Page created by Doris Graham
Rugby League
 World Cup
               J O U R N A L
               S K I L L S
A S pe cial Mess a ge T o T h e Pla ye rs a n d
                                                      S upp orters of th e C omm u n i t y I n t e gr a t e d
                                                      C a re Le arning Di s a b i l i t y S u p e r L e a gu e .. .
                                                      2020 has b e e n a ve r y c h al l e n g i n g ye ar fo r a l l o f u s. We kn o w t h a t i t h a s b e e n e sp e c i a l l y d i sa p p o i n t i ng fo r
                                                      you because we h ave n’t be e n abl e t o e n j o y a se c o n d exc i t i n g se a so n o f t h e C o m m u n i t y I n t e g r a t e d C ar e
                                                      Learn in g D i s abi l i t y S u p e r Le ag u e.

                                                      We had pla n n e d an i n c r e di bl e ye ar for ou r p l a y e r s a n d t h e i r l o v e d o n e s. Sa d l y, t h e se p l a n s h a v e b e e n
                                                      delayed but you h ave n’t be e n for g ot t e n !

                                                      Beh in d the s c e n e s , t h e RFL , Commu n i t y I n t e g r a t e d C a r e a n d R u g b y Le a g u e Wo r l d C u p 2 0 2 1 t e a m s h a ve
                                                      been w orkin g h ar d t o p l an s ome exc i t i n g n e w o p p o r t u n i t i e s.

                                                      This exclu s i ve Ru g by Le ag u e Wor l d Cu p 2 0 2 1 i n sp i r e d t r a i n i n g g u i d e h a s b e e n d e si g n e d t o h e l p y o u t o
                                                      develop you r Ru g by Le ag u e s k i l l s at h om e a n d w i t h f r i e n d s. We h o p e t h a t i t o f f e r s a f u n , a c c e ssi b l e a nd
                                                      exciting w ay for you t o be c ome an e ve n b e t t e r p l a y e r. W h e n w e c a n f u l l y b r i n g b a c k p l a y, t h e Co m m u n ity
                                                      Integrated C a re Le a rn i n g Di sa b i l i t y Su p e r Leag u e w i l l b e b e t t e r t h a n e v e r a n d so w i l l y o u r ski l l s!

                                                      O u r players c an p r ac t i c e t h e s e s k i l l s at h o m e w i t h o u t a n y ex p e n si v e e q u i p m e n t . E a c h se ssi o n i s a l so
                                                      supported by a t r ai n i n g vi de o, wh i c h h ave b e e n f i l m e d w i t h m a n y o f t h e p l a y e r a m b a ssa d o r s f o r t h e
                                                      Community I n t e g r at e d Car e Le ar n i n g D i s a b i l i t y Su p e r Le a g u e.

                                                      Alon gside t h i s , ou r c l u b Fou n dat i on s wi l l b e sh o w i n g t h e i r su p p o r t f o r t h e se se ssi o n s w i t h v i r t u a l t r a i ning
                                                      session s, o n l i n e fe s t i val s , an d ot h e r exc i t i n g i n i t i a t i v e s. Wa t c h t h i s sp a c e !

                                                      As we ente r 2021 , t h e r e i s s o mu c h t o l oo k f o r w a r d t o. Ou r b i g Wo r l d C u p y e a r w i l l c r e a t e m a n y exc i t i ng
                                                      n ew projec t s , ex p e r i e n c e s , an d op p or t u n i t i e s. We c a n’ t w a i t t o se e y o u a l l a g a i n a n d t o g e t b a c k t o
                                                      playing this s p or t t h at we l ove.

                                                      Keep up the t r ai n i n g !

                                                      Yours Since r e l y,

                                                      Ra lph Rimm er
                                                      RFL, Chief Exe c utiv e
2 0 2 1 RL W C S k i lls
To o ur L D S L s t a rs                      Page 3
T ha nk y o u                                 Page 4
I n f o rm a t i o n                          Page 5
H e a l t h a nd S a fe t y G ui d a nc e     Page 6
Aus t ra l i a Wo m e n                       Page 7
F r e nch W h e e l c h a i r                 Page 8
USA W h e e l ch a i r                        Page 9
PNG Men                                       Page 1 0
Leb a no n M e n                              Page 1 1
Coo k I s l a nd s M e n                      Page 1 2
E ng l a nd W h e e l ch a i r                Page 1 3
Sa m o a M e n                                Page 1 4
Coo k I s l a nd s Wo m e n                   Page 1 5
Sc ot l a nd M e n                            Page 1 6
N e w Z e a l a nd Wo m e n                   Page 1 7
F r a nc e Wo m e n                           Page 1 8
Aus t ra l i a W h e e l ch a i r             Page 1 9
Jamaica Men                                   Page 2 0
N e w Z e a l a nd M e n                      Page 2 1
Cana d a Wo m e n                             Page 2 2
Italy Men                                     Page 2 3
Aus t ra l i a M e n                          Page 2 4
P N G Wo m e n                                Page 2 5

                                                         IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
I r e l a nd M e n                            Page 2 6
Wa l e s W h e e l ch a i r                   Page 2 7
Spa i n W h e e l ch a i r                    Page 2 8
F iji M e n                                   Page 2 9
Wa l e s M e n                                Page 3 0
N o rw a y W h e e l ch a i r                 Page 3 1
E ng l a nd Wo m e n                          Page 3 2
Gr e e ce M e n                               Page 3 3
F r a nc e M e n                              Page 3 4
To n g a M e n                                Page 3 5
Sc ot l a nd W h e e l ch a i r               Page 3 6
B r a z i l Wo m e n                          Page 3 7
E ng l a nd M e n                             Page 3 8
Cong ra t ul a t i o ns                       Page 3 9
Wo rl d C up Fi x t ure L i s t               Page 4 0


N o t e s Pa g e s                            Page 4 1
Spa c e t o s t o re y o ur p o s t c a rds   Page 4 2
T o O ur                                                                               st a rs ! . . .

                                                      WELCOME TO YOUR RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
                                                      SKILLS JOURNAL!
                                                      •    T his gu i de w i l l t e a ch y o u h o w t o bec om e a bri l l i ant R ugby League pl ayer!
                                                      •    I t g iv e s y o u a di f f e r e n t s k i l l t o p rac ti c e every week .
                                                      •    T he m o r e t h a t y o u p r a ct i ce, t h e better you wi l l bec om e!
                                                      •    Yo ur c h a l l e n g e s a r e i n s p i r e d by the team s that are tak i ng pl ac e i n the R ugby League
                                                           Wo r ld C u p 2 02 1 .
                                                      •    A s y o u co m p l e t e y o u r s e s s i o n s , you wi l l get a spec i al postc ard from one of the Men’s,
                                                           Wo me n’s a n d W h e e l ch a i r R u g by League Team s that are tak i ng part i n the tournam ent.
                                                      •    T hese p o s t ca r ds a r e v e r y s p e ci a l . The onl y peopl e who wi l l rec ei ve them are pl ayers i n
                                                           t he Co m m u n i t y In t e g r a t e d C a r e Learni ng Di sabi l i ty Super League!
                                                      •    We ho p e t h a t y o u t r e a s u r e h a v i n g your own pi ec e of R ugby League Worl d Cup 2 0 2 1
                                                           hist o r y.
                                                      •    Ha v e f u n ! If y o u ca n , s h a r e v i de os or photos of you prac ti c i ng on soc i al m edi a, usi ng t h e
                                                           ha s ht ag # R LWC S k i l l s .
                                                      •    Ple a s e t a g i n t h e RF L , RLWC 2 02 1 and Com m uni ty Integrated Care. We’ d l ove to see you r
                                                           s kills !

                                                      I n t h i s gui d e, y o u w i l l l e a rn:
                                                      •    B a ll han dl i n g – H o w t o g r i p, ca r ry and sc ore l i ke a star.

                                                      •    Pa s s in g a n d ca t ch i n g – S o m e o f the key sk i l l s for any pl ayer!
                                                      •    E v a sion a n d de f e n di n g – H o w t o tac k l e and avoi d bei ng tac k l i ng

                                                      Wa t c h o u r v i d e o s
                                                      E v e r y a c t i v i t y i s s u p p o r t e d by a s h o rt vi deo that dem onstrates the sessi on. Pl ease watc h
                                                      t he s e b e f o r e t a k i n g p a r t i n a s k i l l , t o understand how best to prac ti c e them .

                                                      Yo u c a n f i n d t h e s e a t w w w. r u gb y - l e ag
T ha nk Y o u
Ha v ing e n j o y e d s u ch a n i n cr e di bl e f i rst season, i t has been so di sappoi nti ng that the 2 0 2 0
Co mmunit y In t e g r a t e d C a r e Le a r n i n g Di sabi l i ty Super League had to be put on hol d thi s year.

I t ha s b ee n a n h o n o u r f o r o u r ch a r i t y to get to k now the pl ayers and fam i l i es c onnec ted to
t his a ma zi n g s p o r t . We’ v e be e n t h i n k i ng of you al l duri ng these tough m onths and we c annot
w a it t o se e t h e p r o g r a m m e t h a t w e al l l ove return.

We a r e d e t e r m i n e d t o co n t i n u e t o s u pport ongoi ng opportuni ti es for the pl ayers i n the
Co mmunit y In t e g r a t e d C a r e Le a r n i n g Di sabi l i ty Super League and m em bers of our wi der
c o mmuniti e s , e v e n i n t h e s e t r y i n g t i mes.

Our t ha nks g o t o t h e R F L f o r t h e i r h ard work i n devel opi ng thi s spec i al trai ni ng j ournal . It is
a uniq ue an d q u a l i t y r e s o u r ce, a n d we have l oved work i ng wi th them to m ake thei r exc i ti n g
c o nc e p t a r e a l i t y.

We must a l s o t h a n k o u r cl u b p a r t n e r s and pl ayer Am bassadors whose support wi l l bri ng this
jo ur na l t o l i f e, w i t h s p e ci a l o n l i n e s e ssi ons and vi deo trai ni ng gui des.

A b o v e a ll, w e w a n t t o t e l l y o u t h a t o ur c om m i tm ent to the pl ayers of the Com m uni ty
I nt e g r a t e d C a r e Le a r n i n g Di s a bi l i t y Super League and thei r l oved ones extends beyond their
ex p er ience s o n t h e f i e l d. We k n o w t hat these m ay be c hal l engi ng ti m es for som e of you, so if
y o u ne ed a dv i ce, s u p p o r t o r g u i da n ce pl ease do not hesi tate to c ontac t us at: c om m uni ty@c-
i-c .c

                                                                                                                                 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
We a r e lo ok i n g t o 2 02 1 w i t h r e a l o p t i m i sm and exc i tem ent.

Ou r c h a r i t y i s p ro ud t o b e t h e O ffi ci al S oc i al C are Part ne r of t he R ug by Le ag ue Worl d Cup
20 21 . We a re p l a nni ng m a ny i nc re d i bl e p roj e c t s w i t h t h e t ourname nt org ani se rs. The se
w ill c r ea t e b ri l l i a nt ex p e ri e nc e s a nd op p ort uni t i e s, and w e w oul d l ove f or you t o be p ar t of
t h em . To he l p us t o ke e p y o u up d a t ed on t h e m, p l e ase re g i st e r your i nt e re st by e mai l i ng:
c o m mu n i t y @ c - i - c .co. uk .

E njo y t his j o u r n a l . We ca n’ t w a i t t o see you share your new sk i l l s i n our next festi val !
I n f o rm at io n
                                                      FOR FAMILIES AND SUPPORT WORKERS
                                                      H o w To U s e T h i s J o urna l …

                                                      •   To e nabl e p e o p l e t o e n j o y t h e s e sessi ons, we rec ogni se that fam i l y m em bers, support
                                                          w o r ke r s o r o t h e r s m a y n e e d t o h e l p to fac i l i tate and l ead them .
                                                      •   I t is o ft e n ch a l l e n g i n g t o ba l a n ce ac c essi bl e wri tten i nform ati on wi th provi di ng great,
                                                          d e t a ile d i n s t r u ct i o n .
                                                      •   B ec a u s e o f t h i s , w e’ v e t r i e d t o wri te thi s gui de i n a way that fam i l i es and support workers
                                                          c a n f e e l f u l l y co n f i de n t i n de l i v e ri ng or fac i l i tati ng the ac ti vi ti es.
                                                      •   We’ v e t r i e d t o p r o v i de s i m p l e w ordi ng and for every sessi on to be adaptabl e to trai ni n g at
                                                          ho me.
                                                      •   Fo r e v e r y s e s s i o n t h e r e i s a s u p porti ng trai ni ng vi deo. Pl ease watc h thi s and use i t to
                                                          help pl a n f o r a n d de m o n s t r a t e t he sessi on.
                                                      •   Yo u, as t h e p e o p l e w h o k n o w a n d support the i ndi vi dual , wi l l k now how best to expl ai n ,
                                                          a d a p t a n d de l i v e r t h e s e s e s s i o n s.
                                                      •   I t ’s a b s o l u t e l y f i n e i f y o u n e e d t o tweak any of these ac ti vi ti es or expl ai n them di fferent ly!
                                                          D o n’ t w o r r y i f s o m e a ct i v i t i e s a r e too c hal l engi ng. We’ ve tri ed to m ake every sessi on as
                                                          a d a p t a bl e a s p o s s i bl e, s o j u s t f o cus on the parts they c an enj oy and m ost engage i n.
                                                      •   We ho p e t h a t t h e excl u s i v e RLWC 2 0 2 1 postc ards feel l i ke a spec i al reward for every
                                                          a c hieve m e n t . P l e a s e u s e t h e m t o c el ebrate suc c ess and rec ogni se progress.
                                                      •   Ke ep t h i s j o u r n a l a n d t h e p o s t ca rds as a spec i al m em ento of our bi g R ugby League World
                                                          Cup 202 1 y e a r. Pe r h a p s t h e r e m ay be opportuni ti es to get the postc ards and j ournal
                                                          a ut o g r a p h e d a t t h e t o u r n a m e n t ? !
                                                      •   Hug e t h a n ks g o t o y o u , t h e p e o pl e who wi l l hel p take thi s j ournal from j ust bei ng a
                                                          b o o kle t t o be co m i n g a p r o g r a m m e of exc i ti ng ac ti vi ti es that som eone real l y l oves. We

                                                          ho p e t h a t y o u h a v e l o t s o f f u n a nd thank you for your assi stanc e.
                                                      •   We’ d l o v e t o s e e h o w y o u u s e t h i s gui de. Pl ease share any photos or vi deos wi th the RFL,
                                                          Co mm u n i t y In t e g r a t e d C a r e a n d RLWC2 0 2 1 by taggi ng us i n on soc i al m edi a and usi ng t h e
                                                          ha s ht ag # R LWC S k i l l s .
T he ma jo ri t y o f s e s s i o n s i n v o l v e p h y si c al exerc i se, so there are som e si m pl e heal th and
s a f et y mat t e r s t o co n s i de r !

•    Ma ke s u r e y o u exe r ci s e i n a l a r g e wel l - l i t area that i s free from obstac l es.
•    Ple a s e w e a r co m f o r t a bl e cl o t h i n g and have a water bottl e to stay hydrated.
•    Ple a s e e n s u r e t h a t a p p r o p r i a t e s upport i s provi ded to parti c i pate i n these ac ti vi ti es, i f
     ne ed e d.
•    B e c a re f u l n o t t o do a n y t h i n g t h at you’ re not ful l y c om fortabl e wi th. Al ways bui l d up to
     t he mor e ch a l l e n g i n g e l e m e n t s of these trai ni ng sessi ons. If you are unabl e to parti c i pat e
     in a ny exe r ci s e s , p l e a s e do n o t worry!
•    N e v er f o r ce o r s t r a i n y o u r s e l f p h ysi c al l y. These sessi ons are m eant to be fun, so avoi d
     c a us in g a n y i n j u r i e s by o v e r - exe rti ng yoursel f.
•    Ple a s e f o l l o w a n y n a t i o n a l o r l o cal rul es that m i ght be i n pl ac e, suc h as soc i al di stanc in g
     o r lo c kdo w n s .

                                                                                                                                   IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
B y get t i n g i nv o l v e d , t h e i nd i v i d ua l / t h e i r g uardi an ac know l e dg e s t h at :
•    T her e i s a l w a y s a p o s s i bi l i t y o f physi c al i nj ury when parti c i pati ng i n exerc i se.
•    Yo u a re v o l u n t a r y t a k i n g p a r t a t your own ri sk .
•    A ny in f o r m a t i o n , i n s t r u ct i o n o r a dvi c e obtai ned from thi s j ournal m ay NOT be used as a
     s ub s t it u t e f o r y o u r do ct o r ’s a dv i ce.
•    Yo u a gr e e t o r e l e a s e a n d di s ch a rge the R F L from any responsi bi l i ti es or l i abi l i ti es from
     injur y a r i s i n g f r o m y o u r p a r t i ci p ati on.

T he R FL, yo u r co a ch e s , p a r e n t s a n d c arers are here to gui de you through the exc i ti ng sk i lls .
Ple a s e c on t a ct t h e R F L i f y o u h a v e any questi ons or c onc erns.

                                                      AUSTRALIA WOMEN’S TEAM
                                                      PICK UP | COACHING POINTS
                                                      The Australian Women’s team have great core skills, that is why they are the best in the
                                                      world. The skill they want you to practice is called ‘The Shovel Scoop’. It is a way to pick the
                                                      ball up from the floor without dropping it, which is called a knock on. All you need is a space
                                                      and a rugby ball.

                                                              DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                       DESCRIPTION
                                                                   1                                2                                 3

                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                 POINT 1                          POINT 2                          POINT 3

                                                        •   Place the ball in the        •   To pick up the ball,          •   As you get more
                                                            middle of your floor             one hand scoops                   confident with this
                                                            and take a few steps             under it. You use                 skill, can you try to
                                                            back.                            your other hand to                move a bit faster?
                                                        •   As you get closer,               hold it tight.                •   But remember, the
                                                            take smaller steps,                                                most important thing
                                                            and bend your back                                                 is not dropping the
                                                            to pick up the ball.                                               ball! No knock-ons!
                                                            Try to do this without

The French Wheelchair team is the worlds number one Wheelchair Rugby League team and
they have great passing skills. To practice your passing skills, all you need is some space, a
ball, and someone to pass to or a target to aim at. We want you to try and make ten passes
without missing the target or dropping the ball.

       DESCRIPTION                       DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION
            1                                 2                               3

                                                                                                 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021

          POINT 1                          POINT 2                          POINT 3

 •   Start by holding the          •   Now bend your               •   When you let go of
     ball in two hands at              elbows to hold the              the ball, keep your
     chest height. The                 ball on the side of             hands moving in
     ball shouldn’t be                 your body.                      the direction of the
     touching your body.           •   Bring the ball across           target. This makes
 •   Have a target to aim              your body and throw             your passes more
     for on your left-hand             the ball at your                accurate.
     side.                             target.                     •   When this starts to
 •   Spread your fingers                                               feel easy, practice
     wide around the                                                   throwing on your
     middle of the ball.                                               opposite side.

                                                      USA WHEELCHAIR TEAM
                                                      REST AND RELAXATION | COACHING POINTS
                                                      To be a top Rugby League player, you need to practice, eat well and get plenty of rest!
                                                      We all need to have around eight hours of sleep every day to be at our best. Sleep helps us
                                                      to have lots of energy, to concentrate and to stay healthy. If you are not getting enough rest,
                                                      you’re not going to be at your best on and off the pitch. Your challenge is to build a great
                                                      sleep routine.
                                                             DESCRIPTION                       DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                                 2                                3



                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                          POINT 2                           POINT 3

                                                       •   To get eight hours            •   What can you do to           •   You can help
                                                           sleep, what time do               make yourself comfy              yourself to relax by
                                                           you need to be in                 for sleep?                       closing your eyes
                                                           bed for?                      •   Is your room too                 and taking some
                                                       •   When we look                      hot? Are there any               long deep breaths in
                                                           at screens, like                  lights on in your                and out.
                                                           televisions or mobile             room? Is there any           •   When you wake up,
                                                           phones, before                    noise?                           don’t forget to make
                                                           bedtime it makes                                                   your bed and have a
                                                           it harder to get to                                                healthy breakfast!
                                                           sleep. Can you stay
                                                           away from screens
                                                           an hour before

Papua New Guinea MEN’S TEAM
The Papua New Guinea men’s team are known for their big hits. You don’t want to be
tackled by them!! So, this challenge will teach you how to dodge tacklers. This skill is
sometimes called ‘evasion’. You will need some items to use as markers that will set your
playing area. If you don’t have any cones, why not try using jumpers, sticks or cushions?

        DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION
             1                               2                               3

KEY POINTS                                                                                   IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021

          POINT 1                          POINT 2                         POINT 3

  •   Move at a speed             •   Try to increase the         •   Now repeat the
      you are comfortable             speed or way you                exercise increasing
      with, every time                move to make it                 the speed each time.
      you come to a cone              more difficult, or              Try to be creative
      change direction.               even the way you                with how you can
                                      dodge the cones,                dodge the obstacles.
                                      spin, jump, side step.

                                                      Lebanon Men’S TEAM
                                                      CARRY | COACHING POINTS
                                                      The Lebanese Men’s team are known to not make too many mistakes when they play, they
                                                      challenge you to do the same. For this skill we want to practice carrying the ball. Hold the
                                                      ball as you move around your home, see how many times you can transfer the ball between
                                                      your hands without dropping it, returning to a centre grip each time. Its important to have a
                                                      good grip on the ball so we can score lots of tries!

                                                             DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                                2                                3

                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                          POINT 2                          POINT 3

                                                       •   Grip the ball in two         •   Move around your             •   To increase the
                                                           hands, off your                  home, garden,                    difficulty, try holding
                                                           chest, fingers spread            space, keeping the               the ball in one hand
                                                           wide around the                  ball in your grip. No            and every time you
                                                           “Belly” of the ball.             dropped balls.                   come to an obstacle
                                                                                                                             transfer it into the
                                                                                                                             other. No Dropped

Cook Islands Men’s Team
Some of the most famous rugby league players in the world not only take their boots and
kit with them to games, but a dustpan and brush too! They want their changing rooms to be
as clean when they leave the stadium as when they arrived. When they are showered and
changed after a game, they then clean up all the mud and mess that is on the floor. They
do this because it shows respect for the team that they are visiting and because we all feel
proud when we have done something good.

In South Pacific nations, they call this ‘sweeping the sheds’ (in that part of the world, they
call changing rooms ‘sheds!’). Your challenge is to see how you can ‘sweep the sheds’ in
your house.
       DESCRIPTION                       DESCRIPTION                        DESCRIPTION
            1                                 2                                  3

                                                                                                 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
          POINT 1                           POINT 2                           POINT 3

 •   Can you start each            •   Think about whether            •   How do you feel
     morning by making                 there’s a room that                when you’ve tidied
     your bed?                         really needs a good                up. Does it feel
 •   Are there ways that               tidy up.                           good?
     you can make your             •   Is there a cleaning
     bedroom or other                  activity that you’ve
     rooms in your house               never tried before?
     look better this                  See if you can be
     week?                             supported to try this.
                                       Perhaps washing the
                                       dishes, hoovering
                                       the house, or doing
                                       the dusting?

                                                      ENGLAND WHEELCHAIR TEAM
                                                      PUT DOWN | COACHING POINTS
                                                      If theres one thing the England Wheelchair team love to do, its scoring tries! They want
                                                      you to practice scoring tries by putting the ball down! We want you to place the ball on the
                                                      ground, without it rolling when you put it down. This can be practiced and increase the
                                                      speed over time as you become more confident, see how many tries you can score in 1

                                                             DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                                2                                3

                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                          POINT 2                          POINT 3

                                                       •   You should start with        •   When you get to the          •   Try to increase your
                                                           the ball in your two             target try to place              speed to make it
                                                           hand, centre carry               the ball down, with              more difficult and
                                                           grip whilst moving               two hands, onto the              more like scoring
                                                           towards a target.                floor and continue               a try in a game!
                                                                                            your run. The ball               Remember, no
                                                                                            should be still and              knock ons!
                                                                                            not roll when you let

The Samoa Men’s team are known for being skilful and strong. If you want to play like them,
it is important that you are good at catching the ball! We want to see how many passes you
can do without dropping the ball. For this challenge all you need is a ball and a safe space to
play in.

       DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
            1                                2                                3

                                                                                                  IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
          POINT 1                          POINT 2                          POINT 3

 •   When catching the            •   Keep your eyes on            •   When you catch like
     ball, it is important            the ball the whole               this, you will be in
     to give the passer               time.                            a great position to
     a target to aim for.         •   Try to catch the ball            make a pass!
     Put your hands out               in two hands, off
     in front of you at               your chest. Avoid
     chest height, arms               the ball hitting your
     stretched out.                   body, as it can
 •   Let your partner                 bounce off and
     know when you are                knock-on.
     ready to catch the

                                                      Cook Islands WOMen’s Team
                                                      TALK AS A TEAM | COACHING POINTS
                                                      One of the most important things for rugby league teams is to communicate well. Players
                                                      talk in games to encourage and support each other. It is important that teams are made up
                                                      of good friends, who always help and support each other. Your challenge is to check in with
                                                      one of your teammates!

                                                             DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                               2                               3

                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                         POINT 2                         POINT 3

                                                       •   Phone, text or write        •   This is a great             •   What was the best
                                                           to them to catch up.            chance to update                thing about getting
                                                       •   Or if you like,                 them on what you                in touch?
                                                           maybe send them                 have been up to.            •   Did your teammate
                                                           something, like a           •   You can also find out           enjoy hearing from
                                                           photo or a drawing              how they are.                   you?

The Scotland Men’s team are a tough bunch and tackle really hard, it is important to have a
great grip when you are getting tackled! For this skill you are going to practice your grip of
the ball. We want to see if you can hold the ball well, whilst you’re moving. All you need is a
ball, some space and some objects to act as obstacles.

        DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
             1                                2                                3

                                                                                                  IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
          POINT 1                           POINT 2                          POINT 3

  •   Start with the ball          •   Once you are happy           •   Change direction
      in two hands with                with your grip, move             quickly whenever
      your fingers spread              around your playing              you come to one of
      around its middle.               area at a pace you               your objects.
      Keep the ball off                are comfortable              •   Every time you
      your chest.                      with.                            change direction,
                                                                        the ball should just
                                                                        return to the centre
                                                                        of your body. Your
                                                                        grip should not

                                                      NEW ZEALAND WOMEN’S TEAM
                                                      DEFENDING | COACHING POINTS
                                                      New Zealand Women are one of the best teams in the world because they have such a good
                                                      defence. They want to see you practice your defence skills. Defending is one of the most
                                                      important parts of being a Rugby League player. If you want to win games, you need to stop
                                                      the other team scoring tries! For this session, you will need a ball and some objects to use as
                                                      markers for a try lines and touch lines.

                                                             DESCRIPTION                       DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                                 2                                3

                                                      KEY POINTS
                                                                POINT 1                          POINT 2                           POINT 3

                                                       •   Set up an area                •   Try to stop your             •   If this is getting easy,
                                                           where you will work               partner scoring, by              you can widen your
                                                           with a partner.                   tagging them.                    touchlines, so you
                                                       •   They will attempt             •   Stay on your toes.               have more space to
                                                           to get past you and               Follow them closely              play in.
                                                           over your ‘try line’ to           and be ready to
                                                           score.                            change direction if
                                                                                             they do!

FRANCE women’s team
When you are a rugby league star, you need to do more than play the game! Rugby
league players also have to work with the media, doing interviews with television, radio or
newspapers. Your challenge is to practice your media skills!

       DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION
            1                                2                               3


                                                                                              IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
          POINT 1                          POINT 2                         POINT 3

 •   Can you practice an          •   See if they will film       •   If you aren’t able to
     interview with your              your interview. If you          practice an interview
     family or friends?               have social media,              think if you can do
 •   In your interview,               share it on the                 something else that
     tell us: Why you                 Learning Disability             is creative. Perhaps
     love Rugby League?               Super League                    you could do a
     Your favourite rugby             feed by tagging in              painting or take a
     league moments?                  @LDSuperLeague                  photograph that
     What you are most                on Twitter.                     shows why you love
     looking forward                                                  Rugby League?
     about in the Rugby
     League World Cup

                                                      AUSTRALIA WHEELCHAIR TEAM
                                                      PICK UP | COACHING POINTS
                                                      The Australian Wheelchair Team are as great at picking up the ball as they are moving. To
                                                      practice your ball-handling skills, we’re going to play a special game! We want to see how
                                                      quickly you can pick up and put down objects in one minute. You can play this game with a
                                                      partner on your own.
                                                             DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                    DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                                3                              3

                                                      KEY POINTS
                                                                POINT 1                         POINT 2                         POINT 3

                                                       •   Set up a space with          •   You can only turn          •   The challenge ends
                                                           20 cones or items                one object at a time           when you have run
                                                           - ten the right way              and should keep                out of time or if one
                                                           up and ten upside                going until the time           player manages
                                                           down.                            is up.                         to get all the items
                                                       •   If you are playing           •   Bend your knees                their way up!
                                                           in pairs, one player             and back to make           •   This will be a great
                                                           aims to turn the                 sure you get low               workout. Have fun!!
                                                           objects the right way            to the ground. This
                                                           up, whilst the other             helps you to not
                                                           tries to turn them               drop any of your
                                                           all upside down.                 objects and to move
                                                           If you are playing               quickly.
                                                           alone, we’ll test how
                                                           quickly you can turn
                                                           them all over!

The Jamaica Men’s team have great passing skills. You will too, with this training session!
We want to see how accurate you can be whilst passing on the move. All you need is a ball
and some space. If you have a partner that’s great. If not, you can aim at a target instead.

       DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
            1                                2                                3

          POINT 1                         POINT 2                          POINT 3

                                                                                               IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
 •   Use the passing skill        •   As you get                   •   Try and count how
     that you learned                 comfortable, see if              many passes you
     in Skill 3 of this               you can move and                 can make without
     journal. If you need             pass faster.                     dropping the ball?
     a reminder, why                                               •   Keep on practicing
     not try that session                                              and see if you can
     again?                                                            beat your best
 •   Walk up and down                                                  score!
     your playing area,
     passing the ball
     without stopping.
 •   If you don’t have
     a partner, you can
     practice passing at
     your target instead.

                                                      NEW ZEALAND MEN’S TEAM
                                                      BE INSPIRED | COACHING POINTS
                                                      Sometimes Rugby League coaches invite inspirational people to speak to their teams before
                                                      big games. That could be former players who have been part of big games or maybe even
                                                      people who have overcome difficult challenges in their lives. It is important to have people
                                                      that you look up to in life. We can learn from others about how they achieved special things.
                                                      We want you to think about someone who inspires you. That could be a member of your
                                                      family, a friend, a sporting hero or someone else who has done something great.

                                                              DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION
                                                                   1                               2                               3


                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                          POINT 2                         POINT 3

                                                        •   Speak to your family        •   What is it that             •   What can you do
                                                            and friends To get              inspires you about              that might make you
                                                            their ideas                     them most?                      inspire someone
                                                        •   Work with them – in         •   What can you learn              else?
                                                            conversations or                from their story?
                                                            perhaps by looking
                                                            on the internet – to
                                                            find out more.

For this challenge we are looking at evasion, which means getting around defenders without
being tackled. We’re going to practice with a mini game of tag Rugby League. All you need
is a space that you will play inside and a partner to play against.

       DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                    DESCRIPTION
            1                               2                              3

                                                                                             IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021

          POINT 1                        POINT 2                        POINT 3

 •   One player will be          •   Staying low and            •   If you want to avoid
     the defender and                keeping your feet              being tagged,
     one player will be              moving will help you           keep on moving
     the attacker. The               to move well.                  and watch your
     defender has to tag                                            opponent.
     the other player on                                        •   Try to swap roles so
     their middle or hips.                                          you get the chance
                                                                    to practice your
                                                                    attack and defence

                                                      ITALY MEN’S TEAM
                                                      CARRY | COACHING POINTS
                                                      The Italy Men’s Team carry the ball well and rarely drop it. They want you to practice how
                                                      to grip and carry the ball with a game of ‘rugby ball tag’. This exercise tests how quickly you
                                                      can move with the ball and your grip. Remember to hold the ball tight!

                                                             DESCRIPTION                       DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                                 2                                3

                                                      KEY POINTS
                                                                POINT 1                           POINT 2                          POINT 3

                                                       •   Find an area to play          •   The player with              •   If the ball is
                                                           in with some space                the ball must tag                dropped, the players
                                                           – like a garden or                their opponent by                switch roles.
                                                           playing field.                    touching them with           •   Remember, the aim
                                                       •   One player holds                  the ball.                        is to practice holding
                                                           the ball and moves            •   Do not throw the ball            the ball in a firm grip,
                                                           around the area in                at the other player!             away from the body
                                                           the ‘centre carry’                (That’s cheating!)               in two hands.
                                                           grip that we have                 It must stay in your
                                                           practiced.                        hands.
AUSTRALIA Men’s team
One of the best ways to develop your Rugby League skills is by watching games. When you
watch a game closely, you can discover new ways to play the game better. Your challenge is
to watch a game – either a live game on TV or a classic game on YouTube. Spend this time
thinking about the things the players are doing and why they are doing them.

       DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                    DESCRIPTION
            1                               2                              3


                                                                                             IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
          POINT 1                         POINT 2                       POINT 3

 •   Did they do                 •   When they scored a         •   If a player dropped
     anything before the             try, how did they put          the ball, what could
     game to motivate                the ball down? Did             they have done
     themselves?                     they place the ball            differently?
 •   When did the                    down or dive?              •   Did the players talk
     players pass the            •   Did the players stay           to each other?
     ball? What types of             in the same position       •   Talk to your family,
     passes did they do?             during the game?               friends or coach
 •   When did they kick?                                            about the things that
     Where did they try                                             you have learned.
     to kick the ball to?                                       •   Have you seen
                                                                    something that you
                                                                    will use next time
                                                                    you play?

                                                      PAPUA NEW GUINEA WOMEN’S TEAM
                                                      PUT DOWN | COACHING POINTS
                                                      The Papua New Guinea Women’s Team score lots of tries with their awesome skill. We know
                                                      that you’ve got lots of skills too. We are going to play a game of Rob The Nest. This game
                                                      allows you to practice everything that you have learned so far.
                                                             DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                    DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                               2                              3

                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                         POINT 2                        POINT 3

                                                       •   You are going to            •   No dropped balls,          •   You can also play
                                                           need ten objects                no knock-ons! Hold             this with a partner!
                                                           that are safe for you           the items properly,            Split the items
                                                           to pick up and put              in front of your chest         between you into
                                                           down (nothing too               with two hands.                two nests. Have a
                                                           heavy!). Put them all       •   Place them down                race to see who can
                                                           in one spot in your             without dropping               move them first.
                                                           playing area.                   them.
                                                       •   The aim is to move          •   See how quickly you
                                                           them into your nest             can move the entire
                                                           using the pickup,               pile of ten items.
                                                           carry and putdown               Remember you can
                                                           techniques, as                  only hold one item
                                                           quickly as you can.             at a time!

In Rugby League, you’re not always going to get an easy pass! We’re going to practice what
to do if a pass comes your way that isn’t on target. All you need is a ball, some space to
practice in and a partner.

       DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                    DESCRIPTION
            1                               2                              3

                                                                                               IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021

          POINT 1                         POINT 2                        POINT 3

 •   Your partner will           •   Your partner will          •   When you find this
     pass the ball to you,           pass the ball low              easy, it is time to test
     aiming above your               next, aiming below             yourself! Can you
     head. Stretch up                your waist. Can you            practice this exercise
     to catch it with two            catch the ball in two          whilst moving?
     hands.                          hands?                         Can your partner
                                                                    mix throwing high
                                                                    and low passes to
                                                                    surprise you?

                                                      WALES WHEELCHAIR TEAM
                                                      COMMUNICATION | COACHING POINTS
                                                      Did you that know Wales has its own language? In Wales, many people speak both Welsh
                                                      and English, so they are the perfect team to inspire our communications challenge!
                                                      We want you to try commentating over your favourite rugby league clip!

                                                             DESCRIPTION                    DESCRIPTION                   DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                              2                             3

                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                       POINT 2                       POINT 3

                                                       •   Find your favourite        •   We want you               •   Perhaps a family
                                                           video of a Rugby               to try and be a               member or friend
                                                           League match on                commentator, like             can record you!
                                                           YouTube. Why is it             Barrie McDermott or           It would be great
                                                           your favourite clip?           Terry O’Connor!               to share it on
                                                                                      •   Mute the video clip.          social media using
                                                                                          Then press play and           #RLWCSkills
                                                                                          try to commentate
                                                                                          over it, sounding as
                                                                                          exciting as you can…

There’s nothing better than scoring a good try! When rugby league players score, they
celebrate and show people how proud they are. Some of these celebrations are very
special!... Warrington Wolves player, Greg Inglis celebrates his tries by crawling like a
Goanna. This is a type of lizard from his home country! Your challenge is to create your own
try scoring celebration. Can you be even more creative than Greg?!

       DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
            1                               2                                3

                                                                                               IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021

          POINT 1                         POINT 2                         POINT 3

 •   What will happen in          •   Why have you                •   Who would you most
     your celebration?                chosen this                     like to celebrate
                                      celebration?                    with?

                                                      FIJI MEN’S TEAM
                                                      GRIP | COACHING POINTS
                                                      The Fiji team are famous for passing the ball just as players try to tackle them. This skill is
                                                      called an ‘offload’. If you want to offload, you need a good grip. This session will teach you
                                                      all that you need to know. It also looks very cool!

                                                              DESCRIPTION                       DESCRIPTION                       DESCRIPTION
                                                                   1                                 2                                 3

                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                           POINT 2                            POINT 3

                                                        •   Carry the ball in             •   Can you pass the              •   When you’ve
                                                            the centre of your                ball from one hand                mastered this, can
                                                            body. Your fingers                to the other? See                 you practice this
                                                            should be spread                  if you can move it                skill whilst moving?
                                                            wide apart and the                around your body or               Remember, no
                                                            ball should not be                between your legs!                knock-ons!
                                                            touching your chest.

One of the best skills you can develop is to be able to pass to players who are in lots of
space. To do this, you need to make sure that you are in the right areas of the field.
This challenge will help you gain these skills. All you need is a ball and some space. You also
need a partner or a target to aim at.

       DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
            1                                2                                3

                                                                                                  IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021

          POINT 1                          POINT 2                          POINT 3

 •   Using the good               •   Now pass to your             •   How many passes
     grip and passing                 partner, then move               can you do without
     skills that you have             to a different                   dropping the ball?
     learned, warm up by              space. Use your                  How many different
     practicing passing               communication skills             ways can you pass
     to a few different               to shout for the ball            the ball?
     areas.                           to get it back.              •   You can even
                                                                       try passing and
                                                                       catching with one

                                                      Norway Wheelchair Team
                                                      GO FOR GOAL | COACHING POINTS
                                                      Rugby League stars often set themselves goals and aims. They might aim for things like
                                                      getting picked by their coach, scoring tries or even playing for their national team.

                                                      If you set yourself goals or ambitions, you can begin to think about how you might be able to
                                                      make your dreams come true. It is important to have big dreams but also be realistic too. Try
                                                      and plan for how you can make you goals happen.
                                                             DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                                2                               3

                                                      KEY POINTS
                                                                POINT 1                          POINT 2                         POINT 3

                                                       •   What are the small           •   What do you need to         •   Remind yourself that
                                                           goals that you would             achieve them? Are               you can achieve
                                                           like to achieve this             there any things that           lots of things. What
                                                           week?                            you can prepare or              moments in your life
                                                       •   Do you have any                  do to help you make             have you felt most
                                                           bigger goals that                them happen?                    proud?
                                                           you would like to            •   Share your goals            •   If you set goals
                                                           achieve in the next              with your family and            regularly, you are
                                                           year?                            friends. Ask for their          always going to be
                                                                                            ideas to help you               getting closer to
                                                                                            achieve them.                   your dreams!

For this skill you are going to practice ‘evasion’ - getting around defenders without getting
tackled. To do this, you’re going to create your own obstacle course!
You can do this in the house, in the park or on pitch…wherever you want, so long as it is safe.
The equipment can be anything you want too. Be creative and find suitable items, which are
safe, to make your course.

       DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
            1                                2                                3

KEY POINTS                                                                                        IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021

          POINT 1                          POINT 2                          POINT 3

 •   Make the best                •   Use the items that           •   Imagine that the
     obstacle course to               you have laid out                obstacles are
     test your evasion                as markers to move               players. Show
     skills. You’ll want              around and practice              your best dodging
     good space to move               your skill.                      skills to avoid their
     in and your items                                                 tackles!
     to be laid out with
     some variety.

                                                      GREECE MEN’S TEAM
                                                      CARRY | COACHING POINTS
                                                      Greece’s Men’s team play the game with great skill and carry the ball into tackles perfectly.
                                                      This challenge will test your abilities to carry the ball well. We want you to use the great grip
                                                      and carrying skills that you have learned. All you need is a ball, a space to work in and some

                                                              DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                       DESCRIPTION
                                                                   1                                2                                 3

                                                      KEY POINTS
                                                                 POINT 1                          POINT 2                           POINT 3

                                                        •   With the ball in two         •   Every time you                •   Do this as many
                                                            hands, Move around               come to one of the                time as you can,
                                                            in the area you are              markers, move the                 swapping your
                                                            working. Remember                ball to one hand and              hands often. The
                                                            the ball should be               stretch that arm out              more you practice
                                                            away from your                   as far as you can.                the better you will
                                                            body and in line with                                              move!
                                                            your chest.

FRANCE men’s team
The French Men’s Team have been playing Rugby League for many years with great catching
skills. This challenge is all about catching a high ball, like from a kick or a high pass.
All you need this week is a ball and a safe space to play in. It is great if you have a partner
but if not, you’ll still have fun practicing this alone.

       DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
            1                                2                                3

                                                                                                  IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021
          POINT 1                          POINT 2                          POINT 3

 •   Stand a few meters           •   ‘Make a net’ with            •   When this becomes
     away from your                   your arms by putting             easy, try jumping up
     partner. They will               them out in front of             to catch the ball. If
     throw the ball up                you to catch the ball.           you are practicing
     above your head, so          •   When this becomes                alone, you can
     that it comes down               easy then trying to              practice by throwing
     in front of you.                 catch the ball with              the ball up in the air
 •   Start off slowly and             your hands in the air.           to yourself.
     don’t throw it too

                                                      Tonga Men’s Team
                                                      DANCE FOR YOUR TEAM | COACHING POINTS
                                                      One of the most exciting things about watching the Rugby League World Cup 2021 will be
                                                      seeing the dances that some of the teams do before games.

                                                      Countries like New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Cook Islands and Papua New Guinea
                                                      have their own ‘war dances’. The famous dance is known as the Haka. These are special
                                                      dances that these countries have done for many years. They help inspire the players – and
                                                      sometime scare the opposition too! Your challenge is to create a dance for your team!

                                                             DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                    DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                               2                              3

                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                        POINT 2                         POINT 3

                                                       •   What happens in             •   Why have you                •   What does it mean
                                                           your dance?                     chosen these                    to you?
                                                                                           different moves?

We want to see your most creative and exciting passes. Can you pass the ball between your
legs? Behind Your Back? Make a ‘no-look pass’? Show us your skills!
This exercise is great if you have a partner. Don’t worry if you’re training on your own
though, because you can aim at a target instead.

       DESCRIPTION                    DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION
            1                              2                               3

                                                                                            IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021

          POINT 1                       POINT 2                         POINT 3

 •   Always start with the      •   Plan your pass or           •   The pass must be
     ball in the two-hand           trick shot before you           accurate and hit the
     grip. This allows you          do it.                          target!
     to pass well in all

                                                      Brazil Women’s Team
                                                      EVASION | COACHING POINTS
                                                      For this session you’ll be using all of your skills. We want to see you catch, move, and pass
                                                      perfectly. That means no dropped balls, passing on target and dodging defenders.
                                                      You will need a ball, some obstacles and somewhere safe to practice. It would be great to
                                                      play with a partner too, if you can.

                                                             DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION                      DESCRIPTION
                                                                  1                                2                                3

                                                      KEY POINTS

                                                                POINT 1                          POINT 2                          POINT 3

                                                       •   Catch the ball off            •   Dodge the obstacles         •   Once you have ran
                                                           your chest with two               without stopping,               around the obstacle,
                                                           hands, Then get                   holding the ball in             pass the ball to your
                                                           moving around your                two hands off your              partner or to hit
                                                           obstacle course!                  chest.                          your target, if you
                                                                                                                             are training on your
                                                                                                                         •   Try your best to
                                                                                                                             get the ball to land
                                                                                                                             where you want it to.

The England Men’s team are one of the best in the world. They can do all the skills you have
practiced throughout your journey. For the final skill England Men’s team would like you to
showcase 3 of your awesome and most favourite skills you have learned throughout the
journal from the Rugby League World Cup 2021 Teams. Show us all your new top skills, best
tricks, best moves and favourite exercises!

        DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION
             1                               2                               3



                                                                                               IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE RUGBY LEAGUE WORLD CUP 2021


           POINT 1                         POINT 2                        POINT 3

  •   Plan your 3 favourite       •   Put together the            •   How does it feel to
      skills you have done            plan of what you                be a Rugby League
      throughout your                 want to show and                player and have
      time practicing over            perform your best               learned all these
      the last year.                  skills for your coach,          skills?
                                      team mates or
                                      families and friends.

                                                             con gra t ul a t i o ns
                                                                 Well done on completing your Rugby League World Cup 2021 Skills Journal!
                                                        We hope you had fun doing all your training and managed to collect all 32 postcards from the

                                                                   All of the players and teams are really proud of how well you have done.
                                                         But just because you have done them all, this is not the end! Use this journal over and over,
                                                      because the world’s best Rugby League players practice their skills every day. Please keep training
                                                                                               and having fun!

                                                      Hope to see you at the Rugby League World Cup 2021. There is a full fixture on the next page. Why
                                                      not take your postcards to the event and see if you can get them signed by your favourite players?
WOMEN’S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WHEELCHAIR
group a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   group a
ENGLAND                                                                BRAZIL               PNG                                               CANADA                                                    SPAIN                                     NORWAY                    ENGLAND                                AUSTRALIA
TUES 9 NOV 2021, 14:30 - EMERALD HEADINGLEY STADIUM, LEEDS                                  TUES 9 NOV 2021, 17:00 - EMERALD HEADINGLEY STADIUM, LEEDS                                                      THUR 11 NOV 2021, 17:00 - COPPER BOX ARENA, LONDON                  THUR 11 NOV 2021, 19:30 - COPPER BOX ARENA, LONDON

ENGLAND                                                          CANADA                     PNG                                                 BRAZIL                                                  ENGLAND                                        SPAIN                AUSTRALIA                                 NORWAY
SAT 13 NOV 2021, 12:00 - ANFIELD, LIVERPOOL                                                 SAT 13 NOV 2021, 17:00 - KCOM STADIUM, HULL                                                                      SUN 14 NOV 2021, 12:00 - COPPER BOX ARENA, LONDON                   SUN 14 NOV 2021, 14:30 - COPPER BOX ARENA, LONDON

CANADA                                                                 BRAZIL               ENGLAND                                                 PNG                                                 AUSTRALIA                                      SPAIN                ENGLAND                                   NORWAY
WED 17 NOV 2021, 17:00 - EMERALD HEADINGLEY STADIUM, LEEDS                                  WED 17 NOV 2021, 19:30 - EMERALD HEADINGLEY STADIUM, LEEDS                                                       WED 17 NOV 2021, 11:00 - COPPER BOX ARENA, LONDON                   WED 17 NOV 2021, 13:30 - COPPER BOX ARENA, LONDON

                                                                             MON 22 NOV 2021, 17:00 - LNER COMMUNITY STADIUM, YORK                                                                                                                              SUN 21 NOV 2021, 12:00 - ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT, SHEFFIELD

                semi-final 1                                                         winner b                             runner up a                                                                             semi-final 1                                           winner b                         runner up a

                                                                                            SATURDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2021, 14:15                                                                                                                                                   FRIDAY 26 NOVEMBER 2021, 19:30

           women’s                                                                                                                                                                                   wheelchair
                                                                                               OLD TRAFFORD, TRAFFORD                                                                                                                                                           M&S BANK ARENA, LIVERPOOL

           final                                                                                                                                                                                             final
                                                                                                     winner sf 1                                                                                                                                                                        winner sf 1

                                                                                                     winner sf 2                                                                                                                                                                        winner sf 2

                                                                             MON 22 NOV 2021, 19:30 - LNER COMMUNITY STADIUM, YORK                                                                                                                               SUN 21 NOV 2021, 14:30 - ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT, SHEFFIELD

                semi-final 2                                                         winner a                             runner up b                                                                             semi-final 2                                           winner a                         runner up b

WOMEN’S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WHEELCHAIR
group b                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   group b
NEW ZEALAND                                                       FRANCE                    AUSTRALIA                              COOK ISLANDS                                                         FRANCE                                       WALES                  SCOTLAND                                             USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                    FRI 12 NOV 2021, 11:00 - ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT, SHEFFIELD      FRI 12 NOV 2021, 13:30 - ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT, SHEFFIELD
WED 10 NOV 2021, 17:00 - LNER COMMUNITY STADIUM, YORK                                       WED 10 NOV 2021, 19:30 - LNER COMMUNITY STADIUM, YORK

NEW ZEALAND                                         COOK ISLANDS                            AUSTRALIA                                          FRANCE                                                   FRANCE                                 SCOTLAND                     WALES                                                USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                 MON 15 NOV 2021, 17:00 - ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT, SHEFFIELD       MON 15 NOV 2021, 19:30 - ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT, SHEFFIELD
SUN 14 NOV 2021, 17:00 - LNER COMMUNITY STADIUM, YORK                                       SUN 14 NOV 2021, 19:30 - LNER COMMUNITY STADIUM, YORK

FRANCE                                              COOK ISLANDS                            AUSTRALIA                              NEW ZEALAND                                                          FRANCE                                              USA             WALES                                  SCOTLAND
                                                                                                                                                                                                 THUR 18 NOV 2021, 11:00 - ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT, SHEFFIELD      THUR 18 NOV 2021, 13:30 - ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT, SHEFFIELD
THUR 18 NOV 2021, 17:00 - LNER COMMUNITY STADIUM, YORK                                      THUR 18 NOV 2021, 19:30 - LNER COMMUNITY STADIUM, YORK

MEN’S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MEN’S
group a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   group b
ENGLAND                                                            SAMOA                                                                                                                                                                                                    AUSTRALIA                                             FIJI
SAT 23 OCT 2021, 14:30 - ST JAMES’ PARK, NEWCASTLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SAT 23 OCT 2021, 19:30 - KCOM STADIUM, HULL

FRANCE                                                            GREECE                                                                                                                                                                                                    SCOTLAND                                         ITALY
MON 25 OCT 2021, 14:30 - KEEPMOAT STADIUM, DONCASTER                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SUN 24 OCT 2021, 14:30 - KINGSTON PARK, NEWCASTLE

ENGLAND                                                           FRANCE                                                                                                                                                                                                    AUSTRALIA                               SCOTLAND
SAT 30 OCT 2021, 17:00 - UNIVERSITY OF BOLTON STADIUM, BOLTON                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FRI 29 OCT 2021, 19:30 - RICOH ARENA, COVENTRY

                                                                  GREECE               quarter-final 2                                                                                                                    quarter-final 1                                   FIJI                                             ITALY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SAT 30 OCT 2021, 14:30 - KINGSTON PARK, NEWCASTLE
                                                                                                 SAT 13 NOV 2021, 14:30                                                                                                           FRI 12 NOV 2021, 19:30
ENGLAND                                                           GREECE                         ANFIELD, LIVERPOOL                                                                                                       JOHN SMITH’S STADIUM, HUDDERSFIELD                FIJI                                    SCOTLAND
SAT 6 NOV 2021, 14:30 - BRAMALL LANE, SHEFFIELD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SAT 6 NOV 2021, 17:00 - KINGSTON PARK, NEWCASTLE
                                                                                                winner a / runner up a                                                                                                                   winner b
SAMOA                                                             FRANCE                                                                semi-final 2                                   semi-final 1                                                                         AUSTRALIA                                        ITALY
SUN 7 NOV 2021, 17:00 - HALLIWELL JONES STADIUM, WARRINGTON                                                                                                                                                                                                                SAT 6 NOV 2021, 19:30 - TOTALLY WICKED STADIUM, ST HELENS
                                                                                                runner up d / winner d                       SAT 20 NOV 2021, 14:30                      FRI 19 NOV 2021, 19:45                        runner up c
                                                                                                                                          EMIRATES STADIUM, LONDON                       ELLAND ROAD, LEEDS

MEN’S                                                                                                                                           winner qf 2                                  winner qf 1
group d                                                                                                                                         winner qf 4                                  winner qf 3                                                                                                   group c
TONGA                                                                      PNG                                                                                                                                                                                              JAMAICA                                    IRELAND
                                                                                       quarter-final 4                                                                                                                    quarter-final 3
TUES 26 OCT 2021, 19:30 - TOTALLY WICKED STADIUM, ST HELENS                                                                                                                                                                                                             SUN 24 OCT 2021, 17:00 - EMERALD HEADINGLEY STADIUM, LEEDS

WALES                                               COOK ISLANDS                                SUN 14 NOV 2021, 14:30                                                                                                             SAT 13 NOV 2021, 19:30                   NEW ZEALAND                              LEBANON
                                                                                       UNIVERSITY OF BOLTON STADIUM, BOLTON                                                                                                        KCOM STADIUM, HULL

WED 27 OCT 2021, 19:30 - LEIGH SPORTS VILLAGE, LEIGH                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SUN 24 OCT 2021, 19:30 - HALLIWELL JONES STADIUM, WARRINGTON

TONGA                                                                  WALES                    winner a / runner up a                                                                                                                   winner c                           NEW ZEALAND                                JAMAICA
MON 1 NOV 2021, 19:30 - TOTALLY WICKED STADIUM, ST HELENS                                                                                                                                                                                                               SAT 30 OCT 2021, 19:30 - EMERALD HEADINGLEY STADIUM, LEEDS

PNG                                                 COOK ISLANDS                                runner up d / winner d                                                                                                                 runner up b                          LEBANON                                    IRELAND
TUES 2 NOV 2021, 19:30 - HALLIWELL JONES STADIUM, WARRINGTON                                                                                                  SATURDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2021, 17:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SUN 31 OCT 2021, 14:30 - LEIGH SPORTS VILLAGE, LEIGH
                                                                                                                                                                 OLD TRAFFORD, TRAFFORD
TONGA                                               COOK ISLANDS                                                                                                                                                                                                            NEW ZEALAND                                IRELAND
SUN 7 NOV 2021, 14:30 - RIVERSIDE STADIUM, MIDDLESBROUGH                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FRI 5 NOV 2021, 19:30 - EMERALD HEADINGLEY STADIUM, LEEDS
                                                                                                                                                                         winner sf 1
PNG                                                                    WALES                                                                                                                                                                                                LEBANON                                    JAMAICA
MON 8 NOV 2021, 19:30 - KEEPMOAT STADIUM, DONCASTER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SUN 7 NOV 2021, 12:00 - LEIGH SPORTS VILLAGE, LEIGH
                                                                                                                                                                         winner sf 2

 *A L L   F I XT U R E S   S U B J E C T   T O   C H A N G E .   K O   T I M E S   G M T.

                                                                                                      S AT U R D AY                 2 3     O C T O B E R            -    S AT U R D AY            2 7     N O V E M B E R               2 0 2 1

                                                                                                                                           R LW C 2 0 2 1 . C O M                 |    # R LW C 2 0 2 1

                                                                                                                                                    R LW C 2 0 2 1 . C O M

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