Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015

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Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015


                              BUILDING CAPACITY    TRANSFORMATION WAVE
                              Heathrow             Gatwick

                              SMARTER MANAGEMENT   TIME-LAPSE FILM MARKS
                              Biggin Hill          AIRPORT MILESTONE
                                                   Newcastle International
                              ONE VISION
SPRING 2015                   London Luton
Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015

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Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015
                                                                          Introduction to the Airport Operator
                  THE AIRPORT

                                                                                                        then Secretary of State for Transport,
                                                                                                        Philip Hammond, suggested that our
                                                                                                        industry was ‘lightly taxed’, despite UK
                                                                                                        Air Passenger Duty being the highest
AIRPORT OPERATORS ASSOCIATION                                                                           air tax of its kind in the world. At the
                                                                                                        same time the major Opposition party
                  Ed Anderson                                                                           was embarking upon a total review of
                                                                                                        its aviation policy, including two policy
                Darren Caplan                                                                           U-turns by 2012. In short, our industry
                Chief Executive                                                                         was on the back foot.

       Rebecca Roberts-Hughes                                                                           Much has changed for the better
           Policy Director
                                                                                                        since then. There is now widespread
            Tim Alderslade                                                                              recognition of the economic benefits
      Public Affairs & PR Director                                                                      of aviation and the importance to

                                                             Can I welcome
                                                                                                        the UK of international connectivity;
         Roger Koukkoullis                                                                              there have been welcome APD cuts
     Operations & Safety Director

                                                             readers to the first
                                                                                                        in last year’s Budget and Autumn
           Patricia Page                                                                                Statement, with the longest-haul APD

                                                             edition of the
Executive Assistant & Office Manager                                                                    bands abolished, and APD on children
                                                                                                        being phased out altogether; and
                 Leonie Martin
                                                             new-look Airport
                                                                                                        the work of the Sustainable Aviation
                                                                                                        coalition has a very healthy profile

                                                             Operator, which is
          AIRPORT OPERATORS                                                                             and has strong support from policy
              ASSOCIATION                                                                               makers. At the same time, the level of
             3 Birdcage Walk,
                                                             published to coincide
                                                                                                        engagement between the AOA and
            London SW1H 9JJ
             United Kingdom                                                                             policy makers, regulators and other

                                                             with our Annual
                                                                                                        stakeholders has increased many-fold.
          T: +44 (0)20 7799 3171

                                                             Dinner at the
            E: info@aoa.org.uk                                                                          The challenge now facing the industry
         F: +44 (0)20 7340 0999                                                                         is to make sure that, whatever the
            W: www.aoa.org.uk
                                                             Grosvenor House
                                                                                                        outcome of this year’s General Election,
                                                                                                        there are no steps backwards and that,

                                                             Hotel in London.
                                                                                                        on the contrary, we are able to build
                                                                                                        on the positive platform that has been
                   Gary Mason
                     Editor                                                                             established. That means the industry
                                                                                                        presenting some very clear, united,
                                                             At the time of writing there are           messages to the incoming Government
     THE AIRPORT OPERATOR                                    just over two months until the             and ensuring that the momentum
    MAGAZINE IS PRODUCED BY                                  General Election. Commentators are         towards a positive policy and fiscal
         WITHIN DESIGN                                       describing its outcome as one of the       framework for aviation continues at a
                                                             most difficult to predict. For us at the   pace. You can be assured that the AOA
                                                             AOA, this is a time to reflect on how      will be campaigning hard on behalf of
                                                             the airport sector is positioned with      all our members to this end over the
                 Will Hambling                               policy makers compared with 2010.          coming period.
                                                             Overall, there is no doubt that we         In the meantime, we thank all our AOA
            Ruxandra Radulescu
            Publication Manager                              have made good progress but we             Airports, Corporate Partners, and
                                                             need to remember that that progress        Gold, Silver and Associate Members
                  Leo Collina                                followed on from some significant          for their support for the Association.
                Senior Designer                              steps backwards five years ago.            I, and the whole AOA team, hope all
                                                             After the last election, we had an         readers enjoy the new look and feel
               WITHIN DESIGN
               Somerset House                                incoming Coalition Government              of the Airport Operator; and I hope
               Strand, London                                which seemed unconvinced about             to see as many of you as possible at
                 WC2R 1LA                                    the benefits that our industry brings      our Annual Dinner, which I am
               United Kingdom
                                                             to the UK economy; it seemed               sure will once again be a most
       T: +44 (0)20 7845 5863                                unaware of the steps that aviation         enjoyable occasion.
      E: will@withindesign.co.uk                             had been taking to actively embrace
      W: www.withindesign.co.uk                              the environmental agenda; and the                     Ed Anderson, AOA Chairman
Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015
                 Corporate Partners



Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015
                       ARE DELIGHTED TO
                           BE ON BOARD
                                                              FIRST CLASS CONSULTANCY IN
                                                                      DIGITAL, BRAND, FILM
                                                                           AND LIVE EVENT

We at Within Design are           Part of our work for The AOA       We welcome any opportunity to
delighted to be producing         is to give you, the members,       meet with you and discuss how
The AOA Annual Conference,        more opportunity to talk about     we can help you make the most
Exhibition and this new look      the amazing things you do. As a    of your communications.
AOA Operator Magazine.            fully integrated Design Agency
Adding the AOA to a client list   we are well placed to achieve      Will Hambling
of top global corporate clients   this, whether online, in print,    Director
has been the best possible        on screen or at your live event.
start to 2015. We are really      Our services cover Digital,        Within Design Ltd
looking forward to working        Brand, Film and Live Event,        +44 (0)20 7845 5869
with the biggest and best in      all underpinned with first         will@withindesign.co.uk
the Aviation sector.              class consultancy.

Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015

       A ground breaking capacity management system is paying
      dividends at Heathrow which operates close to 100 per cent
             capacity all year round. Gary Mason reports

       arlier this year, it was         amount of operational data in what      solutions in place ahead of time,
       announced that Vietnam           air traffic control company NATS is     is extremely valuable.
       Airlines will be moving its      calling Strategic Airport Capacity
operation to Heathrow in March.         Management (ACM).                       NATS have brought together experts
The move has been made possible                                                 from across industry to create
because of the creation of a new pair   BUSY AIRPORTS - BIG CHALLENGES          Strategic ACM - which combines the
of slots at Heathrow.                   Busy airports face a number of          power of data analytics and advanced
                                        challenges in delivering a consistent   simulations - to put the airport in
New slots at Heathrow are famously      and quality service, and whenever       control. The analytical components
rare and can be traded for millions     demand and capacity become out          that make up the toolset can be
of pounds, so given it is already       of balance problems can arise. These    easily developed in a bespoke fashion
the busiest two-runway airport in       problems can manifest themselves        for different airports, meaning any
the world, operating close to 100%      in many different guises; increased     number of problems and constraints
capacity on a daily basis, how did      delays, lost revenues, poor passenger   can be understood and tackled.
space for new slots emerge?             experience and subdued growth
                                        are just some of the possible           Jon Proudlove, who is the NATS
The answer lies in combining            consequences. So the ability to         General Manager for air traffic
advanced modelling techniques with      proactively identify future problems    services at Heathrow airport, who
the ability to make sense of a huge     or constraints, in order to put         is the first customer for the new

Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015

capability, said: “The airfield operation   The toolset itself provides the           and more accurate information we
is always busy here, and there are          airport’s analysts online access to two   have access to, the better decisions
countless factors which can affect          main areas; the ability to make use       we can make. What ACM allows us
the performance of the airfield at any      of a variety of simulation tools and      to do is make robust, consistent
given time.” These factors can range        access to a large historical dataset.     and quick business decisions about
from the way that the scheduled             This provides them with the ability to    detailed and complex problems.”
traffic arrives at the airport, and         run “what if?” simulations to assess
the local weather conditions, to            the effects of changing the traffic,      Direct comparisons can be made
infrastructure constraints like the         infrastructure, weather or operational    to the current airport operation in
numbers of available stands and             environment, to understand the            order to understand and quantify
taxiway closures.                           overall impact it will have on the        the likely benefits of any proposed
                                            airfield. It also allows them to learn    operational change, or a combined
SMOOTH RUNNING                              from past performance through             programme of initiatives. “This is vital
The ability to identify and quantify        analysis of key airfield metrics,         when considering long-term strategic
potential benefits to the operation in      which have been derived from large        investments, to ensure that future
any of these areas is absolutely vital      historical data sets.                     efforts are focused on achieving the
to the smooth running of Heathrow,                                                    maximum benefit for both the airport
or any airport, and the Strategic ACM       Derek Provan, Airside Director at         and the passenger,” Provan added.
capability is designed to do just that.     Heathrow Airport, said: “The better

                                                                                            THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015
Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015

ANALYTICAL SUPPORT                      question they’re trying to answer.       AIRSPACE CHANGES
Analytical support from NATS            Once completed, the system               For example, as different airspace
Analytics’ simulation and data          will present a series of outputs         changes are introduced in the
experts is also a fundamental           showing the results from their           future, the affect that they will have
part of the capability, working         requested simulation, for example        on the airfield can be accurately
collaboratively with Heathrow in        airfield delays, which they can then     modelled and understood. Similarly,
order to provide additional context     compare to any other previously run      modifications to the taxiway or stand
or exploration where required.          simulation saved in the simulation       infrastructure – like the opening of
This has been provided as part          library. Depending on the detail of      Terminal 2 in 2014 – can be simulated
of the Strategic ACM contract           the simulation they’ve run – and         in order to quantify the likely affect
with Heathrow, enabling them to         within Strategic ACM there are three     to the ground operation. And as
utilise the wealth of knowledge         different tools available – different    future schedules become available,
and expertise within NATS, on           performance metrics will be output       they too can be quickly analysed in a
top of the toolset itself. As well as   displaying the results appropriate for   consistent and comparable manner,
providing an on-going framework         each analysis.                           so that an optimal version can be
for knowledge sharing with the                                                   agreed by all stakeholders.
airport, it has also resulted in more   “The tool is web based which helps
targeted capacity and performance       make it future proof” said Jon           Derek Provan commented: “Whilst
monitoring activities with a variety    Proudlove. “As the challenges faced      the toolset has only been available
of stakeholders at the airfield.        by the airport change over time,         for a few months, it has already
                                        so can the analytical components,        provided significant benefit to the
Once logged n to the Strategic          ensuring that the focus is always on     airport. Value from the new analytical
ACM platform, a user can run a new      the relevant questions being asked       capability has already been realised in
simulation, by making a series of       at the time.”                            several different areas, as well
choices about what they want to                                                  as the new long haul slots for
analyse, based upon the specific                                                 Vietnam Airlines.”

Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015

For instance, the new tool has also       programme of developments, ranging       even the most constrained of airports,
enabled a complete revamp of the          from small taxiway closures to large     and when we consider the capacity
Runway Scheduling Limits process;         building projects. Being able to         constraints that exist elsewhere,
the speed of one of the three             quantify the impact of these on the      particularly in the Middle East and
simulation tools allows changes to        day-to-day operation ahead of time       Asia, this is an exciting prospect.
the schedule to be assessed within        is hugely beneficial, to ensure that
seconds, rather than days and weeks,      works are planned and carried out
as was the case in the past. This has     in optimal order. Through Strategic
meant that potential improvements         ACM it is straight-forward to review
to next season’s schedule can now be      all future developments both
reviewed and implemented at several       independently and together, in order
different times of the year, around the   to guarantee minimal impact on the
IATA scheduling timeline, providing       airside operation There are sure to be
benefit to the airport, airlines and      more examples too of how the new
passengers alike.                         toolset is benefiting the airport over
                                          the coming months.
Another area that is set to benefit       As a web based service, the Strategic
from the new capability is the            ACM capability is something that
group responsible for the on-going        can be integrated relatively easily
infrastructure improvements planned       into any other airport around the
at the airfield. Like any major hub       world. It has already been proven to
airport Heathrow has a long-term          improve capacity management at

                                                                                         THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015
Features Heathrow BUILDING CAPACITY - SPRING 2015


A    OA charity partners Orbis have
     gained accreditation for their
flying eye hospital from the American
                                         The teaching facility on board the
                                         DC-10 features an operating theatre,
                                         lecture theatre and pre and post-op
                                                                                  Orbis Flying Eye Hospital Medical
                                                                                  Director, Dr Ahmed Gomaa said:
                                                                                  “Earning the AAAASFI accreditation
Association for Accreditation of         spaces. To earn its accreditation the    means we are providing patients
Ambulatory Surgery Facilities            FEH passed inspection of hundreds of     around the world with the best
(AAAASFI). This prestigious award is     important criteria concerning patient    care possible in line with
the result of the charity’s dedication   safety. This is the same criteria used   international standards.”
to providing world class eye services    to evaluate first class outpatient
in the field of ophthalmology            facilities in the United States and      For Orbis, there is no shortage of
throughout the developing world.         across the world.                        people to help. More than 285 million
                                                                                  people around the world are visually
The Orbis Flying Eye Hospital            AAAASFI President, Dr Ronald             impaired with 80% suffering from a
(FEH) is a unique combination of         Iverson, said: “The decision by Orbis    preventable or curable condition. It’s
ophthalmic, teaching and aviation,       to pursue accreditation cannot be        estimated that 90% of this figure live
which provides training to doctors       overstated. It speaks volumes about      in developing countries with limited
and nurses across the world in areas     the organisation’s commitment            access to health care.
of need. By improving skills, Orbis      to medical and clinical excellence
can enable local eye care teams to       on board. This is an important           AOA has donated £76,000 since 2006.
reach more people struggling with        achievement for the Orbis Flying Eye     This money could buy the equivalent
preventable blinding conditions within   Hospital and AAAASFI is pleased          of 1,900 cataract kits in Zambia, just
in their community.                      to endorse Orbis’s performance in        one of the countries in which Orbis
                                         patient safety and quality.”             operates. Each of these can be used for


five operations therefore             THREE TOP PRIZES FOR CHARITY
restoring sight and hope              RAFFLE AT AOA DINNER
to thousands of people.
                                      Every year, the AOA supports Orbis by           Darren Caplan, chief executive of the
Since its maiden programme in         holding a raffle at its Annual Dinner. Orbis    AOA said: “This year for the first time
1982, the Flying Eye Hospital has     continues to run a Flying Eye Hospital          the AOA has not one, but three fantastic
visited 92 countries and helped       which carries out operations for blind          prizes, to raise funds for this deserving
Orbis to train over 325,000 medical   peoples in a number of developing countries     cause. Attendees to the AOA Dinner are
professionals and change the lives    around the world and the charity relies on      asked to dig deep to support Orbis’s work
of millions of people worldwide.      fundraising to enable its operations. At this   – and we wish you good luck in the
www.orbis.org.uk                      year’s dinner the prizes are:                   raffle draw!

To find out more contact:             •   British Airways, 2 x Club Class             We of course thank British Airways,
Jaymie Duke via                           tickets, anywhere on the network            Emirates and Virgin Atlantic for their
j.duke@orbis.org.uk                   •   Emirates, 2 x Business Class tickets        tremendous generosity in donating these
                                          to Dubai                                    prizes. It really is appreciated by both
                                      •   Virgin Atlantic, 2 x APD-paid               Orbis and the AOA.”
                                          tickets to New York

                                      If you can’t attend the AOA Dinner but would like to donate to Orbis please
                                      contact Patricia Page at PatriciaPage@aoa.org.uk or 020 7799 3171

                                                                                             THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015

             With SMS Phase 2 compliance increasingly
   an important factor for airports, those responsible for managing
       airport operations may need to look at overhauling their
      management system approaches or risk being left behind.
               Gary Mason reports from Biggin Hill


  t’s a concern that affects airports    There also needs to be analysis of         Curtis says: “We saw that the steps
  of all sizes – and a challenge that    KPIs to analyse trends and isolate         we should take for SMS Phase 2
  has been successfully taken on         risks, among many more activities.         compliance gave us the perfect
by Will Curtis, Managing Director of     That can create quite a demand on          opportunity to change how we
Biggin Hill Airport.                     airport management, not to mention         manage everything at the airport to
                                         considerable paperwork that would          boost efficiency and transparency
Curtis has overseen the deployment       prove a serious challenge to manage.
of an entirely new way of managing                                                  The upgrade saw Biggin Hill deploy
the famous and historic Greater          Curtis says: “SMS Phase 2 requires         Centrik for Airports, a cloud-based
London airport, allowing the former      extremely comprehensive organisation       operations management system
RAF Battle of Britain base to become     and communication across the               developed by aviation support
one of the first in the country to       entire operation. That could create a      business Total AOC. The software is
achieve SMS Phase 2 compliance.          substantial administrative burden –        web-based and can be accessed on
That new methodology has also taken      but successfully handling that burden      any device without needing additional
the airport well beyond just SMS         can also then streamline the rest of       software or a connection to a VPN –
compliance and has transformed the       your operations, if you select the r       including smartphones and tablets
airport’s management at every single     ight solution.”                            while offline.
level, from document control, to
training, to workflows and much more,    As a result, while Biggin Hill initially   That has helped give Biggin Hill a key
perfectly preparing it for the future.   started to look at simply upgrading its    advantage – it is the first airport in
                                         safety management system, the team         the UK where visiting flight crews can
ACHIEVING COMPLIANCE                     quickly realised that the process could    file into the Biggin Hill SMS System
SMS Phase 2 compliance involves          incorporate an upgrade of the entire       when they are logging onto the WiFi
greater transparency of operations       operational management system.             from the airport. Curtis says: “This has
and requires airports to effectively     That would mean it wouldn’t be just        truly created a live, effective SMS with
use reporting systems and involve        safety that could be boosted and           external input, allowing for effective
personnel across the operation, while    made more transparent, but the entire      trending and mitigation.”
integrating third-party providers.       management system.

                                                                                          THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015

MORE THAN JUST SAFETY                    as a business to develop our internal    Centrik changes that. You can file a
MANAGEMENT                               systems, procedures and processes,       report from the device in your hand
However, an airport has numerous         to the extent that now we are            so it’s never been easier.”
operations beyond just SMS               beginning to close a lot of the gaps
compliance that need managing –          we discovered that existed before        Curtis says that having a feedback
from health and safety for diverse       we installed the system. We monitor      loop is crucial for any airport looking
operations such as restaurants,          our management meetings and apply        to adopt a safety management
parking and the fire service, to major   actions using Centrik, so it’s really    system that allows the achievement
administrative tasks such as quality     become a central tool for us.”           of SMS Phase 2 compliance. He says:
audits, risk assessment and ensuring                                              “Everybody has taken to our new
staff training is up-to-date.            Because the system is cloud-based        system well because it’s very easy
                                         with a clearly traceable path of         to use, and they are seeing feedback
Curtis says: “The larger, more diverse   actions, many of the barriers that       loops from reports that they make.
and dislocated in terms or large area    typically discourage personnel from      People are more inclined to use a
of operation a business is - like an     filing safety reports are removed.       system when they can actually see
airport - the more a centralised tool    Julian Tubb, Director, Total AOC,        what the output of that system is and
like this is useful.”                    says: “Every airport is familiar with    how it affects their working life.”
                                         the idea that reports may not be
The system contains a variety of         properly filed because paper forms       Biggin Hill’s proactive approach
modules, including compliance,           or stationery aren’t immediately         means it now has been taken beyond
safety, risk, meetings, training,        available, or that some minor safety,    simple compliance and into the realm
workflows and documents. Curtis          hazard, incident or quality of service   of best practice. With all operational
says: “Centrik is a central business     infractions simply don’t get reported    personnel, management and third-
tool for us. The output of the safety    because the staff can’t see if any       party contractors having access
management system has helped us          meaningful action has been taken.        to the safety management system,


actively using it and able to follow       which means that the workload
progress, the airport now meets three      involved in facilitating those
of the markers considered by the CAA       audits is much, much less than
as showcasing excellence and best          it was previously.”
practice, making Biggin Hill a leader in
the sector, not only being one of the      Curtis concludes: “We’ve been on a
first to achieve compliance, but also      major journey as we seek to reach
going above and beyond.                    SMS Phase 2 compliance. As a result,
                                           we’ve revolutionised our entire
The airport has further benefited          management system and we are
from the cloud-based solution              confident that Biggin Hill is ready
because it can use Centrik to              to meet what ever challenges the
share data with the CAA, and even          industry throws at us for years
operators, making quality audits a         to come.”
quick and simple process.

Curtis says: “Some of our larger                                                  Julian Tubb, Director, Total AOC
operators do ask quite regularly to
perform audits on our supply chain
and on our service chain. Using
Centrik, they can effectively ‘menu
pick’ from our own internal audits

                                                                                         THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015

                    As the clamour for a new runway in the
                  South East reaches fever pitch, Nick Barton,
                 CEO of London Luton Airport, argues that
                 there is more to building capacity than adding
                             morespace and concrete


       We are barely a quarter of the      use the spare capacity we already          services that go direct to London’s
       way through 2015, but it is         have much more efficiently. To meet        most impressive station, St Pancras
       clear that these are heady days     passenger demand ahead of any new          International, before continuing
       for the aviation sector.            runway being built, we must address        on to Farringdon, City Thameslink,
                                           existing capacity constraints.             Blackfriars and London Bridge.
The airline market is strong and highly                                               Journey times are as short as 21
competitive. Demand for air travel is      At London Luton we are looking to          minutes and St Pancras is the largest
growing as the UK economy reasserts        do exactly that. We are investing          underground interchange, as well
itself. As a result, all UK airports are   over £100million to transform the          as home to National Rail, HS1 and
seeing record numbers of passengers.       Airport. Our redevelopment work            Eurostar services.
In 2014, London’s five airports served     will grow capacity by 50% to 18
almost 145 million passengers, 30          million passengers per year within the     Improving rail connectivity is
million more than second placed New        existing site footprint.                   therefore vital to unlock spare
York. LLA alone marked a record year                                                  capacity at LLA, and we are already
with 10.5 million passengers, which has    Through our plans we want to meet          making significant progress. We
continued with an 11.3% year-on-year       the growing demand from our                have been working closely with new
increase in passengers in January.         enviable catchment area of business        franchise operator Govia Thameslink
                                           and leisure travellers across the South    Railway (GTR) and recently signed a
The clamour around the possibility of      East and Midlands. We understand           major new partnership agreement to
a new runway in the South East has         that to drive this growth, we need to      improve the current service.
reached fever pitch. However, a new        unlock the potential for the Airport to
runway is only half the story.             be a strategic transport hub.              Under the agreement, from December
                                                                                      2015 Govia trains will operate services
The reality is that there is much more     LLA is less than 30 miles from the         throughout the night, with at least
to increasing capacity than simply         West End, closer than Gatwick or           two trains per hour. This will help
building more space. We need to            Stansted. It benefits from mainline rail   passengers arrive in time for early

                                                                                      “Political consensus
                                                                                      will still be difficult
                                                                                      to achieve. It is likely
                                                                                      to take at least two
                                                                                      decades before any
                                                                                      new runway becomes

                                                                                            THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015

                                                                                   Nick Barton, CEO of London Luton Airport

departures and get home quickly and     that the new franchise agreement,          achieve. It is likely to take at least
easily after late arrivals.             which is due to be in place by             two decades before any new runway
                                        Summer 2017, could deliver four            becomes operational.
In addition, from September 2015        fast trains per hour. Even better, it
Oyster Cards will also become valid     could lead to the introduction of          By contrast, integrated transport
between London and the Airport,         an “Express Service” that will truly       infrastructure planning across the
dramatically improving the customer     legitimatise rail as a viable means of     road, rail and airport sectors can
experience. There will also be          transport for airport passengers.          deliver an equally significant boost
improved regional connectivity to                                                  to capacity, but in a much shorter
the Airport from the introduction of    This coordinated approach, working         timeframe. LLA proves that a focus on
new transfers across the Thameslink,    closely with multiple partners,            transport connectivity and efficient
Southern & Great Northern (TSGN)        does not grab the headlines like           use of facilities is vital to ensure that
franchise area.                         a new runway would. But they               demand for air travel is met until
                                        are potentially just as effective at       London’s seventh runway is built.”
Thanks to the partnership, we are       increasing capacity. At LLA, by
expecting an extra three million        improving our infrastructure and
passengers per year to travel to LLA    accessibility we have seen airline
by rail by 2021. The agreement is       demand grow dramatically. We will
very welcome and demonstrates the       welcome three new airline partners in
close working relationship that we      2015, including La Compagnie who
have built with the Department for      will connect London Luton with New
Transport and Govia. But it is only a   York on their all business class service
first step.                             from April. Our established carriers
                                        will fly to 12 new destinations in 2015.
We are also proactively talking to
Government about the provisions of      The verdict of the Airport’s
the new East Midlands Trains (EMT)      Commission is keenly awaited. The
franchise. By submitting a technical    final decision will be welcomed by
review and business case through the    some; decried by others. Political
consultation process, the hope is       consensus will still be difficult to

Whenever, wherever, we’re ready
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                 Stewart Wingate, CEO of London Gatwick
                 Airport, outlines his vision for the future and
                   how a new £1billion investment plan will
                    transform the airport in the coming years


       tewart Wingate is London          created more space and retail choice.    we now fly to more destinations than
       Gatwick Airport’s CEO and its     Our recent growth has also been          any other UK airport. The airport is
       most high profile advocate. He    fuelled by new European business         currently on the wave of 23 successive
is keen to promote the transformation    routes. We now serve 47 of the 50 top    months of passenger growth and the
of the airport, and its ambitions        business destinations in Europe and      last six months were the busiest in
to grow.                                 around one in five passengers now        Gatwick’s history.
                                         travel through Gatwick on business.
“Gatwick is changing. For our            We are also seeing continued growth      A large chunk of the further £1 billion
passengers it is a very exciting time    in long-haul flights including the       investment will go towards significant
ahead. Having already spent over £1      Middle East and game-changing new        improvements for a completely
billion since 2009, we unveiled plans    low-cost services to New York            transformed North Terminal. Gatwick
in December for a fresh new £1billion    and LA.                                  is expected to reach nearly 41
investment which coincided with the                                               million passengers within the next
celebration of our 5th birthday under    Nearly 40 new and refreshed stores       three years, and the North Terminal
independent ownership. This fresh        have been added to our South             will accommodate the majority of
injection of investment highlights our   Terminal including names such            traffic growth. As part of this, we
intent to transform and enhance the      as Snow + Rock, Zara, Aspinal of         plan to also invest £30million to
experience for our passengers.           London, Cath Kidston and Ernest          create a world-leading new security
                                         Jones, and more than 15 restaurants      area which will be opening in the
Since entering separate ownership        have opened including another            North Terminal in 2016. Tests of new
in late 2009, we have been able to       airport first with the Jamie Oliver      features such as reconfigured lanes
compete with Heathrow, Stansted          portfolio of Jamie’s Italian, Jamie’s    and floor way finding resulted in
and other major European airports for    Bakery, Union Jacks Bar, Nandos,         double the through put of passengers
airlines and passengers for the first    Comptoir Libanais and Jamie’s            and best ever service scores. The
time and this is paying off.             Coffee lounge.                           development will halve passenger
                                                                                  transaction times and mean Gatwick
In 2009 we extended our South            Gatwick has attracted six million more   can process 500 passengers per hour
Terminal departure lounge which          passengers in the last five years and    in the North Terminal…”

                                                                                        THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015

Wingate is keen to talk about wider     lounge within the North Terminal, with      to roll out over the next few years
developments in the North Terminal,     the creation of 30,000 square feet of       bolster the airport’s case for a second
“We are also set to create a brand      new retail space which will include a       runway, arguing that expansion at
new North Terminal check-in area        new World Duty Free for 2017. This          Gatwick can deliver the economic
between late this year and early        will match our South Terminal which         benefits and extra capacity the UK
2016, featuring the world’s largest     was the world’s largest Duty Free           needs at an environmental cost it
self-service bag drop zone which        store when it opened in 2012.”              can afford.
will virtually eliminate queues and
increase peak check-in capacity from    Wingate argues that Gatwick is              He says, “Gatwick expansion will also
3,000 to 4,350 passengers per hour.     changing for the better and that the        deliver more competition between
                                        fresh £1billion investment that he          airports serving London and the
Investment in upgrades to               outlines is a signal of his intent to       UK, as well as greater competition
our North Terminal border zone will     become London’s airport of choice.          within airlines, offering passengers
also see the addition of 15 state-      He says that Gatwick’s success              more choice and helping keep
of-the-art new e-gates, as well as      shows what can be achieved when             airfares lower. The decision will be
replacements of lifts, escalators and   competition is allowed to thrive,           announced later this year and, if
technology infrastructure.              helping standards to rise and fares to      Gatwick is chosen, our new runway
                                        fall. He says that it is an exciting time   would be operational by 2025.
We have also dedicated £21 million to   for Gatwick and its passengers; and         Gatwick is increasingly becoming
create a world class new departure      that the major investment planned           the smart choice for UK business.


Following recent research Gatwick         Wingate enthuses that the Gatwick
revealed a new wave of business           proposals create approximately
traveller who favour value for money      120,000 jobs and concludes by saying
and efficient service over anything       that “Building a second runway
else, dubbed the ‘Suited Savers’. The     at Gatwick is the best and right
research highlighted that two-thirds      choice for passengers and for British
of business travellers choose low         business, the environment and the
fare airlines for short-haul travel and   economy.”
over half are now willing to consider
low-cost long haul options too. The
introduction of a second runway
will help Gatwick meet this growing
demand for low cost efficient travel
and will allow the airport to continue
to provide excellent customer
service and deliver a modern, world
class airport designed to make the
passenger journey simple                                                          Stewart Wingate, CEO of London Gatwick
and efficient.”

                                                                                         THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015

                 AIRPORT MARKS
                 MILESTONE WITH
                 TIME-LAPSE FILM
                      Newcastle International Airport
                 is marking its 80th anniversary with a new
                  corporate video which was produced using
                           time-lapse photography.


       he film, Your Airport in             more. The film is a collection of over     “Later in the summer we look
       Motion, created by Jack              15,000 photographs.                        forward to the opening of our new
       Fisher, premiered at the                                                        departure lounge. The facility marks
Tyneside Cinema and is available on         Film producer Jack Fisher, said:           a £14 million investment from the
the airport’s social media channels         “Time-lapse photography is the             airport and our business partners
and website.                                perfect medium to capture the              and will greatly benefit customers.
                                            many moving parts of an airport,           New brands will join the offering
The film gives viewers a behind the         so I was naturally attracted to the        in the terminal and improve the
scenes view of daily life at the region’s   project when it was first suggested.       passenger experience.
largest airport which saw 4.6 million       I think it was great the band Jungle
passengers in 2014.                         allowed us to use the track Time and I     To watch the video visit one of the
                                            just really hope people enjoy the film.”   airport’s social media channels
Time-lapse photography involves
taking a series of stills which are then    The airport will mark its 80th birthday    YouTube
merged together to make a                   on 26 July this year. David Laws, Chief    www.youtube.com/user/NCLairport
film sequence. The process spanned a        Executive at Newcastle International
number of months and offers                 Airport, said: “We’re also looking         Vimeo
a perspective compared to                   forward to two very special events in      www.vimeo.com/nclairport
conventional filmmaking.                    addition to the anniversary activity, in
                                            May this year we launch our first ever     Facebook
Footage includes flight arrivals and        transatlantic service to New York with     www.facebook.com/nclairport
take offs, the boarding process, check      United Airlines. The summer service
in, travellers passing through the          starts on 23 May and will run until        Instagram
terminal and departure lounge and           7 September.                               www.instagram.com/nclairport

                                                                                             THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015

1920s                                      1930s                                      1940s
Newcastle Aero Club was founded            Newcastle Airport was opened on 26         The airport was requisitioned as an
in 1925 with the establishment of an       July 1935 by Secretary of State for Air,   auxiliary wartime base for the RAF
airfield in Cramlington to the north of    Sir Phillip Cunliffe-Lister. The airport   during the Second World War. When
Newcastle. When Newcastle Airport          cost £35,000 to build and consisted        it was handed back in 1946 it had a
opened in Woolsington ten years later,     of a grass runway, clubhouse, hanger,      new wooden air traffic control tower
the Aero Club relocated to its current     workshops and a garage.                    that was built on stilts and supported
site. It boasts the enviable record of                                                by sections of railway lines.
being the oldest flying club in            The first scheduled service calling
the country.                               at Newcastle Airport was a flight
                                           between Croydon and Perth,
                                           Scotland, operated by North Eastern
                                           Airways using an 8-seater Airspeed
                                           Envoy aircraft.

1950s                                      1960s                                      1970s
Former RAF pilot Jim Denyer was            A new North East Regional Airport          In 1978 the Government designated
appointed the Aero Club’s chief flying     Committee was formed in April              Newcastle Airport Category B status
instructor in the summer of 1951. Just     1963, paving the way for major             which meant it became a regional
a year later in 1952, he was appointed     development. The new Committee,            international airport with a mandate
Airport Commandant, then Manager,          comprising the local authorities           to provide short and medium-haul
establishing himself as the driving        of Newcastle, Gateshead, South             scheduled international services.
force behind the development of the        Shields, Northumberland, Durham,
airport until his retirement in August     Tynemouth and Sunderland, shifted          By November 1978, a visionary
1989 after an incredible 37 years          the fundamental nature of the airport,     expansion plan had been drawn
in charge.                                 making it a springboard for                up, with a 4,000 sq m terminal
                                           regional development.                      expansion as its centrepiece. It
In 1952 Hunting Air Transport                                                         featured a new passenger pier and
commenced flying to Bovingdon in           Construction of a new terminal             an airside departure lounge. The £8m
London. Further routes were soon           was completed in 1966. On February         development attracted £2m support
added - to Dublin, Amsterdam               17, 1967, Prime Minister Harold            from the European Community.
and Dusseldorf.                            Wilson officially opened the new
                                           terminal building.                         In the 1970s the arrival of jet
The 1950s saw the start of package                                                    aircraft triggered major expansion in
holidays, with ‘exotic’ trips to Isle of   The 1960s saw a boom in foreign            the package holiday market. The
Man, Isle of Wight and Channel Islands     sunshine holidays, especially to Spain.    first wide-bodied jumbo jet landed
becoming available from Newcastle          Within six years passenger figures had     from America with a party of 380
Airport. By 1954, scheduled services       doubled to 700,000 per year.               people onboard.
totalled some 35 per week, and
passenger numbers reached
5,500 a year.


1980s                                     1990s
In 1980 the airport reached the           In 1991 Nexus constructed an               Whilst the number of passengers
milestone of 1 million passengers         extension to the Metro system linking      on both domestic and international
travelling from Newcastle in a year.      Newcastle International Airport to         scheduled routes had continued to
The new expansion plans were              the city and beyond, dramatically          show steady growth, the increase in
completed, delivering improved            improving rail access to the airport.      charter holiday traffic was astounding,
check-in, lounges, catering and duty                                                 up 43 per cent in 1992/93 compared
free facilities. A new parallel taxiway   In 1991/92, while some airports in the     with the previous year. By 1993,
was constructed to speed aircraft         Midlands and the south of England          passenger figures had hit 2 million.
turnaround times and greatly simplify     recorded traffic losses of more
ground manoeuvres.                        than 20 per cent in the wake of the        Based on a turnover of £25.6 million
                                          Gulf War and recession at home,            Newcastle Airport was now ranked as
Jim Denyer retired in 1989 and            Newcastle Airport was busy recording       the 117th largest company in the North
his role was filled by Trevor Went.       an impressive rise in traffic to a new     East and 39th based on profit.
Under Trevor Went’s stewardship,          record of 1.67 million passengers
the airport placed considerable           per year.                                  An extended and improved terminal
emphasis on expanding its network                                                    building was opened on May 26, 1994
of scheduled routes, both domestic                                                   by the Princess Royal.
and international. Towards the end of
the decade passenger numbers had
reached 1.6 million a year.

By 2000, passenger figures had            A new state-of-the-art £8 million          2012 saw the completion of a £3.2
reached 3 million per year. A major       air traffic control tower was opened       million terminal development,
£27 million terminal extension to         in September 2007 by Rt Hon Nick           creating an additional 5,242 sq ft
double the size of the check-in           Brown MP and the president of              of security search accommodation.
hall was officially opened by Prime       Emirates Airline, Tim Clark. At 45         The enhanced area will be equipped
Minister Tony Blair in October 2000.      metres tall, the Emirates Air Traffic      with the latest in security screening
                                          Control Tower is over twice the height     technology to ensure that the
On May 4, 2001 the seven local            of the Angel of the North.                 customers pass though this stage
authority shareholders sold 49 per                                                   of their journey as swiftly and
cent of the shares in the Airport         On November 8, 2007 Dave Laws              comfortably as possible.
Company to Copenhagen Airports,           was appointed as the airport’s chief
paving the way for an unprecedented       executive. Dave has worked at the          In October 2012 Copenhagen Airports
period of growth and development          airport since 1978, starting his career    sold its stake in Newcastle Airport to
which would transform Newcastle           as a fire officer then working his way     AMP Capital of Australia.
into one of Europe’s most successful      through many areas of the business
regional airports.                        including health and safety, personnel,    In 2014 Newcastle Airport started a
                                          passenger services, aeronautical           major £14 million development of its
Newcastle International secured its       relations and commercial.                  departure lounge. Works are set to be
first ever scheduled long-haul route                                                 completed in summer 2015.
with Emirates Airline, flying daily       In July 2008, Newcastle International
direct from Newcastle to Dubai and        acquired Samson Aviation Services Ltd,     In 2015 the airport will welcome its
opening up onward connections             the private aviation business located      first ever transatlantic service with
to over 50 destinations. The route        on the south side of the airport site.     United Airlines to Newark Liberty
launched on September 1, 2007             The deal formed part of Newcastle          International Airport.
and quickly became Emirates’ best         International’s wider plans to redevelop
performing new route in the UK.           the entire south side of the airport,
                                          including the expansion of Newcastle
                                          College’s Aviation Academy.

                                                                                           THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015

                   The AOA’s Annual Conference will for the first
                   time be held in association with aviation trade
                       bodies, BAR UK, BATA and RAeS.

        he new event partnership for       and the Airports Commission due            aviation; and this conference will
        what is traditionally the main     to report soon after, this will be a       once again show our sector working
        aviation conference of the year,   great opportunity for our industry to      together as we address UK policy
is in response to a particularly unique    unite and set out its stall to the new     after the general election.”
time for UK aviation. The conference       Government. It will take place on the
takes place on 23-24 November at           23-24 November, with a high calibre        Royal Aeronautical Society Chief
the Hilton Metropole Hotel, Marble         speaker line-up.”                          Executive Simon Luxmoore said:
Arch, London.                                                                         “RAeS members have always been
                                           BAR-UK Chief Executive Dale Keller         involved in global and UK aviation
Delegates and exhibitors at the event      said: “We support this initiative to       and aerospace issues. So we are
will gain an unrivalled understanding      bring together one of the UK’s most        very enthusiastic about partnering
of the issues facing aviation and          important sectors and raise the profile    with airports and airlines on this
aerospace both in the UK and               of aviation in the UK. The voice of        conference, for what should be a
overseas in the coming years.              the international airline community        fascinating event debating the issues
                                           is crucial to the debate about the UK      of the day.”
AOA Chief Executive Darren                 maintaining its leading role in global
Caplan said: “We are very pleased          aviation, and this conference will hear
to announce that for the Annual            from leading figures right across the
Conference this autumn, the AOA is         aviation sector in what is sure to be an
linking up with BAR UK, BATA and           interesting and highly informative
the Royal Aeronautical Society to          two days”
host what we think will be the one
of the best UK aviation conferences        BATA Chief Executive Nathan
ever. Given we are bringing together       Stower said: “It is great to be
airports, airlines and aerospace           involved with The UK Aviation
for the first time, it will be branded     Conference. We already work closely
the ‘UK Aviation Conference 2015’.         with other trade bodies on issues
With a general election due in May         such as aviation tax and sustainable




           The Voice of UK Airlines

                                      THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015

                          GET NOTICED,
                          EXHIBIT WITH
                            THE AOA
        23-24 November 2015 at The Hilton Metropole, London

John Humphrys, AOA Conference Chai, 2014


Your brand will be on show throughout     Fascia sign
the entire conference as we place our     Power supply
exhibitors in the same room as our        Two passes to the Conference

plenary sessions.                         Two invitations to the Awards dinner

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GETTING DELEGATES TO VISIT                6m x 3m £7,500                         Availability is on a strict first come first

                                          Space only POA
We serve all refreshments and main                                               served basis and stands have been
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networking tables increasing footfall
to your stand.

 Plan correct at date of publication. Amendments can be made and
  we welcome requests for space only of non-uniform sized stands
                                                                                        THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015
           From around the sector…

                                                NEW ROLE AT
                                                WILSON JAMES

  Wilson James has made key changes to        existing VIP service offering. The VIP
  its operational management team recently.   service has evolved since its beginnings
  Dee Thomas has taken on the role of         in 2009, steadily moving from an average
  Head of Aviation & Specialist Services,     of 25 movements per day to its current
  moving from her previous position as        rate of over 50. It has recently expanded
  Specialist Services Manager which saw       with the appointment of a number of new
  her develop the company’s services at       highly specialist airside drivers taking the
  Heathrow Airport including the RGSC         team to an impressive 60 strong, delivering
  (Rapid Goods Screening Centre),             services such as VIP transportation,
  Childrens’ Play Areas, VIP Services and     onward travel and baggage collection.
  Queue Measurement.
                                              Going forward Dee will be focussing on
  Dee’s role now involves overall             passenger services, improving experience
  management of Wilson James’ wider           and adding value to Wilson James’ airport
  account group including Heathrow,           proposition, whilst building strong
  Luton, Gatwick and Newcastle airports       relationships with airport operators across
  as well as a number of others. A key part   the UK.                                        Dee Thomas Head of Aviation & Specialist Services
  of this will be enhancing the company’s

integrated solutions
Wilson James delivers integrated logistics; security and specialist services tailored to
the aviation environment and have earned a reputation for outstanding quality.

We offer integrated packages and a range of
individual and value added services that
                                                                              •    Security & screening
step of the supply chain.
                                                                              •    Logistics & support services
                                                                              •    Welfare & waste management
                                                                              •    Car park & bussing
                                                                              •    VIP services

                                  Find out more at www.wilsonjames.co.uk


                                                                                                         Combining market leading
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                                                                                                         Our Aviation team support clients
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                                                                                                         Contact Kate Wvendth
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                                                                                                         E: kate.wvendth@rpsgroup.com

                                       LJLA CELEBRATE START
                                      OF FLYBE’S BELFAST CITY
                                          AIRPORT SERVICE

Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LJLA)           check-in this morning, was welcomed            Mark Povall, Director of Air Service
celebrated the start of Flybe’s brand new      and presented with a bottle of champagne      Development for Liverpool John Lennon
route between Liverpool John Lennon            courtesy of the Airport and complimentary     Airport, added: “This is the first new route
Airport and Belfast City Airport.              flights from Flybe. Jordan, an aviation       of the year for the airport and it was great
                                               enthusiast, booked to travel so that he       to be able to welcome the first passengers
Passengers have the choice of up to            could be on the first flight.                 on the service today. We’re delighted
three flights a day with the first departing                                                 to see the growth of Flybe’s business
from Liverpool at 08:25 and the last flight    Managers at LJLA believe this new route       from here and will continue to look at
returning from Belfast City at 19:15. There    could generate an additional 50,000           further opportunities for Flybe to serve
is one return flight on both Saturday and      departing passengers per year through the     the Liverpool City Region, at what is an
Sunday. The summer schedule, which             Airport. Belfast has a well-established       exciting time for the airline, ourselves and
begins on 29th March, will see the             Business and Financial Services sector        the Liverpool City Region.”
addition of a fourth return flight each        and the new service is expected to be
weekday and an extra rotation                  particularly popular with the region’s        Above (L to R) Flybe Cabin Crew member
on Saturdays.                                  business passengers, who can now fly direct   Stacy Allen, with Jordan, LJLA’s Mark Povall
                                               from Liverpool to Belfast City Airport and    and Stella Patterson also a member of Flybe
To mark the inaugural flight, Jordan           be in the City’s business district just 10    Cabin Crew
Morgan who was the first passenger to          minutes after leaving the airport.

                                                                                                    THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015
         From around the sector…

                                     DHL WIN AWARD FOR
                                   GATWICK CONSOLIDATION

DHL has marked the first year of its           DHL worked closely with concessionaires to       Simon Duggan, Senior Logistics
10-year contract with Gatwick Airport          tailor the solution to individual supply chain   Manager at Gatwick commented: “We
by winning the airport’s prestigious 2014      requirements, ensuring cost neutrality as a      are delighted the DHL team has won
Supplier Value Award, beating more than        minimum whilst delivering an improved            the Gatwick Airport’s Supplier Award in
650 other organisations. The company           service Since the partnership began,             this year’s Value category. In a relatively
has also been recognised by the Airline        concessionaire participation in the final        short period of time, Gatwick and DHL
Operators Association (AOA), scooping          mile service has increased from 35% to 87%       have improved efficiency and displayed
the Best Business Partner Award 2014.          and, despite the huge increase in uptake,        effective and collaborative use of gain
                                               customer satisfaction has also increased, with   share mechanisms and proactively pursued
Passenger numbers at Gatwick have              passenger satisfaction up five per cent.         future opportunities to benefit both
continued to rise, creating greater                                                             Gatwick and DHL.”
demand for goods and services - which          By providing concessionaires with the
in turn required more deliveries into          option of a single drop-off location, goods      Reduction in vehicles travelling
the Airport. To ensure the airport             are consolidated and delivered in one go.        airside, cutting carbon emissions
infrastructure could accommodate this          This has cut the number of vehicles going
growth, and to offer a more flexible           airside bringing substantial benefits to         106% increase in stores serviced for
solution for airport stakeholders,             Gatwick through improved Health &                final mile between Q4 2013 & Q1 2014
Gatwick and DHL worked together                Safety and reduced carbon emissions.
to develop a new,4,366 sq. m (47,000                                                            Passenger satisfaction increased
sq.ft) Consolidation Centre and inbound        The system provides the flexibility to           by 5%
service to provide storage, airport security   support Gatwick’s target of increasing
screening and final mile delivery for goods    passenger numbers to 40 million by 2018          Concessionary take-up jumps from
inbound to concessionaires. Branded            and ensures passengers are serviced by the       35% to 87%
‘Gatwick Direct’, the new service began in     450+ partners in a way that is efficient and
November 2013.                                 profitable for all parties.


Newcastle Airport came out on to
top at the 2015 Wanderlust Magazine
Travel Awards, winning the gong for
Top UK Airport.

The magazine caters for adventurous
travellers who want fresh and authentic
travel experiences abroad.

TV presenter Julia Bradbury presented the
awards, held at the Destinations Travel
Show at Olympia in London.

 “It’s great to see the smaller regional
airports coming out on top,” said
Wanderlust Editor Phoebe Smith.
“Reporting a high satisfaction level, our
readers clearly love Newcastle Airport,
whether using it to travel within the UK
or heading further afield. Well done to the
whole team there – a well-deserved winner.”

                                              THE AIRPORT OPERATOR SPRING 2015
         From around the sector…

                                      THOMAS COOK
                                ADD MORE ORLANDO FLIGHTS
                                      FROM BELFAST

Thomas Cook Airlines has announced           expansion of services to Florida will be a   on the following dates – 26 June,
that it is adding another three flights to   big hit with local holidaymakers who now     3 July & 4 September 2015.
Florida for Summer 15 direct from Belfast    have more choice direct from their local
International Airport.                       airport. We are delighted that Thomas        This is in addition to the existing
                                             Cook are continuing to expand in the         flights from Belfast to Orlando on
This is in addition to the already           Northern Ireland holiday market.             30 Jun & 7 July.
announced flights to Florida, Las Vegas
and Cuba. The services will operate on the   The additional Belfast flights to Orlando
Airbus A330 fleet and are on sale now.       in Summer 15, more than doubling
                                             additional capacity, will now depart on
Graham Keddie, Managing Director,            Fridays for 14 nights on the latest A330
Belfast International Airport, said, “This   with 49 Premium and 265 economy seats

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