AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...

AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...
FALL 2020

Why Character is
Essential in Leadership
                                        ciLive! Remembers
                                     Al Worden, 1932–2020

A Talk About Brand Loyalty

Lessons From Cleopatra, Nefertiti,
and Other Egyptian Queens

HOBBY TO HERO:                
How I Built A Career From Scratch         COVER PHOTO: AL IN THE COCKPIT
                                         OF HIS T-38. (PHOTO CREDIT: NASA)
AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...
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AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...
                                                                                                       7    | AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT
                                                                                                              MADE ME DINNER
                                                                                                              Why Character is Essential in Leadership
                                                                                                              BY DR. ANTHONY PAUSTIAN

                                                                                                       13   | RETURNING TO A SOURCE
                                                                                                              OF DELIGHT:
                                                                                                              A Talk About Brand Loyalty
                                                                                                              BY KEN SCHMIDT

                                                                                                       22   | WHY WOMEN ARE EXCLUDED
                                                                                                              FROM POWER:
                                                                                                              Lessons from Cleopatra, Nefertiti, and
                                                                                                              other Egyptian Queens

                                                                                                              BY DR. KARA COONEY

                                                                                                       31   | HOBBY TO HERO:
                                                                                                              How I Built A Career From Scratch
                                                                                                              BY NICK OVERTON
5959 GRAND AVE.,



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4 | ciMagazine
AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...
When I was an impressionable young music student at the University of North Texas,

my greatest obsession was learning how           only added more disciplines to it, and I am     past to identify opportunities for change.
to be the best saxophonist. Not better;          better for it. Writing to me now includes       Pursue your passions, but keep your
the best. Because I was told only the best       lyrics, performance now embraces reading        options open. Make informed decisions,
in the industry thrive. Only the best leave      my work before an audience, and business-       and remember that what potential fans
a legacy. Only the best succeed. And             ownership now drives my artistic practices.     and customers crave is the same as what
long after I’d switched majors to creative                                                       you want: joy. Live for joy, and you’ll never
writing, I still believed it.                    To my eye, the authors in this issue have       go wrong.
                                                 all lived similar stories. Egyptologist Dr.
Criticism has always been hard for me,           Kara Cooney is a cofn specialist, but she       I, for one, am joyous for the new
not because I’m an unyielding believer in        writes captivating monographs on ancient,       opportunity to introduce you to these
everything I think and make and do, but          powerful women to shake the cage of the         brilliant minds. I hope they inspire you
because I’m my own worst critic. In my           modern patriarchy. Ken Schmidt, former          to trust in possibility, just as they have
head, I carry the stinging words of every        Director of Communications for Harley-          inspired me.
naysayer in my life—worried parents,             Davidson Motor Company, now delivers
doubtful siblings, jealous friends, ambitious    his business wisdom as a public speaker
competitors, even trusted advisors—and to        on brand development. Professional
this day, before I can invite in any feedback,   gamer and content-creator Nick Overton
I must frst silence the ghostly voices of the    efectively monetized his obsession with         JASON BRANDT SCHAEFER, CO-EDITOR
fears that haunt me as a professional writer.    winning video games into a custom career        JASON@EMPATHICEDITORS.COM

                                                 that earns half a million dollars a year. And
In the 13 years since my graduation, I’ve        author Dr. Tony Paustian shares a personal
learned these voices will always be with         lesson from the late Apollo 15 Astronaut Al
me, but also that they’re fgments as false       Worden—that simple virtues like resilience
as an overblown ego. Who’s the best is up        and generosity can send you to the stars.
for argument, and legacies, sadly, are often
won by the worst. Success is measured by         Build from what you love, strive for
what you make of your life, by how well you      constant reinvention, and understand that
feed what captivates you, and the search         money isn’t necessarily success. That’s
for it is perpetual. I never gave up music; I    what these authors advise. Examine the

                                                                                                                                 FALL 2020 | 5
AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...
West Des Moines is home to trailblazers. Whether it’s industry-leading corporations or family-owned
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         Learn how West Des Moines leaves other cities in the dust at
AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...

                                                 AN APOLLO
                                                 MADE ME DINNER
                                                 Why Character is Essential in Leadership
In March, we lost an Apollo astronaut, a beloved member of the space community, and in my
own case, a personal friend––Al Worden, the Command Module Pilot for Apollo 15.To those
who knew him, his passing may have come as a bit of a shock, especially in light of his outgoing
personality and unlimited energy despite his advanced age.

This article frst appeared in adAstra for the National Space Society

                                                                                         FALL 2020 | 7
AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...
                                                                                                   PHOTO CREDIT: ANTHONY PAUSTIAN

Al and I became close later in his life.            to make and serve me dinner, let alone         question whether we’ve lost sight of
While visiting him last fall at his home in         treating an ordinary guy as an equal. Some     character. Thousands of books have been
Houston, I assumed we would simply do               say a person’s true character reveals itself   written on leadership style, but few have
what we always did—talk space, but also             when no one is watching. One’s character       been written on character. This may be
discuss family and politics, while eating           can inspire or discourage others as well       because character is difcult to defne, is
out for every meal, as was our routine.             as infuence how someone interprets and         seen as old-fashioned, or there’s no clear
This trip was diferent. While we did dine           shapes the world around them. Al Worden        consensus on what it is or how to assess
at restaurants, Al decided he wanted to             inspired many because he genuinely             it objectively. Words like authentic and
make dinner. Despite my telling him it                                                             transparent are frequently tossed around
wasn’t necessary, he was determined, and                                                           as desired leadership qualities, but are they
there was no altering his trajectory once
                                                     One’s character can inspire                   actually qualities, or the result of a leader
it was set. While he prepared the lavish             or discourage others as well                  simply behaving in a manner consistent
spread of steak, potatoes, asparagus, and             as infuence how someone                      with their character?
dessert, I could only watch as he wanted
absolutely no help. At that moment, I
                                                      interprets and shapes the                    Some have defned character as the
realized here was one of my personal                     world around them.                        sum total of an individual’s personality
heroes, a global celebrity, and one of only                                                        traits and values. However, there are
a handful of people to travel to another            believed in people and was willing to freely   limitless possible personality traits, and
heavenly body, making and serving a                 help whenever asked, and often even            values are often based on a personal set
common guest dinner. That one simple                when he wasn’t.                                of beliefs that can vary widely. Take the
act completely summed up Al’s character.                                                           concept of quality as an example. Most
While I’ve gotten to know many important            However, when observing the behavior           would agree that having good quality
people and celebrities over the years,              of some of today’s leaders in both the         is an essential value in the context of
I can’t see any of them taking the time             public and private sectors, it’s easy to       producing and purchasing things, yet

8 | ciMagazine
AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...
the degree of quality for anything rests
with the perception of the person doing
the evaluating. This perception is formed
through an assessment of the objective
qualities specifc to the product in
question—the separate elements, features,
points of comparison, or components—
that help to set it apart.

On the other hand, the thing in question
also has subjective qualities—softness,
roughness, ft, favor, and others—that
aren’t specifc to either the object itself
or its observer. These qualities come as
a result of the interaction between the
thing, the observer, and the environment
surrounding them. The diference then
between objective and subjective qualities
is that the former is based on a sense of
measurement while the latter is based on
feeling or emotion.

It’s this sense of feeling that creates
the perception of quality: a sense of
attractiveness, excellence, superiority,
                                               AL TRAINING FOR HIS APOLLO 15 LUNAR FLIGHT. PHOTO CREDIT: NASA
and worthiness—attributes that are very
difcult to observe or quantify, but much
easier to have a gut feeling about. Thus,      While the list is long, I believe character         2. GENEROSITY: Generous leaders are
the value of quality is associated with a      is primarily perceived through these fve               grateful, and realize their success is
thing insofar as it is perceived to be an      behavioral habits:                                     often due in large part because of what
instrument for achieving some goal                                                                    others have given to them. They freely
or objective.                                  1. AUTHENTICITY: Authentic leaders                     give to both people and causes without
                                                  are genuine, and lead with both their               expectations because they hope for a
People are not things, but the quality of         hearts and minds. They walk the talk                better world. They live by example,
one’s character is often determined in the        regardless of the role they’re serving              don’t ask for anything in return, and
same manner. Whether through regular              and inspire respect through their                   truly care and work to enhance the
observation or a single interaction, people       actions, not just their words. They don’t           well-being of others.
will assess another’s character based on          need the spotlight and are happy to cast
their perception of that person’s qualities,      it onto others. They are open-minded,            3. TRUSTWORTHINESS: Trustworthy
and that perception is often based on             approachable, and often vulnerable.                 leaders are honest and transparent,
a number of behavioral habits—actions             They are aware of their strengths,                  possess personal integrity, and people
exhibited on a fairly consistent basis.           limitations, and emotions, don’t profess            are naturally drawn to them. Their
Habitual behavior is developed over               to be something they’re not, and                    behavior is consistent and they provide
time and is therefore a good                      unapologetically do what they believe               constant support. While they naturally
representation of character.                      is right.                                           see the best in other people, they are
                                                                                                      also willing to “tell it like it is.”

                                                                                                                               FALL 2020 | 9
AN APOLLO ASTRONAUT MADE ME DINNER - Why Character is Essential in Leadership - Des Moines Area Community ...
                                                                                                  THE PROVOST OF THE DMACC
                                                                                                  WEST DES MOINES CAMPUS
                                                                                                  AND THE AWARD-WINNING
                                                                                                  AUTHOR OF FOUR BOOKS.
                                                                                                  HIS MOST RECENT BOOK, A
                                                                                                  QUARTER MILLION STEPS, HAS
                                                                                                  WON SEVEN INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                  AND NATIONAL LITERARY
                                                                                                  AWARDS FOR BEST BOOK
                                                                                                  IN THE AREAS OF BUSINESS,
                                                                                                  LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT,
                                                                                                  MOTIVATION, SUCCESS, AND
                                                                                                  COACHING. DR. PAUSTIAN
                                                                                                  IS THE CHAIR FOR THE 2021
                                                                                                  INTERNATIONAL SPACE
                                                                                                  DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE
                                                                                                  AND A REGULAR CONTRIBUTOR
                                                                                                  FOR ADASTRA, THE JOURNAL
                                                                                                  OF THE NATIONAL SPACE
                                                                                                  SOCIETY (NSS).

                                                                                                   2020 ANTHONY PAUSTIAN. USED WITH PERMISSION.
                                                                                                   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

4. HUMILITY: Humble leaders are secure               Some say a person’s true                     He was never concerned about what
   in themselves regardless of their                                                              people thought of him. While many with
                                                   character reveals itself when
   popularity and wealth. They are able                                                           his celebrity status work hard to put on a
   to put aside their egos, recognize their         no one is watching. One’s                     great show and create a perception of how
   weaknesses, and seek and acknowledge               character can inspire or                    they want people to see them, Al exhibited
   the input and ideas of others. They are                                                        an authentic care and concern for others,
                                                    discourage others, as well
   service-oriented and frequently put                                                            which is why he was adored by so many.
   others before themselves. In the words           as infuence how someone                       In the long term, you can’t hide your heart,
   of Ken Blanchard, the author of The One           interprets and shapes the                    good or bad, and his was good.
   Minute Manager, “People with humility
   do not think less of themselves; they just
                                                        world around them.                        Everywhere Al Worden went, he left
   think about themselves less.”                                                                  a lasting, positive impression. He was
                                                  astronaut, a global celebrity, and a national   exceptionally generous, especially with the
5 RESILIENCE: Resilient leaders see               hero. Al’s character was developed through      one commodity he had the least of: time.
  failure as temporary setbacks. They have        his many life experiences and interactions      He approached life with a thoughtful yet
  grit, remain positive despite adversity         with people.                                    laid-back, almost poetic, mindset. Whether
  or negative outcomes, and fnd ways                                                              it was meeting the world’s wealthiest
  to move forward. They are unyielding            His character was always on display             people, the leaders of nations, famous rock
  in the face of hardship and lean on             regardless of whether anyone was                stars, or a few wide-eyed third-graders, Al
  their relationships with others when            watching. Whether it was taking the time        would frequently respond, “No big deal.
  necessary to overcome obstacles.                to speak to groups of children, presenting      There are no strangers in this world, only
                                                  to civic and community groups, having           friends I haven’t met yet.” r
No one is perfect, and developing                 lunch with strangers at a fast-food
character is a lifelong journey. For 88 years,    restaurant, or interacting with people on
Al Worden lived a life most of us only            social media, Al made everyone feel like he
dream about. He was a graduate of West            was their best friend.
Point, an Air Force test pilot, an Apollo

10 | ciMagazine

                                                                                                                     SUMMER 2021

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                                   PHOTOS USED WITH PERMISSION.

                                   RETURNING TO A
                                   SOURCE OF DELIGHT:
                                   A Talk About Brand Loyalty
QUICK: Think of something you love—maybe your phone, your car, your favorite food—then
imagine what it would take to convince you to have the logo of the corporation behind that thing
tattooed onto your body for the world to see for the rest of your life. Who’d do that? Not me. I love
KFC Extra Crispy, but there’s not enough money or booze in the world to have The Colonel inked
onto my skin.

                                                                                                                FALL 2020 | 13
and make excuses when their customers
                                                                                                   take their dollars elsewhere. But you’re
                                                                                                   never going to say stuf like that.

                                                                                                   In the two decades that have passed
                                                                                                   since I left the greatest job in the world
                                                                                                   to discover even greater opportunities
                                                                                                   advising business leaders and delivering
                                                                                                   speeches around the globe, I’ve found a
                                                                                                   few common threads that fow through
                                                                                                   just about any company of any size.
                                                                                                   Foremost among them is the very wrong
                                                                                                   belief that their product (or service or
                                                                                                   whatever it is they do) is key to their
                                                                                                   competitive advantage. “If we have a
                                                                                                   great product, price it attractively, back it
                                                                                                   and continuously improve it, the market
                                                                                                   will prefer us to our competitors.” Sounds
                                                                                                   reasonable, right?

                                                                                                   To those people, I ofer a little self-
                                                                                                   invented axiom, six words long, and easy
                                                                                                   to remember and repeat: Live by product,
                                                                                                   die by product. Or substitute “service” if
But keep an eye out this weekend, and I                 Live by product, die by                    appropriate. (Lock “Remember and Repeat”
promise, if you happen upon any Harley-                                                            into your memory bank. If you tell people
Davidson riders, you’re going to see Harley
                                                        product. Or substitute                     things they can’t remember and tell others
logo tattoos. Whether or not you’ve paid               “service” if appropriate.                   about, you didn’t tell them anything!)
attention, you’ve seen them your entire life.
There’s no corporate symbol in the world           testaments to their loyalty to the people       It’s understandable that business
that’s been inked onto more bodies than            behind their bikes—the organization that        leaders embrace a product-above-all
Harley’s has, and nobody would be crazy            designed, engineered, built, sold and           ethic because, for most of them, that’s
enough to argue that isn’t true. Bet you           services them and gives its customers           what they have been taught. I think
can’t name another business that has even          access to incredible lifestyle experiences      it’s a hangover efect from business
one logo-tattooed customer.                        all over the planet. They’re professing their   philosophies embraced back in the 1980s
                                                   loyalty to Harley-Davidson Motor Company.       and ‘90s, when seemingly every business
I’ve heard it said thousands of times that                                                         was focused on quality and efciency.
those tattoos are the most profound                The mistaken belief that businesses can         Whoever had the best stuf routinely made
symbols of brand loyalty in the world. I           somehow make customers loyal to the             the most money and had the highest
even said it myself countless times during         stuf they produce and/or sell shines a          market share.
my working years at Harley-Davidson,               bright light on one of the biggest problems
especially when I was talking with potential       bedeviling the business world, where you        The world has changed and opened a lot
investors in the business. But here’s the          work or soon will. The problem: People          since then, though, and businesses were
thing I wish I’d learned before I’d said it:       don’t understand what loyalty is. Which is      quick to pounce on globalization, which
My aim was of. I’ve come to discover that          why they struggle to keep their customers       created new supply chains that made their
those tattoos aren’t testaments to their           and other important publics loyal. Which is     oferings better while making them faster,
owners’ loyalty to their beloved bikes,            why they say things like, “Loyalty is dead,”    cheaper, and easier to produce and bring
as most folks naturally assume. They’re            and “People only care about low prices,”        to market. They weren’t so quick to notice

14 | ciMagazine
the impact this was having. An unfortunate      Anytime I’m advising business leaders or          you? Less—maybe way less—than $250.
dividend of globalization was the parity        speaking somewhere, I always start by             That’s nuts! Those things used to cost
it brought to markets. Within a few short       ofering up a simple truth: “There’s nothing       upward of a thousand bucks, now they’re
years, that “quality” businesses sought         you can sell me that I can’t get from             practically given away, and their prices
so feverishly became commonplace.               someone else, probably for less money.”           are typically just a few dollars diferent
Suppliers that couldn’t keep up with new        Folks running businesses don’t like to hear       brand-to-brand. If you went to your favorite
demand dynamics were replaced by                that because it forces them to confront the       big-box or electronics store to buy one, you
an almost endless supply of those that          painful reality that, even though their pride     know what you’d see before you got there:
consistently improved their oferings.           made them believe they have “the best             Rows of identical shiny, black rectangles
                                                stuf,” and “the highest quality,” because         with identical high-def images lighting up
Simply put, stuf got real good, real fast,      their working cultures “have an iron-clad         their screens. Your eyes and brain would
and quality became taken for granted in         commitment to customer satisfaction,” in          quickly deduce that all of the fatscreens
the marketplace. It got harder and harder       truth the market sees no real diferences          look identical and are very similarly priced.
for us as consumers to know who made            between them and their competitors.               Because they are. So which would you buy?
what. And we started to care less about
that because, as we learned through             Here’s proof that illustrates my point            Now think of the center bars on the base
personal experience, the stuf we were           in an easy-to-visualize way and shows             of the TVs where the producers’ logos are
buying was fully meeting our expectations.      what nearly every business on Earth is up         displayed. You know they’re there to tell
And, of course, it still is. The companies      against and has allowed to endure.                you something, or to trigger a memory
selling shoddy stuf and performing badly                                                          or message in your brain, right? Maybe
just … disappeared. Everybody’s good at         Say you needed to buy a fat-screen TV, a          an emotional connection. Something that
what they do now!                               nice 40-incher. What’s that going to cost         says, “You know who we are and what

But here’s the thing: When it’s hard to
know the diferences between products
and their suppliers and customers assume
it’s “all the same,” bad things happen.
What do businesses do when faced with
a marketplace where buyers see parity
between suppliers? They lower their
prices. And that’s where things go from
bad to really bad because lowering prices
simply isn’t sustainable. Squeezed proft
margins mean businesses have less to
invest in their payrolls, to say nothing of
their research and development—the stuf
that drives innovation.

Then consider the impact of the
digitalization of everything—in particular,
how things are bought and sold—and
how that created dynamics in which we,
as buyers, can quickly assess options, fnd
whoever’s willing to sell us what we’re after
at the lowest price, hit the “buy” button
and await the brown box that shows
doesn’t shop this way?                          120 YEARS.

                                                                                                                               FALL 2020 | 15

we stand for. This is the one you want.”           At least you think you do. So you start to         same as ERR? Is 120 a better number or
But all of the names tend to blur. You can         study the spec tags or the display stickers        worse? You can check every tag, and you’ll
probably name 10 without thinking—                 below each unit. The frst one you see has          see nonsense like this. You’ll see it pretty
Samsung, Panasonic, Sharp, Vizio, Sanyo,           language like “240 Efective Refresh Rate”          much any time you shop for anything
Mitsubishi, JVC, Toshiba, Pioneer, LG—but          as the primary message its producer wants          you’re not deeply familiar with (like your
which stands out? Or which would you               you to know. You have no idea what that            laptop or health insurance). This is the
be embarrassed to own? They’re all                 means because you’ve never heard of it             monkey-see, monkey-do glorifcation of
great products from household-name                 before. And what of that “240”? Is that a          product that drives commoditization.
businesses. So you’re confdent you can             good number?
choose any one of them and not go wrong,                                                              But guess what? There’s always one piece
which is true.                                     Here’s the self-inficted problem this              of data you do understand. And that’s the
                                                   creates for the manufacturers: What do             price. Which is why the TV you buy today
As bad as this product parity is for the fat-      we do, as buyers, any time a potential             is the one that’s only a buck less than its
screen producers in the above scenario,            supplier gives us terminology and data we          closest competitor. And you’re going to
it’s about to get worse. Why? Because              don’t understand? The answer’s easy: We            be happy with what you bought, but you
you’re a consumer. Even at the great prices        compare it to other suppliers’ terminology         won’t tell anybody about it. It’s just an
on these TVs, you don’t want to just grab          and data hoping to fnd something we do             appliance that’s going to do precisely what
one at random and hope for the best;               understand. The next TV’s tag says “120            it was designed to do. It’s a commodity.
you want to make an informed choice.               Clear Motion Rate.” What? Is CMR the               Quick: Can you name any industry or

16 | ciMagazine

product category that isn’t commoditized         But that’s fxable!                              youth, I’d always assumed this was a cultural
like the TVs with lookalike, similar stuf with                                                   thing we Harley riders did to announce our
only price as a diferentiator? (I can’t.)        Understanding a few basic drivers of human      presence and be diferent from the dorks
                                                 behavior can create incredible opportunities    (sorry) on quiet bikes. Then one day, while
What does this have to do with loyalty?          for businesses to build their reputations,      watching a rider revving his engine and
Well, if you’re like most people, you’d have     create more demand for what they do and         looking for reactions across the intersection
to think long and hard to recall the names       vastly improve the loyalty of the people they   from me, a lightning bolt hit me. And my
on the fatscreen TVs in your home right          serve (and employ). And what I’m going to       career hasn’t been the same since.
now even though you see them every               teach you will involve motorcycles, which is
day. If you needed to buy one for another        always a good thing.                            You see, something magical happens
room in your house, which brand would                                                            when we rev our engines. As we do it,
you look for? Or if a friend asked you for       I’m sure you’ve noticed that we Harley          we’re talking to you. And what we’re
a recommendation, what would you say?            riders like to make our bikes loud, and that    saying comes through crystal clear: “Look
See? No loyalty. Nothing to talk about.          any time we’re stopped at a red light or        at me!” It’s that split second when you look
Nothing to remember and repeat. And              stop sign, we refexively rev our engines.       at us, and we see you looking at us, that
that’s not good.                                 It’s impossible to miss. As a rider since my    the magic occurs. We—that’s everybody—

18 | ciMagazine
Understanding a few basic
                                                                                                drivers of human behavior
                                                                                                    can create incredible
                                                                                                opportunities for businesses
                                                                                                 to build their reputations,
                                                                                              create more demand for what
                                                                                                they do and vastly improve
                                                                                               the loyalty of the people they
                                                                                                     serve (and employ).

                                                                                              someone delights us, we’re going to keep
                                                                                              coming back for more. It’s why people
                                                                                              get so addicted to their phones. When
                                                                                              people respond to your social media posts
                                                                                              with likes, it feels good to you. So you
                                                                                              post again and again to feed that little
                                                                                              dopamine buzz. Do you think you’d keep
                                                                                              posting stuf if nobody gave you likes?

                                                                                              There’s a huge bonus here, too, in that
                                                                                              buzz. When something consistently
                                                                                              delights us, we tell other people about it.
                                                                                              That advocacy is solid gold in the business
                                                                                              world. It’s what drives demand and attracts
                                                                                              new customers. And so on and so on.

                                                                                              This begs an obvious question: Should
                                                                                              businesses be focused on promoting and
                                                                                              glorifying the stuf they make, sell and
are so accustomed to being invisible, to       When we see you seeing us as we rev            service—and you’ve seen where that leads—
not eliciting a reaction from the people       our motors, that quick blast of validation     or on glorifying and delighting people?
we pass by every day, to simply blending       and its accompanying boost to our self-
into the background, that when somebody        esteem causes the release of dopamine,         The smart answer is to serve as a source
actually notices us, it feels good. Even       the pleasure drug, into our brain. We get a    of delight for everyone important to
though it’s just for a split second.           quick blast of delight, the stuf we all live   the business. That’s my challenge to
                                               for but don’t get enough of.                   business leaders everywhere. It’s easier
All humans have the same needs, as I’m                                                        than you think. We all know what passion
sure you recall from your middle school        Now let’s take this deeper so we can           and enthusiasm look and sound like
classroom days. We all share the same          weaponize it.                                  (“Please hold!” and “May I help you?”
physiological needs for food, water, shelter                                                  aren’t particularly inviting statements).
and security, all of which are easy for        What do we, as humans, do anytime we           Businesses that focus on that (and
businesses to provide. But we also have        experience delight? We return to that          teaching how to do that is a big part of
other needs that are much harder to attain,    glorious source of delight faithfully until    how I earn a living) will consistently out-
namely our emotional need for validation,      it fails to delight us. Guess what? I just     perform those who act like it’s still the
a need to feel special and important.          defned “loyalty.” When something or            last century, which is nearly everybody.

19 | ciMagazine
Ken Schmidt is a
                                                                                                    marketing expert,
                                                                                                    known for playing
                                                                                                    a key role in one of
                                                                                                    the most celebrated
                                                                                                    turnarounds in
                                                                                                    corporate history.
                                                                                                    In 1985, Schmidt
                                                                                                    was asked to work
                                                                                                    with then-struggling
                                                                                                    Harley-Davidson to
                                                                                                    help restore the company’s image and create
                                                                                                    demand for its motorcycles. Within a few
                                                                                                    short years, Harley-Davidson became one of
                                                                                                    the most visible and frequently reported-on
                                                                                                    companies in the world. Schmidt would go
                                                                                                    on to become director of Harley-Davidson’s
                                                                                                    corporate and fnancial communications,
                                                                                                    and served as the company’s primary
                                                                                                    spokesperson to the media and fnancial
                                                                                                    communities. He is also the author of the 2018
                                                                                                    Road to Dominance (

                                                                                                    I can prove it. Try telling a story about a
                                                                                                    business, any business, without using the
                                                                                                    word “they.” They’re cool. They suck. They’re
                                                                                                    the best in town. See? We all do that.

                                                                                                    Now think of those fatscreens again.
                                                                                                    Do you have a great “they” story about
                                                                                                    any of their namesakes? As in, “I like
                                                                                                    Panasonic because they…” When we don’t
                                                                                                    have a positive “they” story to tell about
                                                                                                    businesses vying for our attention, low
                                                                                                    price is our primary purchase criteria every
THEY’RE SAYING, “LOOK AT ME!”                                                                       time. It’s that simple.

Remember, the marketplace sees your                  Another fun discovery: Humans—that’s           On my frst day of work at Harley-Davidson,
business as an equal. So if customers and            us—humanize everything. Of course we           I developed three questions. They get
potential customers like you just a tiny             do! When we’re thinking or talking about       to the heart of what makes a business a
bit more than your competitors, because              a business, we tend not to think about         dominant competitor with loyal customers
you’ve made an obvious efort to give                 that business in terms of “what they do,”      and employees or sinks that business as
them a little joy, and what you stand for            but instead “who they are.” When we’re         another look-alike also-ran. Every business
pleases them, you win. And don’t fool                thinking or talking about a business, we’re    in existence should be focused on these
yourself. Any business can do this.                  talking about their culture, what they stand   three things: What are people saying about
                                                     for, and the efort they make to delight us.    us? What do we want them to say? And
                                                     Or not.                                        what are we doing to make them say it? r

20 | ciMagazine
                                               (IMAGE SOURCE: PUBLIC DOMAIN)

                                               WHY WOMEN ARE
                                               EXCLUDED FROM POWER:
                                               Lessons from Cleopatra, Nefertiti,
                                               and Other Egyptian Queens
I am a coffin expert, a strange thing to say. If you put a picture of an Egyptian coffin in front of
me, I will know what dynasty, and maybe even what king’s reign, it was built in. It’s a strange
skill set to have, but I don’t look at coffins because I’m obsessed with death or the Egyptian
afterlife; I study them like others study a car or an outfit or a wedding dress coming down the
aisle—for socioeconomic information.

Parts of this article frst appeared in Time,

22 | ciMagazine
(IMAGE SOURCE: PUBLIC DOMAIN)                                                                       (CA. 664-525 B.C.E.) (IMAGE SOURCE: PUBLIC DOMAIN)

I look at cofns to understand how the                 I have written two books on ancient           World. This work allows me to jump back
ancient Egyptians competed with each                  Egyptian women in power, one a                into a diferent side of my brain, one that
other socially—who could aford gold and               biography about the female king               muses and poses big questions, one that
Egyptian blue, who had to emulate what                Hatshepsut called The Woman Who Would         makes the ancient world relevant to the
they could with what they could aford.                Be King, published by Crown Books in          modern, one that uses the lens of antiquity
This work is complicated, heavily footnoted           2014, and the other a synthetic work of all   to help me fgure out why the modern
and full of tables and spreadsheets. It’s             the Egyptian women who claimed political      world functions the way it does.
complex and data-heavy. Thus, writing                 power as leader of state called When
books comes as a breath of fresh air and a            Women Ruled The World, published by           Modern society still has a problem with
way for me to bring Egyptology to a wider             National Geographic Books in 2018. I’ve       women in power. But why didn’t the
audience and connect ancient history to               also completed an Audible Original called     ancient Egyptians? They allowed six
our modern world.                                     Powerful Women Who Ruled the Ancient          women to act as leaders of state during

                                                                                                                                   FALL 2020 | 23
their 3,000-year history: Merneith of          no real power in Abrahamic religions,          as a marker of progress in governments
Dynasty 1, Neferusobek of Dynasty 12,          including Judeo-Christian-Mormon               and corporations, history shows that what
Hatshepsut of Dynasty 18, Nefertiti of         traditions, with the exclusion of a handful    matters is not how many women rise to that
Dynasty 18, Tawosret of Dynasty 19, and        of Protestant denominations. They are          level, but what they do once they get there.
Cleopatra of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. What       also largely excluded from Buddhist
can we learn from them? What secrets           and Hindu leadership positions. Finally,       In ancient Egypt, at least six women rose
can they whisper to us from the past?          although females are making great strides      up to reign as the highest decision-maker
                                               in pushing the ofcer corps to almost one-      in the land, not counting the dozens
Since 2014, I have taught a popular            quarter women, few females are allowed         of others who acted as queen-regents
undergraduate class at UCLA called             into combat in military institutions. The      or high priestesses or infuential wives.
Women and Power in the Ancient World,          truth is we don’t allow women into             Ancient Egypt allowed more females into
and I start every quarter with these two       power often, even today. Why? Why isn’t        power than any other place on Earth,
slides—one of a female political leader at     50 percent of the population allowed           at any time. Was that society somehow
a podium, and the other of a male. I ask       50 percent of the power? Was it ever           more progressive than we might expect?
the students how they feel when they           diferent in the ancient world?                 The answer is a quick and defating no.
look at the woman versus the man. The
discussions are enlightening, and I hear       We seem to be afraid of the female’s           Merneith of Dynasty 1 only ruled to see
comments on how the women seem to              power. She is too ferce for us, too            her young son Den ascend to the throne
be acting more forcefully than the men.        mercurial in its most stereotypical form.      unmolested, and it’s how he ended up
We are distracted by the makeup, hair,         For example, ancient Egypt’s female feline     becoming his Dynasty’s longest-lived
clothes, and age of the female leaders, but    goddess had two sides. As Bastet, she          and most successful king. Neferusobek
not by the men. The men wear suits and         could nurture and protect; as Sakhmet,         of Dynasty 12 ruled only because an
ties, get away with short and simple hair      she had a propensity to brutally attack        anemic and inbred family lineage was
(most of the time) and no makeup (again,       and maim without control. But in both
most of the time), drawing much less           forms, she had one raison d’être: to
scrutiny of their appearance. Emotionally,     protect and nurture the patriarchy. These
we feel the female leaders are angry at        goddesses were the Daughters of Re,
us, challenging us, threatening us, but        protectors of their father, the king of all,
somehow, we don’t feel these same              ready to strike against any who would
emotions from the male leaders. Yes,           harm him.
there are many opinions in the class, and
no, gender and sexuality aren’t really         Such was the case for strong Egyptian
binaries, better arranged more along a         goddesses in general, and for the real
gradient, but the overall class discussion     female leaders of that time. They weren’t
indicates we are still challenged by female    in it for themselves, to help a sisterhood
ambition and female power.                     rise up, to change the playing feld for
                                               all women; they used their great and
Indeed, statistics from around the world       mercurial power to help the men around
highlight this hostility toward women who      them—to protect them with their ferocity,
want power. There are few female leaders       to shield them from harm, to keep the
of state from around the world, and            same system going.
those that exist come from parliamentary
systems, not direct elections. In the United   The stories of the women I study reveal
States, we have still not elected a female     a troubling and difcult aspect of female
President. We have few female CEOs—six         power in history, and one worth keeping
percent female in the United States, two       in mind today. Though a high number of
                                                                                              BUST DEPICTING A 12TH DYNASTY QUEEN, PROBABLY
percent worldwide. Women have almost           women in positions of power is often seen      NEFERUSOBEK (CA. 1991-1802 B.C.E.)
                                                                                              (IMAGE SOURCE: PUBLIC DOMAIN)

                                                                                                                          FALL 2020 | 25
to us today for his intact tomb in the Valley
                                                                                                         of the Kings. Tawosret of Dynasty 19 also
                                                                                                         found power by ruling on behalf of a boy-
                                                                                                         king before taking the kingship for herself
                                                                                                         alone. Tawosret didn’t hide her ambition;
                                                                                                         she had competitors eliminated. But such
                                                                                                         female ambition would not be tolerated,
                                                                                                         and Tawosret was removed by a warlord
                                                                                                         who positioned himself as restoring law
                                                                                                         and order to an increasingly militaristic
                                                                                                         Egypt. And then there was Cleopatra, who
                                                                                                         led insurrections against her own brothers,
                                                                                                         both of whom were taken out by her
                                                                                                         ruthless actions, and who used powerful
                                                                                                         men like Julius Caesar and Marc Antony
                                                                                                         more as sperm donors than as husbands
                                                                                                         who could control her. But even Cleopatra,
                                                                                                         who styled herself after the goddess of love
                                                                                                         and beauty, Hathor, couldn’t stop herself
                                                                                                         from becoming more of a maternal Isis in the
                                                                                                         end, paving the path to the kingship for her
                                                                                                         son Ptolemy XV—better known as Caesarion,
                                                                                                         the name that, fttingly, emphasizes his
                                                                                                         father rather than his mother. In the end, if
                                                                                                         he had lived to rule Egypt rather than being
                                                                                                         murdered by Octavian, she too would have
                                                                                                         acted as a mere placeholder in the larger
                                                                                                         patriarchal system.

                                                                                                         Six powerful queens, fve of them becoming
                                                                                                         pharaohs in their own right. Yet each and
                                                                                                         every one of them had to ft the patriarchal
RELIEF OF NEFERTITI AND TWO OF HER DAUGHTERS (CA. 1353-1336 B.C.E.) (IMAGE SOURCE: PUBLIC DOMAIN)        systems of power around them rather than
                                                                                                         fashion something new. The story of female
                                                                                                         power in ancient Egypt is a tragedy.
withering on the vine. She was the last                reminds us all that when women succeed
person standing of her great dynasty, a                in the workplace, the credit can always be        So when we look at female power in the
mere placeholder until another man from                reassigned to the patriarchy.)                    world, today or yesterday, we must not
another dynasty stepped in. Hatshepsut                                                                   assume that a woman in a high position
of Dynasty 18 ruled to maintain the power              Nefertiti of Dynasty 18, if she really ruled at   is there to lay the groundwork for other
of her young nephew, only to have her                  all, knew she had to cloak her ambition and       women to follow or for any larger feminist
legacy as female king—the word “queen”                 feminine self with new masculine names.           agenda. Instead we must ask whom these
connoting a mere sexual helpmate, not                  (She likely ruled as co-king Ankhkheperure        women are really serving. In most cases,
a ruler—ripped away from her some 20                   Neferneferuaten and, perhaps later, as sole-      these women are serving an agenda in line
years after her death when her names                   king Ankhkheperure Smenkhkare.) Nefertiti         with keeping men as the leaders of society.
and images were erased and smashed,                    must have known she was just paving the
her great achievements relabeled for her               path for the next male in line—none other         Take the U.K., with its parliamentary
father or brother instead. (Hatshepsut                 than the young Tutankhamun, so famous             system that has elected two female prime

26 | ciMagazine
Dr. Kara Cooney
                                                    The Egyptian female king was only allowed       is a professor of
                                                                                                    Egyptian Art and
                                                    to enter the political fray for a short time
                                                                                                    Architecture at UCLA.
                                                    to support the male-dominated system            She produced and
                                                    around her. Her memory and legacy were          hosted a comparative
                                                    erased afterward if she was successful          archaeology television
                                                                                                    series, Out of Egypt,
                                                    (think Hatshepsut), or her mistakes             which aired on the
                                                    aggrandized as a cautionary tale if she was     Discovery Channel and
                                                    a failure (think Cleopatra). Female power       is currently available
                                                                                                    online via Netfix and Amazon. Cooney
                                                    was forced upon a people during moments
                                                                                                    specializes in craft production, cofn studies
                                                    of great crises like kingly succession, civil   and economies in the ancient world. Her
                                                    war, or imperial aggression, but only when      frst book, The Woman Who Would Be King:
                                                    all hope for a male leader was lost. For the    Hatshepsut’s Rise to Power in Ancient Egypt,
                                                                                                    relies on her years of experience at various
                                                    Egyptian system of divine kingship, women
                                                                                                    excavations in Egypt and expert perspective
                                                    were actually the best choice to maintain       on Egypt’s ancient history to share the
                                                    the status quo because their caretaking         biography of its least known female king. Her
                                                    for family could be so easily turned into       ongoing research takes her around the world
                                                                                                    to study and document nearly 300 cofns in
                                                    protection of the patriarchy itself.            collections, including those in Cairo, London,
                                                                                                    Paris, Berlin and Vatican City.
                                                    And that is the tragedy of female power         (
                                                    that the Egyptian female kings whisper to       IMAGES:
                                                                                                    Faience amulet of a lioness-headed goddess (ca. 664-525 B.C.E.)
                                                    us from the past. Breaking glass ceilings       (public domain)
                                                    is one thing, but until women can act with
BUST DEPICTING A 12TH DYNASTY QUEEN, PROBABLY                                                       Bust depicting a 12th Dynasty queen, probably Neferusobek
                                                    their own agendas, most women in power,         (ca. 1991-1802 B.C.E.) (public domain)
NEFERUSOBEK (CA. 1991-1802 B.C.E.) (IMAGE SOURCE:                                                   File:Statue_of_Sobekneferu_(Berlin_Egyptian_Museum_14475).jpg
PUBLIC DOMAIN)                                      today and yesterday, are just serving the
                                                                                                    Relief from Hatshepsut’s Red Chapel depicting Hatshepsut and
                                                    status quo—like Nefertiti and Cleopatra,        Thutmoses III (ca. 1479-1458 B.C.E.) (public domain) https://commons.
ministers over the last four decades.               part of a long line of women protecting         ofle=advanced&fulltext=1&advancedSearch-current=%7B%7D&ns0=1&ns6=1&ns12=1&ns14
Consider whether Margaret Thatcher or               their masculine overlords. It’s not always      ed_Chapel_detail2.jpg

Theresa May challenged or protected the             easy to tell the diference between merely       Relief of Nefertiti and two of her daughters (ca. 1353-1336 B.C.E.)
                                                                                                    (public domain)
male-driven agendas around them. India              working in a patriarchal system and those       title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go&ns0=1&ns6=1&ns12=1&ns14=1&ns100=1&ns106=1#/media/
and Pakistan have both seen great female            who have chosen not to advance causes
                                                                                                    Foundation deposit brick with the names of Tawosret (ca.
leaders over the last half-century, but             that help other women, but it is crucial that   1191-1189 B.C.E.) (public domain)
these women have stepped into the halls             we try. r                                       Cleopatra and her son Caesarion at Dendera Temple (ca. 52 – 31
of power on behalf of their fathers and                                                             B.C.E.) (public domain)
husbands and brothers. Ivanka Trump has
an (informal) position in the White House
as an infuencer of her father, President
Trump, but that authority comes from her
unthreatening role as a daughter. When
a woman does directly challenge the                 Though a high number of women in positions of power is often
privilege of a man, she faces the possibility       seen as a marker of progress in governments and corporations,
of threats like the ones experienced by
Christine Blasey Ford. And there is perhaps
                                                    history shows that what matters is not how many women rise to
no better symbol for this dynamic than                       that level, but what they do once they get there.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, whose power
was derived from speaking on behalf of a
man (perhaps a reason why this particular
woman makes so many other women so
very angry).

                                                                                                                                                         FALL 2020 | 27
    APPLE                      COACH

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30 | ciMagazine

                                  HOBBY TO HERO:
                                  How I Built A Career From Scratch
If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering how someone could build a profession by
playing video games.You may have a child, a friend, or a relative who adores gaming or at the
very least, you may know someone you believe plays way too many video games.The modern
generalization we all hear is that video games have a negative impact on gamers’ lives, but that’s
simply not true.Tons of opportunities exist within the gaming world, and I’d like to share with you
my story of earning a formal education at DMACC and the University of Iowa and applying it to
create an unconventional job.

                                                                                        FALL 2020 | 31

Before we get into the how-do-you-               ‘90s to modern-day Xbox, PlayStation, and      and YouTube would serve ads over that
make-money-playing-games spiel, I’d              PC games. If I enjoyed playing it, I wanted    content and give the creators a portion of

                                                                                                                                             TWO YEARS
like to frst give you some context. I grew       to be the best I could be. That led to a lot   the money.
up in Iowa and always had a fascination          of game time, though.
with technology. I enjoyed the outdoors,                                                        Only a very small number of creators
spending time fshing, catching minnows           My parents didn’t see me playing games         generated enough trafc to make a living
down in the creek, and playing hide-and-         as much as I did as a good thing, which        solely from ad revenue, so everyone
seek outside on warm summer nights. I            probably isn’t a big surprise. There really    was trying to think of additional ways to
was involved in some sports, I terrorized        wasn’t any precedent for people making a       monetize content. Fast forward a decade.
my younger brother, and I liked watching         living through video games. It wasn’t even     By 2019–2020, gaming entertainment has
TV on Saturday mornings. I had played            on the radar until people began uploading      blown up and continues to grow. It’s one
some video games at friends’ houses              video game footage of their exploits on        of the largest genres of entertainment
before because I didn’t own any consoles         YouTube. Some of these earlier clips might     in the world coming from live-streamed
myself, but my parents were nice enough          have captured a cool highlight, presented a    content on or prerecorded/edited
to notice my interest in them and grace me       how-to video, or mimicked TV sports with       content on YouTube. Tons of websites have
with a Nintendo 64 for Christmas in the          commentary over simple footage. After a        cropped up that help creators of all types
late ‘90s. I was able to compete against         few years of gamers creating content on        generate additional revenue. These could
my dad, brother, neighbors and friends           YouTube and growing their channels, they       be competitors that promise better deals
in whatever games we had, and that               were able to generate revenue from it. It      than platforms like YouTube or Twitch
competitive streak is what got me hooked.        became a mutual relationship between           and ofer signing bonuses, or sites like
Because of this, it’s fair to say I grew up      creators and YouTube where the creators        Patreon that are essentially crowdfunding
with video games, from the N64 in the            would provide content for people to watch,     for creators. Additionally, platforms

32 | ciMagazine

                         Now at the DMACC West Des Moines Campus.
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  program, you will create your own
  characters, personify objects, generate   DMACC’s Animation program teaches three main
                                            animation software packages: Autodesk 3D Studio Max,
  dynamic motion graphics and more.         Autodesk Maya and Maxon Cinema 4D.
  Apply the Principles of Animation to
                                            The Adobe Creative Suite is also used to create and
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                           FINISH YOUR AAS DEGREE IN TWO YEARS!


A33 | ciLive! Magazine
themselves have looked to other places           like to make funny videos or share wacky        having some fun, a kind of little pet project.
to help creators monetize their content.         highlights. Those are a perfect example of      Have you ever planted a few seeds in a
A model was created that allows fans to          Entertainment videos. They don’t require        small pot of soil, then water it and leave it
subscribe to content for a small monthly         any necessary skill; they just need to          on the window sill? That’s basically how
fee and take advantage of extra benefts          entertain the viewers. Some people like to      I treated YouTube. I created some videos
over normal users. The creator would             model high-level gameplay—crazy tactics,        on a consistent basis that people enjoyed,
then receive a portion of the funds from         insane plays, amazing shots, you get the        and the channel grew slowly over time.
those subscriptions. These extra forms           point. That’d be classifed under the Skill      During that time, though, I went to school
of monetization helped make full-time            category. Finally, Informative videos are       and looked toward the future, which I had
content creation a reality for many mid-         basically the “how-tos” of gaming. How to       no expectation would be what it is now. I
sized creators. Now we can move to the           beat a certain boss or level, how to fnd this   fgured I’d keep content-creation as a hobby
real story.                                      secret Easter egg. You don’t have to pick a     and work toward a career within gaming,
                                                 certain type of content to create— plenty       like development. I decided the smart
I grew up surrounded by technology. Not          of people mix categories—but usually            decision would be to attend a community
only has my generation grown up with the         you’ll be known for one style of content.       college at DMACC West Campus and
Internet, but my dad also worked in the tech                                                     complete my core classes, then transfer to
industry. I had access to computers and          As I played games online and tried to hone      the University of Iowa for my bachelor’s
gaming consoles from a young age. They           my skills, I started looking up videos on       degree. Again, I had absolutely no
were fun to play with friends and I enjoyed      how to improve myself. I’d watch top-level      expectation that being able to play games
them, but my gaming never became a               players to fnd some tip or trick I could try    and create content around them could be a
serious career until games met the Internet.     to implement in my gameplay or build of         career choice for me. In my head, educating
Online play was what sucked me in more           of to create something new. The more I          myself on things I was interested in was a
than anything. Being the best player among       watched, the more I became convinced            good way to improve and raise my odds of
your group of friends is one thing, but          that I was as good as some of the people        fnding a career in those interests. School
when you start getting stacked against           in these videos and in some cases, better. I    was the obvious decision.
other good players around the world, you         fgured if they could do this, why couldn’t
start to see where your skills are lacking.      I? I tried to record footage, add a voiceover   I took two years of classes at the DMACC
Plus I absolutely hated losing. If there was     explaining what I was doing, and upload         West Campus and even held a gaming
something I found enjoyable, I wanted to         what I would consider high-tier gameplay.       event there for a couple of days one year.
win while doing it. If I was going fshing, I     If future me could tell past me anything,       Students could come and play games in
wanted to catch the most and the biggest         it would be that just because you’re a          the main atrium while on break between
fsh. If I was playing any type of game or        good player doesn’t mean you can make           classes. Here’s where things get tricky.
sport, I’d do everything I could to get my       entertaining videos. It’s rare to have both     Before my last semester at the DMACC
team the win. I became very good at the          of these talents. I was a pretty good player,   West Campus, I was on summer break
games I was playing due to that drive to         but I royally sucked at editing and creating    and landed an internship at, now
win and my exposure to better and better         gameplay fun to watch. I spent years  , the largest gaming streaming
players in online matches. These obsessions      learning and improving, and there’s still       platform in the world. I was able to get
played a major role in making my career as a     room for improvement today. If you listen       hands-on experience at a company
professional gamer successful.                   to my frst video, though, which is still on     focused on gaming content creation.
                                                 YouTube, the diference between then and         I had sporadically produced videos, but I’d
Let me backtrack for one quick moment:           now is pretty apparent.                         never really known I could also livestream
you don’t have to be good at a game to                                                           gameplay. It opened up an entirely new
make a living playing it. It doesn’t hurt, but   Obviously, you can’t just start making          world of content creation to me. I couldn’t
it isn’t required. When it comes to gaming-      videos and then, boom!, you’re a full-          focus on making content nearly as much,
related content, people prefer three main        time creator. Your growth needs to be           though, since I was working full-time. It
categories—Entertainment, Skill and              sustainable. I made videos as a hobby           was a paid position, which was cool, but I
Informative. You can choose what type            while I worked and went to school. It was a     had to fy from Iowa to San Francisco on a
of creator you’d like to be. Some people         way to express some creativity while also       week’s notice and start helping them build

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