Rwanda : separating myths from reality - Linda Melvern Scottish Review, April 28, 2021 - France Génocide Tutsi
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Rwanda : separating myths from reality Linda Melvern Scottish Review, April 28, 2021 ”Do Not Disturb : The Sto- trayed Tutsi as natural-born liars, a ry of a Political Murder and part of the ideology that underpin- an African Regime Gone Bad” ned the 1994 genocide of the Tutsi. by Michela Wrong (published by This is not a book ’about a genoci- 4th Estate London, 2021). de’, we are told, but a story of a group ’Of all the liars in Africa,’ wrote of exiled Rwandan fugitives, a ’small, the English colonialist Ewart Grogan tight-knit elite’. They seem to have after visiting in 1899, ’I believe the been brought together by their loa- people of Rwanda are by far the most thing of the government of Rwanda thorough’. Grogan’s appalling quote and its President Paul Kagame – a is used in the introduction to Miche- sentiment the author shares. la Wrong’s book, Do Not Disturb : Do Not Disturb purports to tell The Story of a Political Murder and the story of the Rwandan Patriotic an African Regime Gone Bad. Not Front (RPF), the army led by the cur- much has changed, the author be- rent President of Rwanda Paul Ka- lieves. Rwandans are always telling game that chased the forces of Hu- her how mendacious they are : the tu Power from Rwanda, the genoci- country ’glories in its impenetrabi- dal extremists who had attempted to lity’ and ’sees virtue in misleading’, eliminate the minority Tutsi and are Rwandan children are encouraged to responsible for the murder of some develop the quality of deception. Mi- one million people. chela Wrong admits that such a so- The primary subject is Patrick ciety poses a ’bit of a challenge’ for a Karegeya, who became Rwanda’s non-fiction author. external intelligence chief but fled The offensive paragraphs are re- Rwanda in November 2007. This was miniscent of the racism of Hutu Po- out of a concern for human rights wer, of the hate propaganda that por- abuses by former RPF comrades. No 1
2 mention is made of the corruption gnalled the start of the genocide. The allegations he faced. Another spe- exiles tell her that Paul Kagame was cial informant is Lieutenant-General responsible, and she writes how this Kayumba Nyamwasa, former Chief of ’massive secret squats like a giant Staff of the Rwandan Army who joi- toad at the heart of the RPF story’. ned Karegeya in exile in South Africa The narrative she presents is how a in 2010. ’power-hungry rebel movement trig- Presented as an insightful and ex- gered the slaughter of its own people’. clusive exposé, the book uses a nove- To obtain confirmation of their listic style. There are flattering des- claims, the author turned to French criptions of Karegeya, his winning Judge Jean-Louis Bruguière, who for ways, his wicked sense of humour and nine years had investigated the as- she describes ’his skin was a smooth sassination, and announced in No- honey’. Michela Wrong feels unable vember 2006 that RPF comman- to ask about his rumoured role in dos fired the missiles from a hill- an extrajudicial murder in Nairobi at side known as Masaka some four kilo- the height of his powers. ’How does metres from Kigali International Air- anyone lightly broach the issue of so- port. The Bruguière thesis was even- meone’s role in a murder over din- tually disproven using scientific and ner ?’, she asks her readers. forensic data, but in this account the Karegeya tells her he has lots of relevant report is hidden in a foot- secrets, and she revels in tales of note, and revelations that the judge double agents who befriend the ex- ignored critical evidence, neglected to spy, the wiretaps of plotters (using call essential witnesses, distorted wit- unscrambled telephone lines), the hit- ness statements, and had a represen- men out to get him, fake police, and tative of Hutu Power on his payroll entrapment. The author claims tape as a translator – all are absent. recordings exist of former comrades The two French investigative ma- planning his assassination, but there gistrates who took over the dos- is scant evidence presented and no ri- sier, even after a long interview with gorous testing. No expert verification. Nyamwasa at his request, eventually Both informants tell her they decided that the RPF had no case to knew the deadly secret of the assas- answer. The Masaka theory is further sination of President Juvenal Habya- discredited by experts from the UK’s rimana, who had ordered the mis- Cranfield Academy who demonstra- siles to be fired that destroyed his ted that the missiles had come from Falcon jet as it came in to land on within a fortified military camp at 6 April 1994. This milestone had si- Kanombe, closer to the airport and to
3 the crash site, and so certainly inac- about missile launchers being found cessible to rebel fighters carrying mis- by a peasant quite by chance on Ma- siles. The conclusion of Rwanda’s own saka hill. enquiry under Judge Jean Mutsinzi The accusation against the RPF further confirmed Hutu Power extre- is an old story. It was used by the ge- mists were to blame. Both reports are nocidaires in April 1994 even as their dismissed here in a paragraph. crime got underway to explain how In her enthusiasm to blame the the assassination of the President at RPF, Michela Wrong makes no men- the hands of the perfidious ’Tutsi tion of three witnesses who saw the RPF’ had caused Hutu to rise up in missiles depart from Kanombe that anger, and that the killing of Tut- night. One of them, Dr Massimo Pa- si was ’spontaneous’. A foundation such, a Belgian military doctor, was stone of denial, and central to the de- close enough to hear the ’whoosh’ of fence of the genocide perpetrators in the missile fire. Acoustic evidence is their trials, is the claim of a lack of crucial and the results of a scienti- planning. fic study in 2012 by French crash in- Too late for this book but of po- vestigators, buried here in a footnote, tential use to the author are rele- show Kanombe camp the likeliest lo- vant sections in the recently relea- cation for the assassins. sed Duclert report, commissioned by If the massive secret of the as- President Emmanuel Macron to en- sassination does squat like a giant quire into the role of France in the toad anywhere, it is likely to be in circumstances of the genocide. The a prison cell in Mali. Here, the corpu- Duclert report has a document da- lent figure of Théoneste Bagosora is ted 22 September 1994, from the Di- serving a 35-year sentence for geno- rection Générale de la Sécurité Ex- cide : a racist and violent Hutu Po- térieure, France’s foreign intelligence wer ideologue, architect of genocide and counterintelligence agency. The and not mentioned in this account document concludes that the most as the prime suspect of the attack plausible culprits for the assassina- on the plane. To this day, Bagosora tion were Hutu Power military offi- blames the assassination on the RPF. cers. They are named : Théoneste Ba- An RPF commando unit had acces- gosora, Laurent Serubuga, Leonard sed Masaka hill using an escort of Nkundiye and Anatole Nsengiyumva. peacekeepers from the UN Assistance Interestingly, the Duclert report de- Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) who termined how the assassination had were in on the act. Bagosora had gi- been subjected to constant efforts at ven information to Judge Bruguière disinformation.
4 Karegeya swore to the author that tu groups simmering with anti-RPF President Paul Kagame had ordered grievances’ is dismissed. There is no the downing of the plane. He said mention of the Hutu Power move- this was a grab at power, and Ka- ment, or its racist ideology crucial to game was aware of the dangers that Rwanda’s history. Hutu Power does Tutsi civilians faced. He was no more not even appear in the index. than a ruthless tyrant willing to sa- Karegeya was found strangled in crifice his people and was now stifling January 2014 in an upmarket Jo- dissent and assassinating his enemies. hannesburg hotel. Wrong blames Ka- Yet Karegeya was after power for game but four suspects evaded trial himself, and the book details the es- and five years later at an inquest in tablishment of his political party in Johannesburg, with no hard evidence South Africa, the Rwandan Natio- or proof, a judge found the Rwandan nal Congress (RNC). The author des- Government responsible. The author cribes how the RNC established links believes that Karegeya should have with ’Hutu groups connected to the had a state funeral in South Africa – genocidal FDLR’, and describes them which he did not receive. She equates as FDLR ’bogeymen’, and she writes his murder with that of Leon Trotsky, how this was seized upon by Ka- both men producing a ’credible oppo- game putting the Karegeya organisa- sition’. tion ’beyond the pale’. General Nyamwasa survived a These are more than bogeymen. shooting in 2010 and four men were The FDLR, the Democratic Forces sentenced for attempted murder in for the Liberation of Rwanda, a US- South African courts. Today, he designated terrorist group established trains his own militia in the DRC, a to retake power in Rwanda in the ’loose coalition of both Hutu and Tut- name of ’Hutu People’, includes fugi- si’, Wrong asserts. tive Hutu Power genocidaires across While numerous allegations are the border in the neighbouring De- made against the Rwandan Govern- mocratic Republic of Congo (DRC). ment and its President, some old Most of the Hutu Power leadership and familiar, scant evidence is offered escaped in 1994 and are living in Wes- here. To accuse a serving President tern capitals financing terror move- of assassinating his predecessor would ments intent on destroying the Rwan- normally require what in Fleet Street, dan Government. The author tells former heart of the UK’s newspa- readers the FDLR is a ’spent for- per industry, was known as ’copper- ce’, and any danger from the ’Hu- bottomed’ evidence. A different set of tu opposition movement’, or the ’Hu- rules seems to apply when reporting
5 on Africa. A few disgruntled exiles casts into doubt, the facts are capable telling tales and a reliance on a dis- of immediate verification with the use credited dossier from a French magis- of reputable and public sources. This trate is not adequate. matters. It prevents myths turning At the end of the book, the au- into a reality. thor questions the veracity of Rwan- Linda Melvern is a journalist da’s miraculous rebirth. And yet, as and author of ’Intent to Deceive. De- with the circumstances of the geno- nying the Genocide of the Tutsi’ (Ver- cide of the Tutsi which she so casually so 2020)
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