        Supplies

              Angela Palmer
    Daughter of (Late) Rebecca Angus &
             Alexander Angus                      Updated March 2021
            Gisk’aast / Laxsgiik
                / Wilps La’ay
                                                  NVHA Covid-19 update page 1-2
                                                  Mental Health Department page 2-8

                                                  Family Wellness page 9
             October 2022
                                                  CCHR page 10–11
   15          WEDDING
   Roberta Gosnell / Maverick Moore
    Daughter of Frank Gosnell & Kate              Nurses page 12
   Son of (Late) Jarel Alexcee & Collette
                   Moore                          NVHA Holiday closure page 13
            Gisk’aast / Laxgibuu
       Wilps Daaxan / Wilps Duuk’
          Ceremony in Gingolx                     To view newsletter go to:
      Reception in Gitlaxt’aamiks                 default/files/Nisga%27a%20Healer%20March%2015th%20
        Gingolx & Gitlaxt’aamiks BC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 5 of 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 /// Page 29
Emergency Preparedness Committee /
Province of BC and Nisga’a Nation to move
forward with cautious steps for a careful
and safe restart

continued on page 31                /// Page 30
Careful and safe restart... / continued from page 30

continued on page 32                                   /// Page 31
Careful and safe restart... / continued from page 31

continued on page 33                                   /// Page 32
Careful and safe restart... / continued from page 32

For all information on Covid-19, including a timeline, visit the NLG website:

    NVHA COVID-19 Update / May 25, 2021
    Since last week’s update, Nisga’a Valley Health Authority’s          COVID testing since March 2020:
    Medical Director has reported zero additional positive test          Tested: 1,432     Died: 5
    results. We still have one person recovering in hospital so listed   Positive: 215     Negative: 1,217
    as “active”. We have zero test results pending.                      Active: 1         Pending: 0
                                                                         Recovered: 209
    Next update will be with any significant change or as
    determined by the EOC.

                                                                                                         /// Page 33
We are hiring / Data Entry Clerk

                                   /// Page 34
We are hiring / Fisheries Technician/
Deckhand — Prince Rupert

                                 /// Page 35
We are hiring / Fisheries and
Wildlife Manager

continued on page 37            /// Page 36
Fisheries and Wildlife Manager... / continued from page 36

Board of Education Meeting /
School District No. 92 (Nisga’a)

                                                             /// Page 37
We are hiring / Forest Resource Officer

                                   /// Page 38
We are hiring / Information
Technology Director

continued on page 40          /// Page 39
Information Technology Director... / continued from page 39

2021 Property Tax Notice

                                                              /// Page 40
Executive Highlights //////

Resolutions from NLG Executive Meeting /
Jan 12,18,27,28, 2021                                      The following is a summary, and is not an exhaustive list of all Executive
                                                           Resolutions e.g. “Adoption of the Agenda” is not included.

Resolution 2021 / 02                                       Resolution 2021 / 04

CONSIDERING THAT under the Nisga’a Emergency               CONSIDERING THAT the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims
                                   ‑                                                                ‑
Program Act (the “Act”), the Executive may make            Government (the “Executive”) has been made aware that
regulations it considers necessary or advisable for        approximately 68 individuals residing on Nisga’a Lands
the purposes of the Act;                                   have recently tested positive for the COVID-19 virus;

MOVED THAT:                                                AND CONSIDERING THAT the designated health services
                                                           provider of the Nisga’a Nation, the Nisga’a Valley Health
                                                                               ‑                   ‑
(1)	under the Act, the Executive enact the Nisga’a        Authority (“NVHA”), has advised the Executive of the
     Emergency Program Regulation attached to this         potential risks of the further spread of the COVID-19 virus
     motion as Appendix “A” (the “Regulation”);            without immediate measures;

(2)	the Regulation come into force on the date it is      AND CONSIDERING THAT the presence of the COVID-19
    signed by the President; and                           virus on Nisga’a Lands creates an imminent and serious
                                                           threat to the health of Nisga’a citizens and other residents
(3) the President be authorized:                           of Nisga’a Lands;
		 (a) to sign this Resolution; and
		 (b) to sign the Regulation to evidence its enactment.   AND CONSIDERING THAT the Executive has determined
                                                           that prompt coordination of action and special regulation
                                                           of persons to protect the health and welfare of people is
Resolution 2021 / 03

CONSIDERING THAT amendments to the Nisga’a                 AND CONSIDERING THAT the Emergency Preparedness
Enforcement Regulation are desirable in respect of         Committee and NVHA have recommended certain tempo‑
contraventions of section 37 the Nisga’a Emergency         rary emergency measures to the Executive to respond to
Program Act and section 2 of the Nisga’a Emergency         this situation;
Program Regulation;
                                                           AND CONSIDERING THAT the plan attached to this motion
MOVED THAT:                                                as Appendix “A” (the “Orders”) sets out temporary emer‑
                                                           gency measures to respond to this situation,
(1)	the Executive enact the Nisga’a Enforcement
    Amendment Regulation, 2021 attached to this            AND FURTHER CONSIDERING THAT Nisga’a Lisims
     motion as Appendix “A” (the “Regulation”);            Government has notified the Province of British Columbia
                                                           of its intention to implement certain emergency measures
(2)	the Regulation come into force on the date it is      utilizing the Executive’s powers under the Nisga’a
    signed by the President; and                           Emergency Program Act, as well as its intention to
                                                           work together as partners to manage this situation,
(3) the President be authorized:
		 (a) to sign this Resolution; and                        continued on page 42
		 (b) to sign the Regulation to evidence its enactment.

                                                                                                                              /// Page 41
Executive Highlights //////                                   Executive Highlights January 2021... / continued from page 41

MOVED THAT the Executive

                                                             Resolution 2021 / 06
1.	declare under section 19 of the Nisga’a Emergency
    Program Act that a state of local emergency exists        CONSIDERING THAT by Resolution 2021/04 (the
    on Nisga’a Lands, in all four Nisga’a Villages, due      “Resolution”), the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims Government
           ‑                         ‑                                                            ‑
    to the known occurrences of the COVID-19 virus on         (the “Executive”) declared under section 19 of the Nisga’a
    Nisga’a Lands and the threat of further infection         Emergency Program Act (the “Act”) that a state of local
    through contact if the situation is not contained         emergency exists on Nisga’a Lands, in all four Nisga’a
                                                                                       ‑                         ‑
    (the “Declaration”);                                      Villages, due to the known occurrences of the COVID-19
                                                              virus on Nisga’a Lands and the threat of further infection
2.	order under section 27 of the Nisga’a Emergency           through contact if the situation is not contained (the
    Program Act that the plan attached to this motion        “Declaration”);
    as Appendix “A” (the “Order”) are the temporary acts
    and procedures necessary to prevent, respond to and      AND CONSIDERING THAT the Declaration included an order
    alleviate the effects of the known occurrences of the    under section 27 of the Act, outlining certain acts and
    COVID-19 virus on Nisga’a Lands and the threat of        procedures to be carried out in order to prevent, respond to
    further infection through contact if the situation is    and alleviate the effects of the known occurrences of the
    not contained;                                           COVID-19 virus on Nisga’a Lands (the “Order”);

3.	empower the following persons to do all acts necessary   AND CONSIDERING THAT the number of known occurrences
    to implement the Order:                                  of the COVID-19 virus on Nisga’a Lands has not diminished
       a.	Nisga’a public officers, as directed by the       since the Declaration and the threat of further infection
           Director of Enforcement and Emergency Services;   through contact of the COVID-19 virus on Nisga’a Lands
		 b.	any person acting under a contract with the
       Nisga’a Nation entered into for the purposes          AND FURTHER CONSIDERING THAT the Declaration may
       of implementing the Orders, as directed by            be extended for an additional seven day period with the
       the Director of Enforcement and Emergency             approval of the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor
       Services; and                                         General or the Lieutenant Governor in Council under section
                                                             26 (1) of the Act (the “Minister’s Approval”);
4.	authorize and direct the Chief Executive Officer and
    Director of Communications and Inter-Governmental        MOVED THAT the Executive
    Relations to, as soon as practicable:
      a.	forward a copy of the Declaration and Order to     1.	extend the duration of the Declaration, including the
          each Nisga’a Village Government and to the             Order, for a further seven day period, to take effect upon
          Minister of Public Safety & Solicitor General          the Minister’s Approval;
          in accordance with section 24 of the Nisga’a
          Emergency Program Act; and                         2.	authorize and direct the Chief Executive Officer to seek
                                                                 the Minister’s Approval without delay; and
		 b.	cause the details of the Declaration and Order
       to be published in accordance with Nisga’a law,       3.	authorize and direct the Chief Executive Officer and
       published on the Nisga’a Nation’s website, and            Director of Communications and Inter-Governmental
       communicated through any other means that the             Relations, to, as soon as practicable after receiving any
       Director of Communications and Inter-Governmen‑           Minister’s Approval:
       tal Relations considers appropriate.                        i.	forward a copy of the Declaration, including the
                                                                       Order, and the Minister’s Approval to each Nisga’a

                                                             continued on page 43
                                                                                                                /// Page 42
Executive Highlights //////                                    Executive Highlights January 2021... / continued from page 42

         Village Government in accordance with sections        communities to improve access by improving internet
         26(2) and 24 of the Nisga’a Emergency Program         speeds and increasing wireless mobility coverage (the
         Act; and                                             “Universal Broadband Fund”);

		 ii.	cause the details of the Declaration, including the   AND CONSIDERING THAT the Nisga’a Nation and its wholly-
        Order, and the Minister’s Approval to be published    owned subsidiary, Lisims Internet & Technology Ltd., are
        in accordance with Nisga’a law, published on the      licensed with CRTC and are required to comply with the
        Nisga’a Nation’s website, and communicated            Minimum Standards;
        through any other means that the Director
        of Communications and Inter-Governmental              AND CONSIDERING THAT Executive of Nisga’a Lisims
        Relations considers appropriate.                      Government (the “Executive”) approved the Nisga’a
                                                              Nation’s previous CRTC application in June 2020;

                                                              AND FURTHER CONSIDERING THAT it is in the best
Resolution 2021 / 09
                                                              interest of Nisga’a citizens to have comparable levels
CONSIDERING THAT the President of the Nisga’a Nation          of internet and wireless coverage to residents living
has received a letter received January 5, 2021 from the       elsewhere in the province;
Regional Director General for the Pacific Region concerning
the expiration of the term for Mr. Harry Nyce, Canadian       MOVED THAT the Executive
Northern Panel member for the Pacific Salmon Commission,
and the desire to receive a nomination for appointment to     1.	recommend to Finance Committee and to Wilp
this seat (the “PSC nomination letter”);                          Si’ayuuk‑hl Nisga’a that the Finance Committee and
                                                                  Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl Nisga’a approve up to $1,310,000 in
MOVED THAT the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims Government             funding (the “Nisga’a Nation Investment”) on the
                               ‑                                                     ‑
                                                                  understanding that the Nisga’a Nation Investment
1.	nominate and recommend the reappointment of                   will be matched by an ISED contribution of $8,640,000
    Mr. Harry Nyce Sr. as Canadian Northern Panel member          (for a total investment of $9,950,000), and
    for the Pacific Salmon Commission; and
                                                              2.	authorize the IT Manager in coordination with the
2.	direct the Chief Executive Officer to communicate the         Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer
    Executive’s recommendation to Ms. Sandra Davies               of Nisga’a Lisims Government to finalize and submit
    and/or Ms. Shannon Balfry as indicated in the PSC             the Universal Broadband Fund application.
    nomination letter.

                                                              Resolution 2021 / 12
Resolution 2021 / 10
                                                              CONSIDERING THAT it is anticipated that Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl
CONSIDERING THAT Canadian Radio-television and                Nisga’a, acting under the trust agreement between the
Telecommunications Commission (“CRTC”) has declared           Nisga’a Nation and the Royal Trust Corporation of Canada
that broadband internet is an essential service and has       respecting the Nisga’a Settlement Trust dated December
developed a policy outlining minimum standards for all        20, 2000, as amended (the “Trust Agreement”), may at its
licensees (the “Minimum Standards”);                          next regular sitting direct the current Trustee, as defined in
                                                              the Trust Agreement (the “Trustee”), to make a distribution
AND FURTHER CONSIDERING THAT Innovation, Science              from the Trust Fund, as defined in the Trust Agreement
and Economic Development (ISED) is accepting funding          (the “Trust Fund”), to the Nisga’a Nation in the amount
applications to bridge the digital divide and enable rural    and on the terms and conditions set out below;

                                                              continued on page 44
                                                                                                                 /// Page 43
Executive Highlights //////                                        Executive Highlights January 2021... / continued from page 43

MOVED THAT the Nisga’a Lisims Government Executive,                    with such modifications as may be determined to be
acting under section 4.3 of the Trust Agreement, notify the            appropriate by the Director in consultation with the
Trustee that it is anticipated that Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl Nisga’a,          Chief Executive Officer of Nisga’a Lisims Government,
                                                        ‑                                            ‑
acting under section 4.3 of the Trust Agreement, may at                and
its next regular sitting direct that the Trustee, acting under
section 4.2(b) of the Trust Agreement, make a distribution         2.	direct the Director to forward the proposed Annual
from the Trust Fund to the Nisga’a Nation:                             Fishing Plan to the Joint Fisheries Management
1. in the total amount of $8,240,884.00 and

2. to be paid in one instalment on or before March 31, 2021.
                                                                   Resolution 2021 / 17

                                                                   CONSIDERING THAT the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims
                                                                   Government (the “Executive”) has reviewed the
Resolution 2021 / 15
                                                                   recommendation set out in the briefing note provided by
CONSIDERING THAT the Deputy Director of Programs and               the President of the Nisga’a Nation entitled “Outgoing
Services of Nisga’a Lisims Government has submitted on             2016-2020 Government Recommendations” (the “Outgoing
behalf of the Nisga’a Nation an application to the Northern        Government Recommendations” briefing note”);
Development Initiative Trust (“NDIT”) for funding in the
amount of $50,000 to support the creation of an internship         MOVED THAT the Executive accept the recommendation
position to serve the functions set out in application             set out in the Outgoing Government Recommendations
attached to this motion as Appendix “A” (the “Nisga’a              briefing note and authorize the Officers to review the
Navigator internship application”);                                recommendations from the outgoing 2016-2020 term
                                                                   with the Chief Executive Officer and provide a report and/
AND CONSIDERING FURTHER THAT the Executive of                      or recommendations on next steps in respect of these
Nisga’a Lisims Government (the “Executive”) has reviewed           recommendations.
and approves the Nisga’a Navigator internship application;

MOVED THAT the Executive endorse and express its full
                                                                   Resolution 2021 / 18
support for the Nisga’a Navigator internship application
submitted to NDIT on behalf of the Nisga’a Nation.                 CONSIDERING THAT the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims
                                       ‑                                                                    ‑
                                                                   Government (the “Executive”) has reviewed the
                                                                   recommendation set out in the briefing note provided
                                                                   by the President of the Nisga’a Nation concerning
Resolution 2021 / 16                                                                          ‑
                                                                   negotiations (the “Negotiations briefing note”);
 CONSIDERING THAT pursuant to section 22 of the Nisga’a
 Fisheries and Wildlife Act, the Nisga’a Lisims Government         MOVED THAT the Executive accept the recommendation
 Executive (the “Executive”) must adopt a proposed annual          set out in the Negotiations briefing note and appoint
 fishing plan prepared by the Director of Fish and Wildlife (the   the Secretary-Treasurer Charles Morven as the lead
“Director”);                                                       negotiator for the negotiations named in the Negotiations
                                                                   briefing note.
MOVED THAT the Executive:

1.	approve and adopt the proposed Nisga’a Annual
                                         ‑                         In addition to the items referenced above, regular business carried out by the
    Fishing Plan for 2021/2022 prepared by the Director,           Executive of Nisga’a Lisims Government includes opening prayer, adoption of
    substantially in the form attached to this motion as           agenda, minutes and financial statements.

    Appendix “A” (the “proposed Annual Fishing Plan”),

                                                                                                                                     /// Page 44
Executive Highlights //////

Resolutions from NLG Executive Meeting /
February 24-25, 2021                                       The following is a summary, and is not an exhaustive list of all Executive
                                                           Resolutions e.g. “Adoption of the Agenda” is not included.

Resolution 2021 / 21                                      Resolution 2021 / 22

                                                           CONSIDERING THAT pursuant to resolution 2002/157,
                                                           the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims Government (the
A.	Nisga’a Lisims Government (“NLG”) and the Vital       “Executive”) authorized the Secretary-Treasurer, acting
    Statistics Agency (“BCVSA”) have negotiated an         on recommendation from the Chief Financial Officer, to
    information sharing agreement (the “Information        issue guarantees under the Nisga’a Temporary Housing
    Sharing Agreement”) to share information to            Security Act (the “Act”) and to enter into and sign any
    enable the BCVSA to use its programming to match       agreement or other document needed to give effect to
    the data provided by NLG to identify deaths of         those guarantees;
    Nisga’a citizens, and provide such confirmation of
    death registrations to NLG;                           AND CONSIDERING THAT some Nisga’a citizens have
                                                          now fully repaid the loans that were guaranteed by the
B.	In December 2020, the Executive approved the
                                                          Nisga’a Nation under the Act;
    entering into of the confidentiality agreement           ‑
    between NLG and the BCVSA, dated December 23,
                                                          AND CONSIDERING THAT the Executive by resolution
   2020, to protect the confidentiality of information
                                                          2019/25 authorized the Chief Financial Officer to
    that was being shared between the parties so
                                                          execute mortgage discharge documents when a
    that the Parties could test the matching abilities
                                                          Nisga’a citizen has fully repaid a loan guaranteed
    of the BCVSA’s programming before finalizing the          ‑
                                                          by the Nisga’a Nation under the Act, the bank has
    Information Sharing Agreement; and                               ‑
                                                          provided clear documentation to this effect, and a legal
C.	The parties have successfully tested the matching     review indicates that the mortgage in question may
    abilities of the BCVSA’s programming and therefore,   appropriately be discharged;
    now wish to enter into the Information Sharing
    Agreement attached as Appendix “A”.                   AND CONSIDERING FINALLY THAT it is expedient that
                                                          the authorization to execute mortgage discharge
MOVED THAT the Nisga’a Lisims Government
                       ‑                                  documents on behalf of the Nisga’a Nation now be
Executive approve, authorize and direct the Chief                                         ‑
                                                          extended to the Director of Capital, Housing and
Executive Officer of the Nisga’a Nation, for and on
                            ‑                             Facilities Operations;
behalf of the Nisga’a Nation, to execute and deliver
to the BCVSA the Information Sharing Agreement
                                                          MOVED THAT the Executive authorize the Director of
substantially in the form attached to this motion
                                                          Capital, Housing and Facilities Operations to execute
as Appendix “A”, with such modifications as may be
                                                          mortgage discharge documents when the following
determined to be appropriate by the Chief Executive
                                                          conditions are met:
Officer of Nisga’a Lisims Government in consultation
with legal counsel.
                                                          1.	the Nisga’a citizen has fully repaid a loan
                                                              guaranteed by the Nisga’a Nation under the Act;

                                                          2.	the relevant bank has provided clear documentation
                                                              to this effect;

                                                          continued on page 46
                                                                                                                             /// Page 45
Executive Highlights //////                                          Executive Highlights Feb 2021... / continued from page 45

3.	a legal review indicates that the mortgage in question
    may appropriately be discharged; and
                                                               Resolution 2021 / 25

4.	the Chief Financial Officer has provided his approval      MOVED THAT the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims Government
    to the execution of the mortgage discharge documents       direct that a letter be drafted for the President’s signature
    on behalf of the Nisga’a Nation.                           urging the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to cancel
                                                               all Area 3 commercial salmon fisheries for a five year period
                                                               commencing immediately due to very poor salmon returns.

Resolution 2021 / 23

                                                               Resolution 2021 / 26

1.	appointments to the Enrolment Committee                    CONSIDERING THAT the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims
    (the “Committee”) are made every two years for             Government (the “Executive”) has reviewed a briefing
    a two-year term;                                           note provided by the Acting Director of Capital, Housing
                                                               and Facilities Operations entitled “NLG Fleet – Capital
2.	section 15(1) of the Nisga’a Citizenship Act requires      and Operational Report” (the “NLG Fleet report”);
    that the Committee consist of one voting member
    from each of the four Nisga’a tribes and one alternate     MOVED THAT the Executive
    member from each of the four Nisga’a tribes;
                                                               1.	adopt the first option outlined in the NLG Fleet report;
3.	section 2(3) of the Nisga’a Citizenship Regulation             and
    permits the reappointment of Committee members;
    and                                                        2.	direct that Nisga’a Lisims Government engage a Fleet
                                                                   Coordinator to implement the work plan outlined in the
4.	the Citizenship Manager of Nisga’a Lisims Government           NLG Fleet Report for the NLG fleet operations.
    (the “Manager”) has made certain recommendations in
    respect of who should be appointed or reappointed as
    members and alternates to the Committee for the
                                                               In addition to the items referenced above, regular business carried out by the
    2021-2023 term;                                            Executive of Nisga’a Lisims Government includes opening prayer, adoption of
                                                               agenda, minutes and financial statements.


1.	the Executive appoint the following four regular members
    to the Committee:
    • Kathleen Clayton (Lax‑gibuu)
    • Lorna E Azak (G‑anada )
    • Dianna Rai (Gisk‑’aast)
    • Lavinia Clayton (Lax‑sgiik)

2.	the Executive appoint the following alternate members
    to the Committee:
    • Heather Stephens (G‑anada )
    • Deborah Azak (Lax‑sgiik)
    • Dorcas Stewart (Lax‑gibuu)
    • Eric Grandison (Gisk‑’aast)

                                                                                                                                 /// Page 46
Executive Highlights //////

Resolutions from NLG Executive Meeting /
March 24–25 / 2021                                               The following is a summary, and is not an exhaustive list of all Executive
                                                                 Resolutions e.g. “Adoption of the Agenda” is not included.

                                                                 Nation, for and on behalf of the Nisga’a Nation, to execute
                                                                 and deliver to the other Nations the March 19, 2021 Adden‑
Resolution 2021 / 31
                                                                 dum substantially in the form attached to this motion as
CONSIDERING THAT the President of Nisga’a Lisims Govern‑         Appendix “A”, with such modifications as may be deter‑
ment has received correspondence from the Chief Executive        mined to be appropriate by the President in consultation
Officer of Tribal Resources Investment Corporation (“Tricorp”)   with the Chairperson, the Secretary-Treasurer and the
indicating that the term of the two Nisga’a Lisims Govern‑       Chief Executive Officer of Nisga’a Lisims Government.
                                        ‑                                                      ‑
ment appointees to the board of Tricorp – Mr. Alex Angus
Stevens and Mr. Franklin Alexcee – will end on March 31, 2021;

                                                                 Resolution 2021 / 38
MOVED THAT the Executive appoint Mr. William Moore
and Mr. Curtis Mercer to serve as representatives from the       CONSIDERING THAT, currently, when a Nisga’a Village
Nisga’a Nation on the TRICORP Board for the term com‑            Government applies to the Government of Canada for
mencing April 1, 2021 and expiring on March 31, 2024.            funding for particular projects, and the Village application
                                                                 is accepted by the Government of Canada, the funding
                                                                 and associated reporting requirements flow through the
                                                                 master contribution agreement between the Government
Resolution 2021 / 32
                                                                 of Canada and the Nisga’a Nation;
CONSIDERING THAT the Nisga’a Nation entered into a
memorandum of understanding dated for reference Sep‑             MOVED THAT:
tember 26, 2019 in respect of collaboration on the develop‑
ment of a Greenhouse Gas and Climate Change Mitigation           1.	the Chief Executive Officer send a letter to the Govern‑
Strategy for the Province of British Columbia among the              ment of Canada, with copies sent to the Nisga’a Villages:
Nisga’a Nation, Metlakatla First Nation, Lax Kw’alaams
Band and Haisla Nation (the “FNCI MOU”);                         		 a.	indicating that Nisga’a Lisims Government does
                                                                        not object to federal government departments
AND CONSIDERING THAT the FNCI MOU expired on March 1,                   entering into contribution agreements directly
2020 and that the March 2, 2020 Addendum extending the                  with the Nisga’a Village Governments; and
term of the FNCI MOU to March 31, 2021 is about to expire;
                                                                 		 b.	requesting that copies of those contribution
AND CONSIDERING THAT Lax Kw’alaams has withdrawn                        agreements be provided to Nisga’a Lisims
from the MOU as of March 18th, 2021;                                    Government; and

AND CONSIDERING THAT a further addendum to extend                2.	the Chief Executive Officer send letters to the federal
the MOU but only amongst the Nisga’a Nation, Metlakatla              departments of Indigenous Services Canada and Crown-
First Nation and the Haisla Nation, to be effective as of            Indigenous Relations, on the one hand, and each Nisga’a
March 19, 2021 until it is otherwise terminated by one or            Village Government, on the other, encouraging them to
more of such Nations, has been provided to the Executive             work together to resolve any outstanding reporting re‑
for its consideration (the “March 19, 2021 Addendum”);               quirements in respect of Nisga’a Village projects funded
                                                                     through the master contribution agreement between
MOVED THAT the Nisga’a Lisims Government Executive                   the Government of Canada and the Nisga’a Nation.
                     ‑                                                                                       ‑
approve, authorize and direct the President of the Nisga’a
                                                                 continued on page 48
                                                                                                                                   /// Page 47
Executive Highlights //////                                        Executive Highlights Mar 2021... / continued from page 47

                                                                        and expenditure of the Nisga’a Nation from
                                                                        the end of the fiscal year to the most recent
Resolution 2021 / 39
                                                                        date practicable; and
                                                               		 c.	a copy of the audited financial statements
A.	Canada has proposed amendments to the Nisga’a                     for the Nisga’a Nation for the most recently
                                                   ‑                             ‑
    Nation Fiscal Financing Agreement (No. 3) so that                 completed fiscal year.
    certain incremental funding will flow to the Nisga’a
    Nation as grant funding;

                                                               Resolution 2021 / 41
B.	The Nisga’a Finance Committee has approved a report
    recommending that Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl Nisga’a ratify          CONSIDERING THAT the Nisga’a Finance Committee at
                                          ‑                                                  ‑
    Nisga’a Nation Fiscal Financing Agreement (No. 3)          its March 11, 2021 meeting recommended to the Executive
    Amending Agreement #3 among the Nisga’a Nation,            of Nisga’a Lisims Government (the “Executive”) that
                                            ‑                         ‑
    Canada and British Columbia (the “NNFFA No. 3              a distribution via the $5,000,000 COVID-19 budget
    Amending Agreement #3”);                                   appropriation be made in the amount of $39,250 to
                                                               the Village of Gitlax‑t’aamiks to cover costs incurred
MOVED THAT Executive recommend to Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl             by the Village for holding meetings in person of some
Nisga’a that Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl Nisga’a ratify the NNFFA         Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl Nisga’a members during the COVID-19
   ‑                             ‑                                                   ‑
No. 3 Amending Agreement #3 substantially in the form          pandemic;
attached to this motion as Appendix “A”.
                                                               MOVED THAT the Executive adopt the recommendation
                                                               of the Nisga’a Finance Committee and make the distribu‑
                                                               tion to the Village of Gitlax‑t’aamiks as outlined above.
Resolution 2021 / 40

CONSIDERING THAT under section 29 of the Nisga’a
Financial Administration Act, the Nisga’a Lisims
                                       ‑                       Resolution 2021 / 42
Government Executive (the “Executive”) must recommend
to Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl Nisga’a the draft budget for the Nisga’a   MOVED THAT the Executive of Nisga’a Lisims Government
                       ‑                                ‑                                     ‑
Nation for the next fiscal year by March 27, 2021;
                                                               1.	receive the minutes for the Nisga’a Finance
MOVED THAT the Executive                                           Committee meetings dated March 8 to 10, March 11,
                                                                   and March 17, 2021; and
1.	approve the draft budget for the 2021/2022
    fiscal year, substantially in the form attached            2.	accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee
    to this motion; and                                            as set out in item no. 9 and its motion #5-2021-03-17.

2.	direct the Chief Financial Officer to prepare a
    letter from the Executive to Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl
                                                               Resolution 2021 / 43
    Nisga’a, to be tabled at the next Wilp Si’ayuuk‑hl
    Nisga’a meeting scheduled to begin on March 29,            CONSIDERING THAT by Executive resolution 2018/135 the
    2021, that includes:                                       Executive of Nisga’a Lisims Government (the “Executive”)
                                                               established the Department of Capital, Housing and Facili‑
		 a. the recommended budget;                                  ties Operations and the office of Director of Capital, Hous‑
                                                               ing and Facilities Operations of Nisga’a Lisims Government;
		 b.	a statement, prepared by the Chief Financial
       Officer in accordance with the Nisga’a Nation           continued on page 49
       established accounting policies, of the revenue
                                                                                                                 /// Page 48
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