ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...

Page created by Melanie Love
ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...

                              SPRING 2021


         Page 1         RECREATION
ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...
ROSSLAND                             OUR FACILITIES
                      CITY HALL

                      Ph: 250-521-0137
                      Need help registering?                   ROSSLAND ARENA
                      Call or email and set up a time
                      to get a registration tutorial at
                      City Hall or over the phone.
                                                                                                        ROSSLAND POOL

                      Follow us on Facebook and
                      Instagram to stay up to date!
                      Recreation Manager

                      KRISTI CALDER

                      778.457.5037                             OUTDOOR ARENA


                                                           Rossland Arena

                                                                                                                                                         LESLEY CHIS
                      Recreation Programmer
                      MELISSA GRESLEY-JONES                1865 Third Ave.
                      250.362.2327 (o)                     Ice rental from October to end of

                      250.521.0137 (c)                     February. Dry floor rental from mid-
                           March to mid-August. Tournaments,
                      Rossland Pool                        lounge for meetings, birthday parties
                      POOL MANAGER                         and family gatherings.                                  MINERS HALL
                                 Outdoor Arena
                      Summer Camps                         1920 Third Ave.
                      HOLLY BORWICK                        Open as soon as it is cold enough and closed when the thaw starts.
                                Rossland Pool
                                                           1869 Columbia Ave.
                      HOLLY BORWICK                        Open June, July and August for swim lessons, aquatic programs,
                      250.231.1713                         public swim, lane swims and rentals.

                      HOLIDAY CLOSURES                     Miners Hall
                      Victoria Day                         1765 Columbia Ave.
                      BC Day                               This facility includes various rentable spaces to accommodate all types
                                                           of events including weddings, funerals, live performances, fundraisers,
                      Canada Day
                                                           meetings, fitness classes, etc.

    2            SPRING 2021                              Register at
ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...
             2385 Washington St.
             The YAN has provided many programs
             and events including MakerLab,
             youth film competitions, leadership
             workshop series, cooking workshops,
             a diverse array of arts programs, a
             snowboard program, bouldering club
             and an annual Youth Week events
             celebrating the diverse and talented
             youth of Rossland.

                                                                                                                             DON CONWAY
             Sporting Activities, games and
             tournaments. Typically, open for use           COOKE FIELD
             sometime in May of each year, subject
             to precipitation and saturation levels.
             JUBILEE FIELD                             Parks
             Jubilee Rd. and Queen St.                 Green spaces.
             COOKE FIELD                               ESLING PARK
             Cook Ave. and Davis. St.                  2111 Spokane St.
             CENTENNIAL FIELD                          JUBILEE COMMUNITY
             Off Dunn Cres.                            GARDEN
                                                       St. Paul and Jubilee St.
             Green spaces around town with
             play structures.
             1869 Columbia Ave.
             Nickleplate Rd. and Davis St.                                             ROSSLAND SKATEPARK
             Irwin Ave. and Esling Dr.
             JUBILEE PLAYGROUND                                                          Bike Skills Parks
             4th and Queen Ave
                                                                                         Bike skills parks for development
             ROSSLAND SKATEPARK                                                          and practice.
             2385 Washington St.
                                                                                         ROSSGLEN (Beg/Int)
                                                                                         Irwin Ave. and Esling Dr.
                                                              CENTENNIAL BIKE            CENTENNIAL (Adv)
                                                                SKILLS PARK              Off Dunn Cres.

               JUBILEE FIELD

  3     SPRING 2021                               Register at
ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...
Go to:
                          Need help registering? Call 250-362-2327 or email
                 and set up a time to get a
                          registration tutorial at City Hall or over the phone.
                          Log in or create an account if you have never
                          registered for any programs with the City of Rossland.
                          Ensure all family members are on account.
                          If a course interests you, please register early.
                          Many programs end up cancelling for lack of
                          registration, only to have folks call in the day it’s to
                          start. Please try to register a minimum of five days
                          before a course is scheduled to start, to ensure it runs.
                          This gives the instructor time to prepare and allows
                          the Recreation Department to organize all the details;
                          including waivers, registration information, facility
                          preparation and purchasing supplies.

                                                                                      Pre-registration is necessary for all programs, unless otherwise
                                                                                      Some classes fill quickly. If the class you want is full, please
                                                                                      ask to be placed on the waitlist. You will be contacted if space
                                                                                      becomes available or if we add an additional class.
                                                                                      If a class does not have the minimum number of participants
                                                                                      registered, three days prior to the beginning of the class,
                                                                                      the class will be cancelled. Please register early to avoid

                       Registration                                                   All registrations require payment and are accepted on a first

                       opens April                                                    come, first served basis.
                                                                                      The quickest and easiest way to register is online with our online
                        21, 2021!*                                                    registration software.

                                                                                      *Please note that registration start date and program options may
                                                                                      change due to provincial announcement on April 19th, 2021.

                   4   SPRING 2021                               Register at
ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...

                                                                                                                                                  ROSSLAND RECREATION/LESLEY CHISHOLM
                                 Looking                                  Full refund if cancelled more than five business days
                                                                          prior to program start. Please note that programs can be transferred
                             for program                                  or cancelled five business days in advance of the program start,
                               leaders                                    with refund. Cancellations or transfers made within five days are
                       We are looking for leaders for
                      some of our programs. See this
                                                                          dependent on program registration and staff scheduling, and no
                                                                          refund is guaranteed within this time. All outdoor programs will 
                                                                          continue rain or shine. Please dress yourself and your child(ren)
                      symbol ? Contact us if you are                      appropriately. Programs will only be cancelled if unsafe to continue
                        interested as we may not be
                                                                          outdoors due to thunder/lightening.
                          able to run the program
                              without a leader.                           PHOTOGRAPHS & VIDEOS
                                                                          The Recreation Department will be using pictures and videos of local
                                                                          folks and children, enjoying recreation in Rossland. We will attempt
                                                                          to obtain written consent from individuals who are featured in the
                                                                          pictures and videos, but this may not always be possible. If you have
                                                                          any concerns about being represented in photos or videos taken by
                                                                          the Recreation Staff, please let us know.

                                                                          PROGRAM MINIMUM AGES
                                                                          For the enjoyment of all participants, children must be the correct
                                                                          age by the last day of the program. Exceptions may apply for
                                                                          program-specific reasons.

                                                                          PRO-RATING POLICY

                                                                          By registering and paying for a program, you are committing to
                                                                          attending the full duration of the program.

    5          SPRING 2021                      Register at
ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...

                          R. BONNIE HENRY stated on May 16, 2020 that “COVID-19 is new for all of us”. We
                          at The City of Rossland are responding to the direction from our public health
                          officials and governing bodies to open our facilities and offer services to our
                      community cautiously, with the safety of our staff and community being our priority.

                      We cannot be certain that a person (of any age) will not contract SARS-CoV-2 at one of
                      our facilities and/or while participating in one of our programs, but we have taken the
                      steps required to develop our COVID-19 Safety Plan, Policies and Procedures, which is
                      available for your review at

                      We have implemented our COVID-19 Safety Plan and will be applying our policies and
                      procedures, but the risk remains that a COVID 19 outbreak could occur despite our
                      best efforts. We are focussing on distancing standards within programs and facilities,
                      decreasing instructor to participant ratios, cleaning protocols, training leaders/staff on
                      COVID considerations, implementing contact free registration, payment and check in,
                      implementing contact tracing and ensuring signage is posted in our facilities for users.

                      As a reminder, please do not participate or allow your child to participate in any of our
                      activities or programs if you or they have any of the following symptoms.
                      Key symptoms of COVID-19 include:             Other symptoms may include:
                      ✔ Fever or chills                             ✔ Sore throat
                      ✔ Cough                                       ✔ Loss of appetite
                      ✔ Loss of sense of smell or taste             ✔ Extreme fatigue or tiredness
                      ✔ Difficulty breathing                        ✔ Headache
                                                                    ✔ Body aches
                                                                    ✔ Nausea or vomiting
                                                                    ✔ Diarrhea

                      Lastly, it is vital that we all be calm and compassionate
                      throughout this pandemic. Any person who exhibits any
                      aggression towards our staff or any other person in one of
                      our facilities and/or programs will be asked to leave and not
                      return. For more information, please visit

                      For more information, please visit

  6            SPRING 2021                      Register at
ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...

                      DANCE                                                                    Highland Dance
                                                                                               Highland dance, a type of Scottish
                      Kids Boogie                                                              dancing, is a fantastic way to learn
                      A celebration of creative movement                                       coordination, movement and have
                      and music for all the budding little                                     fun! These are introductory classes for
                      movers and shakers in the community!                                     kids ages 4+ run by Natasha Robine.
                      A fun, high energy 45 min class where                                    She has been dancing for 15 years and
                      kids get to explore music and creative                                   is certified under the BATD. She can’t
                      movement through different styles                                        wait to dance with you this season!
                      of dance, yoga and mime. Run by                                          Preferred attire: t-shirt, shorts, knee high
                      Meg Wadsworth with over 25 years                                         socks; ballet or gymnastics slippers and
                      of dance training and over 10 years                                      hair pulled back off of face.
                      teaching professionally. Danced                                          Age: 4 – 7 years
                      professionally with the New Zealand                                      Day: Wednesdays
                      Ballet Company & the American Festival
                                                                                               Time: 3 – 3:45 pm
                      Dance Company. Qualified RAD Ballet
                                                                                               Date: May 5 – June 23                          ART
                                                                                               (8 classes)
                      Teacher, Jazz Dance Teacher, Dupree
                                                                                               Cost: $80
                                                                                                                                              General Art Class
                      Dance Academy, Los Angeles, NZ                                                                                          This class will introduce you to
                                                                                               Location: Miners Hall
                      Association of Modern Dance teaching                                                                                    the basics of a variety of mediums
                      Certifications, Adults and Kids Zumba                                                                                   including drawing, painting, pastels, ink
                                                                                               Age: 7 - 12 years
                      Instructor. Hatha Yoga Instructor.                                                                                      and sculpture.
                                                                                               Day: Wednesdays
                      (200 Hr).                                                                                                               Day: Mondays
                                                                                               Time: 4 – 4:45 pm
                      Age: 3 – 5 years                                                                                                        Ages: 6 - 12
                                                                                               Date: May 5 – June 23 (8 classes)
                      Day: Thursdays                                                                                                          Time: 4 – 4:45 pm
                                                                                               Cost: $80
                      Time: 3 – 3:45 pm                                                                                                       Date: May 3 – June 23
                                                                                               Location: Miners Hall
                      Date: May 6 – June 24                                                                                                   (8 classes)
                      (6 classes - No classes June 3 and 10)                                                                                  Cost: $80 per session
                                                                                               MUV and Groove                                 Location: Miners Hall
                      Cost: $50
                                                                                               Hip Hop                                        Instructor: Shelley Painter
                      Location: Miners Hall
                                                                                               These fun, high energy choreography-
                                                                                               based classes start with a fast paced          Sketching Outdoors
                                                                                               warm-up and then dancers get down              Weather permitting, this four-week
                                                                                               with the latest in contemporary hip hop        program will focus on learning to

                                                                                               & jazz moves and learn some fun dances         sketch and using the environment

                                                                                               to performs to family and friends. The         around us for inspiration.

                                                                                               pace is fast, and the energy is high! Run

                                                                                                                                              Day: Mondays

                                                                                               by Meg Wadsworth.                              Ages: 6 - 12
                                                                             LESLEY CHIS

                                                                                               Age: 6 – 12 years                              Time: 5 – 5:45 pm
                                                                                               Day: Thursdays                                 Date: May 3 – May 24 and
                                                                                               Time: 4 – 4:45 pm                              May 31 – June 21

                                                                                               Date: May 6 – June 24                          (4 classes each)

                                                                                               (6 classes - No classes                        Cost: $40 per session
                                                                                               June 3 and 10)                                 Location: Meet at Miners Hall,
                                                                                               Cost: $60                                      program is outdoors
                                                                                               Location: Miners Hall                          Instructor: Shelley Painter

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ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...

                      NOTE: Tots Soccer and Tots Tball will
                      require one adult on the field with the
                      child to ensure COVID requirements of
                      physical distancing. If restrictions lift
                      and game play is permitted, we will
                      update all parents on the adjusted

                      Tots Soccer
                      Join us to learn the fundamental
                      movements of soccer: running (with
                      and without the ball), jumping, twisting,
                      kicking, throwing and catching. At this
                      level, the objective is to get moving and
                      keep active.
                                                                  Youth Triathlon Program                   TBall
                                                                  Join us for this fun Triathlon prep       Join us to learn the fundamental skills
                      Day: Tuesday                                program! Spend time each week             of baseball: movement skills, throwing,
                                                                  focussed on running, biking and/or        receiving, hitting, base running. At this
                      Age: 3 – 4 year olds
                                                                  swimming to learn something new.          level, the objective is to get moving and
                      Time: 3:15 – 4:00 pm
                                                                  All children must be able to swim the     keep active.
                      Date: May 3 – June 21 (7 classes)
                                                                  length of the Rossland Pool (27 metres)   Day: Thursday
                      Cost: $35                                   without assistance.                       Age: 5-6 year olds
                      Location: Arena Dry Floor / Cooke Field     Date: May 4 – June 15                     Time: 5:15 – 6:00 pm
                                                                  Age: 7 – 12 year olds                     Date: May 6 – June 24 (8 classes)
                      Day: Tuesday                                Day: Tuesdays                             Cost: $48
                      Age: 4- 5 year olds                         Time: 3:30 – 4:30 pm                      Location: Arena Dry Floor / Cooke Field
                      Time: 4:15 – 5:00 pm                        Cost: $100
                      Date: May 3 – June 21 (7 classes)           Location: May 4 (Running), 11 (Biking),
                      Cost: $35                                                                             Learn to Roller Skate
                                                                  18 (Running), 25 (Biking),
                      Location: Arena Dry Floor / Cooke Field                                               Are your kids worried about attending
                                                                  June 1 (Practice bike and run):           one of our new roller public skates?
                                                                  Centennial Trail; June 8 and              Do you want to ensure they get some
                      Day: Thursday                               15 (Swimming): Rossland Pool
                      Age: 3 – 4 year olds                                                                  instruction before heading out? Join
                      Time: 3:15 – 4:00 pm                                                                  us for four weeks of instruction on
                                                                  Finish the program with a fun mini        roller skates. We provide the skates,
                      Date: May 6 – June 24 (8 classes)           triathlon (backwards for safety           you provide the helmet and safety gear
                      Cost: $40                                   and route practicality). Starting at      (knee pads, elbow pads, etc.)
                      Location: Arena Dry Floor / Cooke Field     Centennial trail for an out and back      Date: May 4 - 25
                                                                  run, then bike to the Rossland Pool and   Ages: 6 - 12
                      Day: Thursday                               end with a swim.
                                                                                                            Day: Tuesdays
                      Age: 4 - 5 year olds                        Date: June 19                             Time: 4:00 – 4:45 pm
                      Time: 4:15 – 5:00 pm                        Age: 7 – 12 year olds                     Cost: $40
                      Date: May 6 – June 24 (8 classes)           Day: Saturday                             Location: Rossland Arena
                      Cost: $40                                   Time: 9 am - 1 pm
                      Location: Arena Dry Floor / Cooke Field     Location: Centennial Trail

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ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...
YOUTH                                                                              ADULT

                      EDUCATIONAL                                Babysitting Course                      EDUCATIONAL COURSES
                                                                 The Babysitting course, refreshed
                      Stay Safe Course                           and revised, now has a greater
                      Real-world scenarios often call on         emphasis on First Aid skills.
                                                                                                         High Five Workshops
                      children to respond to challenges.         The Canadian Red Cross Babysitting      As a region, we are working
                      The Stay Safe! program teaches             course covers everything from           together to offer High Five
                      applicable and age-appropriate             managing difficult behaviours to        programming. Courses will
                      skills, while increasing and               essential content on leadership and     happen within the Greater Trail
                      reinforcing a youth’s capacity to          professional conduct as a babysitter.   and Regional District of Central
                      improve his or her own safety.             Babysitting promises to deepen and      Kootenay areas. See below for
                      Whether in their community or on           enhance the responsibility that older   upcoming courses and locations.
                      their own, this group will be given        youth feel when caring for younger
                      better tools to Stay Safe! in a variety    children.
                      of different situations.                                                           Principles of Healthy
                                                                 Day: Saturday and Sunday
                      Day: Sunday                                Time: 9 am – 1 pm                       Child Development
                      Time: 9 – 3 pm                             Date: May 8 and 9                       (PHCD)
                      Date: May 16th                             Cost: $80                               This one-day training will help
                      Cost: $60                                  Ages: 11 - 15                           front-line leaders (anyone working
                      Ages: 9 - 13                               Location: Miners Hall -                 with children aged 6 to 12 – i.e.
                      Location: Miners Hall -                    Performance Hall                        camp counsellor, coaches,
                      Performance Hall                                                                   swim instructors) improve the
                                                                                                         quality of programs. It provides
                                                                                                         in depth training in the HIGH
                                                                                                         FIVE Principles of healthy child
                         YAN PROGRAMS                                                                    development so front-line leaders
                         Maker Lab                                                                       understand what they need
                         April 28-June 9 (every other Weds) 5-7 pm                                       to do to ensure each child’s
                         A bi-weekly tech club for youth ages 11-18. Tinker with the Trail &             social, emotional and cognitive
                         District Public Library's tech tools (mbots, spheros, ozobots, makey            needs are met. Leaders learn
                                                                                                         activities and gain knowledge,
                         makey + more) under guidance of a facilitator. Limited spaces and
                                                                                                         tips and resources to enhance
                         Covid-19 guidelines in place.
                                                                                                         their programs as well as their
                         Register by emailing
                                                                                                         relationships with children and
                                                                                                         other staff members. Topics
                         Meal Kit Deliveries                                                             also include bullying, conflict
                         Get ingredients delivered to your                                               resolution, physical literacy,
                         door to cook meals at home for                                                  children’s mental health and
                         your family. Detailed and simple                                                moderate to vigorous physical
                         instructions included. For youth                                                activity.
                         ages 11-18. Every Tuesday                                                       Date: May 30
                         throughout the spring. See social                                               Day: Sunday
                         media or for updates.                                            Ages: 14+
                         Email for more info.                                            Time: 8 am – 4 pm
                                                                                                         Location: Miners Hall
                                                                                                         Price: $70

     9            SPRING 2021                                   Register at
ROSSLAND RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE - Register Online! recreation - City of ...
                        FIRST AID COURSES                                                                some edible wild recipes following
                                                                                                         completion of the course. Please be
                        YAN Standard First Aid                                                           prepared to be outdoors for the day.
                        and CPR C Course                                                                 Meeting time and location will be
                        Standard First Aid (SFA) is the                                                  confirmed prior to the course.
                        most comprehensive first aid                                                     Date: May 29th
                        training program for the general                                                 Day: Saturday
                        public, is a prerequisite for the                                                Time: 9 am – 5 pm
                        National Lifeguard program, and is                                               Location: Start at either the Miners
                        WorkSafeBC Occupational Level 1                                                  Hall or Cook Park and walking tour
                        equivalent. Standard First Aid trains                                            through Louie Joe Trail.
                        rescuers in the skills and knowledge                                             Price: $70
                        needed to assess and provide basic                                               Instructor: Craig Delong
                        life support to patients with airway,
                        breathing, or circulatory emergencies                                            Electric Fencing
                        as well as how to manage medical,
                        musco-skeletal and environmental        SUSTAINABILITY COURSES                   Description: Are you looking to keep
                        emergencies. The Lifesaving Society                                              the bears out of your fruit trees? Or
                        follows the 2015 ILCOR (International   Introduction to                          predators out of your chicken coop?
                        Liaison Committee on Resuscitation)     Seed Saving.                             Or chickens in their coop? Join us to
                                                                                                         learn about electric fencing: battery
                        guidelines and includes AED             The hows and whys                        or plug in, grounding the system,
                        training. This course includes CPR-C    Come away knowing how to save
                        certification.                                                                   wiring location and set up, lightening
                                                                seeds in Rossland. There will be a       protection, and testing your fence
                        Date: April 30, May 1, May 2            second workshop in the fall to cover     without touching it.
                        Age: 14+                                cleaning and storing the seeds you       Date: June 12th
                        Time: Friday 4 – 7 pm,                  have saved.                              Day: Saturday
                        Sat and Sun 9 am – 5 pm                 Date: May 15th                           Time: 10 – 12 pm
                        Cost: $150 with YAN discount;           Day: Saturday                            Location: Moon Gravity Farm: 1991
                        $225 regular                            Time: 10 am – 12 pm                      Princess Ave. (weather permitting)
                        Location: Miners Hall                   Location: Miners Hall (outdoors          Price: $20
                                                                weather permitting)                      Instructor: Andrew Bennett
                        Standard First Aid and                  Price: $20
                        CPR C Recertification                   Instructor: Sarah Flood
                        Standard First Aid is a WorkSafeBC
                        Occupational Level 1 equivalent         Wild Edible Walking Tour
                        and can be used in the workplace.       Have you ever wondered what native
                        Recertification of Standard First       plants you can eat. Craig DeLong is
                        Aid with CPR C/AED is achieved by       a botanist and forest ecologist with
                        attending an 8-hour Standard First      a keen interest in foraging for native
                        Aid with CPR C/AED Recertification      plants. He will take you on a walking
                        course.                                 tour through different ecosystems
                        Date: May 11 and 13                     and point out a variety of different
                        Age: 14+                                native plants you can use in a variety
                        Time: 4:30 – 9 pm                       of ways for soups, salads, flavouring,
                        Cost: $125                              teas etc. You will also receive
                        Location: Miners Hall                   a database of wild edibles and

    10                SPRING 2021                            Register at

                       ARENA ROLLER
                       Join us for a brand-new activity
                       at the Rossland Arena! Bring
                       your roller skates or inline
                       skates and enjoy practicing
                       your skating skills on a gravel
                       free surface! No skates? No
                       problem. We have inline and
                       roller skates available to rent.
                       Please wear appropriate safety
                       gear including but not limited
                       to knee pads, elbow pads, wrist     DAY                                                 START TIME       END TIME
                       guards, and helmet.                 Tuesdays                                            11:00 am         12:00 pm
                                                           Wednesday Public Skate                              5:45 pm          6:30 pm
                       Please register for the day and     Wednesday Skate with Stick                          7:00 pm          7:45 pm
                       time slot you want, pay online,     Thursdays                                           1:00 pm          2:00 pm
                       and arrive at the rink, as ready    Sunday Public Skate 1                               2:15 pm          3:15 pm
                       as you can be, to get on the        Sunday Public Skate 2                               3:45 pm          4:45 pm
                       floor. Doors will open at the       Sunday Skate with Stick                             5:15 pm          6:15 pm
                       start time of the skate.
                                                          *Skate with Stick session. Helmets with cages, mandatory for kids, helmets
                                                          mandatory for adults. Bring your stick and any other gear you require and have fun
                                                          practicing your floor hockey skills.
                                                          **3 metre distance required while on ice. Masks required at all times.

                            START DATE                     PUBLIC SKATE FEES
                               TO BE                       Under 2       Child         Youth         Teen          Adult 19 +     Family
                           DETERMINED…                                   3-6           7 - 12        13 – 18                      (Max 5
                             STAY TUNED!                                                                                          including
                                                                                                                                  1 adult)
                                                           Free          $3.00         $5.00         $6.00         $7.00          $16.00

                                                           SKATE RENTALS
                                                           Item                                     Rate
                                                           Adult Skate Rental                       $3.00
                                                           Youth Skate Rental                       $2.00

     11               SPRING 2021                    Register at
We ensure there are

                          no financial barriers to
                          participating in our programs.
                          We also welcome donations
                          to our Recreation Bursary
                          to continue supporting the
                          individuals who rely on the
                          The following programs are available for individuals to access sport and recreation
                          programs if they are unable to afford the fees associated with them.

                          Rossland Recreation Bursary Program
                          We have updated our bursary program to allow individuals of any age to apply for assistance. The RRB program allows
                          for up to $200 per person / per year. If you or someone you know is able to donate to this fund, we are accepting
                          donations to try and ensure there are enough funds to cover as many people as possible.

                          To apply for this program fill out the online application found here:

                           PROGRAM                AGE                    HOW TO APPLY            FUNDS AVAILABLE       WEBSITE
                                                                                                 (PER CHILD PER
                           Canadian Tire          4-18 years             Apply online or in      $600                  jumpstart.
                           Jumpstart                                     person at Rossland                  
                                                                         City Hall
                           KidSport               18 years and under     Drop application at     $250        
                                                                         Trail Aquatic Centre                          british-columbia/
                           Athletics 4 Kids       5-18 years             Apply online or mail/   $600        
                                                                         email to Vancouver

     12                SPRING 2021                             Register at
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