Federal Election 2013 Key Issues: Responses

Page created by Arthur Paul
The Australian Institute of Architects has
                        identified the following key issues as priorities
                        for the architectural profession, as summarised

Federal Election 2013
                        in this document.
                        During the 2013 federal election campaign,
                        we surveyed each major political party about

Key Issues: Responses
                        these issues. Their responses are faithfully
                        replicated in the document as at 29 August
                        2013 and we provide this for the information
                        of the Institute’s membership.
1.Sustainable Communities
Australia is a highly urbanised nation – and as our major towns and cities develop, we face a           Many of our important buildings (such as our parliaments, town halls, museums, schools and
number of key challenges. From climate change, population growth and an ageing demographic,             hospitals) are key social and institutional buildings and because they’re often government-built,
to an increasing demand for infrastructure, housing affordability pressures and traffic congestion,     it’s important that governments support high quality architectural design that addresses the
our cities need the right strategies, policies and processes in place to create a built environment     urban challenges we face.
that can sustain us into the future.

                                                         Australian Labor Party                                       The Coalition                                         The Greens

What is your party’s view on creating an          The Labor Government believes the key to              Many of the matters that the Institute has           The Australian Greens support this position.
Australian Minister for Cities position?          addressing the biggest challenges in our cities       referred to regarding local planning and design
                                                  is transport. That is why the Federal Minister for    are within the exclusive purview of States and
                                                  Infrastructure and Transport (and now Deputy Prime    Local Governments.
                                                  Minister) Anthony Albanese has the Major Cities
                                                                                                        Improving our long term planning is important
                                                  Unit within his department. The added benefit of
                                                                                                        to sustainable communities and to making our
                                                  this arrangement is that a Cabinet minister has
                                                                                                        cities, towns and regional centres more enjoyable
                                                  considerable capacity to make change.
                                                                                                        places for our work and recreation.
                                                  INSTITUTE UPDATE: Subsequent to receiving
                                                                                                        A Coalition Government will adopt a practical,
                                                  the above response, on 30 August the Prime
                                                                                                        balanced and sustainable approach to environmental
                                                  Minister announced that ‘a re-elected Rudd
                                                                                                        issues based on linking sound scientific findings
                                                  Labor Government will appoint Australia’s first
                                                                                                        with the needs of all users resulting in more
                                                  Minister for Cities and establish an Outer Suburban
                                                                                                        sustainable commercial activities and better
                                                  Growth Taskforce to develop a comprehensive
                                                                                                        environmental outcomes.
                                                  Ten Year Jobs and Growth strategy for our cities
                                                  outer suburbs”. More information on the ALP           We also recognise that a stronger economy is
                                                  announcement is available here.                       crucial to supporting environmental restoration,
                                                                                                        lowering carbon emissions and developing cleaner
                                                                                                        While we will not be establishing a Minister for
What is your party’s position on establishing     Cross-departmental and cross-governmental             Cities, the responsibility for such matters is       The Australian Greens support this position.
a Department for Cities and Urban                 forums already exist to ensure that the future        part of the Shadow Minister for Climate Action,
Development?                                      and wellbeing of our cities are considered            Environment and Heritage, who is committed to
                                                  in all departmental decisions. Assigning the          the 30 and 50 year plans for our cities.
                                                  responsibility for cities to the Department of
                                                  Infrastructure and Transport ensures that cities      The Coalition has proposed establishing an
                                                  are considered as part of transport planning. In      Integrated Planning Commission to bring together
                                                  addition, through the Standing Committee on           the three levels of Government so we can undertake
                                                  Transport and Infrastructure, broader planning        that long term planning. It would address issues
                                                  issues affecting for our cities are considered        such as infrastructure, green space, and urban
                                                  alongside transport matters.                          density. It must be done with the co-operation
                                                                                                        of the major cities, local councils and the State
                                                                                                        Governments, since planning laws rest with them,
                                                                                                        not the Federal Government.
1.Sustainable Communities cont.
                                                     Australian Labor Party                                     The Coalition                      The Greens

What is your party’s position on supporting   The Rudd Labor Government is committed to             See answer on previous page.   The Greens strongly support COAG’s strategic
the implementation of COAG’s capital city     supporting the implementation of COAG’s capital                                      planning objectives and at the time they were
strategic planning objectives?                city planning objectives. They have been a guiding                                   being developed we unsuccessfully fought to have
                                              sense of principles for Federal Labor in decisions                                   climate (peak oil), water, and urban agricultural
                                              affecting our cities. In addition Federal Labor                                      areas included as objectives.
                                              has asked the National Urban Policy Forum to
                                              formulate a list of indicators that cities can use
                                              to compare their progress from year to year and
                                              with each other.
                                              If re-elected, the Rudd Labor Government would
                                              make this a priority.

What is your party’s position in relation     A strategic objective on the COAG list is to                                         The Greens strongly support this position. In
to increasing urban density through good      “…provide for planned, sequenced and evidence-                                       March this year Senator Scott Ludlam released
design?                                       based land release and an appropriate balance                                        the Transforming Perth report, collaboration with
                                              of infill and green-fields development.”                                             the Australian Urban Design and Research Centre
                                                                                                                                   and the Property Council, which calculates the
                                              The Rudd Labor Government stands by this
                                                                                                                                   developable land along seven of Perth’s existing
                                              objective, while acknowledging that planning
                                                                                                                                   transport corridors and the potential housing
                                              is the responsibility of local, State and Territory
                                                                                                                                   yield at three different density scenarios. The
                                                                                                                                   study found the potential for between 94,000
                                                                                                                                   to 252,000 new dwellings along just seven
                                                                                                                                   hectares. It included 15 key recommendations
                                                                                                                                   for future action, emphasizing the importance
                                                                                                                                   of good design, including the establishment of
                                                                                                                                   an Integrated Design Commission and an Urban
                                                                                                                                   Renewal Commission.
                                                                                                                                   Senator Ludlam would be more than happy to
                                                                                                                                   provide a briefing or presentation to the Australian
                                                                                                                                   Institute of Architects on the study.
                                                                                                                                   The report is available at
1.Sustainable Communities cont.
                                                      Australian Labor Party                                      The Coalition                       The Greens

How would your party support Australia         A further strategic objective on the COAG list         See answer on previous page.   The Greens will be strongly advocating for the
achieving world-class urban design and         is “…encourage world-class urban design and                                           following in the next term of parliament:
architecture?                                  architecture.”
                                                                                                                                      • Increased funding for the National Urban Policy
                                               The Rudd Labor Government supports this                                                  unit, with a re-prioritising around world class
                                               objective. That’s why one of the aims under                                              and sustainable urban design and architecture.
                                               our Liveable Cities program has been to fund a
                                                                                                                                      • The introduction of a permanent Livable Cities
                                               series of urban design projects that can stand
                                                                                                                                        fund worth at least $20m per year
                                               as demonstration projects.
                                                                                                                                      • The introduction of Integrated Design
                                               A good example of this is the Tallowwood Affordable
                                                                                                                                        Commissions in each capital city with federal
                                               Housing project in Logan in Brisbane’s south
                                                                                                                                        funding worth at least $10m per year
                                               opened by the Deputy Prime Minister on 26 July
                                               2013. Built in partnership with Logan City Council                                     • Federal support for the establishment of Urban
                                               and Horizon Homes (a non-profit company) the                                             Renewal Commissions in our major cities
                                               six apartment block was built using sustainable
                                               products and has a five-star efficiency rating                                         • Significantly increased funding, resources and
                                               with design that includes appropriate insulation,                                        commitment to the Major Cities Unit
                                               crossventilation and shading. The project has                                          • Identifying world class urban design and
                                               just been awarded the 2013 Urban Development                                             architecture, and precinct scale urban renewal
                                               Institute of Australia Excellence Award.                                                 as nation building activities and funding them
                                                                                                                                        accordingly through the Nation Building program
                                                                                                                                     The Greens existing policies on Sustainable
                                                                                                                                     Planning and Transport, and Housing strongly
                                                                                                                                     support world class urban design and are available
                                                                                                                                     at http://greens.org.au/policy-platform

What is your party’s position in relation to   Federal Labor has asked the National Urban                                            The Greens strongly welcomed the National Urban
the National Urban Policy and does your        Forum to formulate a list of indicators that cities                                   Policy and have been following its implementation
party intend to complement the Policy with     can use to compare their progress from year to                                        closely. Senator Ludlam has asked many questions
evidence based programs that can measure       year and with each other. If re-elected, the Rudd                                     about the Policy and programs that have been
urban policy outcomes?                         Labor Government would make the finalisation                                          introduced as part of it, which we believe have
                                               of this list a priority.                                                              been underfunded and would like to see more
                                                                                                                                     support for.
                                               The Rudd Labor Government strongly believes
                                               that all public spending on programs must be                                          You can read Senator Ludlam’s most recent questions
                                               informed by evidence-based policy. The State                                          about the progress of the Policy and its programs here
                                               of Australian Cities reports, now in their fourth                                     http://scott-ludlam.greensmps.org.au/content/
                                               edition, are an excellent way for cities to compare                                   estimates/major-cities-unit-0
                                               progress between cities and within cities over time.
2.Design Culture
Architecture epitomises the development of our culture like no other art form. It demonstrates           experiences, chosen by the individual, architecture is part of the public realm. Buildings are
our technological advancement and innovation, as well as our cultural ambition. While most               ubiquitous. They are inherently part of our lives, and symbols of our time.
other art forms (such as watching a play, reading a book or visiting an exhibition) are ‘optional’

                                                          Australian Labor Party                                       The Coalition                                           The Greens

What is your party’s position in relation          The Rudd Labor Government believes in a national      Regarding design matters, we are not in a position    For the benefit of our cities and regions, the
to adopting a national architecture                approach to promoting quality, responsible and        to make a commitment regarding funding for            Greens are committed to developing a national
policy developed in consultation with the          sustainable design in Australia.                      the Venice International Architecture Biennale        architecture policy in consultation with the
architectural profession?                                                                                2014. If elected, the Coalition would be pleased      architectural profession.
                                                   That’s why architects are represented on the
                                                                                                         to meet with representatives of your Institute to
                                                   Federal Labor Government’s Urban Policy Forum
                                                                                                         discuss the matter further.
                                                   by Mr David Parken, CEO of the Australian Institute
                                                   of Architect and by Mr Robert Morris-Nunn,            As the Institute observes, buildings are inherently
                                                   Adjunct Professor in the School of Architecture,      part of the public realm.
                                                   University of Tasmania.
                                                                                                         A Coalition Government, if elected, will recognise
                                                   Since June 2012, the immediate past President of      the work of hundreds of local historical and
                                                   the Australian Institute of Architects, Ms Shelley    heritage groups across Australia with a new $1.4
                                                   Penn, has been Chair of the National Capital          million Community Heritage Grants programme.
                                                   Authority, managing the strategic planning,
                                                                                                         This programme is in addition to existing community
                                                   promotion, development and enhancement of
                                                                                                         heritage funding.
                                                   Canberra as the national capital.

What is your party’s position in relation to the   The Rudd Labor Government supports the                                                                      The Greens believe preserving our cultural heritage
sustainable preservation of cultural heritage      preservation of Australia’s national heritage,                                                              in the built environment is essential to keep our
in the built environment?                          including in the built environment, through                                                                 history grounded in the present. When negotiating
                                                   established heritage processes. Each year, the                                                              the stimulus package following the GFC, the
                                                   Minister for Heritage invites nominations to the                                                            Greens ensured $60 million would be directed
                                                   National and Commonwealth Heritage Lists.                                                                   towards funding the urgent maintenance and
                                                   Nominations must set out the qualities or values                                                            conservation of the 250 national heritage listed
                                                   of the place that makes it outstanding to the                                                               properties and community heritage properties.
                                                   nation by indicating how the place meets one                                                                We will continue to work to ensure the slide in
                                                   or more of the heritage criteria.                                                                           heritage funding does not continue as it did
                                                                                                                                                               prior to the GFC.
                                                   If compliant, nominations will be referred to the
                                                   Australian Heritage Council. The Council will then
                                                   investigate the nomination, undertake public
                                                   consultation and advise the Minister for Heritage
                                                   of the merits of the nomination. The Minister for
                                                   Heritage will make the final decision.
                                                   You can also seek to have Australia’s heritage
                                                   protected through State and Territory heritage
2.Design Culture cont.
                                                        Australian Labor Party                                       The Coalition                      The Greens

Would your party commit to Australian            The Rudd Labor Government is committed to               See answer on previous page.   The Greens strongly believe that the apportioning
Government funding of $200,000                   working with industry associations to promote                                          of the pool of money provided to the Australia
for Australia’s presence at the Venice           sustainable Australian architectural excellence                                        Council should be done independently from
International Architecture Biennale 2014 and     where possible.                                                                        political interference, unlike the Liberal Party. We
2016? (The Australian Government currently                                                                                              have advocated for more money to be available
                                                 A re-elected Labor Government would be happy
funds the Venice International Art Biennale in                                                                                          to enhance the cultural value of Australian life and
                                                 to work with your organisation to explore the
excess of $1 million per biennale through the                                                                                           we provide our support for a strong Australian
                                                 potential for the Venice International Architecture
Australia Council for the Arts).                                                                                                        presence at the Venice International Architecture
                                                 Biennale to promote Australian architecture.
                                                                                                                                        Biennale in 2014 and 2016.

Would your party commit to Australian            Support for the arts is a Labor tradition - we                                         The Greens are committed to our national cultural
Government funding of $100,000 per annum         want arts access for all. The Federal Labor                                            institutions. In this Parliament, we were able to
for the Gallery of Australian Design (GAD) in    Government has delivered on our commitment to                                          protect these valuable institutions from the Labor
Canberra?                                        give certainty to the arts sector with the release                                     government’s public sector wide budget cuts (the
                                                 of Creative Australia – the first national cultural                                    euphemism they use is ‘efficiency dividends’), so
                                                 policy in two decades – with $235 million to drive                                     that they could continue to provide the public with
                                                 its implementation.                                                                    their valuable services. We believe the Gallery of
                                                                                                                                        Australian Design should similarly be included as
                                                 It is a ten year vision that will see culture and
                                                                                                                                        one of these national cultural institutions alongside
                                                 creativity play a central role in our social and
                                                                                                                                        places such as the National Gallery, Australian
                                                 economic life which makes sure that all Australians,
                                                                                                                                        Museum and the Film and Sound Archive.
                                                 no matter where they live, share in the richness
                                                 of our cultural life.
                                                 Creative Australia continues the spirit of engagement
                                                 with the arts embraced by the Whitlam and
                                                 Keating governments.
                                                 You might be interested to know that there are
                                                 a number of funds available that the Gallery of
                                                 Australian Design could apply for through the
                                                 Australia Council. A total of $75.3 million in new
                                                 funding will be provided for the Australia Council,
                                                 an increase of its base funding by around nine
                                                 per cent.
                                                 Answer continued next page.
2.Design Culture cont.
                                                       Australian Labor Party

Would your party commit to Australian           Federal Labor has also supported the establishment
Government funding of $100,000 per annum        of an Australian Design Integration Network that
for the Gallery of Australian Design (GAD) in   will develop and promote design led innovation.
Canberra? (continued from previous page)        The formation of the network will promote access
                                                to world class design integration programs,
                                                education, skills development and research
                                                opportunities for Australian industry to lift industry
                                                An additional $8.6 million in new funding will
                                                be provided to Creative Partnerships Australia.
                                                This will enable Creative Partnerships Australia
                                                to establish a funding program for the cultural
                                                sector based on new models of funding, including
                                                micro-loans, crowd sourcing and matched funding
                                                that organisations such as the Gallery of Australian
                                                Design could access.
3.Climate Change
We have witnessed a number of extreme weather events around Australia in recent years. The             If we are to achieve truly sustainable cities, climate change and energy efficiency in existing and
toll on the community, our built environment and our economy has been significant and long-            future buildings must be a focus of urban planning.
lasting. All levels of government, industry, community and other stakeholders need to work
together to enhance the resilience of our built environment and community to extreme weather
events and predicted future climate change impacts.

                                                       Australian Labor Party                                        The Coalition                                           The Greens

What is your party’s position on the            Energy efficiency remains a key part of the Rudd       The Coalition’s Direct Action Plan to address         The Greens strongly disagreed with the Government’s
Australian Sustainable Built Environment        Labor Government’s plan for a cleaner energy           climate change will provide an incentive for good     decision to abandon their commitment to the
Council’s five key energy efficiency policy     future and will play a pivotal role in reducing        design around energy efficiency. We believe this      Tax Breaks for Green Buildings program and will
recommendations? (Eg, tax incentives for        greenhouse gas emissions, cutting energy costs         will have a significant and positive impact and       encourage the next Government to renew efforts
green building retrofits, a national white      and boosting productivity.                             have had discussions with the Property Council        to improve building energy efficiency. We recently
certificate scheme, public investment                                                                  on how the sector can be engaged.                     announced plans to create a new Energy Savings
                                                Federal Labor has introduced a suite of initiatives
in retrofits, modernisations and higher                                                                                                                      Agency to, amongst other things, get on with the
                                                to help industry, business and households realise      The Coalition supports improvements to energy
standards in the Building Code, and                                                                                                                          job of designing a national white certificate trading
                                                the benefits of energy efficiency. This includes the   efficiency and the Direct Action Plan provides a
enhancing Minimum Energy Performance                                                                                                                         scheme. Similarly we recently announced plans
                                                establishment of appliance and building standards,     significant opportunity to support such initiatives
standards.                                                                                                                                                   to build 7,000 new homes nationally to address
                                                regulation for the disclosure of energy efficiency     with a financial incentive.
See www.asbec.asn.au for more details)                                                                                                                       homelessness, and we are calling for 50 per cent
                                                ratings, targeted information programs and the
                                                                                                       We will work through the COAG process and             of these to be modular homes built to a 9 star
                                                provision of grants.
                                                                                                       in cooperation with the States on how we can          rating. The Greens also support more stringent
                                                Throughout Australia, the Equipment Energy             improve and streamline energy efficiency reporting    Building Code and MEP standards.
                                                Efficiency (E3) Program is improving the energy        requirements.
                                                                                                                                                             The Greens ‘New Deal for Renters’ initiative
                                                efficiency of appliances and equipment in the
                                                                                                                                                             introduces a $100m per year retrofitting scheme
                                                residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
                                                                                                                                                             for Australia’s private rental stock, and would
                                                By using national Minimum Energy Performance
                                                                                                                                                             introduce a new national standard for rental
                                                Standards and Energy Rating Labels, the E3
                                                                                                                                                             properties and renters rights.
                                                Program enables households and businesses
                                                to make better informed decisions about the
                                                ongoing energy costs relating to everyday
                                                purchases such as computers, televisions, air
                                                conditioners and dishwashers. This is estimated
                                                to deliver cumulative energy savings equal to
                                                around $22.4 billion by 2024. A re-elected Rudd
                                                Labor Government will continue to work with the
                                                States and Territories to incrementally improve
                                                standards and expand the program to additional
                                                products into the future.
                                                In the commercial office marketplace, the Federal
                                                Government continues to ensure that clear and
                                                credible information is available to potential
                                                buyers and tenants through the Commercial
                                                Building Disclosure (CBD) Program. Since the
                                                CBD Program started in 2010, more than 2,000
                                                Building Energy Efficiency Certificates (BEECs)
                                                have been issued, covering over 10 million square
                                                metres of commercial office space.
                                                Answer continued next page.
3.Climate Change cont.
                                                     Australian Labor Party

What is your party’s position on the          BEECs provide an energy efficiency assessment of
Australian Sustainable Built Environment      a large office space when it is sold or leased. This
Council’s five key energy efficiency policy   includes a National Australian Built Environment
recommendations? (Eg, tax incentives for      Rating System (NABERS) Energy for Offices rating
green building retrofits, a national white    as well as an assessment of the lighting, recognising
certificate scheme, public investment         that lighting can contribute more than a quarter
in retrofits, modernisations and higher       of power use in an office. By incentivising simple
standards in the Building Code, and           changes such as the installation of sensors and
enhancing Minimum Energy Performance          timers for lighting, this program is delivering
(continued from previous page) standards.     energy savings and reducing greenhouse gas
See www.asbec.asn.au for more details)        emissions with a relatively low capital outlay.
                                              Federal Labor is also providing over $200 million
                                              in grant funding, enabled by revenue from the
                                              carbon price, to support practical, cost effective
                                              energy efficiency upgrades and information.
                                              In addition, Federal Labor continues to support
                                              households in making energy efficient improvements
                                              through its Living Greener and Your Homes
                                              In regard to a white certificate scheme, the Federal
                                              Labor Government welcomed the release of
                                              the Energy Savings Initiative Information Paper
                                              on 26 July 2013. The Government is currently
                                              considering the final paper and will respond in
                                              due course following stakeholder feedback. Any
                                              decision to implement a national scheme would
                                              be conditional on the agreement of Council of
                                              Australian Governments and all existing state
                                              schemes being abolished.
3.Climate Change cont.
                                                  Australian Labor Party                                      The Coalition                      The Greens

Will your party commit to action aligned   The Rudd Labor Government accepts that some            See answer on previous page.   The Greens are committed to action aligned with
with the ASBEC Climate Change Adaptation   impacts of climate change are unavoidable and                                         the ASBEC’s ten-point policy framework Climate
Framework?                                 we must prepare for them. Adapting to climate                                         Change Adaptation Framework.
(see www.asbec.asn.au for the Framework)   change requires that governments, businesses
                                                                                                                                 We agree that the Government is insufficiently
                                           and planners make informed decisions.
                                                                                                                                 focused on risk mitigation. According to the
                                           That is why the Federal Labor Government has                                          Insurance Australia Group one dollar spent on
                                           supported Australian science and research by                                          risk mitigation can save at least two dollars in
                                           investing over $120 million in climate adaptation                                     recovery costs, yet Australian Government spending
                                           research through the National Climate Change                                          on mitigation initiatives represents around only
                                           Adaptation Research Facility, the Bushfire and                                        3 per cent of what it spends on post-disaster
                                           Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre,                                          recovery and reconstruction.
                                           the CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship and
                                                                                                                                 Recently the Greens announced plans to increase
                                           Griffith University’s Climate Change Adaptation
                                                                                                                                 spending on the National Disaster Resilience
                                           Information Hub.
                                                                                                                                 Program from around $50 million to around $350
                                           Federal Labor is also making targeted investments                                     million per year. We would also ensure projects
                                           in infrastructure to reduce the impact of natural                                     are appropriately prioritised and targeted by a
                                           disasters. For example, the Federal Labor Government                                  appointing a National Resilience Advisor and
                                           has invested $100 million through the National                                        establishing a National Resilience Advisory Group.
                                           Insurance Affordability Initiative in targeted flood                                  Further we would remove the existing limitation
                                           and other natural disaster mitigation measures.                                       that the Commonwealth will contribute up to only
                                                                                                                                 50% of the cost of a project, in recognition of
                                           Federal Labor has also recently released the
                                                                                                                                 the fact that some state and local governments
                                           Climate Adaptation Outlook: A Proposed
                                                                                                                                 will be unable to match the Commonwealth’s
                                           National Adaptation Assessment Framework.
                                                                                                                                 spending power.
                                           This report proposes a framework to assess
                                           progress in adapting to the impacts of climate                                        A wide range of measures are supported by the
                                           change, including in the built environment. It                                        National Disaster Resilience Program, including
                                           will help shape the response that is needed by                                        for example, investment in disaster resilient
                                           business, government and communities. I would                                         public infrastructure; risk management studies
                                           encourage you and other interested parties                                            and mitigation strategies; the development of
                                           to provide comments to the Department of                                              nationally consistent data collection and analysis
                                           Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science,                                        and nationally consistent post-disaster evaluation;
                                           Research and Tertiary Education (please email:                                        and land and building purchase schemes in high-
                                           adaptationoutlook@innovation.gov.au).                                                 risk areas. Beyond this, however, the Greens are
                                                                                                                                 also supportive of regulatory improvements as
                                           This is in stark contrast to the Coalition who
                                                                                                                                 identified be ABSEC.
                                           have no policy commitments on climate change
                                           adaptation, don’t take climate change seriously
                                           and have no plan to deal with its impacts, Federal
                                           Labor understands that we must respond to the
                                           impacts of climate change that we cannot avoid.
                                           A re-elected Rudd Labor Government will continue
                                           to work with communities, business groups and
                                           all levels of government to ensure an effective
3.Climate Change cont.
                                                       Australian Labor Party                                      The Coalition                      The Greens

Will your party support current COAG activity   The building sector is a significant contributor and   See answer on previous page.   While the Greens are very supportive of a
for a national approach to energy efficiency    one of the fastest growing sources of greenhouse                                      national approach to energy efficiency standard
standard setting, assessment and ratings        gas emissions. Energy used in buildings accounts                                      setting, assessment and ratings activity in the
activity in the built environment?              for approximately 20% of all energy related                                           built environment, we have little confidence in
                                                GHG emissions. Consequently the industry has                                          the ability of COAG to drive progressive policy
                                                an extremely important role in contributing to                                        development or implementation. Many important
                                                the abatement of Australia's GHG emissions and                                        commitments, for example mandatory disclosure
                                                in delivering economic, as well as social and                                         of residential building energy, greenhouse and
                                                environmental benefits to the community.                                              water performance at the time of sale or lease
                                                                                                                                      or the phase-out of inefficient hot water systems
                                                The Rudd Labor Government is committed to a
                                                                                                                                      remain partially implemented at best.
                                                national approach to energy efficient standard
                                                setting, assessment and ratings activity in the                                       The Greens view is that COAG is often used by both
                                                built environment.                                                                    the Commonwealth and State Governments as a
                                                                                                                                      convenient excuse for inaction, but that ultimately
                                                That’s why under Federal Labor in 2009 the
                                                                                                                                      the buck should stop with the Commonwealth
                                                Council of Australian Governments agreed to
                                                                                                                                      Government. If the Commonwealth gives any
                                                the development of a National Building Energy
                                                                                                                                      issue sufficient priority it can often drive a reform
                                                Standard-Setting, Assessment and Rating
                                                                                                                                      agenda even when the States are resistant.
                                                Framework (the Framework). The Framework
                                                is intended to drive significant improvement in
                                                Australia’s building stock through establishing a
                                                pathway for future increases in minimum building
                                                standards to 2020, and improving the approach
                                                to assessing and rating buildings.
                                                The Select Council on Climate Change (SCCC),
                                                which COAG has tasked to manage the National
                                                Strategy on Energy Efficiency, released the draft
                                                strategy for public consultation in 2012 and is
                                                currently considering the further development of
                                                the Framework in light of the comments received
                                                from this consultation and any COAG or SCCC
                                                review of government energy efficiency activities.
                                                A re-elected Rudd Labor Government would
                                                continue to drive the progress of this important
3.Climate Change cont.
                                                    Australian Labor Party                                     The Coalition                     The Greens

What targets does your party commit to for   Under Federal Labor Australia has pledged to          See answer on previous page.   The Greens retain the view that Australia should
greenhouse gas emissions abatement by        the community and to our international partners                                      reduce emissions by between 25-40 per cent by
2020 and 2050?                               that we will reduce emissions by between 5 per                                       2020, but to depoliticise the fraught process of
                                             cent and 25 per cent on 2000 levels by 2020.                                         setting short and long-term emission targets,
                                                                                                                                  the Greens negotiated the establishment of the
                                             Federal Labor has established the Climate Change
                                                                                                                                  independent Climate Change Authority. The targets
                                             Authority (CCA) to provide expert, independent
                                                                                                                                  it recommends must be guided by the latest
                                             and evidence-based advice on the degree of
                                                                                                                                  climate science and represent a fair contribution
                                             international action and the scope for emissions
                                                                                                                                  to the global emission abatement challenge. The
                                             reductions in Australia. The CCA will release their
                                                                                                                                  Authority will publish draft recommendations
                                             draft ‘Caps and Targets’ Review for consultation
                                                                                                                                  in October.
                                             in October and will provide final advice to the
                                             Government in February 2014.
                                             A re-elected Rudd Labor Government will consider
                                             that advice and then make a final decision on
                                             Australia’s international target.
                                             The Rudd Labor Government has legislated a long
                                             term target to reduce Australia’s carbon pollution
                                             by 80 per cent in 2050 compared with 2000.
                                             The Rudd Labor Government believes renewable
                                             energy a critical part of our efforts to tackle
                                             global warming and move to a more sustainable
                                             energy system. The Emissions Trading Scheme,
                                             Renewable Energy Target, $3 billion Australian
                                             Renewable Energy Agency and $10 billion Clean
                                             Energy Finance Corporation are all designed to
                                             work together to drive significant renewable
                                             energy investment in Australia.
                                             Since Federal Labor came to power, employment
                                             in the renewable energy industry has more than
                                             doubled to over 24,000, wind capacity has trebled
                                             to over 3,000 MW and over 1 million solar PV
                                             systems have been installed – up from less than
                                             7,500 under the former Coalition Government.
                                             Renewable energy now powers the equivalent of
                                             over 4 million homes each year. In 2012-13 with
                                             our clean energy future plan in place renewable
                                             energy output in the National Electricity Market
                                             was up 25 per cent on the previous year.
Australia is faced with a major affordable housing problem. Not only does unaffordable housing            Sustainable design can reduce the cost of living for occupants through various design measures
impact on society’s ability to function, and family and community cohesiveness, but it also               including; proper orientation, suitable sunshading, effective insulation and energy-efficient high
affects an individual’s prosperity and their ability to participate in the economy.                       performance systems and products.

The Institute supports the broader concept of affordable living. Affordable living takes into             Government policies (at all levels) need to address building and planning controls, encourage
account indirect costs relating to services and facilities, and household expenditure on utilities        affordability and sustainability, and reduce the lifetime cost of housing.
like electricity, gas and water.

                                                           Australian Labor Party                                       The Coalition                                            The Greens

What is your party’s position in relation to       The Rudd Labor Government understands the              In relation to affordable housing, the Coalition      In answer to the following three questions, unlike
encouraging multi-residential developments         complexity of providing affordable and social          supports the work of Livable Housing Australia        the Labor or Liberal Party, the Australian Greens
as a means of increasing affordable housing        housing with a number of economic, social and          in promoting livable housing design principles.       have a clear policy on Sustainable Planning and
stock?                                             infrastructure factors determining affordability.                                                            Transport. Its seven aims address all of the above
                                                                                                          At a time when housing prices are on the increase
                                                                                                                                                                points, and are:
                                                   Federal Labor has a proud record of helping to         and rents are high, there is a challenge presented
                                                   deliver affordable housing for Australians and         to Government at all levels to improve access to      1. Planning that is based on sustainable urban
                                                   their families.                                        affordable homes.                                     design principles, minimises urban sprawl and
                                                                                                                                                                promotes development in mixed-use compact
                                                   Since coming to office Federal Labor has invested      The Coalition’s Plan will address the pressure from
                                                   a record $26 billion in a broad ranging and            high demand through measures that should lift
                                                   innovative affordable housing agenda. Through          supply. We will work with the States to improve       2. Development that is affordable, ecologically
                                                   this investment the Australian Government has          the supply of housing through encouraging             sound, water and energy efficient, public transport
                                                   directly contributed to one in every twenty new        accelerated land release, and this may involve        friendly, and enables community interaction. A
                                                   homes built across the country.                        incentive payments.                                   nationally agreed sustainability charter to be
                                                                                                                                                                agreed across all industry sectors.
                                                   This investment includes the $4.5 billion National     A Coalition Government will work with the
                                                   Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) to stimulate        States to rationalise the regulations on housing      3. Improved integration of planning and transport.
                                                   the supply of up to 50,000 new, more affordable        construction which will help to lower costs and
                                                                                                                                                                4. Ecological sustainability and contribution to
                                                   rental dwellings by June 2016 through mixed            speed delivery to market.
                                                                                                                                                                a safe climate as funding criteria for all federal
                                                   dwelling including multi-unit blocks, where there
                                                                                                          In addition, the Coalition will take steps to         development and infrastructure programs.
                                                   has been a mix of private ownership, NRAS and
                                                                                                          reduce the cost of construction and the cost
                                                   social housing.                                                                                              5. A national report card for development targets
                                                                                                          associated with delayed development projects
                                                                                                                                                                and building standards to promote Australia's
                                                                                                          through re-establishing the Australian Building
                                                                                                                                                                progress towards its ecological sustainability goals.
                                                                                                          and Construction Commission (ABCC) to prevent
What is your party’s position in relation to       Local, State and city planning is the responsibility
                                                                                                          industrial problems and ensure smooth delivery        6. A Sustainability Fund to deliver funding to states,
supporting planning regulations to enable          of local councils and State and Territory
                                                                                                          of construction projects.                             local governments and community organisations to
more flexible housing types, including multi-      Governments. That said, through the COAG’s
                                                                                                                                                                assist with implementing sustainability initiatives.
generational occupancy?                            capital city strategic planning objectives, State      In general terms, the Coalition is committed to
                                                   and Territory leaders have been required to show       providing Indigenous housing and to reducing          7. National urban planning standards that provide
                                                   what planning systems they have in place for           the cost associated with it.                          for the location of high density housing and
                                                   their cities to deal with population growth and                                                              commercial buildings close to high capacity public
                                                                                                          Further we are committed to providing housing
                                                   demographic change, connectivity of people to                                                                transport, and the clustering of medium-density
                                                                                                          that meets the acceptable standards that any
                                                   jobs and businesses to markets, social inclusion,                                                            housing, community facilities and small-scale
                                                                                                          Australian citizen would expect. We are also
                                                   health, liveability, community well-being and                                                                businesses around neighbourhood shopping
                                                                                                          committed to ensuring that houses are designed
                                                   housing affordability. These issues are reported                                                             centres.
                                                                                                          in a way that meets the needs of local people
                                                   each year in the State of Australian Cities report.
                                                                                                          and the local environment, and are maintained
                                                                                                          to a consistently high standard.
4.Housing cont.
                                                         Australian Labor Party                                      The Coalition                      The Greens

What is your party’s position in relation         The Rudd Labor believes that cities work best          See answer on previous page.
to advocating for design and planning             when people are able to connect easily to jobs
regulations that deliver affordable living        and everyday services such as hospitals, schools,
through strategic planning and placement          universities and public transport. Encouraging
of amenities, health, education, employment       more housing near those services, and more jobs
and public transport?                             where people live, improves city productivity,
                                                  liveability and sustainability. It means that people
                                                  are freed from long commutes on our roads and
                                                  have more time each day with their families and
                                                  at the workplace.
                                                  While planning is a local, State and Territory
                                                  responsibility, the Federal Labor Government
                                                  has invested more in urban public transport that
                                                  all previous Federal Governments combined
                                                  since Federation. In total, $13.6 billion has been
                                                  allocated to 15 urban public transport projects
                                                  across Australia.
                                                  This is in stark contrast to the position of the
                                                  Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, who has
                                                  said the Commonwealth has no role in funding
                                                  urban public transport.

What is your party’s position in relation to      Federal Labor has worked with the building industry                                   The Australian Greens support this very strongly
sustainability criteria being introduced within   and the states and territories on sustainable                                         and have been critical at the lack of sustainability
eligibility assessments for housing incentive     housing to make new and existing homes more                                           criteria for housing schemes.
schemes?                                          energy-efficient and water-efficient through new
                                                                                                                                        The Greens believe the next NRAS scheme provides
                                                  provisions in the Building Code of Australia. These
                                                                                                                                        the perfect opportunity for the government to show
                                                  came into effect in all states and territories on
                                                                                                                                        leadership in building homes that are exemplary
                                                  1 May 2010.
                                                                                                                                        in design and sustainability. The opportunity for
                                                  In addition, all NRAS housing must be pre-approved                                    the Australian government to show leadership
                                                  under the Federal Government sustainability                                           in this area should not be squandered like it
                                                  criteria.                                                                             has over major schemes including the Housing
                                                                                                                                        Affordability Fund which was introduced with very
                                                                                                                                        poor eligibility criteria and had no benchmarks
                                                                                                                                        or deliverables (on sustainability or affordability)
                                                                                                                                        yet cost $400m.
                                                                                                                                        Answer continued next page.
4.Housing cont.
                                                                  The Greens

What is your party’s position in relation to      We believe there is no good reason why the next
sustainability criteria being introduced within   50,000 NRAS dwellings should not come with
eligibility assessments for housing incentive     solar PV (or an equivalent on site or local new
schemes? (continued from previous page)           renewable energy source) as a mandatory feature.
                                                  Nor is there reason why the future NRAS homes
                                                  would not be designed to the highest green
                                                  building standards. The Greens know world class
                                                  sustainable housing does not need to be more
                                                  expensive to build, either. Many examples exist
                                                  locally and internationally that demonstrate this
                                                  can be done at well under the average cost of
                                                  $350,000 budgeted per dwelling. For example
                                                  an existing NRAS project at the Clayton Campus
                                                  of Monash University has achieved 5 Star Green
                                                  Star certification1, and in July Environmental
                                                  Scientist and Gardening Australia presenter Josh
                                                  Byrne completed two 10-star rated 3x2 homes
                                                  $1200 per sqm (the standard dwelling cost)
                                                  using standard building methods. The house also
                                                  included a 3kw solar system, rainwater tank and
                                                  Greywater system, and will save about $1600 per
                                                  year in energy bills and $400 in water2.
                                                  The Greens will provide an additional up front
                                                  incentive of $2000 per dwelling to provide Solar
                                                  PV (or alternative localised renewable energy)
                                                  and meet the highest sustainable building
                                                  benchmarks (detailed in the Rental Revolution
                                                  package online)3. We’re dubbing this initiative
                                                  GreeNRAS. These benchmarks could be achieved
                                                  through ratings tools including the NABERS 5
                                                  star (energy and water) rating and the Green
                                                  Star Multi Unit Residential certified rating or the
                                                  One Planet Action Framework4
                                                  The Parliamentary Budget Office has established
                                                  this will cost $10 million per year over forward
                                                  The Greens have attached a target of one third
                                                  of all housing costed under its National Housing
                                                  Affordability Plan to be delivered as prefabricated,   1 http://www.gbca.org.au/project-directory.asp#1125
                                                  modular, or alternative materials. This is because     2 The house plans and detailed information and fact sheets on ‘Josh’s House’
                                                  it is faster to build, and much more sustainable       are freely available at http://joshshouse.com.au/welcome/. Note the star
                                                                                                         rating tool refers to the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS)
                                                  than conventional build.                               which is based on a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the highest rating score and
                                                                                                         requiring no heating or cooling. 6 stars is the minimum energy efficiency
                                                  The Greens will also continue to strongly champion     standard required under the Building Code of Australia.

                                                  the highest sustainability and design standards        3 Note 5 Star Green Star signifies ‘Australian Excellence’ and 6-star Green
                                                                                                         Star is the highest rating available under the Green Star system and signifies
                                                  in all future government housing and building          that a project has ‘World Leadership’ benchmarks
                                                  schemes.                                               4 One Planet Framework at http://www.oneplanettoolkit.org/about/framework/
4.Housing Cont.
One in five Australians identify as having some form of disability and with the first of the              Livable housing design also makes financial sense, with upfront costs being more cost-effective
baby boomers now turning 65, and the number of Australians aged 85 and older projected to                 than a retrofit. Minor refinements at the design and construction phase contribute enormously
quadruple to 1.8 million by 2050, the adoption of livable design principles will assist Australia’s       to a home’s ability to meet its occupants’ needs throughout their lifetime, and can also create
ageing population and people with a disability.                                                           added value on resale. The concept is simple; make homes easy to access and adaptable,
                                                                                                          facilitating cost-effective construction and enhance quality of life for occupants.

                                                           Australian Labor Party                                      The Coalition                                      The Greens

What is your party’s position in relation to        Federal Labor launched the Livable Housing            See answer on previous page.                     The Greens strongly support the new body and
support for Livable Housing Australia (LHA)         Design guidelines on 13 July 2010. These guidelines                                                    the Guidelines.
and the Livable Housing Guidelines?                 provide awareness within the residential design
                                                    and construction industry and governments about
What is your party’s position in relation to        the benefits of incorporating universal design                                                         The Greens support this.
adopting the LHA platinum standard for              principles into new housing.
government funded housing stock?
                                                    They were developed as an outcome of the
                                                    National Dialogue on Universal Housing Design,
                                                    established by Federal Labor in late 2009. The
                                                    National Dialogue brought together representatives
                                                    from the housing industry, the disability and
                                                    community sectors and governments to develop
                                                    options to encourage the housing industry to
                                                    embrace principles of universal design.
                                                    The guidelines describe a number of core easy
                                                    living elements that aim to make a home more
                                                    responsive to the changing needs of home
                                                    The Rudd Labor Government believes that
                                                    universal housing design is housing that meets
                                                    the needs of all people at various stages of their
                                                    lives, including people with disability and senior
                                                    Australians, can have a profound impact. Enabling
                                                    key living spaces and features to be more easily
                                                    and cost effectively adapted to meet changing
                                                    needs and abilities, means safer, more suitable
                                                    housing. It can help increase social inclusion,
                                                    improve health outcomes, and allow greater
                                                    independence and increased opportunities for
                                                    anyone experiencing disability.
                                                    Both answers continued next page.
4.Housing cont.
                                                        Australian Labor Party                                     The Coalition                      The Greens

                                                 Federal Labor has also committed $1 million in
                                                 seed funding over three years, 2011-12 to 2013-14     See answer on previous page.
                                                 to support the Livable Housing Design Initiative.
                                                 This initiative will benefit people with disability
                                                 and ageing Australians by designing Australian
                                                 homes to meet the changing needs of home
                                                 occupants across their lifetime.
                                                 A re-elected Rudd Labor Government is committed
                                                 to continuing to work with the housing industry to
                                                 have all new homes meet the guidelines by 2020.

Appropriate housing for Indigenous
communities plays a crucial role in creating
healthier, more stable, secure and socially
cohesive environments. This in turn can foster
the economic development and prosperity
needed for more sustainable environments.

What is your party’s position in relation to     Indigenous housing is central to the Federal                                         The Greens strongly support such investment and
investment in Indigenous housing (new,           Labor’s Closing the Gap agenda, to help close                                        will continue to be a strong champion of Indigenous
retrofit and maintenance) and the application    the gap in life outcomes between Indigenous and                                      housing (new, retrofit and maintenance). The
of the National Indigenous Housing               non-Indigenous Australians. Safe and healthy                                         Greens have released two costed policy initiatives
Guidelines and LHA Guidelines in such            housing is linked to broader life outcomes such                                      that support investment in Indigenous housing
investment?                                      as health, education and employment.                                                 as part of the election campaign;
                                                 The National Partnership Agreement on Remote                                         1. Our Stronger Social Housing system package
                                                 Indigenous Housing is a $5.5 billion investment to                                   is a costed plan worth $700m each year to build
                                                 reduce significant overcrowding, homelessness                                        122,000 new public and community housing. The
                                                 and poor housing conditions in remote Indigenous                                     initiative strongly recognises the role State Owned
                                                 communities over 10 years – a long term investment.                                  and Managed Indigenous Housing (SOMIH) and
                                                                                                                                      Indigenous community housing, who provide
                                                 The 2011 Census shows some reduction in severe
                                                                                                                                      housing and assistance to almost 20,000
                                                 overcrowding in those remote Indigenous
                                                                                                                                      households. However it’s not enough - in 2012
                                                 communities as a result of our investment. Since
                                                                                                                                      there were 9233 applicants just on the waiting list
                                                 the census data was collected, the number of
                                                                                                                                      for state owned and managed indigenous housing.
                                                 new houses built has almost doubled, and more
                                                                                                                                      Since 2009 there has been no identified funding
                                                 than 5,000 refurbishments have been completed.
                                                                                                                                      for adding to Indigenous housing in urban and
                                                 The Rudd Labor Government knows how important                                        regional areas. The Greens believe in the vital and
                                                 it is that Indigenous people have a decent and safe                                  empowering role the indigenous housing sector
                                                 place to live and we are committed to continuing                                     plays, and would ensure sufficient funding under
                                                 the necessary investments.                                                           this initiative goes to this sector.

                                                 Answer continued next page.                                                          Answer continued next page.
4.Housing Cont.
                                                       Australian Labor Party                                       The Coalition                             The Greens

What is your party’s position in relation to    Quality Assurance frameworks have been                                                 2. Our Better Deal for Renters package worth
investment in Indigenous housing (new,          developed by each State and the Northern Territory      See answer on previous page.   $103 million would set up a new national body
retrofit and maintenance) and the application   Government. These ensure that all houses are                                           to introduce national minimum standards for
of the National Indigenous Housing              constructed to an appropriate standard.                                                rental properties. This would include standards
Guidelines and LHA Guidelines in such                                                                                                  on energy and water efficiency, comfort, and
                                                The National Indigenous Housing Guide (the Guide),
investment? (continued from previous page)                                                                                             safety. Landlords will be offered a package worth
                                                the Building Code of Australia, and Australian
                                                                                                                                       $500 per property to help them meet the new
                                                and state-specific construction standards and
                                                                                                                                       national standard. The package would also provide
                                                legislation are integral to the framework.
                                                                                                                                       an extra $3m for Tenants’ Advocacy services,
                                                The Guide steers the delivery of housing construction                                  and the Greens’ Access to Justice Initiative also
                                                and ongoing management of quality housing in                                           includes doubling the funding to Community
                                                remote locations in a way that recognises the unique                                   Legal Centres, worth $120.8million over forward
                                                environmental conditions and requirements. It                                          estimates5. Both of these packages would mean
                                                provides assistance and information for architects                                     more funding for specialist Indigenous tenants
                                                and companies interested in the design of housing                                      advice services or Indigenous advocates. With
                                                for Indigenous people.                                                                 more than 60% of Indigenous households in the
                                                                                                                                       rental market it is a priority to provide more
                                                                                                                                       support for Indigenous tenants through a specialist
                                                                                                                                       Indigenous tenants’ advice service, which would
                                                                                                                                       include advocacy and community education for
                                                                                                                                       tenants and housing providers.

                                                                                                                                       5 http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/legal-affairs/greens-pledge-842-
5.Regulation & Red Tape
If we want to address the economic, social and environmental challenges in our cities, we need         The Australian Government can provide the incentives for change by utilising models like the
to implement streamlined planning systems in line with the Development Assessment Forum’s              National Competition Policy. We need a coordinated and streamlined approach to government
Leading Practice Model. With a growing, ageing population, increasing competition for space,           decision-making and policy setting, which eliminates unnecessary lengthy delays and additional
environmental and affordability issues, the situation is critical. Now is the time to embrace solid    compliance burdens. Most importantly, we must resolve the tension around the long-term need
leadership, improved planning processes, and a development and assessment system that is               to transform our cities, versus the short-term nature of political electoral cycles.
efficient, better resourced and less convoluted.

                                                           Australian Labor Party                                    The Coalition                                             The Greens

Will your party commit to providing a              The Rudd Labor Government currently has no          A Coalition Government is committed to reducing         The Greens will seek a briefing from the Australian
secretariat for the Development Assessment         plans to fund a secretariat for the Development     the red and green tape cost burden imposed on           Institute of Architects and other key stakeholders
Forum (DAF)?                                       Assessment Forum. State and Territory planning      the Australian economy by $1billion a year.             following the election on this issue.
                                                   ministers participate in the COAG group, the
                                                                                                       That doesn’t mean reducing standards, it means
                                                   Standing Council on Transport and Infrastructure,
                                                                                                       improving the way we do things so we can still
                                                   and this gives urban planning a rightful place
                                                                                                       achieve greater energy productivity but without
                                                   alongside transport planning.
                                                                                                       the administrative cost.
                                                                                                       Further, the Coalition is committed to working
Will your party encourage the                                                                          with State and Territory Governments and Local          The Greens will seek a briefing from the Australian
implementation of the DAF Leading Practice                                                             Governments to reduce red tape and improve              Institute of Architects and other key stakeholders
Model for Development Assessments by all                                                               planning processes to increase the supply of            following the election on this issue.
state and territory governments, and if so,                                                            housing, including affordable housing, around
how?                                                                                                   the country.
                                                                                                       We will streamline the environmental approval
                                                                                                       process for all users – resulting in less duplication
                                                                                                       across Federal and State jurisdictions and delivering
                                                                                                       a real boost to productivity.
4.Regulation & Red Tape cont.
                                                         Australian Labor Party                                    The Coalition                      The Greens

What is your party’s position in relation         These are matters for discussion within the          See answer on previous page.   The Greens support this position and believe
to developing a set of national planning          Standing Council on Transport and Infrastructure.                                   sustainable urban planning principles should
principles, in partnership with State/Territory                                                                                       underscore all current and future development.
and Local Governments?
                                                                                                                                      The Greens will be announcing a $10m initiative
                                                                                                                                      to establish an Integrated Design Commission
                                                                                                                                      (IDC) in every capital city to progress excellence
                                                                                                                                      in design and planning, based on the success of
                                                                                                                                      the former South Australian IDC.

What is your party’s position in relation         That is a matter for State, Territory and local                                     The Greens support this position.
to encouraging design review panels and           administrations.
design quality requirements within planning

Unnecessary red tape creates high costs for
doing business and hinders productivity.

What is your party’s position in relation to      A re-elected Rudd Labor Government would seek                                       The Greens will seek a briefing from the Australian
establishing a national government register       advice on the merits of establishing a national                                     Institute of Architects and other key stakeholders
for architects and businesses? (in accordance     government register for architects and businesses.                                  following the election on this issue.
with the 2010 recommendation of the
Productivity Commission)

What is your party’s position in regard to        The Rudd Labor Government supports the free                                         The Greens support this position.
making the National Construction Code             online publication of the National Construction
freely available to the public and industry?      Code (NCC). By making the NCC freely available
(in accordance with the 2010 Productivity         online, we will encourage greater compliance by
Commission report)                                the construction industry and drive productivity
                                                  benefits across the economy. For these reasons,
                                                  we have recently asked the Australian Building
                                                  Code Board to examine how best to achieve this
                                                  objective and prepare options for consideration
                                                  by the Building Ministers Forum (BMF).
5.Regulation & Red Tape Cont.
                                                    Australian Labor Party                                    The Coalition                      The Greens

What is your party’s position in relation    Since coming to Government in 2007, Federal          See answer on previous page.   The Greens will seek a briefing from the Australian
to leading a review of state and territory   Labor has worked with other jurisdictions to                                        Institute of Architects and other key stakeholders
appendices to the National Construction      improve the efficiency of Australia's national                                      following the election on this issue.
Code to achieve regulation uniformity?       building regulations. We've worked with other
                                             jurisdictions through the BMF to consolidate the
                                             Building Code with the Plumbing Code of Australia
                                             into the NCC and, in the process, address a number
                                             of overlapping and inconsistent regulations. Last
                                             year, the Productivity Commission reviewed these
                                             efforts and estimated that they would deliver
                                             overall savings to business of around $1 billion,
                                             around 1 per cent of the value of residential and
                                             nonresidential building construction. However,
                                             we accept that the Productivity Commission also
                                             identified a number of further opportunities to
                                             achieve greater uniformity in Australia's building
                                             regulatory framework. A re-elected Rudd Labor
                                             Government will continue to work closely with
                                             States and Territories to try to capture those
                                             productivity benefits.
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