Moving out of our Death Denial and planning on how we will pass on our Charism and Mission for the sake of the Gospel. We need to ask the hard ...

Page created by Terry Gonzalez
What deep conversations do we need to have to move us into the future? Given who we are, given our
realities at this time, given our willingness to invest in a future we may never see but about which we care
  deeply, where do we want to spend our precious resources - our time, energy, assets, and lives - in the
                                                 coming years?
Date of Meeting __6/29/20________ Number of Participants ____3____
Names of participants:    Josephine Barbiere, Lauren Hanley, Maryellen Kane
What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next 5 years?
Number of people that strongly affirm each area?

    • Moving out of our Death Denial and planning on how we will pass on
      our Charism and Mission for the sake of the Gospel. We need to ask the
      hard questions. Who do we need to partner with at this time, ? 3
    • Renewing our commitment to the Urban poor even as our traditional
      ministries are no longer with us. Using money from the sale of our City
      properties ( St. Joseph H.S,
      St. Francis de Sales Convent) to create an Endowment or Foundation
      for Urban Ministry. 3
    • Using our resources to create centers in different geographical areas to
      provide spiritual and theological training to Lay people so that the work
      of the Gospel will continue. These centers could also provide services
      for the needs of a particular community .
    • If we are to use Communal Discernment as our preferred way of
      decision making , which we all agree we should, we need more practice
      and experience with it. More practice needs to be done before the
      Chapter 3

Why are the areas listed important to you?

We have put many resources into our land, we have preserved them for future
use and we hold them as sacred. We believe that we need to put resources into
the development of people, helping them grow in their discipleship. We want
to see this happen over the 4 counties of Long Island
Chapter Conversation Response Form
Date of Meeting: June 25, 2020     Number of Participants: 8
Names of Participants: Helen Byrne, Pat Chelius, Paul Marita Ducharme, Joan
Hroncich, Miriam Anna Morgan, Pat Rizzo, Pat Turley, Pat Walsh,

Areas to focus our energy on for the next 5 years:
   1. Establish a Spirituality Center in Brentwood. Possibly consider Our Lady of
      Grace building
   2. As we sell some of our property, use the money to:
          a. Hire more aides to take care of the elderly and sick Sisters, especially
             those in Maria Regina; and pay the aides a living wage.
          b. Pay off Community debts such as the cost to renovate St. Joseph
             Convent and any other debts.
          c. Empower women and children, e.g. support the Learning Connection
             and provide scholarships to high school and college students.
   3. In the light of the changes that will be made in the future we feel that all
      our Sisters should have input before a final decision is made. Example: We
      are concerned about the appointment of the Community Life Coordinator.
      We feel that the Sisters should be able to elect the person who will hold
      this position.
The areas listed are important to us because we are concerned and responsible
for one another and we want to be sure that all of our Sisters (both the elderly
and younger Sisters) are taken care of.
Chapter Conversation Response Form
What deep conversations do we need to have to move us into the future? Given
who we are, given our realities at this time, given our willingness to invest in a
future we may never see but about which we care deeply, where do we want to
spend our precious resources - our time, energy, assets, and lives - in the coming
Date of Meeting: June 25, 2020 Number of Participants: 5

Names of participants:

Sister Ann Murphy
Sister Brigid O’Meara
Sister Helen Rooney
Sister Rose Viceconte
Sister Barbara Haran

What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next 5 years?
Number of people that strongly affirm each area?

It is important to focus on the Legacy of our Community. This would include
merging and/or completion as well as establishing foundations or trust funds
for the poor and the continuation of our ministries etc.

5 people affirm the above.

Why are the areas listed important to you?

It is important because it involves our congregational and ministerial life.
Chapter Conversation Response

Date of Meeting June 10, 2020                             Number 2

S. Margaret O’Donnell
S. Joan Hackett


The continued study of our owned property (Fr. Brady was not announced at this
time) It seems we have a great many properties with very few sisters living in

Liturgy and Prayer –We feel there is a hunger for more opportunities for
spirituality. With the pandemic how we are going to work this out will be a great
challenge for those given the responsibility.

Without a doubt the need to move forward with peace and justice issues and the
needs of the poor.

Chapter Conversation Response Form
Please send your response forms to S. Barbara Yander on or before July 10, 2020. Barbara
would prefer to receive your responses by email at:
What deep conversations do we need to have to move us into the future? Given who we are, given our
realities at this time, given our willingness to invest in a future we may never see but about which we care
deeply, where do we want to spend our precious resources - our time, energy, assets, and lives - in the
coming years?

Date of Meeting 07/10/20_ Number of Participants ___7_____

Names of participants:
Lynn Caton, CSJ; Mary Walsh, CSJ; Patricia Turley, CSJ; Tesa Fitzgerald, CSJ, Carole Lassared, CSJ;
Connie DeVivo, CSJA; Maureen O'Shea, CSJA

What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next 5 years?
Number of people that strongly affirm each area?
We discussed several areas that we’d like to see the congregation focus our energy. Each was
affirmed by a people:

   •   Anything that is a concern of God, should be a concern of ours
   •   Our relationships with all, people and creation are to be rooted in who we are of women rooted in
       the Gospel.
   •   When we partner with others, we must not lose our identity which is lived out in our charism of
       of Love of God and Neighbor without distinction
   •   We need to have hard conersations about our relationship with the Church, both the institutional
       church and all the people of God. Who are we in this church? What can we do for social change
       in the church? How can we build bridges, rather than rivers?
   •   We should research ways to not sell our Brentwood property, rather research how it can best be
       used to provide for those on the margins and leave an inheritance for our dear neighbors.
   •   Partner with experts to develop a structure to capture and utilize the deep wisdom of our elders;
       not just sister but the wisdom of the elders in all our circles.
   •   Honestly assess our resources and listen deeply to each sister’s dreams so these resources can be
       spread to be used to allow sisters to “divide the city” and heal the ills of the world. We need to
       trust each other with our resources to do the work to which we’re called.
   •   Invest in youth
   •   Be a community of welcome. Are we living our life in a way that others would want to join us as
       associates, agrégée or vowed religious? Do we believe in the future of religious life?
   •   Partner with other CSJ congregations in ministries we hold in common to expand our reach to
       those living on the margins.

Chapter Conversation Response Form

Date of Meeting – July 10, 2020           Number of Participants – 2

Areas to focus on for the next five years.
.Provide for the needs of the Sisters as they age in ways, that are appropriate for each

Utilize community assets in ways that are realistic and benefit the Sisters and the needs
of others.

Identify the talents of the Sisters and connect them with areas where they can
contribute their skills – especially with each other and with those in need of their skills
and interests

Establish term of office for President and Councillors and regionals for 4 or 5 years with
the possibility of renewal for another term. (5 year followed by a four year).

Why are the areas important to us?

Many Sisters have gifts and skills that are not known to the wider Congregation.
Suggestion: Ask each Sister what she can do and how she can help both on the local
level and in the larger picture? It would be good to hear their stories of what they have
experienced in their life journeys as a sister. We need to establish a more relational
culture in our living. As we experience fewer numbers, our Sisters will need to use the
can-do-ability that they have developed in their lifetimes. We have not spent much time
and energy on recognizing this.

There are many ways in which our sisters and our brothers are in need of each other.
Every need cannot be addressed. Goal is to live so that this earth is a home for all
people. This has many aspects to it. It is not just about solar energy or the farm (and
they are good), it is about ending the various ‘isms’ that have infected us (racism,
sexism, clericalism, etc). It is a way of life that we are called to – profound respect for
and active participation in God’s act of Creation.

God has blessed us with financial and property assets. Even more importantly, the
sisters are the assets and the relationships that they have experienced through the
years become more important.

The pool of Sisters who might be interested in elective office is becoming smaller. Most
of us are at retirement age or beyond it. Quickly changing circumstances in our world
will necessitate different views of what leadership entails.
•   Chapter Conversation Response Form
What deep conversations do we need to have to move us into the future?

Date of Meeting___June 14, 2020_________            Number of Participants_______5____
Names of Participants :
S. Margaret Buckley
S. Mary Florence Burns
S. Elizabeth Hill
S. Loretta McGrann
S. Elizabeth Mullane

What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next 5
Support our ministry of education in the broad sense including health care
   Consider a scholarship for the poor or a Regis type school
How can we use our resources going forward?
Continue our commitment to justice
   Support JPIC
   Educate ourselves about racism
   Support just immigration policy and immigrants
Continue efforts to promote sustainability
   Teach responsible use of land, e.g., solar farm, preserve aquifer
   Open farms to feed neighbors
Continue to provide care for our aging sisters
Retain our focus on spirituality

Why are the areas listed important to you?
They reflect our mission.
Chapter Conversation Response Form

Date of Meeting 7/8/20               Number of Participants 3
Names of Participants
       Mary Ann McCarthy
       Kathy Schlueter
       Marianne Sennick

Areas we would like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next 5 years:

Religious Life – As we look to the future, how do we as a Congregation see our vowed Religious

We have attended to the care and education of women and girls since our founding.
At this present time there is an urgent need to continue this ministry in creative ways.
We want to offer the following suggestions:

       Risk the opening of a school for migrant and immigrant girls on our Brentwood property.

       Invite the diocese to open a Catechist Training Center in one of our underused or not
       used properties.

       Establish a residence for women in one of our properties near the city.

All participants affirm the above.
What deep conversations do we need to have to move us into the future? Given who we are, given our
realities at this time, given our willingness to invest in a future we may never see but about which we care
  deeply, where do we want to spend our precious resources - our time, energy, assets, and lives - in the
                                                 coming years?

Date of Meeting Wednesday, July 8, 2020           Number of Participants       12
Names of participants:

        Miriam Blake, CSJ                                  Roberta Oberle, CSJ
        Bobbie Coyle, CSJ                                  Theresa Scanlon, CSJ
        Peggy Fanning, CSJ                                 Rose Torma, CSJ
        Annelle Fitzpatrick, CSJ                           Nadine Veletanga
        Joan Gallagher, CSJ                                Bernadette Westman, CSJ
        Marie Mackey, CSJ                                  Agnes White, CSJ

What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next 5 years?
Number of people that strongly affirm each area?

The 12 were subdivided into 3 groups of 4 and as all returned to the larger circle these are the
themes/points that surfaced within all three groups:

    •   What is the narrative are we living out of and living into? Is it rooted in a contemporary
        awareness of faith and science or are we still operating in an outdated cosmology? The
        dismantling of Racism, just immigration policy and a reversal of climate change will only happen
        if we shape a narrative of communion, of oneness.
    •   Creating a culture of invitation; attracting younger people for the vowed and non-vowed life,
        associates, St. Joseph Workers, partners in mission. Their attraction to the mission will
        companion us into the future.
    •   How are we planning to use our resources? Need for a Foundation: We are blessed and have the
        resources to invest in spiritual development, education in particularly that of women and those
        who lack resources such as immigrants, theology and interfaith programs and other projects
        where we may not be able to be present to but can support its efforts.
    •   Completion/Fulfillment: How are we planning for our reality and the likelihood that after Chapter
        2021 we may only have two Chapters left in the Brentwood congregation’s history?

Why are the areas listed important to you?

In addressing these issues we have opportunity to be our most authentic self and live out our call as
women religious, in particularly that of unioning love.

Other things to note:
   • Greater solidarity with one another during this time of pandemic; the gravesite prayers enabled
        sisters to pray with one another even though not all could be present for the burial of a dear sister.
   • Are we taking the time to grieve given the losses we have and are experiencing? Important to take
        time to reflect on how have we lived? Loved? And let go?
   • Sponsored schools: how will they be sustained in order to continue the mission?
Chapter Conversation Response Form

Date of meeting__6/21/2020____________Number of Participants____4______
Names of Participants:
Sister St. Raymond              Sister Alicia Soto
Sister Carol Derby              Sister Pat Hudson

What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on
for the next five years? Number of people who affirm each area.
   • Support at least one house in Diocese of Rockville Centre for women
     coming out of prison and their children.
            Affirmed 4
   • Establish and support one elementary school in the Diocese of Brooklyn for
     poor children.
            Affirmed 4
   • Assure that congregation has the finances to provide for needs and comfort
     of elderly and sick sisters for those things that are not provided through
     medicare. (additional staff, recreation opportunities, etc)
            Affirmed 4
   • That all sisters be treated equally, be included in decisions about their care
     and be treated with respect and dignity as they age and have new needs.
           Affirmed 4
   • Research and implement ways to provide activity and/or environment that
     would add to the comfort of our sisters with Alzheimers.
Why are these areas important to you?
These areas reflect the ministries of our sisters that should not be lost as we face
an uncertain future. They also reflect a concern for our aging community. This
should be part of our legacy.
Chapter Conversation Response Form
Date of Meeting: June 20, 2020
Number of Participants: 34
Names of Participants: This was a gathering of the members of the various congregational
committees, to include Earth Matters, Justice, Non-violence group, Liturgy. We met on Zoom, and
divided ourselves into 5 breakout groups (randomly mixed), and then came back together and shared
as a whole. We repeated the breakout group format twice, so everyone had two experiences with a
mix of members from the committees.

Anella       Margaret
Boccia       Michelle
Bolkas       Heather
Burke        Karen
Buser        Mary Lou
Carven       Rosalie
Cashin       Mary Ann
Cavanagh     Karen
Dabrera      Preenika
Esposito     Phyllis
Fitzgibbon   Catherine
Forker       Joanne
Franck       Suzanne
Gallagher    Joan
Gould        Ave
Heptig       Joan
Hill         Elizabeth
Kaelin       Karen
Kelly        Eileen
Kinney       Janet
Kohler       Margaret
Lucas        Patsy
Lynch        Grace Kathleen
McCann       Eileen
McGorry      Jeanne
McHugh       Maryann
Meehan       Elizabeth
Mocarski Marianne
O'Keefe Rosamond
Olson        Linda
Santoro     Clara
Turley      Pat
Walsh      Mary
Wilcox     Susan
What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next 5 years?
Why are the areas listed important to you?

Overarching comments from the breakout sessions:

As we reflected on our current experiences during this pandemic, we are seeing ourselves at a
breakthrough and perhaps ‘graced’ moment. We acknowledged to one another the many systemic
issues and needs that must be addressed – particularly racial inequality, climate change, the needs of
the LGBTQ community, and our relationship with the institutional church. We are being called to
respond and be transformed. There is a sense of urgency among us to pay attention to what is falling
into our lap, as we likely won’t have many more Chapters to respond to what is evolving around us. We
must make use of our abundant resources, to include our Brentwood campus for the benefit of others.
Our actions must flow from a renewed commitment to personal and communal contemplative prayer.

Areas/Themes: 4 themes were heard universally throughout all the breakout groups:

    •   Structural Racism – Our fidelity to the Gospel calls us to look at this in all its implications – for
        ourselves, our institutions, as well as our world. This involves deep listening and conversations
        with those whose lives have been impacted and having a desire and willingness to be changed.
    •   Institutional Church – We need to have the deeper conversations about our relationship with
        the institutional Church and how it has shifted, to include how we celebrate as ‘church’ and how
        we can become more invitational in welcoming others (i.e. associates, co-ministers, partners,
        people of all diversities) into our gatherings.
    •   Youth – How do we accompany, learn from/learn together, and support them.
    •   Inclusive Love – What does inclusive love look like in action? We need to take a deeper dive into
        what we mean by the term inclusiveness as it encompasses so many issues that are local,
        national and global – i.e. the ‘isms’ – racism, LGBTQ/gender question. Responding to our current
        reality will stretch us in new and creative ways.

Other Themes:

Some groups noted that we need to shift from the Genesis model to the New Story as the framework for
our thinking and acting, to use the wisdom of science and feminine wisdom to move from dualism to a
wholistic way - All is One. We need to continue to look at the interfacing/interconnectedness of all of it.

Some groups raised the question of Governance and the new Leadership structure and posed this
question: Have we really made a paradigm shift in the proposed model? It was felt that further
discussion was needed before a new structure was brought to a vote of the Congregation.
Chapter Conversation Response Form
Date of Meeting – 6/10/20    Number of participants – 8

Names of participants:
     Diane Androvich                        Grace Keavney
     Rosemary Bellantoni                    Elizabeth Looney
     Nancy Fackner                          Marge Miller
     Joanne Feulner                         Kathy Schaetzle

Areas of Focus

   1. Commitment to Racism and racial justice; examine our policies & procedures in all
      organizations; provide classes in High Schools and college and workshops for employees.
      Consider the possibility of people of color being in management positions if they qualify.
      View the Congregational history on racism.
      Use money from the sale of our buildings for scholarship funds for students of color as
      well as all in need at SJC.

   2. Focus more on the value of diversity – chose on merit not color of skin; see people
      individually – more equality needed. “Don’t become what you are fighting.”

   3. Be prudent and financially responsible to assure ongoing needed medical and personal
      care for our sisters. Put money in trust for their care.

   4. Broaden our circles to continue bringing in partners in mission; provide workshop, etc.

   5. Address the pages of unfinished business from all the Neighborhood Meetings,
      Assemblies and Listening Sessions held the past few years, such as cemetery, agregees,
      Eucharist, etc.

   6. Broaden our legacy to include Spirituality Center perhaps in Hampton Bays or
      Our Lady of Grace building.

   7. Co-sponsor ministries such as Prison Ministries, Providence House, and Our Children.

   8. Investigate AC in Sacred Heart Chapel using the small units similar to those in the Joan
      De Lourdes Room. (with Covid 19.....large fans will not be safe to use).

These areas are important to us because we feel strongly about them.
Chapter Planning Committee Response
Present: Grace Eidt, Maureen Cameron, Mary Ryan, Kathy Schaetzle, Jeanne
McGorry, Kerry Handal
We are at a crossroads
As we move together into an unknown future what would be the most appropriate
style of Leadership for us??
What are the gift(s) and skills we would look for in a President?
After voting for a President what gifts/skills are needed in the Councilors as they
work in collaboration with the President and one another. At this time in our
history do we need 4 Councilors?
In 2021-22 what would the mode of operation look like?
What does working toward completion look like?

Date of Meeting 6/16/20
Number of Participants: 4
Names: Joanne Forker, Helen Kearney, Linda Pero, Mary Ross

What areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next 5 years?
  • Women and girls, especially those who are economically poor, marginalized by race or
      nationality, undocumented or disadvantaged due to systemic and personal racism. Include
      in this group, women in The Learning Connection and our own employees.
  • Use of our financial and educational resources to help educate and empower these groups
      via a trust or foundation.
  • Continue to educate the students we have and be a support to adults who have been or are
      connected to the Sisters of St. Joseph.
  • Opportunities to educate ourselves and co-ministers to hear the cry of the poor. To listen
      to our brothers and sisters marginalized because of racism, immigration status, gender
      identification and all other forms of bias and prejudice. We need to be able to empathize
      with their lives if we are to respond to the needs of the times.

Why are the areas listed important to you?
  • Many women and girls are still not treated fairly in society.
  • The above areas are part of who we are, where we have come from and need to be. We
      have to see the dignity of every person and respond to the needs of the times.
Date of Meeting is 6/20 Number of Participants. - 2
Sister Patricia Dittmer
Sister Barbara Yander

Care of our elderly sisters
Continuing our ministry of education to include the definitions of racism and prejudice . Teaching
inclusion and tolerance.
Residences for sisters In light of the closing of convents and our aging population.
How can we carry out our commitment to justice?
What procedures are in place in the event of another pandemic?

Why are the areas listed important to you?
For the continuing of our congregation and the mission to the “dear neighbor.”

Sister Patricia Dittmer CSJ
St. Josephs College - Assistant Professor
Dillon Center - Head Teacher
Date of Meeting; Sun., July 12, 2020    Number of Participants: 12
Names of Participants:
Maura Costello
Rosaleen Scheller
Preenika Dabrera
Phyllis Esposito
Nancy Vendura

CSJ Associates:
Mary DellaVecchia
Deborah Steedle
Linda Olson
Cathy Roberts
Donna Smith
Valerie Dunne
Petra Robinson

Areas of affirmation for the next 5 years:
-Continuing the relational opportunities to respectfully share insights on RACISM, IMMIGRATION, THE
 with specific helps/ways to do this with courage,truth and prayer, particularly when opinions are varied
and even oppositional (feeling we are making a difference)
-maintaining our call and committment to contemplative prayer
-deepening our support for one another, sisters, associates, agregees, our youth, our Joseph Workers etc
as we live out and share our charism
-continuing to make wise choices regarding property
All participants agreed with these affirmations because they represent our world's needs, our own hopes
and goals for this world of ours.

Thank you, Barbara and committee for all the work you are doing for us.
Date of Meeting: July 6,2020
Number of Participants: 4

Names of Participants:
Karen Cavanagh, Patricia Lucas, Rosamond O'Keefe and Stella Slonski

What deep conversations do we need to have to move us into the future?

As we are outward-looking, a major need is some statement regarding racism
which is well evident during the pandemic. Our nation's history demonstrates the dominance of
the white male.

Secondly, how do we view or face the Institutional Church?

Also, what are We in the Institutional Church?
Do you think it is important to the world of who and what we are as women religious?
Are we called to interactive leadership?
Could this be a ministry of our presence?
Would it be wonderful to open a House of Spirituality?
What models do we follow in pastoral care?
Do we stand up against racial and spiritual discrimination?
In the spiritual model, do we view the souls of our workers from the viewpoint of our souls?
How can we respond to what is falling into our laps today?....racism...poverty..
Do we think that our Chapter of Affairs should be a contemplative experience?

What are our ministries now and how are we moving with those ministries into the future?

As we think deeply about our congregational spirituality, is it mainly personal or is it associated
with our CSJ
DATE: July 2, 2020             NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 10
PARTICIPANTS: Helen Rooney, Patsy Lucas, Pat Manning, Pat Ryan, Mary Lou Buser
     Kerry Handel, Ronnie Murtha, Grace Lynch, Alice O’Shaughnessy, Marilyn Mulvey
AREAS OF CONCERN Continued commitment to our present Ministries
   • Care of our sick and elderly Sisters
   • Stewardship and management of our property
   • Review the models utilized in the care of our Sisters who presently live in Assisted
      Living Convents. The Group favors a Palliative model in place of a Medical Model.
   • Ongoing financial support for the continuation and expansion of the Learning
   • To renew and deepen our vision regarding the uniqueness of our CSJ spirituality. This
      involves exploring our personal and Congregational approach to diversity and
   • The struggle will continue with the Institutional Church regarding the use
      of the White Male Supremacy mode. How can we respond?
     All 10 members affirm these 7 areas as priorities we wish to
     focus on in the next 5 years
  • Our aging Sisters in need of assistance continue to live in a Convent. This is their home.
     Presently there seems to be a shift to a more Medical model. This can include
     emphasizing a more authoritarian approach. Contemporary leanings support a
     Palliative approach.
  • In 1994, the Learning Connection was initiated by Leadership to assist the local
     immigrant women and their families. After 25years, this educational endeavor continues
     to expand. Regretfully, the town of Brentwood has had over 4,440 cases of the covid-19
     virus.              This is the highest rate in any town on Long Island. It is recommended
     that a trust fund be established for the continuation of services to this dear neighbor in our
  • For the sale and use of Property, it is recommended that the Sisters be involved in
     discussions previous to the actual selling of the property. The values of collaboration,
     transparency and communication need to be incorporated. In preparation for this next
     election it would be helpful if we could explore various contemporary models of
  • As a Congregation, we are now moving in the direction that involves many “lay partners
     in Ministry.” It is essential that our President and Councilors be dedicated to a full time
     ministry to the Congregation. How can we integrate inclusive and collaborative
     approaches with and among our Sisters? How can we as a Congregation create a new

   All 10 members are hopeful and believe that these 4 areas are
   priorities we wish to focus on in the next 5 years

                                           July 9, 2020
Five Participants

       Filippa Luciano, Mary Owen Mullaney, Leonilla Coughlin, Miriam Daniel Pender,
Lorraine O’Neill

What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next
5 years?
Number of people that strongly affirm each area?

All 5 sisters present affirmed the following discussion points.

Look at other living places for our sisters.
Plan and use our resources in such a way that we do not exhaust them and then be a burden to
Regarding Properties and Guidelines: Our congregation should be a priority and then our
concern should be for the poor. Look at our congregational needs first.
Looking at what we have been doing and continue to work with girls and women. This is a very
important concern for us.
Affirm the sisters and co-ministers who are working with girls and women, supporting them,
empowering them, standing behind them. It is important that we continue this work.
Place our trust in God and take things as they come to us day by day.
Affirm the best use of our farmland and all the environmental things taking place in Brentwood.
Continue to care for our environment, for example, solar energy, conservation; continue to be
open to how we can best use the land to help other people.
Be environmentally sound and financially responsible. These projects are sometimes very
Continue to support the ministries we have. We have seen good results as we continue to work
with women and girls.

Why are the areas listed important to you?

These areas are important to us because they speak of our Charism…love of God and the dear
neighbor without distinction.
Participants: 2
Names: Attilia Mazzina; Maria Pascuzzi
Dates: over many meals
Reporter: Maria Pascuzzi

Re: Deep Conversations:
1) a deep conversation is needed about our 'identity' as women religious in relation to
the church
2) a deep conversation is needed about the reality of our own diminishment and
the finality that awaits us both individually and as a congregation.

Re: Areas of Focus

      1. Education -- of young women who will be tomorrow's 'influencers"; of the poor
         for whom education is a vehicle out of the indignity of poverty
      2. Religious education/ faith formation - at all levels
      3. Health Care - especially in under-served parts of Long Island to people who
         do not have the resources to go elsewhere and get assistance.

Why are these important?
Because they reflect and carry forward the mission to which the congregation has been
historically committed and to which Sisters have dedicated their lives..

Met June 23, 2020 outside on the grounds of the Sisters of St. Joseph Campus.

Opened with Charism Prayer, Joan Mitchell, CSJ

Tina Cafaro, Marie Dolce, Ellen Edellman, Alice Guernan, Pat Sanwald, and Cathy Roberts

Area for Congregation to focus on:

* Racism - Commitment to justice for all who will be challenged by bigotry. Unite and work
together to fight racism by seeking to create a congregation of diversity.

We need to have deep conversations to discuss and develop learning how to journey in our
Charism as Associates of the Sisters of St. Joseph.

* Awareness of inclusion:

Seeking racial inclusion to broaden social awareness

Education. Generational attitudes and views change as social issues are brought to ones
attention. Education is a vital resource to awareness and change.
Brentwood Community Outreach. Community interaction is a resource for racial education for
understanding and growth to advance the elimination of racism.

* Legacy of the Associates in our future goals:
Create a way to engage the Associates with more senior Sisters who would be willing to share
their spiritual wisdom and soul journey's vision of God.
Women's empowerment through deep and true mutuality and complementarity acceptance of the
Associates as "sisters".
* Ongoing spiritual growth through Congregational Liturgies:
We would like to gather for Congregational Liturgies to deepen our spiritual insights as we
deepen our relationship with God and our Sisters of St. Joseph.
These areas of focus are important to us because they will enable us to continue to carry out the
mission of the CSJ's.
Thanks - Marie Dolce

Date of Meeting-7/6/20         Number of Participants-13

Name Of Participants:
Pat Rutter, Regina Coll, Pat Casey, Febronia Loewenstein, Margaret Ruddy, Miriam
Corr, Miriam Pender, Anne Clancy, Rosemarie Figlia, Liz Kelly, Marilyn Mulvey, Pat
Carroll, and Mary Morrin

What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the
next 5 years?
1) Spirituality-better preparation for retirement and deepening our spirituality as we age.
2) Our Property-expansion of our assisted living facilities.
3) Preparing for a covenant relationship with another community as we prepare for our
4) Resale of our property to our long time workers at an affordable price-set up as a
land trust.

Why are the areas listed important to you?
We are living many of these concerns now and wish to be better prepared for our future.
Date of Meeting 6/25/20        Number od Participants 3
Names of participants: Sisters Kathleen Loughlin, Karen Kaelin, Mary Lou Buser

What area or areas would you like to see our Congregation focus our energy on for the next 5
Mindful the New Story of God’s creation teaches us that all is one; the Scriptures tell us all is
one; our charism speaks to us of union. We believe we should focus our energies on our
neighbors who suffer the injustices of racism, inequality, poverty, etc.
Aware that we cannot do this alone or in a given time period we suggest that we have a
conversation about opening our campus, both buildings and land, to provide space for others who
are of like mind and join together in working toward justice and well being for all.
A more immediate issue is governance. Do we wish to continue with the hierarchical structure
we have now or do we wish to move to a more collaborative structure?
We, three particpants, agree on these issues.

Date of Meeting - Saturday, July 4, 2020       Number of Participants - 8 (& facilitator)
S. Rosemary Lorenzen                 S. Grace Baran
S. Pat Grant                         S. Stella Auricchio
S. Margaret Secour Anella           S. Peggy Ford
S. Virginia Chasas                  S. Priscilla Weidenshlager
(S. Kate Braet Facilitating and "Recording Secretary")

Where should we focus?
Connect and join with our dear neighbors in our Brentwood area
How do we attract people to continue and carry out our charism?
Continue our religious education ministry with the young
As we grow smaller in numbers and move closer physically, many are lonely. We
need       to be good to each other. We need to support each other as we supported
others in the past.
Many of those who minister to us are working more than one job to support
their    families. We need to put priority on supportive wages especially for the
loving    women who have been our caregivers in this pandemic. Wages, not
according to        the accepted scale, but wages that reflect their life giving presence
in our CSJ     family.

As each Sister shared, each point expressed was supported by everyone in the group.

Why are the areas listed important to you?
One response was affirmed by the others - "Because this is who we are."
Non Violence Community Reflections for the Chapter Planning Committee
Areas we would like to see the congregation focus our energy on in the next 5
   • Dismantling our nation’s nuclear warfare program.
   • Engage in anti-racism study / training for members, employees of our
       institutions, our congregation.
   • Continue to confront non-violently the injustices we see. Adopt a public
       anti-racism stance and use communication / messaging that responds to
       occasions when we need to speak up.

These areas listed are important to us because:
  • The effects of militarism are all pervasive. The nuclear threat holds in
     place and enforces dominance over others rather than seeking peace.
     Domestic enforcement agencies are adopting militaristic attitudes and
     tactics and justifying them in the name of “public security” The cost of
     militarism and nuclear disarmament prevents every country from using its
     resources for people’s sustenance and quality of life – so the effects are all
     death-dealing, including its impact on the environment. The program
     benefits corporations and perpetuates power and wealth inequality.
  • The Non-violence Community wants to continue the advocacy for nuclear
     disarmament that it initiated in the 1980’s. Address it in ways that make a
     difference and are do-able.
  • The Non-violence Community has actively studied racism for the last two
     years, and has considerable information about helpful resources,
     organizations and consultants to assist us. The visible harm being
     inflicted in black communities right now is a prophetic challenge
     presented to us – it is what is “falling into our lap”.
  • There are many venues and opportunities where we should speak out
     against racism – starting with our family circles and work places, especially
     the intentional recruitment, hiring , mentoring (including educational
     advancement opportunities )and advancement of employees of color to
     create diverse work sites and use our resources to do so. We need to
     feel compelled to take this action, be confident about how to communicate
     the anti-racism message, and be resilient in withstanding pushback. Must
     put an end to “us” and “them” attitudes. This is a place to move ourselves
     and others from “I” to “We”.
  • Past experience of excluding persons of color who desired to enter the
     Sisters of St. Joseph, and past experience of bias toward people of color in
     our schools, and in our employ need to be explicitly repudiated now, and
     amended consistently in future relationships.
  • We believe that white silence is violence, and want to cultivate the courage
     it takes to speak truth to power non-violently / gently.
  • We want to grow into a new consciousness by intentionally cultivating
     contemplative prayer experiences that enable us and those who join us to
     embrace anti-racism in attitude and behavior.
Meeting held on 4th floor of Saint Joseph Convent
July 4th
12 residents here
Chris Adams, Babs Barry, Elizabeth Del Vecchio, Jane Dinsmore, Ave Regina
Francis Claire Gowen, Helen Lieberth Mary McConnell, Marie Lalande McMullen,
Jane Mullen, Agnes Schwintek, Maria Rypkema

Summary of Our Conversation
- Concern that when providing for the future service to our dear neighbors, that
we do not shortchange the opportunities for the spiritual growth of our
Sisters. Plans to reduce the number of sleeping quarters assigned for spiritual
renewal such as, retreat, overnight workshops, etc. in the Renewal Center,
lessening programs by Sister Josephine Daspro, are a concern, especially with
the closing of the Cenacle and other local retreat centers.

- A major area that needs our serious attention is the whole issue of racism. It is
imperative that we deal with our own complicity and the need to dismantle
systemic racism. Honest assessment of ourselves and the conversion needed
by us individually and concrete plans to make changes within our institutions
after thoughtful examination, as well as, doing our part to advocate for societal
reparation, is an immediate concern.
- Courage is needed to intercept when racial and other remarks contrary to our
shared values are made in our presence by family, friends and co- workers, and
done so by us with honesty but gently. Special attention must be given in regard
to our relations with the many cultures serving us, especially our Aides. It was
commented that so great we appreciate our Aides, that were immigration
sanctions leveled at them, we would go with them, so bonded are we.
- Moving into the future, our prayer must deepen so that we will be in touch with
the Spirit prompting us to move with renewed hope to risk the creative response
to our world's needs for which we have the resources. The city that we once
divided , now has become the globe.
- A possible response that was shared with the group was the vision to be put
forward for the future education and spiritual formation of our dear neighbors, by
the dedication of our ecologically developed land and the on-going use of the
Academy buildings and renovated barn for programs by outside groups looking
for space to further the same values we espouse in accord with our Land Ethic
Statement, Creation Spirituality and the Gospel and our Charism. Many new
groups, in addition to the programs already in place, have begun to utilize our
facilities, bringing eager learners who care about the direction of life in the future,
to our holy grounds.

- The more we are convinced that a new direction is closely in line with our
Charism, the more willing we are as members to assume the risks it may entail.

The group was gathered by Chris Adams and Ave Regina Gould.
Conversation group
July 23
The main topic was education.
It was expressed that education is not just something that we used to do but rather something that
we need to continue to do but we need to reexamine and do it in new and updated ways. We
need to build on what we have done successfully and incorporate that into new initiatives.

Education cures for many societal ills. Those we educate are agents of change in our society.

There has been talk of the creation of a CSJ Foundation that would preserve some of the assets of
the congregation in perpetuity to ensure that the mission of the congregation continue in times to
come. It is the hope that education would be one of the foci of this foundation.

Annelle Fitzpatrick
Joanne Forker
Angela Gannon
Elizabeth Hill
Helen Kearney
Pat Mahoney
Kathleen McKinney
Maria Pascuzzi
Linda Pero
Mary Ann Spicijaric

Areas to focus on:

Spirituality and Mission
Retirement Communities
Peace, Justice and Care of the Poor

Spirituality and Mission so we may continue as a Congregation. Without prayer I don't see how
we can keep on.

Retirement Communities: to provide for sisters who do not qualify for LWA Communities or
Nursing Homes and in instances where there may not be room in the convent. Perhaps to
explore how these sisters can still maintain as much of their independence as is possible and
continue to be proactive. While they may not be able to continue in their ministries they may
be able to contribute in others ways based on their knowledge and life experience. And to
explore whether there should be elected or appointed "in charge" persons in these
Vocations so we can continue to "keep on keeping on."

Prudent and wise use of our properties whether they are being sold or leased. Monies received
to be used to care for our Sisters and others in need.

Peace, Justice and Care of the Poor. However I am thinking that the poor may not only be
those at the poverty level but perhaps there are those who are poor in other ways who may
benefit from our assistance

I hope you stay safe and well and will have some time to rest during these summer days. Again
thank you for all you do.

Prayerfully, Rozanne

Meeting - July 13, 2020 - Brentwood NY

Members : Ave Gould, Mary McConnell, Lalande, Marianne Schutter, Noel, Nancy Fackner,
Lynn Caton, Bobbie Coyle

racial equality in the workplace - management positions, equal pay, better educational

look at our own prejudices and experiences of white supremacy

Movement From institutional Organizations to “dividing the City”. Vowed religious and
agre’gres doing that as we look to the future.

Lay leadership- well versed in the charism, but are asking what legacy we would like them to

Relationship with the clergy and brothers so that we respect their vocation by including them in
our celebrations and liturgies. We do not want to become the oppressor!

Are we a Eucharist Community?

Eccology issues continued - especially - individual efforts.

Date of Meeting: June 18, 2020 Number of Participants: 9
Names of participants: Tina Cafaro, Marion Defeis, Stephanie Duggan, Karen Kaelin,
Constance Kennedy, Joan Larkin, Eileen McCann, Mary Ryan, Mary Lou Tweedy

What areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energies on for the next five years?

1) People who are poor in the greater Long Island area (Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk),
immigrants and their many needs and fears, the majority of whom are women and children. This
area was viewed within the context of systemic racism (people of color, including black and
brown people as well as Native Americans). We need to unmask and address our own white
privilege personally, congregationally in all our institutions and employment practices, and in
those systems in which we participate. Our energies and resources should focus on addressing
inequalities which have been ingrained since 1619 by partnering with other organizations in
providing and/or supporting education (e.g., Learning Connection), housing, healthcare,
environmental degradation and job opportunities which should coalesce into more economic
equality. Specific attention was directed to providing educational opportunities to our employees
and others, diversity in recruitment, hiring and retention and mentoring of talented employees
and offering means and opportunities for advancement. (9)

2)Cultivating new generation commitment to the mission and charism, and consequent social
change, by attention and encouragement to the Young, who are ready to be awakened as well as
investing resources, e.g., protesters, active in addressing social inequalities; Nuns and Nones; St.
Joseph Workers, and encouraging our younger members in their ministries. (9)

3)Continue building relationships with Associates, co-ministers and Agregees, encouraging
recruitment among the young and in diverse communities. (9)

Why are the area listed above important to you?

We are reaching completion as a congregation and we will leave our legacy by choosing what we
want to support and what we believe will continue our charism into the future.

Conversation Group July 4
What are the deep conversations that we should be having?
Institutional Church:
We give hope where the institutional Church doesn’t. Covid gave people an opportunity to
worship differently. We are Church, but we are not part of the hierarchy which is not fulfilling
the needs of the ”folks.” NCR has an article about not going back to Church too soon. We need
to reflect on what is important.
Mission effectiveness:
Seeing the mission in our co-ministers and our mission partners is important. They are a group
imbues with the mission. We have to recognize the gospel in the other. The gospel requires
community. The charism is the gospel. Younger people bring life to us. We have to be
inclusive of them and learn from them. We have to cheer them on. We have to trust the
process and run risks.
How can we approach racial unrest?
Education and our schools
We have power as educators. Racism has to be faced in our schools, our faculties and in us.
There is an urgency to have the difficult conversations. How do we use our black alums to help
us see what we need to be? We need to actively seek teachers of color.
Healthcare inequity
How do we as Sisters of St. Joseph address the inequities in healthcare for people of color?
Brentwood was the epicenter of the covid crisis in Suffolk. How do we use our power to help
the undocumented?
Our power
The housing situation caused the Covid to spread efficiently in poorer neighborhoods.
How do we use our power to effect change?

Joan Deering
Joanne Forker
Helen Herley
Joan Killen
Marie Lenihan
Pat Mahoney
Kathleen McKinney
Katherine Murphy

                         Chapter Conversation Response Form
Please send your response forms to S. Barbara Yander on or before July 10, 2020. Barbara
       would prefer to receive your responses by email at:

  What deep conversations do we need to have to move us into the future? Given who we are, given our
realities at this time, given our willingness to invest in a future we may never see but about which we care
  deeply, where do we want to spend our precious resources - our time, energy, assets, and lives - in the
                                                 coming years?

Date of Meeting July 7, 2020__ Number of Participants ___4 and one non-participant convener_____
Names of participants:

Chris Carlin
Mary Ann Ambrose
Anne Lally
Barbara Mascowicz

What area or areas would you like to see our congregation focus our energy on for the next 5 years?
Number of people that strongly affirm each area?

Mission integration for our non-school employees (understanding that this is
already happening for the school people). That they have education in the mission
and are invited into the mission; that they see themselves as part of the mission.
Suggestion of a larger St. Joseph the Worker celebration and appreciation that
includes these employees/partners in mission.
All 4 affirmed

Conversation Group               Partners in Ministry             June 30, 2020 at 10:00-11:00am
Virginia Dowd


Tara Rogers

Jim Rennert

Nadine Velantenga

WilmaLingad – Lopez

Marie Mackey, CSJ
#1.   While we understand the emergence of a corporate model – do not lose your religious identity.
      Our donors believe in who we are and what we do – that needs to be always in the forefront.

#2.   Better education on BOTH SIDES:

      Sisters need to understand that there are city, state and federal guidelines and certain business
      practices that need to be followed. Our lay employees are trained and are expected to follow
      guidelines. The Sisters need education on these guidelines.

      On the other hand, lay employees need to understand more about the culture of religious life
      and who they work for – more needs to be done in the area of Mission formation and
      education, so others understand the structure of religious life.

#3.   Do we want to EXPAND or CONTRACT the Congregation? In other words, will we be open to
      inviting others to be part of us as Associates, St. Joseph Workers, Volunteers, Partners in
      Ministry, Vowed Members? Or, are the Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood looking to just fold up
      the tent? The direction impacts things like:

      Archives – are they an open book or confidential? Our story (wonderful and with warts) is what
      we have to share with others. It is history. If we want to EXPAND the Mission and Charism and
      invite others to live this and move forward when there are no vowed sisters left we need to be

      False sense of Humility and Confidentiality its like we have a dual identity – are we open or
      closed? How public are we? Why are we publicizing ourselves? What do we want to see as the
      end result?

      Bring people to Brentwood – Spring Luncheon. Make more alumnae connections

      This generation wants to make a difference – not just have a job, they want more.

#4.   Outreach to youth and young adults and those attending our sponsored high schools.

      Space in the Academy: Brentwood is Sacred Ground. Young people should be allowed to spend
      time on our property for day, overnight and weekend retreats, meeting and getting to know the
      sisters, volunteering. They need to know they have a place in the Church.

      The Marianists, Franciscans, Marists and Salesians all welcome students to retreats on their own
      properties and involve parents and alumni as volunteers to keep costs down.
Many young people connect with religious communities (Jesuits, Franciscans, CSSJs) more so
       than they do with the institutional Church.Are Sisters of St. Joseph willing to be present to
       them? Can they show young adults what the Church can really BE!

       Engage them on social media, create a website that is attractive to younger people and offer
       substantive. CSJs need to have a Youtube Channel.

Conversation Response Form
Meeting Date: July 7, 2020
Number of participants: 7
Participants: Sr. Maura Costello, Sr. Catherine Braet, Kerri Guarascio (Director of Bethany unit)
Kathleen Feller (social worker SJC) Elizabeth Castelli and Eleni Amaroso (both nursing
supervisors SJC) and this writer.

Areas to see the congregation focus on for the next 5 years. Number of people that strongly
affirm each area?
To have another Nursing Home in place to send our Sisters to if Maria Regina is not accepting
them for different reasons. To consider our options and have an open mind.
Extending the Bethany program to our other LWA's .
Expanding on the present Bethany program in SJC. Possibility of having 2-3 different levels of
the Bethany program for early onset, intermediate, and further advanced forming their own
Having a Geriatric/Hopice Medical Director for the entire Brentwood Campus. Serving SJC,
Renewal Center Apartments, Council members, and Houses on the property. This director
would make home visits as needed and advocate for our Sisters in the home LCW, and hospital
Continuous training of staff on dementia.
Remembering we are our own dear neighbor. How can we all be better to each other. Build
strong relationships with our Sisters where we live. Providing a professional to understand and
assist on internal and outside ministry of Sister life.
Sisters who have lost most of their friends need support from staff, Sisters and psychological
Support with groups that understand feelings and emotions at this stage of life.
Providing more Music to sooth the sole. Live and recorded music.
Therapeutic Dog trained to live in the Convent. The dog works daily and provides , emotional
loving support to the sisters. The dog wold be trained to make daily visits to the sisters rooms
that would like a visit.
The group felt that all these items were important to pass on.
Thank you,
Gabby Nick
Gabby Nick, RN
Sisters of St. Joseph
Chapter Prep Team Responses
                       Zoom Meeting, Sunday July 5, 2020

Deepening Group: Catherine Cunningham, Cecelia Dignan, Phyllis Esposito, Anne
Lorraine Hanna, Antoinette Keyes, Margaret Kohler

   1. Desire to have everyone feel that they are a valued member of the
      community – you are important, you are not cast away. As so many Sisters
      are no longer in the active stage of their lives, how can we affirm that the
      contemplative stage is a wonderful stage to be in? Place more emphasis on
      this – praying is a sanctifying work of the community. The
      psychological/spiritual life of the Sisters is very important. Develop the
      concept that sense of mission can be lived out through both action and

   2. Practical questions:

         a. When our size becomes that of the CIJs, who is going to help us?
         b. What happens to our property when we are gone?
         c. Who takes care of our cemetery?
         d. Maybe we won’t be gone – maybe associates, Agrégées, Partners will
            take over.
         e. Concern: we don’t have vowed religious making decisions that
            control our daily lives in LWAs. Who is making the decisions –
            administrators or superiors? Changes happen without our input.

   3. How can we be advocates in our declining years about the issues that are
      important- racism, immigration, women and girls, etc.? How can we
      incorporate the contemplative? How can we sponsor groups to do the
      things we used to do? How do we keep going on with things that matter,
      reflect our values (ex. Girls in light of closing St. Joseph’s)?
4. Conversation Group: Number of participants: 6
   6. This is a time of new challenges and opportunities. The LCWR and the US CSSJ
      Federation both speak of emerging expressions of religious life. We must do the work of
      mining who we are and what we believe to be our most precious asset…our charism.
      From that, we will be ready to address emerging opportunities with hope and enthusiasm.
   7. At this time in our history, it is important that we look to the future. As we shepherd the
      transformation of the Congregation to a new form we must plan for the proper
      distribution or disposition of our assets, and address the continuation of our sponsored
   8. The CIJ’s have given us an example of a congregation that faced these realities years ago.
      They have established a trust in which they have placed a portion of their assets so that
      their mission will continue. The stated purpose of the CIJ trust is ”To provide grants for
      persons who are sick and cannot afford to pay for their medical and supportive needs
      care, in fidelity to the mission of the Congregation of the Infant Jesus to care for the sick
      poor." This purpose and the conditions stated in the trust arose from their spirituality and
   9. We, too, have to have the conversations that will give rise to a foundation or trust that
      will enflesh our essence and preserve our mission and charism—not for our sake but for
      the sake of the Gospel.

   10. Eileen Kelly
   11. Tesa Fitzgerald
   12. Joan Gallagher
   13. Elizabeth Hill
   14. Helen Kearney
   15. Kathleen McKinney

                                      CHAPTER 2020
                                  PARTNERS IN MINISTRY
                                 SACRED HEART CONVENT

Chapter Conversation Response Form

Date of Meeting: July 24, 2020                       Participants: Three (3)

Participants:   Jo-Andrew D’Alessandro-Accary, Director of Pastoral Care
                      Sharon Eriksen, Nursing Supervisor
                      Christine Maher, Administrator

Prioritized Area:                            Reasons:

Spirituality                                 Ensure programs, resources to embrace the ongoing
                                             Spirituality needs of the Community. Deepen and
                                             live life with one desire only: to be always what
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