Page created by Dustin Francis

PERSPECTIVES                               SUMMER 2020

 LAND                                                                                                INSIDE

  MUSEUM                                                                        4 Civil Rights
                                                                                8 Currency
     amidst a global pandemic, does our understanding of what it
                                                                               10 Essay: Zionism and
     means to be oppressed change? Now that the entire world has gotten
     a taste of what being truly vulnerable feels like, will our response to
     persecuted communities change?
                                                                                  Anti-Zionism Are
     The Jewish Museum of the Palestinian Experience was founded
     to help provide a more complete, more Jewish, understanding of               Not Incompatible
     the conflict in the Holy Land. The second issue of our magazine
     discusses the ideas of liberation, oppression, and civil rights by
     drawing a parallel with the global Coronavirus pandemic.                  11 Credits
     The museum focuses primarily on material from Jewish and Israeli
     sources. Palestinian sources are valuable, too, particularly for
     understanding Palestinian perspectives, and the Museum of the
     Palestinian People can provide that perspective. Hopefully, a better
     understanding will lead to what we all truly desire: peace, security,
     and justice for all the people living in Israel/Palestine, for both
     Jewish and non-Jewish families.
                                                                               COVER IMAGE: Bethlehem children play near the Israeli security barrier.
                                                                                THIS PAGE: A Palestinian activist confronts Israeli soldiers in a protest
1#                                                                                   against the encirclement of the West Bank town of Al-Walaja.           #
            antisemitism has been called the oldest hatred in history. The Jewish
            community has been familiar with ostracization, persecution, and blatant
            bigotry for centuries. It is no wonder that Jews have been at the forefront
                of civil rights movements across the world—from Rabbi Abraham
            Joshua Heschel marching alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to defense
             attorney Isie Maisels standing beside Nelson Mandela, championing the
                              South African anti-apartheid movement.

               Jews have been committed to the cause of an egalitarian society—
            one based on the virtues of peace, tolerance, and brotherhood. This does,
             however, beg the question: are the Palestinians treated fairly? Do they
                       receive the same rights as other families in Israel?

                     Martin Luther King marches against racism with a group of Jewish activists.

4# PROMISED LAND MUSEUM MAGAZINE                                                                   SUMMER 2020   #5
                                                                                                                                          the structures are built without permits. However, as      West Bank, an illegal practice under international
                                                                                                                                          Human Rights Watch notes, as with drinking water,          humanitarian law.”
                                                                                                                                          such permits are almost impossible for Palestinians to
                                                                                                                                          obtain in areas under Israeli control. A 2014 Reuters      Since the Six Day War in 1967, Israel has imprisoned
                                                                                                                                          article brought this crime to light: 663 Palestinian       more than 800,000 Arabs, most of them for political
                                                                                                                                          structures have been demolished. Even the Red Cross        crimes. This accounts for 40 percent of the male
                                                                                                                                          has announced that it will stop delivering tents to        population, or one-fifth of the total Palestinian
                                                                                                                                          Palestinians who have been made homeless in the            population. According to the Addameer Prisoner
                                                                                                                                          Jordan border region of the Occupied West Bank.            Support and Human Rights Association, 4,700
                                                                                                                                          They cite Israeli obstruction and confiscation of aid as   Palestinian political prisoners are being held in Israeli
                                                                                                                                          reasons for doing so.                                      prisons and detention centers as of April, 2020. Of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     these, 185 are under the age of 16. Human rights
                                                                                                                                          THE SEPARATION WALL                                        violations in these prisons are plentiful.
PICTURED: Children participate in a protest against South Africa’s apartheid policies.
                                                                                                                                          AND ISSUES OVER MOVEMENT
                                                                                                                                          Also dubbed the “racial segregation” or “apartheid”        Palestinian political prisoners in Israel are often
                                                                                                                                          wall, the first section of the separation barrier was      jailed without trial and face torture while being held.
                    It has been said that history doesn’t repeat itself, but     The Center of Economic and Social Rights states,         constructed in 1994. When complete, it will be over        Around 1,200 complaints have been officially filed
                    it does rhyme. During the time when the apartheid            “The Israeli confiscation of water resources is a        400 miles in length and 25 feet in height. To put it       against internal security services for torture, but not
                    regime was still in place in South Africa, Archbishop        defining feature of the Israeli occupation and a         into perspective, the Berlin Wall was 96 miles long,       a single agent has been prosecuted. In 2017, the
                    Desmond Tutu stated that if he were to change the            major impediment to a just resolution of the Israel-     and only 11.8 feet tall.                                   Israeli High Court ruled in favor of security service
                    names, “a description of what is happening in the            Palestine conflict.”                                                                                                Shin Bet, which used extreme forms of torture
                    Gaza Strip and the West Bank could describe events                                                                    Other than illegally occupying Palestinian territory—      in order to extract information from Palestinian
                    in South Africa.” At the 2014 General Assembly of            In 1967, the Israeli authorities issued an order         an act condemned by the International Court of             detainee Assad Abu Ghosh.
                    Presbyterian Church USA, Tutu once again brought             which disallowed Palestinians from constructing          Justice—the wall serves another, equally draconian,
                    up the parallel. “I know firsthand that Israel has           new water installations without first obtaining a        purpose: it restricts the movement of people, and as
                    created an apartheid reality within its borders and          permit from the Israeli army. These permits are          a result significantly curbs their freedom.
                    through its occupation,” he said.                            impossible to come by. Since then, the problem of
                                                                                 water scarcity in Palestine has skyrocketed. Ground      Over 700 roadblocks control Palestinian movement
                    The world began reconsidering the Israeli occupation         water in Gaza has been over-pumped due to a rising       within the West Bank. Of these, 140 are checkpoints
                    of Palestine in a new light after the first intifada broke   refugee population and is now considered unfit for       that limit and control the movement of goods and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CONCLUDING SUMMARY
                    out in December, 1987. Since then, reports of gross          human consumption because it is mixing with salt         workers. They have proved extremely detrimental
                    human rights abuses and infringement of the principles       water from the Mediterranean Sea. Gazans spend           to Palestine’s economy. (A 2014 World Bank Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Since the formal establishment of Israel in
                    of peace, justice, and equality have grown. The Jewish       up to one-fourth of their household income on            ascertains that poverty levels in Gaza stand at 39
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1948, Palestinians have been persecuted and
                    community, well acquainted with being discriminated          water supplied by Israel.                                percent and unemployment at 41 percent.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                        oppressed to some degree or other. Tragically,
                    against, has championed egalitarianism in different
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the strength of these oppressive forces seems
                    parts of the world throughout modern history. It             PALESTINIAN HOMES                                        HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                        to grow by the day. Civil rights are one of the
                    therefore is not entirely surprising when large numbers      IN ISRAEL/PALESTINE                                      BY ISRAEL IN PALESTINE
                                                                                                                                                                                                        key benchmarks of a just and free society,
                    of Jewish people speak out against the violation of the      Palestinians with Israeli citizenship make up a third    “World Report 2020” released by Human Rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                        a society Israel and Palestine must move
                    most basic rights of innocent Palestinian people.            of the population in Jerusalem but have access           Watch notes that Israeli authorities have gained
                                                                                                                                                                                                        towards. Actions of the Israeli authorities must
                                                                                 to only seven percent of urban land. Since 1967,         global notoriety for “severe and discriminatory
                                                                                                                                                                                                        be condemned on the world stage. Israel must
                    BLOCKING ACCESS TO WATER                                     the Jerusalem Municipality has constructed over          restriction on Palestinians’ human rights; restrict
                                                                                                                                                                                                        be held accountable for the numerous crimes
                    Access to safe and clean drinking water is a                 100,000 housing units in Jewish areas. In Palestinian    the movement of people and goods into and out
                                                                                                                                                                                                        against humanity it has committed.
                    fundamental right that has officially been recognized        areas, the number is only 500. Israel also carries out   of the Gaza Strip, and facilitate the transfer of
                    by the UN. In Israel/Palestine, Israel controls the water.   Palestinian home demolitions on the grounds that         Israeli citizens to settlements in the occupied

6#   PROMISED LAND MUSEUM MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SUMMER 2020      7
                            People in different groups often misjudge the motivations                     Factual Data and Figures
                                                                                                          Using our heads more than our hearts
                                                                                                                                                                           Anecdotes and Storytelling
                                                                                                                                                                           Using our hearts more than our heads
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 What lessons are learned?

                            of others. This phenomenon is seen in Israel/Palestine
                                                                                                          In 2019, police officers killed 1,098 people                     On May 25, 2020, 46-year-old George                   It took the single story of
                            along with many other conflicts throughout the world.                         in the U.S. While the large majority of these                    Floyd—an unarmed black man—was                        George Floyd to motivate
                                                                                                          victims were armed, blacks were 3 times more                     brutally murdered by white police officers.           people to protest in the streets.
                            In this section, we illustrate this common cause of struggle                  likely to be killed than whites even though                      A video of the incident was released online
                                                                                                          they were 1.3 times less likely to be armed.1                    with Floyd saying, “I can’t breathe” while
                            via various current events.                                                                                                                    the arresting officer pressed his knee against
                                                                                                                                                                           Floyd’s neck, almost as if he was enjoying it.

                                                                                                          In 2019, 89 law enforcement officers (an                         We accept and understand that being a                 The impact of someone
                                                                                                          average of 1.7 per week) were killed in the                      police officer means putting oneself in harm’s        we know is far greater than
                                                                                                          line of duty across the U.S.2                                    way as part of the job. But when 32-year-             any statistic.
                                                                                                                                                                           old officer Jordan Sheldon—sweet, kind
                                                                                                                                                                           and great with people—was shot and killed
                            Civil Rights: Stories Matter More Than                                                                                                         during a routine traffic stop in Mooresville,

                            Numbers, But Numbers Are People Too                                                                                                            North Carolina, the community mourned
                                                                                                                                                                           the loss of their hero.

                            one of the qualities that make us human is the                                Hundreds of thousand Palestinians were                           A 32-year-old unarmed Palestinian man                 An Israeli Prime Minister
                            impact stories have on us. We are wired to respond to stories and to          made refugees and kept from their homes.                         named Eyad Hallaq was shot to death as he             apologized for his killing,
                            find comfort in narrative arcs, interesting or familiar characters, and       Israeli forces kill thousands of Palestinians.                   cowered next to a garbage bin on May 30,              not for the hundreds of
                            a lesson or moral delivered in an interesting way.                            34 Palestinians were killed and over 1,800                       2020. His caregiver pleaded for his life as she       thousand Palestinians made
                                                                                                          injured with live ammunition by Israeli forces                   tried to explain to Israeli police officers that      refugees or the thousands of
                                                                                                          during one single protest in October, 2019.3                     he had autism.                                        Palestinians killed.
                            While stories stir emotions and garner empathy, numbers over a
                            certain size aren’t something that move us emotionally, even when
                                                                                                          According to the Israeli Information Center                      Yocheved Shoshan, age 10, was killed, and             The killing of an identifiable
                            those numbers represent people. For example, it’s the tragedy of
                                                                                                          for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories                     her 15-year-old sister Miriam was severely            victim can have much greater
                            George Floyd, an unarmed black man brutally killed by a white police          (B’tselem), 59 Israeli civilians were killed by                  injured with 60 nails lodged in her body in           impact on our thinking
                            officer’s knee while other officers looked on that motivates people           Palestinians between January 2009 and                            the 2001 Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing            than do statistics on larger
                            from different backgrounds to protest in unison, not statistics about         April 2020.4                                                     in Jerusalem.                                         numbers of deaths.
                            how often incidents like this tend to happen.

                            People tend to respond to extreme narratives that are often outliers and   REFERENCES
                                                                                                       1 “Mapping Police Violence”. 2020.
                            not representative of what typically happens in a given situation. The
                            salience of a story garners attention. The incident of an unarmed man’s
                                                                                                       2 FBI National Press Office. “FBI Releases 2019 Statistics on Law Enforcement
                            horrific death and the knee of someone who should be protecting              Officers Killed in the Line of Duty”. May 4, 2020.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Stories shape our world. Too often, people
                            the citizenry triggered widespread public outcries across the United                                      on each side see their position based on the
                                                                                                         statistics-on-law-enforcement-officers-killed-in-the-line-of-duty                                        moving stories of individuals and see the
                            States and around the globe; the ongoing, day-to-day injustice that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  opposition as only a numbers.
                            protests hope to abolish did not light the spark.                          3 “Israel and Palestine: Events of 2019”. 2019.

                                                                                                       4 The Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.
                                                                                                         “Fatalities Since Operation Cast Lead”. 2020.

      8          PROMISED LAND MUSEUM MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                               SUMMER 2020             9

                                          Zionism and Anti-Zionism Are Not Incompatible
                                          Dr. Steven Feldman

                                                    recent Intelligence Squared debate took on       in order to create a state that privileges Jews over
                                                    the question of whether anti-Zionism is          other people. Jews have an intense aversion to
                                                    the new anti-Semitism. While the debaters        discrimination and bigotry, and because of that many
                                          (two Americans, an Israeli and a Palestinian) did not      Jews are anti-Zionist when Zionism is understood
                                          specifically define what was meant by Zionism or           as mistreating non-Jewish Palestinian people. We
                                          anti-Zionism, Intelligence Squared defined Zionism         Jews pray “Next year in Jerusalem,” not, “Next
                                                                                                                                                                   A B O U T T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N
                                          as “the belief that the Jewish people have a right to      year in Jerusalem by making and keeping peaceful
                                          statehood in Israel.”                                      non-Jewish Palestinian families refugees from their
                                                                                                     homes.” Anti-Zionists believe that Zionists are racists       This magazine has been developed by the
                                          Growing up in an orthodox Jewish community,                because it is racist to think that it is acceptable to          Promised Land Museum a project of
                                          Zionism seemed entirely reasonable to me. Many of          make and keep peaceful families refugees from their             The Coalition for Peace with Justice.
                                                                      the people I grew up with      homes in order to support a state run by a minority.
                                                                      made Aliyah, they “went
                                  We Jews pray “Next                  up” and moved to Israel.       The objective observer sees that those who regard              The Promised Land Museum was founded
                                                                      My wife and I have a lot       themselves as Zionists do not believe they have a            to provide a Jewish Perspective on the Israel/
                                   year in Jerusalem,”                of family in Israel, Jews      right to mistreat non-Jewish people. The objective            Palestine conflict. This perspective is rooted
                                                                      who made their way from        observer also sees that anti-Zionists are in no way
                                                                                                                                                                     in Jewish values, to treat our neighbor as
                                   not, “Next year in                 Europe, the United States,     anti-Semitic and that Jews want to live in Israel/
                                                                                                                                                                           we would want to be treated.
                                                                      and South Africa and           Palestine in peace, that Palestinian families want to
                                Jerusalem by making                   who raised families there.     live in Palestine/Israel in peace, and that there is no
                                                                      Zionists believe Zionism       conflict in achieving both these goals at the same        The mission of the Coalition for Peace with Justice
                                and keeping peaceful                  refers to Jews returning       time. Palestinian Jews, Christians and Muslims used        (CPWJ) is to work for a just and sustainable peace
                                                                      to the land of Israel. At      to live together peacefully in the Holy Land and
                                                                                                                                                               in Israel-Palestine. We educate the public, advocate
                               non-Jewish Palestinian                 Passover, we Jews pray,        certainly can again.
                                                                      “Next year in Jerusalem.”                                                                   for change based on equal rights, and directly
                                families refugees from                Zionists believe that anti-    Had Intelligence Squared defined anti-Zionism as               support peace builders in Israel-Palestine.
                                                                      Zionists are anti-Semitic      “the belief that Jewish people do not have a right
                                         their homes.”                because Jews have had a        to expel peaceful Palestinian families from their           If you are interested in contributing to a future
                                                                      constant presence in the       homes and to make and keep them refugees in order
                                                                      Holy Land and should           to maintain Jewish hegemony in a land that had a
                                                                                                                                                                 issue, visit us on social media or contact us via
                                                                      have a right to go to Israel   majority non-Jewish population,” it may have been              email at
                                                                      peacefully. Excluding          clearer that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism but is
                                                                      people from going to           a reflection of walking the talk of Jewish values.
                                          Israel/Palestine simply because they are Jewish would
                                          be a racist, anti-Semitic view.
                                                                                                                         Dr. Steven Feldman is a
                                          But people who are anti-Zionists are generally not                             U.S.-based dermatologist
                                          at all concerned with peaceful people—Jewish or                                and Curator of the Jewish
                                          otherwise—going to live in the Holy Land. Anti-                                Museum of the Palestinian
                                          Zionists believe Zionism refers to Jews expelling                              Experience.
                                          peaceful Palestinian families from their homes

            10                  PROMISED LAND MUSEUM MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                         SUMMER 2020   11



                              @Promised Land

         For more information or to share this message of peace
    with your community, contact the Coalition for Peace with Justice,
                  PO Box 2081, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
               919-914-9881 /
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