Lenten regulations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge - Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton ...

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Lenten regulations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge - Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton ...

  Lent                                                                                            PRAYER SERVICES | THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU!
                                                                                                 STATIONS OF THE CROSS | PENANCE SERVICES

 Lenten regulations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge
   As per the Pagella Policies of the        of other smaller quantities of food at the     a solemnity and fasting on all Lenten         Clergy (priests and deacons) who have
Diocese of Baton Rouge, as in the rest of    other customary mealtimes is permitted.        weekdays (especially Wednesdays and           legitimate residence and active ministry
the church in the United States, Catholics   Food and drink “between meals”                 Fridays), and on Holy Saturday, is strongly   within the Diocese of Baton Rouge have
aged 18 through 59 are bound by a grave      (excepting only water and medicine) is not     recommended to all the faithful.              been delegated the power to dispense the
obligation to observe a solemn fast on Ash   permitted on fast days.                           There always remains, of course,           faithful of the diocese, in individual cases
Wednesday and Good Friday. Catholics             To abstain from meat means refraining      the grave obligation to participate at        and for a just reason, from the obligation
aged 14 and up are to abstain from meat      from eating beef, veal, pork or poultry at     Holy Mass on all Sundays and days of          to observe a particular day of penance or
on Ash Wednesday, all Fridays of Lent and    least, although not necessarily eggs, milk     obligation.                                   to commute some or all of its obligations
Good Friday as well. These norms have        products or meat broths, or condiments            Each in his or her own way, every          to other pious works. Included in this is
been established by the U.S. Conference      made from animal fat. The consumption          Christian is bound to do penance by           the faculty to dispense from the Lenten
of Catholic Bishops in accord with the       of fish, shellfish and reptiles is permitted   virtue of divine law. Only ill health or      obligations to fast and abstain from meat.
norms of canons 1249-1253 in the revised     if desired.                                    some similar situation of urgency excuses.    Yet the obligation to do some kind of
Code of Canon Law of 1983.                       Beyond the mandatory days listed           During the Lenten season, Christ Jesus’       penance remains a serious one and will
   To fast means to consume only one         above, abstinence from meat on every           own challenges to prayer, fasting and         not be taken lightly by a good Catholic.
full meal a day at most, although taking     Friday throughout the year which is not        almsgiving are paramount.
Lenten regulations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge - Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton ...
2B   The Catholic Commentator                                                           LENT 2022                                                                    February 25, 2022

       Ash Wednesday in the Diocese of Baton Rouge
ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES &                              Springfield                             St. Elizabeth Church                       St. George Church
  DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES                               6 p.m.                                  119 Hwy. 403                               7808 St. George Dr.
                                                      Mary Hebert 225-567-3573                Paincourtville                             Baton Rouge
Immaculate Conception Church
12364 Hwy. 416                                                                                7:45 a.m., noon                            6:15 a.m., 8 a.m., noon, 6 p.m.
                                                      Sts. Anthony of Padua and Le Van        Communion service with ashes
8 a.m., noon, 6 p.m.
                                                      Phung Church                            225-473-8569                               St. Joseph Church
                                                      2305 Choctaw Dr.                                                                   225 N 8th St.
Confessions one hour before each Mass
                                                      Baton Rouge                             St. Jules Church                           Ponchatoula
Suzanne Maginnis 225-627-5124
                                                      7 a.m., English                         7165 Hwy. 1, Belle Rose                    8 a.m., 6 p.m.
                                                      Noon, 7:30 p.m., Vietnamese             6 p.m.                                     Angela Perrin 985-386-3749
St. John the Baptist Church
                                                      7 a.m., noon Mass St. Joseph Chapel     225-473-8569
403 Kirkland Dr., Brusly
8 a.m., noon, 6 p.m.                                                                                                                     St. Joseph the Worker Church
Layne Mire 225-749-2189
                                                      Sacred Heart of Jesus Church            Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church              3304 Hwy. 705
                                                      2250 Main St., Baton Rouge              11485 St. Ferdinand St.                    Pierre Part
                                                      Noon, 6 p.m.                            St. Francisville                           6:30 a.m., noon, 7 p.m.
Our Lady of Pompeii Church
                                                      Tiffany Dykes 225-387-6671              7:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.                       Susan Hue 985-252-6008
14450 Hwy. 442 W
6 p.m.
                                                      Holy Rosary Church                      Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel          Our Lady of Prompt Succor
                                                      4450 Hwy. 429                           3167 Church St.                            32615 Bowie St.
Deacon Al Levy 985-345-8957
                                                      St. Amant                               Jackson                                    White Castle
                                                      6 a.m., noon, 6 p.m.                    Noon                                       9 a.m., 6 p.m.
St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland
                                                      225-647-5321                                                                       Susan Hue 985-252-6008
30300 Catholic Hall Rd.                                                                       St. Anne Church
                                                      Holy Family Church                      411 St. Joseph St.                         Immaculate Conception Church
                                                      319 N. Jefferson Ave.                   Napoleonville                              865 Hatchell Ln.
6 a.m., noon
                                                      Port Allen                              12:10 – 1 p.m.                             Denham Springs
Mary Hebert 225-567-3573
                                                      8 a.m., 6 p.m. Mass with ashes                                                     7 & 8:30 a.m., noon, 5 & 7 p.m.
                                                      Noon ashes only                         St. Mary of False River Church             Church office 225-665-5359
St. Thomas Chapel
                                                      Holy Family 225-383-1838                348 West Main St.
32191 Hwy. 22
                                                                                              New Roads                                  Sacred Heart Chapel
                                                                                              7 a.m., noon, 6 p.m.                       29589 South Poplar St.
                                                                                              Lisa Chutz 225-638-9665                    Livingston
                                                                                                                                         7 a.m., 12:05 p.m. ashes only

          Looking for Daily                                                                   St. Patrick Church
                                                                                              12424 Brogdon Lane
                                                                                              Baton Rouge
                                                                                                                                         St. Paul the Apostle Church
                                                                                                                                         3912 Gus Young Ave.

           Mass Schedules?
                                                                                              8 a.m., noon, 6:30 p.m.                    Baton Rouge
                                                                                              Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750              9 a.m., 6 p.m.
                                                                                                                                         Parish office 225-383-2537
                                                                                              St. Benedict the Moor Church
                                                                                              5479 Hwy. 1                                St. Mark Church
                                                                                              Napoleonville                              42021 Hwy. 621
                                                                                              7 a.m.                                     Gonzales
                                                                                              Father Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3410           8:30 a.m., noon (ashes only),
                                                          Please refer                        St. Augustine Chapel
                                                                                                                                         6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                         Cecile Haley 225-450-9469/
                                                             to the                           174 Hwy. 1003
                                                                                              Belle Rose

                                                         Annual Mass                          6 p.m.
                                                                                              Father Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3410
                                                                                                                                         St. Alphonsus Church
                                                                                                                                         14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.

                                                           Schedule,                          St. Jean Vianney Church
                                                                                                                                         Greenwell Springs
                                                                                                                                         6 & 8 a.m., noon, 6 p.m.

                                                        released in the                       16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.
                                                                                              Baton Rouge
                                                                                                                                         Church office 225-261-4650

                                                                                              6:15 & 8:30 a.m., noon 6:30 p.m.           St. Agnes Church
                                                       Jan. 14 issue of                       Church office 225-753-7950                 749 East Blvd.
                          2022                                                                                                           Baton Rouge
                                                         The Catholic                         Our Lady of Mercy Church                   6 a.m., noon, 5:30 p.m.
      Mass Schedule                                                                           445 Marquette Ave.                         Confessions 30 minutes before each
                                                        Commentator.                          Baton Rouge
                                                                                              6:30 & 8 a.m., noon, 6 p.m.
                                                                                                                                         Margaret Lovecraft
                                                                                              Deacon Richard Grant 225-926-1883          225-383-4127

                                                                                              St. Aloysius Church                        St. Joseph Church
                 Don’t have one?                                                              2025 Stuart Ave.
                                                                                              Baton Rouge
                                                                                                                                         15710 LA Hwy. 16
                                                                                                                                         French Settlement

               Call 225-387-0983.
                                                                                              6 & 8 a.m., noon (live streamed), 6 p.m.   8:10 a.m., 5:30 p.m.
                                                                                              Tyler Waggenspack 225-343-6657             Office 225-698-3110
Lenten regulations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge - Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton ...
February 25, 2022                                                              LENT 2022                                                                                       The Catholic Commentator    5

       Spiritual renewal opportunities of the Lenten season
                    MARCH 2              14450 Hwy. 442 W                            Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750                                Deacon Richard Grant 225-926-1883
Ash Wednesday Retreat
                                         6 p.m.                                      Adoration                                                    Stations of the Cross
St. Alphonsus Church
                                         Deacon Al Levy 985-345-8957                 St. Benedict the Moor Church                                 St. Aloysius Church
14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.
                                                                                     5479 Hwy. 1                                                  2025 Stuart Ave.
Greenwell Springs
                                         Stations of the Cross                       Napoleonville                                                Baton Rouge
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
                                         Sts. Anthony of Padua and                   7:30 – 8:30 a.m. after morning Mass                          7:15 a.m., 5:30 p.m.
$25 includes lunch
                                         Le Van Phung Church                         Father Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3410                             Tyler Waggenspack 225-343-6657
Church office 225-261-4650
                                         2305 Choctaw Dr.
Olga Johnson 225-265-4644
                                         Baton Rouge                                 Stations of the Cross                                        Stations of the Cross
                                         4:30 p.m. English in chapel                 St. Benedict the Moor Church                                 St. George Church
  MARCH 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18 23,
   25, 30 APRIL 1, 6, 8 & 13             7 p.m. Vietnamese                           5479 Hwy. 1                                                  7808 St. George Dr.
                                         Rev. Peter Hieu Nguyen 225-4800             Napoleonville                                                Baton Rouge
Eucharistic Adoration                                                                5 p.m.                                                       Following 6 p.m. Mass
St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland Church   Stations of the Cross with School           Father Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3410                             7:30 p.m. Spanish
30300 Catholic Hall Rd.                  Students
Hammond                                  Sacred Heart of Jesus Church                Stations of the Cross                                        Stations of the Cross
Ash Wednesday 6:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.;        2250 Main St.                               St. Jean Vianney Church                                      St. Joseph Church
Wednesdays 7:30 a.m.–8 p.m.;             Baton Rouge                                 16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.                                 225 N 8th St.
Fridays 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.               2 p.m.                                      Baton Rouge                                                  Ponchatoula
Mary Hebert 225-567-3573                 Tiffany Dykes 225-387-6671                  6 p.m.                                                       6 p.m.
                                                                                     Church office 225-753-7950                                   Angela Perrin 985-386-3749
 MARCH 3, 4, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23,          Stations of the Cross
 24, 30, 31, APRIL 6, 7 13 & 14          Holy Rosary Church                          Stations of the Cross                                        Station of the Cross and Mass
Adoration                                44450 Hwy. 429                              Our Lady of Mercy Church                                     Our Lady of Prompt Succor
St. Patrick Church                       St. Amant                                   445 Marquette Ave.                                           32615 Bowie St.
12424 Brogdon Lane                       6 p.m.                                      Baton Rouge                                                  White Castle
Baton Rouge                              Reconciliation available during the         6 – 7 p.m.                                                   5 p.m.
8 a.m. – 3 p.m.                          stations                                    April 8 OLOM eighth grade will perform                       Susan Hue 985-252-6008
Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750            Wendy Enloe 225-647-5321                    Living Stations of the Cross                                           SEE SPIRITUALITY PAGE 5B

     MARCH 3, 10, 17, 24, 31,            Stations of the Cross

                                                                                      Planning a
          APRIL 7                        Holy Family Church
Adoration                                319 N. Jefferson Ave.
St. George Church                        Port Allen

                                                                                      St. Joseph
7808 St. George Dr.                      5 p.m.
Baton Rouge                              Church office 225-383-1838
7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
                                         Stations of the Cross

     MARCH 3, 10, 17, 24, 31,            Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
       APRIL 7, 21 & 28                  11485 St. Ferdinand St.
Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible       St. Francisville
(Bible Study)                            5:30 – 6 p.m.
St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland Church
30300 Catholic Hall Rd.                  Stations of the Cross                         The Catholic
                                         St. Anne Church
                                         411 St. Joseph St.
                                                                                       Commentator will be
6 p.m. with Father Paul Gros
$20 per person for study materials       Napoleonville                                 publishing a list of
Registration closes March 1              After 5:30 p.m. Mass and followed by
Jennifer Batson 817-269-7482             confessions                                   St. Joseph Altars in
                                         Stations of the Cross
                                                                                       the Diocese of Baton
        MARCH 4, 11, 18, 25,
          APRIL 1 & 8                    St. Mary of False River Church                Rouge in our March 11 issue.
                                         348 West Main St.
Stations of the Cross
Immaculate Conception Church
                                         New Roads
                                         After noon Mass
                                                                                        The deadline to be included is Mar. 2.
12364 Hwy. 416
                                         Lisa Chutz 225-638-9665
Lakeland                                                                               If you would like to submit a listing, include:
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.                                                                       • Date and time(s)
                                         Stations of the Cross
Suzanne Maginnis 225-6275124
                                         St. Patrick Church                            • Place of viewing including street address
                                         12424 Brogdon Lane
Stations of the Cross
                                         Baton Rouge                                   • Contact name and phone number
St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland Church
30300 Catholic Hall Rd.
                                         5 p.m.                                                  and send to email wkoch@diobr.org.
                                         Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750

6 a.m., noon                                                                                                 T H E                   C A T H O L I C
                                         Rosary Recitation
Mary Hebert 225-567-3573
                                         St. Patrick Church
                                         12424 Brogdon Lane
Stations of the Cross
                                         Baton Rouge
Our Lady of Pompeii Church
                                         8:30 – 9 a.m.                                                          S E R V I N G T H E D I O C E S E O F B AT O N R O U G E S I N C E 19 6 2
Lenten regulations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge - Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton ...
4B   The Catholic Commentator                                                               LENT 2022                                                                              February 25, 2022

Lenten fundraisers throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge
        MARCH 4, 11,18, 25,                           5 – 7 p.m., take out only                            MARCH 4, 18, APRIL 1                        MARCH 11, 18, 25, APRIL 1 & 8
          APRIL 1 & 8                                 $8 – $10
                                                                                                     Fish Fry                                          Men’s Club Fish Fry
                                                      Church office 225-753-7950
Fried Fish or Fried Shrimp Dinners                                                                   Knights of Columbus                               St. George Church
Most Blessed Sacrament Church                                                                        1702 Pecan Ct.                                    7808 St. George Dr.
Bishop Ott Center
                                                      Lenten Meals
                                                                                                     Ponchatoula                                       Baton Rouge
                                                      St. Mark Church
8033 Baringer Rd., Baton Rouge                                                                       4:30 – 7 p.m.
                                                      42021 Hwy. 621
5-7:30 p.m. orders to go                                                                             $10 per plate ($25 for a 3 dates)                                   MARCH 18
6-7:30 p.m. for dine in                                                                              Dine in or take our                               Lenten Dinner
                                                      4:30 – 6 p.m
$8 per plate                                                                                         Durald Pinion 985-386-6834                        Catholic Daughters
Each week a special entrée will be served                                                                                                              Holy Rosary Church
                                                      Cecile Haley 225-450-9469/
Gil Brassard 225-400-5052                                                                             MARCH 4, 18, 25, APRIL 1 , 8                     44450 Hwy. 429
Mbsmensclub@yahoo.com                                                                                Fish Fry                                          St. Amant
                                                      Men’s Club Lenten Fish Fry                     Knights of Columbus                               5:30 p.m.
Fried Fish Suppers                                                                                   Our Lady of Mercy Church                          $10 per plate includes shrimp stew, corn,
                                                      St. Alphonsus Church
Knight of Columbus                                                                                   Family Center                                     salad and bread
                                                      14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.
Holy Family Church                                                                                   445 Marquette Ave.                                Drinks and dessert sold separately
                                                      Greenwell Springs
KC Hall                                                                                              Baton Rouge                                       225-647-5321
                                                      4 – 6 p.m.
670 N. Jefferson Ave.                                                                                5 – 7 p.m. dine in or take out
                                                      $8 includes fried fish, fries, coleslaw and
Port Allen                                                                                           $10 per plate includes fish, fries, coleslaw                        MARCH 25
                                                      a roll
5:30 – 7 p.m.                                                                                        and garlic bread
                                                      Church office 225-261-4650                                                                       SACCC Annual Fish Fry
$10 per plate, includes fish, potato salad,                                                          Credit cards accepted
bread and dessert                                                                                                                                      St. Aloysius Care Care Center
                                                           MARCH 4, 11, 25, APRIL 1                  Deacon Richard Grant 225-926-1883                 Cafeteria and Parish Hall
Adrian Genre 225-387-9667
                                                      Lenten Fish Fry                                                                                  2025 Stuart Ave., Baton Rouge
                                                                                                            MARCH 4, 11, 18, 25,                       4 p.m. drive through; dine in 5:30 – 8:30
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church                         Knights of Columbus                                     APRIL 1 & 15
11486 Ferdinand St.                                   Holy Rosary Church                                                                               p.m.
St. Francisville                                      44450 Hwy. 429                                 KPC Council #116 Fish Fry Meals                   Pre-sale lunch and dinner $10 in
                                                      St. Amant                                      Immaculate Conception Church                      advance, $12 at the door includes fried
6 p.m.
                                                      5:30 p.m.                                      1565 Curtis St. (Activity Center)                 fish, french fries and coleslaw
$12 per plate includes grilled or fried fish,
                                                      $10 per plate includes fish, french fries,     Baton Rouge                                       Entertainment and raffle
potato salad or french fries, coleslaw,
                                                      coleslaw and bread                             10 a.m. to 2 p.m.                                 Ticket available from SACCC family or
bread, drink and dessert
                                                      Drinks and dessert sold separately by          $10 per place including fried catfish,            online sacccfishfry.org
Lenten Fish Fry Dinner                                Ladies Auxiliary                               sweet peas, potato salad, sweet treat             Katelyn Hodges SACCCfishfry@gmail.
Knight of Columbus                                    225-647-5321                                   Gerald Berzat 225-276-4674/                       com
St. Patrick Church                                                                                   Jessica Semien Oliver 225-270-5454
12424 Brogdon Lane                                                MARCH 4, 11, 25,                                                                                        APRIL 8
                                                                   APRIL 1 & 8                                     MARCH 11
Baton Rouge                                                                                                                                            Lenten Dinner
5:30 – 7 p.m.                                         Lenten Suppers                                 Fish Fry                                          Holy Rosary Youth Ministry
$10 per plate includes fried fish, french             Immaculate Conception Church                   Knight of Columbus                                Holy Rosary Church
fries, coleslaw and roll                              865 Hatchell Ln.                               St. Mary of False River Church                    44450 Hwy. 429
Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750                         Denham Springs                                 348 West Main St.                                 St. Amant
                                                      5–7:30 p.m., drive through only                New Roads                                         5:30 p.m.
Lenten Dinners                                        $10 per plate, ticket available at office or   11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.                               $10 per plate includes shrimp fettucine,
St. Jean Vianney Church                               door                                           $12 per plate                                     salad and bread
16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.                          Icc-msh.org                                    Lisa Chutz 225-638-9665                           Drinks and dessert sold separately
Baton Rouge                                           Church office 225-665-5359                                                                       225-647-5321

                                        Readers share their favorite Lenten recipes
                                       Catfish Parmesan                                                                           Roasted Asparagus
                                     Recipe from Wylene and Beverly Hurst                                                       Ethel Bongni, Our Lady of Mercy Parish
                                St. Francis Xavier Church Centennial Cookbook                             1 lb. asparagus                            Salt and pepper
         1 c. Panko breadcrumbs                          ½ tsp. oregano, fresh, chopped                   2 Tbsp. olive oil                          Lemon juice
         ¹⁄₃ c. grated Parmesan cheese                   (optional)                                       3-4 cloves garlic minced
         1 tsp. salt                                     6 (8 oz.) catfish filets
         ½ tsp. pepper                                   ½ c. butter or margarine, melted                   Pre heat oven to 400 degrees.
         ½ tsp. paprika                                  Lemon wedges                                       Snap off hard ends of asparagus and peel if necessary. Line cooking
         2 Tbsp. parsley, fresh, chopped                                                                  sheet with foil and grease with half the oil. Place asparagus on foil and roll
         (optional)                                                                                       to coat with oil. Add salt, pepper, garlic and remaining oil. Coat asparagus
           Stir together breadcrumbs, cheese, salt, pepper, paprika, parsley,                               Make a single layer in pan and bake medium asparagus 10 to 15 minutes
         and oregano. Dip catfish in butter; dredge in breadcrumbs mixture,                               or until tender, but still crunchy.
         and place in a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Bake at 375˚ for 25                           Small asparagus 7-12 minutes; large asparagus 10-25 minutes.
         minutes or until fish flakes with a fork. Garnish with lemon wedges.                             Before serving sprinkle with lemon juice. Good served hot or cold.
Lenten regulations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge - Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton ...
February 25, 2022                                                          LENT 2022                                                       The Catholic Commentator    5
SPIRITUALITY                     Praise, worship, adoration,
                                  prayer teams, band Reign,
                                                                   2250 Main St.
                                                                   Baton Rouge
                                                                                                     30300 Catholic Hall Rd.              MARCH 20, 21, 22
From page 3B
                                  guest speaker theme “ Into the   8 a.m. Mass followed by novena    Hammond                          Parish Mission
Children’s Station of the Cross   Desert”                          and benediction                   Sunday 6:45 p.m.; then 6 p.m.    St. Alphonsus Church
St. Joseph the Worker Church      Nicole Richard                   Tiffany Dykes 225-387-6671        Deacon Michael Parker from       14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.
3304 Hwy. 705                     Nrichard@sjscrusaders.org                                          Holy Rosary in St. Amant will    Greenwell Springs
Pierre Part                                                        Divine Mercy Novena               be the presenter.                7 p.m.
5:30 p.m. followed by Mass                 MARCH 7                 Our Lady of Mercy Church          Mary Hebert 225-567-3573         “Give up Worry for Lent”
Susan Hue 985-252-6008            Ladies Night                     445 Marquette Ave.                                                 Olga Johnson 225-261-4644
                                  Holy Rosary Church               Baton Rouge                           MARCH 14, 15, 16
Stations of the Cross             44450 Hwy. 429                   Following 6 p.m. Mass             Parish Lenten Mission                     MARCH 21
Immaculate Conception Church      St. Amant                        Deacon Richard Grant              Immaculate Conception Church
                                                                   225-926-1883                                                       Parish Mission
865 Hatchell Ln.                  6:30 – 8 p.m.; 6:30 social                                         865 Hatchell Ln.                 Our Lady of Mercy Church
Denham Springs                    gathering;                                                         Denham Springs                   Parish Activity Center
9 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. after Mass     7 p.m. talk, praise, worship              MARCH 9                  6:45 p.m.                        445 Marquette Ave.
7:15 p.m. Spainsh                 Speaker will be Meg Hunter-      Lenten Evening of Reflection      Father John Joseph CJC will      Baton Rouge
Church office 225-665-5359        Kilmer                           St. Augustine Chapel              lead                             10:30 a.m.
                                  Wendy Enloe 225-647-5321         174 Hwy. 1003                     Church office 225-665-5359       “Give up Worry for Lent” with
Stations of the Cross                                              Belle Rose                        Icc-msh.org                      author Gary Zimak
St. Paul the Apostle Church         MARCH 7, 14, 21, 28,           6:30 – 7:30 p.m.                                                   Lauren Dewitt 225-926-1883
3912 Gus Young Ave.                    APRIL 4, 11                 Father Joshua Johnson will lead      MARCH 16, 23, 30,
Baton Rouge                       Christ by Candlelight: Journey   Father Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-            APRIL 6                     MARCH 21, 22, 23, 24
6 p.m.                            of Jerusalem                     3470                              Stations of the Cross
Parish office 225-383-2537                                                                                                            Lenten Parish Mission
                                  St. John the Evangelist Church                                     St. Augustine Chapel             St. John the Evangelist Church
                                  15208 Hwy. 73                      MARCH 9, 16, 23, 30,            174 Hwy. 1003
Stations of the Cross                                                    APRIL 6                                                      15208 Hwy. 73
                                  Prairieville                                                       Belle Rose                       Prairieville
St. Agnes Church                  7:30 – 8:30 p.m.                 Mini Mission                      5:30 p.m. followed by Mass
749 East Blvd.                                                                                                                        7 p.m.
                                  Prayer service with periods of   Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church     Father Eliseus Ibeh              Presentations by Father Simeon
Baton Rouge                       silence, music, Scripture        11485 St. Ferdinand St.           985-513-3470
6 p.m.                                                                                                                                Gallagher OFM
                                  Deacon Randy Clement             St. Francisville                                                   Father Mathew Dunn
Margaret Lovecraft                225-673-8307                     6 – 7 p.m.                                MARCH 19
225-383-4127                                                                                                                          225-673-8307
                                                                   Praise, worship, preaching,       Solemnity of St. Joseph Mass
                                                                   Divine Mercy Chaplet,             St. Agnes Church                          MARCH 22
Stations of the Cross               MARCH 7, 14, 21, 28,           benediction                       749 East Blvd.                   Taize Prayer Service
St. Mark Church                       APRIL 4, 11, 18                                                Baton Rouge
42021 Hwy. 621                                                     Adoration                                                          St. Mary of False River Church
                                  Divine Mercy Novena Mass                                           8 & 10 a.m.
Gonzales                                                           St. Joseph Church                                                  348 West Main St.
                                  and Chaplet                                                        Margaret Lovecraft 225-383-
Following 8:30 Mass                                                225 N 8th St.                                                      New Roads
                                  St. George Church                                                  4127
Cecile Haley 225-450-                                              Ponchatoula                                                        6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
                                  7808 St. George Dr.
9469/225-647-8461                                                  8:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. followed by                                      Lisa Chutz 225-638-9665
                                  Baton Rouge                                                                MARCH 20
                                  6 p.m.                           vespers
Stations of the Cross                                              Angela Perrin 985-386-3749        Lenten Adoration Night                    MARCH 23
St. Alphonsus Church                                                                                 St. John the Evangelist Church   Taize Prayer around the Cross
                                       MARCH 8, 15, 22                                               15208 Hwy. 73
14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.                                          MARCH 9, 16, 23, 30,                                             Holy Family Church
Greenwell Springs                 Adoration with Benediction           APRIL 6 & 13                  Prairieville                     319 N. Jefferson Ave.
6:30 p.m.                         St. Jean Vianney Church                                            7:30 – 8:30
                                                                   Stations of the Cross                                              Port Allen
Church office 225-261-4650        16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.                                       Music provided
                                                                   St. John the Baptist Church                                        6:30 p.m.
                                  Baton Rouge                                                        Father Mathew Dunn 225-673-
                                                                   403 Kirkland Dr., Brusly                                           Church office 225-383-1838
    MARCH 5, APRIL 2              6 – 7 p.m.                                                         8307
                                                                   6:30 p.m.                                                                SEE SPIRITUALITY PAGE 7B
                                  Church office 225-753-7950
Family Adoration and                                               Layne Mire 225-749-2189
St. Alphonsus Church
14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.
Greenwell Springs
                                    MARCH 8, 15, 22, 29,
                                      APRIL 5 & 12
                                  Novena to our Lady of
                                                                   St. Joseph High School THIRST
                                                                   St. Joseph Church
                                                                                                     New Life in Lent
8:30 – 9 a.m. donuts afterwards   Perpetual Help
                                                                   225 N 8th St.
Church office 225-261-4650        St. Patrick Church
                                  12424 Brogdon Lane
                                                                   5 – 6 p.m.
   MARCH 5, 12, 19, 26            Baton Rouge
                                                                   Nicole Richard
     APRIL 2 & 9                  6:30 – 6:45 p.m.
                                  Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750
Rosary Recitation
St. Patrick Church                                                 Lenten Reflections
                                    MARCH 8, 15, 22, 29,
12424 Brogdon Lane                   APRIL 5, 12 & 19              St. Agnes Church
Baton Rouge                                                        749 East Blvd.
3:15 – 3:45 p.m.                  Divine Mercy Novena              Baton Rouge
Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750     Immaculate Conception Church     6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
                                  12364 Hwy. 416                   Six guest speakers on the
            MARCH 6               Lakeland                         Eucharist
                                  Following 6 p.m. Mass            Margaret Lovecraft
St. Joseph High School THRIST     (confessions before)                                                           Devotionals for Lent & St. Joseph Altars
9–12th                                                             225-383-4127
St. Joseph Church
                                  Suzanne Maginnis 225-6275124                                                    Catholic Art & Gifts
225 N 8th St.
                                                                      MARCH 13, 14 & 15                         6184 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge
                                  Novena of Divine Mercy
Ponchatoula                       Sacred Heart of Jesus Church     Lenten Parish Mission                         225.926.1216 • www.zieglers.com
5 – 7 p.m.                                                         St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland            Hours: M-F 9am-5pm; Sat. 9:30am-4:30pm
Lenten regulations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge - Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton ...
6B   The Catholic Commentator                                                LENT 2022                                                                   February 25, 2022

                      Holy Week services in Baton Rouge Diocese
     HOLY THURSDAY,               Mass of the Lord’s Supper          10 a.m. to noon confessions       44450 Hwy. 429                  Youth Stations
        APRIL 14                  Our Lady of Mercy Church           Noon Stations of the Cross        St. Amant                       St. Paul the Apostle Church
                                  445 Marquette Ave.                 3 p.m. Passion of the Lord        6 a.m. – 3 p.m.                 3912 Gus Young Ave.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
                                  Baton Rouge                        Service                           Donations accepted; online      Baton Rouge
Immaculate Conception Church
                                  6 p.m.                             Suzanne Maginnis                  registration required           2:30 p.m.
12364 Hwy. 416
                                  Deacon Richard Grant               225-627-5124                      225-647-5321                    Parish office 225-383-2537
7 p.m. (no morning Mass)          225-926-1883
Suzanne Maginnis
                                                                     St. John the Baptist Church       Good Friday Service             Passion and Veneration
                                  Evening Mass of Our Lord’s         403 Kirkland Dr., Brusly          St. Patrick Church              St. Paul the Apostle Church
                                  Supper                             Noon Stations of Cross            12424 Brogdon Lane              3912 Gus Young Ave.
                                  St. George Church                  3 p.m. Good Friday Service        Baton Rouge                     Baton Rouge
St. John the Baptist Church
                                  7808 St. George Dr.                Layne Mire 225-749-2189           3 p.m.                          3 p.m.
403 Kirkland Dr., Brusly
                                  Baton Rouge                                                          Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750   Parish office 225-383-2537
7 p.m.
Layne Mire 225-749-2189           7 p.m. following by adoration in   Stations of the Cross
                                  chapel until 10 p.m.               St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland   Good Friday of the Passion of   Good Friday
                                                                     Church                            the Lord                        St. Agnes Church
Holy Thursday Mass
                                  Evening Mass of the Lord’s         30300 Catholic Hall Rd.           St. Jean Vianney Church         749 East Blvd.
St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland
                                  Supper                             Hammond                           16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.    Baton Rouge
                                  St. Joseph Church                  Noon                              Baton Rouge                     3 p.m. Stations of the Cross
30300 Catholic Hall Rd.
                                  225 N 8th St.                      Mary Hebert 225-567-3573          3 p.m. lived streamed           4 – 5:15 p.m. confessions
                                  Ponchatoula                                                          Church office 225-753-7950      5:30 Passion and death of the
7 p.m. followed by adoration
until midnight                    7 p.m.                             Good Friday Service including                                     Lord
Mary Hebert 225-567-3573          Angela Perrin 985-386-3749         Veneration of the Cross           Solemn Stations pf the Cross    Margaret Lovecraft
                                                                     St. Thomas Chapel                 Our Lady of Mercy Church        225-383-4127
                                  Mass of the Lord’s Supper          32191 Hwy. 22                     445 Marquette Ave.
Sts. Anthony of Padua and
                                  St. Joseph the Worker Church       Springfield                       Baton Rouge                     Passion of the Lord
Le Van Phung Church
                                  3304 Hwy. 705                      3 p.m.                            Noon                            St. Mark Church
2305 Choctaw Dr.
                                  Pierre Part                        Mary Hebert 225-567-3573          Deacon Richard Grant            42021 Hwy. 621
Baton Rouge
                                  7 p.m.                                                               225-926-1883                    Gonzales
4 p.m. English in chapel
7:30 p.m. Vietnamese              Susan Hue 985-252-6008             Sts. Anthony of Padua and                                         3 p.m. followed by Stations of
Rev. Peter Hieu Nguyen
                                                                     Le Van Phung Church               Good Friday pf the Lord’s       the Cross
                                  Mass of the Lord’s Supper          2305 Choctaw Dr.                  Passion                         Cecile Haley 225-450-9469/
                                  Our Lady of Prompt Succor          Baton Rouge                       Our Lady of Mercy Church        225-647-8461
                                  32615 Bowie St.                    4 p.m. English                    445 Marquette Ave.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
                                  White Castle                       7:30 p.m. Vietnamese              Baton Rouge                     Stations of the Cross
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
                                  6 p.m.                             Rev. Peter Hieu Nguyen            3 p.m.                          St. Alphonsus Church
2250 Main St., Baton Rouge
                                  Susan Hue 985-252-6008             225-4800                          Deacon Richard Grant            14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.
7 p.m.
                                                                                                       225-926-1883                    Greenwell Springs
Tiffany Dykes 225-387-6671
                                  Holy Thursday Mass                 Celebration of the Lord’s                                         6:30 p.m.
St. Jules Church                  St. Paul the Apostle Church        Passion                           St. George Church               Church office 225-261-4650
                                  3912 Gus Young Ave.                Sacred Heart of Jesus Church      7808 St. George Dr.
7165 Hwy. 1, Belle Rose
7 p.m. Mass                       Baton Rouge                        2250 Main St., Baton Rouge        Baton Rouge                       EASTER VIGIL MASS,
                                  6:30 p.m. followed by adoration    3 p.m.                            3 p.m. Stations of the Cross           APRIL 16
8 – 9 p.m. confessions
                                  until 9 p.m.                       Tiffany Dykes 225-387-6671        7 p.m. Liturgy of the Lord’s    Immaculate Conception
8 – 10 p.m. adoration
                                  Parish office 225-383-2537                                           Passion                         Church
Church office 225-473-8569
                                                                     Walking the Stations of the                                       12364 Hwy. 416
Holy Rosary Church                Holy Thursday                      Cross on LA Hwy. 1                Good Friday Services            Lakeland
                                  St. Agnes Church                   St. Jules Church to               St. Joseph Church               8 p.m.
44450 Hwy. 429
                                  749 East Blvd.                     St. Elizabeth Church              225 N 8th St.                   Suzanne Maginnis
St. Amant
                                  Baton Rouge                        7165 Hwy. 1, Belle Rose           Ponchatoula                     225-627-5124
7 p.m.
                                  4 – 5:15 p.m. confessions          7 a.m.; 9 a.m.                    10 a.m. – noon confessions
                                  5:30 Mass                          Office 225-473-8569               Noon Stations of the Cross      St. John the Baptist Church
                                  Adoration until 11 p.m.                                              3 p.m. Passion of the Lord      403 Kirkland Dr., Brusly
Holy Thursday Mass
                                  Margaret Lovecraft                 St. Elizabeth                     Angela Perrin 985-386-3749      8 p.m.
St. Patrick Church
                                  225-383-4127                       119 Hwy. 403                                                      Layne Mire 225-749-2189
12424 Brogdon Lane
                                                                     Paincourtville                    Passion of the Lord
Baton Rouge
                                  The Lord’s Supper                  9 a.m. Stations of the Cross      St. Joseph the Worker Church    Sts. Anthony of Padua and
7 p.m.
                                  St. Mark Church                    3 p.m. Commemoration of the       3304 Hwy. 705                   Le Van Phung Church
Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750
                                  42021 Hwy. 621                     Lord’s Passion                    Pierre Part                     2305 Choctaw Dr.
                                  Gonzales                           Office 225-473-8569               3 p.m.                          Baton Rouge
Holy Thursday of the Lord’s
                                  7 p.m.                                                               Susan Hue 985-252-6008          4 p.m. English
St. Jean Vianney Church           Cecile Haley 225-450-9469/         Holy Rosary Church                                                8 p.m. Vietnamese
                                  225-647-8461                       44450 Hwy. 429                    Passion of the Lord             Rev. Peter Hieu Nguyen
16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.
                                                                     St. Amant                         Our Lady of Prompt Succor       225-4800
Baton Rouge
7 p.m., followed by adoration
                                        GOOD FRIDAY,                 3 p.m.                            32615 Bowie St.
                                          APRIL 15                   225-647-5321                      White Castle                    Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
until 11 p.m.
                                  Immaculate Conception                                                3 p.m.                          2250 Main St., Baton Rouge
Lived streamed
                                  Church                             Good Friday Walk                  Susan Hue 985-252-6008          8 p.m.
Church office 225-753-7950
                                  12364 Hwy. 416                     Men of the Cross                                                  Tiffany Dykes 225-387-6671
                                  Lakeland                           Holy Rosary Church                                                       SEE HOLY WEEK PAGE 8B
Lenten regulations for the Diocese of Baton Rouge - Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton ...
February 25, 2022                                                            LENT 2022                                                        The Catholic Commentator    5

     The Light is ON for You, sacrament of reconciliation
 MARCH 3, 5, 10, 12, 17. 19, 24,           Reconciliation                             6 – 7 p.m.                                                APRIL 4
    26, 31, APRIL2, 7 & 9                  St. John the Baptist Church                Deacon Richard Grant 225-926-1883
                                                                                                                                  Penance Service
Confessions                                403 Kirkland Dr., Brusly
                                                                                                                                  St. Joseph the Worker Church
St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland Church     6:30 – 7:30 p.m.                                           MARCH 24                    3304 Hwy. 705
30300 Catholic Hall Rd.                    Layne Mire 225-749-2189
                                                                                      Parish Reconciliation                       Pierre Part
Hammond                                                                               St. Mark Church                             6 p.m.
Thursdays 4 – 5 p.m.;                      The Light is On for You
                                                                                      42021 Hwy. 621                              Susan Hue 985-252-6008
Saturdays 3 – 3:45 p.m.                    St. Mary of False River Church
Mary Hebert 225-567-3573                   348 West Main St.                                                                                 APRIL 5 & 12
                                                                                      6:30 p.m.
                                           New Roads
                                                                                      Cecile Haley 225-450-9469/                  The Light is On for You
        MARCH 4, 11, 18, 25,               6 – 8 p.m.
                                                                                      225-647-8461                                Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
          APRIL 1 & 8                      Lisa Chutz 225-638-9665
                                                                                                                                  2250 Main St.
Reconciliation                                                                                        MARCH 29                    Baton Rouge
St. Benedict the Moor Church               St. Joseph Church                          Mass and Reconciliation                     5 – 6:30 p.m.
5479 Hwy. 1                                225 N 8th St.                              St. Benedict the Moor Church                Tiffany Dykes 225-387-6671
Napoleonville                              Ponchatoula                                5479 Hwy. 1
4 – 5 p.m.                                 6 – 7 p.m.                                 Napoleonville                                             APRIL 6
Father Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3470           Angela Perrin 985-386-3749                 5 p.m.                                      St. Alphonsus Church
                                                                                      Father Eliseus Ibeh 985-513-3470            14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.
        MARCH 5, 12, 19, 26,                   MARCH 9, 16, 23, APRIL 6
           APRIL 2 & 9                                                                                                            Greenwell Springs
                                                                                                 MARCH 30 & 31                    7 p.m.
                                           Holy Family Church
Reconciliation Service                                                                Reconciliation Service                      Confirm date Alphonsus.org
                                           319 N. Jefferson Ave.
St. Patrick Church                                                                    Sts. Anthony of Padua and                   Rev. Michael Moroney 225-261-4650
                                           Port Allen
12424 Brogdon Lane                                                                    Le Van Phung Church
                                           5:30 – 6 p.m.
Baton Rouge                                                                           2305 Choctaw Dr.                                          APRIL 7
                                           Church office 225-383-1838
2:30 – 3:30 p.m.                                                                      Baton Rouge                                 Day of Reflection/Reconciliation
Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750                            MARCH 23                     7 – 9 p.m.                                  Sts. Anthony of Padua and
                                                                                      Rev. Peter Hieu Nguyen 225-4800             Le Van Phung Church
        MARCH, 7, 14, 21, 28,              Reconciliation
          APRIL 4 & 11                     St. Paul the Apostle Church                                                            2305 Choctaw Dr.
                                                                                                      MARCH 31                    Baton Rouge
                                           3912 Gus Young Ave.
Monday Night Reconciliation                                                           The Light is On for You                     7:30 p.m. in Vietnamese
                                           Baton Rouge
St. Jean Vianney Church                                                               11485 Ferdinand St.                         Rev. Peter Hieu Nguyen 225-4800
                                           6 – 7 p.m.
16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.                                                          St. Francisville
                                           Parish office 225-383-2537
Baton Rouge                                                                           6 – 7 p.m.                                  Holy Saturday Confessions
6 – 7 p.m.                                                                                                                        St. Agnes Church
                                              MARCH 23, 30, APRIL 6, 13
5 – 6:15 p.m. April 11                                                                Lenten Penance Service                      749 East Blvd.
Church office 225-753-7950                 The Light is On for You
                                                                                      St. Anne Church                             Baton Rouge
                                           Our Lady of Mercy Church
                                                                                      411 St. Joseph St.                          4 – 5:30 p.m.
        MARCH 9, 16, 23, 30,               445 Marquette Ave.
                                                                                      Napoleonville                               Margaret Lovecraft 225-383-4127
          APRIL 6 & 13                     Baton Rouge
                                                                                      7 – 8 p.m.

                                   Evening of Music and Prayer       Wendy Enloe 225-647-5321           Passion                                     APRIL 11
SPIRITUALITY                      Immaculate Conception Church      Healing Mass and Service           St. George Church
From page 5B                                                                                                                             Tenebrae Service
                                   865 Hatchell Ln.                  St. Joseph Church                  7808 St. George Dr.
                                                                                                                                         St. Joseph Church
                                   Denham Springs                    225 N 8th St.                      Baton Rouge
                                                                                                                                         225 N 8th St.
Lent Evening of Prayer             7 p.m.                            Ponchatoula                        6:30 p.m.
St. Jean Vianney Church            Church office 225-665-5359        Confessions begin at 6:30 p.m.     By Dr. Aimee Goodier,
                                                                                                                                         7 – 8 p.m.
16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.       Icc-msh.org                       Father Anthony Odiong              pathologist
                                                                                                                                         Service of darkness leads
Baton Rouge                                                          Fernando Morales
                                                                                                                                         participants into the suffering
7 – 8 p.m.                                 MARCH 25                  985-386-3749                                  APRIL 6
                                                                                                                                         and death of our Lord through
Church office 225-753-7950         Solemnity of the Annunication                                        Retreat                          singing of psalms and reading
                                   of the Lord                                APRIL 4, 6                Sts. Anthony of Padua and        of the Divine Office sung during
           MARCH 24                St. Agnes Church                  Bible Study                        Le Van Phung Church              the Triduum
Taize Prayer around the Cross      749 East Blvd.                    Immaculate Conception Church       2305 Choctaw Dr.                 Rhonda Sirg-Rossano 985-3749
Holy Rosary Church                 Baton Rouge                       865 Hatchell La.                   Baton Rouge
44450 Hwy. 429                     6 a.m., 5:30 p.m.                 Denham Springs                     7:30 p.m. in Vietnamese                    APRIL 15
St. Amant                          Margaret Lovecraft                9:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m.               Rev. Peter Hieu Nguyen 225-
                                                                                                                                         Passion Play
7 – 8 p.m.                         225-383-4127                      The Jewish Roots of Holy Week:     357-4800
                                                                                                                                         St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland
Wendy Enloe 225-647-5321                                             DVD Series with Dr. Brant Pitre
                                     MARCH 28, 29 & 30               Register Gwen Richard 225-         Lent Concert
                                                                                                                                         30300 Catholic Hall Rd.
Lenten Mission 2022                Parish Mission for Lent           665-5926 or grrichard@icc-         St. George Church
St. Aloysius Church                Holy Rosary Church                msh.org                            7808 St. George Dr.
                                                                                                                                         6 & 7:30 p.m.
2025 Stuart Ave.                   44450 Hwy. 429                    Church office 225-665-5359         Baton Rouge
                                                                                                                                         The youth group and junior high
Baton Rouge                        St. Amant                                                            6:30 p.m.
                                                                               APRIL 5                                                   youth group will perform the
7 p.m.                             7 – 8 p.m.                                                           “Passion, Praise and Pascal
                                                                                                                                         Passion Play.
Featured speaker Becky Eldrege     Speaker will be Dr. Mario         A Spiritual and Forensic           Mystery”
                                                                                                                                         Mary Hebert 225-567-3573
Mark Christian 225-343-6657        Sacasa                            Exploration of Our Lord’s
8B   The Catholic Commentator                                              LENT 2022                                                                      February 25, 2022

HOLY WEEK                         St. George Church                    EASTER MASSES,               St. Elizabeth Church               St. George Church
From page 6B                       7808 St. George Dr.                     APRIL 17                  119 Hwy. 403                       7808 St. George Dr.
                                   Baton Rouge                     Immaculate Conception             Paincourtville                     Baton Rouge
                                   8 p.m.                          Church                            10:30 a.m.                         6, 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m., 6
St. Elizabeth Church                                               12364 Hwy. 416, Lakeland          225-473-8569                       p.m.
119 Hwy. 403                       St. Paul the Apostle Church     7, 9 & 11 a.m.
Paincourtville                     3912 Gus Young Ave.             Suzanne Maginnis 225-6275124      Holy Rosary Church                 St. Paul the Apostle Church
8 p.m.                             Baton Rouge                                                       44450 Hwy. 429                     3912 Gus Young Ave.
225-473-8569                       8 p.m.                          St. John the Baptist Church       St. Amant                          Baton Rouge
                                   Parish office 225-383-2537      403 Kirkland Dr., Brusly          7, 9 & 11 a.m.                     9 a.m.
Holy Rosary Church                                                 7:30, 9 & 11 a.m.                 225-647-5321                       Parish office 225-383-2537
44450 Hwy. 429                     St. Agnes Church                Layne Mire 225-749-2189
St. Amant                          749 East Blvd.                                                    St. Patrick Church                 St. Agnes Church
8 p.m.                             Baton Rouge                     Sts. Anthony of Padua and         12424 Brogdon Lane                 749 East Blvd.
225-647-5321                       8 p.m. confessions              Le Van Phung Church               Baton Rouge                        Baton Rouge
                                   from 4 – 5:15 p.m.              2305 Choctaw Dr.                  7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m.            8, 9:15 & 11 a.m.
St. Patrick Church                 Margaret Lovecraft              Baton Rouge                       Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750      Margaret Lovecraft
12424 Brogdon Lane                 225-383-4127                    7:45 a.m. English in chapel                                          225-383-4127
Baton Rouge                                                        10 a.m. Vietnamese                St. Jean Vianney Church
8 p.m.                             St. Mark Church                 Rev. Peter Hieu Nguyen            16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.       St. Mark Church
Jessica Lawrence 225-753-5750      42021 Hwy. 621                  225-4800                          Baton Rouge                        42021 Hwy. 621
                                   Gonzales                                                          7:30, 9:30 (live streamed), &      Gonzales
St. Jean Vianney Church            8 p.m.                          Sacred Heart of Jesus Church      11:30 a.m.                         8, 9:30 & 11 a.m.
16166 S. Harrell’s Ferry Rd.       Cecile Haley 225-450-           2250 Main St., Baton Rouge        Church office 225-753-7950         Cecile Haley 225-450-9469/
Baton Rouge                        9469/225-647-8461               9 & 11 a.m.                                                          225-647-8461
8 p.m.                                                             Tiffany Dykes 225-387-6671        Our Lady of Mercy Church
Church office 225-753-7950         St. Alphonsus Church                                              445 Marquette Ave.                 St. Alphonsus Church
                                   14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.     St. Jules Church                  Baton Rouge                        14041 Greenwell Springs Rd.
Our Lady of Mercy Church           Greenwell Springs               7165 Hwy. 1, Belle Rose           7, 9, & 10:30 a.m., noon, 6 p.m.   Greenwell Springs
445 Marquette Ave.                 8 p.m.                          6 & 8:30 a.m.                     Deacon Richard Grant               8 & 10 a.m., noon
Baton Rouge                        Church office 225-261-4650      225-473-8569                      225-926-1883                       Church office 225-261-4650
8 p.m.
Deacon Richard Grant

       A Great Way You Can Help the Needy this Upcoming Lenten Season!
                                Join Bishop Michael Duca and Chef John Folse at the
                                     Count Your Blessings Supper To-Geaux!
                                     Friday, March 11, 2022 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
                                        Our Lady of Mercy Parish – Drive Thru Soup Parade
                        During this 2022 Lenten Season, we all need to reflect on the blessings in our
                        lives! Come join us for our 27th Annual Count Your Blessings Supper. Come
                        Count Your Blessings and help those in need by supporting our charitable work
     with the second Drive-Thru Soup Parade. Chef John Folse will prepare a delicious Lenten soup of Sicilian Shrimp &
     Roasted Tomato Bisque. For convenient travel and to avoid hot soup spills, we will distribute frozen soup in 2-lb. bags
     (each serves four, 8-oz. servings). Heating instructions are included. Come and Count Your Blessings with Bishop
     Michael Duca, Chef John Folse, and John Pastorek. This year’s Count Your Blessings Supper To-Geaux is scheduled for
     4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (drive-thru at your convenience) on Friday, March 11th, at Our Lady of Mercy Parish.

     This year, don’t miss a great soup (that can’t be purchased anywhere else) and a lot of fun! WBRZ’s John Pastorek,
     Bishop Robert Muench, Father Cleo Milano and others will be present and everyone in attendance will have fun and be
     entertained as Bishop Duca and Chef Folse serve up a great soup to geaux! Order your tickets today by ordering online at
     svdpbr.org, or using this order form, or give us a call at (225) Ticket Order Form -----------------------Clip and send in----------------------------------
     383-7837, ext. O. No on-site tickets will be sold the day of the Yes, I want that Soup! I would like _____ bag(s) at $40.00 (four
     event. Deadline for phone or online ticket sales is Wednesday, servings). Enclosed is my check for $_______.
     March 9th by 1 p.m. If you are unable to parade with us, please Name:_______________________________________________
     consider making a Lenten gift to St. Vincent de Paul to help in Address:_____________________________________________
                                                                        City: ____________________State: _________Zip: _________
     our work with God’s poor. Financial gifts can be mailed to: Make checks payable and mail to: Society of St. Vincent de Paul,
     Society of St. Vincent de Paul, P. O. Box 127, Baton Rouge, LA P.O. Box 127, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0127. For more information,
     70821-0127, or made online at svdpbr.org.                          call us at (225) 383-7837, extension O, or order online at svdpbr.org.
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