Saint Charles Preparatory School - May 2021

Page created by Neil Webster
Saint Charles
Preparatory School

    May 2021
Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation
           May 28, 2021
             6:30 p.m.

              St. Charles
         Preparatory School
The Robert C. Walter Student Commons
Introductory Rites

                                Entrance Hymn

                                Patronal Hymn

                       O Saint Charles, our holy Father,
                            Mighty patron of us all!
                         In thine honor, lo! we gather,
                          Let thy kindly blessing fall.
                       Pray for us who name thee patron,
                        Hear thy sons who on thee call.

                     O Saint Charles, true guide to heaven,
                          Unto death our patron be.
                      When the clouds grow dark at even’
                        And God’s way we fail to see,
                       Lift the weak, inspire the weary,
                      Bring us home to Christ with thee.


Priest: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.

Priest : The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the
         fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
People: And with your spirit.

                                Penitential Rite

Priest: Lord, have mercy.
People: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: Christ, have mercy.
People: Christ, have mercy.
Priest: Lord have mercy.
People: Lord, have mercy.
Priest: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring
us to everlasting life.
People: Amen.
Priest: Let us pray....
People: Amen.

First Reading : Is 61: 1-3, 6, 8-9                  Zach Robert McClimon
At end: Reader: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 96                       George Franklin Cottrill
Proclaim God’s marvelous deeds to all the nations.

Second Reading : Gal 5: 16-17, 22-23, 24-25        Benjamin Joseph Auletta
At end: Reader: The Word of the Lord
All: Thanks be to God.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

Gospel:    Luke 1: 39-56
Priest:    The Lord be with you.
People:    And with your spirit.
Priest:    A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
People:    Glory to you, Lord.

Priest:    The Gospel of the Lord.
People:    Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Homily 			                                      Father Robert Penhallurick

General Intercessions                                 John Rush Prophater
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

                     Preparation of the altar and the gifts

Response: Blessed be God for ever.

Priest: Pray, brothers and sisters, that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God,
the almighty Father.
People: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and
glory of his name, for our good, and the good of all his holy Church.

Prayer over the gifts:
People: Amen.

                               Eucharistic Prayer

Priest:   The Lord be with you.
People:   And with your spirit.
Priest:   Lift up your hearts.
People:   We lift them up to the Lord.
Priest:   Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
People:   It is right and just.

Priest: Let us proclaim the mystery of faith:
People: When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup.
        we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.
Priest:   Through him, with him, in him,
          in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
          all glory and honor is yours,
          almighty Father, for ever and ever.
All:      Amen.

                                Communion Rite

                                  Lord’s Prayer

          Our Father, who art in heaven,
          hallowed be thy name;
          thy kingdom come;
          thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
          Give us this day our daily bread;
          and forgive us our trespasses
          as we forgive those who trespass against us;
          and lead us not into temptation,
          but deliver us from evil.

Priest: Deliver us, Lord, from every evil,
        and grant us peace in our day.
        In your mercy keep us free from sin
        and protect us from all anxiety
        as we wait in joyful hope
        for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

All:      For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
          now and for ever.

                                  Sign of Peace

Priest:   ...for ever and ever.
People:   Amen.
Priest:   The peace of the Lord be with you always.
People:   And with your spirit.
Priest:   Let us offer each other the sign of peace.
Breaking of the Bread


Priest: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the
world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.

Priest and people: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my
roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

                             Communion Hymn

                                Be Not Afraid

                      You shall cross the barren desert
                       But you shall not die of thirst.
                       You shall wander far in safety
                     Though you do not know the way.
                 You shall speak your words in foreign lands
                           And all will understand.
                   You shall see the face of God and live.

                   Be not afraid. I go before you always.
                  Come follow me, and I will give you rest.
                          (Continued, next page)
If you pass through raging waters
                        In the sea, you shall not drown.
                     If you walk amid the burning flames,
                            You shall not be harmed.
                     If you stand before the pow’r of hell
                           And death is at your side,
                    Know that I am with you through it all.

                            Blessed are your poor,
                       For the kingdom shall be theirs.
                    Blessed are you that weep and mourn,
                          For one day you shall laugh.
                   And if wicked tongues insult and hate you
                               All because of Me,
                           Blessed, blessed are you!

                          Prayer after Communion

Priest: Let us pray...
People: Amen.
Ninety-fifth Commencement Exercises

                    Presentation of Diplomas and Awards
                           James R. Lower, Principal
                   Alex P. Loehrer, Advisory Board President
                       John H. O’Neil, Academic Dean

     St. Charles Preparatory School confers diplomas for satisfactory comple-
tion of the course of study prescribed for graduation from this school and for
college entrance under the authority of the Ohio Department of Education. All
graduates of St. Charles exceed the State Board of Education recommendations
for graduation for a college preparatory curriculum. The minimum course of
basic college preparatory study at St. Charles requires 4 units of English, 4 units
of mathematics, 4 units of science, 3 units of social studies, 4 units of foreign
language, and 4 units of Religion, 1 unit of fine art, 1/2 unit of Health, and 1/2
unit of Physical Education.
                                  Class of 2021
Cole Clayton Abbott                        Dominic Milton Doukakis
Alexander Anton Alexandrov                 Ian Andrew Eberts
Benjamin Joseph Auletta                    William Scott Elsrod
Jackson Doyle Baird                        Nicholas Demitri Fallieras
Nicholas Charles Bastaja                   Nathaniel Daniel Fanning
Chase Franklin Bateman                     James Mariano Foos
Cooper John Beggs                          Benjamin Joseph Franz
Raymond Michael Benjamin                   Jaideep Gaddam
Ryan Matthew Benjamin                      Quinn Michael Gelhaus
Christopher Eric Benson                    Yohanes Estefanos Getahun
Joshua Miguel Asuncion Birtcher            Spencer Willock Green
Luke Joseph Blubaugh                       Austin Dean Grzybicki
Patrick William Booker                     Luke Allen Gutman
William James Borchers                     Kian Edward Haghnazari
Colin Owen Brame                           Cole Thomas Hankinson
Carter Mitchell Bryant                     Colin Daniel Hayter
Keller Austin Bueneman                     Alexander Christian Herzberg
Cade Robert Campbell                       Ambrose Joseph Heyer
Samuel Allen Carey                         Andrew James Homon
John Paul Butler Carson                    Brian Brennan Huber
John Peter Cassanos                        John David Hummel
Ethan Michael Clark                        Justin Dean Imber
Thomas Foley Cloran                        Alex Joseph Jimenez
Atticus Jeffrey Colucy                     Colin James Johnson
George Franklin Cottrill                   Owen Achilles Karas
Andrew Kreber Curtin                       Jack Henry Klingler
Drew Anthony DeShetler                     Matthew Zachary Kravitz
Reid Alexander Dewez                       Noah Douglas Kurtz
Daniel Paul Dixon                          Erik Kurt Lang
Thomas John Lauber             Joseph Yance Roberts
Ryan Edward Lewis              Donovan James Roda
Jack Baker Lindemann           Blake Edmond Roller
Mitchell Henry List            William Patrick Ruess
Jacob Peter Lowis              Jacob Daniel Ryan
Nicholas Jonathan Lusky        Sean Patrick Ryan
Myles Kenyon Macklin           Collin James Sattler
Daniel Christopher Marino      Aaron Thomas Schwirian
John Patrick Martin            Ethan Joseph Seewald
Timothy Joseph Martin          Brant Kyler Shepherd
Oscar Steve Martinez Moreno    Abel Retta Shete
Quinn Patrick Matteson         Braeden Chase Singleton
Henry Paul Mauntel             Alexander Lee Smith
Colin Patrick McClain          Andrew James Somodi
Zach Robert McClimon           Samuel Grant Spalding
Blake Thomas McDonald          Nathan Alexander Stevenson
Leule Mengistu Mesfin          Brodie Patrick Sullivan
Alexander James Michalec       Maximilian Stephen Taylor
Peter Matthew Minneci          Emanuel Hintsa Tewolde
Angus Bass Moore               Joshua Murray Thomas
Harrison Scott Mounts          Joel Philip Tobler
Garrett Joseph Nerone          Tommy Anh Trinh
Sean Anthony Noonan            Ryan Kenneth Utt
Samuel Vincent Nori            Andrew Benjamin Van Buren
Brennan Richard O’Brien        Dean Vincent Vitale
Jack Thomas O’Brien            Matthew Edwin Voegele
Teague Joseph O’Brien          Christian Alexander Walter
Thomas Findley O’Reilly, Jr.   Brayden Thomas West
Diego Fidel Pitones            Brady Dean Westin
Nathanael Evan Polinsky        Bennett James Willson
Dominic Gregory Porter         Erik Michael Witherspoon
Liam Thomas Pratt              Maximus Faustino Wood
John Rush Prophater            Jacob Bradford Woodruff
John Protz                     William Benjamin Wordsworth
Nicholas Patrick Putz          Reece Steven Yakubov
Liam Michael Quinlan           Isaiah Prophet Yarngo
Lukas Gabriel Rakowsky         Jason David Zehala
Donnie Lee Richardson          Liam Harold Zieg
Class of 2021
                           Individual Awards

                      Highest Accum for Four Years

                         Announced at Graduation

                            Principal’s Award
           for Outstanding Service to School and Community
           This commendation is awarded for leadership by example,
                      attitude, disposition and courage.

                              Joel Philip Tobler

         The Bishop Herrmann Service Award and Scholarship
    This Award is presented to one senior in each diocesan high school who
    has, by his exceptional service to the community, continued the work of
                     Bishop Herrmann in our diocese.

                             Daniel Paul Dixon

                     Bishop Fulcher Memorial Award
   Each year St. Charles recognizes one senior who has achieved excellence
   in creative writing, in drama, in the visual arts, in journalism, or in music.

                          Jacob Bradford Woodruff

                 Monsignor Paul J. O’Dea Latin Award
   This award is given to the senior who attains the highest grade average for
                          4 years in the study of Latin.

                           Spencer Willock Green

               The Father Charles Jackson Leadership Medal
This medal is presented to the senior Student Council president for service to
       the school and the student body throughout the school year.

                          Zach Robert McClimon
Concluding Remarks and Prayer 		                              James R. Lower, Principal

                                  Concluding Rite

Priest: The Lord be with you.
People: And with your spirit.
People: Amen.


Priest: The Mass is ended. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.

                                     Alma Mater

                               Hail, Alma Mater dear.
                               Loyal Carolians here.
                            Thy fame spread far and near
                                 O’er hill and dale;
                              Our voices raise to thee,
                             Singing their praise to thee
                             And happy days with thee,
                                Saint Charles, hail!

                             When student days are o’er
                             And classes meet no more.
                            When life has called the score:
                                    Prosper or fail;
                              Still in the twilight gray,
                                 As ages pass away,
                              Lift we our hearts to say,
                                 Saint Charles, hail!

                                   Closing Hymn

                             All praise and thanks to God
                              The Father now be given,
                              The Son and Spirit blest,
                            Who reigns in highest heaven
                                 Eternal Triune God,
                            Whom earth and heaven adore.
                                    For thus it was,
                                        is now,
                               And shall be ever more.
St. Charles Preparatory School College Report Class of 2021
             Produced by St. Charles College Counselor, Jeffrey S. Stahlman

It is my honor to report on the achievements and college selections for the Class of
2021. It has been a wild year unlike any other I have ever experienced in 32 years.
I am proud of our 2021 graduates for their achievements, sacrifices, and positivity.

The Class of 2021 has survived the most difficult college admission year
of all-time with the selectivity of most colleges reaching all-time highs and
the number of admitted students hitting all-time lows. The class of 2021
has distinguished itself in a couple of areas regarding college admissions.

First, the Class of 2021 had the highest one-year total of colleges who admitted
our students in the past several years (191). Second, they set the record for
the number of different colleges they will attend (61). They have made these
accomplishments despite being one of our smaller classes with 134 graduates.
Students have been admitted to colleges all over the country and will attend
schools from Maine (Colby College) to California (Pepperdine, UC San Diego)
to Florida (St. Leo) and nearly everywhere in-between. Three students will attend
college in the United Kingdom this year - two in England and one in Wales. In
fact, 38% of the Class of 2021 will attend college outside of Ohio (another record).

      College Admission Data 134 Graduates of the Class of 2021
The Class of 2021 were offered a total of more than $27.7 million dollars if prorated over
four all years of college. Our seniors accepted $1.47 million dollars in usable, first-year
scholarships that equates to $10,983 on average per senior. One student received the full
tuition and room and board Joyce Scholarship from the University of Notre Dame and
another received the prestigious Eminence Scholarship from The Ohio State University that
also includes full tuition and room and board.

• 191 different colleges admitted our students (a record).
• Our students will attend 61 different colleges all over the country (a record).
• 38% of our students will attend college outside of Ohio (a record).
• 41% of our students will attend private colleges and universities.
• 85% of our students received an offer of admission to their top choice college.
• 91% of our students received college admission offers to their 1st and 2nd choices.
• 98% of our students received admission to one of their top three choice colleges.
• 12% of our students applied as Early Decision candidates.

                                       In Addition

• three students will attend college in the United Kingdom at Northumbria University and Hult
International Business School in England and at Cardiff Metropolitan University in Wales!
• four seniors became National Merit Finalists, one a National Merit Semi-Finalist and nine
were National Merit Commended Scholars.
• COVID-19 has not stopped students from leaving Ohio – 38% of this class intends to
attend college outside of Ohio, and farther away than ever. It is a tribute to the adventurous
spirit of the young men of the Class of 2021.
Group Awards
                                President’s Award
                                  for Education
This award was established to encourage students to achieve high academic
standards by recognizing and rewarding them for educational excellence. To receive
this award students must meet the following requirements: Students must obtain
a grade point average of at least a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale; students must achieve in the
85th percentile or higher in math or reading on the ACT or SAT test. The following
seniors in the St. Charles graduating class of 2021 have met or surpassed this.

Cole Clayton Abbott                        Henry Paul Mauntel
Alexander Anton Alexandrov                 Zach Robert McClimon
Jackson Doyle Baird                        Peter Matthew Minneci
Cooper John Beggs                          Angus Bass Moore
Luke Joseph Blubaugh                       Garrett Joseph Nerone
William James Borchers                     Sean Anthony Noonan
Colin Owen Brame                           Samuel Vincent Nori
Keller Austin Bueneman                     Brennan Richard O’Brien
Cade Robert Campbell                       Jack Thomas O’Brien
Samuel Allen Carey                         Teague Joseph O’Brien
John Paul Butler Carson                    Thomas Findley O’Reilly, Jr.
John Peter Cassanos                        Diego Fidel Pitones
George Franklin Cottrill                   Nathanael Evan Polinsky
Andrew Kreber Curtin                       Dominic Gregory Porter
Reid Alexander Dewez                       John Rush Prophater
Daniel Paul Dixon                          John Protz
Dominic M. Doukakis                        Nicholas Patrick Putz
Benjamin Joseph Franz                      Liam Michael Quinlan
Spencer Willock Green                      Lukas Gabriel Rakowsky
Kian Edward Haghnazari                     Donovan James Roda
Cole Thomas Hankinson                      Jacob Daniel Ryan
Colin Daniel Hayter                        Sean Patrick Ryan
Ambrose Joseph Heyer                       Ethan Joseph Seewald
Brian Brennan Huber                        Braeden Chase Singleton
John David Hummel                          Alexander Lee Smith
Alex Joseph Jimenez                        Andrew James Somodi
Owen Achilles Karas                        Nathan Alexander Stevenson
Jack Henry Klingler                        Brodie Patrick Sullivan
Matthew Zachary Kravitz                    Maximilian Stephen Taylor
Thomas John Lauber                         Joshua Murray Thomas
Ryan Edward Lewis                          Joel Philip Tobler
Jack Baker Lindemann                       Ryan Kenneth Utt
Mitchell Henry List                        Matthew Edwin Voegele
Jacob Peter Lowis                          Maximus Faustino Wood
Nicholas Jonathan Lusky                    Reece Steven Yakubov
Daniel Christopher Marino
National Honor Society

     Membership in the National Honor Society is determined by faculty council
vote on the basis of the student’s scholarship, his demonstrated character, leadership
and service. There are 74 senior members of the Borromean Chapter of the National
Honor Society who have maintained all the standards by which they were inducted
through graduation. Elected by their classmates, the officers for NHS this year were:
President                                  Secretary
John Rush Prophater                        Dominic Milton Doukakis
Vice President                             Treasurer
Joel Philip Tobler                         Jacob Peter Lowis

Cole Clayton Abbott                        Daniel Christopher Marino
Alexander Anton Alexandrov                 Henry Paul Mauntel
Cooper John Beggs                          Zach Robert McClimon
Luke Joseph Blubaugh                       Alexander James Michalec
Colin Owen Brame                           Peter Matthew Minneci
Keller Austin Bueneman                     Angus Bass Moore
Cade Robert Campbell                       Garrett Joseph Nerone
Samuel Allen Carey                         Sean Anthony Noonan
John Paul Butler Carson                    Samuel Vincent Nori
John Peter Cassanos                        Brennan Richard O’Brien
George Franklin Cottrill                   Jack Thomas O’Brien
Andrew Kreber Curtin                       Teague Joseph O’Brien
Drew Anthony DeShetler                     Thomas Findley O’Reilly, Jr.
Reid Alexander Dewez                       Diego Fidel Pitones
Daniel Paul Dixon                          John Protz
Benjamin Joseph Franz                      Nicholas Patrick Putz
Spencer Willock Green                      Liam Michael Quinlan
Kian Edward Haghnazari                     Donovan James Roda
Cole Thomas Hankinson                      Jacob Daniel Ryan
Colin Daniel Hayter                        Sean Patrick Ryan
Alexander Christian Herzberg               Ethan Joseph Seewald
Ambrose Joseph Heyer                       Braeden Chase Singleton
Brian Brennan Huber                        Alexander Lee Smith
John David Hummel                          Andrew James Somodi
Justin Dean Imber                          Nathan Alexander Stevenson
Alex Joseph Jimenez                        Maximilian Stephen Taylor
Owen Achilles Karas                        Joshua Murray Thomas
Jack Henry Klingler                        Ryan Kenneth Utt
Thomas John Lauber                         Matthew Edwin Voegele
Ryan Edward Lewis                          Brayden Thomas West
Jack Baker Lindemann                       Brady Dean Westin
Mitchell Henry List                        Bennett James Willson
Nicholas Jonathan Lusky                    Reece Steven Yakubov
Student Council

Officers of the Student Council are elected by the student body. The elected
senior officers for the 2020-2021 school year are:

President                                  Treasurer
Zach Robert McClimon                       Benjamin Joseph Auletta

                            National Merit Scholars

National Merit Finalists are selected from the top 1/2 of 1 percent of all students
in the nation who have taken the PSAT. Commended scholars comprise the top
5 percent.
                                Colin Owen Brame
                               Samuel Allen Carey
                              Spencer Willock Green
                            Nicholas Jonathan Lusky

                             Cole Thomas Hankinson

                     National Merit Commended Scholars
                           Keller Austin Bueneman
                              John Peter Cassanos
                             Brian Brennan Huber
                              Mitchell Henry List
                            Peter Matthew Minneci
                               Angus Bass Moore
                          Nathan Alexander Stevenson
                         Andrew Benjamin. Van Buren
                            Reece Steven Yakubov

                     Representatives of the Class of 2021
                    Selected to Attend Buckeye Boys’ State
                               Cooper John Beggs
                              Ryan Edward Lewis
St. Charles Preparatory School
         Class of 2021
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