SASHA: Toward a Self-Healing Hybrid Sensor Network Architecture
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SASHA: Toward a Self-Healing Hybrid Sensor Network Architecture Tatiana Bokareva Nirupama Bulusu Sanjay Jha The University of NSW Portland State University The University of NSW National ICT Australia Limited Abstract nodes are subject to frequent failures. For widespread adop- tion of sensor technology, it is critical that a system can heal For widespread adoption of sensor technology, robust- itself in the event of abnormal behavior such as a network ness in the event of abnormal behavior such as a network intrusion, or failures of components or nodes. intrusion, or failures of components or nodes is critical. Previous work on robust and resilient sensor networking Current research on robust and resilient sensor networking is focused on specific tasks, such as secure broadcast[15], is focused on specific tasks – secure broadcast, secure ag- secure aggregation[17], secure localization[14], or fault- gregation, secure localization or fault-tolerant feature ex- tolerant feature extraction[13]. Such primitives constitute traction. While these primitives provide useful functional- indispensable building blocks for sensor networks. But how ity, what has been lacking is a comprehensive, holistic ap- should we use and combine these primitives? For example, proach to sensor network robustness across various failure sensor data can be corrupted by malicious sensors, as well modalities. as faults induced by physical world coupling. Sensor cali- In this position paper, we propose a self-healing hybrid bration techniques can compensate for faulty sensor read- sensor network architecture called SASHA, that is inspired ings, but cannot account for malicious aggregator nodes. by and co-opts several mechanisms from the Acquired Nat- Secure aggregation can protect against malicious aggrega- ural Immune System to attain its autonomy, robustness, di- tors, but cannot detect persistent faults in sensor data. Con- versity and adaptability to unknown pathogens, and com- sequently, in each case, only one type of failure modality pactness. SASHA encompasses automatic fault recognition is addressed. In this case, what is required is a comprehen- and response over a wide range of possible faults. More- sive approach to fault-tolerant data collection across vari- over, it is an adaptive architecture that can learn and evolve ous failure modalities. In general this motivates a whole- its monitoring and inference capabilities over time to deal network approach to sensor network robustness that oper- with unknown faults. We illustrate the workings of SASHA ates above the network layer. using the example of fault-tolerant sensor data collection This position paper proposes an immunology inspired and outline an agenda for future research. solution to the design of a self-healing sensor network. We enumerate below our design goals for a self-healing sen- sor network architecture. We argue that these capabilities are inherent to the human immune system also advocated 1. Introduction by Forrest[7]. Wireless sensor networks are a burgeoning focus of the 1. No Indispensability. Failure of an individual compo- research community, due to their potential to embed sens- nent, node or communication link should have minimal ing and communication everywhere. One of the most valu- impact on the entire sensor network operation. The hu- able applications of wireless sensor networks is in the de- man immune system is capable of replacing any of its ployment of nodes in hostile or remote geographical lo- basic cells. Similarly, no single node should be indis- cations, given the system’s ability to operate unattended, pensable for the operation of the whole system. without pre-existing infrastructure and with minimal or no 2. Autonomy. In remotely deployed sensor networks, a maintenance[2]. large degree of operational independence is essential Typically, sensor nodes are expected to be deployed ran- as the ratio of sensors to human is very high. There is domly, organize themselves into a network, sense real world no external entity responsible for the management of phenomena and forward observed measurements back to the Immune System, the self-healing process and elim- base stations. Due to their operational environment, sensor ination of pathogens happens independently.
3. Several Layers of Protection and Detection. Different mechanisms of a system provide different services. All of them are combined to provide an overall high level of detection and elimination of pathogens. In order to deal with a large number of possible faults in wireless sensor networks, support of multiple layers is needed. 4. Compactness. Our immune system can detect a large set of potentially harmful pathogens with a reasonably small number of detector cells. Our bodies cannot con- tain such a large number of lymphocytes and therefore it limits the minimum amount necessary. This is an es- sential quality for resource-constrained nodes in sen- sor networks. 5. Diverse and Adaptive. Our immune system can de- tect an incredibly large number of different types of pathogens. It has an amazing ability to detect previ- Figure 1. SASHA: A knowledge plane for a ro- ously unknown pathogens and remember them. This bust sensor network ability should be an important feature of wireless sen- sor networks, as the nature of possible threats cannot be known in advance. are centralized and not applicable to very large scale sys- tems. The contributions of this paper are as follows. First, we In [6] authors develop a multi-modal sensing approach motivate a holistic approach to sensor network robustness to fault-tolerance. If one type of sensor fails in the envi- and propose a self-healing sensor network akin to the nat- ronment, the application can dynamically activate the other ural immune system. Second, to support the resource con- sensor. Their approach differs from ours in providing re- straints of sensor devices, we propose a heterogeneous ar- dundancy in sensor hardware in a single device, thereby chitecture called SASHA, where many different network increasing the cost and complexity of devices rather than entities coordinate with each other to provide efficient and exploiting the redundancy across densely deployed, simple effective sensor network fault-tolerance, encompassing au- devices. tomatic fault recognition, adaptive network monitoring and Recently Krishnamachari and Iyengar [13] have pro- coordinated response (Section 3). SASHA is not intended posed a solution to the recognition of faulty sensor readings, to replace low-level security or fault-tolerance primitives, and introduced algorithms for self-organization which com- rather it provides a knowledge plane for the sensors to rea- bine shortest-path routing, and the construction of a span- son about and respond to various types of network failures, ning tree as a clustering mechanism for nodes in a feature as illustrated in Figure 1. To ground our discussion, we il- region. This work assumes that a simple threshold value is lustrate how SASHA is envisioned to support fault-tolerant sufficient to determine the presence of an event, which may sensor data collection (Section 4). Finally, we present our not be generalizeable to all events. agenda for future research (Section 5), and present our con- clusions (Section 6). 2.2. Sensor Network Security The approach taken by the authors in [16] is to classify 2. Related Work various types of data according to the sensitivity level and to identify possible communication security threats accord- There are three avenues of focus directly related to this ing to that classification. For each sensitivity level, distinct work (i) Sensor Fault-Tolerance (ii) Sensor Network Secu- security mechanisms were proposed. One of the main prin- rity and (iii) Local Area Network Security. ciples stated in this work is that data items must be protected to a degree consistent with their value. 2.1. Sensor Fault-Tolerance Wood and Stankovic[18] classify various types of denial of service attacks at different layers of the sensor network In the early 90s, Marzullo[12] was the first to address protocol stack and outline possible solutions related to com- the problem of adapting to faulty sensor readings. The key munication security according to that classification. idea is that if two sensors sample the same physical value, Deng et al[3] describe the Intrusion-tolerant routing pro- then their intervals must intersect. Marzullo’s algorithms tocol for wireless sensor networks (INSENS). A major 2
drawback is that communication between nodes in the net- resource and instrumentation capabilities, coordinate to au- work is only supported via a base station which introduces tomatically detect faults and provide a coordinated response a large overhead in terms of packets and makes reprogram- to them. This requires a significantly distinct system archi- ming of nodes over air a practically impossible task. tecture and creates different research challenges, as we dis- Two closely related research activities originated at UC cuss in the next section. Berkeley. Perrig et al [15] proposed a suite of security building blocks called SPINS: Secure Network Encryption 3. SASHA Architecture (SNEP) and the micro version of the Time Efficient Stream- ing Loss-tolerant Authentication Protocol ( TESLA). In In this section, we first describe (i) what constitutes a follow up work, Karlof et al[11] have introduced Tiny Secu- notion of self in sensor networks and (ii) a systems archi- rity mechanisms (TinySec), which is the first implemented tecture that we envision. We then describe several specific link layer security architecture for sensor networks. Tiny- problems that are the focus of our research and how they re- Sec has been fully implemented on the TinyOS platform on late to our overall architecture. Crossbow MICA hardware, and many of its features can be used in our self-healing sensor network implementation. 3.1. Self in Sensor Networks Ganeriwal and Srivastava [9] propose and simulate a reputation-based framework for high integrity sensor net- One of the main roles of the Natural Immune System is works. Each sensor node assigns a reputation ranking to its the recognition of self and the elimination of non-self pro- neighbors, which characterizes them as cooperative or non- teins. In modeling an immune system equivalent for a sen- cooperative. The reputation can be assigned based on sev- sor network, we must have a clear and stable definition of eral factors, including data and routing consistency. Their what constitutes the self and the non-self set. This is chal- work provides extensive algorithms for updating the reputa- lenging for wireless sensor networks, because each appli- tion, taking into account information received from neigh- cation has its own unique characteristics and requirements. bors, but the question of what constitutes co-operative or Nevertheless, we can identify several similarities that be- non-cooperative behavior has been left largely unexplored. long to an entire family of wireless sensor network applica- This is a major consideration in the design of our immune tions. system based architecture, and the example in Section 4 Sensor nodes are usually deployed with a common goal provides an initial case study on the data consistency prob- in mind. Typically, the main role of the sensor nodes is to lem. Apart from a different view, our work also considers collect certain real world parameters and send them back to algorithms for checking data consistency. a base station. Given this, the correct sensor readings should reflect the behavior of an observed phenomenon. One of 2.3. Computer Immune System the most promising applications of sensor networks lies in their capacity to observe unknown environments and in Forrest et al first explored an immune systems approach such cases we may not have an exact knowledge of the phe- to protect a local area network from network-based attacks. nomenon’s behavior or have pre-collected sensor readings. In one of the earlier works[1] Hofmeyer et al outlined a How can we identify what constitutes correct sensor read- set of organizing principles and possible architectures for ings in such cases? In this paper, we approach the problem the implementation of the Artificial Immune System (AIS). of identifying faulty sensor readings using pattern recog- Some of the design principles presented in this work are nition techniques that leverage past observations of sensor closely related to sensor networks. nodes. In [8] Forrest and Hofmeyer outlined detailed descrip- Sensors generate data streams. Sensor data can be char- tions of the AIS design applied to network security. The acterized by continuous data streams. The pattern of data role of the AIS is to protect a Local-Area Network (LAN) streams is neither common for all applications nor during from a network-based attack. different stages of an application. Some applications may While Forrest’s work is quite innovative, it is not di- require data to be sent on a periodic basis, whereas others rectly applicable to sensor networks. Most of her work is may only require data to be transmitted in the presence of developed for PC class devices and concentrates on the an event such as a burglar alarm. Therefore, another defini- wired environment. As has been well documented, sen- tion of self is an appropriate application behavior in terms sor nodes have significant computation, storage and energy of the periodicity of data delivery and the delivery of data constraints. Our self-healing sensor network must take into from a set of authenticated nodes. Data integrity is closely account the severe resource limitations of sensor devices. related to sensor networks security. Sensor networks usually We take a whole-network approach to a self-healing sen- operate in an open environment. Nodes can easily be cap- sor network, wherein different network entities with varying tured and the security information including cryptographic 3
keys and functions can be easily recovered. Pair-wise cryp- cells are programmed to look for certain kinds of disease- tographic keys are one solution to avoid this problem, how- causing pathogens, then destroy them and the cells infected ever the distribution and maintenance of such keys is a con- by them. In a sensor network, to detect anomalies, the sur- siderable challenge[4]. In summary the notion of self for a vey of a forest can be undertaken by means of mobile scripts sensor network consists of (i) correct sensor readings, (ii) running on all monitors, called B-script. A script is dynam- appropriate behavior of a running application event and (iii) ically generated code and it acts as a filter for the behav- authenticated set of nodes. ior and statistical analysis of a forest. For example, scripts generated on a Lymph machine will have to reflect a non- 3.2. System Architecture self/malicious behavior of a forest. The Lymph machine serves as a database that will store signatures of past at- An example of our self-healing sensor network archi- tacks, attacks scale of damage, the urgency required for a tecture is illustrated in Figure 2. It consists of several co- response and possible solutions to them. Mobile B-scripts ordinating components, namely: a large number of sens- will be dynamically generated and undergo positive selec- ing nodes, several monitoring nodes, base stations, Thymus, tion on this machine. Most effective B-scripts will be issued and Lymph (database) machines. to and run on the monitoring nodes. Sensing nodes: Sensing nodes are small, resource- Thymus: This machine is equivalent to humans Thymus constrained sensor nodes such as the Mica mote. They or- and reserved for the representation of self. The role of the ganize themselves into a network, sense and relay real-life Thymus machine includes: measurements toward the closest monitoring nodes. Store representation of a self-set. Some responsibilities of a sensor node as follows: Provide co-stimulation signals to the monitor to con- Authenticate a set of neighbors. firm the presence of faults. Authenticate packets received. Base Station: The role of the base-station is to provide a Learn what constitutes the self-set in terms of sensor solution to the attack to monitoring nodes, and collect sen- readings. sor data. Maintain connectivity to the monitoring node. All these different entities are indispensable to SASHA. The system complexity and resource requirements increase Respond to the monitoring node’s commands. progressively from sensing nodes, monitoring nodes, to Monitoring Nodes: Monitoring nodes have enhanced base station, Lymph and Thymus machines. sensing, processing and communication capabilities such as the Stargate. Each monitoring node covers a portion of the 3.3. SASHA Functions network topology. The sensor network will organize into a forest of trees, with each tree rooted at a monitor. SASHA has three specific aims: Some responsibilities of a monitor are: 1. Automatic fault recognition – Efficiently and automat- Authenticate the nodes in its tree as well as the neigh- ically detect sensor faults. bouring monitoring nodes. 2. Adaptive network monitoring – Efficiently evolve the Monitor the behavior of its tree in terms of the noise monitoring and inference capabilities of the sensor net- level in the tree, the periodicity of data, the set of work, so that it can adapt to a wide variety of unknown nodes, etc. and unpredictable faults. Survey the sensor readings in a tree and ensure their 3. Coordinated Response – Network entities should coor- correctness. dinate and respond to various types of faults. Notify nodes of an appropriate action to be taken in Automatic Fault Recognition. case of an attack. To build a robust sensor network, we must foremost be Forward the data and attack notification to a base sta- able to recognize faulty sensor readings. To infer abnormal tion. behavior, we can leverage the sensor data redundancy in densely deployed sensor networks and the statistical char- Query other monitoring nodes or base stations on the acteristics of the sensor data stream. appropriate action to be taken in case of an attack or Automatic fault recognition consists of a lightweight, discovered anomalies. distributed learning algorithm to recognize faulty sensor Lymph: One of the major components of the natural im- readings from deviant characteristics in its self-set (Section mune system are B cells, a form of white blood cell. These 4). 4
Figure 2. SASHA illustration for fault tolerant temperature data collection Active network monitoring of the sensor network is ac- material in B cell precursors. In this way, the immune sys- complished by distributing mobile scripts onto the sensor tem uses randomness to attain the potential for responding network. This consists of the development of a system for to virtually any antigen it encounters. This potential is real- generation, maturation and migration of mobile monitoring ized when an antigen activates a particular B cell and trig- scripts. The generation of monitoring scripts should be au- gers the proliferation of that cell and the production of an- tonomous and not involve any human intervention. This is tibodies with increasing specificity for the antigen in ques- challenging because of the following problems: tion. Thus the immune system exploits the information it How do we distinguish normal and malicious behavior? encounters in the form of antigens by allocating much of its We need to identify rules based on which a distinction be- resources toward targeting those antigens that are actually tween normal and malicious behavior of a forest can be found to be present. But it always continues to explore ad- made. Scripts running on a monitoring node will be gener- ditional possibilities that it might encounter by maintaining ated based on these rules. We can use genetic algorithms to its huge repertoire of different B cells. The immune system generate a continuously changeable set of scripts from ex- combines randomness with highly directed behavior based isting descriptions of self and non-self sets in the Lymph on feedback. As in the immune system, in our architecture and Thymus databases. Note that the Lymph and Thymus such an exploration strategy emerges from myriad interac- machines are envisioned to be PC class devices. A script tions among simple, autonomous, and interacting compo- can be encoded and represented as a string of 0,1 bits. nents. How do we generate and mature scripts? Evolution of Coordinated Response to malicious or faulty behavior is the network monitoring scripts over time is a challenging accomplished via coordination between monitoring nodes, problem. What is the right balance between exploration and or between monitoring nodes, Lymph and Thymus. A mon- exploitation? When promising possibilities are identified, itoring node can raise an alarm by sending packets to other they should be exploited at a rate and intensity related to monitoring nodes in the network. The Thymus machine their estimated promise, which is being continually updated. must provide a co-stimulation signal to a monitoring node. But at all times exploration for new possibilities should con- If a monitoring node does not receive a co-stimulation sig- tinue. The problem is how to allocate limited computation nal within a certain amount of time, it will deleted an associ- to different resources possibilities in a dynamic way that ated script. On the other hand if it receives a co-stimulation takes new information into account as it is obtained? signal from the Thymus machine, it can query the Lymph The immune system seems to maintain a near optimal machine or a base station for further instructions. balance between exploration and exploitation. At any time large numbers of B lymphocytes with different receptors are available for matching potential antigens; these different re- ceptor types are formed via random combinations of genetic 5
4. Case Study: Fault-tolerant Data Collection In this section, we describe the working of SASHA through a very simple example of building and maintain- ing a notion of self for the task of fault-tolerant collection of temperature measurements. This case study is focused on data consistency requirements, because the primary goal of all sensor network applications is to collect real world mea- surements. As was mentioned earlier much of the promise of sensor networks stems from their ability to monitor re- mote and unknown environments. In such applications we may have limited a priori information. In these kinds of sce- narios, the usage of standard statistical approaches is a dif- fcult task because they mostly require offline processing of Figure 3. The temperature samples collected pre-collected sensor readings. during a 24 hour period Imagine the scenario: A group of sensors such as Micas have been deployed to collect temperature samples. Sup- pose each group of 10 Mica nodes organized themselves The weight of the winning neuron is updated according into a tree rooted at a monitoring node. They take temper- to a simple learning rule ature measurements every minute and send these measure- ments to the monitoring node, as in Figure 2. / * 1A@BCB/ * 21D@FEG24 * 1?H/ * 1I (2) In order to identify faulty sensor readings, we need to model what constitutes the correct readings. We draw our We set EJKML M and the number of training epochs to
times a node had consecutive faulty sensor readings. The count is augmented if a control packet received from the monitoring nodes matches the faulty sensor readings. Once the counter reaches a certain threshold, the node will re- quest the retraining of SONN. If the control packet is not received, the counter is decreased at the next reading of the sensor value. By having a dynamical counter, we can distin- guish a temporal noise in sensor readings from a permanent failure. The ability to request retraining of SONN is an impor- tant feature. Most naturally occurring phenomena change over time and the representation of self in this case may not be accurate. However, the monitoring node will only initi- Figure 5. Final distribution of weights ate the retraining of the SONN (i) if more than 50% of its tree requests retraining and (ii) it has received confirmation During the training period, the vector N of the most fre- from the base station. If the number of nodes requesting re- quently winning neuron is sent to the base station. Upon re- training is small, requesting nodes are assumed to be faulty ceiving this self representation, the base station will request and will be ordered to stop reading or sending their sensor an update of the database on the Thymus machine. The Thy- values and act only as relay nodes or go to sleep. mus machine will update its database if the current self in- stance is not present. The database on the Lymph machine 5. Future Research will also be updated with the corresponding representation of non-self. A complete realization of this architecture depends on Once the training period is over the Thymus machine several building blocks, including learning algorithms, co- will have the current representation of a self set related to ordination protocols, and genetic algorithms to support evo- the sensor readings. Correspondingly, the Lymph machine lution. First, to support automatic fault recognition, we must will have the current representation of a non-self set. The evaluate SONN and its learning algorithm with regards to Lymph machine can now generate a monitoring script and different application requirements. We plan to investigate send this script to the monitoring node. This script will sur- the optimal frequency and duration of SONNs training pe- vey outputs of the SONN in order to detect abnormal sensor riod based on the complexity of the measured environment. readings. In our example an abnormal reading corresponds Each application has its own specific requirements, such as to a cluster that won the least number of competitions. the periodicity or the integrity of data. We have validated the If an abnormality is detected, the corresponding vector SONN in a simulation environment and are currently work- N
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