SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 2021 - Bucknell University

Page created by Kevin Kelly

                  SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 2021
INTRODUCTION                                                                                                      SPRING 2021

Welcome to the twentieth annual Kalman Research Symposium.
An important central element of the Bucknell experience is to offer our students in all disciplines the opportunity to engage
in substantive out-of-the-classroom research and creative projects with faculty. As stated in the mission statement for
Bucknell’s Program for Undergraduate Research, these opportunities allow students and faculty to participate in collaborative
learning processes designed to dissolve the distinction between teaching and research, and to create a community of learners in
which scholarship serves as the basis for teaching and learning.
This symposium showcases the breadth and variety of undergraduate research taking place at Bucknell, as is evidenced by
the abstracts of the projects contained herein. Visitors are encouraged to visit the Kalman Symposium website, containing
students’ posters, slides and recorded presentations, and to attend virtually the live symposium on April 17, 2021 to observe
both the poster and oral presentations, as well as the poster sessions to interact with the student scholars and to learn more
about their work.
This symposium is named in honor of Ernest Kalman, who graduated from Bucknell in 1956. In addition to his service as a
University trustee, Ernie’s generosity to his alma mater has taken many forms, one of which was a significant gift in support
of undergraduate research.

The Kalman Research Symposium features projects sponsored or supported by the following:
n Bobko-Dennis Fund for Undergraduate Student Research
n California Healthcare Undergraduate Research
n Clare Boothe Luce Research Scholarship
n College of Engineering
n Culliton Family Fund for Undergraduate Research
n David Burpee Endowment
n Dean’s Fund for Summer Undergraduate Research in STEM
n Degenstein Foundation ‐ Susquehanna Watershed Aquatic Ecology Research
n Department of Biology
n Department of Biomedical Engineering
n Department of Chemistry
n Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
n Department of Geology & Environmental Geosciences
n Department of Geology & Environmental Geosciences Marchand Fund
n Diane Hymas Undergraduate Research
n Douglas K. Candland Undergraduate Research Fund
n Drs. Anthony and Joyce D. Kales Undergraduate Research Fund
n Emerging Scholars Program
n Fund for Undergraduate Research in Biological and Chemical Sciences
n G
   ary A. and Sandra K. Sojka Fund for Research, Teaching and Scholarship in Developmental Disabilities,
  Neuroscience & Human Health
n Graduate Summer Research Fellowship
n Grand Challenges Scholars Program

                                                                                                   BU C K N E L L U N I VE R SIT Y   1
The Kalman Research Symposium features projects sponsored or supported by the following: (continued)

    n Harold W. Heine Undergraduate Research Fund in Chemistry
    n Helen E. Royer Undergraduate Research Fund
    n James L.D. and Rebecca Roser Research Fund
    n Joann E. Walthour Undergraduate Research Fund
    n John C. Hoover Undergraduate Math Research
    n John M. Hustler Undergraduate Research Fund
    n Juliet Shield-Taylor Fund for Undergraduate Research
    n Kalman Fund for Biomedical Research Fellows
    n Kalman Fund for Undergraduate Research in the Sciences
    n Leanne Freas Trout Fund for Research and Teaching in French and Francophone Studies
    n Manning Intern Botanical Science
    n Mayfield and Johnson Scholarship
    n Michael Baker Jr. Summer Research Program
    n NASA Astrobiology Institute
    n National Institutes of Health
    n National Program for Playground Safety, University of Northern Iowa
    n National Science Foundation Grant (NSF)
    n (National Science Foundation) NSF ADVANCE
    n Organic Syntheses Summer Research Grant
    n PA Wild Resource Conservation Program
    n P
       IC Math, a Mathematical Association of America (MAA) program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and
      the National Security Agency (NSA)
    n PPL Undergraduate Research Fund
    n Presidential Fellowship
    n PricewaterhouseCoopers Research Fund
    n Program for Undergraduate Research
    n Reed-Garman Award Fund for Engineering Entrepreneurship
    n Robert P. Vidinghoff Memorial Summer Internship
    n Schotz Family Fund
    n Scott AE - Research Fund
    n Senior Design and Research Sponsorship
    n Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research
    n Slonaker Fund
    n STEM Scholars
    n Stephen Glenn Hobar Memorial Research Award
    n Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies
    n Susquehanna River Research Program - Degenstein Foundation
    n Tague Family Fund for Undergraduate Research in Biomedical, Biological and Biochemical Sciences
    n The Katherine Mabis McKenna Environmental Internship Program
    n The Tom Greaves Fund for Research and Curricular Development
    n Thomas Spitzer Undergraduate Research Fund
    n Undergraduate Research in Animal Behavior

Akil Atkins ’22                            Weiru Chen ’21                            Caroline Eckert ’21, Amber Coleman
Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher      Faculty Mentor: Professor Hava            ’21, Alexis Faria ’22, Clara Han ’21,
Dancy, COMPUTER SCIENCE                    Turkakin, PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY             Makenna Luzenski ’23, Lauren Shearer
Funding Source: National Science           Funding Source: Undergraduate Research    ’22 and Grace Wilder ’21
Foundation Grant (NSF)                     Advisory Council                          Faculty Mentor: Professor Chris
Catch The Pig! Understanding               Investigations of Kelvin-                 Boyatzis, PSYCHOLOGY
the Interaction Between                    Helmholtz Instability (KHI) and           Funding Source: Program for
People and AI                              Associated Magnetosonic Wave              Undergraduate Research
                                           Emission in the Solar Corona:             Native Danish Mother’s
Genevieve Block ’22                        New Impacts on Coronal                    Intersection Between
Faculty Mentor: Professor Shaunna          Heating                                   Parenting Approach and
Barnhart, GEOGRAPHY                                                                  Religion
Funding Source: American Association of    Ian Coates ’21
Geographers                                Faculty Mentor: Professor Kenneth         Kyle Ferguson ’21
Homelessness Awareness and                 Mineart, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING             Faculty Mentor: Professor Thomas
Response in Shamokin, PA                   Funding Source: College of Engineering;   Solomon, PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY
                                           National Science Foundation Grant (NSF)   Funding Source: NSF Grant DMR-
Emily Brandes ’21                          Assessing the Impact of Block-            1806355, NSF Grant CMMI-1825379
Faculty Mentor: Professor Scott Meinke,    Selective Homopolymers                    Noise-Driven Aggregation of
POLITICAL SCIENCE                          on the Diffusion of Payload               Swimmers in the Kolmogorov
Funding Source: Honors Thesis in           Through Polymeric Organogels              Flow
Political Science
                                           Julian Cohen ’21
To Believe or Not to Believe: A                                                      Mackenzie Flynn and
                                           Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher
Closer Look at the Impact of                                                         Bree McCullough ’22
                                           Daniel, GEOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTAL
Sexual Assault in Politics                                                           Faculty Mentor: Professor Ben
                                           GEOSCIENCES                               Hayes, WATERSHED SCIENCES AND
                                           Funding Source: Program for
Ryan Bremer ’22                                                                      ENGINEERING PROGRAM
                                           Undergraduate Research
Faculty Mentor: Professor Ken                                                        Funding Source: United States Forest
Eisenstein, English - Film/Media Studies   Determining the Metamorphic               Service
Funding Source: Dalal Innovation and       Conditions of ca 1.4 Ga Rocks             Little Arnot Run: An Evaluation
Creativity Grant for Student-Faculty       from the Sierra Estrella                  of Groundwater-Surface Water
Collaboration                              Mountains, Arizona USA:                   Interactions with Regard
Brakhage’s Adjacents                       An Application of Raman                   to Hyporheic Exchange and
                                           Thermobarometry                           Temperature
Ella Carlander ‘22 and                     Michael Duncan ’23                        Maya Freeman ’23
Michael Bolish ‘23                         Faculty Mentor: Professor Douglas         Faculty Mentor: Professor Cecilia Bove,
Faculty Mentor: Professor Katharina        Collins, CHEMISTRY                        BIOLOGY
Vollmayr-Lee, PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY          Funding Source: Presidential Fellowship   Funding Source: Department of Biology
Funding Source: National Science           Gas-Phase Chemical Ionization
Foundation Grant (NSF)
                                           Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry                Therapy and Onset of
Computer Simulations of
Granular Media                                                                       Functional Gastrointestinal
                                           Olivia Dyer ’22
                                                                                     Disorders in Human Subjects
                                           Faculty Mentor: Professor Benjamin
Edward Chen ’22                            Wheatley, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING          Keith Grega ’21
Faculty Mentor: Professor Joshua           Funding Source: The John P. & Mary Jane   Faculty Mentor: Professor Benjamin
Stough, COMPUTER SCIENCE                   Swanson Professorship in Engineering &    Wheatley, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
Funding Source: Ciffolillo Healthcare      the Sciences                              Funding Source: Bucknell-Geisinger
Technology Inventors Program               Visual and Mechanical                     Research Initiative
Assessing the Generalizability             Characterization of the Muscle
of Temporally Coherent                                                               Impact of Screw Type on
                                           to Aponeurosis Junction                   Torque During SCFE Screw
Echocardiography Video
Segmentation                                                                         Removal
                                           Gari Eberly ’21
                                           Faculty Mentor: Professor Katherine       Jacob Feuerstein ’22
                                           Hays, ENGLISH; CREATIVE WRITING           Faculty Mentor: N/A
                                           Funding Source: N/A                       Funding Source: N/A
                                           Synthesis                                 The Choppy Purple Surf:
                                                                                     Understanding the 2020
                                                                                     Election in Rural Pennsylvania

                                                                                              BU C K N E L L U N I VE R SIT Y   3
Emily Haas ’21                           Ariel Kelly ’2022                          Lainey Lavelle ’22
    Faculty Mentor: Professor                Faculty Mentor: Professor Mihai            Faculty Mentor: Professor Lara Dick,
    Ellen Chamberlin, GEOLOGY &              Banciu, ANALYTICS & OPERATIONS             MATHEMATICS
    ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCES                MANAGEMENT                                 Funding Source: James L.D. and
    Funding Source: Kalman Fund for          Funding Source: Program for                Rebecca Roser Research Fund
    Undergraduate Research in the Sciences
                                             Undergraduate Research                     A Study of Teacherpreneurs
    Evaluating the Impact
                                             Does Global Trade Help or                  Who Create Elementary
    of Stream Restoration
    Techniques on Bank Erosion,              Hinder Economic Inequality?                Mathematics
    Stream Morphology, and                                                              Curricular Resources
    Soil Carbon at an Unnamed                Taiba Khan ’22
    Tributary of Pine Creek                  Faculty Mentor: Professor Benowitz-
                                                                                        Camillo Lazarczyk and Simon Behr ’21
    near Woodward, central                   Fredericks, BIOLOGY
                                                                                        Faculty Mentor: Professor Vivienne
    Pennsylvania                                                                        Wildes, MANAGEMENT
                                             Funding Source: Department of Biology
                                                                                        Funding Source: Senior Design and
                                             Relationship between
    Jeffrey Heim ’21                                                                    Research Sponsorship; Conducted within
                                             aggression, body condition,
    Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher                                               a class for the College of Management
                                             and parental feeding in
    Martine, BIOLOGY                                                                    using Qualtrics and with the support
                                             chicks of the seabird species
    Funding Source: Department of Biology;                                              of Vivienne Wildes of the College of
                                             Black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa
    Program for Undergraduate Research                                                  Management, and Agnes Jasinska of
    A Population Genomics                                                               Bertrand Library’s Research Help
    Approach to Understanding
                                             Shane Kozick ’23                           Reducing Food Waste In
    the Role of Indigenous
                                             Faculty Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Troiani,       The Restaurant Industry
    Foragers in the Distribution
                                             (ADMI lab director), NEUROSCIENCE
    and Genetic Diversity of an
                                             Funding Source: Summer Autism              Jaden Lee ’22
    Australian Wild Bush Tomato
                                             and Neurodevelopmental Disorders           Faculty Mentor: Professor Benjamin
    (Solanum diversflorum)
                                             Internship (SANDI)                         Wheatley, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
                                             Measuring Concordance of                   Funding Source: John P and Mary Jane
    Cameron Hong ’21
                                             Subtype Sulcogyral Patterns                Swanson Professorship in Engineering
    Faculty Mentor: Professor Kenneth
                                             in Monozygotic and Dizygotic               & the Sciences
                                             Twin Pairs                                 Using Finite Element
    Funding Source: National Science
                                             Klaudia Kulawska ’21
                                                                                        Modeling to Investigate the
    Foundation Grant (NSF)
                                                                                        Effect of Mechanical Loading
    Assessing Solvent Viscosity              Faculty Mentor: Professor Judith Grisel,
                                                                                        on Muscle Extracellular
    Impact on the Physical                   PSYCHOLOGY
                                                                                        Matrix Microstructure
    Characteristics of Polymeric             Funding Source: N/A
    Organogels                               The Implications of                        Kaelyn Long ’21
                                             Socioeconomic Status on                    Faculty Mentor: Professor Lara Dick,
    April Hurlock ’23                        Maternal Language Input and                EDUCATION; MATHEMATICS
    Faculty Mentor: Professor Douglas        Child Language Outcomes                    Funding Source: Research was for
    Collins, CHEMISTRY                                                                  course credit
    Funding Source: STEM Scholars; Alfred    Wutt Hmone Thin Kyi ’22
                                                                                        My Experiences Re-immersing
    P. Sloan Foundation - Chemistry of       Faculty Mentor: Professor Karlo
                                                                                        into “Introduction to
    Indoor Environments                      Malaga, BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
                                                                                        Mathematical Thought”
    Effect of Self-Oxidation on              Funding Source: Program for
    Deposited Cigarette Smoke                Undergraduate Research 2020
                                                                                        Catherine MacKay and
    Composition and Third-Hand               Effect of White Matter                     Brooke Echnat ’21
    Smoke                                    Stimulation on Clinical                    Faculty Mentor: Professor Anjalee
                                             Outcomes in Thalamic                       Hutchinson; Professor Bryan
    Valerie Justice ’21                      Deep Brain Stimulation for                 Vandevender, THEATRE & DANCE
    Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher    Essential Tremor                           Funding Source: Bucknell Department
    Daniel, GEOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTAL                                                     of Theatre and Dance
    GEOSCIENCES                                                                         The Show Must Go On!
    Funding Source: Department of
    Geology & Environmental Geosciences
    U-Pb Isotope Dating of
    Monazite in the Sierra Estrella
    Mountains of Arizona: Evidence
    for ca. 1.4 Ga Metamorphism
    and Deformation
Margaret Anne MacNeille ’21               Nicholas Passantino ’21                   Ben Travis ’22
Faculty Mentor: Professor Lara Dick,      Faculty Mentor: Professor Joshua          Faculty Mentor: Professor Mark
MATHEMATICS                               Stough, COMPUTER SCIENCE                  Haussmann; Dr. James Greenberg,
Funding Source: Helen E. Royer            Funding Source: Presidential Fellowship   BIOLOGY; Chief of Gynecology, Brigham
Undergraduate Research Fund               Domain Adaptation in Machine              and Women’s Faulkner Hospital - Associate
What’s Out There?                         Learning for Medical Imaging              Professor, Harvard Medical School
Investigating Online Teacher                                                        Funding Source: Bucknell Public Interest
Created Activities                        Lucas Rankin, Graduate Student            Program Fund
                                          Faculty Mentor: Professor Kenneth         A Comparison of Estimated
Claire Marino ’23                         Mineart, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING             and Quantitative Blood Loss in
Faculty Mentors: Professor Christopher    Funding Source: National Science          Childbirth, and Investigation
Martine; Dr. Tanisha Williams, BIOLOGY    Foundation Grant (NSF)                    of Risk Factors for Postpartum
Funding Source: David Burpee              Establishing the Independent              Hemorrhages
Endowment; Department of Biology          Tunability of the Mechanical
Solanum “Deaf Adder” a New                and Transport Properties of               Emily Tully ’21
Bush Tomato Species from the              Polymer Gels                              Faculty Mentor: Professor Benjamin
Australian Monsoon Tropics                                                          Wheatley, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
                                          Coco Sachs ’21 and Lily Shorney ’22       Funding Source: Engineering Data
Thomas Matsumura ’22                      Faculty Mentor: Professor Chris           Generation Grant
Faculty Mentor: Professor Benjamin        Boyatzis, PSYCHOLOGY                      Location Dependent
Wheatley, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING          Funding Source: N/A                       Mechanical Behavior of
Funding Source: Bucknell-Geisinger        The Psychological Impact of               Aponeurosis Tissue Under
Research Initiative                       COVID-19 and Social Distancing            Uniaxial Tensile Stretch
Measuring Lower Limb Muscle
Activity and Kinematics in                Jake Schaefer ’24                         Anurag Vaidya ’21
Variable Foot Strike Gaits                Faculty Mentor: Professor Benjamin        Faculty Mentor: Professor Joshua
                                          Wheatley, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING          Stough; Professor Benjamin Wheatley,
John Mirsky ’23                           Funding Source: John P and Mary Jane      COMPUTER SCIENCE; MECHANICAL
Faculty Mentor: Professor David Rojas,    Swanson Professorship in Engineering &    ENGINEERING
LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES; SOCIOLOGY &       the Sciences                              Funding Source: Presidential
ANTHROPOLOGY                              The Mechanical Properties of              Fellowship
Funding Source: Douglas K.                Ramming Animal Horn Shapes                Perceptually Improved
Candland Undergraduate Research                                                     Medical Image Translations
Fund;Presidential Fellowship              Bryan Scutari ’23                         Using Conditional Generative
Housing Illness in a PA                   Faculty Mentor: Professor Tom             Adversarial Networks
Mushroom Town                             Geurts, ACCOUNTING & FINANCIAL
                                          MANAGEMENT                                Ruoying Zhang ’21
Philip Onffroy ’22                        Funding Source: IMA Research              Faculty Mentor: Professor Jasmine
Faculty Mentor: Professor Katsuyuki       Foundation                                Mena, PSYCHOLOGY
Wakabayashi, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING         The Financial Impact of an                Funding Source: Program for
Funding Source: College of Engineering;   ISO14001 Certification                    Undergraduate Research
Presidential Fellowship                                                             Chinese International Students
Ray’cycle Initiative:                     Julia Tokish ’22
                                                                                    in the US: The Influence of
Characterizing                            Faculty Mentor: Professor Meenakshi
                                                                                    Discrimination, Acculturation
and Productizing Community-               Ponnuswami, ENGLISH
                                                                                    and Coping on Psychological
Sourced                                   Funding Source: Presidential Fellowship
Plastic Waste                             Uncovering South Asian-
                                                                                    Diamanda Zizis ’23
Anthony Orlando ’24
                                          American Playwrights
                                                                                    Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher
Faculty Mentor: Professor Kenneth                                                   Martine, BIOLOGY
                                          Tung Tran ’23
Mineart, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING                                                       Funding Source: David Burpee
                                          Faculty Mentor: Professor Joshua
Funding Source: Presidential Fellowship                                             Endowment;Presidential Fellowship
                                          Stough, COMPUTER SCIENCE
Mechanical Testing of Wax-                                                          What Happens When you Cross
                                          Funding Source: HTIP
based Polymer Gels                                                                  Plant Species with Two Distinct
                                          Bayesian Optimization
                                          for 2D Echocardiography                   Sexual Systems?: An Ex Situ
                                          Segmentation                              Hybridization Approach

                                                                                             BU C K N E L L U N I VE R SIT Y   5
Akil Atkins ’22                                            Emily Brandes ’21
    Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher Dancy,               Faculty Mentor: Professor Scott Meinke, POLITICAL
    COMPUTER SCIENCE                                           SCIENCE
    Funding Source: National Science Foundation Grant (NSF)    Funding Source: Honors Thesis in Political Science

    Catch The Pig! Understanding the                           To Believe or Not to Believe: A Closer Look
    Interaction Between People and AI                          at the Impact of Sexual Assault in Politics
    Our study sought to investigate the ways in which          Since the viral 2017 #MeToo movement, public
    people would interact with an AI Agent, based on           opinion on cases of sexual misconduct have been
    how the agent was racialized. To investigate this          shaped by the mainstream media coverage of high
    we modeled a game after the stag hunt task, where          profile stories. A changed culture has allowed more
    participants were tasked with gaining as many points       victims to come forward and share their stories, many
    as possible. Participants could gain points by either      detailing harrowing events perpetrated by successful
    cooperating with an AI agent to capture a pink game        businessmen and politicians. Credible accusations
    piece, which represented a pig or exiting the game         continue to come forward, and while some end in legal
    through the black squares on either side of the board.     action, many do not, and perpetrators face little to no
    The study was a true experiment in which participants      consequences. I examined how individuals respond
    were randomly assigned to one of three conditions.         to issues of sexual misconduct and assault in politics,
    Participants were either assigned to a condition           and based on the severity of the accusation, how they
    where the AI was racialized as Black, where the AI         respond. Through my survey data research, I was able
    was racialized as white, or a condition where the AI       to isolate responses to see the influence that party
    wasn’t racialized at all, which represented the control    affiliation and gender have on individuals opinion
    condition. After completing the game participants          formation. The research reflects a consistent partisan
    were asked three survey questions to assess how they       difference between Republicans and Democrats in
    perceived the AI’s strategy when playing the game.         terms of reaction, with Democrats consistently being in
    So far our results have shown that participants in the     favor of harsher consequences, both when Democratic,
    control condition were more likely to believe the AI was   and Republican perpetrators are involved. These
    working with them to capture the pig than participants     responses indicate a strong partisan bias in individuals,
    in both the Black and white treatment groups.              and additionally I found that when a history of sexual
    Moreover, the participants in the white treatment          misconduct was present, individuals also reacted more
    group were more likely than those in the Black             harshly as opposed to politicians with no history.
    treatment group to believe the AI agent was working
    them to capture the pig. The results do suggest that
    there is a relationship between the racialization of AI    Ryan Bremer ’22
    and how people interact with AI Agents.                    Faculty Mentor: Professor Ken Eisenstein, English -
                                                               Film/Media Studies
                                                               Funding Source: Dalal Innovation and Creativity Grant
    Genevieve Block ’22                                        for Student-Faculty Collaboration
    Faculty Mentor: Professor Shaunna Barnhart,
    GEOGRAPHY                                                  Brakhage’s Adjacents
    Funding Source: American Association of Geographers        The goal of Brakhage’s Adjacents is to better
                                                               understand the working methods and aesthetic
    Homelessness Awareness and Response
                                                               decision making of the avant-garde filmmaker Stan
    in Shamokin, PA
                                                               Brakhage (1933-2003). By focusing upon his use of
    This semester, I am participating in a research
                                                               montage (the complex way in which he combined
    internship studying homelessness in Shamokin, PA. I
                                                               shots in his non-narrative and almost entirely silent
    am working to understand the rise of homelessness
                                                               16mm films), we learn more about Brakhage’s editing
    in the area and the resources that need to be created
                                                               habits as well as the messaging behind these very
    to support this population. The research internship
                                                               challenging films. This is done by viewing splice-
    will culminate in a list of suggestions to the local PA
                                                               adjacent frames on an actual film strip, showing
    government with ideas to support homeless people
                                                               the literal cuts that were made when the films were
    and help to alleviate poverty.
                                                               produced decades ago. Brakhage’s Adjacents draws
                                                               from wider histories of narrative filmic editing [notably
                                                               the advanced montage ideas of Sergei Eisenstein
                                                               (1898-1948)] while adapting these notions to the
                                                               under-realized realm of avant-garde cinema.

Ella Carlander ‘22 and Michael Bolish ‘23                    only for left ventricle endocardium, this effort extends
Faculty Mentor: Professor Katharina Vollmayr-Lee,            at little cost generalizable, multi-structure video
PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY                                          segmentation to a large clinical dataset.
Funding Source: National Science Foundation Grant (NSF)

Computer Simulations of Granular Media                       Weiru Chen ’21
We will summarize the research we conducted under            Faculty Mentor: Professor Hava Turkakin, PHYSICS &
Katharina Vollmayr-Lee this past summer in the               ASTRONOMY
field of Granular Media. We built, ran, and analyzed         Funding Source: Undergraduate Research Advisory Council
molecular-dynamics simulations that modeled the
                                                             Investigations of Kelvin-Helmholtz
behavior of this compelling type of material. Our talk
                                                             Instability (KHI) and Associated
will give a brief definition of Granular Media, explain
                                                             Magnetosonic Wave Emission in the Solar
the tools we used to build our simulations, display
                                                             Corona: New Impacts on Coronal Heating
some results, and justify why research in this field is
                                                             Previous studies have observed that Kelvin-Helmholtz
relevant and important.
                                                             Instability (KHI) and Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)
                                                             wave emissions along various shear flow boundaries
                                                             in Solar-Terrestrial environment may transport
Edward Chen ’22                                              energy between different regions of the sun. We
Faculty Mentor: Professor Joshua Stough, COMPUTER
                                                             expand upon these previous studies to investigate
                                                             the nonlinear evolution of KHI and MHD waves along
Funding Source: Ciffolillo Healthcare Technology
                                                             the boundaries of coronal mass ejections (CMEs),
Inventors Program
                                                             large eruptions of the corona that have a significant
                                                             effect on satellites, earth’s power grids, and humans
Assessing the Generalizability of                            in space. We measure the strength of KHI growth and
Temporally Coherent Echocardiography                         MHD wave emission, and the efficiency of energy
Video Segmentation                                           transportation by these MHD waves using 2-D/3-D
Existing deep-learning methods achieve state-of-art
                                                             magnetohydrodynamic modeling software in order
segmentation of multiple heart substructures from
                                                             to first, identify KHI growth, and second, calculate the
2D echocardiography videos, an important step in the
                                                             strength of the energy that these waves transport
diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease.
                                                             to the solar corona. The code we use is component-
However, these methods generally perform frame-
                                                             based parallel computer code written in Fortran90 and
level segmentation, ignoring the temporal coherence
                                                             C programming languages. Our preliminary results
in heart motion between frames, which is a useful
                                                             demonstrate KHI and wave emission development
signal in clinical protocols. In this work, we implement
                                                             along the boundary over time, showing that in real
temporally consistent video segmentation, which
                                                             life conditions along the CME boundary, KHI and MHD
has recently been shown to improve performance
                                                             emission is possible.
on the multi-structure annotated CAMUS dataset.
We show that data augmentation further improves
results, which are consistent with prior state-of-art        Ian Coates ’21
works. Our 10-fold cross-validation shows that video         Faculty Mentor: Professor Kenneth Mineart,
segmentation improves the automatic comparison to            CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
clinical indices including smaller mean absolute errors      Funding Source: College of Engineering; National Science
for left ventricular end-diastolic volume (8.7 mL vs         Foundation Grant (NSF)
9.9 mL), end-systolic volume (6.3 mL vs 6.6 mL), and
ejection fraction (EF) (4.6% vs 5.3%). In segmenting key     Assessing the Impact of Block-Selective
cardiac structures, video segmentation achieves mean         Homopolymers on the Diffusion of
Dice overlap of 0.93 on left ventricular endocardium,        Payload Through Polymeric Organogels
0.95 on left ventricular epicardium, and 0.88 on             The goal of this project is to investigate the impact of
left atrium. To assess clinical generalizability, we         a gel-miscible polymer additive on gel nanostructure,
further apply the CAMUS-trained video segmentation           gel mechanical behavior, and sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)
models, without tuning, to a larger, recently published      sulfosuccinate (AOT) release rate. Characterizing gels’
EchoNet-Dynamic clinical dataset. On 1274 patients in        mechanical behavior and release of AOT through these
the test set, we obtain absolute errors of 6:3% ± 5:4 in     gels will benefit future applications like transdermal
EF, confirming the reliability of this scheme. In that the   drug delivery through informed structure-property
EchoNet-Dynamic videos contain limited annotation            (i.e., nanostructure-diffusion) relationships. Previous
                                                             work in our group has shown that gel nanostructure

                                                                                              BU C K N E L L U N I VE R SIT Y   7
is tuned by varying the amount of gel-forming SEBS
    copolymer. The purpose of this project is to further      Previously reported zircon ages for the area suggest
    investigate methods of gel nanostructure tuning by        partial melting near 1.4 Ga (Meijer, 2019). The
    identifying the impact of a discrete phase-selective      timing and P-T conditions of metamorphism in the
    polymer on organogel properties. Specifically, the        Sierra Estrella mountains are similar to high-grade
    impact of additive polymer concentration of gel           metamorphic rocks in northern New Mexico and
    nanostructure, mechanical response, and diffusivity       southern Colorado; these rocks likely represent the
    will be studied. The current work uses Fourier-           southwestern extension of the Picuris orogenic belt
    transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to track
    changes in gel AOT concentration over time for gels
    with ranging homopolymer concentrations. The              Jacob Feuerstein ’22
    acquired data is modeled using Fick’s laws to yield       Faculty Mentor: N/A
    a diffusion coefficient for each gel formulation. We      Funding Source: N/A
    hypothesize that the aforementioned nanostructure
    trends are the culprit for our observation that           The Choppy Purple Surf: Understanding
    diffusion of AOT decreases with increasing polystyrene    the 2020 Election in Rural Pennsylvania
    additive polymer concentration. Understanding these       The 2020 election was a point of inflection for
    relationships will provide key insight for biomedical     Democratic candidates across the United States.
    and agricultural payload delivery applications.           Securing tossup states like Pennsylvania and Arizona
                                                              along with parts of the industrial Midwest, the
                                                              performance of Joe Biden and other down ballot
    Julian Cohen ’21                                          candidates raises serious questions about the future
    Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher Daniel,             of the Democratic Party. In particular, the geographic
    GEOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCES                       distribution of voters in the 2020 election surprised
    Funding Source: Program for Undergraduate Research        many in election-watching circles.

    Determining the Metamorphic Conditions                    While many have analyzed Biden’s over-performance
    of ca 1.4 Ga Rocks from the Sierra Estrella               in suburbia and underperformance with Hispanics
    Mountains, Arizona USA: An Application of                 in Texas and Florida, few have attempted to break
    Raman Thermobarometry                                     down the results of the election in rural Pennsylvania.
    Meijer (2019) reported what is likely the first known     Because it is at such a unique intersection of the class,
    occurrence of Mesoproterozoic granulite facies rocks      race, and conservative-liberal divide, understanding
    in Arizona. However, the temperatures and pressures       the rural election results is crucial to developing
    of metamorphism are unknown. To better constrain          strategies for improving Democratic performance in
    the conditions of metamorphism, metapelitic rocks         the Midwest and South.
    were collected from the north end of the Sierra
    Estrella mountain range and are characterized by          As the Campaign Manager for a Democrat in 85th
    Grt-Bt-Pl-Qtz-Ky-Sil with significant retrograde Ms-      District of Pennsylvania (Lewisburg, Selinsgrove,
    Chl-Ep, and Grt-Bt-Pl-Qtz-Ky-Sil-Kfs with very little     Mifflinburg), I had the opportunity to interact with
    retrograde overprint. Preliminary thermodynamic           thousands of voters and develop strategies to improve
    modeling of these two samples was performed with          outcomes in a R +32 district. The statewide data tells
    Theriak- Domino and the H&P-98 data set. The Sil          us that the 2020 election in Pennsylvania was, as
    inclusions within Grt suggest Sil growth possibly         local organizer Jordi Comas coined, an example of the
    during subsolidus St-breakdown or Ms-melting in           “choppy purple surf.” In other words, the Republican
    both samples. The presence of Ky bearing melt             turnout was unusually large, but slightly over-crested
    textures in both samples may reflect prograde growth      by Democratic voter turnout.
    of Ky from Ms- or Bt-melting suggesting minimum
    PT conditions > 7.5 kbar and > 700 °C. A significant      I will review the results of the election for my campaign
    amount of retrograde Ms in sample implies in-situ         in both a historical and geographical context and
    melt crystallization during retrograde cooling.           answer the question, “How did the ‘choppy purple surf’
    To further constrain pressures of metamorphism,           play out in the the 85th District and other parts of rural
    Raman spectroscopy was employed to measure peak           Pennsylvania?”
    positions of quartz inclusions in garnet (QuiG). The
    results of this work show peak shifts ranging from 0 to
    -0.1 cm-1. This equates to metamorphic pressures of
    8-9 kbar at about 750-800 °C.

Michael Duncan ’23                                         tendon and muscle fibers interact with one another
Faculty Mentor: Professor Douglas Collins, CHEMISTRY       in the transition zone. It has been observed that there
Funding Source: Presidential Fellowship                    is a non-uniform strain placed on the aponeurosis,
                                                           and so imaging of the tissue will reveal how force
Gas-Phase Chemical Ionization Orbitrap                     affects the alignment of the collagen fibers found
Mass Spectrometry                                          in aponeurosis tissue. Examining how the waviness
The most common method of analysis for trace gases         of collagen fibers changes as the tissue is placed
in air employs chemical ionization time of flight mass     under force will allow for better understanding of the
spectrometry (CI-TOF-MS). Transportable CI-TOF-            material and structural properties of aponeurosis
MS instruments have relatively low mass resolving          tissue. Evaluating these characteristics will help us
power (m/Δm < 10,000), meaning it is difficult to         better understand how damages to the tissues occur,
distinguish molecules with the same integer mass,          how those damages can be repaired and rehabilitated,
but with different elemental composition. Orbitrap         and how to properly develop computer models of the
mass spectrometry, however, can routinely achieve          musculoskeletal system. Sample images using the SEM
resolving powers > 50,000, allowing for the exact          have been taken to develop a general understanding
monoisotopic mass to be determined. However,               of aponeurosis morphology.
Orbitrap instruments are most commonly designed
to analyze sprayed liquid samples. Atmospheric
chemists commonly need to analyze the molecular
                                                           Gari Eberly ’21
                                                           Faculty Mentor: Professor Katherine Hays, ENGLISH;
composition of gases that include a variety of large
                                                           CREATIVE WRITING
organic molecules that have similar mass to charge
                                                           Funding Source: N/A
ratios as one another, making it difficult to accurately
identify them using a CI-TOF-MS. This project set
out to design an chemical ionization apparatus for
                                                           Synthesis is a collection of poetry that explores how
Orbitrap mass spectrometry and allow for the analysis
                                                           gender relations and race amalgamate to impact
of gaseous samples. The design has been focused
                                                           the maturation of an individual. These poems are
around low costs, modularity, and adaptability, all in
                                                           scientifically-aware and influenced by my concurrent
order to keep the horizon of users and use cases as
                                                           education in both Creative Writing and Biomedical
broad as possible. Analyte ions will be formed by ion-
                                                           Engineering. For the past four years, I have sought
molecule reactions within a cone-shaped flow reactor.
                                                           to bridge the gap between my two academic
Reagent ions will be supplied to the ion-molecule
                                                           commitments: poetry and science. Both poetry and
reactor using a continuous soft x-ray photoionization
                                                           science exist as a means to ask and answer questions
process. Computer-aided design in Solidworks along
                                                           about the messy interactions that shape personalities
with rapid prototyping with 3D-printing has allowed
                                                           and relations with the broader world. To be successful,
for conceptualization, realization, and testing of key
                                                           both tools require dedication to detail, creativity, and
components before fabrication. The first machined
                                                           exploration. On the page, poets mold language to reveal
prototype is the next major step which will provide the
                                                           startling truths about how we engage with the world.
opportunity to test the concept.
                                                           In a lab, engineers leverage scientific theories to build
                                                           technological innovations. Despite these similarities,
Olivia Dyer ’22                                            I have noticed that interactions between poetry and
Faculty Mentor: Professor Benjamin Wheatley,               science remain faint: a missed connection at the train
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING                                     station, an asymptote that never opens its mouth.
Funding Source: The John P. & Mary Jane Swanson            Through this collection, I instead seek to converge these
Professorship in Engineering & the Sciences                two disciplines at a single point by melding personal
                                                           experience with scientific observations, as explored
Visual and Mechanical Characterization of                  through a variety of poetic forms.
the Muscle to Aponeurosis Junction
Aponeurosis is a tendinous sheath-like tissue found
in many muscle-tendon units, and the muscle-
aponeurosis junction is poorly understood. We want to
determine the structure of the transition from muscle
to aponeurosis and how it may be similar or different
from the myotendinous junction. Imaging and visually
characterizing the muscle-aponeurosis junction using
SEM imaging of tissue samples will show how the

                                                                                            BU C K N E L L U N I VE R SIT Y   9
Caroline Eckert ’21, Amber Coleman ’21, Alexis             swimmer aggregation in low-shear regions of the flow
     Faria ’22, Clara Han ’21, Makenna Luzenski ’23,            to aggregation in high-shear regions as the parameters
     Lauren Shearer ’22 and Grace Wilder ’21                    are varied. We find that rotational diffusion tends to
     Faculty Mentor: Professor Chris Boyatzis,                  drive swimmers into certain parts of phase space.
     PSYCHOLOGY                                                 We characterize the dependence of this noise-driven
     Funding Source: Program for Undergraduate Research         phase-space aggregation on a swimmer’s speed,
                                                                aspect ratio, and rotational diffusivity. The properties
     Native Danish Mother’s Intersection                        of the swimmer trajectories with noise explain the
     Between Parenting Approach and Religion                    transition from high-shear to low-shear aggregation. (KS
     This study investigated Danish mothers’ beliefs about      Ferguson, SA Berman, KA Mitchell, TS Solomon, 2020)
     parenting and the role of religion in family practices
     and discussions. Denmark is famous as one of the
     most secular nations in the world (Zuckerman, 2008),       Mackenzie Flynn and Bree McCullough ’22
     yet religion is, perhaps surprisingly, a component of      Faculty Mentor: Professor Ben Hayes, WATERSHED
     family discussion, especially about death and morality     SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING PROGRAM
     (Zajac & Boyatzis, 2020). In this study, 15 native         Funding Source: United States Forest Service
     Danish mothers, all fluent in English with at least one
     child between ages of 4 and 14, were interviewed           Little Arnot Run: An Evaluation of
     about mothers’ religious beliefs and how they were         Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
     incorporated into family discourse and practices,          with Regard to Hyporheic Exchange and
     especially on issues of morality, religious holidays,      Temperature
     death, and the afterlife. Transcripts are being coded      Little Arnot Run is a second-order stream in the
     by a team creating a coding system using inductive         Allegheny National Forest, Pennsylvania that has
     and deductive thematic analysis. Team members              been historically altered by logging and oil and
     individually analyzed transcripts and then met to          natural gas wells. In many areas, the stream was
     work toward a shared coding system for interpreting        dredged, straightened, and converted to a narrow,
     themes in the mothers’ views. Coding is in progress,       deep, single-thread channel, which continues to be
     with these preliminary themes: mothers’ respect            disconnected from the floodplain. This project is part
     for children’s autonomous beliefs (i.e., reluctance to     of a larger stream restoration study by the United
     impose their own beliefs), promotion of the child’s        States Forest Service (USFS) and Bucknell University
     character, tolerance for diverse religions (and mothers’   currently underway working to characterize the factors
     lack of strong commitment to any one faith), mothers’      controlling geomorphic processes operating within the
     ongoing reflection and growth, and concern for             watershed in order to direct restoration activities set
     children’s age-appropriate exposure. Preliminary           to take place later in the year. Our preliminary analysis
     analyses suggest Danish mothers have a distinctive         of groundwater piezometers, stream temperature
     orientation to the role of religion in the family, one     gauge station data, and weather station data suggests
     quite disparate from most American families (Boyatzis      significant hyporheic exchange to the channel. We are
     et al., 2015).                                             currently assessing both shallow and alluvial aquifers
                                                                as well as in deeper sections of the stream in order
                                                                to quantify groundwater-surface water exchange and
     Kyle Ferguson ’21                                          potential for reconnecting abandoned side channels
     Faculty Mentor: Professor Thomas Solomon, PHYSICS          and vernal pools on the floodplain. We will be using
     & ASTRONOMY                                                precipitation to look at the rate and direction of the
     Funding Source: NSF Grant DMR-1806355, NSF Grant           hydrostatic driven hyporheic exchange caused, in part,
     CMMI-1825379                                               by changes in the ground and surface water elevation
                                                                and analyzing variations in temperature throughout
     Noise-Driven Aggregation of Swimmers in                    the system.
     the Kolmogorov Flow
     We investigate theoretically the dynamics of ellipsoidal
     microswimmers in an externally imposed, laminar
     Kolmogorov flow. Through a phase-space analysis of
     the dynamics without noise, we find that swimmers
     favor either cross-stream or rotational drift, depending
     on their swimming speed and aspect ratio. When
     including noise, i.e. rotational diffusion, Langevin
     simulations of our model show a transition from

Maya Freeman ’23                                            prevent further deformity during adolescence. The
Faculty Mentor: Professor Cecilia Bove, BIOLOGY             topic of screw removal is quite controversial. If the
Funding Source: Department of Biology                       screws are left in the patient, there is the potential that
                                                            fractures may occur later in life due to stress risers, yet
Fluoroquinolone-based Therapy and                           screw removal requires a second surgical operation. In
Onset of Functional Gastrointestinal                        addition, there is no standard screw that is used for the
Disorders in Human Subjects                                 procedure. Different physicians prefer various types of
Fluoroquinolones (FQs) are a broad class of antibiotics     screws including titanium vs. non-titanium, cannulated
typically prescribed for several infectious diseases,       vs. non-cannulated and threaded vs. partially-threaded.
including common infections for which the use of FQs        Therefore, the purpose of this research project is to
is discouraged. Indeed, the FDA has proposed the            determine the amount of torque required to remove
existence of a permanent disability (Fluoroquinolone        various types of orthopaedic screws after closure of the
Associated Disability; FQAD), which, despite being          physis. This analysis will quantify how various screws
fairly common after FQs use, has yet to be formally         perform during screw removal and provide insight into
recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide.           tissue damage that may occur due to screw removal.
Previous studies suggest that FQs act as selective          The ultimate goal of this study is to determine the
inhibitors of GABAA receptors, preventing the binding       optimal screw to use during the procedure that will
of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA in the central      cause the least amount of damage after bone growth
nervous system. GABA is a key regulator of the neural       has occurred around the screw.
circuit regulating gastrointestinal function. In order to
assess whether there is a correlation between the use
of FQs and the onset of functional gastrointestinal (GI)    Emily Haas ’21
disorders, a questionnaire was sent to 367 individuals      Faculty Mentor: Professor Ellen Chamberlin, GEOLOGY
who were prescribed FQs addressing their gut health         & ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCES
in the last year. Survey participants were divided          Funding Source: Kalman Fund for Undergraduate
into three groups based on the type of FQ they were         Research in the Sciences
prescribed. Chi-square analysis revealed that while all
participants had a significant degree of functional GI      Evaluating the Impact of Stream
disorder, certain FQs are associated with more severe       Restoration Techniques on Bank Erosion,
and more frequent gastric pain, difficulty producing        Stream Morphology, and Soil Carbon at
a bowel movement and harder stools. Lastly, a               an Unnamed Tributary of Pine Creek near
significant portion of respondents also reported            Woodward, central Pennsylvania
frequent swelling or bloating. In conclusion, these         Live staking is a stream restoration technique in
data indicated that permanent functional GI disorders       which live cuttings and stems taken from native
may present after FQs administration, and that certain      species of trees and shrubs are placed into stream
FQs produce more severe symptoms than others. Our           banks, eventually growing into new plants which aids
study highlights the need to revisit current guidelines     in riverbank protection by increasing soil cohesion.
for the administration of FQs for individuals already       Because of the growing use of live staking in stream
potentially at risk to develop functional GI disorders.     restorations, there is a growing need for research
                                                            on the link between live staking and geomorphic
                                                            resiliency. Here we investigate the impact of live
                                                            staking on bank erosion, stream morphology, and soil
Keith Grega ’21                                             carbon (SC) at an unnamed tributary of Pine Creek
Faculty Mentor: Professor Benjamin Wheatley,                near Woodward, Pennsylvania.
Funding Source: Bucknell-Geisinger Research Initiative      In this study, we collected baseline data for a long-
                                                            term study of the impact of live stakes on the
Impact of Screw Type on Torque During                       floodplain and channel geomorphology, and we
SCFE Screw Removal                                          investigated the baseline SC distribution. Preliminary
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) is a disorder      results from stream channel surveying indicate
that occurs in adolescents in which the femoral head        undercut banks, channelization, very low stream
slips with respect to the femoral neck. SCFE can lead       velocity, and silt and clay on the stream bed.
to abnormal hip mechanics which may result in the           Throughout the field site, the soils are silty loams
need for realignment of the femoral head through            with thin O-horizons and some local variability within
surgery. Percutaneous in situ fixation is the most          transects. SC analysis shows carbon values between
common treatment for SCFE, where the femoral head           0.36% and 3.32%, which is low for the expected
is realigned on the neck through screw insertion to

                                                                                             BU C K N E L L U N IVE R SIT Y   11
range of SC for degraded floodplain soils in this           Cameron Hong ’21
     environment. We predict that in future years, as the        Faculty Mentor: Professor Kenneth Mineart,
     live stakes vegetate the stream banks at this site, there   CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
     will be an increase in soil carbon, changes in stream       Funding Source: National Science Foundation Grant (NSF)
     bed character and channel sinuosity, and more soil
     variability.                                                Assessing Solvent Viscosity Impact
                                                                 on the Physical Characteristics of
                                                                 Polymeric Organogels
     Jeffrey Heim ’21                                            Traditionally, studies of polymeric organogels focus on
     Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher Martine,              the impact of polymer factors on the gels’ mechanical
     BIOLOGY                                                     and transport properties. Alternatively, this study
     Funding Source: Department of Biology; Program for          seeks to assess the impact of altering solvent viscosity,
     Undergraduate Research                                      while holding polymer factors constant. The gels
                                                                 in this study were composed of styrene-ethylene-
     A Population Genomics Approach to                           butylene-styrene (SEBS) triblock copolymer, oleic acid
     Understanding the Role of Indigenous                        (OA), and mineral oil. Samples were formulated at
     Foragers in the Distribution and Genetic                    10, 20, and 30 wt% SEBS copolymer for each mineral
     Diversity of an Australian Wild Bush                        oil, varying in viscosity from ~30 mPa*s to ~500
     Tomato (Solanum diversflorum)                               mPa*s. Uniaxial mechanical testing was performed to
     The Indigenous foragers of Australia’s Western Desert,      determine Gc, the contributions of physical crosslinks,
     known as the Martu people, have a rich and deep             i.e., micelles, to stress, and Ge, the contributions of
     connection to the landscape that is evident through         chain entanglements to stress. Modeling the data
     their culturally significant pathways of movement.          from these experiments showed that Gc and Ge only
     In creating this connection, we wonder how these            varied with polymer concentration. In a separate set of
     pathways have shaped the distribution, abundance,           experiments, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
     and dispersal of wild plants, specifically the              (FTIR) was used to track the diffusion of OA out of
     economically significant bush tomatoes of the genus         the gel. Through modeling the release of OA with
     Solanum (including Solanum diversiflorum, known             time using a Fickian diffusion model, the diffusion
     locally as wamula). Currently, herbarium and field          coefficients for formulations at varying solvent
     collected specimens have been sampled from across           viscosities were determined. Notably, the results of the
     the range of Solanum diversiflorum. These samples           FTIR experiments conform to behavior predicted by
     are being used to understand genetic connectivity,          the Stokes-Einstein equation. The results from these
     as well as the potential impact of Indigenous users         two sets of experiments allows for a higher degree of
     on S. diversiflorum’s population structure. DNA has         tunability than previously available. The results from
     been extracted from each specimen using FastDNA             this study will be of particular use in development of
     kits and stored for future quality testing. We expect       transdermal drug delivery devices.
     to find a correlation between the movement of the
     Indigenous people and the dispersal of the species
     along pathways of movement, as well as patterns             Valerie Justice ’21
     that align with the historical distributions of language    Faculty Mentor: Professor Christopher Daniel,
     groups. This would imply that the activities of the         GEOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCES
     Indigenous people profoundly shaped the distribution        Funding Source: Department of Geology &
     of the species and can give conservationists as well        Environmental Geosciences
     as anthropologists new insights on the relationship
     between the biogeography of plants in the Western           U-Pb Isotope Dating of Monazite in the
     Desert and the people who have lived there for              Sierra Estrella Mountains of Arizona:
     thousands of years.                                         Evidence for ca. 1.4 Ga Metamorphism
                                                                 and Deformation
                                                                 U-Pb isotope dating of monazite from the Sierra
                                                                 Estrella mountains near Phoenix, Arizona, yield
                                                                 metamorphic ages between about 1.42 and 1.40 billion
                                                                 years ago (b.y.a). The timing is important to determine
                                                                 if the metamorphic rocks formed as part of the ca.
                                                                 1.45 billion year old (b.y.o.) Picuris Orogeny. Multiple
                                                                 samples were collected from the Sierra Estrella
                                                                 mountains. Four of these samples were selected for

monazite U-Pb analyses. Laser Ablation-Inductively        Taiba Khan ’22
Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was          Faculty Mentor: Professor Benowitz-Fredericks,
used to measure U-Pb isotope ratios, which was done       BIOLOGY
in a lab at the University of New Brunswick. The four     Funding Source: Department of Biology
samples are named CD20-14b, CD20-09, CD20-07Bb,
and CD20-03Ba. Concordia plots for CD20-14b yield         Relationship between aggression, body
ages of monazite growth of 1420 +/- 6 Ma (MSWD            condition, and parental feeding in chicks
= 0.18). Concordia plots for CD20-09 yield ages of        of the seabird species Black-legged
1410 +/- 10 Ma (MSWD = 0.74). Concordia plots for         kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla)
CD20-07Bb yield ages of 1410 +/- 4 Ma (MSWD =             Black-legged kittiwakes, Rissa tridactyla, are small
0.25). Concordia plots for CD20-03Ba yield ages of        gulls that exhibit biparental care and typically brood
1400 +/- 5 Ma (MSWD = 0.13). All measured ages are        1-2 chicks. First hatched chicks (A chicks) commonly
near concordant, with MSWD values demonstrating           display aggressive behavior towards the second
degree of concordance. Samples CD20-03Ba and              hatched chicks (B chicks), sometimes resulting in
CD20-07Bb are located in the northern part, and CD20-     the death of the B chick. Food availability may be a
09 and CD20-14b are located in the southern part.         driving factor of chick aggression but questions remain
Metamorphism youngs northward with ages spanning          regarding the relationships among chick behavior,
about 20 million years across the range from north to     growth and parental feeding. In this study, we test
south. Our measured U-Pb ages are similar to 1424-        three competing hypotheses: H1) Stronger chicks
1409 Ma ages previously reported in the northern Taos     display more aggressive behavior to monopolize more
Range in New Mexico, which suggests formation during      food. H2) Weaker chicks display more aggressive
the same Picuris orogenic event (1450-1400 Ma).           behavior because they need to obtain more food. H3)
                                                          There is no relationship between aggressive behavior
                                                          and body condition. To test these hypotheses, we
Ariel Kelly ’2022                                         used video footage to observe the behavior of 29
Faculty Mentor: Professor Mihai Banciu, ANALYTICS &       five day old A chicks. At half of the nests (fed nests),
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT                                     parents were provided with supplemental fish, while
Funding Source: Program for Undergraduate Research        the remaining half (unfed nests) had to rely on natural
                                                          means of foraging. ‘A’ chick aggression towards the
Does Global Trade Help or Hinder                          B chick was categorized by pecking and squeezing or
Economic Inequality?                                      twisting of the neck; an attack series with pauses of
The issue of globalization and its perceived winners      less than five seconds counted as one demonstration
and losers has recently come to the forefront of          of aggression. If H1 is true, we will see a positive
international conversation. In this project, we seek      correlation between aggression and body condition,
to answer the following question: has global trade        and higher aggression rates in the fed group (chicks
helped decrease economic inequality? To address           with more food availability). If H2 is true, there will be
this problem, we created a tool that could be used to     a negative correlation between aggression and body
quantify the effect of global trade over time. Using a    condition, and higher aggression rates in chicks in
graph-theoretical approach, we adapt the Page Rank        the unfed group (chicks that are not provided with
algorithm to account for a country’s importance in        supplemental food).
the trade network when considering financial flows
that go in both directions, that is, both exports and
imports. We then use the relative importance scores
to quantify the economic inequality by computing the      Shane Kozick ’23
Gini coefficient of the world’s economy, as well as the   Faculty Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Troiani, (ADMI lab
associated Lorenz curve. By measuring the evolution of    director), NEUROSCIENCE
the Gini coefficient over time, we can estimate whether   Funding Source: Summer Autism and
international trade helped or hindered addressing         Neurodevelopmental Disorders Internship (SANDI)
economic inequality among the participants in the
global trade network.
                                                          Measuring Concordance of Subtype
                                                          Sulcogyral Patterns in Monozygotic and
                                                          Dizygotic Twin Pairs
                                                          The brain’s surface is made up of sulci (grooves) and
                                                          gyri (ridges) that together create the distinct folded
                                                          (sulcogryal) appearance of the brain. It is known that
                                                          individual differences in the sulcogyral pattern of the
                                                          orbital frontal cortex (OFC) can lead to variation in

                                                                                          BU C K N E L L U N IVE R SIT Y   13
social behaviors and psychiatric pathology. Recent          instructions of increasing syntactic complexity. Results
     research has focused on the sulcogyral folding pattern      revealed that maternal education was the strongest
     variations in individuals, specifically within the OFC.     predictor of both maternal linguistic input and child
     Four pattern types have been identified based on the        receptive language outcomes. Syntactic complexity
     continuity of four distinct sulci, and subtypes within      of input was the only measure that mediated the
     each pattern type have been defined that offer more         relationship between maternal education and child
     fine-grained characterization of OFC structure. To          receptive language skills. These findings critically
     date, there have been no analyses of OFC sulcogyral         identify which early environmental factors are
     patterns (or subpatterns) and genetic associations. The     mechanistically related to SES disparities in children’s
     goal of this project is to categorize the OFC pattern       language development, and provide implications for
     subtypes of monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ)             reducing these disparities.
     twin pairs to explore whether the development of
     OFC pattern types have a strong genetic component.
     The study is accomplished using a publicly available        Wutt Hmone Thin Kyi ’22
     structural MRI data set from the Human Connectome           Faculty Mentor: Professor Karlo Malaga, BIOMEDICAL
     Project (HCP). We used neuroimaging software to             ENGINEERING
     individually subtype 570 subjects in the data set           Funding Source: Program for Undergraduate Research 2020
     and we are currently investigating the association
                                                                 Effect of White Matter Stimulation on
     with genetics. MZ twin pairs are expected to have
                                                                 Clinical Outcomes in Thalamic Deep Brain
     more similar subtypes (increased concordance)
                                                                 Stimulation for Essential Tremor
     than DZ twin pairs. The results of this project will lay
                                                                 Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical procedure
     the groundwork as the first study of the genetics of
                                                                 where electrodes are implanted in the brain before
     OFC sulcogyral patterns and may contribute to the
                                                                 stimulating the tissue with electricity. DBS of the
     early identification of preliminary markers of brain
                                                                 ventral intermediate (VIM) nucleus of the thalamus
                                                                 and the subthalamic nucleus (STN) are established
                                                                 treatments for the motor symptoms of essential
     Klaudia Kulawska ’21                                        tremor (ET) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD), respectively.
     Faculty Mentor: Professor Judith Grisel, PSYCHOLOGY         Motor outcomes, such as tremor, rigidity, and
     Funding Source: N/A                                         bradykinesia, after VIM and STN DBS can vary
                                                                 considerably across patients and strongly depend
     The Implications of Socioeconomic Status                    on the location of stimulation relative to the surgical
     on Maternal Language Input and Child                        target. Previous research suggests that stimulation
     Language Outcomes                                           of the white matter (WM) tracts lateral to the VIM,
     Early language development is associated with               the gray matter (GM) target, results in better DBS
     children’s socioeconomic status (SES). Specifically,        outcomes. The objective of this retrospective study
     children from lower SES backgrounds, on average,            is to determine how the spread of stimulation to
     exhibit slower language development compared                WM during VIM DBS relates to therapeutic and non-
     to their peers from higher-SES backgrounds. Even            therapeutic outcomes in ET patients. For the first
     though SES is a multidimensional construct, research        phase of this research, a MATLAB algorithm that can
     often relies on a single dimension or a composite           differentiate brain tissues, such as WM, GM, and
     measure when studying child language development.           cerebrospinal fluid, from medical imaging based on
     In this article, I investigate four dimensions of SES,      tissue anisotropy was developed. Patient-specific
     including maternal education, income-to-needs ratio,        tissue anisotropy was derived from diffusion tensor
     financial security, and neighborhood SES. I examine         imaging data acquired for individual patients who
     relationships amongst these different dimensions of         received DBS (n = 22). To evaluate the performance of
     SES, the quantity and quality of maternal linguistic        the algorithm, it has been trained and tested across
     input, and child receptive language skills. Mothers         both ET and PD patient data sets. This algorithm can
     and their 36-40 months old children (n=267 dyads)           be used to differentiate brain tissues in any region
     were video recorded during a 15-minute free play            of interest. The modeling framework utilized in this
     session. Three measures of maternal linguistic input        study could be used to identify optimal stimulation
     were derived from verbatim transcripts, including one       sites on an individual basis, thereby improving clinical
     quantitative measure (number of words spoken) and           outcomes.
     two qualitative measures (lexical diversity and syntactic
     complexity). Children’s concurrent receptive language
     skills were measured by a standardized measure of
     children’s ability to receive, process, and execute oral

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