                                                                                                 Edition July 2020

Part 5 Ship types
Chapter 11 Non self-propelled units

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   The electronic PDF version of this document, available at the DNV GL website, is the official, binding version.

                                                        DNV GL AS

DNV GL rules for classification contain procedural and technical requirements related to obtaining
and retaining a class certificate. The rules represent all requirements adopted by the Society as
basis for classification.

©   DNV GL AS July 2020

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This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this
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tort (including negligence), shall be limited to direct losses and under any circumstance be limited to 300,000 USD.

                                                                                                                                      Part 5 Chapter 11 Changes - current
This document supersedes the July 2017 edition of DNVGL-RU-SHIP Pt.5 Ch.11.
Numbering and/or title of items containing changes are highlighted in red colour.

Changes July 2020, entering into force 1 January 2021

               Topic                         Reference                                     Description

Introduction of the class            Sec.1                      Application of class notation Pontoon(B).
notation Pontoon(B)
                                     Sec.1 Table 1              Introduction of qualifier B for vessel with the class notation

                                     Sec.2 [9.1]                Travel direction taken into account.

                                     Sec.5 [1.1.4]              Introduction of a Lightweight survey for vessel with the class
                                                                notation Pontoon(B).

                                     Sec.7                      Requirements for vessel with the class notation Pontoon(B)
                                                                including plans to be submitted for approval.

Editorial corrections
In addition to the above stated changes, editorial corrections may have been made.

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                                                                                                                                         Part 5 Chapter 11 Contents
        Changes – current.................................................................................................. 3

        Section 1 General.................................................................................................... 7
                           1 Introduction.........................................................................................7
                              1.1 Objective......................................................................................... 7
                              1.2 Scope..............................................................................................7
                              1.3 Application....................................................................................... 7
                           2 Class notations.................................................................................... 8
                              2.1 Ship type notations.......................................................................... 8
                              2.2 Additional class notations.................................................................. 8
                           3 Definitions..........................................................................................10
                              3.1 Terms............................................................................................ 10
                           4 Documentation...................................................................................10
                              4.1 Documentation requirements............................................................10
                           5 Certification....................................................................................... 15
                              5.1 Certification requirements................................................................ 15
                           6 Testing............................................................................................... 15
                              6.1 Testing during newbuilding for concrete barges...................................15

        Section 2 Hull........................................................................................................ 16
                           1 General arrangement design............................................................. 16
                              1.1 Subdivision arrangement................................................................. 16
                           2 Compartment arrangement................................................................16
                              2.1 Bottom structure............................................................................ 16
                           3 Structural design principles............................................................... 16
                              3.1 Material......................................................................................... 16
                              3.2 Main deck...................................................................................... 16
                              3.3 Bottom structure............................................................................ 17
                           4 Loads................................................................................................. 17
                              4.1 Wave Loads....................................................................................17
                              4.2 Deck loading.................................................................................. 17
                              4.3 Air overpressure............................................................................. 17
                           5 Hull girder strength........................................................................... 18
                              5.1 Main section modulus...................................................................... 18
                              5.2 Split hopper barges.........................................................................19
                           6 Hull local scantling............................................................................ 21
                              6.1 Deck structure................................................................................21

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7 Buckling............................................................................................. 21

                                                                                                                                         Part 5 Chapter 11 Contents
                              7.1 Stresses based on direct strength analysis......................................... 21
                           8 Fatigue strength................................................................................ 21
                              8.1 Application..................................................................................... 21
                           9 Special requirements......................................................................... 21
                              9.1 Fore peak...................................................................................... 21
                              9.2 Bottom slamming............................................................................22
                              9.3 Supporting structure of towing equipment......................................... 22
                           10 Pusher/barge or pusher/pontoon units........................................... 22
                              10.1 Subdivision arrangement................................................................22
                              10.2 Hull girder strength....................................................................... 22
                              10.3 Hull local scantling........................................................................ 22
                              10.4 Special requirements - connecting elements..................................... 23
                              10.5 Special requirements - ice strengthening......................................... 24

        Section 3 Systems and equipment........................................................................ 25
                           1 Steering arrangement........................................................................ 25
                              1.1 General requirements...................................................................... 25
                           2 Anchoring and mooring equipment....................................................25
                              2.1 General requirements...................................................................... 25
                              2.2 Pusher/barge and pusher/pontoon units............................................ 25
                           3 Machinery, systems and electrical installations................................. 26
                              3.1 General requirements...................................................................... 26
                              3.2 Pusher/barge and pusher/pontoon units............................................ 26

        Section 4 Safety and lifesaving appliances........................................................... 27
                           1 General safety requirements............................................................. 27
                              1.1 General..........................................................................................27
                           2 Fire safety..........................................................................................27
                              2.1 General requirements...................................................................... 27
                           3 Power supply..................................................................................... 27
                              3.1 General requirements...................................................................... 27
                           4 Radio communication.........................................................................28
                              4.1 General requirements...................................................................... 28
                           5 Lifesaving appliances.........................................................................28
                              5.1 General requirements...................................................................... 28

        Section 5 Stability and opening and closing appliances........................................ 30
                           1 Stability............................................................................................. 30
                              1.1 General requirements...................................................................... 30

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2 Opening and closing appliances.........................................................30

                                                                                                                                           Part 5 Chapter 11 Contents
                              2.1 Drainage........................................................................................ 30
                              2.2 Hatches and deck openings..............................................................31
                              2.3 Bow height.................................................................................... 31

        Section 6 Concrete hull (rules)............................................................................. 32
                           1 Materials............................................................................................ 32
                              1.1 General requirements...................................................................... 32
                           2 Design principles............................................................................... 33
                              2.1 General requirements...................................................................... 33
                           3 Loads................................................................................................. 34
                              3.1 Local loads.....................................................................................34
                              3.2 Hull girder loads............................................................................. 36
                           4 Design resistance.............................................................................. 36
                              4.1 General requirements...................................................................... 36
                           5 Survey and testing............................................................................ 37
                              5.1 Survey and testing during newbuilding of concrete barges....................37
                              5.2 Survey and testing after delivery of concrete barges........................... 38

        Section 7 Pontoon(B)............................................................................................ 39
                           1 General.............................................................................................. 39
                              1.1 Introduction................................................................................... 39
                           2 Hull.................................................................................................... 39
                              2.1 Special considerations..................................................................... 39
                              2.2 Design loads and load scenarios....................................................... 39
                              2.3 Hull girder strength.........................................................................40
                              2.4 Local strength................................................................................ 40

        Changes – historic................................................................................................ 41

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                                                                                                                  Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 1
1 Introduction

1.1 Objective
1.1.1 These rules provide requirements for vessels intended to be operated as barges or pontoons.

1.2 Scope
1.2.1 These rules include requirements for strength for both steel and concrete hull, hatches and deck
openings, systems and equipment, stability and load line, and the relevant procedural requirements
applicable to barges and pontoons.
For barges intended to carry personnel, the scope also covers basic safety requirements. This includes fire
safety, life saving appliances, power supply, and radio communication.

1.3 Application
1.3.1 This chapter applies to vessel without proper means of self-propulsion.

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Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 1
2 Class notations

2.1 Ship type notations
2.1.1 Vessels built in compliance with the requirements as specified in Table 1 will be assigned the class
notations as follows:

Table 1 Ship type notations

                    Description                Qualifier                   Additional description             requirements,
                                                                                                              rule reference

             Barges are vessels                                                                         Sec.1 to Sec.5
             without sufficient               2)
             means of self-            Hopper                   Barge primarily designed for self-
             propulsion for transit.                            unloading where the port and starboard
             Assistance from another                            portions are hinged at the hopper end
                                                                                                              Sec.1 to Sec.5
Barge        vessel during transit or                           bulkheads to facilitate rotation around
             transportation service is                          the longitudinal axis when the bottom
             assumed.                                           opens.
                                         Concrete               Hull constructed from concrete and with
                                                                                                              Sec.1 to Sec.6
                                                                cargo hold.

Pontoon Vessels without cargo                             Vessel specifically intended for carriage
                                                                                                              Sec.1 to Sec.5
        hold and no means                                       of cargo on deck only.
        of self-propulsion for
        transit.                         B                      Unmanned vessel of simple box shape,
                                                                without machinery and electrical
                                                                installations, intended for carriage
                                                                                                            Sec.1 ,Sec.5, Sec.7
                                                                of deck cargo or used as working
                                                                platform within restricted environmental

1)    The survey related class notation BIS is mandatory and requirements given in Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.1 shall be complied
2)    Hopper is an optional qualifier for barges built for dredging operations, i.e. Barge(Hopper).

2.2 Additional class notations
2.2.1 The following additional notations, as specified in Table 2, are typically applied to barges and pontoons:

Table 2 Additional class notations

        Class notation                                             Description                                    Application

Strengthened(DK)                  Decks strengthened for heavy cargo                                               All ships

R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, RE            Service area notation                                                            All ships

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Guidance note:

                                                                                                                                               Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 1
    Independent of the service area notation, a barge or pontoon may be designed for a significant wave height HS, specified by the


2.2.2 For a full definition of all additional class notations, see Pt.1 Ch.2.

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Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 1
3 Definitions

3.1 Terms
Table 3 Definitions

           Terms                                                                Definition

barges                         an unmanned or manned vessel, without sufficient means for self-propulsion, sailing in pushed
                               or towed units with following characteristics:
                               — the ratios of the main dimensions may deviate from those usual for seagoing ships
                               — the cargo holds are suitable for the carriage of dry or liquid cargo.

pontoons                       an unmanned or manned vessel, without self-propulsion with following characteristics:
                               — the ratios of the main dimensions deviate from those usual for seagoing ships
                               — it is designed to carry deck load or working equipment, e.g. lifting equipment, rams etc. on
                                 deck only and have no holds for the carriage of cargo.

hopper barge                   a self-unloading barge where the port and starboard portions are hinged at the hopper end
                               bulkheads to facilitate rotation around the longitudinal axis when the bottom opens.

4 Documentation

4.1 Documentation requirements
4.1.1 General
For general requirements to documentation, including definition of the info codes, see DNVGL-CG-0550
For a full definition of the documentation types, see DNVGL-CG-0550 Sec.5.

4.1.2 Barges and pontoons
Documentation shall be submitted as required by Table 4.

Table 4 Documentation requirements

         Object                  Documentation type                             Additional description             Info

Towing arrangement Z030 – Arrangement plan                      Arrangement of towing line, fastening
                                                                arrangement and details.

Towing equipment           H050 - Structural drawing            Including towing force design loads and
supporting                                                      winch load footprint.                              AP

AP = For approval, FI = For information
ACO = As carried out, L = Local handling, R = On request, TA = Covered by type approval, VS = Vessel specific

4.1.3 Additional documentation
For barges and pontoons carrying 36 persons or more, additional documentation shall be submitted as
required by Table 5.
For qualifier Concrete, additional documentation shall be submitted as required by Table 6.

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Table 5 Documentation requirements - class notation Barge or Pontoon carrying 36 persons or

                                                                                                                          Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 1

        Object                    Documentation type                            Additional description          Info

Safety general             G040 – Fire control plan                                                             AP

                           G050 – Safety control plan                                                           AP

Structural fire            G060 – Structural fire protection
protection                 drawing
                           G061 – Penetration drawings                                                          AP

Fire detection and         I200 – Control and monitoring
alarm system               system documentation

                           Z030 – Arrangement plan                                                              AP

Fire water system          S010 – Piping diagram (PD)                                                           AP

                           S030 – Capacity analysis                                                             AP

                           Z030 – Arrangement plan                                                              AP

Fixed fire-                G200 – Fixed fire extinguishing
extinguishing              system documentation                                                                 AP

Escape routes              G120 – Escape route drawing                                                          AP

Ventilation systems        S012 - Ducting diagram (DD)                                                          AP

                           S014 - Duct routing sketch                                                           AP

Life-saving                G160 – Life-saving arrangement
appliances                 plan

AP = For approval, FI = For information
ACO = As carried out, L = Local handling, R = On request, TA = Covered by type approval, VS = Vessel specific

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Table 6 Documentation requirements - for class notation qualifier Concrete

                                                                                                                               Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 1
        Object                    Documentation type                            Additional description               Info

Hull structure             H010 – Structural design brief       Including:
                                                                — overall design safety
                                                                — functional requirements                             FI
                                                                — material data
                                                                — design phases.

                           H020 – Design load plan              Including:
                                                                — self-weight distribution                            FI
                                                                — accidental loads.

                           H050 – Structural drawing            Including:
                                                                — reinforcement in structural members
                                                                — reinforcement details                              AP
                                                                — position and density of pre-stressing
                                                                — pre-stressing anchorage details.

                           H080 – Strength analysis             Including:
                                                                — combination of local and global loads for
                                                                  different limit states                              FI
                                                                — calculationof the utilisation of the structural
                                                                  elements in the different limit states.

                           Z164 - Inspection manual             For in-service inspection, based on design and
                                                                construction considerations.

                           Q010 – Quality manual                Documenting valid EN ISO 9001 certificate or

                           Z260 – Report                        Deviation reports and their closure documentation.   AP

Structural                 H130 – Fabrication specification     Including:
                                                                — qualification testing of the concrete
                                                                — construction procedures
                                                                — formwork                                            FI
                                                                — concreting
                                                                — procedure for taking control specimens and
                                                                  testing of these
                                                                — procedure for curing of the concrete.

AP = for approval, FI = for information

4.1.4 Documentation requirements for Pontoon(B)
For a complete list of documentation requirements for Pontoon(B)seeTable 7
Anchor and anchoring equipment are not part of the scope for approval for Pontoon(B).

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Table 7 Plans to be submitted for information or approval

                                                                                                                                  Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 1
             Object                    Documentation type                         Additional description                 Info

Vessel arrangement                Z010 - General arrangement

Ship hull structure               H050 - Structural drawing         Deck and inner bottom.                               AP

                                  H050 - Structural drawing         Transverse bulkhead.                                 AP

                                  H050 - Structural drawing         Longitudinal bulkhead.                               AP

                                  H052 - Midship section

                                  H060 - Shell expansion

                                  H061 - Framing plan                                                                    AP

                                  H070 - Standard details                                                                 FI

                                  H110 - Preliminary loading

                                  H111 - Final loading manual                                                           AP, VS

Welding                           H140 - Welding tables                                                                  AP

Structural fabrication            H131 - Non-destructive
                                                                                                                        AP, L
                                  (NDT) testing plan

Towing and mooring                Z030 - Arrangement plan           Plan providing information for each item
arrangements                                                        regarding:
                                                                    — location on the ship
                                                                    — fitting types
                                                                    — relevant industry standards for shipboard
                                                                    — dimensions                                          FI
                                                                    — safe working load
                                                                    — maximum breaking strength of the towing and
                                                                      mooring lines
                                                                    — the purpose (mooring/harbour towing/etc.)
                                                                    — manner of applying the lines including limiting
                                                                      fleet angles.

Supporting structure for          H050 - Structural drawing         Including foundation above deck and fixation to
shipboard fittings associated                                       deck inclusive supporting structure below deck.
with mooring and towing                                             Mooring fittings and towing devices (if provided)    AP
operations, including                                               shall be included.
emergency towing

Stability                         B010 - Lines plan and offset      DNVGL-CG-0157                                         FI

                                  B020 - External watertight
                                  integrity plan

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Object                    Documentation type                       Additional description             Info

                                                                                                                            Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 1
                                  B050 - Preliminary stability

                                  B110 - Inclining test or
                                                                                                                 AP, VS
                                  lightweight survey report

                                  B120 - Final stability manual                                                  AP, VS

External watertight and           B200 - Freeboard plan
weathertight integrity

AP = for approval, FI = for information, ACO = as carried out, L = local handling, R = on request, TA = covered by type
approval, VS = vessel specific

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Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 1
5 Certification

5.1 Certification requirements
5.1.1 General
For a definition of the certificate types, see DNVGL-CG-0550 Sec.3.

5.1.2 Barges
Products for Barge(Concrete) shall be certified as required by Table 8.

Table 8 Certification requirements

            Object                              Issued by      Certification standard*          Additional description

Concrete materials                  MC           Society

Anchorage devices and
                                    MC           Society                                 See DNVGL-ST-C502 Sec.4
mechanical splices

* Unless otherwise specified the certification standard is the rules.

6 Testing

6.1 Testing during newbuilding for concrete barges
6.1.1 Testing requirements for class notation Barge(Concrete) is given in Sec.6 [5].

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                                                                                                                          Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 2
For symbols and definitions not defined in this section, see Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4.

1 General arrangement design

1.1 Subdivision arrangement
1.1.1 Watertight bulkhead arrangement
A watertight bulkhead shall be fitted at both ends of the hold area. In the remaining part of the hull,
watertight bulkheads shall be fitted as required for the purpose of watertight subdivision and for transverse
For barges and pontoons with length LLL ≥ 100 m and with discharging arrangements in the bottom, the
regions having such bottom openings shall be bounded by watertight transverse bulkheads from side to side.

1.1.2 Collision bulkhead
Barges and pontoons shall have a collision bulkhead and an after end bulkhead. For barges and pontoons
with LLL ≥ 100 m, the position of the collision bulkhead shall be determined according to Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.2 [4].

2 Compartment arrangement

2.1 Bottom structure
2.1.1 The bottom structure may be built as single or double bottom. In case the barge is arranged with a
double bottom refer to requirements given in Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.3 [2] and Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.5 [3].
The height of a double bottom shall give good access to all internal parts. The height shall not be less than
650 mm.

3 Structural design principles

3.1 Material
3.1.1 The material requirements of Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.1 apply in general.

3.1.2 For non self-propelled box shaped pontoons, closed barges and similar units, material grade A/AH is
generally acceptable.

3.2 Main deck
3.2.1 If the deck will be subjected to heavy point loads, plans shall be submitted showing the arrangement
and position of loads as well as their magnitude.
It shall be specified if all loading points will be subject to loads simultaneously, or if there will be some
alternative groupings of the loads. For reduction of dynamic loads, see Sec.1 Table 1.
Heavy point loads should preferably be supported directly by bulkheads.
Decks subject to wheel loads shall have scantlings complying with requirements given in Pt.3 Ch.10 Sec.5.
Dry cargo barges where the cargo holds and the main deck are supported by cantilevers are to comply with
requirements given in Ch.1 Sec.5.

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Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 2
3.3 Bottom structure
The bottom structure shall be considered as a grillage system being supported by ship sides and/or

4 Loads

4.1 Wave Loads
4.1.1 The wave loads shall in general be taken in accordance with Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.2.

4.1.2 Vessels may be designed with a specified maximum significant wave height HS as an operational
limitation. When HS is specified, the dynamic loads given in Pt.3 Ch.4 and gross section modulus requirement
in [5.1.1] may be reduced with the factor fr.

    Guidance note:
    The maximum significant wave height, HS, will be specified as an operational limitation in the appendix to classification certificate.


4.1.3 For vessels with service area notation, the corresponding significant wave height HS as given in Pt.1
Ch.2 Sec.5 Table 1 shall be applied, unless otherwise specified by the designer according to [4.1.2].

4.2 Deck loading
The uniform deck loading (UDL) for cargo deck shall not be taken less than 0.7 t/m .

4.3 Air overpressure
Where tanks are intended to be emptied by compressed air, the maximum air overpressure shall replace PPV
in the formulae for determining the pressures Pls in Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.6 [1.2], for the static (S) load scenario.
    Guidance note:
    The maximum air overpressure applied in the design and used as approval basis will be stated in the appendix to classification


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Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 2
5 Hull girder strength

5.1 Main section modulus
5.1.1 The minimum midship gross section modulus shall not be less than the value obtained from the
following formula:


fr         = reduction factor related to limitation on maximum significant wave height as defined in [4.1.2]
CWO        = wave parameter, as defined in Figure 1 and [5.2.1].













Figure 1 Wave coefficient

5.1.2 The gross hull girder section modulus shall comply with the requirements given in Pt.3 Ch.5 Sec.2
[1.4.1], but with the following permissible stresses:

σperm = permissible hull girder bending stress, in N/mm2, to be taken as:



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            Intermediate values of      σperm shall be obtained by linear interpolation.

5.1.3 Split hopper barges
Split hopper barges longitudinal hull girder strength calculations shall be carried out for the unloading
condition according to [5.2].

5.1.4 Special harbour conditions
For special harbour conditions, e.g. transient states when moving heavy structures on board from end of
barge, or when the wave heights are considered to be negligible, the wave bending moment may be taken
zero when calculating hull girder section modulus, see [5.1.2].

5.2 Split hopper barges
5.2.1 For unloading condition of split hopper barges, the following stresses, in N/mm , in the split hopper
area for still water condition and HSM and FSM load cases shall be considered as follows:

M’y‐sw M’z‐sw          = still water bending moments, in kNm, related to the inertia axis y'-y' and z'-z'
                         respectively, as shown in Figure 2
M’z‐dyn                = bending moments related to external hydrodynamic pressure for HSM and FSM load
                         cases, in kNm, related to the inertia axis y'-y' and z'-z' respectively as shown in Figure
                         2, to be taken as:

I’y‐n50 I’z‐n50        = moments of inertia of the cross section shown in Figure 2 related to the respective
                         inertia axis, in m
ey', ez'               = distances of the position being considered to the inertia axis y'-y' and z'-z' respectively,
                         in m
Pw                     = external hydrodynamic pressure, in kN/m , for TSC, for HSM and FSM load cases as
                         defined in Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.5 [1.3]
ℓh                     = spacing, in m, between hinges
h                      = cargo height, in m, as shown in Figure 2
ρ                      = design cargo density, in t/m , not to be taken less than 1.2
PL                     = static design cargo pressure, in kN/m , shall be taken as:

The stresses in the split hopper area shall be determined for the most unfavourable distribution of cargo and

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Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 2


                                             y'                                      PL


Figure 2 Static loads on a self-unloading barge, loaded.
5.2.2 The hull girder stresses combined with stresses in the split hopper area, in N/mm , shall satisfy the
following criteria:

σhg‐sw     = hull girder stress, in N/mm , due to vertical still water bending moment as defined in Pt.3 Ch.4
             Sec.4 [2.2.2]
σhg‐dyn    = hull girder stress, in N/mm , for HSM and FSM load cases as defined in Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.4 [3.1.1].

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5.2.3 Stresses in the bearing seating and all other members of the hinge shall satisfy the following criteria:

                                                                                                                         Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 2
σb     = bending stress, in N/mm
τ      = shear stress, in N/mm .

6 Hull local scantling

6.1 Deck structure
If the deck girders constitute a grillage system, direct strength calculations according to Pt.3 Ch.6 Sec.6 shall
be made applying the design load sets specified in Pt.3 Ch.6 Sec.2 (or other specified design load sets given
by the designer), to verify that the stress criteria given in Pt.3 Ch.6 Sec.6 [2.2] are complied with.

7 Buckling

7.1 Stresses based on direct strength analysis
The normal stresses and shear stress taken from direct strength assessment to be applied for buckling
capacity calculation of plate panels (see Pt.3 Ch.8) shall be corrected as given in DNVGL-CG-0128 Sec.3.

8 Fatigue strength

8.1 Application
Fatigue strength calculations shall be performed for barges and pontoons being operated as an offshore
installation, e.g. fixed to a specific oil field for longer periods with no possibilities for survey and intended to
operate in harsh weather conditions. For such units, verification of fatigue strength is required when their
length exceeds 150 m.
If applicable, all longitudinal strength members on external shell and deck shall be verified for compliance
with the prescriptive fatigue strength requirements in Pt.3 Ch.9.

9 Special requirements

9.1 Fore peak
Barges and pontoons with unrestricted operations, shall be checked for bow impact according to Pt.3 Ch.10
Sec.1. If no travel direction is defined, both ends shall be reinforced, see also [1.1.1].

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Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 2
9.2 Bottom slamming
The bottom in barges and pontoons with L > 100 m shall be strengthened against slamming, see Pt.3 Ch.10
Sec.2. In the formula for CSL-et and CSL-ft the ballast draught TF-e and TF-f may be substituted by full draught

9.3 Supporting structure of towing equipment
Towing hooks, winches and brackets with their supporting structure shall be capable of withstanding the
breaking load Pb of the towline.

The breaking load Pb shall not be taken less than the towline minimum breaking strength given in Pt.3 Ch.11
Sec.1 Table 1 in Pt.3 Ch.11 Sec.1 [3].

Acceptable stress levels in the supporting structure resulting from bending moments and shearing forces
calculated for the load Pb are:

σb     = bending stress, in N/mm
τ      = shear stress, in N/mm
σvm    = combined stress, in N/mm .

10 Pusher/barge or pusher/pontoon units

10.1 Subdivision arrangement
10.1.1 Collision bulkhead
The barge/pontoon is at least to have a collision bulkhead between 0.05 L and 0.08 L from F.P. and an after
peak bulkhead at a suitable distance forward of the connection area.

10.2 Hull girder strength
The longitudinal strength shall comply with the requirements given in Pt.3 Ch.5. For the combined pusher/
barge unit or pusher/pontoon unit of type I the longitudinal strength of the barge/pontoon shall be based on
a length L as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 [3] measured between the bow of the barge/pontoon and the stern of
the pusher.

10.3 Hull local scantling
10.3.1 Structural members are in general to comply with the rule requirements for hull structures in Pt.3
based on the rule length of the combined unit.

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10.3.2 Scantlings of the after body of the barge/pontoon are in no case to be less than required for the

                                                                                                                   Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 2
barge/pontoon in unconnected condition.

10.4 Special requirements - connecting elements
10.4.1 The pusher and the aft part of the barge/pontoon shall be so designed as to allow the pusher to
interact with the stern area of the barge/pontoon. The mutual forces between the two structures shall
be transferred by a system of contact surfaces. The connection of type I shall be secured by at least one
mechanical locking device. For type II a flexible connection shall be provided.

10.4.2 The connection forces shall be based on the most severe load conditions to be expected in
service. Wave-induced loads shall be determined according to accepted theories, model tests or full scale
The loads shall be referred to extreme wave conditions, which should be based upon wave statistics for the
expected route or service area, in case of restricted service. For unlimited worldwide service North Atlantic
wave statistics shall be used. The resulting loads shall be given as long term values corresponding to 10
wave encounters (most probable largest loads at a probability of exceedance equal to 10 ).
Realistic conditions with respect to speed and navigation in heavy weather shall be considered, also taking
into account the general assumption of competent handling.

10.4.3 Direct calculations shall be made in order to evaluate the stresses in all relevant strength members of
the connection between barge/pontoon and pusher. Shearing forces and or longitudinal bending moments in
the sections in question are found from direct calculations for barge/pontoon and pusher in still water and in
waves. Pre-loading from locking devices shall also be taken into account.
The stresses in the connection, in N/mm , for the static plus dynamic (S+D) design load scenario shall not
exceed the following permissible values:

For forged and cast steel parts, k, shall be taken as:

10.4.4 All relevant strength members shall have effective continuity, and details which may cause stress
concentration shall have gradual transitions.

10.4.5 Deflections of the structural parts in the connection structure and the necessary pre-loading shall be
considered in order to avoid hammering when the most unfavourable reaction forces occur. Calculations of
these deflections shall be submitted.

10.4.6 Locking devices and or other connection equipment are subject to approval. If based on hydraulic
operation the connecting system shall be mechanically lockable in closed position with remote indication on
the bridge.

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Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 2
10.5 Special requirements - ice strengthening
10.5.1 Pusher/barge units or pusher/pontoon units with type I connection system may be given an ice class
notation provided relevant requirements given in Pt.6 Ch.6 regarding machinery and hull strengthening are
complied with.

10.5.2 The requirements to machinery (in the pusher) and hull strengthening shall be based on a
displacement which is the sum of the displacements of barge/pontoon and pusher.

10.5.3 The hull strengthening of the exposed part of the pusher shall comply with the requirements for the
aft end of the combined pusher/barge unit or pusher/pontoon unit.

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                                                                                                                    Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 3
1 Steering arrangement

1.1 General requirements
1.1.1 If rudder is installed, the steering arrangement shall comply with the requirements given in Pt.3 Ch.14
Sec.1 as far as these rules are found to be relevant for barges and pontoons.
When calculating the rudder force, the speed shall not be taken less than 8 knots.

2 Anchoring and mooring equipment

2.1 General requirements
2.1.1 For manned barges and pontoons with equipment number EN less than 205 the anchor and chain
equipment specified in Pt.3 Ch.11 Sec.1 Table 1 may be reduced, on application from the owners, based upon
a special consideration of the intended service area of the vessel. The reduction shall not be more than given
for the service notation R4 in Pt.3 Ch.11 Sec.1 Table 3.

2.1.2 Unmanned barges and pontoons may be accepted without anchoring equipment installed.

2.1.3 The equipment number EN for determining the equipment according to Pt.3 Ch.11 Sec.1 Table 1 shall
be determined for pontoons carrying lifting equipment, rams, etc., by the following formula:
                                                     EN = Δ         + B · fb + fw

Δ      = displacement of the pontoon, in t, at maximum anticipated draught
fb     = distance, in m, between pontoon deck and waterline
fw     = wind area of the erections on the pontoon deck, in m , which are exposed to the wind from forward,
         including houses and cranes in upright position.

2.1.4 In special cases, upon owner’s request, for manned pontoons the number of anchors may be reduced
to one and the length of the chain cable to 50% of the length required by Pt.3 Ch.11 Sec.1 Table 1.

2.1.5 If necessary for a special purpose, for pontoons mentioned under [2.1.4], the anchor mass may be
further reduced by up to 20%. Upon owner’s request the anchor equipment may be dispensed with. If not
equipped with anchoring equipment, this will be stated in the appendix to the class certificate.

2.1.6 If a steel wire rope shall be provided instead of a stud link chain cable on manned barges and
pontoons, the requirements given in Pt.3 Ch.11 Sec.1 [5] shall be complied with.

2.1.7 Anchor equipment fitted in addition to that required herein, e.g. for positioning purposes, is not part of

2.2 Pusher/barge and pusher/pontoon units
The pusher/barge or the pusher/pontoon unit shall have equipment corresponding to an equipment number
which shall be calculated for the combined pusher/barge or pusher/pontoon unit according to Pt.3 Ch.11
Sec.1 [3].

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Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 3
3 Machinery, systems and electrical installations

3.1 General requirements
3.1.1 If the barge or pontoon is arranged with machinery and electrical installations, relevant requirements
given in Pt.4 shall be complied with.

3.2 Pusher/barge and pusher/pontoon units
3.2.1 Machinery, bilge system, fire extinguishing plant
Machinery, pumps, piping systems, fitting, materials, bilge system and fire extinguishing plant shall comply
with Pt.4, as relevant for barges/pontoons.

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                                                                                                                     Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 4
1 General safety requirements

1.1 General
1.1.1 For barges and pontoons designed to carry 36 persons or more the safety requirements in this section
shall apply.

1.1.2 The yard or builder shall submit evidence of these topics being accepted by the respective
administration, in which the same will be also be acceptable to the Society.

1.1.3 For manned barges and pontoons with less than 36 persons, the requirements herein will be reviewed
on a case by case basis.

2 Fire safety

2.1 General requirements
2.1.1 In absence of specific safety requirements from the respective flag administration, the barge shall
comply with the cargo ship fire safety requirements of Ch.II-2 of SOLAS 1974 as amended.

3 Power supply

3.1 General requirements
3.1.1 For barges and pontoons with a power generation plant, at least two main generator sets shall be
provided. The capacity shall be sufficient to maintain the barge in normal operational conditions with any one
main generator out of operation.

3.1.2 A self-contain emergency source of power shall be provided. The emergency source of power and its
associated equipment shall be located on or above the freeboard deck, and independent of the main electrical
power required by [3.1.1].

3.1.3 The requirements for a separate emergency source of power may be omitted for installations with two
independent engine rooms when compliant with Pt.4 Ch.8 Sec.2 [3.1.4].

3.1.4 In case of failure in the main source of electrical power, the emergency source of power shall be
automatically connected to the emergency switchboard unless a transitional source of power is provided.
The emergency source of power shall be capable of supplying simultaneously the services listed for at least
18 hours
—   emergency lighting for machinery spaces, control stations, alleyways, stairways, exits and elevators
—   emergency lighting for embarkation stations on decks and over sides
—   emergency lighting for stowage position(s) for firemen’s outfits
—   emergency lighting for helicopter landing decks
—   navigation and special purpose lights and warning systems including helicopter landing lights
—   general alarm and communications systems
—   fire detection and alarm systems

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— fire extinguishing systems.

                                                                                                                     Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 4
3.1.5 The transitional source of power, if required, shall be capable of supplying the services listed for at
least 30 minutes:
— emergency lighting
— general alarm and communications systems
— fire detection and alarm systems.

3.1.6 The electrical installation shall comply with relevant requirements given in Pt.4 Ch.8.

4 Radio communication

4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 In absence of specific radio communication requirements from the respective flag administration, the
barge shall be provided with a radio-telephone station complying with the provision of Chapter IV of SOLAS
1974 as amended and at least one emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB).

4.1.2 The radio station shall be subject to survey by the administration which issue the licence or its
authorised representative before the radio station is put into service.

4.1.3 The radio station shall be surveyed once every 12 months, carried out by an officer of the
Administration or its authorised representative, or by a qualified radio service engineer from a local radio firm
approved by the Society.

5 Lifesaving appliances

5.1 General requirements
5.1.1 In absence of specific lifesaving appliances requirements from the respective flag administration, the
barge is to comply with the requirements given in Part A and Section I of Part B of Ch.III of SOLAS 1974,
as amended, and with the applicable provisions of the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code.
Furthermore, under the same condition the articles [5.1.2] to [5.1.7] will also apply.

5.1.2 The barge shall carry one or more lifeboats complying with the requirement of the LSA code section
4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 of such aggregate capacity on each side of the ship as will accommodate at least 50%
of all persons onboard.

5.1.3 In addition, inflatable or rigid liferafts complying with the requirement of the LSA code section 4.2
and 4.3 , of such aggregate so that there will be survival craft on each side of the barge to accommodate all
persons onboard.

5.1.4 In lieu of the requirement in [5.1.2] and [5.1.3], barges and pontoons of less than 85 m in length or
barges and pontoons with appropriate damage stability as per SOLAS SPS Code, may carry on each side of
the barge one or more life rafts complying with the requirement of the LSA code section 4.2 and 4.3 of such
aggregate as will accommodate all persons onboard.

5.1.5 The barge shall carry at least one rescue boat complying with the requirement of section 5 of the LSA

5.1.6 Personal life-saving appliances shall comply with requirements given in SOLAS Reg.III/32.

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5.1.7 Survival craft embarkation and launching arrangement shall comply with requirements given in SOLAS

                                                                                                            Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 4

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                                                                                                                    Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 5
1 Stability

1.1 General requirements
1.1.1 Barges or pontoons with a length LLL of 24 m and above shall comply with the intact stability
requirements according to Pt.3 Ch.15.

1.1.2 The alternative stability criteria as given in 2008 IS Code Part B Ch.2.2 may be applied for vessels with
class notations Barge, Pontoon or Barge(Concrete) for which the application requirements of 2008 IS
Code Part B Ch.2.2.1 are met.

1.1.3 Vessels with class notation Barge(Concrete) shall be capable of surviving a minor hull damage that
results in flooding of any one compartment bounded by the shell. The minor damage should be assumed to
occur anywhere in the length of the barge, but not on a watertight bulkhead or deck. The barge's survival
capabilities after the specified damage shall be in accordance with the damage stability criteria of IMO
resolution MSC.235(82) chapter 3.3.
Other recognized international damage stability standards may, however, be accepted as an alternative to
IMO resolution MSC.235(82) subject to agreement with the Society.

1.1.4 Lightweight survey for vessels with class notation Pontoon(B) may be carried out based on
'Notification on lightweight survey and inclining test' according to DNVGL-CG-0157 submitted to the local
DNV GL office.

2 Opening and closing appliances

2.1 Drainage
2.1.1 Barges shall be provided with means for drainage of cargo holds, engine rooms and watertight
compartments and tanks which give major contribution to the vessel's buoyancy and floatability.

2.1.2 As far as applicable and with the exemptions specified in the following, the rules and principles for
drainage of ship with propulsion machinery shall be complied with.

2.1.3 Manned barges and pontoons shall be provided with a permanently installed bilge system with power
bilge pumps. The bilge system shall have suctions in rooms mentioned in [2.1.1].
An additional emergency bilge suction shall be provided in engine rooms.
Dry compartments in fore- and after peaks may be drained by effective hand pumps. Rooms situated on deck
may be drained directly overboard.

2.1.4 Manned barges and pontoons for unlimited service shall be equipped with two permanently installed
bilge pumps.
Manned barges and pontoons with restricted service may have one bilge pump.
Ballast pumps may be used as bilge pumps. Where only one permanently installed bilge pump is installed,
this pump shall not serve as fire pump.

2.1.5 Ballast systems shall comply with the requirements for ballast systems in ships. However, one ballast
pump may be accepted.

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Alternative methods for emptying ballast tanks, e.g. by means of compressed air and bottom valves, may be

                                                                                                                                            Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 5
accepted upon consideration in each case.

2.1.6 Unmanned barges and pontoons shall be provided with drainage facilities for compartments rooms
mentioned in [2.1.1].
For cargo holds the facilities shall be so arranged that drainage can be performed in loaded conditions, for
instance by arranging ducts for portable pumps to bilge wells or piping from the connection point of the bilge
pump to the bilge wells.
Other compartments which shall be drained by portable equipment shall be provided with suitable access
openings for such equipment.
Any engine room or pump room shall have bilge suctions to available pumps.

2.1.7 Unmanned barges and pontoons may have portable bilge pumping equipment only, arranged with their
own power supply.
For barges and pontoons for unlimited service such equipment shall be permanently installed.
For barges and pontoons for restricted service the rules are based on the assumption that suitable bilge
pumping equipment is available on board the barge or on board the towing/pushing vessel. This assumption
will be included in the appendix to the class certificate to be issued for the barge.

2.2 Hatches and deck openings
2.2.1 Deck openings in barges shall have hatch coamings and covers as given in Pt.3 Ch.12. Minimum design
pressure for hatch covers in dry cargo barges is 3.5 kN/m .

2.2.2 The closing arrangement of deck openings for barges and pontoons with restricted service and high
freeboard shall be specially considered.

2.3 Bow height
2.3.1 The requirement for minimum bow height given in Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.2 [2] may be dispensed with.
    Guidance note:
    For manned barges and pontoons the requirements for bow height should be clarified with the respective flag administration.


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                                                                                                                     Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 6
1 Materials

1.1 General requirements
1.1.1 A barge may be constructed using the following materials: steel reinforcement, FRP reinforcing rods,
LWA concrete, NW concrete, structural grout, or fibre reinforced grout.

1.1.2 Concrete is in this standard used as a common reference to NW concrete, LWA concrete, structural
grout, fibre reinforced structural grout and fibre reinforced structural concrete if the above specified materials
are not included specifically.

1.1.3 Definitions (for further definitions, see DNVGL-ST-C502 Sec.4):
—   NW denotes normal weight concrete
—   LWA denotes lightweight aggregate
—   LWAC denotes lightweight aggregate concrete
—   fibre reinforced concrete is structural concrete mixed with short fibre material
—   fibre reinforced structural grout is grout mixed with short fibre material
—   FRP fibres are fibres cut from fibre reinforced polymers.

1.1.4 The material to be used in a concrete barge shall be in accordance with the requirements specified in
DNVGL-ST-C502 Sec.4.

1.1.5 Testing of concrete, grout, steel, FRP, additions, admixtures and constituent materials shall all be in
accordance with the requirements of DNVGL-ST-C502 [4.14].

1.1.6 The material properties of concrete (with and without fibres) shall be in accordance with the
requirements of DNVGL-ST-C502 [4.3] and DNVGL-ST-C502 [4.4].

1.1.7 The material properties of grout (with and without fibres) shall be in accordance with the requirements
of DNVGL-ST-C502 [4.5] and DNVGL-ST-C502 [4.6].

1.1.8 For concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, structural grout and fibre and reinforced structural grout; the
28 days characteristic compressive strength, fck , is defined as the lower 5 percentile found from statistical
analysis of tests on cylindrical specimens with diameter 150 mm and height 300 mm.

1.1.9 For NW concrete, LWAC and fibre reinforced concrete; normalized compressive and tensile strength are
required in detailed designed of structural members. Normalized values are given in DNVGL-ST-C502 Sec.4.

1.1.10 For LWAC, grout, fibre reinforced concrete and fibre reinforced grout; product certificates or type
approval certificates are required which document specific product properties. For further details, see DNVGL-
ST-C502 Sec.4.

1.1.11 For FRP reinforcement, a product certificate, or type approval certificate is required which documents
specific product properties. For further details, see DNVGL-ST-C502 Sec.4.

1.1.12 Certificates for NW concrete, reinforcement and tendons as required by DNVGL-ST-C502 Sec.4 shall
be submitted.

1.1.13 For fatigue properties of concrete, LWA concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, grout and fibre reinforced
grout; references are made to DNVGL-ST-C502 [6.13] and DNVGL-ST-C502 [6.20]. Parameters defining the
fatigue parameters shall be defined in the relevant certificates.

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1.1.14 Anchorage devices and mechanical splices shall be documented by product certificates, see DNVGL-

                                                                                                                                                Part 5 Chapter 11 Section 6
ST-C502 [4.7.2].

1.1.15 Friction welded end anchorages on rebars (T-heads) shall be qualified tested in advance with the
actual type of rebar and be routinely tested during production. The test program shall include a tension test
and a bend test to document strength and ductility of the connection. The friction weld shall not fail before
the rebar.

1.1.16 Welding procedures, together with the extent of testing for weld connections relevant to reinforced
concrete and concrete structures, shall be specified and approved in each case.

1.1.17 The concrete material and steel material shall be documented in accordance with DNVGL-ST-C502

2 Design principles

2.1 General requirements
2.1.1 The design shall be performed according to the load and resistance factor design format (LRFD
method) as detailed in DNVGL-ST-C502 Sec.6. The design shall be carried out for the limit states of strength
(ULS), accident (ALS), fatigue (FLS) and serviceability (SLS).

2.1.2 Detailed design for structural capacity, water tightness (SLS), fatigue life, and progressive collapse
shall be carried out in accordance with DNVGL-ST-C502 Sec.6.

2.1.3 The applied loads (ULS and SLS) on a concrete barge as defined in [3.1] and [3.2] are based on rules
for classification: Pt.3 combined with partial load factors as given in DNVGL-ST-C502 [5.4].

2.1.4 Relevant accidental conditions (ALS) shall be included in the design, see DNVGL-ST-C502 [5.3.4].
Accidental loads, including collision loads, shall not be less than in accordance with DNVGL-OS-A101 Ch.2

2.1.5 Fatigue life (FLS) shall be carried out as given in DNVGL-ST-C502 [6.13] with minimum design life 20
    Guidance note:
    The fatigue life may be calculated applying a long term distribution based on ULS loads, excluding partial load factors, of 20 years
    (10 cycles), assuming a Weibull shape parameter 1.0.


2.1.6 Response from hull girder loads and local pressures shall be combined in accordance with DNVGL-ST-
C502 [5.4].

2.1.7 In order to document transverse strength, the design shall be performed applying transverse hull
girder loads in combination with local loads. The vertical wave bending moments in transverse direction may
be based on [3.2.2], exchanging L with B, and applying kwm = 1.0 between port and starboard side. The
vertical wave shear forces in transverse direction may be based on [3.2.3], applying kwqp(n) = 0.7 between
port and starboard side.

2.1.8 For barges with restricted service, CW and CWO applied in order to establish hull girder loads ([3.2])
and local loads ([3.2]) may be reduced as given in Sec.1 Table 1.

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