TFG Properties Tier 7 Pty Ltd ATF - Greenbank Mixed Use Development Assessment - 205-219 Teviot Road, Greenbank 19 August 2020

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TFG Properties Tier 7 Pty Ltd ATF - Greenbank Mixed Use Development Assessment - 205-219 Teviot Road, Greenbank 19 August 2020
TFG Properties Tier 7 Pty Ltd ATF
Greenbank Mixed Use Development Assessment –
205-219 Teviot Road, Greenbank
19 August 2020
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1           Purpose of Report .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2           Report Structure................................................................................................................................................. 1

Section 2 Study Area Background and Context ......................................................................................................... 2
2.1           Geographic Definition of Study Area.................................................................................................................. 2
2.2           Socio Economic Profile ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3           Population and Household Projections .............................................................................................................. 6
2.3.1         Population and Household Projections ................................................................................................................................ 6

Section 3 Supply Assessment ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1           Health Care Supply ............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.1         Existing Medical Centres....................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2         Existing Ancillary Health Providers ..................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2           Centres Floor Space Supply .............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2.1         Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area ................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.2         Major Centres ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.3         District Centres ................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.4         Local Centres ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.5         Neighbourhood Centres ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.6         Mixed Use Zone .................................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.3           Approved and Potential Future Supply ............................................................................................................ 20
3.4           Implications for Proposed Development ......................................................................................................... 20

Section 4 Demand Assessment .............................................................................................................................. 21
4.1           Commercial Office Floor Space Demand.......................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1         Demand for Medical Specialist Floor Space........................................................................................................................ 21
4.1.2         Demand for Other Commercial Office Floor Space ............................................................................................................ 25
4.1.3         Supply Demand Balance ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.2           Demand for Retail Floor Space......................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.1         Demand for Pharmacy ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
4.2.2         Demand for Cafe................................................................................................................................................................. 30

Section 5 Impact Assessment ................................................................................................................................. 32
5.1           Impact Defined ................................................................................................................................................. 32
5.2           Impact Assessment .......................................................................................................................................... 32

Section 6 Need Assessment ................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1           Community Need ............................................................................................................................................. 34
6.2           Economic Need ................................................................................................................................................ 34
6.3           Planning Need .................................................................................................................................................. 34

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Section 7 Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 36

Figure 2-1         Geographic Definition of the MTA ................................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 3-1         Centres within and Servicing the MTA ......................................................................................................................... 16

Table 2-1          Socio-economic profile, MTA, Logan LGA and Queensland, 2016 Census ..................................................................... 4
Table 2-2          Population and Household Projections, MTA, Logan LGA and Queensland, 2018-2030 ................................................ 7
Table 3-1          Existing General Practitioners within and Servicing the Main Trade Area ..................................................................... 8
Table 3-2          Existing Pharmacies within and Servicing the Main Trade Area ................................................................................... 10
Table 3-3          Existing Ancillary Health Providers within and Servicing the Main Trade Area ............................................................ 12
Table 3-4          Retail floor space in trade areas by centre type, anchor tenants and distance from subject site................................ 18
Table 4-1          Number of Registered and Employed Medical Professionals (headcount and FTEs) by Geography, 2017 .................. 21
Table 4-2          Registered and employed health practitioners per 1,000 persons, 2017 .................................................................... 22
Table 4-3          Projected Demand for Health Practitioners and Health Practitioners Requiring Specialist Suites, 2018-2030 ............ 24
Table 4-4          Projected Medical Specialist Floor Space Demand Generated by the MTA Population (sqm), 2018-2030 .................. 24
Table 4-5          Employment Characteristics of Greenbank SA2, 2016 Census ..................................................................................... 25
Table 4-6          Assumed Number of Other Commercial Office Sector Workers in MTA, 2016 Census ................................................ 26
Table 4-7          Projected Other Commercial Office Employment and Floor Space Provision in Greater Flagstone PDA, Logan LGIP,
                   2014 to Ultimate .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Table 4-8          Projected Demand for Other Commercial Office Floor Space in Main Trade Area, 2016 -2030 .................................. 27
Table 4-9          Projected Supply Demand Balance for Commercial Office Floor Space in Main Trade Area, 2022-30 ........................ 28
Table 4-10         Pharmacy Demand Calculations, 2022 ......................................................................................................................... 30
Table 4-11         Café Demand Calculations, 2022 .................................................................................................................................. 31
Table 5-1          Anticipated Impacts of Proposed Café and Pharmacy on Centres Network, 2022 ...................................................... 33

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Document history & status

Document history & status
 Revision      Date issued              Reviewed by      Approved by            Date approved         Revision type
 Rev A         15 November 2019         S McCormack      S McCormack            14 November 2019      Draft
 Rev B         5 December 2019          S McCormack      M Brown                5 December 2019       Revised Draft
 Rev 0         7 August 2020            S McCormack      S McCormack            7 August 2020         Final
 Rev 1         19 August 2020           S McCormack      S McCormack            19 August 2020        Final

Distribution of copies
 Version                        Date issued             Quantity       Electronic     Issued to
 Rev A                          15 November 2019        1              x              TFG Properties Tier 7 Pty Ltd, D Everett
 Rev B                          5 December 2019         1              x              TFG Properties Tier 7 Pty Ltd, D Everett
 Rev 0                          7 August 2020           1              x              A Sweet, D Everett
 Rev 1                          19 August 2020                                        A Sweet, D Everett

 Last Saved:                    19 August 2020
 File Name:                     Greenbank Mixed Use Development Assessment – 205-219 Teviot Road, Greenbank
 Author:                        D Mebrahtu, S McCormack
 Project Manager:               S McCormack
 Client:                        TFG Properties Tier 7 Pty Ltd ATF
 Document Title:                Greenbank Mixed Use Development Assessment – 205-219 Teviot Road, Greenbank
 Document Version:              Rev 1
 Project Number:                1000562

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Section 1 Introduction

Section 1 Introduction

1.1        Purpose of Report
CDM Smith was engaged by the proponent to undertake an economic need and impact assessment for the proposed
mixed use development at 205-219 Teviot Road, Greenbank. It is understood that the subject site falls within the
Urban Living Zone under the Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area (PDA).
The uses proposed for the subject site include a mix of health care, shop, food and drink outlets, commercial and
residential uses. It is understood that Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) have raised concerns relating to the
commercial components on the subject site.
The proposed development comprises of four stages, these being:
     Stage 1: 2,223sqm health / medical use tenancies (including a 448sqm pharmacy, 100sqm café and 78sqm
      management office) and 9 residential apartments;
     Stage 2: 100 independent living units (ILUs);
     Stage 3: 40 ILUs and 200 bed aged care facility; and
     Stage 4: 750sqm commercial use, 610sqm health / medical use and 4 residential apartments.
The purpose of this study is to assess the economic need for, and likely impact of the commercial components of
Stage 1 of the development (i.e. the 2,223sqm health / medical use tenancies). Comment has also been provided on
the indicative timing for the commercial and health / medical uses proposed as part of Stage 4 of the development.

1.2        Report Structure
This report is structured as follows:
     Section 1 – Introduction: This section provides an overview of the project background, purpose of study and
      report structure,
     Section 2 - Trade Area Overview: This section provides an assessment of the defined trade area for the proposed
      development, including an analysis of the demographic and socio-economic characteristic of the defined trade
      area and population and household projections;
     Section 3 – Supply Assessment: This section identifies the existing, approved and designated centres network
      servicing the identified trade area for the proposed development;
     Section 4 – Demand Assessment: This section reports the projected demand for commercial office (including a
      breakdown by medical specialists and other commercial office uses) and retail floor space at the subject site;
     Section 5 – Impact Assessment: This section provides a summary of the likely impact of the proposed
      development on other centres and the centres hierarchy;
     Section 6 – Need Assessment: This section considers the need for the proposed development across economic,
      community and planning need contexts;
     Section 7 – Conclusion: This section provides an overview of the suggested timing for the delivery of Stage 1 and
      Stage 4 of the proposed development.

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Section 2 Study Area Background and Context

Section 2 Study Area Background and Context

2.1          Geographic Definition of Study Area
As previously outlined, the subject site falls within the Greater Flagstone PDA. The trade area for the proposed
development has been defined having regard to the following key factors:
     Existing, approved and designated centres network within the Greater Flagstone PDA;
     Layout of proposed development and relationship to site access;
     Existing road network and accessibility of the site to the surrounding area;
     Co-location with or proximity to any other core attractors;
     Location, role and function of surrounding centres, including existing, approved and designated centres;
     Physical or psychological barriers that might impede custom, such as potential severance created by the Bremer
      River and rail network, and
     Australia Bureau of Statistics geographic boundaries, for which Census data is available.
A single main trade area (MTA) has been defined for the proposed development based on SA1 boundaries, comprising
parts of the Greenbank SA2, Boronia Heights-Park Ridge SA2 and Munruben-Park Ridge South SA2. The MTA
boundary has been defined to represent a discrete catchment relative to other designated neighbourhood and district
centres within the Greater Flagstone PDA. The MTA is bounded by Middle Road / Goodna Road to the north, Oxley
Creek and Abrade Creek to the south and west and the Mount Lindsey Highway to the east.
Figure 2-1 illustrates the geographic definition of the MTA.

Figure 2-1     Geographic Definition of the MTA

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Section 2 Study Area Background and Context

2.2        Socio Economic Profile
The demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the main trade area (MTA) population as of the 2016 Census,
benchmarked to Logan LGA and Queensland are summarised below:
     In 2016, the MTA was characterised by a higher incidence of persons aged 0-14 years and 35-64 years relative to
      the Logan LGA and Queensland;
     As of the 2016 Census, the average age of residents within the MTA (35.4 years) was on par with Logan LGA (35.4
      years) but significantly lower than Queensland (38.2 years);
     There was a significantly higher incidence of couple families with children in the main trade area relative to both
      Logan LGA and Queensland, with couple families with children representing 56.5% of all households in the MTA
      compared with 46.1% of households in Logan LGA and 42.5% of households in Queensland. The incidence of
      single parent families in the MTA was significantly lower than in Logan LGA and Queensland;
     The average household size in the MTA was 3.5 persons per household as of the 2016 Census, higher than Logan
      LGA and Queensland averages;
     The average vehicle ownership in MTA was 2.6 motor vehicles per household as of the 2016 Census, higher than
      Logan LGA and Queensland.
     In 2016, the incidence of fully owned households in the MTA was higher than in Logan LGA but was significantly
      lower than Queensland. The incidence of households purchasing homes was significantly higher in the MTA
      compared to Logan LGA and Queensland, whereas rental households in the MTA was significantly lower than in
      Logan LGA and Queensland;
     Average monthly housing loan and average weekly repayments in the MTA were higher than Logan LGA and
     Average weekly household incomes were higher in the MTA compared with Logan LGA and Queensland, at
      $2,213, $1,666 and $1,735 per week respectively;
     In 2016, households within the MTA spent an average of 14.7% of their household income on housing costs,
      compared to 15% in the Logan LGA and 13.8% in Queensland;
     As of the 2016 Census, the incidence of full-time employment in the MTA was higher than in Logan LGA and
     The unemployment rate was significantly lower in the MTA compared to Logan LGA and Queensland. The labour
      force participation rate in the MTA (69.5%) was higher than Logan LGA (61.6%) and Queensland (61.0%);
     The MTA had a higher incidence of persons employed in white-collar occupations than Logan LGA but lower than
      Queensland. The MTA had a significantly lower incidence of persons employed in blue -collar occupations than
      Logan LGA;
     In 2016, the incidence of persons aged 15 years and over with a post school qualification was lower in the MTA
      than Logan LGA and Queensland. However, the MTA had higher incidence of persons with a certificate
      qualification relative to Logan LGA and Queensland. Conversely, the incidence of persons with a Bachelor or
      higher qualification was marginally lower in the MTA relative to Logan LGA;
     Residents in the MTA were most likely to be employed within the construction, retail trade and manufacturing
      sectors. The incidence of employment within the construction sector in the MTA was higher than Logan LGA and
      Queensland averages.
Table 2-1 summarises the socio-economic profile for the MTA benchmarked to Logan LGA and Queensland as of the
2016 Census.

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Section 2 Study Area Background and Context

Table 2-1      Socio-economic profile, MTA, Logan LGA and Queensland, 2016 Census
 Indicator                                                    MTA    Logan LGA      Queensland
 Population                                                 13,101     303,384       4,703,192
 Age Distribution
 0-14 years                                                  23.0%      22.6%            19.4%
 15-24 years                                                 13.6%      14.0%            13.0%
 25-34 years                                                  9.5%      14.1%            13.7%
 35-44 years                                                 16.0%      13.6%            13.4%
 45-54 years                                                 16.5%      12.8%            13.4%
 55-64 years                                                 11.8%      10.9%            11.8%
 65+ years                                                    9.3%      12.0%            15.3%
 Average age (years)                                          35.4        35.4            38.2
 Household Type (% of families)
 Couple families with children                               23.0%      22.6%            19.4%
 Couple families without children                            13.6%      14.0%            13.0%
 Single parent family                                         9.5%      14.1%            13.7%
 Other                                                       16.0%      13.6%            13.4%
 Average household size                                        3.5         2.9             2.6
 Average vehicle ownership                                     2.6         1.9             1.8
 Household Finances
 % of households fully owning home                           24.2%      21.9%            27.4%
 % of households purchasing home                             60.9%      38.2%            31.4%
 % of households renting                                      9.6%      31.7%            32.2%
 Average weekly household income                            $2,213      $1,666          $1,735
 Average monthly housing loan repayment                     $2,010      $1,650          $1,820
 Average weekly rent payment                                 $446        $328            $334
 Average housing costs (as a % of income)                    14.7%      15.0%            13.8%
 Labour Market
 Full-time employment (% labour force)                       61.9%      58.8%            57.7%
 Part-time employment (% labour force)                       27.2%      27.5%            29.9%
 Unemployment rate                                            6.4%       8.9%             7.6%
 Participation rate (% of population > 15 years)             69.5%      61.6%            61.0%
 % of persons with a post-school qualification               47.1%      43.7%            48.3%
 % of persons with Bachelor or higher                        11.0%      11.3%            18.3%
 % of persons with Diploma                                    8.4%       8.3%             8.7%
 % of persons with Certificate                               27.7%      24.1%            21.3%
 Upper White Collar

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Section 2 Study Area Background and Context

 Indicator                                                  MTA    Logan LGA   Queensland
 Managers                                                  12.8%       9.2%         12.1%
 Professionals                                             12.7%      13.2%         19.8%
 Subtotal                                                  25.4%      22.4%         31.9%
 Lower White Collar
 Clerical and Admin Workers                                16.6%      14.9%         13.6%
 Community & Personal Service Workers                       9.1%      10.8%         11.3%
 Sales Workers                                              9.1%       9.7%          9.7%
 Subtotal                                                  34.9%      35.5%         34.7%
 Upper Blue Collar
 Technicians & Trades Workers                              19.3%      16.3%         14.3%
 Subtotal                                                  19.3%      16.3%         14.3%
 Lower Blue Collar
 Machinery Operators & Drivers                              9.0%      11.1%          6.9%
 Labourers                                                  9.9%      12.9%         10.5%
 Subtotal                                                  18.9%      23.9%         17.5%
 Employment by Industry (% of employees)
 Agriculture, forestry & fishing                            9.0%      11.1%          6.9%
 Mining                                                     9.9%      12.9%         10.5%
 Manufacturing                                             18.9%      23.9%         17.5%
 Electricity, gas, water & waste services                   9.0%      11.1%          6.9%
 Construction                                               9.9%      12.9%         10.5%
 Wholesale trade                                           18.9%      23.9%         17.5%
 Retail trade                                               9.0%      11.1%          6.9%
 Accommodation & food services                              9.9%      12.9%         10.5%
 Transport, postal & warehousing                           18.9%      23.9%         17.5%
 Information media & telecommunications                     9.0%      11.1%          6.9%
 Financial & insurance services                             9.9%      12.9%         10.5%
 Rental, hiring & real estate services                     18.9%      23.9%         17.5%
 Professional, scientific & technical services              9.0%      11.1%          6.9%
 Administrative & support services                          9.9%      12.9%         10.5%
 Public administration & safety                            18.9%      23.9%         17.5%
 Education & training                                       9.0%      11.1%          6.9%
 Health care & social assistance                            9.9%      12.9%         10.5%
 Arts & recreation services                                18.9%      23.9%         17.5%
 Other services                                             9.0%      11.1%          6.9%
Source: ABS (2016) Census of Population and Housing

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Section 2 Study Area Background and Context

2.3        Population and Household Projections
2.3.1      Population and Household Projections
In determining the likely population and household growth within the MTA, consideration has been given to:
     Population projections prepared by the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO) by SA2;
     Residential development applications and approvals within the MTA;
     Allowable residential development densities within the Greater Flagstone PDA; and
     Likely take-up rates of residential subdivisions within the MTA.
The Greater Flagstone PDA development scheme indicates that the Greenbank Central portion of the PDA could
accommodate approximately 2,100 new dwellings and 5,900 additional persons on build out. However, this estimate
is likely to understate the development potential of the Greenbank Central portion of the Greater Flagstone PDA, with
the Everleigh development alone anticipated to accommodate 3,300 additional dwellings within the Greenbank
Central portion of the Greater Flagstone PDA.
As of October 2019, there were three residential subdivisions identified within the MTA and contained within the
Greater Flagstone PDA, these being:
     Everleigh (Mirvac): EDQ has granted approval for 508 residential allotments within the Everleigh masterplanned
      community. Mirvac anticipate that the entire Everleigh residential development will accommodate 3,300
      dwellings and accommodate approximately 10,000 persons over the next 16 years, suggesting a target sales rate
      in the order of approximately 200 allotments per annum;
     Covella (Villaworld): EDQ has granted approval has been granted for 432 residential allotments within the
      Covella residential subdivision. The Villaworld website does not provide detail relating to target sales rates, the
      allotments currently available for purchase or the size of the entire residential estate on build out; and
     Teviot Downs Estate (Lateral Properties): The Teviot Downs Estate is relatively well established and first
      recorded sales in early 2003. At present, there are six allotments currently for sale within Stage 28 of the
      development. The Teviot Downs Estate masterplan identifies future development in the south eastern corner of
      their land holding but has not indicated likely dwelling yield. Dwelling growth in the Teviot Downs Estate in the
      2011 to 2018 period is estimated to have been approximately 40 dwellings per annum 1.
In addition, there were two residential subdivisions identified within the main trade area but beyond the Greater
Flagstone PDA boundary, these being:
     Harvest Rise (Intrapac): The Harvest Rise residential subdivision is located at the north eastern corner of the
      main trade area, located directly off the Mount Lindesay Highway. The masterplan indicates that Harvest Rise
      will offer 448 residential allotments on build out. According to the Harvest Rise interactive sales map, 160
      allotments have been sold to date, with a further 22 allotments currently available to purchase; and
     Spring Mountain Acreage Estate (Peet): The Spring Mountain Acreage Estate is located at the western boundary
      of the main trade area, with the main entry point to the estate via Spring Mountain Drive. The Parkview release
      is currently for sale (towards the southern boundary of the estate immediately to the south of Barcoo Drive),
      with enquiries also being taken for the Pinnacle Release (western boundary, off Bellbird Drive).
The population of the MTA is anticipated to increase from 13,995 persons in 2018 to 21,695 persons in 2030,
representing average annual population growth of 3.7% per annum. The rate of population growth in the MTA is
anticipated to be significantly higher than in both Logan LGA and Queensland. A significant uplift in population growth

1Between 2011 and 2018, the relevant SA1 recorded population growth of 778 persons. Based on an average household size of
three persons per household, this translates to an estimated 259 dwellings or 37 dwellings per annum.

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Section 2 Study Area Background and Context

in the short term is also supported by recent residential development approval trends within the broader Greenbank
SA2, with the number of residential building approvals increasing from 116 approvals in 2016-17 to 274 approvals in
2017-18 and 331 approvals in 2018-19.
Table 2-2 summarises the projected population and households within the MTA, benchmarked to Logan LGA and
Queensland between 2018 and 2030.

Table 2-2     Population and Household Projections, MTA, Logan LGA and Queensland, 2018-2030

                    2018         2022        2024         2026        2028         2030    Ave. Ann.
 MTA               13,955      16,055       17,255      18,575       20,075      21,695         3.7%
 Logan LGA       328,023      358,624     375,229      392,602      411,310     430,910         2.3%
 Queensland     5,009,919   5,350,736    5,533,632   5,722,780    5,911,596   6,106,642         1.7%


 MTA                3,991       4,691        5,091       5,531        6,031       6,571         4.2%
 Logan LGA       106,465      116,953     122,661      134,804      141,568     148,671         2.8%
 Queensland     1,847,238   1,983,203    2,056,360   2,208,749    2,287,635   2,369,339         2.1%
Source: QGSO (2018) Medium Series Population Projections, ABS (2016) Census of Population and Housing, ABS Estimated Resident
Population Estimates by SA1

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Section 3 Supply Assessment

Section 3 Supply Assessment
The proposed development comprises a mix of health care / commercial office tenancies and ancillary retail (e.g. café,
pharmacy). This chapter of the report provides an overview of the existing, approved and designated supply of
medical and retail floor space within and servicing the main trade area.

3.1         Health Care Supply
3.1.1       Existing Medical Centres
There were two medical centres identified within the main trade area, these being Medicross Greenbank and
Greenbank Pioneer Health. These two medical centres offered a total of ten general practitioners (GPs) and were
located within approximately two kilometres of the subject site.
Beyond the main trade area, medical centres were identified within Boronia Heights-Park Ridge SA2, Jimboomba SA2,
Regents Park-Heritage Park SA2, Browns Plains SA2 (Major Centre Precinct) and Springfield Lakes SA2. The next closest
medical centre to the subject site was located approximately 6.6 kilometres away at Boronia Park.
The characteristics of each medical centre within and in proximity of the MTA are provided in Table 3-1, including
details on business name, address, opening hours, number of general practitioners (GPs) and distance from the
subject site.

Table 3-1     Existing General Practitioners within and Servicing the Main Trade Area

 Business Name            Address                             Opening Hours                No. of   Within   Distance
                                                                                             GPs     MTA         from
 Medicross Greenbank      Shop 14, Greenbank Shopping         Weekdays (8am-6pm)                7                   0.5
                          Centre, Corner Teviot Road And      Sat (10am-6pm)
                          Pub Lane, Greenbank, QLD, 4124
 Greenbank Pioneer        187 East Sentinel Drive,            Weekdays (8:30am-6pm)             3                   2.1
 Health                   Greenbank, Qld, 4124                Sat (8:30am-4pm)
                                                              Sun (9am-4pm)
 Boronia Park Medical     Shop 3-4, Boronia Park Shopping     Weekdays (8:30am-6pm)             4                   6.6
 Centre                   Centre, 90 Parklands Drive,         Sat (8:30am-1pm)
                          Boronia Heights, Qld, 4124
 Middle Road Medical      Shop 7c, Middle Road Shopping       Weekdays (9am-6pm)                4                   8.3
 Centre                   Centre, 85 Coronation Road,
                          Hillcrest, QLD, 4118
 Park Ridge Family        Park Ridge Shopping Village, 3732   Weekdays (7am-8pm)                9                   9.0
 Practice                 Mt Lindesay Highway, Park Ridge,    Weekend (8am-8pm)
                          Qld, 4125
 Primary Medical and      2-10 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns      Weekdays (8:30am-6pm)            13               10.5
 Dental Centre Browns     Plains, Qld, 4118                   Weekend (9am-1pm)
 Doctors Grand Plaza      Shop 33a, Grand Plaza Shopping      Mon-Tue (8:30am-7pm)              -               10.5
                          Centre, 27 Browns Plains Road,      Wed (8:30am-1:30pm)
                          Browns Plains, QLD, 4118            Thurs-Fri (8:30am-6pm)
                                                              Sat (9am-11am)
 Grand Plaza Drive        Shop 3, 1-5 Grand Plaza Drive,      Weekdays (8:30am-5:30pm)          3               10.7
 Doctors                  Browns Plains, Qld, 4118

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Section 3 Supply Assessment

 Business Name              Address                                Opening Hours               No. of   Within   Distance
                                                                                                 GPs     MTA         from
 Patel's Surgery            Suite 2, 1 Central Court, Hillcrest,   Weekdays (8:30am-5:30pm)         -               10.8
                            Qld, 4118
 Doctors @ Regent Park      191-195 Waller Road, Regents           Mon-Thurs (8am-6pm)             3                11.0
                            Park, Qld, 4118                        Fri (8am-4pm)
 Heritage Park Medical      Shop 7, 298-328 Bayliss Road,          Mon (8:30am-5pm)                                 11.1
 Centre                     Heritage Park, Qld, 4118               Tues-Sat (8:30am-4:30pm)
 Doctors @ Browns           Shop 5, Westpoint Shopping             Weekdays (8am-10pm)             3                11.4
 Plains                     Centre, 8-24 Browns Plains Road,       Weekend (8am-5pm)
                            Browns Plains, Qld, 4118
 Aboriginal and Torres      20 Commerce Drive, Browns              Weekdays (8am-7pm)               -               12.2
 Strait Islander            Plains, Qld, 4118                      Sat (8am-2:30pm)
 Community Health                                                  Sun (8am-4pm)
 Service - Browns Plains
 Browns Plains Family       Unit K4, Village Square, 18            Mon-Thurs (7am-6pm)            16                12.2
 Practice                   Commerce Drive, Browns Plains,         Fri (7am-5pm)
                            Qld, 4118                              Sun (7:30am-2pm)
 Jimboomba Medical          Shop 13-16, Jimboomba Shopping         Weekdays (8am-6pm)              8                12.5
 Centre                     Centre, Mount Lindesay Highway,        Sat (10am-12pm)
                            Jimboomba, Qld, 4280
 Medicross Jimboomba        Shop 17, 133-145 Brisbane Street,      Weekdays (8am-6pm)              7                12.7
                            Jimboomba, Qld, 4280                   Sat (8:30am-12pm)
 Priority Health Medical    Shop 145-146/1 Main St,                Weekdays (8am-6pm)             19                13.1
 Centre                     Springfield Central, Qld, 4300         Weekends (9am-1pm)
 My Medical & Dental        Orion Springfield Central, 223/1       Weekdays (8am-6pm)              8                13.8
 Centre Springfield Orion   Main St, Springfield Central, Qld,     Sat (9am-4pm)
 Lakeside Medical           31 Springfield Lakes Blvd,             Mon-Thurs (8am-7pm)             6                14.2
                            Springfield Lakes, Qld, 4300           Fri (8am-6pm)
                                                                   Sat (8am-1pm)
 Jimboomba Junction         Shop 32, 671 Cusack Lane,              Weekdays (8am-6pm)              9                14.7
 Family Practice and Skin   Jimboomba, Qld, 4280                   Sat (10am-6pm)
 Cancer Clinic
 Jimboomba Pharmacy         Shop 40, Jimboomba Shopping            Weekdays (8:30am-6pm)           2                14.7
 Medical Centre             Centre, 109-111 Brisbane Street,       Sat (8:30am-4pm)
                            Jimboomba, Qld, 4280                   Sun (9am-4pm)
 Stellar Medical            Ground Level, Suite 1/18               Mon-Fri (8am-5pm)               1                15.2
                            Springfield Lakes Blvd, Springfield
                            Lakes, Qld, 4300
 Metro Medical Centre       30/1 Springfield Lakes Blvd,           Mon-Thurs (8:30am-5:30pm)       5                15.3
                            Springfield Lakes, Qld, 4300           Fri (8:30am-5pm)
                                                                   Weekends (8:30am-1:30pm)
Source: CDM Smith inventory (October 2019)

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Section 3 Supply Assessment

3.1.2       Existing Ancillary Health Providers     Pharmacy
It is understood that a pharmacy is envisaged as part of Stage 1 of the development.
There was one pharmacy identified within the main trade area, this being Guardian Greenbank Pharmacy at the
Greenbank Shopping Centre. This pharmacy operates seven days a week and is located less than a kilometre away
from the subject site.
Pharmacies identified beyond the main trade area were within Boronia Heights-Park Ridge SA2, Jimboomba SA2,
Regents Park-Heritage Park SA2, Browns Plains SA2 (Major Centre Precinct) and Springfield Lakes SA2. The next closest
pharmacy to the subject site was approximately 6.6 kilometres way at Boronia Heights.
The characteristics of each pharmacy within and in proximity of the MTA are provided in Table 3-2, including details
on business name, address, opening hours and distance from the subject site.

Table 3-2      Existing Pharmacies within and Servicing the Main Trade Area

 Business Name           Address                                    Opening Hours                  Within    Distance
                                                                                                    MTA           from
                                                                                                             Site (km)
 Guardian Greenbank      Shop 7 Greenbank Shopping Centre, Cnr      Weekdays (8am-7pm)                           0.4
 Pharmacy                of Pub Lane and, Teviot Rd, Greenbank,     Sat (8:30am-5pm)
                         Qld, 4124                                  Sun (9am-5:30pm)
 Boronia Heights Day &   Shop 9, Boronia Park Shopping Centre, 90   Weekdays (8:30am-7pm)                        6.6
 Night Guardian          Parklands Drive, Boronia Heights, Qld,     Sat (8:30am-2pm)
 Pharmacy                4124                                       Sun (9am-1pm)
 North Maclean           3a/4656-4664 Mount Lindesay Hwy,           Weekdays (8am-6:30pm)                        7.0
 Discount Chemist        North Maclean, QLD, 4280                   Sat (8:30am-4pm)
                                                                    Sun (9am-1pm)
 Mullein Pharmacy        Shop 6-7 Middle Road Shopping Village,     Weekdays (8:30am-6pm)                        8.3
 Hillcrest               Cnr. Middle & Coronation Roads,            Sat (8:30am-4pm)
                         Hillcrest, Qld, 4118                       Sun (9am-3pm)
 Park Ridge Infinity     Shop 4, Park Ridge Shopping Centre, 3732   Weekdays (8:30am-7pm)                        9.0
 Pharmacy                Mount Lindesay Highway, Park Ridge,        Sat (8:30am-5pm)
                         Qld, 4125                                  Sun (9am-3pm)
 Nino Calabro Chemist    2 Grand Plaza Dr, Browns Plains, Qld,      Weekdays (8am-8pm)                          10.5
                         4118                                       Weekends (8am-8pm)
 Grand Plaza Pharmacy    Shop 6, 1 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns        Weekdays (8:30am-6pm)                       10.7
                         Plains, Qld,4118                           Weekend (9am-1pm)
 Chemmart Pharmacy       Shop 51 Grand Plaza Shopping Centre,       Mon-Wed, Fri (8:30am-5:30pm)                10.7
 Grand Plaza             Grand Plaza Dr, Browns Plains, Qld, 4118   Thurs (8:30am-9pm)
                                                                    Sat (8:30am-5pm)
                                                                    Sun (9:30am-4pm)
 Priceline Pharmacy      Grand Plaza Shopping Centre 51, 27-49      Mon-Wed, Fri (8:30am-5:30pm)                10.7
 Browns Plains           Browns Plains Rd, Browns Plains, Qld,      Thurs (9am-9pm)
                         4118                                       Sat (8:30am-5pm)
                                                                    Sun (9:30am-4pm)
 Terry White             Shop 33 Grand Plaza Shopping Centre, 27-   Mon-Wed, Fri (8:30am-5:30pm)                10.7
 Chemmart Browns         49 Browns Plains Rd, Browns Plains, Qld,   Thurs (9am-9pm)
 Plains                  4118                                       Sat (8:30am-4pm)
                                                                    Sun (9:30am-3:30pm)

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 Business Name           Address                                    Opening Hours                 Within     Distance
                                                                                                   MTA            from
                                                                                                             Site (km)
 Waller Road Pharmacy    Shop 4, Regents Park Shopping Village,     Weekdays (8:30am-6pm)                       11.0
                         191-195 Waller Road, Regents Park, Qld,
 Regents Park            Unit 7, 3376 Mt Lindesay Highway,          Weekdays (8:30am-6pm)                       11.1
 Pharmacy                Regents Park, Qld, 4118                    Sat (8:30am-1pm)
 Browns Plains Chemist   Shop/3 Browns Plains Rd, Browns Plains,    Weekdays (8am-8pm)                          11.2
                         Qld, 4118                                  Weekends (8:30am-7pm)
 Browns Plains Chemist   24 Browns Plains Rd, Browns Plains, Qld,   Weekdays (8am-7pm)                          11.2
 King                    4118                                       Weekdays (9am-5pm)
 Browns Plains Day &     4k/18 Commerce Dr, Browns Plains, QLD,     Weekdays (8am-7pm)                          12.0
 Night Pharma Save       4118                                       Weekdays (9am-4pm)
 TerryWhite Chemmart     Shop 3/8-12 Wild Mint Dr, Jimboomba,       Weekdays (8:30am-5:30pm)                    12.4
 Flagstone Medical       Qld, 4280                                  Sat (9am-12pm)
 Mullein Pharmacy        225/1 Main St, Springfield Central, Qld,   Mon-Wed, Fri (8am-6:30pm)                   14.0
 Springfield Orion       4300                                       Thurs (8am-9pm)
                                                                    Sat (8am-5pm)
                                                                    Sun (9am-4pm)
 Priceline Pharmacy      225/1 Main St, Springfield Central, Qld,   Mon-Wed, Fri (9am-5:30pm)                   14.0
 Springfield Orion       4301                                       Thurs (9am-9pm)
                                                                    Sat (9am-5pm)
                                                                    Sun (10am-4pm)
 Mullein Pharmacy        Shop 12, Spring Lake Village, 31           Weekdays (8am-7pm)                          14.3
 Springfield Lakes       Springfield Lakes Boulevard, Springfield   Sat (8:30am-2pm)
                         Lakes, Qld, 4300                           Sun (9am-2pm)
Source: CDM Smith inventory, October 2019   Other Ancillary Health Providers
Given the nature of the subject development as a specialist medical provider precinct, consideration was also given to
the supply of other ancillary health providers across a range of medical specialist practice areas.
There were two ancillary health provider businesses identified in the main trade area, these being Australian Dental
Care Centre and Resolve Health Greenbank Podiatry.
Ancillary health providers beyond the main trade area included podiatrists, dentists, psychologists, chiropractors,
physiotherapists and optometrists. These ancillary health providers were located within Boronia Heights-Park Ridge
SA2, Jimboomba SA2, Regents Park-Heritage Park SA2, Greenbank SA2, Browns Plains SA2 (Major Centre Precinct) and
Springfield Lakes SA2. The characteristics of each pharmacy within and in proximity of the MTA are provided in Table
3-3, including details on business name, address, opening hours and distance from the subject site.

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Table 3-3      Existing Ancillary Health Providers within and Servicing the Main Trade Area

 Business Name              Address                                  Opening Hours                  Within   Distance
                                                                                                     MTA          from
                                                                                                             Site (km)
 Resolve Health             Greenbank Medicross, Shop 14,            Mon-Fri (9am-5pm)                           0.4
 Greenbank Podiatry         Greenbank Shopping Centre Cnr Pub Ln     Sat (9am-5pm)
                            &, Teviot Rd, Greenbank, Qld, 4124
 North Maclean Podiatry     1 St Aldwyn Rd, North Maclean, Qld,      Mon-Sat (9am-5pm)                           7.0
 Service                    4280
 Brisbane Foot Clinic       3732 Mount Lindesay Hwy, Park Ridge,     Mon (8:30am-12:30pm)                        9.0
                            Qld, 4125                                Tues (8am-12:30pm)
                                                                     Fri (8:30am-4:30pm)
 Family Podiatry Centre -   1 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains,      Mon-Wed, Fri (8:30am-5:30pm)               10.7
 Brown Plains               Qld, 4118                                Thurs (8:30am-7pm)
                                                                     Sat (9am-12pm)
 Brisbane Foot Clinic -     Unit 2, 65 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns     Mon, Thurs (8am-6pm)                       11.4
 Browns Plains              Plains, Qld, 4118                        Tues (8am-5pm)
                                                                     Wed (8am-8pm)
                                                                     Fri (8am-4:30pm)
 Happifeet Podiatry         18 Springfield Lakes Blvd, Springfield   Mon, Fri (8am-5:30pm)                      15.3
                            Lakes Qld, 4300                          Tues-Thurs (9am-5:30pm)
                                                                     Sat (8am-12pm)
 Dentist / Orthodonists
 Australian Dental Care     15/15 Pub Ln, Greenbank, Qld, 4124       Mon- Thurs (8am-7pm)                        0.4
 Centre                                                              Fri (8am-5pm)
                                                                     Sat (8am-2pm)
 Park Ridge Dental          Town Centre, 3732 Mount Lindesay         Mon (8am-6:30pm)                            9.0
                            Hwy, Park Ridge, Qld, 4125               Tues (8am-7:30pm)
                                                                     Wed (8am-5:30pm)
                                                                     Thurs (8am-7:30pm)
                                                                     Fri (8am-5pm)
                                                                     Sat (8am-1:30pm)
 Middle Road Dental         Corner Coronation and Middle Road,       Mon-Fri (9am-5pm)                           9.1
                            Boronia Heights, Qld, 4124
 Browns Plains Community    Browns Plains Community Health           Mon-Fri (8:30am-5pm)                       10.0
 Oral Health Service -      Centre, Corner Middle Road and
 Adults                     Wineglass Drive, Hillcrest, Qld, 4118
 Bite Right Orthodontics    9 Helen St, Hillcrest, Qld, 4118                                                    10.0
 Dr Glen Giarola Dental     7/9 Grand Plaza Dr, Browns Plain, Qld,   Mon-Thurs (8am-5pm)                        10.6
                            4118                                     Fri (8am-12pm)
 Pacific Smiles Dental,     Grand Plaza Dr, Browns Plains, Qld,      Mon (8:30am-6pm)                           10.6
 Browns Plains              4119                                     Tues-Thurs (8:30am-8pm)
                                                                     Fri (8:30am-6pm)
                                                                     Sat (8:30am-5pm)
                                                                     Sun (9am-5pm)
 Dental Aspects             3358 Mount Lindesay Hwy, Regents         Mon-Thurs (8am-7pm)                        10.9
                            Park, Qld, 4118                          Fri (8am-5pm)
                                                                     Sat (8:30am-1pm)

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 Business Name               Address                                    Opening Hours                 Within   Distance
                                                                                                       MTA          from
                                                                                                               Site (km)
 Browns Plains Dental        40 Browns Plains Rd, Browns Plains,        Mon, Thurs (9am-7pm)                      11.4
                             Qld, 4118                                  Tues, Wed, Fri (9am-5pm)
                                                                        Sat (9am-1pm)
 Flagsmile Dental            Shop 4/8 Wild Mint Dr, Jimboomba,          Mon, Wed, Fri (9am-5pm)                   12.3
                             Qld, 4280                                  Tues, Thurs (9am-7pm)
                                                                        Sat (8:30am-1:30pm)
 Toothkind Dental            Colonial Village Shopping Centre, 9/689    Mon (7am-6pm)                             12.6
 Jimboomba                   Cusack Ln, Jimboomba, Qld, 4280            Tues (8am-6pm)
                                                                        Wed (7am-8pm)
                                                                        Thurs (8am-6pm)
                                                                        Fri (8am-5pm)
                                                                        Sat (8am-2pm)
 Amazing Smiles              Shop 12 Jimboomba Convenience              Mon, Wed-Fri (8am-5pm)                    12.7
 Jimboomba Dentist           Centre, 133 – 145 Brisbane St,             Tues (9am-6pm)
                             Jimboomba, Qld, 4280                       Sat (8am-1pm)
 J1 Dental Care              3/671 Cusack Ln, Jimboomba, Qld,           Mon, Wed-Thurs (9am-7pm)                  12.7
                             4280                                       Tues (8am-7pm)
                                                                        Fri (9am-5pm)
                                                                        Sat (9am-2pm)
 Brite Dental Group          3280-3282 Mount Lindesay Hwy,              Mon-Fri (8:30am-5pm)                      12.7
                             Browns Plains, Qld, 4118
 National Dental Care -      Shop 218/219, Orion Springfield            Mon (8:30am-5:30pm)                       13.9
 Springfield Central         Central, 1 Main St, Springfield Central,   Tues, Thurs (8:30am-8pm)
                             Qld, 4300                                  Wed (8:30am-7pm)
                                                                        Fri (8am-5pm)
                                                                        Sat (8am-4pm)
 Springfield Lakes Central   6/31 Springfield Lakes Blvd, Springfield   Mon (7:30am-7pm)                          14.3
 Dental Clinic               Lakes, Qld, 4300                           Tues, Wed (8am-7pm)
                                                                        Thurs (7:30am-7pm)
                                                                        Fri (7:30am-5pm)
                                                                        Sat (8am-3pm)
 Robelle Dental Centre       Shop 4/1 Ian Keilar Dr, Springfield        Mon, Wed (9am-5:30pm)                     14.4
                             Central, Qld, 4300                         Tues, Fri (9am-5pm)
                                                                        Thurs (9am-7pm)
 Mind Wise Psychology        5/114-122 Middle Rd, Hillcrest, Qld,       Mon-Fri (9am-5pm)                          9.2
 Services                    4124
 Evolve Psych Consultants    7-9 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains,      Mon-Fri (9am-6pm)                         10.1
 Pty Ltd                     Qld, 4118
 SouthEast Psychology        8 Owens Cres, Regents Park, Qld ,4118      Mon-Thurs (8:30am-4pm)                    10.1
 Trueself Psychology         2/10 Stangate St, Hillcrest, Qld, 4118     Tues and Thurs (9am-5:30pm)               11.3
 Down To Earth               18 Commerce Drive, Browns Plains,                                                    12.0
 Psychology                  Qld, 4118
 Psych Connect               4 Capri St, Springfield Lakes, Qld, 4300   Mon, Sat (9am-6pm)                        14.1
                                                                        Wed (2-6pm)

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Section 3 Supply Assessment

 Business Name              Address                                    Opening Hours               Within   Distance
                                                                                                    MTA          from
                                                                                                            Site (km)
 The Rosy Room              8/31 Springfield Lakes Blvd, Springfield   Mon (9am-7pm)                           14.3
                            Lakes, Qld, 4300                           Tues (8am-6:30pm)
                                                                       Wed (9:30am-6:30pm)
                                                                       Thurs (8am-6pm)
                                                                       Fri (9:30am-5:30pm)
                                                                       Sat (9am-4pm)
 Yes Chiropractic           3282 Mount Lindesay Hwy, Browns            Mon-Thurs (7am-6:30pm)                  12.7
                            Plain, Qld, 4118                           Fri (2:30pm-6:30pm)
                                                                       Sat (7am-12pm)
 Jimboomba Chiropractic     Shop 11, 133-145 Brisbane Street,          Mon, Thurs (9am-6pm)                    13.0
 Centre                     Jimboomba, Qld, 4280
 Absolute Physio and        60-68 Braemar Road, North Maclean,         Mon-Fri (9am-8pm)                        5.4
 Rehab                      Qld, 4280                                  Sat (9am-1pm)
                                                                       Sun (9am-11am)
 Boronia Heights            21 Belford St, Boronia Heights, Qld,       Mon-Fri (7:30am-5:30pm)                  6.2
 Physiotherapy              4124                                       Sat (11:30am-2:30pm)
 Primary Physio Browns      1/2-10 Grand Plaza Dr, Browns Plains,      Mon (8am-7pm)                           10.5
 Plains                     Qld, 4118                                  Tues (9am-7pm)
                                                                       Wed (9am-5pm)
                                                                       Thurs (10am-7pm)
                                                                       Fri (9am-3pm)
                                                                       Sat (8am-1pm)
 Get Better Physiotherapy   Suite 6, 1 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns       Mon-Fri (8am-6pm)                       10.7
 Centre                     Plains, Qld, 4118                          Sat (8:30am-1pm)
 Browns Plains              Unit 12, Plains Junction Shopping          Mon-Fri (8am-7pm)                       11.4
 Physiotherapy &            Centre, 28 Browns Plains Road, Browns      Sat (8am-12pm)
 Rehabilitation             Plains, Qld, 4118
 Physiocare Pty Ltd         Village Square, Unit K4, 18 Commerce       Mon-Fri (9am-6pm)                       12.2
                            Dr, Browns Plains, Qld,4118                Sat (8am-1pm)
 Orion Family               Level 1, Suite 3/1 Main Street Orion,      Mon-Wed, Fri (7am-7pm)                  14.0
 Physiotherapy              Springfield Central, Qld, 4300             Thurs (7am-8pm)
                                                                       Sat (8am-3pm)
 Park Ridge Eyewear         Shop 111, Park Ridge Village, 3732-        Mon-Sat (9am-5:30pm)                     9.0
                            3744 Mount Lindesay Highway, Park
                            Ridge, Qld, 4125
 OPSM Browns Plains         Shop 24, Grand Plaza, Shopping Browns      Mon-Wed, Fri (9am-5:30pm)               10.7
                            Plains, Qld, 4118                          Thurs (9am-9pm)
                                                                       Sat (9am-4pm)
                                                                       Sun (10am-4pm)
 Optical Warehouse          Grand Plaza Shopping Centre, G107          Mon-Wed, Fri (9am-5:30pm)               10.7
 Browns Plains              Grand Plaza Dr, Browns Plains, Qld,        Thurs (9am-9pm)
                            4118                                       Sat (9am-4pm)

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Section 3 Supply Assessment

 Business Name               Address                                 Opening Hours                  Within    Distance
                                                                                                     MTA           from
                                                                                                              Site (km)
 Eyeselect                   Shop 26a, Grand Plaza Shopping          Mon-Wed, Fri (8:30am-5:30pm)                10.7
                             Centre, Browns Plains Road, Browns      Thurs (8:30am-9pm)
                             Plains, Qld, 4118                       Sat (8:30am-4pm)
                                                                     Sun (10am-2pm)
 Specsavers Optometrists -   Grand Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr        Mon-Wed, Fri (8:30am-5:30pm)                10.7
 Browns Plains               Brown Plains Rd & Mt Lindsey Highway,   Thurs (8:30am-9pm)
                             Browns Plains, Qld, 4118                Sat (8:30am-4:30pm)
                                                                     Sun (10am-3pm)
 Vision Potential            4/28 Browns Plains Road, Browns         Mon-Fri (8:30am-5pm)                        11.4
                             Plains, Qld, 4118
 Vedelago Optometrist        5/24-48 Browns Plains Rd, Browns        Mon, Wed, Fri (8:30am-                      11.5
                             Plains, Qld, 4118                       5:30pm)
                                                                     Tues, Thurs (8:30am-7pm)
 Eyecare Plus                Shop 5/24-28 Browns Plains Rd, Browns   Mon-Wed, Fri (9am-5:30pm)                   11.5
 Optometrists                Plains, Qld, 4118                       Thurs (9am-6pm)
 OPSM Springfield            1 Main St, Shop 48 Orion Shopping       Mon-Wed, Fri (9am-5:30pm)                   13.1
                             Centre, Springfield Lakes, Qld, 4300    Thurs (9am-9pm)
                                                                     Sat (9am-5pm)
                                                                     Sun (10am-3pm)
 Specsavers Optometrists -   Shop 4 Orion Springfield Town Centre,   Mon-Wed, Fri (9am-5:30pm)                   13.1
 Springfield                 1 Main St, Springfield Central, Qld,    Thurs (9am-9pm)
                             4300                                    Sat (9am-5pm)
                                                                     Sun (10am-4pm)
 Springfield Lakes Eyecare   7a/31 Springfield Lakes Blvd,           Mon, Wed, Fri (9am-5:30pm)                  14.1
                             Springfield Lakes, Qld, 4300            Tues (9am-5pm)
                                                                     Thurs (9am-6:30pm)
                                                                     Sat (9am-1pm)
Source: CDM Smith

The closest specialist cluster identified to the MTA was the Mater Specialist Suites at the Brookwater Shopping Centre,
approximately 16.5 kilometres from the subject site. These suites accommodate a range of medical specialities,
including gastroenterology, general surgery, ear, nose and throat (ENT), orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery and
gynaecology. It is intended that this specialist precinct will service the needs of Greater Springfield residents, as
opposed to residents within the Greater Flagstone PDA.

3.2          Centres Floor Space Supply
The centres floor space supply assessment provides an overview of size, tenant composition, layout and accessibility
of existing centres, as well as scoping the role and function of each centre. The centres network assessment focused
on centres located within and surrounding the trade areas.
Centres floor space was identified within the Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area at the Greenbank Shopping
Centre. Under the Logan Planning Scheme, floor space was identified within the major centre, district centre, local
centre, neighbourhood centre and mixed use zones.
The centres floor space supply also considered floor space provision within Greater Springfield, given its relative
proximity to the subject site. Greater Springfield contains a town centre (Orion Springfield) and a network of smaller
centres, which would most closely resemble local centres under the Logan Planning Scheme.

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Section 3 Supply Assessment

Figure 3-1 provides a geographic representation of the centres within and servicing the MTA.

Figure 3-1      Centres within and Servicing the MTA

3.2.1        Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area      Greenbank Shopping Centre
The Greenbank Shopping Centre is an estimated 5,088sqm in size and located within the main trade area within the
Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area. The centre is anchored by a Woolworths and includes a mix of specialty
tenancies including Guardian Pharmacy, a butcher, bakery and newsagency.      Flagstone Village
Flagstone Village, located at the corner of Bushman and Homestead Drive, Flagstone had an estimated ~2,857sqm of
total floor space and is anchored by an IGA supermarket. Flagstone Village is located approximately 11.4 kilometres
from the subject site.
It is understood that a 4,676sqm shopping centre is under construction directly across the road from Flagstone Village,
comprising a 4,000sqm Coles and 676sqm of specialty tenants.

3.2.2        Major Centres      Browns Plains
Grand Plaza Shopping Centre, Westpoint Shopping Centre and Village Square were three major centres identified
situated within Browns Plains shopping precinct along Browns Plains Road, with an estimated 53,154sqm, 5,922sqm

1000562 Greenbank Mixed Use Development Rev 1.docx
Section 3 Supply Assessment

and 36,254sqm of total floor space, respectively. Anchor tenants within the Browns Plains major centres precinct
included Target, Big W, Harvey Norman and JB Hi-Fi.   Orion Springfield
Orion Springfield is the town centre within the Greater Springfield development and offers an estimated, 63,191sqm
of floor space. Orion Springfield is anchored by several national tenants including Big W, Target, Coles and
Woolworths.   Jimboomba
There were two centres identified within the Jimboomba major centres zone, these being Jimboomba Central and
Jimboomba Junction. These two centres together offer approximately 15,000sqm of floor space, with anchor tenants
including Coles, Woolworths and Dan Murphy’s.

3.2.3     District Centres
The Park Ridge Town Centre was identified as the closest district centre to the subject site, with an estimated
17,210sqm of floor space, including a Woolworths and Coles supermarket.

3.2.4     Local Centres   Regents Park
The Village Fair local centre was a centre identified within proximity but outside the main trade area. Village Fair had
~6,096sqm of total floor space, with tenants including Drakes, BWS and various national retailers.   Hillcrest
The Middle Road Shopping Village local centre located on the corner of Coronation and Middle Road, Hillcrest had an
estimated ~226sqm of total floor space. Middle Road Shopping Village was outside the main trade area, approximately
8.3 kilometres from the subject site.   Greater Springfield
There were four centres identified in Greater Springfield, these being:
    Augusta Village;
    Brookwater Village Shopping Centre;
    Springfield Fair Shopping Centre; and
    Springfield Marketplace.
These centres are located approximately 15 to 18 kilometres from the subject site and primarily service the local
convenience needs of the Greater Springfield community. Three of the four centres identified are anchored by a either
a full line supermarket (i.e. Coles / Woolworths) or a limited line supermarket (e.g. IGA).

3.2.5     Neighbourhood Centres   Greenbank Neighbourhood Centre
There was one neighbourhood centre identified within the main trade area, located on the corner of Sheppards Drive
and Park Avenue, Greenbank. The centre was an estimated 1,375sqm in size, with tenants at the centre including IGA
and a medical centre.

1000562 Greenbank Mixed Use Development Rev 1.docx
Section 3 Supply Assessment       Boronia Heights
There were two centres identified within Boronia Heights in the neighbourhood centre zone, these being:
       Boronia Heights Shopping Centre; and
       Fedrick Street strip retail;
The Boronia Heights Shopping Centre, located at the corner of Parkland Drive and Short Street, had an estimated
~1,500sqm of total floor space, with tenants including Guardian Pharmacy.
The Fedrick Street strip retail precinct had an estimated ~1,064sqm of total floor space.       Regents Park
There were two centres identified within Regents Park in the neighbourhood centre zone, these being:
       Regents Park StreetSmart Shops; and
       Regents Park Shopping Centre;
The neighbourhood centre located at the corner of Emerald Drive and Lambert Road, Regents Park had an estimated
~949sqm of total floor space, with tenants including Foodworks. Regents Park Shopping Centre had an estimated
~850sqm of total floor space and included the Waller Road convenience store.       Sweetgum Plaza
The Sweetgum Plaza neighbourhood centre located on Stangate Street, Hillcrest had an estimated ~975sqm of total
floor space.

3.2.6         Mixed Use Zone
The centre on the corner of Mount Lindsey and St Aldwyn Road, North Maclean was the only centre within Mixed Use
zoning identified in proximity but outside the main trade area. The centre was an estimated ~2,228sqm in size, with
tenants including an organic grocer.
Table 3-4 summarises the floor space identified within each centres zone proximate to the subject site, including
details on floor space, anchor tenants and distance from the subject site.

Table 3-4          Retail floor space in trade areas by centre type, anchor tenants and distance from subject site
    Centre                                     Within      Est. Retail   Anchor tenants                            Distance
                                                MTA      Floor Space                                                    from
                                                                (sqm)                                                subject
                                                                                                                   site (km)
    District Centre/Town Centre
    Park Ridge
    Park Ridge Town Centre                                   17,210     Woolworths, Coles                              9.0
    Springfield Lakes                                         5,922     Woolworths                                    11.4
    Orion Springfield*                                       63,191     Big W, Target, Coles, Woolworths              13.1
    Major Centre
    Browns Plains
    Grand Plaza Shopping Centre                              53,154     Target, Big W, Kmart, Woolworths, Coles       10.7
    West Point Shopping Centre                                5,922     Woolworths                                    11.4
    Village Square                                           36,254     Harvey Norman, Go Health Club, JB Hi-Fi       12.0

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Section 3 Supply Assessment

 Centre                                      Within      Est. Retail   Anchor tenants                  Distance
                                              MTA      Floor Space                                          from
                                                              (sqm)                                      subject
                                                                                                       site (km)
 Jimboomba Central                                          9,171     Woolworths, Dan Murphy’s            12.7
 Jimboomba Junction                                         6,300     Coles
 Greater Flagstone Priority Development
 Greenbank Shopping Centre                                  5,088     Woolworths                           0.4

 Flagstone Village                                          2,857     IGA                                 11.4
 Local Centres

 Regents Park

 Village Fair                                               6,096     Drakes                              10.9

 Middle Road Shopping Village                               2,226                                          8.3
 Greater Springfield
 Springfield Fair Shopping Centre                           5,129     Coles                               15.2
 Springfield Marketplace                                    3,235                                         16.3
 Brookwater Village Shopping Centre                         5,061     Woolworths                          16.5
 Augusta Village                                            1,692     IGA                                 17.9
 Neighbourhood Centres
 Greenbank Neighbourhood Centre                             1,375                                          2.2
 Boronia Heights
 Boronia Heights Shopping Centre                            1,500                                          6.6
 Fedrick St                                                 1,064                                          8.1
 Regents Park
 Regents Park StreetSmart Shops                               949     Foodworks                            9.3
 Regents Park Shopping Centre                                 850     Waller Road Convenience Store       11.0

 Sweetgum Plaza                                               975                                         11.3
 Mixed Use Zone

 North Maclean

 Corner of Mount Lindsey Highway and St                     2,288                                          7.0
 Aldwyn Road
Source: CDM Smith (October 2019), Property Council of Australia 2016 Shopping Centre Directory
Note*: Orion Springfield is located within the Ipswich City Planning Scheme

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Section 3 Supply Assessment

3.3        Approved and Potential Future Supply
It is understood that the following supply has been approved or is under application within the MTA:
     15 and 19-67 Pub Lane Greenbank: Approval has been granted to expand the existing Greenbank Shopping
      Centre with a total maximum gross floor area (GFA) of 14,022sqm, comprising up to an additional 11,000sqm of
      retail, 3,000sqm of commercial office and 3,000sqm of community uses. At the time of report preparation, it is
      understood that construction is yet to commence on the centre expansion; and
     43-77 Old Pub Lane, Greenbank: An application has been made for a mixed use development comprising
      2,000sqm commercial floor space 2, 4,600sqm industry (warehouse / self storage), 400sqm retail (pet supplies
      store), 820sqm long day care centre and 1,000sqm sport and recreation facility (gym / swim school). At the time
      of report preparation, a decision had yet to be made on this application.
As part of the endorsed context plan dated 2 June 2017, Mirvac have identified a community health centre and
neighbourhood centre on Teviot Road, immediately to the east of the subject site. Based on the Greater Flagstone
PDA Development Scheme, a neighbourhood centre can accommodate up to 4,000sqm of retail, 1,000sqm of
commercial and up to 1,800sqm of community services.

3.4        Implications for Proposed Development
The existing and designated centres network servicing the MTA is mostly limited to the servicing of local needs, with
medical provision limited mostly to general practitioners. As the population of the MTA increases, there will be an
expectation that broader service provision is provided to residents within the Greater Flagstone PDA.

2 The proposed plan of development identifies two commercial office buildings, one marked as a veterinary clinic, the other
labelled as medical. The proposed plans do not provide detail in relation to the distribution of the 2,000sqm of floor space between
the two buildings.

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