Safe handling of lithium batteries - Guide for creating product-specific Battery Information Sheets

Page created by Mildred Ford
ZVEI information leaflet No. 2e
Edition July 2012

Safe handling of lithium batteries
for creating product-specific Battery Information Sheets

                                        Preliminary note:
This guide is not aimed at users of batteries
In each case, the manufacturer's recommendations (in product-specific
data sheets, operating instructions/manuals or product data sheets),
have priority over this guide.
The term lithium batteries encompasses a broad field of products with various
designs and chemical compositions. Therefore, this guide can highlight only general
information and procedures for creating product-specific data sheets.
When commissioning, storing, working with and on batteries as well as
decommissioning and disposing of them, the instructions contained herein are to be
adhered to strictly and without exception. In cases of doubt, please be sure to contact
the manufacturer for clarification.
Due to their product properties and performance data, lithium batteries serve various
applications. These include not only portable and stationary applications, but also
applications in the automotive industry and industrial applications.
The term "lithium batteries" refers to non-rechargeable and rechargeable systems.
This guide refers to both systems. The instructions listed in the data sheet refer to
lithium batteries as well as lithium cells, even if most instructions speak only of lithium
batteries for the sake of easier readability.
The REACH regulation (1907/2006/EC) has replaced the EU directive for safety data sheets
(91/155/EU). Both the now valid REACH regulation and the no longer valid directive require safety data
sheets to be created and updated for materials and preparations. For products– including lithium
batteries, – no EU safety data sheets are required according to European chemicals regulations.

This leaflet was prepared by the Working Group on Environment and Occupational Health of the
ZVEI – German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association
1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE             reason, when coming into                processes, which reduce the
   SUBSTANCE /                       contact with batteries with a           currently available energy, but
   PREPARATION AND OF                conspicuous appearance                  by means of the lower charging
   THE COMPANY /                     (leaking substances, deformed,          voltage lead to a significantly
   UNDERTAKING                       discoloured, dented or the like),       lengthened product life.
                                     sufficient body and breathing
This is the place for providing                                              If additional instructions are needed
                                     protection is required. Lithium         at this point, they can be taken, for
information particular to product    batteries can, for example, react
and manufacturer for the                                                     example, from DIN EN 62133
                                     very severely in combination            "Secondary cells and batteries
respective products used             with fire. This can result in           containing alkaline or other non-acid
(including trade name,               battery components being                electrolytes – Safety requirements
respective product specification,    ejected with considerable force.        for portable sealed secondary cells,
information about the                                                        and for batteries made from them,
manufacturer, phone, fax, e-         Handling and operational                for use in portable applications" as
mail, Internet).                     safety:                                 well as DIN EN 60086-4 "Primary
                                                                             batteries, Part 4: Safety of lithium
                                     Lithium batteries are always to         batteries".
                                     be handled in accordance with
                                     the manufacturer's
2. HAZARDS                           specifications. This is true
   IDENTIFICATION                    particularly for complying with
                                     the limits for maximum current          3. COMPOSITION /
Lithium batteries have a gas-        load, charging and end-point               INFORMATION ON
tight seal and are safe insofar as   voltages, and mechanical and               INGREDIENTS
they are used and handled in         thermal loads.
accordance with the                                                          The respective substances are
manufacturer's specifications.       Usually product packages are            to be taken from the
                                     marketed that have already              manufacturer and product-
            Warning!                 been matched. Such products             specific data sheets for lithium
                                     are in no wise to be modified or        batteries.
Do not charge batteries if they
are not rechargeable battery         tampered with, since that could         Note: Lithium batteries are
systems.                             result in substantial safety            products which release no
                                     hazards.                                substances when used properly.
When recharging batteries,
never use chargers which are         Use the charging process
unsuitable for the battery type.     tailored to the respective cell
                                     type of a rechargeable battery.
Do not short-circuit them. Do not
inflict mechanical damage
(puncturing, deforming,                                                      4. FIRST AID MEASURES
disassembling etc.). Do not heat                                             When handled and stored
them above the permitted             As with other batteries, so also        properly, lithium cells and
temperature or burn them. Keep       for lithium batteries it is true that   batteries do not represent a
batteries away from small            even when thought to be                 source of danger.
children. Always store batteries     discharged, they can still
in a dry and cool place.             represent a source of danger.           Since, depending on the
                                     On the one hand, they can               manufacturer, various
When handled properly and in         deliver a very high short-circuit       ingredients are used, in the case
accordance with the parameters       current. On the other hand, even        of damage always follow the
specified by the manufacturer,       in the state of the minimum             instructions in the respective
lithium batteries are safe during    permitted end-point voltage,            manufacturer's product-specific
use. Improper handling or            lithium batteries with a high           data sheets.
conditions leading to improper       voltage (over 75 Volts) can pose
operation can cause leakage of                                               Skin or eye contact: If the
                                     a danger of a lethal electric
battery substances and products                                              substances come into contact
of decomposition and reactions                                               with the skin or eyes thoroughly
associated with these, which can     For most products, too deep a           rinse the affected areas with
cause personal injury and            discharge leads to permanent            water for at least 15 minutes. In
environmental damage.                damage. Deep-discharged                 the event of eye contact, in
                                     lithium batteries are no longer         addition to thoroughly rinsing
Since a wide variety of chemical     permitted to be charged or              with water, always contact a
substances are used, always          operated.                               doctor.
follow the manufacturer's
directions for immediate             In all cases, avoid excessive           Burns:
measures and first-aid measures      charging voltages and                   If burns are caused, treat them
in the event of an accident.         overcharging. They can lead             accordingly. Likewise, we
                                     directly to critical situations, but    urgently recommend contacting
In general, contact with leaking     also have a negative impact on          a doctor.
battery substances can pose a        battery life. For this reason,
danger to personal health and        some manufacturers
the environment. For this            recommend gentle charging

Respiratory tract:                       to take into consideration the         If substances leak out due to
Leave the room immediately if            respective circumstances for this      damage or improper handling,
there is an intensive smoke              purpose, no relevant                   be sure to comply with the
                                         recommendations can be made
build-up or release of gas. Call                                                manufacturer's instructions. This
in a doctor if there are large                                                  particularly includes the use of
quantities and irritation of the                                                personal safety equipment.
airways. If possible provide for
sufficient ventilation.                                                         When storing great quantities of
                                                                                lithium batteries, make an
Swallowing:                              6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE                  arrangement with the local
Rinse out the mouth and around              MEASURES                            authorities. In general and
the mouth with water.                    If the battery housing gets            independent of batteries: A
Immediately call for the help of a       damaged, electrolyte can leak          building permit is required for
doctor.                                  out. Seal batteries in an airtight     storage buildings.
                                         plastic bag, having added dry
                                         sand, chalk powder (CaCO3) or
                                         vermiculite. Traces of electrolyte
                                         can be soaked up with dry paper
5. FIRE-FIGHTING                                                                8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS /
                                         towels. When doing so, prevent
   MEASURES                                                                        PERSONAL PROTECTION
                                         direct contact with skin by
Fires from lithium batteries in          wearing safety gloves.                 Lithium batteries are products,
use (such as in a laptop or              Thoroughly rinse with water.           from which no substance is
electric vehicle) can in principle                                              released under normal and
                                         Use personal safety equipment
be fought with water.                                                           reasonably foreseeable
                                         appropriate for the situation
Differentiating between various                                                 conditions of use.
                                         (safety gloves, protective
systems of lithium batteries at
                                         clothing, safety mask, breathing
the time of a fire is generally not
                                         protection). For specific
possible and is unnecessary.
                                         information about personal
Due to the design and the                safety equipment, refer to the         9. PHYSICAL AND
battery properties, no additional        manufacturer and product-                 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
or special extinguishing agents          specific information.
need to be available, since the                                                 At this place, reference is made
                                         Always proceed in accordance           to the properties of the
batteries are protected
                                         with the manufacturer's                respectively used substances,
accordingly. Fire surrounding the
                                         instructions. If required, obtain      which are described in the
batteries is to be fought with
                                         information from the                   manufacturer and product-
conventional extinguishing
                                         manufacturer.                          specific data sheets for lithium
agents. The fire of a battery
cannot be considered separately                                                 batteries.
from the surrounding fire.
The cooling effect of water
effectively impedes fire from            7. HANDLING AND STORAGE
spreading to battery cells which         In each case, carefully observe
still have not reached the critical      the warnings on batteries and          10. STABILITY AND
ignition temperature ("thermal           the operating instructions for             REACTIVITY
runaway").                               devices and other applications.        If an upper temperature limit is
Use of water is also favourable          Use only the recommended               exceeded (see product-specific
in light of its wide availability.       battery types. Usually only cells      data sheets of the
                                         of the same type and design can        manufacturer), the batteries are
Hybrid or fully electric vehicles        be used. Thus, for example,            in danger of bursting.
pose no greater risk with the            lithium cells and NiMH cells or
high-voltage batteries switched          cells with a different capacity        When charging a rechargeable
off than conventional vehicles.          and voltage are never permitted        system, always be sure to
                                         to be used together.                   comply with the upper voltage
As with all fires, inhalation of the                                            limit. If the limits are exceeded,
gases produced by the fire can           Effectively prevent a short circuit    the battery may burst or even
harm one's health. For this              of the battery poles by using          explode. Charging a non-
reason, provide for sufficient           suitable insulation.                   rechargeable system, which is
ventilation.                                                                    not permitted, may cause the
                                         Lithium batteries are preferably
Note:                                    to be stored at room                   battery to burst or explode.
When firefighting, regardless of         temperature and in a dry
these general statements concerning                                             Likewise, the end-point voltage
                                         location (for details, refer to the    must not be undershot. Here as
use of lithium batteries, take into
                                         manufacturer's specifications          well, there is a danger of
consideration the various stages in
manufacturing batteries (such as cell    concerning the storage                 bursting.
production, lab, assembly of cells       temperature range); large
into batteries), for in these stages     temperature fluctuations are to
cell manufacturers and assembly          be avoided. (For example, do
centres can take special measures        not store in the vicinity of heating
which are not suitable for the stage     elements, do not expose to
of finished batteries. Due to the need   sunshine for long periods).
11. TOXICOLOGICAL                     13. DISPOSAL                          For portable lithium batteries,
    INFORMATION                           CONSIDERATIONS                    collection and recycling targets
                                                                            are defined as part of the
At this place, reference is made      Lithium batteries are marked          European battery legislation.
to the toxicological information of   with the symbol of the crossed-
the respectively used                 out wheeled bin (see figure).         Based on the European battery
substances, which are described                                             directive and as specified in
in the manufacturer and product-                                            Germany by the German Battery
specific data sheets for lithium                                            Act, all battery manufacturers
batteries.                                                                  and importers have to register
                                                                            with the German Federal
                                                                            Environment Agency before
                                      The symbol reminds the end
                                                                            placing batteries on the market.
                                      user that batteries are not
                                                                            The organisation of the take-
12. ECOLOGICAL                        permitted to be disposed of with
                                                                            back of spent batteries must be
    INFORMATION                       household waste, but must be
                                                                            specified at the time of
                                      collected separately. Spent
At this place, reference is made                                            registration. Acceptance of the
                                      batteries have to be returned
to the environment-related                                                  producer obligations has to be
                                      free of charge to collection
information of the respectively                                             clearly defined for all batteries
                                      schemes or distributors.
used substances, which are                                                  before initially placing them on
described in the manufacturer         To prevent short circuits and         the market.
and product-specific data sheets      associated heating up, lithium
                                                                            However, Member States may
for lithium batteries.                batteries are never permitted to
                                                                            dispose of collected portable
                                      be stored or transported in bulk
                                                                            batteries or accumulators in
                                      form and unprotected. Suitable
                                                                            landfills or underground storage
                                      measures against short circuits
                                                                            when no viable end market is
                                      • Placing the batteries in original
                                                                            Disposal of waste industrial and
                                      packaging or a plastic bag
                                                                            automotive batteries by
                                      • Masking the poles                   incineration or in landfills is
                                                                            prohibited. However, residues of
                                      • Embedding in dry sand               any batteries and accumulators
                                                                            that have undergone both
                                                                            treatment and recycling may be
                                                                            disposed of in landfills or by

                                              Important note!
Commercial transport of lithium batteries is subject to dangerous goods regulations. Transport
preparations and transport are exclusively to be carried out by appropriately trained persons
and/or the process has to be accompanied by corresponding experts or qualified companies.
Transport regulations:
Lithium batteries are subject to the following dangerous goods regulations and exceptions to them—in
the version applicable in each case:
Class 9
UN 3480: LITHIUM ION BATTERIES (including lithium-ion-polymer batteries)
          (including lithium-ion-polymer batteries)
Packing group: II, Tunnel category E

Special provisions and packing instructions:
ADR, RID: 188, 230, 310, 636, P903, P903a, P903b
Note: For ADR, see

IATA:      A88, A99, A154, A164, P965, P966, P967, P968, P969, P970
Note: For the IATA Guidance Document on lithium batteries, see

IMDG Code: 188, 230, 310, P903
        EmS: F-A, S-I
        Stowage category A

Test and inspection specifications
In accordance with the dangerous goods regulations for lithium batteries, each new type of cell or
battery must have passed all tests listed in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, Section 38.3.
This particularly applies also if multiple cells or batteries have been assembled into new batteries
(battery packs or battery assemblies).
Note: For the UN Manual, see

Used batteries are also subject to these regulations. In the case of used batteries which are intact and
undamaged, usually the regulations for new batteries can be applied.
Defective or damaged batteries are subject to more stringent regulations, ranging all the way to
complete prohibition of transport. The prohibition of transport applies to air transport carriers (ICAO T.I.,
IATA DGR - special provision A154).
However, for the transport of used — but not damaged — batteries, refer also to the corresponding
special regulations (636), and/or packaging instructions (P903a and P903b / ADR).
Waste batteries and batteries which are sent for recycling or disposal are prohibited from air transport
(IATA Special provision A 183).
Exceptions are to be approved by the competent authority of the country of origin and the respective
country of the airline.

15. REGULATORY                       16. OTHER INFORMATION
                                     The instructions provide help for
In Germany, the law governing        complying with legal
the sale, return and                 specifications, but do not replace
environmentally sound disposal       them.
of batteries and secondary cells
(Batteries Act – Batteriegesetz,     The foregoing information was
BattG) from 25 June 2009             compiled to the best of our
applies. This law serves to          knowledge and belief.
implement the directive              It does not represent any
2006/66/EC (battery directive).)     guarantee of properties.
[Note: In other countries specific   Distributors and users of the
regulations are to be considered     product have their own
as appropriate.]                     responsibility for observing
                                     applicable laws and regulations.

ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V.
Fachverband Batterien
Lyoner Straße 9
60528 Frankfurt, Germany

Phone: +49 69 6302-283
Fax:    +49 69 6302-362

© ZVEI 2012
In spite of all due care, however, we cannot accept any liability
for the information being complete, correct or up to date.

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