Routeburn Track Pre Walk Information - Important Information - Ultimate Hikes

Page created by Bonnie Martinez
Routeburn Track Pre Walk Information - Important Information - Ultimate Hikes
Routeburn Track
Pre Walk Information

Important Information
Vaccination requirement                                There is no collection from accommodation.
                                                       Please ensure you have breakfast before arrival
This season, we require all our walkers to be fully
                                                       as food and beverages are not to be consumed
vaccinated at least 14 days prior to departure
                                                       on the coach.
date. If you haven’t already, please send your
vaccination confirmation to
                                                       Te Anau departures are available, but the walk If we don’t have a
                                                       finishes in Queenstown only. If you are starting
record of your vaccination at time of departure        in Te Anau please advise the Ultimate Hikes
we reserve the right to cancel your place on the       Centre to arrange your registration and receive
walk under our normal cancellation policy.             a briefing. If you are starting in Te Anau please
                                                       meet the group at 9.00am. The Ultimate Hikes Te
Pre-track briefing                                     Anau Desk is located in the Alpine Centre cafe cnr
Please check in at 1:45pm on the day prior to your     Sandy Brown Rd & Milford Hwy, Te Anau
walk for a group pre-track briefing. The briefing is
held at the Ultimate Hikes Centre, Ground Floor, The   Return time
Station Building, Duke Street Entrance, Queenstown.    The coach returns to Queenstown on the final
 Ultimate Hikes Centre Location (Queenstown)           day at approximately 4.00pm. Note: it does not
                                                       pass through Te Anau. You will be dropped off at
                                                       the Ultimate Hikes Centre in Queenstown. Arrival
                                                       times may vary due to weather, road and
                                                       traffic conditions.

                                                       Your guides provide a safe, efficient and friendly
                                                       service on track and in the lodges. They will tell
                                                       you about the flora, fauna and history of the
                                                       region and provide assistance if needed. They
                                                       are trained in first aid and are in constant radio
At the briefing, you will have the opportunity to      contact with each other, the lodges and our
confirm your dietary and medical information and       Queenstown base.
emergency contact details. You will be able to pick
up any gear you need to borrow from us or              Weather
purchase any last minute items from our shop.          We cannot stress enough how extreme and
Our customer service staff will also give you an
                                                       unpredictable the weather can be in this region.
overview of what to expect while you are on track.
                                                       Fiordland and Mt Aspiring National Parks
If you cannot make the pre-track briefing, please      experience some of the highest rainfall in New
contact Reservations on +64 3 450 1940 or              Zealand; snow, high winds and cold temperatures as soon as possible.          can occur at any time of the year. It is essential
                                                       to be prepared for all weather conditions and to
Check in time                                          carry the clothing that we recommend. If you wish
Check in time on day of departure is 6.30am            to check the weather forecast you can visit the
at the Ultimate Hikes Centre.                          NZ metservice website, but please be aware that
                                                       forecasts can change very quickly.
Routeburn Track Pre Walk Information - Important Information - Ultimate Hikes
Equipment & what you will carry                          A reasonable level of fitness is required and if
You carry a pack each day containing your personal       you are not a regular walker, you should start
belongings, lunch and water. It is essential that        walking daily in all weather conditions and
you are prepared for all types of weather. See           include hill-climbing, at least 6-8 weeks prior to
the equipment list included in this document and         departure. You should gradually increase the
available on our website.                                distance that you walk, carrying a backpack and
                                                         wearing the boots you will be hiking in. You
We can provide a backpack and raincoat at no cost        should also prepare for walking in wind and rain.
and available to collect at the UHC (booking not
                                                         We encourage you to walk at your own pace, it is not
required). Walking poles can be hired ($25 a pair) or
                                                         a race and we want you to enjoy it. There is always a
                                                         guide at the rear of the group. See our fitness page
                                                         for more information.
The maximum number of people per departure is            Meals included
40. You are encouraged to walk at your own pace,
unless your guides advise otherwise due to track         Day 1:          Lunch, dinner
conditions or weather.                                   Day 2:          Breakfast, lunch, dinner
Safety                                                   Day 3:          Breakfast, lunch
Your safety is of paramount importance and our           Breakfast:
guides may have to adapt the day depending on            Selection of cereals, toast, fruit, cooked options,
fitness levels and weather or track conditions.          juice, hot drinks.
Whilst they will make every effort to meet your
needs, you must adhere to their professional             Lunch:
decisions at all times.                                  Selection of breads, sandwich fillings, salad,
                                                         fruit, snacks.
Insurance                                                Dinner:
We HIGHLY RECOMMEND you take out your own                Varies between lodges: starter, main course
medical/travel insurance to cover your walk and any      (choice of 3 options), dessert.
circumstances in which you may not be able to walk.
In the unlikely event of a medical emergency on the      Vegetarian and gluten free options are available.
track, a medical evacuation by air will be carried out   If you have any particular dietary requirements or
by New Zealand emergency services.                       intolerance, please advise and we will do our best
                                                         to accommodate you, bearing in mind the
Fitness requirements                                     isolated environment.
To enjoy your experience, you should be                  A selection of New Zealand wine, beer and soft
comfortable carrying a backpack (5-7kg/10-14lbs)         drinks are available for purchase at the lodges.
for 4-8 hours, walking up to 15km (9.3 miles) of
sometimes uneven track each day.
Each walker will have a different experience/
expectation depending upon previous experience
and fitness level.
Routeburn Track Pre Walk Information - Important Information - Ultimate Hikes
Lodges & accommodation                               Luggage storage
All beds have pillows, duvets and blankets. There    We are not able to store excess luggage while
is generated electricity in the lodges until 10pm.   you are on track. This should be arranged with
Electrical devices can be charged up until then.     your pre/post track accommodation.
There is no internet access in the lodges.           Alternatively there are luggage storage facilities
Due to the generator times, CPAP machines are        in Queenstown. For further information, please
not able to be used in shared rooms and must be      contact our reservations team prior to your arrival
pre-booked in private rooms.                         or the Ultimate Hikes Centre team at your
                                                     pre-track briefing.
All lodges have hand washing facilities, washing
                                                     Please note that because of weight restrictions on
soap and drying rooms for clothes.
                                                     our coaches, excess luggage cannot be transported.
All bathrooms have flush toilets, and hot showers,
with soap, shampoo, conditioner and
towels provided.
Shared rooms: 4 people share a room with
separate shared bathroom facilities. A sleep sheet
must be used and is provided at each lodge.
Private rooms have a queen bed or two king
single beds and ensuite bathroom. All linen
is provided.

Track conditions
The track surface varies from smooth, well
formed paths to rough terrain broken by rocks
and tree roots. It can be challenging in places.
There are steep rocky uphill and downhill sections
and you may have to cross streams and wade in
deep water after heavy rain.
We recommend that you wear hiking boots which
provide firm ankle support. Taking two walking
poles is also recommended and are available for
hire or purchase at the Ultimate Hikes Centre.
Visit our website for more information.
Routeburn Track Pre Walk Information - Important Information - Ultimate Hikes
Pre-track briefing                                                               Day 2
(Day prior to departure)                                                         Lake Mackenzie to Routeburn Falls Lodge
Please check in at the Ultimate Hikes Centre,                                    The track starts just past Lake Mackenzie and
Ground Floor, The Station Building at 1:45pm                                     rises up through ancient beech forest emerging
on the day prior to your departure to complete                                   out of the treeline for stunning views of the
registration and attend a pre-track briefing where                               lake below. At the top of the zig zags is Ocean
we will give you an outline of what to expect on                                 Peak Corner. On a clear day you’ll have a full
your walk.                                                                       panorama of the Darran Mountains across the
                                                                                 Hollyford Valley, to the distant Tasman Sea at
You will receive a walking guide to carry with you,                              Martin’s Bay. Follow the track along the mountain
and you can pick up a backpack, pack liner and                                   face and ask your guides to point out the native
rain jacket. There is no need to book these items                                flora, including mountain daisies, buttercups,
prior to the briefing.                                                           gentians and edelweiss. After lunch at the Harris
You can purchase last minute items you may                                       Saddle, if track and weather conditions allow,
require at the Ultimate Hikes Centre and we can                                  you can climb Conical Hill for a panoramic view
                                                                                 of the surrounding peaks. The track continues
answer any further questions you may have.
                                                                                 around Lake Harris, before descending into the
If you are unable to attend this briefing please                                 upper basins of the Routeburn Valley skirting the
let us know.                                                                     Routeburn Falls. Spend your final night at the
                                                                                 aptly named Routeburn Falls Lodge.

Day 1
Queenstown to Mackenzie Lodge
The day begins early with a coach ride to the                                   11 km (6.9 miles)              4-6 hrs       Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Divide, stopping in Te Anau for morning tea on
the way. At the Divide, make sure you collect
your lunch from the guides before setting off.
The track begins with a steady climb up through
                                                                                 Day 3
Silver Beech forest to the turn off to Key Summit.                               Routeburn Falls to Queenstown
Leave your pack at the turn off before climbing to                               The track descends from the lodge through
the Summit for great views and a wetlands walk.                                  Red Beech forest to the alpine pastures of the
Collect your pack, and it’s a short walk down to                                 Routeburn Flats. Picnic beside the Routeburn river
Lake Howden for lunch.                                                           at Forge Flat. The track shadows the river through
                                                                                 the beech forest to the Road End. Take the nature
In the afternoon, the track gradually climbs to
                                                                                 walk at the detour to read more about the native
the 80m (240ft) Earland Falls. Stop for a break at
                                                                                 forest and listen for native birds in the valley. At
the base pool. The track then traverses around
                                                                                 Road End the coach will be waiting to take you
the mountain side to the Orchard. Beyond, you’ll
                                                                                 back to Queenstown, stopping at the small town
climb for a short section before a steep descent to
                                                                                 of Glenorchy for refreshments.
Mackenzie Lodge.

                                                                                 9 km (5.7 miles)              3-4 hrs             Breakfast, Lunch
12 km (7.5 miles)            4-6 hrs      Lunch, Dinner

                    Key Summit                            Mackenzie                                 Conical Hill     Routeburn
                                                           Lodge                                                     Falls Lodge

1300m                         Lake



              Day 1 - 12 km (7.5 miles)                        Day 2 - 11 km (6.9 miles)                                     Day 3 - 9 km (5.7 miles)
Routeburn Track Pre Walk Information - Important Information - Ultimate Hikes
Advised equipment list
The following is a list of essential equipment            In the lodge
that we recommend you bring on your multiday
                                                          A change of clothes is recommended for the
guided walk. Many items can be purchased at
                                                          lodges and for sleeping in. Remember the more
reasonable prices from the Ultimate Hikes Centre
                                                          that is taken, the heavier the pack is to carry. The
in Queenstown.
                                                          nights may be cold so a warm change of clothing
                                                          is recommended.
What to bring
                                                          † Shirt or long sleeved top.
To walk
We suggest taking one set of clothing to walk in.         † Sweater/jersey.
All of our lodges have hand washing and drying            † Lightweight trousers.
facilities so clothing can be washed and dried
                                                          † Lightweight shoes with a sole.
                                                          † Nightwear.
                                                          † Personal toiletries (soap, shampoo and
We suggest you wear fabrics that are lightweight
                                                            conditioner are provided).
but warm and quick drying such as merino wool,
polypropylene, thermal, micro fleece and polar            † Change of underwear.
fleece. Most items on the recommended
clothing list are available to purchase at the            Optional
Ultimate Hikes Centre.                                    † Walking poles. We strongly advise all walkers
                                                             to use two walking poles, especially if you
Cotton, denim or silk is not recommended for
                                                             have difficulty walking up or down gradients.
physical activity as when its wet, these fabrics
                                                             Leki poles are available for hire ($25 a pair) or
retains the moisture next to your skin and can
                                                             purchase from the Ultimate Hikes Centre.
make you feel cold.
                                                          † Waterproof over trousers. We strongly advise
† Walking boots or sturdy shoes. Broken in,
   preferably with ankle support. Please check your
                                                             walkers to carry lightweight over trousers for
   boot condition prior to coming to the pre-track           rain and wind protection.
   briefing. Look especially at how well the sole         † Gaiters. For extra foot protection in wet
   is attached to the boot, to see if the glue is not        weather.
   drying out. Please also ensure that they are clean
   if you are coming through customs and adhere           † Swim suit.
   to all biosecurity notices at the airport. We do not   † Spare laces. Just in case.
   sell walking boots/shoes in our retail outlet.
† Thermal base layer (top and bottom). 		                 Extras/useful items
   Fundamental clothing that can be worn either as        † Foot fleece/second skin
   a base layer or as a single layer.
                                                          † Strapping tape
† Fleece or merino wool jacket. An ideal outer
   layer in cold weather.                                 † Lip balm

† Long-sleeved top. Lightweight, warm and quick-          † Ear plugs
   drying, this layer can be worn on top of thermal       † Small torch
   base layer.
                                                          † Sealable plastic bags
† T-shirt. Ideal for fine weather. Avoid cotton.
                                                          † Reusable face covering
† Sunhat & warm hat. Be prepared for sun & cold.
                                                          † Reusable lunchbox
† Water proof gloves.
                                                          We can supply free of charge though you
† Shorts/walking trousers. Fast drying shorts,
                                                          may prefer to bring your own. Items can be
   trousers or zip-off trousers (NOT JEANS).
                                                          collected at the pre-track briefing:
† Three pairs of merino wool or thermal socks.
                                                          † Back pack & Liner (weighs approx 2kg).
   Main consideration is warmth and comfort.
                                                          † PVC Waterproof raincoat with hood
† Sunscreen, insect repellent.
                                                             (weighs approx 500gms).
† Water bottle or bladder (1 litre capacity).

† Credit card & some cash (we stop in Te Anau).
Routeburn Track Pre Walk Information - Important Information - Ultimate Hikes

                                                       Generally in December, January and February are
Will I be fit enough?
                                                       warmer but not necessarily dryer. March and April
To enjoy your experience, you should be                usually have fresh mornings, sunny days and cooler
comfortable carrying a backpack (5-7kg/10-14lbs)       nights with shorter days.
for 4-8 hours, walking up to 21km (13.5 miles) of
sometimes uneven track each day.                       How remote are the tracks?
Each walker will have a different experience/          The tracks are not accessible by road except at the
expectation depending upon previous experience         start and at the end. Any requirement to remove
and fitness level.                                     people off the track or over closed sections will
                                                       be done by helicopter. In the event of an accident
A reasonable level of fitness is required and if       or emergency, a medical evacuation by air will be
you are not a regular walker, you should start         carried out by New Zealand emergency services.
walking daily in all weather conditions and
include hill-climbing, at least 6-8 weeks prior to     Is there internet/Wifi access on the tracks?
departure. You should gradually increase the
                                                       No. Guides and Lodge staff are in constant
distance that you walk, carrying a backpack and        communication by radio to Queenstown base.
wearing the boots you will be hiking in.               There is no facility for walker access to the internet
We encourage you to walk at your own pace, it is       whilst on the track.
not a race and we want you to enjoy it. There is
always a guide at the rear of the group. See our       What are the toilet facilities on the tracks?
fitness page for more information.                     All our lodges have flush toilets. There are toilets
                                                       (some flush, some Kiwi long drop style) at all our
Do I have to carry my pack or do you                   lunch shelters and at various intervals along
transport it?                                          the track.
Yes, you carry your own pack from lodge to lodge.
We do not offer a service for transporting             What time do I arrive back in Queenstown?
your luggage.                                          All multiday walks arrive back at the Ultimate Hikes
                                                       Centre in Queenstown at approximately 4pm.
How heavy will my pack be?                             However, we cannot guarantee arrival time, which
It’s likely to be approximately 5-7 kg (10-14lbs) if   may vary due to road and weather conditions.
you follow our equipment list & guidelines.            Milford Track walkers can be dropped off at
                                                       Queenstown Airport if required.
What weather should I expect in the
month that I am walking?                               How bad are the sandflies?
                                                       They are prevalent especially on the Milford Track,
The unpredictable nature of the weather in
                                                       and at Sandfly Point! We recommend wearing insect
this region means that snow, high winds, rain
                                                       repellent each day. This can be purchased from
and flooding can occur at any time of the year.
                                                       our shop, but most insect repellents should offer
It is therefore very important to be prepared          protection.
for the worst weather conditions and carry the
appropriate clothing at all times.
Routeburn Track Pre Walk Information - Important Information - Ultimate Hikes
Where can I park my vehicle?                           What about special dietary requirements?
We do not have car park facilities in Queenstown       Vegetarian and Gluten free meals can be provided
or Te Anau, however you can park your car in the       on all tracks. We will endeavour to cater for other
Man Street Carpark in Queenstown for a set fee.        dietary requirement within reason, however
The carpark is not able to take campervans.            please remember we operate in an extremely
                                                       isolated and challenging environment.
See the Ultimate Hikes Centre at the briefing for
tickets. Alternatively, the hotels/motels where you    Please ensure you provide us with your dietary
are staying may allow you to park your vehicle         requirements at time of booking or at the pre-
whilst you are on the track.                           track briefing.

Is there alcohol on the track?                         How many people share the
Beer, New Zealand wine and soft drinks are             multi share rooms?
available for purchase at the lodges. These are        Shared rooms can sleep up to four or six people
paid for at the final lodge on your walk.              on the Milford Track, and up to four on the
                                                       Routeburn Track and Lake McKellar Lodge on
Can I wash my clothes?                                 the Greenstone Track. Steele Creek Lodge on
All lodges have clothes washing facilities with soap   the Greenstone Track (Grand Traverse) has large
and drying rooms. Being able to wash and dry           dormitory rooms. All shared rooms also share
clothing helps keep the pack weight down.              bathroom facilities.
                                                       Room allocation depends on the make up of the
Do I have to bring all my hiking                       group and the track accommodation.
clothes with me?
Yes you do. We can lend you a raincoat. Our            I will be travelling by myself,
centre has a retail shop in Queenstown where           is that a problem?
items can be purchased if you have forgotten any       No problem. It is a great opportunity to walk with
items, prior to your departure.                        like-minded individuals from around the world.

Where should I leave my excess                         What clothing do I need to bring?
baggage while I am walking?                            Please refer to equipment list.
We are not able to store excess luggage while
you are on track. This should be arranged
with your pre/post track accommodation.
Alternatively there are luggage storage facilities
in Queenstown. Please ask at the Ultimate Hikes
Centre on arrival (or by phone prior to arrival). NB
on the Milford Track / Classic: a small bag can be
borrowed for clothing for use at Milford Sound
and will be sent by road from Queenstown to
await your arrival.
alert levels

Ultimate Hikes is following all guidelines,           Cancellations, Transfers and Refunds due
restrictions and recommendations as                   to Covid restrictions on Quarantine-Free
defined by the New Zealand government                 travel between Australia and New Zealand.
in relation to Covid-19. To view the alert            The New Zealand government has instigated a
level system click here                               ‘traffic light’ system for responding to covid related
                                                      travel and how a covid case in Australia would
For the 2021 – 22 season we are able to operate       be managed. We will be using this system as a
under Level 1 and 2. If the region we operate         guideline for this policy.
in, or the region you reside in, goes into Level
3 or above, affecting your departure date, the        If the New Zealand government puts a pause or
cancellation policy below will apply.                 suspend notice on flights coming from the State in
                                                      which you reside and your flight and/or departure
Cancellations, Transfers and Refunds due              date is within that period, you can transfer your
                                                      walk to another date in the season if the restriction
to Covid restriction levels in New Zealand.           is lifted (subject to availability) or to the 2022-23
Level one and two                                     season, or you can receive a full refund.
Whilst the country is at level one or two, our        If a travel restriction or lockdown is imposed by
normal terms and conditions, including the            the State in which you reside and your flight and/
cancellation policy will apply to all walkers.        or departure date is within that period, you can
                                                      transfer your walk to another date in the season if
Level three and above                                 the restriction is lifted or to the 2022-23 season, or
                                                      you can receive a full refund.
If you are living in a region that goes into level
three and your departure date is within the           Please note: All refund/cancellation options
lockdown period, you can transfer your walk to        are only valid for those who live within or are
another date in the season subject to availability,   physically located in the restricted region at the
or to the 2022-23 season, or you can receive a        time of their departure date. It does not extend to
full refund.                                          others in your party who are still able to travel.
Please note: This refund/cancellation option is       Please note: Proof of your inability to travel may
only valid for those who live within the restricted   be required
region, it does not extend to others in your party
who are still able to travel.                         Cancellations, Transfers and Refunds due
If the region we operate in or the country as a       to Covid restrictions on countries that do
whole is moved to Level 3 or above –                  not have Quarantine-Free travel agree-
we will have to cease operation and all walkers       ments to enter New Zealand.
affected by the closure will be offered a transfer
to another date in the season (subject to             For all bookings from countries that do not have
availability), the following season or a refund.      quarantine-free travel agreements with New
For walkers on the track should an immediate          Zealand, our normal terms and conditions apply,
move to level three be imposed, your refund will      and will be strictly enforced.
be determined by the amount of time you have          We do not recommend people booking until
spent on track.                                       Quarantine-Free travel from their country of
                                                      origin has been approved by the
                                                      New Zealand government.
You can also read