Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day

Page created by Nicholas Jackson
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day

                                          Official Program Guide

 A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts!
 Saturday, May 19th, 2018 • 10AM – 4PM
       Main Street, Pennington, NJ   
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day
2 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018

                 The History of Pennington Day
      Pennington Day is held in downtown Pennington Boro along Main Street and adjacent roads intersecting Main Street

        his popular community event has become a positive force for the         and finally, to disburse any funds in excess of expenses to charitable orga-
        town, Hopewell Valley and local area businesses and organizations.      nizations within the Hopewell Valley in the form of annual grants.
        Pennington Day’s origins date back to January 1980 when a huge
fire occurred at the Pennington School’s four-story O’Hanlon Hall. The            Interest in Pennington Day has expanded way beyond its borders. The
blaze brought 19 fire companies to the scene to fight the unfolding disaster.   day now draws people from up and down the East Coast, and in years
In its aftermath, the borough and its residents came together in an effort      past the “day” has expanded to an entire weekend – from Friday night to
to decide what they could do to help the school recover from its tragedy.       Sunday – with everything from a pancake breakfast to an event at a local
From the ashes of O’Hanlon Hall sprang the first Pennington Day later that      winery sponsored by the Hopewell Valley Historical Society. The town resi-
year; the proceeds of which helped the school recover from its disaster.        dents plan their May calendars in accordance with the weekend and invite
                                                                                guests to their home to enjoy the festivities.
  Since that time, Pennington Day has become one of the most important
dates on the borough and Hopewell Valley’s annual calendars. Pennington      The goal and theme of Pennington Day is to bring a strong community
Day’s mission is to further the borough’s community spirit and identity as theme to the event, focusing on local vendors, artists and the Pennington
a community and enhance its quality of life, while providing community community.
groups, civic organizations and businesses throughout Hopewell Valley
an opportunity to inform the community of their mission, allowing com-
munity organizations from within Hopewell Valley to raise funds through
their sponsorship of Pennington Day events and/or the booths they set up,

                                                       Howe Commons.......................................4
                                                       Grants to Local Organizations...................6
                                                       Slice of Art Call for Artists..........................8
                                                       Pennington Day Vendor List.................... 10
                                                       Pennington Day Event Map......................11
                                                       Pennington Day Quilt Show 2018............ 12
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day
Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018 3
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day
4 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018

    HV Arts Council to Take Over Howe
      Commons for Pennington Day
       or the fifth year, the Hopewell Valley     A little, green, jewel-like beetle called the    Commons throughout the day demonstrat-
       Arts Council will anchor Penning-        Emerald Ash Borer, threatens the entire            ing live wood carving and showing projects
       ton Day with an artful takeover on       North American Fraxinus (Ash) genus of             at various stages of completion. Plus, visit us
the Howe Commons lawn, at 65 South Main         ash trees, which can be found on private and       at the HV Arts Council tent at Howe Com-
Street in Pennington, next to the music stage   public property and in forests and yards. Due      mons to find out more about our upcoming
and “food court,” on Saturday, May 19, from     to the nature of the infestation, it’s difficult   art- and culture-related events and receive
10am - 4pm.                                     to determine which trees have already suc-         10% off membership.
                                                cumbed. As a result, many ash trees, some in-
                                                fected and some yet to be infected, are being        The HV Arts Council will also issue a “call
                                                taken down to ensure public safety. Hopewell       to artists” beginning at Pennington Day, as
                                                Township is being proactive in the fight to        part of Out of the Ashes. Wood slices, play-
                                                protect our ash trees and has information on       fully being called “slices of art” will be avail-
                                                their website at www.haveyoursayhopewellt-         able for artists, creative adults, and hobbyist
                                                                                  to take home and adorn. Use your creativ-
                                                                                                   ity and paint, mosaic, apply photography, or
                                                  In the spirit of the HV Arts Council’s ongo-     whatever your imagination desires! At the
                                                ing upcycling theme – making art out of trash      end of the summer, these slices of art will be
                                                and typically discarded items – Out of the         sold, with half going to the individual artist
                                                Ashes will transform wood from this beauti-        and half to support local art and artists in
                                                ful American tree into art through a diverse       the greater Hopewell Valley. The slices will
                                                series of art programs, exhibits, and commu-       be sold at the HV Arts Council’s Slice of Art
                                                nity events throughout 2018 and 2019.              Sale, Barbecue, & Cornhole Tournament on
                                                                                                   Sunday, September 9 at the Valley Road Pic-
                                                  Ash wood will abound with opportuni-             nic Area, Hopewell Township. For more de-
                                                ties to view and make art, watch live carving      tails, please check out the HV Arts Council
                                                demonstrations, and learn more about the           website:
                                                emerald ash borer and about our year-long
                                                events celebrating as art emerges Out of the
                                                In the center of
                                              Howe Commons, a
                                              manual shingle cut-
                                              ter will cut ash wood
                                              into shingles, and
                                              kids of all ages are
                                              invited to paint the
                                              shingles along with
  This year, we’ll kick off a new initiative, wood discs. Two local
Out of the Ashes: Art Emerging from Fallen wood carvers, Stan
Trees, to commemorate the devastating loss Saperstein and Scott
of the ash tree, one of the primary native Fulmer, will also be
trees in Hopewell Valley.                     stationed on Howe
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day
Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018 5

                                                                                LET’S CELEBRATE PENNINGTON DAY TOGETHER
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                                                                       Open Saturdays
                                                                        9am to 1pm
                                                            Late May to Mid-November
                                                           On the Lawn at Rosedale Mills
                                                           101 Route 31, Pennington, NJ
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day
6 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018

  Pennington Day Makes Grants to Local Organizations
       he Pennington Day Committee would like to congratulate its 2018        them to stay independently in their own homes. HV Senior Services will
       Grant Recipients. Each year, the Committee makes grants to local       use the grant money to underwrite the cost of the HV Rides program.
       organizations to underwrite projects or programs that benefit the
Hopewell Valley Community. It is always a difficult decision to select the      Another program that enables seniors to live independently in their
winners from all of the great applicants who are serving our community.      homes is Hopewell Valley Aging in Place. It builds friendships and connec-
We thank everyone who applied for their service and encourage everyone       tions and helps the older adults of the community with errands of “What
to learn how they can help Hopewell Valley non-profits. The following        Friends would do for Friends.” This past year we have shoveled driveways,
groups have earned grants totalling $6,050. Congratulations!                 picked up prescriptions, taken spouses to the hospital to visit their ill fam-
                                                                             ily, and taken people shopping within Hopewell and to Hunterdon County
  The Bethel AME Church has been serving the Pennington community for MD appointments. HV Aging in Place will use its grant facilitate the
for over 200 years! In addition to their religious mission, they serve the communications and coordination necessary to match seniors with a need
needy in the community by visiting nursing homes, and providing meals to seniors willing to help.
and resources for those who may be in need. With the grant money re-
ceived, they will supplement their collection of food, clothing and house-      The Hopewell Valley Chorus has been an integral component of the
hold items by purchasing specific items for families in need and soldiers Hopewell Valley community and has shared the joy of music with the
overseas. For a small parish, Bethel AME has an outsized impact on the community and its members for 60 years. The Chorus participates in local
community.                                                                   events, including Pennington Day and Hopewell Harvest Fair, commemo-
                                                                             rations and memorial services, and has brought its music to our seniors, ill
  Friends in Service Here (FISH) of Hopewell Valley is the meals on wheels members, to the spectators at the Trenton Thunder and to the wider com-
program for Hopewell Township, Pennington, Hopewell Borough and Ti- munity through a longstanding partnership with the Trenton Children’s
tusville. We, with the generous cooperation of Pennington Market, provide Chorus. The HV Chorus will use its grant money to purchase new choral
meals to the homebound, especially seniors. All of our drivers and admin- concert risers that can be used at various performances and venues.
istrative staff are volunteers without compensation. In 2017, FISH served
3,700 meals in Hopewell Valley. With the grant money received, FISH will        Pennington Basketball Associations (PBA) is a recreational and travel
subsidize meal costs for those who cannot afford to pay for the meals.       basketball organization that serves the Hopewell Valley. PBA is a true col-
                                                                             laboration of community-minded parents who love the game and seek to
  The Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed works tirelessly to keep the water provide opportunities for kids to grow in the game. PBA will use its grant
clean, safe and healthy by protectin and restoring our water and natural money to provide free clinics for girls and boys throughout the Hopewell
environment in central New Jersey. Grant money will be used to create Valley.
the Tree Frog Trail: a Nature Play Garden at The Stony Brook-Millstone
Watershed Reserve in Pennington, NJ. Nature Play spaces are designed to         The Hopewell Museum aims to preserve and share the history of Hopewell
help children explore the environment at their own level of development. Valley and the surrounding area. Beyond our collection of local artifacts, we
                                                                             offer programming to educate the community about our rich local history.
  Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space (FOVHOS) promotes conser- The Hopewell Museum is sponsoring Hopewell Valley Heritage Weekend
vation in the Hopewell Valley Region through open space preservation, on May 25-28, 2018 with its partner organizations: Stoutsburg Sourland
informed land use, wise stewardship, education and outreach. The Pen- African American Museum, The Hopewell Valley Historical Society, The
nington Day grant will be used to support Project Hopewell Healthy Eco- Hopewell Valley Veterans Association, Stoutsburg Cemetery, Pennington
systems, a pilot program that will provide native plants, wildlife education African Cemetery, and Hopewell Public Library. Visit their Facebook page
and stewardship support to teachers and students at Tollgate Elementary. to learn about all the programs that this grant will underwrite.
Our goal is to help them create a healthy ecosystem by replacing a portion
of lifeless lawn on school property with a native plant meadow.                 The Pennington Public Library celebrates reading in all formats and pro-
                                                                             vides a warm, welcoming place where community members of all ages can
  Hopewell Valley Senior Services provides programs, activities and sup- interact, engage in public discourse, and pursue lifelong learning for per-
port to the seniors of Hopewell Valley. It started Hopewell Valley Rides sonal growth and entertainment. The library plans to use this grant to
because there was a need in the valley for transportation services for the support the 2018 Summer Reading Program, which has a music theme and
home bound and disabled seniors. The service allows its clients to get to the slogan “Libraries Rock.” The grant will underwrite program costs and
the doctors, the market or to Senior programs. More importantly, it allows acquisition of books related to the theme.
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day
Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018 7

   The HVCHS Post Prom Committee works to provide the students at
HVCHS with a safe and fun place to go to following the Senior Prom. This
is a long-standing tradition in our community. By sponsoring a Post Prom
event, we are keeping our children safe, sober and involved in exciting, but
controlled activities. The Pennington Day grant will be used to underwrite
the costs of sponsoring the evening.
  Unicorn Therapeutic Riding is a local non-profit that is run by trained
volunteers to provide equine assisted activities to adults and children with
physical, cognitive and emotional challenges. The lessons provide a wide
variety of benifits that help enrich the lives, health and well-being of our
students mentally and physically. Grant money will be used to build a
mounting block that will allow volunteers to transfer wheelchair bound
students with greater ease and comfort for the volunteer as well as the stu-
  The Sourland Conservancy hosts free guided hikes, educational seminars
and community events. We offer volunteer opportunities to local residents
and organizations to introduce people to the natural world in their own
backyard. With the grant money received, the Sourland Conservancy will
purchase deer-resistant native wildflower plants and seeds to plant in local
preserves. The flowers will beautify the parks, attract pollinators and help
restore balance to the ecosystem.
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day
8 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018

                           Slice of Art Call for Artists
        his Pennington Day, the HV Arts Council           upcycling theme – making art out of trash and          Wood slices, playfully being called “slices of
        will issue a “call to artists” as part of a new   typically discarded items – Out of the Ashes will    art” will be available for artists, creative adults,
        initiative, Out of the Ashes: Art Emerging        transform wood from this beautiful American          and hobbyist to take home and adorn. Use your
from Fallen Trees, to commemorate the devas-              tree into art through a diverse series of art pro-   creativity and paint, mosaic, apply photography,
tating loss of the ash tree, one of the primary na-       grams, exhibits, and community events through-       or whatever your imagination desires! The HV
tive trees in Hopewell Valley.                            out 2018 and 2019.                                   Arts Council hopes to reach 100 artistically rein-
                                                                                                               terpreted “slices” to ultimately sell at a fall event
  A little, green, jewel-like beetle called the Emer-                                                          in support local art and artists. These “slices of
ald Ash Borer, threatens the entire North Ameri-                                                               art” will be sold for $100 each -- a split 50/50 -- at
can Fraxinus (Ash) genus of ash trees, which can                                                               the Slice of Art Sale, Barbecue, & Cornhole Tour-
be found on private and public property and in                                                                 nament on Sunday, September 9 at the Valley
forests and yards. Due to the nature of the infes-                                                             Road Picnic Area, Hopewell Township. Undeco-
tation, it’s difficult to determine which trees have                                                           rated slices will be available at our tent on Pen-
already succumbed. As a result, many ash trees,                                                                nington Day and then ongoing during our office
some infected and some yet to be infected, are be-                                                             hours. Artists are welcome to take more than
ing taken down to ensure public safety. Hopewell                                                               one. Any artists with plans grander than a slice
Township is being proactive in the fight to pro-                                                               are welcome to contact us at info@hvartscoun-
tect our ash trees and has information on their                                                       For more details, please see the HV Arts
website at                                                                     Council website:
  In the spirit of the HV Arts Council’s ongoing
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day
Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018 9

                            SPA SALON
                               Expert Hair Styling
                                 Oxygen Infusion
                                Body Treatments
                                  Spray Tanning
                              Manicures and Pedicures
                                Eyebrow Sculpting
                                    Prom and
                                 Bridal packages
                                       16 S Main Street
 COMPLIMENTARY                          Pennington NJ
WAXING FOR FIRST                      609-737-8400
    TIME GUESTS            
  some restrictions apply
Main Street, Pennington, NJ - Saturday, May 19th, 2018 10AM - 4PM A Day of Community Family Fun and the Arts! - Pennington Day
10 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018
                                                                                              Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu            NJ Bamboo Landscaping LLC
                                                                                              Great Clips                                 NLSA
                                                                                              Greater Mercer TMA                          Northeast Animal Support Alliance
                                                                                              Greenleaf Lawn and Landscape Inc.           Northfield Bank
                                                                                              Greenleaf Painters, LLC                     O’ Savon
                                                                                              Gutter Helmet by Harry Helmet               Oasis Salon and Wellness Spa
                                                                                              Gymland                                     Old Glory Detailing
                                                                                              Har Sinai Temple                            Orion Jewelry Studio LLC
                                                                                              Hart’s Cyclery                              OSIP Foundation, Inc.
                                                                                              Heath Lumber Company                        PEAC Health & Fitness
                                                                                              Hebrew Hammer Blacksmith                    Pennington Adult Living Services (Project
                                                                                              Heigh Ho Silver                                Autism)
                                                                                              Helpwell: Hopewell Valley Regional School   Pennington African Cemetery Association
                                                                                                  District’s Volunteer Network            Pennington Borough Shade Tree
                                                                                              Home Repair and Care, LLC                      Committee

                 Saturday • May 19th, 2018
                                                                                              Honey Brook Organic Farm                    Pennington Business & Professionals
                                                                                              Honor Yoga Pennington                          Association
                                                                                              Hope Rises Up                               Pennington Environmental Commission
    10AM – 4PM • Main Street, Pennington, NJ                                                  Hopewell American Legion Post 339
                                                                                              Hopewell Borough Board of Health -
                                                                                                                                          Pennington Family Chiropractic
                                                                                                                                          Pennington Farmers Market
                                                                                                  Montgomery Twp. Health Dept.            Pennington Montessori School
          On Pennington Day, the Information Tent (i on the map) will have a banner           Hopewell Branch of the Mercer County        Pennington Orthodontics & Pediatric
          with information on the zone in which vendors and organizations are located.            Library                                    Dentistry, LLC
                                                                                              Hopewell Business Association               Pennington Pack 44 Cub Scouts
2018 Pennington Day Sponsors                     Wild Bill’s Soda                             Hopewell Valley Chorus                      Pennington Presbyterian Church
                                                                                              Hopewell Valley Democratic Club             Pennington Quality Market
Event Sponsors                                   Vendors and Organizations                    Hopewell Valley Education Association       Pennington Veterinary Care Center
Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International       123organizeMe                                    (HVEA)                                  Pixie Salon
   Realty                                        Activcore Physical Therapy                   Hopewell Valley Girl Scouts                 Princeton Air
Capital Health                                   Addison Wolfe Real Estate                    Hopewell Valley Golf & Country Club         Princeton Community Church
Dr. Mark McDonough - Orthodontist                All Fired Up Ceramics / The Painter’s Loft   Hopewell Valley Historical Society          Princeton Fitness and Wellness
First Bank                                          Art Studio                                Hopewell Valley Lions Club                  Princeton Learning Cooperative
The Pennington School                            Anew Life Yoga                               Hopewell Valley Soccer Association          Princeton Playspace
                                                 Anew Life Yoga Acro and Aerial               Hopewell Valley YMCA                        Princeton Van Service Moving & Storage
Main Street Sponsors                             Animal Allies
DeSimone Orthodontics                                                                         Hopewell Valley Youth Chorale               Rambling Pines Day Camp
                                                 Au Pair In America                           Hopewell-Keroka Alliance                    ReThink Energy NJ
Hopewell Valley Golf & Country Club              Aztec Graphics
Long Motor Company/Volvo of Princeton                                                         Hopewell-Lambertville Eye Associates        Rodan + Fields (Danser)
                                                 Bank of Princeton                            Hoppin’ Good!                               Rodan + Fields (Mamo)
Mayor and Mrs. Anthony Persichilli               Bath Fitter
Northfield Bank                                                                               HTS Tree Care Professionals, LLC            Rutgers Master Gardeners of Mercer
                                                 Bearded Goat Fine Foods                      Hun School of Princeton                        County
Pennington Quality Market                        Bethel A.M.E. Church
Stellitano Heating & Air Conditioning                                                         HVCHS Gridiron Club                         Sand Creations and Novelties
                                                 Blue Moon Acres                              HVCHS Model WHO Club                        Scentsy
Community Sponsors                               Bright Horizons                              HVCHS Robotics Club                         Schafer Sports Center
Anew Life Yoga Acro and Aerial                   Brilliant Arts-Young Rembrandts              HVRSD STRIVE PTO                            School of Rock Princeton
Backes and Backes LLC                            Brown’s Upholstery Co.                       India Hicks                                 Sister Cities Food & Shop Tours
Chance on Main                                   Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International   Integrated Fitness, Classical Pilates &     Soccer Shots Central Jersey
Chapin School Princeton                             Realty                                        Healing Arts Center                     Sourland Conservancy
Clarke Caton Hintz                               Cambridge School                             ishred4u, LLC                               Sourland Cycles
Hopewell Valley YMCA                             Camp Bow Wow Lawrenceville                   It’s My Brush (for Pets & People)           St. James CYO
Law Office of Alisandra B. Carnevale, LLC        Cannabates                                   It’s A Print Shop, LLC                      St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Pennington Montessori School                     Capelli Salon                                Ivy Rehab Physical Therapy                  Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred
Princeton Community Church                       Capital Health                               Jack’s Greenhouse and Farm                     Heart
Thomas O’Neill                                   Capitol Lawn Care                            Jo-Lyn’s Bibs                               TapSnap Photobooth
                                                 CASA                                         Kids’ MusicRound of NJ, LLC                 That’s Crafttastic
                                                 Century 21
2018 Pennington Day - Participating              Chapin School Princeton
                                                                                              kokko Atelier Princeton
                                                                                              KVD+ Architecture, Inc.
                                                                                                                                          The Learning Experience at Hopewell
                                                                                                                                          The MAX Challenge of Lawrenceville/
Vendors and Organizations                        Chickadee Creek Farm                         Lauren F Jones , LLC                           Pennington
                                                 Cutco Cutlery                                Law Office of Alisandra B. Carnevale, LLC   The Pennington School
Food and Beverages                               Cutting Edge Lawn and Landscaping
1994                                                                                          Lawrence Family Chiropractic                The Pennington Studio for Dance &
                                                 David Lerner Associates                      Lawrence Hopewell Trail                        Creative Arts
Antimo’s Italian Kitchen                         Deborah’s Happenings
Aunt Martha’s Funnel Cakes                                                                    LeadHER Hockey Academy                      The Watershed Institute
                                                 DeSimone Orthodontics                        LeafFilter North of Pennsylvania, LLC       Timberlane Middle School Builder’s Club
Beverly Mills Strawberry Shortcakes              Down Syndrome Association of Central NJ
Buzzetta’s Festival Foods                                                                     League of Women Voters Hopewell Valley      Tipica el Quetzal
                                                 Dr. Mark McDonough - Orthodontist            Lear’s Lawn Service , LLC                   Toadshade Wildflower Farm
Carlito’s Taco Wagon                             E&B Church Lady Aprons
D&D Catering                                                                                  Lightsource Chiropractic                    Trenton-Cyrus #5
                                                 Eastern Service Workers Association          Long Motor Company/Volvo of Princeton       UIH Family Partners
Las Patatas de Rafa                              Edye’s Naturals
Marchese Farm                                                                                 LuLaRoe                                     Unicorn Therapeutic Horseback Riding
                                                 ESF Summer Camps                             LuLaRoe (Mott)                              Vector Security
Mister Softee                                    Ewing Sports Center
Nomad Pizza                                                                                   LuLaRoe (Petura and Tesauro)                Verizon Wireless, TCC
                                                 Farmers Insurance                            Mad Science of New Jersey                   Vivint Solar
Northeast Kettle Korn                            First Assembly of God Church
Pennington Fire Company                                                                       Main Street Private Advisors                Voices Chorale
                                                 First Bank                                   Medina Law Group, LLC                       Weidel Realtors
Pennington Presbyterian Church Youth -           Friends Forever Pet Crematory & Memorial
   Cotton Candy                                                                               Mercer Children’s Dentistry                 Wilberforce School
                                                    Center                                    Mercer Home Health Care                     Young Life
Playa Bowls                                      Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space
Rita’s Pennington                                                                             Mercer Street Friends                       Youth Leadership Development Program
                                                    (FoHVOS)                                                 YSU AAU Basketball Fundraising
Sumo Sushi                                       Friends of the Pennington Public Library
Thana Thai Cuisine                                                                            Mr. Handyman
                                                 Fun House Productions                        Music Together
The Pennington School                            Gloria Nilson & Co Real Estate
Tomatillo’s Mexican Cuisine                                                                   National Council of Negro Women (NCNW)
                                                 Good Grief                                   Natural Kindness Soaps and Lotions
Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018 11
12 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018

          Pennington Day Quilt Show 2018
          opewell Valley Quilters are planning
          their annual Pennington Day show
          to be held on May 19, 2018, from 10
am to 4 pm in the Toll Gate Grammar School
cafeteria. The quilts on display will reflect a
great variety of styles, from beautiful tradi-
tional patterns to contemporary works of fi-
ber art.

  This year’s show will include three special
exhibit themes. The quilters challenged them-
selves to make small quilts with “Flowers” as
a theme. The challenge quilts incorporate this
theme in creative and diverse ways. There
will also be a display of antique quilts featur-
ing flowers. A display of “fidget quits” will be
available. These are made for people with Al-
zheimer’s Disease and and other cognitive dis-
abilities who can enjoy the visual and tactile
stimulation a quilt can offer. A third special
exhibit will show favorite tools quilters use to-
day. A special display will let visitors enjoy
arranging quilt squares into patterns.

  Viewers will have the opportunity to vote for
their favorite quilt in the show. The Viewers’
Choice Prize has been donated by Pennington
Quilt Works. Admission to the show is only
$1.00, and proceeds benefit Pennington Day
  Hopewell Valley Quilters is an informal
group that has been meeting for over 30 years.
The group meets both in the daytime and in
the evening in the Hopewell Township branch
of Mercer County Library. All are welcome.
More information about the quilt group will
be available at the show.

  Toll Gate Grammar School is located on the
corner of S. Main Street and E. Curlis Avenue.
Entry to the show is on the north side of the
school building. Handicapped parking will be
Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018 13
14 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018

                                     PSYCHIC READING
                                                                                        By Mrs. Dee
                                      Mrs. Dee has 50 years experience in divination, astrology,
                                      religion and chakra balancing, combined with her psychic
                                     wisdom she will tell your past as it was, present as it is and
                                     future as it can be, so she can help you find your quest for
                                     happiness in health, emotional being, love, career & family.

                                                Princeton Village Psychic
                                               609-924-0992                           609-512-7254
                                            26 Witherspoon St, Princeton, NJ   4130 Quakerbridge Rd., Lawrenceville, NJ
                                                         We do private parties and corporate events
Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018 15
16 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018

                                     7 Route 31 North, Pennington, NJ 08534
                                                             609 • 737 • 2466
                                     Mon., Tues., Fri. 9am-6pm • Sat. 10am-4pm

                     Cannot be combined with any other offer, promotion or sale pricing. • Expires May 31, 2018
Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018 17

              Air Conditioning
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                                 Mention Reference Code AL1001

18 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018

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             Dry detailing, barbering,          and children, formal styling, braiding, balayage,                                            10% Off Summer Highlights with Select stylists Exp. 6/30/18
             Multi Dimensional color,           peekaboo coloring. Keratin Smoothing.                                                                              Offers cannot be combined.
             Highlighting, Balayage,
             Creatice formal styling,                                                                    UNHAPPY WITH YOUR WORKPLACE! We are seeking a Cosmetologist/Stylist with a following, or partial following.
                                                                                                                                 Commission-sliding scale 50% and up. Contact owner to discuss.
             Keratin Therapy, Curly              specializing in all types of blow outs, including
             Hair, fine hair specialist,         the bumble blow out, creative updo’s, hair
                                                                                                                                Tue 10-9pm • Wed 12-9pm • Th 10-6pm • Fri 10-6pm • Sat 9-4pm
                                                 extensions, ladies’ haircuts, and Chi Enviro
             Volume Blow Outs.                   Keratin treatment, waxing.                             Like us on     for offers:
Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018 19

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Peroni’s Upholstery
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  Family owned and operated over 50 years
20 Pennington Day • May 19th, 2018
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