RIPPLES - March 2017 - The Parish Magazine of CULMINGTON, ONIBURY BROMFIELD and STANTON LACY - Culmington Parish Council

Page created by Danielle Lee
RIPPLES - March 2017 - The Parish Magazine of CULMINGTON, ONIBURY BROMFIELD and STANTON LACY - Culmington Parish Council
               The Parish Magazine of

Bright yellow drifts of yellow daffodils bring Spring to Stokesay Court

                  March 2017
RIPPLES - March 2017 - The Parish Magazine of CULMINGTON, ONIBURY BROMFIELD and STANTON LACY - Culmington Parish Council
The Parishes of Culmington, Onibury, Bromfield and Stanton Lacy are part of the
Northern Group of Parishes. Enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
may be made to :-
Grace Johnson, Northern Group Administrator, Westwinds, Gravel Hill, Ludlow,
SY8 1QU - Office opening hours Monday and Wednesday 9.30-12.30 Tel. 07493

BELL RINGERS                   1st & 4th Mondays at Bromfield Tower       7.30 pm
                               Fridays at the Stanton Lacy Tower          7.30 pm

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE              2nd Tuesday at Westhope Village Hall       7.30 pm
                               2nd Thurs. at Stanton Lacy Village Hall    7.30 pm
HONEYSUCKLE CLUB               1st Tuesday at Onibury Village Hall        2.00 pm
                               Contact : Rose Haran 01746 787 449
CLOVER CLUB                    1st Thursday at Westhope Village Hall      7.30 pm
                               March-Dec. Mrs. M.Hall 01584 861282
PLAYGROUPS                     Little Lambs Onny School Friday am          856320
                               Corvedale Centre for Children               841707

CULMINGTON HALL                Bookings taken by John Lakey                861254
DIDDLEBURY HALL                Bookings taken by Sally Woodhouse           841265
ONIBURY HALL                   Bookings taken by Marion Jones              856350
STANTON LACY                   Bookings taken by Elaine Lloyd              823357
Onny C of E Primary School &   Penny Knight                        01584 856320
Little Pippins Nursery Class
Corvedale C of E Primary       Jonathon Brough                           841630
Ludlow C of E Secondary        Mr. Philip Poulton                  01584 872691

Articles, News Items, Comments etc. for inclusion in RIPPLES to:
                              Mr Jeff Williams
         Seifton Court, Seifton Lane, Culmington, Ludlow SY8 2DG
                             Tel : 01584 861849

RIPPLES - March 2017 - The Parish Magazine of CULMINGTON, ONIBURY BROMFIELD and STANTON LACY - Culmington Parish Council
The Parishes of Culmington
                                                      Onibury, Bromfield
                                                        and Stanton Lacy

                                                  MARCH 2017

Letter from Bishop Alistair Magowan
The New Year is well and truly progressing. As February, the shortest
month of the year passes we enter Lent. Lent and consequently Easter are
late this year. Speak of Lent to many people and the first thing they may
well ask is: What are you giving up? The thought in many people's mind is
that this is a season of self-denial and austerity; a self-imposed time of
strict rigour and hardship. As Lent focuses and draws inspiration from
Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the wilderness there is some basis for the
question and for that assumption. Discipline and self-denial are tried and
tested Lenten practices. What is less often asked is why do any of it and
what is the real purpose of any action we might choose to take?

The danger with focusing on giving up things or embracing a self-denying
pattern is that the actions themselves can become the end rather that a
means to something better. Simply focusing on giving up things sounds
rather negative and perhaps sets us up in a way that makes failure
inevitable. Inversely if we manage to stick to the disciplines and succeed
when others fail the whole thing can become self justifying and self
congratulatory. Neither of these extremes can be deemed as doing us

How then can we make the best of Lent? The gospels record that Jesus
returned from the wilderness full of the Holy Spirit and empowered for
service. It was for him therefore a time and place for growth and renewal.
It was a time that at its core was positive. It was about becoming
equipped and ready to be more effective. If that becomes our aim also
then the questions of what we do or don't do have a context and purpose
bigger than the actions themselves. In a previous diocese we always
encouraged each other to make the reading of a book as a companion a

part of how we travelled through the season. Joining a lent group and Bible
study is another way of using Lent positively. There are many good books
and courses from which to choose. This year Tom Wright has produced a
book that takes the reader through the lectionary readings in Matthew's
gospel. Come Holy Week and Stephen Cottrell has a book entitled 'The
Things He Did.' Whatever you choose think about spiritual growth and
make Lent positive.

   Fairtrade Fortnight 27th February - 12th March. Please
   always buy some Fairtrade products. Events organised
          by Ludlow Fairtrade Town Group include:
      Sat 4th March 7.30pm Ludlow Methodist Church
 ‘Designs on the Roof of the World’ Conversation & Illustrated Talk,
 Chris Evans. (Chris has been working in sustainable farming with
 local people in Nepal and now farmers have begun to sell cotton on
 a fairtrade basis.)
      Sat 11 March 10am-4pm, Ludlow Mascall Centre
 Traidcraft Spring Fair Big Brew.
 Support The Traidcraft Big Brew Let it Grow Appeal as part of the
 Spring Fair, view the 2017 new spring products and buy some Fair
 Trade gifts, foods and greetings cards.

                             Craven Arms
   Thinking about Volunteering?? Need advice?? Call in for a chat at our
                       Volunteer Drop In Session!
     Tuesdays 28th Feb, 28th March, 25th April, 30th May, 27th June
                               And 25th July

           All sessions from 10am to Noon

                Saturday 11th March 10am-12noon
                 The Forbury Chapel, Leominster
  A free training session for anyone working with children or young
   people at church, whether paid or voluntary to learn more about
  working with and supporting children who are fostered or adopted.
  Home For Good are a National Charity providing training to help
   churches understand and support adoptive and foster families.
       To book a place contact Kathy Bland 01568 610785

The Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parochial Church meeting will take

The Electoral Roll is now open for revision. The application forms are on
the font at the back of the church. If you know of anyone who would like
to be enrolled please let them know. These forms will be available up to 5
April and should be returned to Val Hardwick, Electoral Roll Officer at
Sparchford Cottage, Culmington SY8 2DE

Churchwardens, Deanery Synod representatives and members of the PCC
are elected for one year only. Nomination forms for these posts will be
available at the back of the church on 29th March until the 9th April for you
to nominate a person of your choice.

The PCC hopes many parishioners will attend and the Annual Parish
Meeting is open to all residents in the parish of Culmington.
Thank you.

     Culmington Village Hall
        Saturday 29th April 2017
            7.00 p.m. for 7.30 p.m.
Admission £8 per person to include ploughman's
 Booking essential – to reserve your place please ring
    Carol Byng on 01584 861681 or e-mail
  Proceeds to All Saints Church, Culmington.


Lunch Club
Looking forward to seeing everyone March 7th - 12.30 Onibury Village Hall.

Onibury Original Charity Quiz Nights at The Apple Tree, Onibury
Thursday 2nd March - 7.30
There is also the chance to have a go at our 'Open The Box' competition,
where cash is up for grabs! This month's £10 has been donated by M Jones
Plumbing and Heating.
All money raised will be donated to The Lunch Club, Onibury.

Thursday 30th March - 7.30
There is also the chance to have a go at our 'Open The Box' competition,
where cash is up for grabs! This month's £10 has been donated by the
Honeysuckle Club.
All money raised will be donated to CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young).

Come and join us for a fantastic monthly quiz night at The Apple Tree,
Onibury. £5 per team, no more than 4 per team, which includes a bite to
eat, kindly provided by The Apple Tree!
All money raised is donated to both local and national charities. We are
looking for an individual or business that would kindly donate the £10 prize
money for open the box game for July. If you can help please contact Lisa,
either using the number below or

Onibury Honeysuckle Club
On 7th February the Honeysuckle Club held their first meeting of 2017.
Thirty eight members attended. Jane Pugh the singing florist was the guest
speaker for the afternoon, giving an excellent flower arranging
demonstration. As she worked Jane entertained members with her beautiful
singing voice. Jane also kindly donated three flower arrangements to the
room draw.

The next meeting will be on March 7th after the luncheon club, 2pm-4pm.
New members and friends are always welcome. Please contact Rose - 01746
787449 or Jean - 01584 874673.

Village Hall
The AGM of Onibury Village Hall will take place on TUESDAY 7TH MARCH
2017 starting at 7.30 pm. The Committee is made up of local people, but
there are opportunities for new members to make a difference to the Hall's
activities. The younger and middle aged groups are under-represented.
Please come along.

Onibury Parish Web Site.
You can now access Onibury Parish Web Site on

Prize Bingo
Prize Bingo in Onibury Village Hall on Tuesday March 14th, Eyes down 7.30

Easter Lillies
If anyone would like to donate the cost of a lily (or 2 or 3) in memory of a
loved one to decorate St Michaels, Onibury at Easter.
Please contact Rosemary on 856351.

Treasurer for Onibury Parochial Church Council
Onibury PCC is looking for a Treasurer to replace Joe Roberts who has
stepped down. Do you want to use skills from your financial background? Or
expand your financial experience for your CV?

The Treasurer will need to have reasonable accounting and computing skills,
to provide income and expenditure details to the PCC meetings 4 times a
year. Responsibilities will include banking monies, preparing a basic annual
financial report, completing HMRC online submission annually, attending
occasional ad hoc meetings locally. This is a Voluntary Position

Please email or ring 01588 – 674792 for an informal
chat. Closing date 31st March 2017

Onibury PC
The date of the next Onibury P.C. meeting it is 1st March 2017 at 7.00pm in
the Village Hall.

Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 4th November 2016 at 7.00pm at
Village Hall

Cllrs. Present: Mrs. J. Owen, R. Jeavons, T.Mantle, R.Breakwell, Mrs. R.
Hughes.Ms. C. Magnus
Declarations of interest: Cllr. Mantle declared an interest in item 6. Village
Hall. Cllr. Ms. Magnus and Cllr Mrs. Owen declared an interest also in item
6 Church donation.
Matters Arising: a). Cllrs. Breakwell and Jeavons reported on a meeting
with SSHA re wild meadow area at Onny Fields.           b). Cllr. Mantle had
seen the proprietor of The Apple Tree regarding parking he said he was
monitoring the situation.
Financial Matters: Cheques raised a). S.V. Jeavons Clerks salary
September and October 2016 - £263.34. b). Npower - energy for street
lights - £51.64. c). Mazars - Audit £30.00 d). Shropshire Council -
Housing Grant money for school project - £ 10,000.00. e). Village Hall -
Housing Grant money for new heating £5,000.00. Request for yearly
donation to Church for maintenance of graveyard. The request was for
£1,000.00 per year. After some discussion Cllr. Mrs. Hughes proposed the
P.C. donate £300.00 towards 2016 maintenance this was seconded by Cllr.
Jeavons. The P.C. agreed to this proposal . The raising of the Precept to
donate in future years be deferred to the January 2017 P.C. meeting , with
accounts to be provided by the Church.
Correspondence: Shropshire Hills re: Independant Conservation Board.
Cllr Mantle proposed and Cllr Jeavons seconded that the P.C. support this
project. This was agreed.
Planning Applications: Letter from David Francis thanking P.C. for their
support for the affordable home in Green Lane. Community led Housing
Grant update. Grants have now been paid to School and Village Hall for
their projects, leaving £3,000.00 still to be allocated. The next preference
on the original list was Flood Lighting for Church, this to be raised at next
PCC meeting of the Church.
A49 Trunk Road: Clerk had emailed H.E. about the 40mph signs.
Parish Matters: It was reported that the school sign in Norton Lane was
not visible due to hedge. Meeting closed 7.45pm.


Whist Drives
Meetings start at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. Next is March 13th and 27th.
All welcome. New Volunteers are needed for the Rota to make Tea/coffee
for the Culmington Whist Drive.
If you have a spare hour on a Monday evening just two or three times a
year then please contact Valerie on 01584 861300 for more details

Lunch Club
2017 dates are as follows:- March 16th, April 20th, May 18th, June 15th,
October 19th, November 16th, December 14th.
To book ring Gwyn Edwards on 01584 861666.

Culmington Drop in Coffee Mornings
Coffee mornings will take place on Tuesdays. Everyone very welcome.
Money raised goes towards church funds and the Village Hall.

Culmington Parish Website -
Inputs and comments to the editors Jeff Williams or Jayne Disley.

Culmington Parish Council Meeting
Members of the public are invited to attend an ordinary meeting of
Culmington Parish Council at Culmington Village Hall on Tuesday 7th March
2017 at 7.00 pm. Prior to the start of the meeting the public are invited to
raise matters of interest with their Parish Councillors

Ordinary Meeting of Culmington Parish Council held TUESDAY 3rd January
2017 at Culmington Village Hall at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllr’s Byng, Alderson, Steele, Hardy, Edwards, Pike, Cllr Motley,
(Shropshire Council), Mrs J Disley, Clerk, Mr Jubb.
Apologies: Cllr’s Cawley, Norton, Turley.
Minutes: Minutes from the 6th December 2016 meeting approved.
Reports from Members: Cllr Motley advised the Parish Council to respond
to the consultation of the Local Plan when published and emphasised the
importance of being part of Shropshire Councils ‘big conversation’ to

ensure rural perspectives are fed into the process. The fight continues for
funds from government for Adult and Social Care and the Town and Parish
Forum was proving a constructive meeting with relevant speakers.
Correspondence: Twenty one items considered and dealt with, including
1. Shropshire Council – The Big Conversation update
2. Shropshire Council- Council tax referendum principles have not been
extended to parish councils
3. Shropshire Council – Parish and Town Council Strategic Freight Study –
Marches LEP – Cllr Byng to complete
4. Shropshire Council – Shropshire Bus Strategy – Cllr Pike to complete
5. Western Power – Register for Severe Weather Bulletins/Power Cut
information 105 service
Cheques Requested: Culmington Village Hall Rent for 2016 - £150 J Disley
(Clerk) Salary £425.00 (Oct, Nov, Dec 16)
Finance: Current Account Balance £8,700.68. K Ulyatt - £220.62 chq paid
6.12.16. Budgets for 2017/18 considered. Precept for 2017/18 discussed.
Cllr’s resolved that a Precept of £3,433.00 be applied for, a rise of £500 to
partially cover possible Election costs due to be incurred in 2017.
Clerks hourly rate to increase from £8.17 to £8.87 from April 2017
Highway Maintenance: Ongoing discussion with relevant agencies
regarding speeding traffic and extending double white lines. Keith Ulyatt
complimented on the good work undertaken at Burley and repairing the Bus
Seifton Batch: Cllr Steele reported a meeting is still due to be arranged with
Severn Trent.
Flood Action Group Update: ‘slow the flow’ update expected soon from
Helen Campbell
Items of Interest for the next meeting; A spate of burglaries reported at
local farms.
Full Minutes available upon request from Jayne Disley, Clerk/RFO -
(01584) 861 387
Email:, or online at

Flood Action Group:- Next Meeting is Thursday 16th March 7.30pm at the
Village Hall. Everyone welcome.


Would you like to influence the decisions taken about your local area? If so,
maybe you could be a parish councillor and May 2017 will give you the
chance to do so because every parish council in Shropshire will hold a local
election. Culmington Parish Council, covering the communities of
Culmington, Seifton, Burley and Vernolds Common invites anyone with an
interest in getting involved to consider becoming a councillor.
What do we do? Well, we are consulted formally on all planning applications
in (or affecting) the parish, giving us the opportunity to bring important
material concerns to the attention of the planning authority. We are
responsible for undertaking minor highway repairs and help to maintain the
local environment throughout the parish and maintain a range of local
assets such as the bus shelter and Parish noticeboard. Beyond this, we liaise
closely with other agencies to achieve improve roads and maintain speed
restrictions. How much time will it involve? The council normally meets just
11 times a year at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of each month except
August. Meetings are held in the Culmington Village Hall.
How do you qualify? You need to be 18 or over on Thursday 4th May 2017
and meet one or more other conditions which include being registered to
vote in Culmington parish ; owning or renting property in the parish; having
your main place of work in the parish or living within 3 miles of the parish
Want to know more? Come along to a parish council meeting or, feel free to
contact the Chairman, Carol Byng (01584 861681, )
or our Clerk, Jayne Disley(01584 861387 or any
other parish councillor, to chat about the opportunities. Parish Councillor
details are on our website along with other information
about our work. At least 3 of the existing Parish councillors are standing
down at the election so new candidates are urgently needed to come
Culmington - Money raised for Alzheimer's Research
Thank you to everyone who supported the recent fund raising in Culmington
for Alzheimer's Research UK. We raised £165 at a quiz in the Village Hall last
November and £110 from carol singing around the village in December.
Everyone's efforts are much appreciated. Another quiz is planned for later
this year. Watch this space!

             Culmington Village Hall
            Sunday 9th April 3.00 p.m.
Come and enjoy a cup of tea and a natter about the
  Corvedale and its history. Meet friends old and
             new to share memories.


Just Sew & Knit Group
It was lovely to see everyone again, on a sunny spring afternoon, after our
new year break. We were eager to see what everyone had been making
over the last couple of months and were not disappointed with jumpers,
premature baby clothes and twiddlemuffs on show. We had all brought
knitting or patchwork to keep us busy for the afternoon although one
members struggle with two tangled balls of wool did cause a great deal of
laughter, it all got sorted out in the end! Our next meetings will be on 13th
and 27th March from 2-4pm at The Glebe, Bromfield. Call Brenda on 01584
856260 for more information.                                      Joy Williams

                  ST MARY'S, BROMFIELD
                      LENTEN LUNCH
                    WEDNESDAY 12th APRIL
                              12PM - 2PM
                            TO BE HELD AT
                   Donations for Hope House

STANTON LACY                                    Private carer with
                                               NVQ Level 2 has time
PCC Meeting
The Annual Parishioners Meeting for St          slots available at the
Peters Church, Stanton Lacy, will take                moment.
place on Tuesday 28th March in the
church beginning at 7.30pm.
                                                Light duties: Bathing:
PCC Stanton Lacy Hundred Club                Shopping: Personal Hygiene:
Results of February draw:                      Please call to discuss on
First Prize        £50    20                       07773989444.
Second Prize       £30    30
Third Prize        £20    23
Contact: Richard Stayner, 5 Bell Lane, Ludlow SY8 1BN Tel: 01584 877 608 Mob: 07802 276 386

STANTON LACY PARISH COUNCIL - Draft Minutes 19th January 2017
Present: Cllrs M Finch (Chairman), L Brown, P Cowles, S Hewson, P Parker, P
In attendance:      H Coonick (Clerk), Cllr Cecilia Motley (Shropshire Council)
1.Apologies:E Gatehouse, R Gatehouse, and , P Jones.
2.Declarations of Interests:      Cllr L Brown Item 5a.
3.Previous Minutes: Approval of minutes for the meeting on 3rd November,
2016. Proposed by Cllr L Brown, seconded by Cllr Cowles. Signed by the
Chairman Cllr Finch.
4.Matters Arising: a) Footpaths and Bridleways: i) Naming of footpath after
William C Williams VC. There were no objections to this proposal. b)
Highways: i) all agreed for the letter for emergency service to be available
for download on the website ii) Highways have agreed to erect a new sign at
the racecourse turn. Iii) Highways have been informed of the poor road
surface on chapel bank iv) The clerk and Lengthsman inspected the banks on
Titterhill and found no issues. c) Minor Highways Grant – footpath problems
would be reported to Outdoor Partnerships as normal but if complaints
were received which needed immediate action the Lengthsman could be
asked to deal with it. d) Community: i) Defibrillator (First Aid in the
Community or FAC) A cheque for £1050 had been received from the Village
Hall for FAC. It comprised of £270 from the Summer Dance draws for 2015

and 2016, £480 from quizzes in March and October 2016 and a £300
donation from the village hall. In addition the Parish Council have set aside
£300 and promises have been received from both Downton Hall (£300) and
Plymouth Estates (£500). It was agreed to set up a working party for FAC.
Clerk to convene. The councillors were supportive of three defibs being
purchased over the coming 2 years to be positioned at the Village Hall, Top
of the Hope and Stanton Lacy Village. The clerk has made an application to
the British Heart Foundation for funding. It was agreed for the working party
to purchase and install a defibrillator for the Village Hall with the budget of
£1350 . Proposed by Cllr Hewson and seconded by Cllr Brown. ii) Broadband
– Cllr Finch reported that SWS are due to start work on a mast at Wheathill
that may benefit the East part of the parish in the coming months. e)
Transparency: The clerk will apply for funding for this financial year and will
invoice those who have advertised their businesses on the website. f) Parish
Plan: - George Thomas’s draft was discussed and Cllr Cecilia Motley agreed to
discuss it with Lisa Bedford. g) Meeting Dates for 2017: Meetings will be on
the third Thursday bi-monthly. The clerk will distribute the dates. h) Public
Open Space Revue: It was agreed that the Parish does not have any Open
Spaces. i) Public Phone Boxes: The clerk reported that the telephone box
in Stanton Lacy had been temporarily adopted by the Heart Beat Trust with
the aim of liaising with the Parish to place a defibrillator in the box. Mark
Wiggins has provisionally agreed to maintain the telephone box at the Top of
The Hope if a defibrillator is placed in it and it is adopted by the parish
council. Parishioners in Vernold’s Common are discussing whether they wish
to retain the box there. The FAC working party will discuss the use of

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telephone boxes for defibrillators. j) Tree Warden: As the Parish Council
does not own any land it does not have any responsibility for trees in the
parish. It was agreed to not have a tree warden. k) Battle Over: The
councillors suggested that the church or WI may be interested in
commemorating the end of the First World War with a beacon. Clerk to
forward the information. l) KOSHA: Keep our Shropshire History Alive. The
councillors did not feel there was sufficient funding to support this. m)
Elections: The clerk went through the timetable for the run up to the parish
council elections in May.
5.Planning Applications: a) New House Farm Application for Agricultural
Worker’s Dwelling: Granted b) Pillar Box Farm – Application for Extension
and Porch: Granted c) Other planning issues – none
6. Finance: a) Finance Report: The clerk distributed a finance report. Bank
Balance: As at 31st December the reconciled bank balance was £6,466.80.
Expenditure since the last meeting: Lengthsman for November and
December total £448.62. Expected expenditure before the next meeting is
for the Lengthsman January and February invoices (approx. £600), Clerks’s
pay and expenses for the year £1974.43 b) Budget Preparation: The clerk
presented the draft budget. All agreed it and Cllr Cowles and Parker
proposed and seconded the budget and it was agreed to request a precept
of £3200. c)Donation to CAB: All agreed to donate £60 to the CAB and the
action was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Hewson. d)
Online Banking and Debit Card: The council’s financial regulations will be
adjusted to ensure security. All agreed that this should be put in place.
Proposed by Cllr Hewson and seconded by Cllr Finch
7.Reports from representatives: a) Shropshire Council: See Cllr Motley’s
made a report. b) Louisa Powell Alms House: AGM in April at which they
will decide whether to join with other Alms Houses in Ludlow. c) Village
Hall: Meeting held. No issues d) Flood Committee: - Cllr Parker unable to
attend as the meeting was this evening. d) Craven Arms & Rural Local Joint
Committee: Cllr Gatehouse not present.

News from Corvedale Primary School
It has once again been a busy half term in school:
For the second year running children from Corvedale Primary
School qualified to take part in the English Indoor Rowing
Championships held in the Velodrome at Manchester. Four children took
part in the individual races and they were joined by a further two children

from the school to make up part of a team representing Shropshire.
In the individual girls J11 race Maisie Matts improved on her 14th place last
year to be placed 2nd with her sister Amber coming in a very creditable
10th (especially as she is only in Year 4 – watch out next year!!).
In the individual boys J11 race Logan Capleton was 6th and Oli Wathes was
7th. The children who joined them in the team races were Kate Mintoft and
Abi Wathes. They all had a great day and a brilliant experience. Those in
year 4 and 5 will hopefully be able to build on their success next year.
The Governors are working hard supporting the school and have been
looking at some important issues for the future. Academy School
academisation is on the national agenda. The government has said that it
would like all schools currently under local authority control to become
academies by 2022. Our school at present is a local authority school being
answerable to Shropshire Council who are the local authority, it is their job
to monitor us to make sure the governors and teachers at Corvedale are
managing the education of your children correctly. To complicate matters,
we are also a church school. It’s in the name Corvedale Church of England
Aided Primary School. This means that we are also answerable to the
Hereford Diocese of The Church of England and we are ‘aided’ by the local
authority – Shropshire Council – in doing this. To become an academy
means that we become independent of the local authority control and by
joining other schools become a multi-academy trust that is run and
managed by a committee and has a CEO as its leader. The multi-academy
trust (MAT) acts very much like a mini local authority, providing services for
the school such as human resources, financial services, as well as the most
important, a school improvement advisory service. Schools do have some
choice as to which MAT they can join. The process of becoming an academy
can be quite a long and drawn out process with a period of consultation. At
present nothing had been decided by the governing body of Corvedale
Primary School but there is an inevitability that it will only be a matter of
time before a decision is made. We feel that it is extremely unlikely that the
school will become an academy before April 2018 and realistically it’s more
likely to be nearer 2019. For children and parents at school the change will
make very little difference. For the school there will be very little change
within the classrooms; the main differences will be who we are accountable
to, and how our finances are managed. We are hoping that by joining a
small MAT the support and advice on how to improve what and how we
teach will be of a much higher quality and offer better value for money than
in the current large local authority.


               07792 898175
           Locally based at Onibury

Subscriptions - Advertisers invoices are now due for
payment. Magazine subscriptions are now due (£6). Please pay
your distributer as soon as possible- Thanks, Jeff and Jayne

         ALAN JONES                      Bullseye
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       Tel: 01544 260 448                   contact Wayne Jones
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     Mobile: 07817 066 316
                                         or 01588 638 746 (office)

             Come and join us every
        Wednesday from 12 – 2pm
8th March: All Saints, Culmington at Culmington Village Hall
15th March: Onibury, at The Apple Tree pub
22nd March: Saint Margaret’s, Clee Saint Margaret Village Hall
29th March: Stanton Lacy, at the Village Hall
5th April:      Stoke Saint Milborough, at the Village Hall
12th April:     Bromfield, at Cookeridge Farm
ALL DONATIONS TO HOPE HOUSE, the Children's Hospice

Philip Dunne MP
Business in South Shropshire

As regular readers will know, I have put supporting a healthy local
economy at the heart of my work locally. So I am pleased that since 2010,
the unemployment claimant count in South Shropshire has more than
halved, and average wages have increased by £50 a week. There is no
question that putting in place a strong economic plan, with the right
conditions to allow business to thrive, is creating jobs and making life easier
for local families across the Ludlow Constituency.
So I welcome cuts in Corporation Tax from 28% to 17% by 2020, and efforts
to expand export markets, through the new Department for International
Trade. Many local businesses already have a thriving export business, and I
encourage those that do not to visit the new department's website,
trade, to find free information and advice on how to develop exports.
But I am aware of the challenges some South Shropshire businesses are
facing from the current business rate review. Revaluations usually happen
every five years, which allows business rates to be adjusted to reflect
changes in the property market across England. The last revaluation came
into effect in 2010, based on valuations in 2008, so it is not perhaps
surprising there will be some significant changes. Rateable values are linked
to the open market rental value, as estimated by the Valuation Office
Agency independently of government.
The most recent revaluation comes into effect from this April under which
nearly three quarters of businesses in England, including the majority in
South Shropshire, will see no change or even a fall in their rates. This is due
to the Government introducing a permanent 100% increase in rate relief for
small businesses – so from April this year, businesses with a rateable value
of £12,000 or less will pay no business rates at all. But in South Shropshire
some businesses located in areas where rents have been increasing (such as

                          HOLIDAY LET
                      £210—£300 PER WEEK
                    TELEPHONE: 01584 856359

Ludlow town centre), and some businesses dependent on property (such as
equine businesses with stables), with rateable values above this threshold
(or the £15,000 taper threshold) are facing unexpectedly significant rises.
This can be due to estimates made by the Valuation Office of increasing
rents in the area or assumptions about the profitability of the business. It
seems these assumptions may not reflect the reality on the ground.
I have met traders to discuss this and am concerned about the fairness of
some of these proposed increases, as South Shropshire seems to have been
disproportionately affected. So I have raised this issue with both the
relevant Minister and the Valuation Office Agency. I have also written to the
Chancellor to make him aware of my concerns.
Meanwhile, I am urging affected businesses to consider appealing the
Valuation Office Agency’s valuation to provide actual rental and other
evidence. This can be done online, at
rates. Unsuccessful appeals can be also challenged at Tribunal at no
additional cost, with more information available
at South Shropshire’s economy is growing,
but attempting to levy unsubstantiated rates increases on some businesses
has the potential to put jobs at risk and slow our long term growth. So I will
continue to work with local traders to press for fairer taxes for local
businesses. Advice surgeries across the constituency are held regularly. It is
advisable to book an appointment if you wish to discuss a matter in
confidence with Philip. If you have an emergency where you would like
Philip to help, please contact him at or
constituency office on 01584872187.

       Natalie Taylor
      Foot Health Care
  Specialising in the treatment of
    Ingrowing Toenails, Fungal
 Infections, Verrucae, Corns and
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Diddlebury & Westhope WI - February 2017
Kath Woodhouse opened our February meeting and welcomed a lovely
number of members and 4 visitors, 2 of which hopefully may decide to
become members!!! We went through our normal business, apologies for
absence were heard from 3 of our members and the minutes of January’s
meeting were read out by Kath. I read the report from the Group
Presidents and Secretaries meeting setting out our plans for events which
we are organising this year. Other various items were discussed and
decided upon and Kath duly closed the business part of the meeting. Kath
had to shoot off early and we wish her well with her forthcoming
operation, I’m sure she will be up on her feet with her usual enthusiasm in
no time at all. This month I welcomed our speaker for the night. Ken Arch
gave a very interesting and informative talk about Hope House. He
started by telling us of how Hope House was founded, how from one
family’s tragedy and much hard work and dedication from them, local
people and business’ and the local press, the whole idea became a reality.
This important cause continues to work hard to raise the money needed
to keep the hospice running, providing such important care to life limited
young children and their families. Last year £5million was needed to
keep the hospice running, this year even more is needed and the target of
£6.25million is the figure which so many hard working friends of the
hospice are faced to raise. The money is raised by fund raiser events,
hospice shops and gifts in wills and a lot of hard work! Ken delivered his
talk in a very informative but witty way and it really was enlightening.
He also told us of his other charity work with the Samaritans for many
years and also as a counsellor for troubled kids at ldsall School. Ken

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received the MBE in recognition for his many charity works not that long
ago and kindly showed us some lovely photos of him receiving his honour at
Buckingham Palace from Prince Charles. I thanked Ken on behalf of us all
for a really inspiring talk and hopefully we will all do our bit to continue to
raise more for the fantastic work that all those involved with Hope House
We then all tucked into the lovely refreshments provided by Mary and Liz
Hall and had a lovely evening chatting generally.
Our next meeting is set for Tuesday 14th March at 7.00pm in Westhope
Village Hall. The speaker for our next meeting is Phil Revell who will be
giving a talk entitled: “Tontine” The Story of Ironbridge. I’m sure we’ll be in
for another lovely evening, please if you would like to come and join us, just
come along on the evening, or if you would like any further information,
please feel free to contact me. Email:
Tel: 01584 841483
                                                             Jane Cockburn

Hayton & District WI - February 9th 2017

Eileen Pritchard welcomed everyone, including a visitor (hopefully new
member) to our February meeting. After minutes were read and signed,
notices included another litter pick on March 25th, after the successful
efforts last year, though disappointing that there seems to be as much to do
again, especially discarded cans and takeaway wrappers and snowdrop teas
at Stanton Lacy Church on the weekend of 11th/12th February. Janice

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Holliday said that our collection at Christmas had resulted in £85 being sent
to the Smile Train charity and thanked all who contributed. Debbie Williams
had been to a meeting to find out about starting a book club which
generated considerable interest.

Eileen than introduced our speaker, Jennifer Rose from Cleestanton, who
had been arranging a beautiful display of hats before the meeting began. She
told us how she had changed her interest from upholstery to millinery after
her house became full of soft furnishings and she had gone on an outing with
a friend to a “make a hat in a day” trip in Leicestershire, and that was the
start of a whole new career in millinery. She spoke to several established
milliners and did an on line course before creating hats for all occasions,
particularly for weddings and the races. She gave us a short history of the
beginning of ladies hats (originally it was only men who wore them,
especially as uniforms and for identification). Styles changed over the years
from the 1900’s when there were a great variety of hats for the rich, then
they became more affordable when the department stores opened during
the 1930’s to 50’s; small ones just after the war and then an influx from
abroad in the 1950’s. Backcombed hair greatly reduced the demand in the
60’s, but the royal family have always been trend setters in the fashion world
and especially in the wearing of hats. Jennifer then showed us a selection of
hats she had brought along, explaining a little of how they are made, either
from felt or a fine straw called sinamay, interspersed with anecdotes of
(anonymous) clients – every hat tells a tale. Eileen thanked Jennifer for her
talk which brightened up a rather chilly, dark evening.

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Margaret Dark and Jo McLachlan then served a delicious selection of

Flower of the month, 1st Garrya Elliptica, Gill Parker; 2nd Hellebore, Jo
McLachlan; 3rd Snowdrop, Barbara Wright.
Object beginning with ‘X’ 1st X-ray, Janet Bryan; 2nd Xylograph, Joyce
Randal; 3rd Xanadu , Jo McLachlan.
The next meeting will be on March 9th when we welcome Dr Mark Baldwin
who will give a talk and slides entitled Women of the SOE, more details
from Eileen on 01584 876437.

Corvedale Book Group - February 2017
Island of Wings is Karin Altenberg’s first novel. It describes the
bleak way of life of the inhabitants of St Kilda, a remote island
situated far to the north west of Scotland, 66km west of
Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides. In 1830 the fervent,
evangelist minister Neil McKenzie arrives at the island with his
new wife Lizzie, determined to convert the population away
from their ancient beliefs to Christianity. The book describes the difficulties
of island living where the Gaelic speaking people rely on seabirds (puffins
and skuas) and Soay sheep for their food and clothing. They live in turf and
stone partly subterranean cottages, where the floors are strewn with the
carcasses of the birds and they sleep in hollows in the walls. Lizzie does not
speak Gaelic and had not envisaged such isolation, nor her husband’s
expectation that she keep herself apart from the locals, as befitted her
station in life. The island’s isolation is interrupted by rare visits from the

                                                Mot Testing Centre
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post boat. Otherwise they are on their own.
While Lizzie copes with her new life and successive pregnancies, the
minister tries to change the daily life of the people. Accustomed to a
communal life style where the men allocate tasks on a daily basis and the
land is rotated between them for fairness, the minister argues for building
stone houses, above ground, along a street. He joins the men in the task as
part of his endeavour to get them to the kirk. The couple’s relationship has
its ups and downs, as you would expect.
We all found the book an interesting but not enthralling read. The literary
style was less developed than Stef Penny’s and the plot seemed to have
key inserted episodes rather than progressing freely as part of the overall
narrative. The role of women on the island and the dangers of child bearing
where a large proportion of babies died within 8 days of ‘a shaking
sickness’, were well described. The relationships were believable, at times.
In general the group felt the writer missed the opportunity to tell more of
the story of the island, including that of the ‘ minister’s family’s
adjustment as they returned to the mainland and the clearances 100 years
For more information about St Kilda see the National Trust for Scotland
website which describes this UNESCO World Heritage Site. For a modern twist on the story you might catch on BBC
iPlayer the two episodes of Fair Isle, Living on the Edge.
Our book for discussion next month is The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by
Jean Dominique Bauby. As Editor of French Elle, Jean Dominique lived his
busy life to its full, until he suffered a major stroke and was rendered
completely paralysed and speechless. His horror and frustration at being
locked in to his own world and unable to communicate with his wife and

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children makes it a challenging read. Happily the medical team notice he
can communicate by blinking an eyelid and he dictates this book slowly
using an alphabet card and his blinking. Now a film directed by Julian
Schnabel and starring Mathieu Amalric it describes the ultimate frustrations
of having a stroke and the determination of an individual to keep going.
You would be welcome to join us on Thursday 9th March at 7.30 at the Swan
at Aston Munslow to discuss the book further. For more information about
the book group please e mail 01584861446.

Corvedale Garden Group - February 2017
At the time of writing to meet publication deadlines we will not have met at
10 am at Beambridge (on February 18th) to hear Malcolm and Jude Mollart’s
talk on Creating a Year Round Garden which will begin the programme for
the year, so a report will be sent for the following month and we will
generally run a month behind as we now usually meet on the third Saturday
of the month.
In the meantime, if you would like to join us on our first outing we will be
meeting at Ralph Court Gardens, Edwyn Ralph, Bromyard, HR74LU
(telephone number 01885 483225) on Saturday 18th March at 10am. It is
situated approximately 30 miles/55 minutes from the Swan at Aston
Munslow on the B4214 between Tenbury Wells and Bromyard about two
miles from Bromyard. Take the turning for Edwyn Ralph Church & the
garden is first on the right. Entry £7.50 per person, payable to Cath Burley
on the day.
Ralph Court was built in 1850 for Reverand Arthur Lucton Childe, who was
related to the Lacon –Childe & Baldwin-Childe families of Kilnet Manor &
Kyre Park. Designed by Abraham Perkins from Worcester, the neo-Tudor
style house cost £1,370. Stephen & Paula Morgan bought the house in 2004
& developed the 3 acre garden which was originally mainly grass. Stephen
trained in horticulture and worked on gold medal gardens at Hampton
Court and Chelsea RHS Flower Shows. The 12 amazing & quirky gardens,
with views over the Malvern Hills, are set in the grounds of a Gothic rectory
and include an African jungle, tree top walkway, Triton pool, Pirate Garden,
Italian Piazza, Toad Hall in the Willows, Japanese Garden. Restaurant on
site, refreshments to be paid for as required. Full disabled access. In March
the thousands of spring bulbs should be in flower with the many water
features adding additional interest. We will hope the sun comes out for our
visit. For more information see

Creating an interesting all year round garden.

We began the Gardening Year with Malc and Jude Mollart demonstrating
through a beautiful selection of slides how to aim for an interesting all year
round garden. The slides showed the progression in the garden’s
development over the course of several years and ended with a whisk
through the seasons. In addition to the slides they shared with us their
photograph albums and garden diaries with Malc’s beautiful hand painted
flowers and plants. Their obvious love of their garden and their plant
knowledge was inspirational.
Starting with developing a strong structure around existing (and hard to
remove fixtures such as deep concrete paths) they explained how the
garden had evolved. We were given many suggestions about useful ‘good
doers’ in the garden and successful plant pairings. The suggestions for
autumn and winter colour and scent were particularly helpful as many of
our gardens tend to focus on spring and summer. Their garden at Avocet,
Plealey is open by arrangement under the NGS from May to July. The
Garden Group is booked in to visit it in 2018.
It was lovely to have an audience of 24 to ask questions and stay and chat
afterwards. We were pleased to welcome some newcomers who included a
couple of visitors from Ludlow Garden Group which meets on the third
Wednesday of the month.
Our next visit is to the quirky Ralph Court Gardens at 10 am on Saturday 18th
March . Details were given in an earlier report. Please let me know if you
would like to join us. 01584861446

                                                Complete personal service

                                                  Private Chapel of Rest

Sunday              Mar 26       11.00 - 4.00 pm
Friday              Apr 14       11.00 - 4.00 pm
Sunday              Apr 16       11.00 - 4.00 pm
Sunday              Apr 30       11.00 - 4.00 pm
Monday              May 1        11.00 - 4.00 pm
Sunday              May 28       11.00 - 4.00 pm
Monday              May 29       11.00 - 4.00 pm
A Cross of St George flag will be flying from the Folly when it is open. As the
Folly is stewarded by volunteers, opening cannot be absolutely guaranteed if
the weather is really severe.

Putting Patients First
We have issued a special edition of our Putting Patients First newsletter
which can be viewed as a readable and downloadable PDF on our website

This edition focuses on our Sustainable Services Programme and provides
a greater level of detail around the preferred option.

Whilst NHS Future Fit is currently on hold, work is still ongoing to develop
SaTH’s Sustainable Services Programme, which feeds into this.

The newsletter explains, under our preferred option, what would be on
each hospital site.

We have also produced a video in which our clinicians explain the
proposals. The video can be viewed on YouTube here: https://

Message from Action Fraud-Payment Diversion Alert

Payment diversion alert
Fraudsters are emailing members of the public who are expecting to make a
payment for property repairs. The fraudsters will purport to be a tradesman
who has recently completed work at the property and use a similar email
address to that of the genuine tradesman. They will ask for funds to be
transferred via bank transfer. Once payment is made the victims of the scam
soon realise they have been deceived when the genuine tradesman requests
payment for their services.
Protect yourself
Always check the email address is exactly the same as previous
correspondence with the genuine contact.
For any request of payment via email verify the validity of the request with a
phone call to the person who carried out the work.
Check the email for spelling and grammar as these signs can indicate that
the email is not genuine.
Payments via bank transfer offer no financial protection; consider using
alternative methods such as a credit card or PayPal which offer protection
and an avenue for recompense.
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone 0300 123
Slightly late Info for the Community

                   Tom Prince Physiotherapy
 Chartered Physiotherapist with a wealth of experience in Musculoskeletal
     conditions, post op rehabilitation and chronic pain management.
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A complementary copy of Ripples
 is available to new Residents of the
 4 Parishes. If you would like a copy
 or know of anyone new to the area
 please let the Editors know.

               Suppliers of natural
               wool, silk and linen
               fabrics for the home
               from Abraham Moon,
               Art of the Loom, Titley
               & Marr, Kate Forman,
                                                   Red Door 4 Dog Grooming
James Hare, and more. Curtains and
blinds made to order. Official stockist             Holistic Fur Management
for the environmentally-friendly             Web: -
Frenchic range of Furniture Paint. No        Tel:- 07496 648898,
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paint                                        Fully Insured
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                                             Proprietor :- Karen May-Wilcox

           Locally based Plumber and Builder
          General maintenance work with 25+ years experience
                Saniflo Engineer (separate rates apply)
                            No job too small

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                     Can price by job if over 1 day

                                GARY PARIS
                             01584 861844

Wed      1st Mar          7.00 pm Onibury PC Meeting, Village Hall

Thurs    2nd Mar          7.30 pm Charity Quiz, Apple Tree Onibury

Tues     7th Mar         12.30 pm Lunch Club, Onibury Village Hall

                    2.00 - 4.00 pm Honeysuckle Club, Onibury Village Hall

                          7.00 pm Culmington Parish Council, Village Hall

                          7.30 pm Village Hall AGM, Onibury Village Hall

Wed      8th Mar   12.00 - 2.00 pm Lenten Lunch, Culmington Village Hall

Thurs    9th Mar          7.00pm Hayton & District WI, Village Hall

                          7.30 pm Corvedale Book Group, The Swan, Aston Munslow

Mon     13th Mar    2.00 - 4.00 pm Just Sew & Knit, The Glebe, Bromfield

                          7.70 pm Whist Drive, Culmington Village Hall

Tues    14th Mar          7.30 pm Prize Bingo, Onibury Village Hall

Wed     15th Mar   12.00 - 2.00 pm Lenten Lunch, Apple Tree, Onibury

Thurs   16th Mar         12.30 pm Lunch Club, Culmington Village Hall

                          7.30 pm Flood Action Group, Culmington Village Hall

Sat     18th Mar         10.00 am Corvedale Garden Group, Edwyn Ralph, Bromyard

Wed     22nd Mar   12.00 - 2.00 pm Lenten Lunch, Clee St Margaret Village Hall

Sun     26th Mar                   RIPPLES COPY DATE

Sun     26th Mar   11.00 - 4.00 pm Flounders Folly

Mon     27th Mar    2.00 - 4.00 pm Just Sew & Knit, Kingshead, Bromfield

                          7.30 pm Whist Drive, Culmington Village Hall

Tues    28th Mar          7.30 pm Annual PCC Meeting, St Peters Ch, Stanton Lacy

Wed     29th Mar   12.00 - 2.00 pm Lenten Lunch, Stanton Lacy Village Hall

Thurs   30th Mar          7.30 pm Charity Quiz, Apple Tree, Onibury


 5th Mar.      First Sunday of Lent
             9.15 am    STANTON LACY   Holy Communion
            11.15 am    CULMINGTON     Holy Communion

12th Mar.   Second Sunday of Lent
             9.15 am    ONIBURY        Holy Communion
            11.15 am    BROMFIELD      Holy Communion
            3.00 pm     CULMINGTON     Songs of Praise
            6.30 pm     STANTON LACY   Evensong

19th Mar.     Third Sunday of Lent
             9.15 am    STANTON LACY   Family
            11.15 am    BROMFIELD      Matins
            11.15 am    CULMINGTON     Holy Communion

26th Mar.              Mothering
             9.15 am    STANTON LACY   Holy Communion
             9.15 am    ONIBURY        Holy Communion
            11.15 am    CULMINGTON     Matins

            11.15 am    BROMFIELD      Holy Communion


 RING 01584 861643

        for your



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    Grace Johnson, Northern Group Administrator, Westwinds, Gravel Hill,
      Ludlow, SY8 1QU - Office opening hours Monday and Wednesday
                       9.30-12.30 Tel. 07493 247184
Priest with pastoral care of Northern Group:
    Revd. Dr. Christine Brewster 01544 267338

                            PARISH WARDENS
Mr. A. Pike                               Mr. R. K. Edwards,
Greensleeves Cottage                      Mount Seifton,
Culmington                                Craven Arms
Nr. Ludlow SY8 2DB                        SY7 9DA
01584 861 361                             01584 861 234

Mrs. R. Williams                          Mrs. J. Owen
The Haybarn,                              Stepaside Farm,
Onibury                                   Onibury
Craven Arms SY7 9AW                       Craven Arms SY7 9BN
Tel: 01584 856 351                        01584 856 321

Mrs. M. Carlyon
West Lodge, Seifton
Craven Arms
Tel: 01584 861 684

Mr. P. Keene                              Miss E. Clee
Thriftwicket House                        1 Langley Drive
Haytons Bent                              Stanton Lacy
Nr. Ludlow SY8 2AU                        Nr. Ludlow SY8 2BZ
Tel: 01584 823 585                        01584 861 618

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