Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association

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Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association


Robert Sinclair’s plan

                             DISRUPTIVE PASSENGERS        BREXIT
                             UK airports act              An AOA guide

                             MANCHESTER AIRPORT           HEATHROW EXPANSION
                             The North’s global gateway   The big planning consultation
Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association
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Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association
                                                                                    ED ANDERSON
                                                                          Introduction to the Airport Operator
                 THE AIRPORT

OPERATOR                                                                       A very                    The principles may be clear, but the
                                                                                                         devil is in the detail and it is all quite
                                                                               warm                      complicated, but we are here to help.
                                                                                                         So, in this issue you will find a handy
AIRPORT OPERATORS ASSOCIATION                                                  welcome to                guide to Brexit and UK aviation by
                  Ed Anderson
                                                                               the spring                the AOA’s in-house expert, Henk van
                                                                                                         Klaveren. Henk seeks to answer all the
                  Karen Dee                                                    edition                   questions that you have on the subject
                Chief Executive
                 Peter O’Broin
                                                                               of The                    but were afraid to ask.

                                                                                                         The next few months will be crucial for
                Policy Manager                                                 Airport                   the development of the Government’s
          Henk van Klaveren
      Public Affairs & PR Manager                                              Operator,                 Aviation Strategy, with a series of
                                                                                                         consultations, beginning with one this
            Roger Koukkoullis
            Operations, Safety
                                                                               published                 summer on the consumer journey,
                                                                                                         safety and security, followed by an
          & Commercial Director                              to coincide with our 2018                   autumn consultation on sustainability
              Claire Humphries
              Events & Member                                Annual Dinner at London’s                   issues, including noise, and a
                                                                                                         consultation early next year on trade
              Relations Manager
                Patricia Page
                                                             Grosvenor House Hotel.                      and market access.

             Executive Assistant                             We are delighted to have so many            We look forward to hearing more
              & Office Manager                               distinguished guests from across the        about emerging Government thinking
                 Avni Patel                                  aviation sector at what is the largest      during the early summer and we
             Accounts Executive                              networking dinner in the aviation           will be responding in detail to each
               Jeff Bevan                                    calendar and especially pleased             of the consultations to ensure that
     Policy & Public Affairs Officer                         to have secured the new Aviation            the Strategy is based on a detailed
                                                             Minister, Baroness Sugg, as our             understanding of the challenges and
AIRPORT OPERATORS ASSOCIATION                                keynote speaker.                            opportunities facing UK airports.
        3 Birdcage Walk,
       London SW1H 9JJ                                       She joins us at a time when                 One of the points that we will certainly
        United Kingdom                                       Government policy has rarely been so        be emphasising is that the Strategy
                                                             important for the continuing success        needs to take proper account of
          T: +44 (0)20 7799 3171                             of UK airports, with two big issues         perspectives reflecting the whole
            E:                               dominating her and our agenda: Brexit       range of our airports, from the largest
         F: +44 (0)20 7340 0999                                                                          to the smallest, from passenger
                                                             and the Government’s consultation on
                                                             a new Aviation Strategy.                    to freight and including General
                                                                                                         Aviation. It is a point that is underlined
                                                             On Brexit we have been liaising closely
                Michael Burrell                                                                          elsewhere in this issue by one of
                    Editor                                   with the Department for Transport
                                                                                                         our Board members, Andrew Bell,
                                                             where there is a clear understanding        Chief Executive of Regional and City
                                                             of the important issues at stake,           Airports, who stresses the vital role
     THE AIRPORT OPERATOR                                    both in terms of traffic rights and air     that smaller airports play in our overall
    MAGAZINE IS PRODUCED BY                                  services agreements and aviation            aviation eco-system.
                                                             safety, where the key issue is whether
                                                             and how the UK could continue               At the other end of the airport scale,
                                                             to participate in the work of the           you can read the inside story on the
               Shimon Speigel
               Creative Director                             European Aviation Safety Agency.            consultation exercise on expanding
                Jessica Horton                               Our approach to the subject is to
               Graphic Designer                                                                          Elsewhere in this issue you will find
                                                             urge both sides of the negotiations to
               GENIUM                                        have at the front of their mind not the     articles about recent developments
               Studio 27                                                                                 at some of our world-leading airport
        Quadrant Business Centre                             interests of airlines or airports, but of
                                                             our customers, the passengers. It is by     suppliers. I hope that you will find
          135 Salusbury Road
           London NW6 6RJ                                    continuing to put their interests first,    much that is of interest to you and I
                                                             as the EU and the UK together have          look forward to seeing many you at
        T: +44 (0)20 7089 2622                                                                           our 2018 Annual Dinner.
     E:                             done so successfully in the past, that
     W:                               we will secure the right outcomes.                    Ed Anderson, AOA Chairman
Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association

                 Corporate Partners

                   Gold Members

                  Silver Members

Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association

 Robert Sinclair may only have been in post as CEO at
 London City Airport for four months, but he is already
 planning “a bolder, more ambitious vision” to take the
                airport to the next level
                                          THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018
Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association

       is precise and measured            which will be operational from 2019.   With an additional runway at
       language during an interview       State-of-the-art cameras on a newly    Heathrow still several years’ away,
       at London City’s Aviation          constructed tower will deliver live    London City’s expansion will bring
House fails to disguise his excitement    views of the airfield via super-fast   new capacity into the London
at the “scale of the opportunity”         secure fibre connections to a new      market at a crucial time. Initially the
presented by the airport’s £480           NATS control room in Swanwick,         focus will be on adding connectivity
million four-year investment plan.        Hampshire.                             to key European destinations, but in
                                                                                 the longer term the airport expects
Work has already started on the           It is 30 years since London City’s     to target new destinations on the
development programme – “the              first full year of operation, when     US East Coast, in the Middle East
largest development ever in the           total passenger numbers were just      and Russia. For now, thanks to KLM,
history of the airport”. Crucially it     133,000. Today 11 airlines carry       Amsterdam is London City’s single
will include a new parallel taxiway, as   four and a half million passengers     busiest route, closely followed by
well as new aircraft stands, that will    a year to 45 destinations, with        Edinburgh, Dublin, Zurich, Milan
enable the airport to increase flight     Sinclair anticipating numbers rising   and Frankfurt.
frequency and open the possibility        above five million by 2020 and the
of longer-range destinations using        development programme enabling         That destination mix reflects the
quieter, more fuel-efficient next         the airport to accommodate six and     close connection between the
generation aircraft. Extensions to        a half million passengers.             airport’s success and the health of
the airport terminal will add space
(including for possible new Border
arrangements post-Brexit) and              “Airport CEOs are largely figureheads. They may
                                           be the public profile of an airport, but an airport’s
create world-class terminal facilities,
but without compromising London
City’s prized speedy check-in and
arrival – which Sinclair characterises     success is very much delivered by all of the staff
as “a core part of our USP”.
                                           and business partners coming together as one team
In parallel, work will proceed on the
installation of a digital air traffic
                                           to provide a seamless service for the passenger”
control tower, the first in the UK,

Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association

the UK’s financial services market,      Duty, which he describes as “a major    on leisure traffic. Asked for his
particularly those parts of it based     brake on connectivity for both the      first impressions of London City,
in Canary Wharf, just ten minutes        leisure and business market”.           he says: “You study airports for
from the airport, and the City of                                                their differences and London City
London, with Bank station only           His mention of the leisure market       is more different than most. The
22 minutes from the airport on           reflects recent developments            scale of the opportunity here to
the Docklands Light Railway. The         which are beginning to transform        bring new capacity into the London
metaphor that Sinclair uses is that      the passenger mix at London City.       market is immense, even though
“our very close proximity to the         Taking the whole of 2017, about         we face some constraints because
financial services market means that     48% of passengers were leisure          of the position of our runway
if it sneezes we will catch a cold,      passengers, but in the third quarter,   (between the Royal Albert and
although on the other hand the           for the first time in the airport’s     King George docks) and our built-
establishment of new offices in the      history, there were more leisure        up neighbourhood, which imposes
key financial centres in Europe could    than business passengers. Sinclair      operational and noise restrictions”.
well deliver a major boost for our       attributes this growth in both
business traffic”.                       outbound and inbound leisure traffic    Airport operations are limited on
                                         to a combination of growth in the       weekdays to between 06.30 a.m.
Not surprisingly, in that context,       route network and the increasing        and 10 p.m. and at weekends the
Sinclair is keeping a very close         take-up by key airlines of off-peak     airport is closed between lunch-
eye on the progress of the Brexit        slots for leisure destinations.         time on Saturday and lunch-time
negotiations and especially on                                                   on Sunday. Although this can have
the possible implications for            He joined London City Airport from
financial services. It is against that   Bristol, which, like many regional
background that he continues             airports, has a higher dependence
to campaign to persuade the
Government to cut Air Passenger

                                                                                      THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018
Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association

the effect of limiting the operations     they stand for”) but is also conscious    from central London to less than
of some airlines and current              that “airport CEOs are largely            half an hour – 17 minutes from
destinations, Sinclair is confident       figureheads. They may be the public       Paddington to Canary Wharf and a
that growth can be achieved thanks        profile of an airport, but an airport’s   further 10 minutes to London City.
in part to a new generation of            success is very much delivered by         Frustratingly, even though the new
quieter aircraft.                         all of the staff and business partners    line passes close to the airport,
                                          coming together as one team to            there will initially be no stop at the
Another first impression that             provide a seamless service for the        airport. Instead passengers will
Sinclair is keen to mention is the        passenger”.                               have to transfer at Customs House
depth and breadth of the airport’s                                                  or at Woolwich, which are both five
connections to its local authority,       Looking ahead, he picks out two           minutes’ away. Sinclair says that
the London Borough of Newham,             possible changes which could              securing an Elizabeth Line station at
and to the local community. The           benefit the airport and be welcomed       the airport is “on our to-do list” and
airport is the Borough’s largest          by passengers. The first is the           the airport is currently carrying out a
private sector employer and, of the       opportunity that Brexit presents to       feasibility study. He seems optimistic
2,000 employees working at the            reintroduce duty-free sales for intra-    that success will eventually be
airport, almost two thirds live in East   European travel, suggesting that “it      achieved, while acknowledging that
London.                                   would make perfect sense for duty-        this will be several years’ away.
                                          free to be offered for flights from the
He also emphasises how grateful he        UK to the EU27” and that this would       Concluding the interview, Sinclair re-
is for what he has inherited from his     represent “a significant opportunity      emphasises how much he is looking
predecessor as CEO, Declan Collier,       for the airport and its customers”.       forward to helping to achieve the
who secured planning permission                                                     transformation of London City to
for the airport’s development and         The second is around further              “a truly 21st century airport that
recruited and retained the high-          improvements to the airport’s             serves the best city in the world”.
quality team that will execute the        surface access, crucial for London        To the suggestion that it sounds like
development programme. Sinclair           City, where 70% of passengers             a lot of fun, he settles instead for
says that he has his own style (“I        already arrive by public transport.       “exciting”, as the best description of
consider myself as a Jack-of-all-         Plans are in place to improve             how he feels right now about his new
trades and master of none, with a         Docklands Light Railway capacity          role as CEO of the closest airport
great deal of interest in all of the      over the next three to four years         to central London with the greatest
aspects of an airport and I am a          and the opening of the Elizabeth          opportunity for rapid growth. 
big believer in the importance of         Line (otherwise known as Crossrail)
building great teams and airports         in December will cut journey times
having a really clear vision of what

Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association

     Evidence is emerging that action by UK airports to deal with
       disruptive passengers is starting to have a positive effect.

T                                           “A crucial element in implementing the code of
       he most recent data from the
       Civil Aviation Authority indicates
       that, while passenger numbers
at UK airports rose by 6% in 2017,          practice is the education, training and support of
the number of disruptive incidents
remained stable. In 2016 there were
                                            all staff who interact with passengers. Conflict
just over 400 incidents nationally
across 268 million passengers.
                                            management training helps staff to identify, pre-
Airports reporting and sharing
                                            empt, de-escalate and manage any disruptive
success credit pro-active campaigns,
a team approach (involving airlines,
                                            passenger behaviour they may encounter.”
retailers, caterers and police) and
early reporting of incidents.               Examples of good practice include        Code to all retail partners, with duty
                                            intelligence-led and high visibility     free staff being required to remind
Gatwick Airport, for example, says          patrols to enable early intervention,    passengers that the alcohol they
that its evolving proactive campaign,       with staff across the airport            buy is for export only and cannot
Operation Disrupt, has led to a sharp       encouraged to report the details of      be consumed either at the airport
increase in the early reporting of          any potential incident to a central      or on board an aircraft. Airport
incidents from front line staff which       control room. As a result, information   concessionaires are required to
has enabled preventative action             including passenger description and      report any behaviour that may be
to be taken. The results have been          flight details can be easily shared      cause for concern immediately.
a decrease in reported on-board             with staff across the airport. Airport   World Duty Free are using stickers
incidents of disruptive passengers          staff and police patrol the drop-off     to seal the bags of passengers on
and a safer working environment             area and visit boarding gates ahead      high risk flights. For some routes
for both staff and passengers, with         of potentially problematic flights.      boarding cards of those passengers
incidents of disorderly or drunken                                                   buying alcohol are stamped to allow
behaviour equating to just 0.0003%          A crucial element in implementing        the checking of the purchase at the
of total passenger numbers.                 the code of practice is the              gate so it can be placed into the
                                            education, training and support          aircraft hold.
The pace, scale and effectiveness           of all staff who interact with
of activity to deal with the problem        passengers. Conflict management          All of this is backed up with
has increased considerably since            training helps staff to identify, pre-   programmes to educate and
the publication in 2016 of the UK           empt, de-escalate and manage any         communicate with passengers what
Aviation Industry Code of Practice on       disruptive passenger behaviour           disruptive behaviour is and why it is
Disruptive Passengers. Airport staff        they may encounter. Senior staff         unacceptable. Clear messaging on the
across the country are working every        members work on shifts before            consequences of disruptive behaviour
day with food and beverage operators,       higher risk flights.                     are displayed across airports, from
duty free operators, handling agents,                                                bars and restaurants to forecourts
airlines and the police, with problem       On the sale and consumption of           and gate rooms – helping to ensure
passengers tracked from the terminal        alcohol, airports are communicating      a safe and enjoyable journey for the
entrance to the boarding gate.              the detail and significance of the       great majority of passengers. 

                                                                                          THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018
Robert Sinclair's plan - LONDON CITY AIRPORT - The Airport Operators Association


   Italian high tech giant, Leonardo, is launching a new push to
   sell its revolutionary baggage handling system to UK airports
                following its success at Rome Fiumicino.

       he system, able to handle
       both outbound baggage             “The new system is based on an innovative
       and baggage in transit fully
automatically, is one of the most        technological infrastructure that receives a bag
advanced in Europe in terms of
automation and baggage inspection        when it is accepted at check-in and allows
capacity. Installation of the
company’s cross-belt system at the       airport staff to follow its progress constantly until
Alitalia and international terminals
at Italy’s largest airport has cut
                                         it is passed on to the designated airline handler”
costs, enhanced security and
catapulted Fiumicino to the top of     giant new baggage handling            The new system is based on
the continental Europe league table    systems installed in 2016 at the      an innovative technological
for speed of baggage delivery.         Alitalia-Etihad Terminal 1 and the    infrastructure that receives a bag
                                       international Terminal 3.             when it is accepted at check-in and
Leonardo has plans for a major                                               allows airport staff to follow its
promotional campaign at this           The most striking features are the    progress constantly until it is passed
year’s passenger terminal expo in      sheer scale, capacity and accuracy    on to the designated airline handler.
Stockholm from 20 to 22 March.         of the automated systems that rely    The giant system in Terminal 1, home
                                       on a unique cross-belt handling       to Alitalia, Air France, Delta, Etihad
Ahead of the Swedish conference        proprietary technology where lack     and KLM, is nine kilometres long and
and exhibition, Leonardo gave          of friction is the key to both high   covers 40,000 square metres. It can
Airport Operator a tour of the         performance and low cost.             easily reach the overall capacity of

                                                                                  THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018

“The most striking features are the sheer scale,                         detailed examination of the
                                                                         baggage without slowing down
capacity and accuracy of the automated systems that                      sorting times. EU legislation
                                                                         requires all hold baggage screening
rely on a unique cross-belt handling proprietary                         in Europe to be equipped with

technology where lack of friction is the key to both
                                                                         European Civil Aviation Conference
                                                                         (ECAC) Standard 3-approved

high performance and low cost.”                                          explosive detection systems by 1
                                                                         September 2020.

                                                                         Alberto Galli, airport sales manager
10,000 bags per hour required by       The security check technology     at Leonardo, takes particular pride
Aeroporti di Roma, thanks to the       is also particularly advanced,    in the key benefits of the system,
6,000 bags per hour capacity of each   combining the automatic X-ray     mainly the very high sorting
of the three sorters. On an average    analysis of baggage with visual   throughput with ultimate precision,
day it handles over 22,000 bags.       analysis by an operator to whom   the significant energy savings,
It also includes an Early Baggage      the machine provides a high-      the very low maintenance and the
Storage system for 2,400 bags.         resolution 3D image. It allows    extremely high reliability, which


      ensure very low life cycle costs. It
      is very evident that the innovative                             “The key point of our technology, which is the only
      technology ensures optimum
      and gentle handling for all types                               cross-belt sorter currently installed in the market, is
      of bags, including those that are
      fragile, have high friction or sticky
                                                                      the low cost of operation and maintenance. There is
      surfaces, prominent wheels or
      irregular shapes.
                                                                      no question that it is the most advanced in terms of
                                                                      energy saving and maintenance costs”
      Asked what he thinks is the unique
      selling proposition of Leonardo’s
      baggage handling technology, Galli
      singles out low OPEX cost: “The key                             baggage delivery. In two years          place among large European airports
      point of our technology, which is                               Fiumicino has leapt from the bottom     in ACI’s official quality rankings,
      the only cross-belt sorter currently                            of the continental Europe league        which are based on passenger
      installed in the market, is the low                             table for speed of baggage delivery     interviews. Since 2016, following the
      cost of operation and maintenance.                              to the very top.                        investment, the airport has for the
      There is no question that it is the                                                                     first time ever taken first place in
      most advanced in terms of energy                                The total investment made by            those quality rankings, ahead of Paris,
      saving and maintenance costs”.                                  Aeroporti di Roma in the new            Munich, Madrid and London.
                                                                      baggage handling system was
      While those factors were important                              €30 million. It was part of a wider     Leonardo’s baggage handling
      for Aeroporti di Roma, their                                    infrastructure investment programme     systems already operate in Geneva
      spokespeople also highlight the                                 designed to improve the passenger       and Basel-Mulhouse and are
      passenger benefits, including the                               experience at Fiumicino. Prior to the   currently being deployed in Paris
      huge increase in the speed of                                   investment, the airport was in last     Orly, Lyon, Kuwait and Islamabad. 

       Trusted with journeys.

       With capabilities covering communication, navigation, cyber, automation and surveillance, Leonardo’s integrated airport systems
       are helping to ensure the safe, fast and efficient flow of air traffic, the security of people and goods, and the effective exchange of
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            THE NORTH’S
                  Manchester Airport CEO, Andrew Cowan,
                   answers questions from Airport Operator
HOW IS RUNNING                          WHAT DO YOU FORESEE FOR                     inward investment, and international
MANCHESTER AIRPORT                      THE AIRPORT’S PASSENGER                     student numbers into the North.
STANSTED?                               We’re confident that passenger              In addition, the direct flights have
They’re both big airports that have     numbers will continue to grow over          delivered a substantial increase
their own individual challenges         the coming years at Manchester.             in the number of inbound tourists
and I hugely enjoyed my time            We have seen the likes of Jet2.             to the North, with many lured by
at Stansted. Where Manchester           com, Ryanair, Thomas Cook Airlines,         the region’s natural and historic
differs though is the scale of the      TUI and easyJet backfilling the lost        attractions, luxury shopping sites
operation with three terminals,         capacity from Monarch’s collapse.           and Premier League football teams.
two runways and a wider variety         We’re also continually speaking to new
of carriers. It’s great to be back      airlines who see the potential to fly       THOMAS COOK AIRLINES WILL
leading Manchester at one of the        from Manchester with over 22million         LAUNCH A NEW ROUTE FROM
most exciting times in its 80-year      people in our catchment area. We            MANCHESTER TO SEATTLE
history as we continue to develop       have also seen a massive growth in          IN MAY. HOW IMPORTANT IS
our long haul network and also          long-haul from Manchester in the last       THAT AND YOUR OTHER US
transform the airport through our       few years, with the addition of San         DESTINATIONS TO MANCHESTER?
£1bn programme.                         Francisco, Boston, Beijing and Seattle.     The new route to Seattle further opens
                                        Long haul is a key growth market for        up the West Coast of America for our
CAN YOU GIVE AN UPDATE                  us and one we will continue to pursue.      passengers after the launch of San
ON THE PROGRESS OF THE                                                              Francisco and LA flights over the last
MANCHESTER AIRPORT                      HOW IS THE MANCHESTER –                     couple of years. The USA continues to
TRANSFORMATION                          BEIJING ROUTE DOING?                        be hugely popular and we have seen
PROGRAMME?                              The Beijing route has surpassed             that the launch of more direct services
Six months into the building            all expectations so far and Hainan          has really driven demand.
work and progress is already            Airlines is delighted with its
quite evident across the site. The      performance. Passenger numbers              HOW IMPORTANT IS THE
western side of Terminal 2 has been     in the first year of operation              LONDON HEATHROW LINK
demolished and the steelwork for        were already 15% up on what was             TO MANCHESTER AND WHAT
the first pier is now complete, as      predicted and during the summer             IMPACT WOULD EXPANSION
well as progress on groundworks         months it went to a daily service.          AT HEATHROW HAVE ON
for the airfield extension to create                                                MANCHESTER?
new stands and taxiways. As the         After the one-year anniversary of           We know that passengers would
year continues we’ll start to see the   the route we conducted a wider              always rather fly direct from their
pier being fitted out and connected     study into the benefits the Beijing         local airport, and that’s why we work
to the terminal, the steelwork for      route has brought to the region. The        so hard to develop our network of
the new terminal extension being        study revealed that in its first year of    long haul routes. That’s probably
erected, airfield works to deliver      operation the Manchester-Beijing air        the biggest factor behind the steady
new stands and a new multi-storey       route, operated by Hainan Airlines, has     decline in the number of passengers
car park all progressing.               driven a significant increase in exports,   using the Heathrow link.

                                                                                         THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018

As the Secretary of State for            stretching from Liverpool to Leeds       What we need is an interim deal
Transport, Chris Grayling MP,            and Sunderland to Stoke – and offer      on aviation as soon as possible.
said when he visited us last year,       great access to global markets.          This would see us through a
Manchester Airport is the North’s                                                 transitional period post Brexit and
global gateway and plays a huge role     As well as a solid commitment to         allow time to find a final solution.
in driving the Northern Powerhouse       infrastructure investment across         Unlike other industries, we don’t
forward. The next 10 years will be       the North, we need Government            have an equivalent to World Trade
crucial for the UK economy and for       to continue to see the strategic         Organisation rules to fall back on.
rebalancing economic growth. So          opportunity to develop Manchester
we need Government and politicians       as a key part of its National Aviation   HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE
to focus on what they can do now         Strategy – one that would be capable     THE AIRPORT’S ROLE IN THE
to support growth and improved           of making a profound contribution to     ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF
connectivity – and be willing to take    the vision of a globally competitive     THE NORTH OF ENGLAND?
an active and hands-on approach to       Northern Powerhouse.                     Manchester Airport is the UK’s
working with airports right across the                                            global gateway in the North and
UK to connect Britain to the world.      The Government has for far too           is now one of Europe’s top 20
For too long now, the political focus    long concentrated on Heathrow            airports, at a time when the North
has been on expanding Heathrow and       and needs to look at airports like       is increasingly competing strongly
that has to change                       Manchester with spare capacity to        with the world’s most significant
                                         play their part. It’ll be at least ten   economic powerhouses.
WHAT ARE YOUR PRIORITIES                 years before any additional runway
FOR FUTURE ROUTE                         capacity is built in the South, so the   We offer flights to more than 210
DEVELOPMENT?                             Government needs to make the most        destinations as airlines from all
 We know that there is significant       of the airports who already have         corners of the world embrace the
demand for further routes to China,      it in the short term. For example,       strength and diversity of the Northern
Asia, India and the USA, and we will     Manchester is currently on 27.8m         market. That means people within our
continue to work with airlines to        passengers, however we have the          catchment – stretching from North
connect Manchester to key strategic      capacity for 55m. So with real           Wales to Humberside, and from the
markets across the globe. But as a       Government focus and commitment          Midlands to the Scottish Borders –
country we need to do something          we can make a difference right now,      have more choice than ever before,
about APD, which is essentially a        not in a decade when a new southern      whatever their reason for travel. And
tax on connectivity. At a time when      runway might be built.                   it means businesses are being given
Britain is looking to become more                                                 better access to the global markets
global, we need to be encouraging        HAS BREXIT HAD AN IMPACT                 that will unlock their full potential,
more new services not taxing them        ON THE AIRPORT AND ARE                   by exporting to new customers and
in a way that pushes airlines to take    YOU CONCERNED ABOUT ITS                  satisfying the demand for great British
their planes elsewhere.                  IMPACT OVER THE NEXT FEW                 products in emerging economies.
WHY HAVE YOU PLACED SO                   We’ve not seen any dip in demand         This direct connectivity from the
MUCH EMPHASIS ON THE                     for flights from Manchester              North is breaking down barriers
AVIATION STRATEGY AND                    since the referendum. European           for international investors, who
WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO                   destinations represent roughly 70%       recognise the potential of the
SEE INCLUDED IN IT?                      of Manchester’s traffic and demand       Northern Powerhouse proposition,
It has never been more important         remains strong – just as importantly     and for tourists hungry to sample
for people and businesses across         though we’re seeing an expansion of      our natural beauty and rich cultural
the whole country to have easy           non-EU flights including long haul,      and sporting heritage.
access to global markets. We are         with the North of England becoming
demonstrating our commitment             an increasingly important inbound        It is for these reasons that a thriving
to providing this with our £1            destination from China, the Middle       Manchester Airport is key to the
billion investment in transforming       East and America.                        growth prospects of the North, as it
Manchester Airport, which is                                                      seeks to maximise the potential of
underway now.                            What we, along with every other          high value sectors like technology,
                                         UK airport is looking for, is some       advanced manufacturing, energy
At the same time, it is vitally          certainty for our passengers and our     and life sciences, all of which rely
important that the Government plays      airlines that they will enjoy the same   on quick and easy access to global
its part in unlocking the North’s        benefits of access to Europe post-       centres of excellence – whether
full potential. Better international     Brexit, that they do today. We want      that’s Berlin, Boston or Beijing.
connectivity into and out of the         passengers to book with confidence
region will plug investors directly      and airlines to continue growing their   It is also for these reasons that
into the Northern Powerhouse –           routes into the UK.                      unlocking the full potential of


Manchester Airport goes hand-in-       within two hours of the airport by      THE ISSUE OF DISRUPTIVE
hand with creating a UK economy        public transport to around 10m.         PASSENGERS CONTINUES
that is both balanced and truly                                                TO BE A FOCUS FOR MEDIA
competitive on the global stage.       That, in turn could lead to between     ATTENTION, ESPECIALLY IN
                                       20-30 long haul routes becoming         THE SUMMER. HOW IS THE
WHY ARE TRANSPORT                      viable. If each of those brings the     AIRPORT DEALING WITH THIS?
INVESTMENTS LIKE NORTHERN              benefits we have seen with new          We are firmly committed to
POWERHOUSE RAIL AND                    services to the likes of Beijing, San   implementing the guidance set by
HS2 SO IMPORTANT FOR                   Francisco and Hong Kong, then a         the UK Aviation Industry Code of
MANCHESTER AIRPORT?                    major contribution will be made to      Practice on Disruptive Passengers,
Manchester Airport needs to be         the vision of a fully firing Northern   becoming signatories to this
integrated into plans for major road   Powerhouse that is closing the UK       voluntary code in July 2016. We’ve
and rail investment in the North.      growth gap. It is vital plans for the   seen some real progress over the
                                       design and delivery of NPR are          last two years, with closer working
Doing so will ensure people and        committed to and set out at the         between all parties to address the
businesses in all parts of the North   earliest opportunity.                   issue.
benefit from better access to global
markets. At the same time, reduced     TRAVEL AGENTS HAVE AGAIN                Thankfully, instances of anti-social
journey times to and from the major    VOTED MANCHESTER “THE                   behaviour are rare and involve
Northern towns and cities widens       UK’S BEST AIRPORT”. WHAT                only a small number of our 27.8
Manchester Airport’s catchment         DO YOU THINK ARE THE MAIN               million passengers and affect a
area, drastically increasing the       REASON FOR THE AIRPORT’S                tiny proportion of the hundreds of
demand for long haul services in the   SUCCESS?                                flights we handle each day.
eyes of airlines.                      We were delighted to win all four of
                                       the key travel trade best UK airport    We continue to work closely with
The scheme that will arguably          awards last year. We work hard          our airlines, retailers, handling
have the biggest impact in this        with travel agents to ensure they       agents and Greater Manchester
regard is Northern Powerhouse          feel fully informed of what’s going     Police to ensure that we enforce
Rail. Manchester Airport has been      on at the airport in terms of route     the code of conduct and that the
identified as a key node of the        developments, new products and          actions of the minority do not
planned NPR network, with high         the terminal transformation.            spoil the airport experience for the
speed direct links to the cities of                                            majority of our customers. 
Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield,      We also run hugely popular trade
Leeds and Newcastle envisaged.         events and incentives which are
                                       hugely popular with the travel trade.
The journey time savings being
aspired to with NPR will more than
treble the number of people living

                                                                                    THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018

                  BREXIT AND
                  UK AVIATION
                – AN AOA GUIDE
          While Brexit may mean Brexit, many in the aviation
         industry have been trying to work out what the impact
                         could be on aviation.

T                                        “The EU’s liberal aviation market was the catalyst
       he most important area of
       potential change is in our
       rights to fly to 44 other
countries. Aviation is legally unique:
                                         for the creation of many new routes as well as the
separate from trade agreements
and outside the World Trade
                                         rise of low-cost carriers. Passengers can now fly
Organisation system. Instead,            to more destinations than ever for lower fares.
countries negotiate air services
agreements to provide airlines with      Maintaining these benefits for passengers and the
the legal rights to fly. These are
based on what are called “aviation       UK economy is vital for UK prosperity.”
freedoms” (see picture) and they
can be very restricted (e.g. one         Area (EEA) countries Norway and           cost carriers. Passengers can now
flight a week to a specific airport      Iceland (and Liechtenstein, but they      fly to more destinations than ever
only) or very liberal (anytime,          only have a heliport). The EU has         for lower fares. Maintaining these
anywhere).                               also done a deal with Switzerland,        benefits for passengers and the UK
                                         created the European Common               economy is vital for UK prosperity.
Air transport used to be a highly        Aviation Area to bring candidate          That is why the AOA and European
regulated industry, dominated by         EU-countries in the western Balkans       trade association ACI EUROPE want
national flag carriers. The UK was       closer on aviation, concluded             to see a deal as close as possible to
a leader liberalising this market,       European-Mediterranean Aviation           today’s arrangements.
with success: the creation of the        Agreements with Israel, Morocco
Single Aviation Market in the 1990s      and Jordan and agreed third-              That may be a challenge: no other
removed all commercial restrictions      country deals with the US, Canada,        country outside the EU/EEA has
for EU airlines, such as restrictions    Moldova and Georgia. Together,            the traffic rights we enjoy today.
on routes, the frequency of flights      these 44 countries account for 85%        Switzerland gets closest; they only lack
or the setting of fares. That means      of the UK’s air traffic.                  rights to fly domestically within an EU
EU airlines can fly between any two                                                country – but, in return, they are signed
points within the EU. This includes      For all other countries that we can fly   up to fully implementing EU aviation
between, say, Germany and France,        to from UK airports (111 in total), we    rules, without a say over them. That
or between two UK cities.                have bilateral UK-only deals and they     may be too far for the UK Government.
                                         are all fine.                             For the EU, the UK signing up to just
So, we will need a new agreement                                                   aviation rules but nothing else may also
with the EU, but not just with the       The EU’s liberal aviation market was      be too far. The EU has vowed not to let
EU. The Single Aviation Market           the catalyst for the creation of many     the UK “cherry-pick” the good bits of
extends to European Economic             new routes as well as the rise of low-    EU membership.


The next big issue is the UK’s role     important to maintain influence         want the traffic rights, accepting
in the European Aviation Safety         over future rules, with the UK’s        those rules may be the price to
Agency (EASA), which, together          respected expertise this may not        pay. Where that is not the case is
with the US Federal Aviation            require having a formal vote. It was    the return of Duty Free shopping
Administration, is one of the           welcome that the Prime Minister         to EU destinations. That’s currently
dominant rule-making bodies for         supported this approach in her          possible for the EEA, so will be for
aviation safety globally. The UK        speech on Brexit last week.             the UK. If we can deviate from EU
needs to have an adequate safety                                                rules, then the end of charging APD
regime in place and have that           Aviation security is unlikely to        on both legs of a domestic journey is
recognised by other countries.          be affected, as we operate more         an opportunity for regional airports.
For example, our pilot licences or      stringent measures than the EU          Similarly, more support for smaller
aircrafts’ airworthiness need to be     baseline. Air traffic services are      airports for route-development, such
recognised by the countries to which    slightly complicated, given the role    as Public Service Obligations, could
we’re flying.                           of EUROCONTROL, which is not an         be possible under more relaxed
                                        EU body. The Single European Sky        state-aid rules.
The easiest way to achieve that is by   is, however, an EU project, but we’d
remaining part of EASA. Otherwise       expect to align to much of it in any    These are some of the most
the UK Civil Aviation Authority         event. Beyond that, the issues are      important areas for aviation in
would have to set up new systems,       very similar to the rest of the UK:     the upcoming negotiations. With
hire more people and create UK          getting the customs regime right        so many factors and political and
standards. That would take time         for air freight – an important part     economic pressures on both sides of
and create additional costs for         of long-haul routes’ commercial         the negotiations, where we will end
UK businesses, particularly for         viability and vital for freight-heavy   up is too difficult to predict. 
aerospace manufacturers.                airports like East Midlands, access
                                        to skills, etc.
There is precedent for this: EEA
countries and Switzerland are           Are there opportunities in Brexit?       Henk van Klaveren is Senior
                                                                                 Public Affairs and PR Manager at
members of EASA, though they do         There could be, but some involve
                                                                                 the AOA.
not have voting rights. While it’s      diverging from EU rules – and if we

                                                                                     THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018

  With Brexit on the horizon and a renewed focus on the UK’s
 place in the world, Heathrow’s Emma Gilthorpe says that it is
 more important than ever to get on with expanding Heathrow,
                the nation’s gateway to the world


I                                        “It is about more than just a runway. It is about
   n January, Heathrow took a
   major step towards delivering
   the extra hub capacity and
launched one of the country’s            opportunities for our local community, inside and
biggest planning consultations
ever seen. The milestone was the
                                         outside the airport’s boundary. It is about securing
latest in the programme that will
see future generations in Britain
                                         the country’s economy and connecting the whole of
better connected to the world and        the UK to global growth.”
prospering, whilst making sure our
plans work for our local communities
and the environment. The 10-week         runway and operate an expanded           Changes to airspace will ultimately
consultation launched on the 17th        airport – including options on the       improve resilience and punctuality
January and is running until the         location of terminals and aprons, the    for passengers while reducing noise,
28th March – giving the public an        realignment of the M25 and local         emissions and the number of late-
early opportunity to help shape          roads, as well as on our proposed        running flights for local communities.
Heathrow’s future and how the            approaches to important topics,          This is a once in a lifetime
airport will serve local communities     including noise, air quality and         opportunity for our communities
and the UK economy. With 40 events       surface access.                          to work with us to transform the
taking place across London, we                                                    airspace around Heathrow and
encourage everyone to come along         The second part of the consultation      help to reduce noise, delays and
and learn more, making sure their        relates to potential principles          emissions by accommodating the
voices are heard, ensuring the plan      that could apply when designing          latest technology.
to expand is the best it can be.         the new airspace required for an
                                         expanded airport. Airspace across
There are two parts to our               the country is being modernised as
consultation: the first relates to the   it has changed little since the 1960s.
physical changes on the ground
needed to build a new north-west

                                                                                       THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018


“When the Government announced its                                                But expanding in the national
                                                                                  interest must not come at the
support for Heathrow expansion it made a                                          expense of our local communities.
                                                                                  We want our local communities to
clear commitment to keeping Britain open for                                      share in the benefits of Heathrow’s
                                                                                  growth. Expansion will create
business. We want an expanded Heathrow to                                         up to 40,000 jobs in the local

be the world’s best airport, ensuring that our
                                                                                  area and create a wealth of new
                                                                                  opportunities for local businesses.

country and its future generations have the                                       Thousands of young people will
                                                                                  have a chance to launch their

infrastructure they need to thrive.”                                              careers at Heathrow as we double
                                                                                  the number of apprenticeships,
                                                                                  giving the opportunity to end youth
                                                                                  unemployment in the areas around
Our multi-stage consultation           we have made to local communities          the airport. Our Skills Taskforce, led
process is a central part of           – including a world class property         by Lord Blunkett, will help shape
delivering our plans. This is the      compensation scheme, the pledge            our future workforce, leave a skills
first opportunity for the public to    to introduce a 6.5 hour ban on             legacy behind, and help make
feedback on our proposals since        scheduled night flights and the            Heathrow a role model for diversity
the Airports Commission and it is      promise to only release new capacity       and social mobility.
important that everyone has their      if air quality limits can be met.
say. It is an opportunity for anyone                                              When the Government announced
to share views on the options for      But it’s important not to forget the       its support for Heathrow expansion it
how we expand. We’ll use this          reason we’re expanding Heathrow.           made a clear commitment to keeping
feedback to develop a preferred        It is about more than just a runway.       Britain open for business. We
masterplan on which we will then       It is about opportunities for our          want an expanded Heathrow to be
seek further views in a second         local community, inside and outside        the world’s best airport, ensuring
planning consultation, next year.      the airport’s boundary. It is about        that our country and its future
We’ve used a range of methods to       securing the country’s economy and         generations have the infrastructure
communicate with the public and        connecting the whole of the UK to          they need to thrive.  
airport stakeholders including mail-   global growth. And it is about legacy
outs to 2.4 million households with    – building the infrastructure today that   We need feedback – including
information on our events, as well     our children will need for tomorrow.       from the aviation industry – to help
as setting up a dedicated phoneline,                                              deliver this opportunity responsibly
Twitter and website. We’ve informed    Today, businesses across the               and to create a long-term legacy
local councillors and MPs of our       country, from Scotland to the              both at a local and national level.
events and have arranged more          South West depend on the global            Heathrow is consulting to ensure
in-depth briefings, on request.        connections Heathrow creates. With         that we deliver benefits for our
Heathrow has also begun engaging       204 routes to over 85 countries, we        passengers, businesses across the
with a number of you on how best       connect the whole of Britain to the        country but also, importantly, for
we can work together as an industry    world and drive investment back into       those neighbours closest to us too.
to modernise our airspace.             and across the country.                    Expanding Heathrow doesn’t have
                                                                                  to be a choice between economic
Any infrastructure project of this     Heathrow expansion will give us the        growth or the environment – we can
size inevitably will create some       opportunity to open up our airport         deliver for both. This consultation
impacts and disruption locally, and    with up to 30 new airlines currently       is an important step in delivering
for that, we are sorry. Heathrow is    in the queue and add up to 40 new          expansion fairly, unlocking
working to be a better neighbour to    long-haul destinations.                    opportunities which will secure a
the communities around the airport,                                               prosperous future for generations
and wherever possible, we want to      Expanding Heathrow is essential            while delivering our commitments.
minimise the negative effects that     to ensure future generations can           Please get involved. 
expansion could have both during and   compete for global trade. It will create
after construction. While we’ve been   up to 180,000 new jobs and up to £187
working hard with local stakeholders   billion in economic benefits across
and our airlines to reduce the cost    the country. We will double cargo           Emma Gilthorpe is Executive
                                                                                   Director, Expansion at Heathrow
of expansion by £2.5bn, we will not    capacity, support British exporters and
compromise on the commitments          leave an infrastructure skills legacy.

                                                                                       THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018

    Andrew Bell, Chief Executive of Regional & City Airports
(RCA), is lobbying the Government to deliver an aviation strategy
 that recognises the key role that smaller regional airports play both
in their regional economies and in “the overall aviation eco-system”.

      CA, which already owned                Bell said that Bournemouth has “huge      an expansion in operations under
      Norwich, Exeter and Coventry           potential that remains untapped” and      RCA ownership. He said that while
      airports, bought Bournemouth           forecast that improved connectivity       Bournemouth operates in a very
from MAG (owner of Manchester,               to European destinations would drive      competitive environment, “it has
Stansted and East Midlands airports)         the airport’s passenger numbers           strengths that other airports lack
last December.                               from 700,000 to over a million, with      and we are going to play to those
                                             more passengers choosing their local      strengths”.
Explaining RCA’s decision to acquire         airport for leisure and business travel
Bournemouth, Bell said: “We have             and to visit friends and relatives.       In addition to the airports that it
a very simple vision to develop              Exeter and Norwich airports have          owns and operates, RCA, which is
regional airports that serve the             both grown by an average of 5% per        the airports management division
needs of the regional community              year over the last three years, with      of Rigby Group plc, also holds
and the economy and that provide             domestic and international routes,        management contracts for Solent,
a catalyst for development. We               and both are profitable.                  City of Derry and Blackpool airports.
want our passengers to experience                                                      Bournemouth would be able to
a consistent and good quality                Bournemouth airport currently offers      benefit from the division’s ability to
service. We really try to focus on           flights to 22 destinations across         use the critical mass of the largest
convenience and speed of transit.            Europe and is a base for Ryanair          regional airport group in England
                                             and TUI, supporting 900 jobs and          and Northern Ireland to deliver
“Our strategy for the business is to         contributing £24 million to the local     economies of scale and specialist
focus on helping smaller regional            economy. It also provides a home          skills, like route development and car
airports to reach their potential.           for flight training, maintenance,         parking yield management, that a
Bournemouth was one that we felt had         repair and operations businesses and      smaller airport would be unlikely to
a lot going for it. It is a very important   General Aviation.                         be able to access alone.
asset in the region and its attributes
sit perfectly with our business model.       Bell described the airport as “one of     Bournemouth and other smaller
Bournemouth was a natural and very           the South’s flagship aviation hubs”       regional airports could make an
good fit for our group”.                     and said it could look forward to         even greater contribution to UK


“Bournemouth is a very important asset in                                             that recognises the disproportionate
                                                                                      impact of one size fits all regulation

the region. It was a natural and very good fit                                        on smaller airports, citing the
                                                                                      example of new security standards for

for our group and has huge potential that                                             baggage handling. As far as planning
                                                                                      is concerned, he wants to see a

remains untapped”                                                                     presumption in favour of development
                                                                                      at regional airports, recognising the
                                                                                      broad value that airport development
                                                                                      can bring to a region.
success in the future, Bell said, if the   There are many issues, such as Brexit
Government takes the opportunity           and business rates, that affect UK         Bell concluded by emphasising
of its consultations on a new Aviation     airports of all sizes, but Bell believes   how important it would be for
Strategy to put right the “historic lack   that Air Passenger Duty, the cost          smaller regional airports to lobby
of recognition for smaller airports”.      of regulation and planning are             the Department for Transport over
                                           particularly important for the future      the coming months to make sure
With congestion both at larger             health of smaller airports.                that the Government doesn’t focus
airports and getting to them,                                                         only on aviation’s “big ticket items”.
smaller airports could offer a more        He said that Air Passenger Duty            He said that Ministers and officials
convenient and speedy alternative.         “represents a huge challenge and is        need to take proper account of the
That would be good news for                an enormous burden to overcome             importance to the UK economy of
customers, the environment and             in the context of the viability of         airports of all sizes. Bell clearly hopes
regional economic development. In          regional routes and particularly for       to provide one such lobbying voice
addition, regional airports across         domestic routes where it is charged        for regional airports that will result in
the country could become an even           twice”. Bournemouth currently has          an Aviation Strategy written with the
more important element in the              no domestic connectivity.                  whole industry in mind. 
wider “eco-system” of UK aviation,
not least by providing a home              On regulation, he said that he would
for vital aviation businesses, such        like to see a more tailored approach
as pilot training, for which larger
airports no longer have room.

                                                                                           THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018

Wilson James, one of the UK airport industry’s major suppliers of
security, business services and construction logistics, is celebrating
       one of the most successful years in its 25-year history.

           ithin the space of twelve     lessons learned from Wilson James’       Airport also help the staff to feel part
           months, it has won a          customer experience at leading UK        of the airport team. The partnership
           contract to provide airside   museums and a partnership approach       approach is reinforced by the firm’s
security at Liverpool John Lennon        with the airport. Another key factor,    commitment to the issues that matter
Airport, become Gatwick’s preferred      working on the basis that raising        to the airport, including charity, skills
supplier of special assistance           standards saves costs in the long        training (linking to the new Wilson
services for passengers with             term, has been the firm’s decision to    James Airport Security Academy
restricted mobility and picked up a      raise staff salaries, which has helped   in partnership with Derby College),
series of awards for its innovative      to ensure no staff departures since      environmental sustainability and
logistics work at Heathrow.              the new contract began last October      airport safety (including the AOA’s
                                         (contrasting with the previous 6%        Airports Safety Week).
Director of Aviation, Dee Thomas,        staff loss per month).
attributed the firm’s Liverpool                                                   Since 1 February, Wilson James has
triumph last September to investment     New uniforms that are dual branded       been providing special assistance
in the senior management team,           Wilson James and John Lennon             services at Gatwick, with the firm


                                                                                 says, means that “if we are doing our
                                                                                 job well, no one knows about it”.

                                        consolidation. It has recently           Fortunately, Heathrow knows about
                                        upgraded its fleet of escort vehicles    it, which explains why last autumn it
having been chosen, according to        to 100% electric Nissan Leafs.           awarded Wilson James the Heathrow
Gatwick, “for its passion for service                                            Clean Vehicles Partnership’s first ever
and its commitment to invest in the     At the heart of the centre’s success     Leadership Award and made Wilson
creation of a new and differentiating   is its state-of-the-art WJ Fulcrum       James its CVP Champion 2017, with
service culture for its colleagues”.    delivery management system,              Matt Gorman, Heathrow Director of
Nick Barton, Head of Terminals and      which improves the efficiency of         Sustainability , commenting “We rely
Passenger Service, said: “We are        construction industry material           on the innovation of partners like
confident that Wilson James can         delivery across the airside-landside     Wilson James to keep driving forward
deliver continued improvement           boundary, with the result that 99%       sustainable change and to fulfil our
in the quality of the airport’s         of all scheduled vehicles now make       ambition to reduce nitrogen dioxide
special assistance services through     their deliveries on time or early. For   emissions from airside vehicles by
investment in people, training and      every 3.6 vehicles delivering to the     50% by 2020.
new equipment and also by using         consolidation centre, only one goes
new technology”.                        out to the airport, which reduces        The logistics centre is only one
                                        construction traffic by 72%.             element of Wilson James’ work
Wilson James has worked in                                                       at Heathrow, which, in addition to
partnership with Heathrow for 22        John Spottiswood, Wilson                 security services, also includes running
years and currently employs 200         James Director of Heathrow               Heathrow’s VIP chauffeur service
staff at the airport. Its Colnbrook     Logistics Integration, says that the     and its children’s play areas, where
Logistics Centre is a vital part of     consolidation centre is unique to        trained company supervisors ensure
the airport’s sustainability strategy   Heathrow, a symbol of the airport’s      that a child’s play area experience is
and an important component in           commitment to environmental              educational, entertaining and safe.
the airport’s security and logistics.   sustainability and “gives Heathrow
The centre provides security checks     the edge on the customer                 A few weeks’ after the awards for
for all construction vehicles going     experience.” He emphasises               its logistics work, Wilson James also
into the airport and a space for        the importance that the airport          picked up the Partner of the Year
construction materials as well as       places on ensuring that day-to-          at the Team Heathrow Partnership
reducing the number of vehicles         day construction work is, in effect,     Awards, as well as the “Treating
in the airport through just in time     invisible to the passenger, which, he    Everyone with Respect Award”. 

“We are confident that Wilson James can deliver continued improvement in
the quality of the airport’s special assistance services through investment in
people, training and new equipment and also by using new technology.”
                                                                                      THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2018
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