A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia

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A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia
A unique proposition in the
Swiss real estate market
Capital Market Day

21 April 2020
A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia

THIS PRESENTATION AND ITS CONTENTS ARE NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN                           under any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information,
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This presentation (the "Presentation") has been prepared by Implenia Ltd. ("Implenia" and together with Ina Invest            and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of this information or any
Holding Ltd. ("Ina Invest Holding") and its other subsidiaries, the "Group") solely for informational purposes and has        other information or opinions contained herein, for any purpose whatsoever.
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This Presentation does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, an offer or invitation or              nor any other person makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to, and accordingly no reliance
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Presentation is being made available to you solely for your information and background and is not to be used as a             information. Nothing in this Presentation is, or should be relied upon as, a promise or representation as to the future.
basis for an investment decision in securities of Implenia, Ina Invest Holding or the Group. Any investment decision          It should be noted that Ina Invest Holding is preparing an opening balance sheet as of 31 March 2020, complying
must be made exclusively on the basis of a prospectus or other offering document that will supersede the information          with Swiss GAAP FER. Ina Invest Holding does not produce any historical financial statements. The financial
contained in this Presentation.                                                                                               information in this Presentation is preliminary and unaudited and remains subject to the ongoing audit by the Ina
This Presentation must not be distributed, reproduced or used without the consent of Implenia. The information                Invest Holding's auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd., in connection therewith. In addition, the Presentation consist
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laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States and such securities may not be offered or sold within the        The property valuations are based on reports of Ina Invest Holdings' valuation expert Wüest Partner as of 31 March
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Certain statements in this Presentation are forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements           and a significant decrease of total economic output in the affected areas and globally. The impact of the COVID-19
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Implenia, Ina Invest Holding nor any of their respective directors, officers, employees, advisors, or any other person is

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 1
A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia
André Wyss, CEO Implenia
A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia

Implenia – an integrated multinational leader in construction services

                          2019 revenue             Ø revenue growth rate p.a.                     Order backlog
                          CHF 4.431bn              + 7.7 %       CAGR 2015-2019                   CHF 6.158bn

       93%                          Customer        Sustainability
                                                    Industry leader in Sustainalytics rating and
                                    satisfaction    pioneer of „green“ credit financing

                                                             4     Divisions

 ~ 10,000                          markets
total workforce1
                                                               Development        Buildings   Civil Engineering         Specialties

1 Including temporary workforce.                                                                         Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 3
A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia

In February, we announced the spin-off of Ina Invest to accelerate
our real estate business – strong support from the shareholders

                                                                 Spin-off of ~50% of current development portfolio
                                                                 with a market value of CHF ~300mn1 into Ina Invest

▪ Expansion along the value chain to offer project,                                                                                                ▪ New real estate investment company covering
  portfolio and real estate asset management                                                                                                         the entire value chain (from initiation until realization
  services…                                                                                                                                          as well as management and letting)
▪ … while offering development and realization                                                                                                     ▪ Accelerated growth through new equity and debt-
  capabilities at arm’s length and continuing to identify                                                                                            financing and reinvestment capacity from existing
  new market opportunities for both Implenia and Ina                                                                                                 and new shareholders

                                                                                       Recurring earnings as well as dividends
                                                                                        as significant minority shareholder2

1 Based on indicative third-party valuation, 31 December 2019. Portfolio value of CHF 282mn as of 31 March 2020 according to Wüest Partner, see slide 30 for more information.               Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 4
2 Implenia is expected to hold a significant minority stake of at least 40% in Ina Invest Ltd., see slide 55 for more information.
A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia

Implenia and Ina Invest partnership to unlock incremental value

                                                                 2 5
                                                                                                                                     1   New value creation through additional financing capacity
                                                                                                                                         (Ina Invest) while staying asset light (Implenia)...

                                                                                                                                     2   … and higher utilization of Implenia’s network to identify and seize
                                                                                                                                         new market opportunities for both companies

                                                                                                                                     3   Accelerated value realization of Implenia’s development portfolio and
                                                                                                                                         construction business

 1                                                                                                                   1               4   New recurring earnings for Implenia through Real Estate Services and
                                                                                                                                         shareholder participation as a >40% shareholder1

                                                                                                                                     5   Maximized efficiency gains and value delivery through integrated
                                                                                                                                         project collaboration and Implenia’s expertise

                                                  3 4
1 Implenia is expected to hold a significant minority stake of at least 40% in Ina Invest Ltd., see slide 55 for more information.                                                         Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 5
A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia

Experienced real estate experts committed to the success of Ina Invest

                 Stefan Mächler                                        Marc Pointet                                     Adrian Wyss
Designated Chairman of the Board of Directors         Designated Chief Executive Officer               Head Division Development at Implenia
• Group CIO and Member of the Group Executive         • Until 2020, Head of Mobimo Suisse romande      • Member of the Implenia Executive Committee
  Board of Swiss Life                                   and Member of the Executive Board of Mobimo      and Head Real Estate Services at Implenia
• Previously, Chairman of the Board of Directors of   • More than 15 years of real estate experience   • Previously, Head of Modernisation and various
  Swiss Prime Site Ltd. and CIO Asset Management                                                         other management roles within Implenia
  of Mobiliar                                         • Certified Architect ETH, Executive MBA HSG
                                                                                                       • Degree in Architecture and Diploma in Corporate
• More than 20 years of real estate experience
                                                                                                         Management from the University of Applied
• Lic. iur from the University of St. Gallen (HSG)                                                       Science, Bern

                                                                                                                              Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 6
A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia
Today’s agenda

1   Investment highlights • Stefan Mächler
2   Market overview • Marc Pointet
3   Business model and strategy • Marc Pointet
4   Portfolio and pipeline • Adrian Wyss
5   Financials and financial outlook • Marc Pointet
6   Corporate governance • Stefan Mächler
7   Envisaged transaction • Credit Suisse
8   Closing remarks • Stefan Mächler
9   Q&A
10 Appendix
A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia
1   Investment highlights
A unique proposition in the Swiss real estate market - Capital Market Day 21 April 2020 - Implenia
Investment highlights

Ina Invest – a unique proposition in the Swiss real estate industry

        1      Very attractive real estate portfolio at top locations across Switzerland

                    2       Proven development and execution expertise in long-term partnership with Implenia

                        3     Further acceleration of growth through land acquisitions utilizing Implenia competencies & network

                    4       Application of high sustainability standards for development and operation

        5      Compelling financial profile with substantial expected valuation upside and above market return on capital

                                                                                                                   Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 9
Investment highlights

Very attractive real estate portfolio at top locations                                                                                                                                                1

across Switzerland
Prime locations and diversified use …                                                                                … resulting in top scores by
                                                                                         Other                       Wüest Partner2
                                                                                 Hotel    7%
                                                Zurich                                                   Office

                      Arlesheim                                                               By         38%
                                                              Baar (Zug)
                                                                                                                                                     III         II            I

                                                                                                                       Object quality

                                                                                             Northwestern                                            VI          V            IV
              Préverenges                                                                     Switzerland
              (Lausanne)                                                                         10%

                                                                            Zurich /
                                                                                                                                                     IX         VIII          VII

      (Geneva)                                                               47%
                                                                                                      Western                                  Bad                                 Good
                                                                                                                                                           Location quality

•     95% of portfolio3 in the top quadrant (“Top-Liegenschaften”) based on location quality and property quality
•     Analysis also considers macro and micro location quality, use, construction standard, condition and market attractiveness

Source: Wüest Partner valuation report as of 31 March 2020.
1 Based on floor space (excl. condominium)                                                                                                                              Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 10
2 Bubble sizes refer to current market values.
3 Based on current market values.
Investment highlights

Proven development and execution expertise                                                                                                                                   2

in long-term partnership with Implenia
                                                                                                Showcases (Implenia developments)

          Broad range                                              >50
          of completed                                         development
             projects                                            projects
           incl. residential housing,
                                                                realised by Implenia over
           hotels, offices and even
                                                                     the last 10 years

                                                                                                    Sue&Til, Winterthur       Metropolitans, Zurich

                    84%1                                        construction
          of condominiums sold by                                unique experience with
           the end of construction                              ~1000 apartments under
             over the last 5 years                              development or already

                                                                                                  Ensemble Quadro, Zurich   ZHAW library, Winterthur

Source: Company information.
                                                                                                                                               Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 11
1 Based on development projects between 2014 and 2019 (including not yet completed projects).
Investment highlights

Further acceleration of growth through land acquisitions                                                                                                                                  3

utilizing Implenia competencies & network
Acceleration of growth through acquisitions                                        Selected investments and unique Implenia value-add
                                                                                   Sulzer Real Estate (Winterthur)
• The value of Ina Invest’s real estate portfolio is expected                      Value-add: Brownfield development
  to grow by a factor of c. 5x to reach CHF 2bn by 2027E                           • Share deal for 230,000 sqm of land,

  (incl. additional acquisitions)                                                  •   Large parts resold straight away, other parts developed in meantime
                                                                                   •   Assessment and handling of contaminated site was a decisive
• This value increase is driven by the realization of the initial                      competitive advantage for Implenia
  development portfolio as well as significant
                                                                                   Schaffhauserstrasse (Zurich)
  additional acquisitions
                                                                                   Value-add: Off-market acquisition
• Ina Invest targets an average acquisition volume of                              •Direct acquisition from a private individual
                                                                                       Identified underutilization
  c. CHF 50mn per year, financed through diverse and                               •
                                                                                   •   New development fully exploits potential
  attractive sources of financing
• Financing sources include the public capital markets as                          Les Tattes (Onex)
  well as partially also the sale of condominiums                                  Value-add: Cross deal with the municipality
                                                                                   • In cooperation with the municipality, a new school was built on existing
• In order to source its acquisition opportunities, Ina Invest                       Implenia land and in return Implenia received the right to develop a
                                                                                     residential building project on the school’s old site
  will leverage the local expertise and wide-reaching
                                                                                   •   As a result, the municipality was able to avoid an expensive renovation
  network of Implenia                                                                  and Implenia also benefitted from the transparent cooperation

Source: Company information, Wüest Partner valuation report as of 31 March 2020.
                                                                                                                                                             Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 12
Investment highlights

Application of high sustainability standards for                                                                                                                                                                              4

development and operation
Sustainability is part of Ina Invest’s DNA …                                                                                                 … and creates tangible results (case study Lokstadt)

• Ina Invest intends to operate one of Switzerland’s most                                                                                    Greenhouse gas emissions of construction1
  sustainable real estate portfolios                                                                                                                                          9.6
• All projects are expected to be certified according to national and
  international construction labels                                                                                                                                       Lokstadt                Average
• Strong focus on the use of renewable and healthy construction
  materials (e.g. timber construction)                                                                                                       Greenhouse gas emissions of operation1
• For this purpose, Ina Invest targets to receive certifications by the                                                                                                       3.4
                                                                                                                                                                                    2     -90%
  following two providers:
                                                                                                                                                                          Lokstadt                Average
     • Sustainalytics, the leading global provider of ESG and                                                                                                                                    Switzerland
       corporate governance research and ratings                                                                                             Annual heating costs3
     • GRESB, the recognized global ESG benchmark for real assets                                                                                                             1.9
                                                                                                                                                                                    2                 2.5

                                                                                                                                                                          Lokstadt                Average
Source: Company information.
1 In kg/m2 per year. Average greenhouse gas emissions of Switzerland 2010/2015 are based on SIA-documentation D 0258.                                                                            Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 13
2 Company estimates based on current construction plans.
3 In CHF/m2 per year. Average annual heat consumption of Switzerland based on standard MuKEn 2008. Applied district heating price from Winterthur municipal utility as of January 2020.
Investment highlights

Compelling financial profile with substantial expected                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5

valuation upside and above market return on capital
Growth phase (2020 – 2022)                                                                                                            Development phase (2023 onwards)

                                                                                            Initial portfolio plus c. CHF 50mn land acquisitions per annum                                                                                                   ~2bn

 Gross asset value
 (in CHFmn)

                                           2020                           2021                           2022                           2023                           2024                           2025                          2026                      2027

 Indicative return on
                                                                        ~3%                                                                                                                       6-8%
 equity1 (average)

 Dividend yield                         Nominal dividend, no dividends paid out in 2020                                                                              In line with broader Swiss real estate market

                                          Mainly financed by equity capital raised and
 LTV                                                                                                                                                                55-65% (depending on future market situation)
                                                proceeds from condo unit sales
                                                              Projects are expected to be financed on a non-recourse basis; therefore repayment of the loan is tied to one project,
                                                                                            the lender cannot access any other assets of the borrower

                                                     Gross asset value development portfolio (incl. additional acquisitions)                                          Gross asset value investment properties

Note: Certain statements on this slide, including in particular the financial targets described immediately above, constitute forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future financial
performance and our actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements as a result of many factors. The Company can give no assurance that the targets described above
will materialize or prove to be correct. Because these are based on assumptions or estimates and are subject to risks and uncertainties, the actual results or outcome could differ materially from those described above.                 Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 14
1 Return on equity excluding transaction costs.
2   Market overview
Market overview

Favorable Swiss real estate development market

Real estate as a stable anchor during crisis
                                                                                                                           5.0%                                                                                            Spread over risk
• During economic downturns (recent COVID-19) stock market investors are looking for                                       3.0%                                                                                            Distribution yield
  less volatile investment opportunities                                                                                   2.0%                                                                                            Swiss real estate
• The housing market (e.g. condominiums and rental apartments) is currently viewed as                                      1.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Yield on 10 year
  a stable anchor during crisis because of its stable cash flows compared to other types                                   0.0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Swiss government
  of assets                                                                                                                     1995     1998     2001       2004    2007        2010    2013         2016       2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           benchmark bond

• Negative effects of COVID-19 are expected primarily on the retail space market and
  the tourist hotel segment                                                                                                125.0

Spread over risk free rate at all-time high                                                                                115.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Switzerland SXI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Real Estate - Price

• Negative interest rates are dominating the interest landscape. The COVID-19 crisis will                                  105.0                                                                                           Switzerland SMI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (PR) - Price
  likely further extend the negative interest rate period and therefore keep mortgage costs
  low, as well as real estate investments attractive for investors                                                         95.0
• Investors are therefore looking for strategies and ways to generate a real positive return                                11/03/2019          11/06/2019          11/09/2019           11/12/2019          11/03/2020

• Hence, the spread over 10-year government bonds are well above the long-term average
  at 290 basis points                                                                                                      100,000                                                                                 50%
                                                                                                                            80,000                                                                                 40%
                                                                                                                            60,000                                                                                 30%     Net immigration of

Stable immigration supports demand for apartments                                                                           40,000                                                                                 20%     foreigners (lhs)
                                                                                                                            20,000                                                                                 10%
                                                                                                                                 0                                                                                 0%      Yearly change (rhs)
• Demand for apartments has strengthened recently thanks to the stabilization of                                           -20,000                                                                                 -10%
  immigration                                                                                                              -40,000                                                                                 -20%
                                                                                                                                       2011           2013            2015              2017             2019*

Source: Federal Statistical Office, State Secretariat for Migration, Credit Suisse; Bundesamt für Statistik; Docu Media;
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 16
1st graph: Credit Suisse Real Estate study 2020; 2nd graph: FactSet; 3rd graph: State Secretariat of Migration.
* Preliminary figures.
Market overview

Condominiums – several factors support price level

Low interest rates continue to fuel demand while supply decreases                                                                                Planning applications and building permits
due to the pronounced focus on rental apartment construction                                                                                     (number of residential units)
• Appetite for owner-occupied housing remains high while low
  interest rates push mortgage costs further down                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -33%

• Demand for condominiums has been picking up since mid-2018                                                                                     10,000
  with a steady increase in prices, however, the share of                                                                                         5,000

  homeownership remains lower in Switzerland compared to other                                                                                          0
  European countries                                                                                                                                        2002          2004           2006      2008       2010         2012       2014           2016          2018
                                                                                                                                                                   Applications rental                       Applications condominiums                      Permits rental

• The project pipeline for condominiums is rather weak due to the                                                                                                  Permits condominiums                      Average permits rental                         Average permits condominiums

  shift of investors towards rental apartments
                                                                                                                                                 Condominium building applications (index 2010 = 100)
• However, tight regulation of financial sustainability of borrowers
  remain a big hurdle for purchasing a home, especially for first-                                                                               500

  time buyers                                                                                                                                    400




                                                                                                                                                               2010            2011         2012      2013         2014       2015            2016      2017           2018       2019

                                                                                                                                                                           Zurich                     Winterthur                     Zug                          Upper Basel region
                                                                                                                                                                           Lausanne                   Neuchâtel                      Genève

Source: Baublatt, Wüest Partner, Credit Suisse; 1st Graph: Baublatt, Credit Suisse Real Estate study 2020 (12-month total); 2nd graph: Federal                                                                                                  Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 17
Office for Statistics, Documedia, Wüest Partner.
Market overview

Rental apartments – divergences between regional markets
likely to increase
The new influx of rental apartments is likely to exceed the market’s                                                                                    Vacancies in function of urban typology in % of stock
power of absorption in peripheral areas, however, supply is still scare                                                                                 2.5%
in top locations and urban agglomerations                                                                                                               2.0%
• New supply of rental apartments exceeds household formation                                                                                            0%
  mostly in peripheral regions                                                                                                                                    2009    2010   2011   2012     2013      2014    2015     2016     2017      2018     2019

• Vacancy rates are likely to accelerate; however, this effect will be                                                                                          Top locations                  Tourist locations                   Urban agglomerations
  more visible in peripheral areas than in top locations and urban                                                                                              Other agglomerations           Periphery
• Rents are expected to perform best in central locations like Zurich,                                                                                  Vacancies in % of the target gross rental income
  Geneva and Basel Stadt, where scarcity of supply is still apparent                                                                                    depending on location quality
• Transaction yields have been falling in the last years. However, in a                                                                                 8%
  long-term perspective (in real terms and compared to government                                                                                       6%
  bond yields) there is still room for lower yields                                                                                                     4%

• Location quality as well as small and well-structured floor plans                                                                                     2%
  mitigate vacancy risks significantly                                                                                                                  0%
                                                                                                                                                               Above average                   Average                       Below average          Total
                                                                                                                                                                            Macro location*                        Public transport links

Source: REIDA, Swiss Federal Office for Area Development, Homegate, Raiffeisen, Fahrländer Partner, BFS;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 18
1st Graph: Homegate, Fahrländer Partner (vacancy rate in % of residential stock); 2nd Graph: Credit Suisse Real Estate study 2020. * Macro location =
Accessibility of the population with public transportation.
Market overview

Office space – growing gap between center and periphery

Recovery is interrupted, growing price and vacancy gap between                                                   Hedonic rental price index: 2005 = 100
center and periphery

• The volume of planned new office spaces is declining in the
  majority of large and mid-sized centers which further support the
  recovery of the office space market
• Demand is mainly focused in central locations and urban                                                              2005       2007         2009   2011        2013   2015           2017       2019
  agglomerations with commuter-friendly transport links                                                                           City of Zurich        City of Geneva          City of Lausanne
                                                                                                                                  Basel region          Bern region             Rest of Switzerland
• The gap between city center and peripheral office space markets is
  set to widen for both vacancies and rental price levels
                                                                                                                 Number of building permit for office space
• Thanks to the moderately planned expansion of office space
  (number of building permits down by 30%), the negative effects of                                              4,000
  COVID-19 on supply will develop rather gradually. Oversupply will
  be significantly greater in the outer office markets than in core
  cities, where the office space market has started to recover recently
• Co-working providers will be most affected by COVID-19
                                                                                                                           1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019
                                                                                                                               New construction permits          New construction applications
                                                                                                                               New construction permits, average

Source: JLL, Credit Suisse, Federal Statistical Office; 1st & 2nd graph: Credit Suisse Real Estate study 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                         Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 19
3   Business model and strategy
Business model and strategy

Mission and values

Mission statement
Ina Invest is convinced that real estate can only be profitable in
the long term if its development and operation are consistently
tailored to the needs of present and future generations and follow
high ecological principles.


                  Transparent               Collaborative
    mentally                    Excellent                   Visionary

                                                                        Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 21
Business model and strategy

Ina Invest’s strategy and focus areas are clearly defined

                       •      Focus on residential properties
  Project focus
                       •      Mixed-use buildings including high quality office buildings as secondary priority

                       •      Focus on attractive urban regions as well as suburban areas with commuter-friendly transport links
                              across Switzerland

                       •      Positioning as sustainability pioneer
                       •      Vision to operate one of Switzerland’s most sustainable real estate portfolios

                       •      Solid execution of growth strategy through development of existing portfolio and continuous acquisitions
  Strategy             •      Business expansion by leveraging local expertise and wide-reaching network of Implenia
                       •      Access to diverse and attractive sources of financing including public capital markets

                       •      Condominiums forward sale agreements support residential development model
  De-risking           •      Operational excellence and lean fixed cost base
                       •      Diversification of portfolio

                                                                                                                         Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 22
Business model and strategy

Comprehensive business model covering the entire value chain…

                                Project conception and
         Project initiation                                      Marketing & Sales                Project realization                Use

• Market intelligence          • Cost estimation and          • Letting                    • Building construction      • Value creation through
• Business planning and          budget control               • Cash flow optimisation     • Project management           active asset
  due diligence                • Approvals, licenses and        and risk reduction                                        management
                                                                                           • Strict controlling of
• Negotiations and               permits                      • Advertising and              costs, quality and         • Renegotiation and
  acquisition of land          • Managing architects,           communication                timeline                     successful renewals of
                                 engineers and interior                                                                   anchor tenant leases

                                                          Strict controlling of the value chain

                                                   Diligent financial accounting and reporting

Source: Company information.
                                                                                                                              Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 23
Business model and strategy

…in close cooperation with Implenia

                                                                           Project conception
                                       Project initiation                                                  Marketing & sales                    Project realization                                Use
                                                                           and concretisation

                                    • Investment decisions (through
                                      Investment Committee with                                                                               • Definition of construction model
                                                                         • Definition of portfolio and                                                                              • Definition of long-term strategy
                                      majority of members not related                                    • Definition of marketing strategy     per project
                                                                           project strategy
                                      to Implenia)                                                                                                                                  • Financial planning
                                                                                                         • Selection of buyers and tenants    • Controlling of costs, quality and
                                                                         • Budget controlling                                                                                         and controlling
                                    • Financing decisions (on project                                                                           timeline
                                      on and group level)

                                    • Sourcing of investment                                                                                  • Project management
                                      opportunities through Implenia’s
                                                                                                         • Distribution through Implenia
Implenia                              wide-reaching network
                                                                         • Project development             network / marketing services
                                                                                                                                              • Construction management
                                                                                                                                                                                    • Portfolio and asset
                                                                                                                                                                                      management services
                                                                                                                                              • Construction services (according
services                            • Clear processes in place for
                                      allocation between Ina Invest
                                                                                                         • Advertising and communication        to transparent and pre-defined
                                      and Implenia                                                                                              terms)

                                                                                                          Customary fee structure1

                                    • Accounting and reporting performed by KPMG
Other                               • Property valuation performed by Wüest Partner

Source: Company information.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 24
1 Please see the appendix for an overview of the fee structure.
Business model and strategy

Partnership with Implenia as key to unlock additional value

                              2 5
                                        1   Acceleration of growth and greater value creation through
                                            additional sources of financing...

                                        2   … and the utilization of Implenia’s network to identify and
                                            seize new market opportunities

                                        3   Accelerated value realization of Implenia’s former
                                            development portfolio
1                                   1
                                        4   Lean and scalable business model based on outsourcing and
                                            strict and efficient internal control

                                        5   Maximized efficiency gains and value delivery through
                                            integrated project collaboration and Implenia’s expertise in
                                            development and construction services

                        3 4
                                                                                         Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 25
Business model and strategy

Ina Invest strives to be a sustainability leader

Sustainability is part of Ina Invest’s DNA                            Targeted certifications
                                                                                      • GRESB is recognized as one of the leading
• Ina Invest intends to operate one of Switzerland’s most                               global ESG benchmarks for real assets
  sustainable real estate portfolios
                                                                                      • Based on the initial portfolio, Ina Invest is
• Sustainability goals are incorporated in the business and project                     confident to be awarded a Green Star
  strategy and associated targets used as key indicators for                            certification (best quadrant)
  performance-related remuneration
                                                                                      • Based on the GRESB methodology Ina Invest
• Systematic certification of each new project according to                             aims to constantly optimize the social and
  national and international construction labels                                        ecological performance of its portfolio
• Strong focus on the use of renewable and healthy
  construction materials (e.g. timber construction)
                                                                                      • Sustainalytics is one of the leading global
• Evaluation of investment opportunities based on the Implenia                          providers of ESG and corporate governance
  ESG-evaluation tool GeNaB© (minimum requirement of 9 out of                           research and ratings to investors
  12 points)
                                                                                      • Based on the internal sustainability strategy,
    − GeNaB© covers environmental, social and economic criteria                         Ina Invest is confident to achieve a score
                                                                                        which is clearly above average
Source: Company information.
                                                                                                                    Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 26
Business model and strategy

Ina Invest strives to be a sustainability leader (cont’d)

Case study: Lokstadt “2000-Watt-Areal1”                                                                         Key facts
                                                                                                                                 • Lokstadt is a newly emerging state-of-the-art city district in central Winterthur with a wide variety of uses
                                                                                                                                 • Over 700 apartments, offices, retail, hotel and co-working spaces
                                                                                                                                 • Construction 1st phase in progress, hand-over last phase by 2025

                                                                                                                                 • Certified “2000-Watt-Areal1”
                                                                                                                                 • Different buildings designed and realised in wood construction and certified with Minergie labels

                                                                                                                                 •   Established strict guidelines on building materials with exclusion list
                                                                                                                                 •   Innovative design with Building Information Modelling and VR
                                                                                                                                 •   Partial pre-fabrication of wood construction elements/modules
                                                                                                                                 •   Financing sources include the public capital markets as well as partially also the sale of condominiums
                                                                                                                                 •   To source its acquisition opportunities, Ina Invest will leverage the local expertise and wide-reaching
                                                                                                                                     Implenia network

    Greenhouse gas emissions of construction2                                                   Greenhouse gas emissions of operation2                                                     Annual heating costs4

                                              -11%                                                                                      -90%                                                                             -25%
                              3                                     10.8                                                                                       33.8                                                  3                    2.5

                     Lokstadt                                   Average                                          Lokstadt                                   Average                                         Lokstadt                   Average
                                                               Switzerland                                                                                 Switzerland                                                                Switzerland
Source: Company information.
1 The certificate “2000-Watt-Areal” distinguishes settlement areas that can demonstrate sustainable use of resources and emissions over the entire life cycle of site development (from an planning to operation).
2 In kg/m2 per year. Average greenhouse gas emissions of Switzerland 2010/2015 are based on SIA-documentation D 0258.                                                                                                           Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 27
3 Company estimates based on current construction plans.
4 In CHF/m2 per year. Average annual heat consumption of Switzerland based on standard MuKEn 2008. Applied district heating price from Winterthur municipal utility as of January 2020.
Business model and strategy

Positioning of Ina Invest against its peers

   The Swiss property development market is highly fragmented but Ina Invest represents a scarce opportunity for investors:
   • Investment in top development projects with a diversified regional footprint and balanced use
   • Very attractive portfolio consisting of top properties1 as confirmed by Wüest Partner
   • All properties newly built according to state-of-the-art standards
   • Lean operational set-up benefiting from close collaboration with Implenia

Portfolio structure comparison against major developers in Switzerland – illustrative overview

 Share of
                                    • 100% development                        •
4   Portfolio and pipeline
Portfolio and pipeline

 Portfolio overview

 Key portfolio figures1                                                                            Portfolio locations                                                                   Portfolio split                                       by floorspace

                                                                                                                       Allschwil                                                                                        Other, 7%
                                        Market value
 CHF 282mn                              31 March 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hotel, 8%                           Office, 34%

                                                                                                                   Arlesheim                  Winterthur
                                        Market value at                                                                                                                                                                                             by market value at
CHF 1,118mn                             completion
                                                                                                                                            Baar (Zug)                                                                  11%
                                                                                                                      Neuchâtel                                                                                                 By
                                        Floor space at                                                                                                                                                                         type
~140,000m2                              completion
                                                                                                               Préverenges                                                                                               44%
                    4.0%                Gross yield2
                                                                                                          (Geneva)                                                                                    Residental, 51%

 Quality level3                                                                                                                                                                                      by floorspace
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Northwestern Switzerland

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Central Switzerland
      Macro location                            3
                                                2                                                                                                                                                                                                    15%
      Micro location                            1
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Zurich /                      By
                                                                                                                                                                                               Winterthur 47%                 region
                                                                        Object quality

      Utilization                            4.4
      Condition                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Western Switzerland 28%

                                                                                                Bad                  Good
                                                                                                Location quality

 1 Wüest Partner valuation, market value 31 March 2020 incl. adjustments for Bestandeshallen, see more information on page 35.
 2 Across the portfolio (2027).                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 30
 3 Wüest Partner valuation (rating factors: Macro location, Micro location, Utilization (floor plan quality, flexibility, parking), Standard (room conditions, materialization, technology), Condition (exterior
   shell, interiors, house technology), quality score: 5=highest quality level, 1=lowest quality level).
Portfolio and pipeline

Overview of portfolio execution timeline
                                                                               2020                   2021   2022   2023   2024            2025           2026                  2027

  1. Baselink, Allschwil

  2. Lokstadt, Tender, Winterthur

  3. Lokstadt, Elefant, Winterthur

  4. Chemin de l’Echo, Onex

  5. Tivoli, BF2, Neuchâtel

  6. Tivoli, BF4, Neuchâtel

  7. Lokstadt, Hallen, Winterthur

  8. Schaffhauserstrasse, Zurich

  9. Grand Record, Préverenges

 10. Lokstadt, Rocket & Tigerli, Winterthur

 11. Schwinbach, Arlesheim

 12. Unterfeld, BF3, Baar

 13. Les Tattes, Onex

 14. Unterfeld, BF1B, Baar
 15. KIM, Houses Brown & Bodmer,

                                                                                                                                  rental     rental & condominium             condominium

Note: Illustrative timeline, does not reflect precisely the beginning and end of project execution.
                                                                                                                                                           Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 31
Portfolio and pipeline

Lokstadt project overview

                            Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 32
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Lokstadt, Tender                                                                          SIA
                                                                                                               Energy Efficiency Path

Address:                                            Ernst Jung Gasse 8, 8400 Winterthur
Property area / Floor space1:                       620m2 / 4,087m2
Capex:                                              CHF 27.2mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                       2.8% / 3.3%
Gross yield1:                                       Not available for condominium
Status:                                             Building permit expected soon
Highlight:                                          39 modern urban flats in condominium ownership with
                                                    striking architecture linked to its historic location

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                Utilization
                                           47.9                           4%


      As of 31.03.2020               Sales proceeds                       96%                       100%

                                                                  Other         Residential      Condominium

              today                                 Q3 2020                                   Q2 2023

         Building permit                            Start of                                    End of                                                    lokstadt.ch
          expected soon                           construction                                construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020.
                                                                                                                                        Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 33
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Lokstadt, Elefant                                                                                                                            SIA
                                                                                                                                                                  Energy Efficiency Path

Address:                                             Zürcherstrasse, 8400 Winterthur
Property area / Floor space1:                        3,050m2 / 13,014m2
Capex:                                               CHF 48.5mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                        2.9% / 3.4%
Gross yield1:                                        3.5%
Status:                                              Building permit available
Highlight:                                           Modern, Minergie-certified timber construction office
                                                     building; 100% of rental space signed by SWICA

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                     Utilization
                                            98.9                                  3%


       As of 31.03.2020                  As of                                    97%
                                       completion                        Other           Office

               today                                 Q4 2020                                               Q4 2022

          Building permit                             Start of                                               End of                                                                                          lokstadt.ch
             available                              construction                                           construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved
                                                                                                                                                                                           Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 34
  and may not correspond to the indicative construction completion date.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Lokstadt Hallen                                                                                                                                                                     SIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Energy Efficiency Path

Address:                                               Zürcherstrasse, 8400 Winterthur
Property area / Floor space1:                          7,682m2 / 8,032m2
Capex2:                                                CHF 35.9mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                          3.7% / 4.2%
Gross yield1:                                          4.8%
Status:                                                Competition procedure in revision
Highlight:                                             Historical halls with contemporary
                                                       urban usability

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                        Utilization
                                             43.2                                         15%


       As of 31.03.2020                    As of                           Hotel             Other
                                         completion                        Office

               today                                   Q1 2022                                                 Q4 2023

     Competition procedure                              Start of                                                 End of                                                                                                                             lokstadt.ch
         in revision                                  construction                                             construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved and may not correspond to the indicative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 35
  construction completion date, value as of 31 March 2020 -CHF 27.0mn, however, set to CHF 0mn due to cost transfer to Implenia. 2 CHF 61.9mn total expected Capex, whereof Ina Invest carries CHF 35.9mn.
  As landmark of the entire Lokstadt, the Bestandeshallen uplift the value of all Lokstadt projects. As part of the Lokstadt remains in Implenia´s development portfolio, Implenia will carry parts of the construction cost.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Lokstadt, Rocket & Tigerli                                                                                                                   SIA
                                                                                                                                                                  Energy Efficiency Path

Address:                                             Dialogplatz 1 (Rocket), Ernst Jung Platz (Tigerli),
                                                     8400 Winterthur
Property area / Floor space1:                        2,325m2 / 22,039m2
Capex:                                               CHF 126.8mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                        Rental: 2.6% / 3.1%; Condo: 2.8% / 3.3%; Tigerli: 3.1% / 3.6%
Gross yield1:                                        Rental: 3.2%; Tigerli: 3.8%
Status:                                              Strategic planning, conception and study contract
Highlight:                                           Max. 100m tower block (Rocket) as landmark of Lokstadt
                                                     with Student accommodation and hotel in the base (Tigerli)

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                     Utilization
                                           224.9                                  9%

       As of 31.03.2020                  As of                           Hotel            Other                Condominium
                                       completion                        Residential                           Rental

               today                                 Q1 2023                                               Q4 2025

           Conception,                                Start of                                               End of                                                                                          lokstadt.ch
          study contract                            construction                                           construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved
                                                                                                                                                                                           Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 36
  and may not correspond to the indicative construction completion date.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: KIM, Houses Brown & Bodmer                                                                                                                   Minergie P

Address:                                             Solarstrasse 11-21, 8404 Winterthur
Property area / Floor space1:                        5,913m2 / 18,610m2
Capex:                                               CHF 63.7mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                        3.5% / 4.0%
Gross yield1:                                        4.4%
Status:                                              Building permit available, marketing in progress
Highlight:                                           Flexible room division, modern working world, very good
                                                     price-performance ratio, ZEV2 energy sourcing

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                     Utilization
                                            89.7                                   2%


       As of 31.03.2020                  As of                                   98%
                                       completion                        Other           Office

               today                                 Q3 2025                                               Q4 2027

          Building permit                             Start of                                               End of                                                                    kim-winterthur.ch
             available                              construction                                           construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved
                                                                                                                                                                               Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 37
  and may not correspond to the indicative construction completion date.
2 ZEV (Zusammenschlüsse zum Eigenverbrauch), self-produced energy consumption community.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Schaffhauserstrasse
Address:                                              Schaffhauserstrasse 220, 222, 224, 8057 Zürich

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Source: Google Maps / Google Inc.
Property area / Floor space1:                         1,798m2 / 3,418m2
Capex:                                                CHF 17.9mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                         2.6% / 3.1%
Gross yield1:                                         3.1%
Status:                                               Strategic planning, feasibility study
Highlight:                                            Central location in Zurich with proximity to university
                                                      and a wide view towards Zürichberg and Glatttal

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                      Utilization


       As of 31.03.2020                   As of
                                        completion                             Residential

               today                                  Q3 2022                                               Q2 2024

        Strategic planning,                           Start of                                                End of
         feasibility study                          construction                                            construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved and may not correspond
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 38
  to the indicative construction completion date; subject to public certification of the contract of sale; or the valuation it is assumed that the transfer of ownership as of 31.03.2020.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Unterfeld, BF1B
Address:                                             Nordstrasse 1B, 6340 Baar
Property area / Floor space1:                        5,115m2 / 8,604m2
Capex:                                               CHF 55.7mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                        2.6% / 3.1%
Gross yield1:                                        3.1%
Status:                                              Referendum Sep-27 2020
                                                     Part of an area development with versatile mixed use;
                                                     wide view of lake & mountains, train station within
                                                     walking distance

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                     Utilization
                                           113.2                                  7%


       As of 31.03.2020                  As of                                    93%
                                       completion                        Other           Residential

               today                                 Q2 2025                                               Q4 2027

       Referendum Sep-27                              Start of                                               End of                                                       unterfeld-sued.ch
                                                    construction                                           construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved
                                                                                                                                                                  Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 39
  and may not correspond to the indicative construction completion date.
2 Referendum for the building and zoning approval, project conception and concretisation will start afterwards.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Unterfeld, BF3
Address:                                             Nordstrasse 3, 6340 Baar
Property area / Floor space1:                        4,761m2 / 13,760m2
Capex:                                               CHF 54.4mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                        3.4% / 3.9%
Gross yield1:                                        4.0%
Status:                                              Referendum Sep-27 2020
                                                     Part of an area development with versatile mixed use;
                                                     highly attractive business location, train station within
                                                     walking distance

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                     Utilization
                                            95.5                                  8%


       As of 31.03.2020                  As of                                    92%
                                       completion                        Other            Office

               today                                 Q2 2023                                               Q3 2025

       Referendum Sep-27                              Start of                                               End of                                                       unterfeld-sued.ch
                                                    construction                                           construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved
                                                                                                                                                                  Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 40
  and may not correspond to the indicative construction completion date.
2 Referendum for the building and zoning approval, project conception and concretisation will start afterwards.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Baselink
Address:                                             Hegenheimermattweg 179, 4123 Allschwil
Property area / Floor space1:                        2,949m2 / 8,466m2
Capex:                                               CHF 30.1mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                        3.8% / 4.3%
Gross yield1:                                        5.4%
Status:                                              Building permit available, lease agreement signed with one
                                                     hotel operator, second agreement just before closing
Highlight:                                           Long-term and short-term stay, only hotel in the
                                                     Baselink development area

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                     Utilization


       As of 31.03.2020                  As of                                    96%
                                       completion                        Other           Hotel

               today                                 Q3 2020                                               Q4 2022

          Building permit                             Start of                                               End of                                                              baselink.com
             available                              construction                                           construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved
                                                                                                                                                                  Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 41
  and may not correspond to the indicative construction completion date.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Schwinbach                                                                         SIA
                                                                                                        Energy Efficiency Path

Address:                                            Zinnhagweg, Auf der Höhe, 4144 Arlesheim
Property area / Floor space1:                       8,119m2 / 5,588m2
Capex:                                              CHF 33.0mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                       2.8% / 3.3%
Gross yield1:                                       Not available for condominium
Status:                                             Building permit submitted
Highlight:                                          Sustainable architecture within natural
                                                    surrounding and close city proximity

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                Utilization


      As of 31.03.2020               Sales proceeds                   100%                    100%
                                                                    Residential           Condominium

              today                                 Q2 2023                            Q3 2025

         Building permit                            Start of                             End of                                  schwinbach-arlesheim.ch
           submitted                              construction                         construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020.
                                                                                                                                  Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 42
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Tivoli, BF2
Address:                                             Rue de Tivoli, 2000 Neuchâtel
Property area / Floor space1:                        3,997m2 / 5,180m2
Capex:                                               CHF 24.3mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                        3.1% / 3.6%
Gross yield1:                                        4.0%
Status:                                              Neighbourhood plan in effect
Highlight:                                           Top location with nice view on the lake;
                                                     train station and car highway

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                     Utilization
                                            31.5                               25%


       As of 31.03.2020                  As of
                                       completion                        Office          Residential

               today                                 Q1 2022                                               Q4 2023

      Neighbourhood plan                              Start of                                              End of
           in effect                                construction                                          construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved and may not correspond to the indicative
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 43
  construction completion date; subject to purchase right after entry into force of neighborhood plan; for the valuation it is assumed that the transfer of ownership as of 31.03.2020.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Tivoli, BF4
Address:                                             Rue de Tivoli, 2000 Neuchâtel
Property area / Floor space1:                        1,459m2 / 1,536m2
Capex:                                               CHF 7.8mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                        3.1% / 3.6%
Gross yield1:                                        4.1%
Status:                                              Neighbourhood plan in effect
Highlight:                                           Top location with nice view on the lake;
                                                     train station and car highway

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                     Utilization


       As of 31.03.2020                  As of
                                       completion                             Residential

               today                                 Q1 2022                                               Q4 2023

      Neighbourhood plan                              Start of                                              End of
           in effect                                construction                                          construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved and may not correspond to the indicative
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 44
  construction completion date; subject to purchase right after entry into force of neighborhood plan; for the valuation it is assumed that the transfer of ownership as of 31.03.2020.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Grand Record
Address:                                              Rue du Château (Condo),
                                                      Route de Genève (Rental), 1028 Préverenges
Property area / Floor space1:                         11,205m2 / 6,892m2
Capex:                                                CHF 42.3mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                         Condo: 2.8% / 3.3%; Rental: 3.0% / 3.5%
Gross yield1:                                         3.9%
Status:                                               Site permit pending, building permit in process
Highlight:                                            Attractive and central location near the lake Geneva;
                                                      very low number of vacancies2

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                      Utilization
                                             76.7                                                                            23%


                                                                                    95%                            77%
       As of 31.03.2020                   As of
                                        completion                        Other          Residential           Condominium            Rental

               today                                  Q3 2022                                                Q3 2024

          Building permit                              Start of                                                End of
            in process                               construction                                            construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved and may not correspond to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 45
  indicative construction completion date; subject to purchase right after entry into force of neighborhood plan; for the valuation it is assumed that the transfer of ownership as of 31.03.2020.
2 No rent price volatility, government subsidies may be expected.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Chemin de l‘Echo
Address:                                            Chemin de l’Echo 9, 1213 Onex
Property area / Floor space1:                       7,000m2 / 9,198m2
Capex:                                              CHF 42.2mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                       3.0% / 3.5%
Gross yield1:                                       4.5%
Status:                                             Localized neighbourhood plan in process
Highlight:                                          Traffic-free district in an privileged urban location with
                                                    optimal transport connections and great infrastructure;
                                                    very low number of vacancies2

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                    Utilization


       As of 31.03.2020                  As of
                                       completion                            Residential

               today                                 Q1 2022                                              Q3 2023

   Localized neighbourhood                           Start of                                               End of
        plan in process                            construction                                           construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved and may not correspond to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 46
  indicative construction completion date; the reported market value does not take into account the capping of the sales price under applicable laws.
2 No rent price volatility, government subsidies may be expected.
Portfolio and pipeline

Project at a glance: Les Tattes
Address:                                             Rue du Comte-Géraud, 1213 Onex
Property area / Floor space1:                        13,220m2 / 17,740m2
Capex:                                               CHF 77.8mn
Discount rate real / nominal:                        3.0% / 3.5%
Gross yield1:                                        5.6%
Status:                                              Localized neighbourhood plan in process
Highlight:                                           High-quality, traffic-free environment with optimal
                                                     transport connections; very low number of vacancies2

Value1 (in CHFmn)                                                     Utilization
                                                                              5% 4%


       As of 31.03.2020                  As of                           Office      Other
                                       completion                        Residential

               today                                 Q4 2023                                               Q3 2026

   Localized neighbourhood                            Start of                                               End of
        plan in process                             construction                                           construction

1 Based on Wüest Partner valuation as of 31 March 2020. The value as of completion and gross yield refer to the date when steady-state vacancy rate is achieved
                                                                                                                                                                  Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 47
  and may not correspond to the indicative construction completion date.
2 No rent price volatility, government subsidies may be expected.
Portfolio and pipeline

New acquisition to further accelerate growth

Growth through the development of the real estate portfolio transferred with the spin-off …
… and through additional acquisitions of approximately CHF 50mn per year

Utilization                                                                            Location
• Mixed-use buildings                                                                  • Across Switzerland
• Main focus on residential buildings                                                  • Focus on attractive urban regions
• Other uses may include office buildings                                              • Selected suburban areas with commuter-friendly
                                                                                         transport links
Sustainability                                               Acquisition
• New acquisitions must be in-line with the vision to         strategy
  operate one of Switzerland’s most sustainable
  real estate portfolios
• Pre-check of every new investment based on the                                       Object quality
  Implenia ESG-evaluation tool GeNaB©                                                  • Strong focus locations with commuter-friendly transport links

                                                                                                                            Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 48
5                   Financials and financial outlook

Certain statements on this section, including in particular the financial targets described immediately in the following section,
constitute forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future financial performance and
our actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements as a result of many
factors. The Company can give no assurance that the targets described above will materialize or prove to be correct. Because these
are based on assumptions or estimates and are subject to risks and uncertainties, the actual results or outcome could differ
materially from those described in the following section.
Financials and financial outlook

Net asset value bridge – opening balance (31 March 2020)

       Ina Invest Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                    Ina Invest
       (In CHFmn)                                                                                                                                                                                         Holding Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (before capital increase)

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ina Invest Holding 50.1%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Implenia 49.9%

                                                                                                                                                                                                           (after capital increase)
   •    Market value based on          •   Based on the                   •     CHF 16mn                     • Financial liability transferred   •   Cost accrued by        •   Net asset value before
        third party valuation              revaluation gain from                Schaffhauserstr. (Zurich),     to Ina Invest Ltd. in                 Implenia for the           transaction costs
        reports (Wüest Partner)1           book value Swiss Code                payable in 2020                connection with the                   ongoing project
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ina Invest Holding 40%
                                                                                in 2021

                                                                                                          Net asset value of Ina Invest of CHF 165mn

Note: preliminary financial figures based on unaudited numbers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 50
1 Including adjustments for Bestandeshallen, see more information on page 35.
Financials and financial outlook

Financial outlook

Ina Invest mid-term steady-state targets

                                                                                                                                        Growth phase (2020 – 2022)             Development phase 2023 onwards2

   Gross asset value investment properties                                                                                                    >CHF 0.6bn (2022)                        ~CHF 2.0bn (2027)

   Project development completions (per annum)                                                                                                    ~18,000m2                                ~45,000m2

   Thereof for own portfolio vs. sale                                                                                                              ~85% own portfolio / 15% condominium unit sales

   Project development gross margin                                                                                                                ~10-20%                                   ~15%

   Return on equity1                                                                                                                                 ~3%                                     ~6-8%

                                                                                                                                    Mainly financed by equity capital raised      55-65% (depending on future
                                                                                                                                     and proceeds from condo unit sales                market situation)

                                                                                                                                        No dividends paid out in 2020,              In line with broader Swiss
   Dividend policy
                                                                                                                                       nominal dividends in 2021-2022                    real estate market

Note: financial figures based on unaudited numbers
                                                                                                                                                                                               Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 51
1 Return on equity excluding transaction costs.
2 Includes the development of the transferred portfolio (starting portfolio) and the development of additional land acquisitions.
Financials and financial outlook

Cash outlook 2020

Transaction               Cash development 2020                                                                                                           Growth phase

                               Other 15%
                           Tivoli BF2
                              6%                     Baselink 29%
                          Elefant 10%
                                                                                                                                                          Fairly self-sustaining business
                                                Capex new land                                                                                            model through the growth
                               Tender 12%                                                                                                                 phase
                                                acquisition 28%

 • Capital increase of    • Operating cash flow in 2020 mainly results from the sale of condominium units                                                 • Financed mainly by the initial
   c. CHF 100mn in                                                                                                                                          equity capital raised, project
                          • Capex represents construction costs, in 2020 the majority of investments are linked to the Lokstadt areal as well as to the
   cash less                                                                                                                                                financing and proceeds from sale
                            Baselink project, includes cost buffer
   transaction costs                                                                                                                                        of condominium units
                          • Outstanding purchase price payments due in Q2 2020 are included and considered as payed in the market value as per
                            31 March 2020
                          • Dividend yield will be nominal1 during the growth phase (2020 – 2022)

1 Details on next page.
                                                                                                                                                                 Ina Invest • Capital Market Day • 52
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