River ACE Urbanised River Rehabilitation through Public Participation
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Amenities River ACE Community Economy Urbanised River Rehabilitation through Public Participation MSO Conference 2021 Sustainable Solutions for Stormwater Management 4 October 2021 Prepared & Presented by Mansor Ghani (019-283 7764) Deputy President, Friends of Klang River Basin (FoKRB) 2
Contents Background on River Pollution Our Future that We Want Legislation & Status FoRM Approach & Activities Conclusion 3
Water Pollution Around 8 million tons of plastic bottles, bags, toys and other plastic rubbish ends up in the world’s oceans each year. That includes a significant quantity 4 from Malaysia
Solid Waste Pollution Similar incidences are still rampant throughout the country. Some of the solid waste finds its way into our rivers. 5
Riverine Condition Example: Sg. Buloh, Selangor Natural section 0 km Ruralised section 17 km Urbanised section 40 km 8 70% of Sg. Buloh is urbanised. (Source: LUAS study, 2020)
Outfall Risk – Sg. Buloh, Selangor Outfall risk assessment Low 15 Medium 8 High 32 Very high 22 80% of Sg. Buloh outfalls are polluting. (Source: LUAS study, 2020) 9
River Water Quality – Sg. Buloh, Selangor River WQ Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Sampling on 3~5.10~13, 17 March 2020 [Dry day] Source: LUAS study, 2020 10
Highlights: Sullage issue Awareness on the destructive effect of sullage to our rivers MUST be propagated to the public & government. 11
Highlights: Sullage issue Greywater/Sullage Discharge Sullage discharge into drain from extended kitchen. 12
Highlights: Sullage issue Two separate systems: systems: Rainwater & Sewerage Two separate RainwaterTwo & Sewerage separate tasks: Stormwater Drainage & Wastewater Conveyance Two separate tasks: 13
Pollutant Loads, Sg Langat > Based on Sg.Langat study for 2005 & 2006, sullage contributed the highest BOD, Ammonia, TSS in a dry year. > For a wet year, IST produced highest BOD & TSS; STP produced highest ammonia. 14 Source: IWK Report
Pollution Loads of Municipal Wastewater > Proportion of pollution parameters between Black water and Grey water (Sullage). > BOD5 and COD in Grey water have a higher proportion as compared to Black water. 15 Source: IWK Report
Governance w.r.t. River Pollution Enforcement Agency Operating Agency Activity/Pollutant LUAS SWCORP JAS PBT SPAN [LUAS 1999] [SWPCMA [EQA 1974] [SDBA 1974] [WSIA 2006] PKPPB 2012 2007] Land development (MASMA, ESCP) =>50 Ha 50 m3/day 5 IWK, Majaari, Private Desludging/Septage S.64 6 Jabatan Hutan Logging S.79 7 Jabatan Pertanian Land clearing, replanting S.79 8 MPOB Oil palm planting S.79 9 RISDA Rubber planting S.79 10 Jabatan Veterinar Animal rearing Animals =>250 [Enakmen unggas & Birds =>20,000 babi] Pig =>1 11 Jab. Perikanan Aquaculture Fish =>50 Ha Prawn =>10 Ha 12 JPS/Pej. Tanah Sand mining S.79 13 All users General pollution S.25 S.79 18 Any pollutants
Governance w.r.t. River Pollution Observations for Better River Pollution Control • Streamlining enforcement on sullage – LUAS/BKSA, SPAN, IWK, PBT, JAS. • PBT to enforce illegal trade sullage discharge. • SPAN to enforce illegal sanitary piping alteration – kitchen & washing machine. • Gross Pollutant Traps by JPS (RoL WPKL). What about the rest? SDBA Section 54 requires Local Authorities to clean drains, etc. • Needs transparent public reporting & action taken by regulators through e-Aduan. • Self-sustaining river surveillance system at hotspots by river operators. • Consider river patrolling using e.g. small hovercraft. • River monitoring through public empowerment. 19
Mind Map – Crowdsourcing & Crowdfunding OBJECTIVES > NGO initiatives to promote MEMBERS awareness > NGO > Proactive to quality of River TARGETS > Professionals > Organise activities, baseline data, > 2025: Swimmable photos, knowledge-base > Govt personnel > 2030: Among the Cleanest > Eco lovers rivers in Malaysia > Students > Others COMMUNICATION >Facebook >WhatsApp MODUS OPERANDI > Less talk > More tangible outcomes OUTCOMES FUNDING > Project-based > Public participation > Public donation committees > River trails > Gifts in kind > Less structured > CSR contribution > River parks > Off-river ponds > Grants > Low turbidity water > Low pollution load 20
education > eduAction 22
River ACE by GReduAction GR: Gotong Royong eduAction: Education thru’ Action By Mansor Ghani (2019) ● River Amenities ✓ River trail – cycling, jogging, walking ✓ River park – picnic, socialising ✓ River garden – community building, health, education ✓ No-pollution café ● River Community ✓ NGO, CSO, CBO, Local Communities ✓ Government servants ✓ Professionals ✓ Eco lovers ✓ Students, others ● River Economy ✓ Water security – water supply, irrigation ✓ Tourism – recreational ✓ Property value appreciation ✓ Circular economic activities – e.g. non-food bio-starch products, composting ✓ Nature-based activities – e.g. bird watching, wild life photography ● Clean water quality ● Less gross pollutants (rubbish/trash) ● Low cost, high engagement, high impact 23
Activities Plogging Weeding Grass-cutting Trail maintenance Trail construction Tree planting Urban gardening Picnic Socialising 24
Public Participation Transformation 25
Friends of Langat River Started Feb 2017 27
Friends of Langat River [Feb 2017] Weekly call for community work March 2017 Families come to enjoy Langat Trail Prof Othman Karim UKM First meeting at Zaini Ujang’s house 28
Friends of Langat River 29
Friends of Sg Klang started 28 July 2018 Friends of Sungai Klang 165 weeks done 18 Sept 2021 30
Friends of Sungai Klang 31
Friends of Sungai Klang – River Park@Melawati 32
Friends of Sungai Klang @Melawati 33
Friends of Sungai Klang @Melawati THE IMMEDIATE PLAN ➢ Existing trail 1.08 km ➢ Proposed trail 2.6 km ➢ Done trail 0.1 km 34
Friends of Klang River Basin THE LONG TERM PLAN Proposed trail 88 km along Sg. Klang 35
Friends of Klang River Basin (60 groups: 40 Selangor + 20 WPKL) 36
Friends of Klang River Basin – Urban Garden@Kerinchi Sg Klang 37
Friends of Sungai Batu – Launching by YAB MB Selangor 23 Mac 2019 38
Friends of Sungai Klang Launching River 3/ACE by YB Zuraida Kamaruddin Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, 3 Ogos 2019 39
Friends of Sungai Pusu@UIA Gombak Inaugeral GReduAction , 16 Mar 2019 40
Friends of Sungai Klang@MidValley KL Inaugeral GReduAction , 31 Mar 2019 41
Friends of Sungai Rangkap@Setia Eco Templer Inaugeral GReduAction , 16 Sept 2019 42
Friends of Sungai Selaru@Desa Anggerik, Serendah Inaugeral GReduAction , 29 Sept 2019 Mula… Kini… 43
Jawatankuasa Pelaksana Pemuliharaan Sungai-Sungai di Negeri Selangor • 1st state in Malaysia institutionalising river rehabilitation program. • Inaugeral meeting 10 April 2019. • Chairman: YB Ir. Izham Hashim, EXCO JK Tetap Infrastruktur. • Members: UPEN, JAS, JPS, J.Hutan, P.Daerah, PBT, GLC Senggara Sungai, IWK, NGOs. • THE IMMEDIATE PLAN ➢ Terms of Reference ➢ Proposals 44
FoRM State Chapters & Collaboration IWK Friends of Rivers 21 sites in P.Malaysia FoR Kedah • FoR P.Pinang FoR Perak FoR Selangor FoR N.Sembilan FoR Melaka FoR Johor FoR Pahang FoR Terengganu FoR Kelantan 45
Proposed River Trails & Parks – Sg. Buloh, S’gor 46
Outcomes • Sustainable development • Clean ecosystem • Green growth • PEACE & HAPPINESS 47
Outcomes • Sustainable development • Clean ecosystem • Green growth • PEACE & HAPPINESS 48
Public Awareness Implementation Methodology ✓ Choose location – urbanised and ruralised rivers ✓ Create committed core team ✓ Create Whatsapp public group ✓ Invite CSR for river rehabilitation program ✓ Continuous program, minimum weekly ✓ Visit established sites ✓ Utilise program RIVER ACE for activities ✓ Provide store (cabin) ✓ Provide tools ✓ Invite schools to have environment or PE lessons utilising river trails 49
Conclusion • Clearing rubbish in rivers and oceans and treating water pollution are ONLY dealing with the symptoms. The real problem is with US, our bad habits. • River pollution control is everyone’s responsibility. Read Japanese DNA. • Public awareness on river rehabilitation needs to be propagated. • Applying RIVER ACE through GReduAction is an effective methodology. • Public and government need to work together. • Getting people to the rivers and utilising the space by having access i.e. river trails and river parks are most important. “Knowledge is a rumour until it lives in your body” – LET’S DO IT! 50
Reference of Related Laws 51
Governance w.r.t. River Pollution Enforcement Agency Operating Agency Activity/Pollutant LUAS SWCORP JAS PBT SPAN [LUAS 1999] [SWPCMA [EQA 1974] [SDBA 1974] [WSIA 2006] PKPPB 2012 2007] Land development (MASMA, ESCP) =>50 Ha 50 m3/day 5 IWK, Majaari, Private Desludging/Septage S.64 6 Jabatan Hutan Logging S.79 7 Jabatan Pertanian Land clearing, replanting S.79 8 MPOB Oil palm planting S.79 9 RISDA Rubber planting S.79 10 Jabatan Veterinar Animal rearing Animals =>250 [Enakmen unggas & Birds =>20,000 babi] Pig =>1 11 Jab. Perikanan Aquaculture Fish =>50 Ha Prawn =>10 Ha 12 JPS/Pej. Tanah Sand mining S.79 13 All users General pollution S.25 S.79 52 Any pollutants
EQA S.24 53
EQA S.25 54
LUAS S.79 55
LUAS PKPBP 1st Schedule 56
LUAS PKPBP 2nd Schedule WQI Class 2 Standard (mg/l) Ammoniacal Nitrogen 0.3 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 3 Chemical Oxygen Demand 25 Dissolved Oxygen 5–7 Total Suspended Solid 50 57
LUAS PKPBP 3rd Schedule 58
SDBA S.44 59
SDBA S.54 60
SDBA S.55 61
SDBA S.70A 62
WSIA S.45 63
WSIA S.59 64
WSIA S.64 65
SWPCM S.71 66
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