Ring Toss Game-Based Optimization Algorithm for Solving Various Optimization Problems - INASS

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Received: March 23, 2021. Revised: April 16, 2021. 545

 Ring Toss Game-Based Optimization Algorithm for Solving Various
 Optimization Problems

 Sajjad Amiri Doumari1 Hadi Givi2 Mohammad Dehghani3* Om Parkash Malik4
 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan, Kerman, I. R. Iran
 Department of Electrical Engineering, Shahreza Campus, University of Isfahan, Iran
 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran
 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta Canada
 * Corresponding author’s Email: adanbax@gmail.com

 Abstract: There are many optimization problems in different scientific disciplines that should be solved and optimized
 using appropriate techniques. Population-based optimization algorithms are one of the most widely used techniques to
 solve optimization problems. This paper is focused on presenting a new population-based optimization approach called
 Ring Toss Game-Based Optimization (RTGBO) algorithm. The main idea of RTGBO is to simulate the behaviour of
 players and rules of the ring toss game in the design of the proposed algorithm. The main feature of the proposed
 RTGBO algorithm is the lack of control parameters. Steps of implementing RTGBO are described in detail and the
 proposed algorithm is mathematically modeled. The ability of RTGBO to solve optimization problems is evaluated on
 a set of twenty-three standard objective functions. These functions are selected from three different groups including
 unimodal, high-dimensional multimodal, and fixed-dimensional multimodal. The performance of RTGBO is also
 compared with eight other well-known optimization algorithms including Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm
 Optimization (PSO), Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), Teaching Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO), Gray
 Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Emperor Penguin Optimizer (EPO), Hide Objects Game Optimization (HOGO), and Shell
 Game Optimization (SGO). The results of optimization of objective functions of unimodal type indicate the high
 exploitation ability of RTGBO in solving optimization problems. On the other hand, the results of optimizing the
 multi-model type objective functions indicate the acceptable exploration ability of RTGBO. The results also confirm
 the superiority of the proposed RTGBO algorithm over mentioned optimization techniques.
 Keywords: Optimization, Population-based optimization, Game-based, Ring toss game, Ring toss game-based
 optimization, Optimization problems.

 Population-based optimization algorithms are
1. Introduction inspired by natural processes, physical phenomena,
 game rules, and the behavior of living things such as
 Optimization is a science, which aims to find the
 animals, plants, and humans. One important point
best solution for a specific problem that has several
 about the optimization algorithms is that there is no
different solutions according to the conditions and
 need to derivative operators and their performance is
limitations. Each optimization problem has three main
 only based on random search. Therefore, population-
parts: variables, constraints, and problem objectives.
 based optimization algorithms refer to those methods
Considering different parts of an optimization
 that can provide suitable solutions to optimization
problem, it must be modeled mathematically. After
 problems based on random scan of the search space
mathematical modeling, the optimization problem
should be optimized using an appropriate method.
 Each optimization problem has a basic solution
Population-based optimization algorithms are one of
 called global optimum. On the other hand, different
the most widely used and efficient methods in solving
 solutions provided by optimization algorithms are not
various optimization problems [1].
 necessarily the global optimum. In fact, these
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.3, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0630.46
Received: March 23, 2021. Revised: April 16, 2021. 546

solutions are very close to the global optimum, even if based, evolutionary-based, and game-based
they are not exactly the global optimal solution. For optimization algorithms based on the design idea.
this reason, the solutions obtained by optimization Physics-based optimization algorithms are
algorithms are called quasi-optimal solutions [3]. inspired by various laws and processes of physics.
Numerous optimization algorithms have been Simulated Annealing (SA) is one of the optimization
developed and improved by scientists with the aim of algorithms of this group, which was inspired by the
providing more appropriate quasi-optimal solutions, annealing process [16]. Gravitational Search
which are closer to the global optimum. In this regard, Algorithm (GSA) is another physics-based
optimization algorithms have been applied by optimization algorithm, which was presented based on
scientists in various fields such as energy [4, 5], the simulation of the law of gravity between objects
protection [6], Energy Commitment (EC) [7, 8], [17]. Mathematical modelling of the momentum law
electrical engineering [9-13], and energy carriers [14, and Newtonian laws of motion were used in the design
15] to achieve the optimal solution. of the Momentum Search Algorithm (MSA) [18]. The
 The contribution of this paper is designing a new Spring Search Algorithm (SSA) was described based
population-based optimization algorithm entitled on the mathematical modeling of Hooke's law in a
Ring Toss Game-Based Optimization (RTGBO) system consisting of weights and springs [19]. Some
algorithm to solve various optimization problems in other popular physics-based optimization algorithms
different disciplines of science and engineering. The are: Curved Space Optimization (CSO) [20], Central
population members in RTGBO are the game rings Force Optimization (CFO) [21], Galaxy-based Search
that are thrown towards the bars. The main idea in Algorithm (GbSA) [22], Big-Bang Big-Crunch
designing TRGBO is to simulate the ring toss game, (BBBC) [23], Henry Gas Solubility Optimization
in which game rings are thrown towards the score bars. (HGSO) [24], Binary Spring Search Algorithm
The main features of RTGBO are simplicity of (BSSA) [1, 25], Electromagnetic Field Optimization
equations and easy implementation on optimization (EFO) [26], and Charged System Search (CSS) [27].
problems as well as the lack of any control parameters. Swarm-based optimization algorithms are
RTGBO is mathematically modeled and then presented based on simulating swarm behaviour of
implemented on a set of twenty-three standard living organisms and other natural processes. Particle
objective functions of three different types to evaluate Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of the most famous
its capability. algorithms in this group, which is based on
 The rest of the article is organized in such a way mathematical modeling of bird swarm motion [28].
that in Section 2, a literature survey on optimization Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is another
algorithms is presented. The proposed RTGBO widely used algorithm in this category, which is based
algorithm is introduced and modelled in Section 3. on simulating the behavior of ants in finding the
Then the simulation results and analysis are presented shortest path to reach food source [29, 30]. In
in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 provides conclusions designing the Gray Wolf Optimizer (GWO), the
as well as some suggestions for future investigations. leadership hierarchy and the mechanism of hunting
 gray wolves in nature are imitated [31]. Mathematical
2. Background modeling of the patient treatment process followed by
 the doctor was applied in the design of the “Doctor
 As mentioned so far, many optimization
 and Patient” Optimization (DPO) algorithm [8]. Some
algorithms based on different ideas have been
 of the other swarm-based optimization algorithms are:
developed in different sciences for solving various
 Firefly Algorithm (FA) [32], Seagull Optimization
optimization problems. Although the idea of
 Algorithm (SOA) [33], Multi Leader Optimizer
designing optimization algorithms is different, all of
 (MLO) [34], Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm
these algorithms provide a solution to the problem
 (GOA) [35], Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)
based on a random search in the problem-solving
 [36], Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) [37], Group
space. Therefore, the main criterion for the superiority
 Optimization (GO) [38], Tunicate Swarm Algorithm
of optimization algorithms over each other is to
 (TSA) [39], Following Optimization Algorithm
provide the best quasi-optimal solutions. This has
 (FOA) [40], Emperor Penguin Optimizer (EPO) [41],
been the main reason for the design of many
 Donkey Theorem Optimization (DTO) [42], Rat
optimization algorithms by researchers. In this section,
 Swarm Optimizer (RSO) [43], and “The Good, the
optimization algorithms from the perspective of
 Bad, and the Ugly” Optimizer (GBUO) [44].
design idea are studied. Population-based
 Evolutionary-based optimization algorithms are
optimization algorithms are classified into four
 inspired by genetic science and the reproductive
different groups including physics-based, swarm-
 process. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one of the most
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.3, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0630.46
Received: March 23, 2021. Revised: April 16, 2021. 547

famous and widely used algorithms in this group. The that the score bars are installed in areas that result in
main idea in designing GA is to model the better values for the objective function. Then, in the
reproductive process as well as Darwin's theory of next iteration, the rings are thrown again towards the
evolution [45]. Artificial Immune System (AIS) score bars installed in the new position. This iterative
algorithm is another evolutionary-based optimization process is repeated until the end of the algorithm
technique, which is designed based on the simulation iterations or achieving the appropriate solution to the
of the human body's defence system [46]. Some other optimization problem.
evolutionary-based optimization algorithms are:
Evolution Strategy (ES) [47], Biogeography-Based 3.2 Mathematical modeling of RTGBO algorithm
Optimizer (BBO) [48], Evolutionary Programming
(EP) [49] ,Genetic Programming (GP) [50], Improved In this part, the RTGBO algorithm is
Quantum-Inspired Differential Evolution (IQDE) mathematically modeled to be implemented on
algorithm [51], and Differential Evolution (DE) [52]. optimization problems. The values of the optimization
 Game-based optimization algorithms are inspired problem variables are determined based on the
by the rules of various games as well as the behaviour position of each population member in the search
of players in these games. Mathematical modeling of space. Thus, each member of the population is a vector
the behavior of players and clubs in the football game with the number of elements equal to the number of
league was used in the design of the Football Game- problem variables.
Based Optimization (FGBO) [53]. Orientation Search The population members of the RTGBO algorithm
Algorithm (OSA) was proposed based on are represented by a matrix called the population
mathematical modeling of the behavior of players in matrix as expressed in Eq. (1).
the orientation game, who move according to the 1,1 ⋯ 1, ⋯ 1, 
direction of the referee's hand on the playing field [54]. ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋰ ⋮
Some of the other game-based optimization
algorithms are: Hide Objects Game Optimization = = ,1 ⋯ , ⋯ , 
 ⋮ ⋮ ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
(HOGO) [55], Darts Game Optimizer (DGO) [56],
Shell Game Optimization (SGO) [57], Dice Game [ ] × [ ,1 ⋯ , ⋯ , ] × 
Optimizer (DGO) [58], and Binary Orientation Search (1)
Algorithm (BOSA) [59].
 Here, is the population matrix, represents the
3. Ring toss game-based optimization i'th population member, , is the value of d’th
 variable for i'th population member, is the number
 In this section, the theory and various steps of the of population members, and is the number of
RTGBO algorithm are described and then the problem variables.
mathematical modelling process of the proposed The objective function is evaluated based on the
algorithm is presented. values of the population matrix and the results can be
3.1 Theory of RTGBO displayed as a vector using Eq. (2).

 RTGBO is a population-based optimization = [ 1 … … ]1× (2)
algorithm, which belongs to game-based category.
RTGBO is designed based on simulating the rules of Here, is the vector of the objective function
ring toss game and the behaviour of players in and denotes the objective function value for i'th
throwing rings towards the scoring bar. In RTGBO, population member.
population members are rings that are initially At this stage of the modeling, score bars are
randomly placed on the playground. These rings are installed in appropriate locations of the search space,
thrown in the direction of one of the score bars in a where population members provide better values for
random throw. These throws are continued in a the objective function using Eq. (3).
repetitive process until the end of the game. From the 1
viewpoint of optimization algorithms, the position of ⋮
each ring on the playground in the proposed RTGBO = 
algorithm is a solution to the optimization problem. ⋮
The objective function is evaluated based on each of 
 [ ] × 
these situations. Therefore, appropriate positions of (3)
the playground, which is in fact the search space of the
problem, are determined. In the RTGBO, it is assumed
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.3, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0630.46
Received: March 23, 2021. Revised: April 16, 2021. 548

 Here, is the matrix of locations of the score Optimizer (GWO), Emperor Penguin Optimizer
bars, indicates the position of i'th score bar in the (EPO), Hide Objects Game Optimization (HOGO),
search space, and is the number of score bars, and Shell Game Optimization (SGO). Average (Ave)
which is equal to 10% of the population members. and standard deviation (std) of the best
 In the next step, throwing of the rings towards the quasi-optimal solutions are considered as the
score bars is modeled. Each of the rings is randomly comparison criterion.
thrown towards one of the bars. This step of the
RTGBO and calculation of the new positions of the 4.1 Evaluation for unimodal objective functions
rings are accomplished using Eq. (4) to (7).
 Seven objective functions F1 to F7 are considered
 in order to analyze the ability of the RTGBO to
 = (1 + ) (4)
 provide a quasi-optimal solution for objective
 functions of unimodal type. The optimization results
 ( , − , ), < 
 , = { for these objective functions using RTGBO and eight
 ( , − , ), other optimization algorithms are presented in Table
 (5) 1. The simulation results show the superiority of the
 RTGBO over the other eight optimization algorithms.
 , = , + , (6)
 4.2 Evaluation for high-dimensional multimodal
 , < objective functions
 = { 
 (7) Six objective functions F8 to F13 are selected from
 high-dimensional multimodal category. The results of
 Here, , is the value of displacement for i'th implementing RTGBO and eight other optimization
 algorithms to provide quasi-optimal solution are
population member in d’th dimension, , is the d’th
 presented in Table 2. Simulation results indicate
dimension of the score bar position, is the value
 acceptable ability of the proposed algorithm to
of the objective function of i'th score bar, , is the optimize this type of optimization problems.
new suggested position for i'th population member in
d’th dimension, is the value of the objective 4.3 Evaluation for fixed-dimensional multimodal
function for new suggested position of i'th population objective functions
member, and is a random number in [0 1] interval.
 Update of the population members is repeated Ten objective functions F14 to F23 are selected
according to Eqs. (2) to (7) until the stop condition is from fixed-dimensional multimodal functions in order
reached. After completing the iterations of the to analyze the performance of the RTGBO in solving
algorithm, the most suitable quasi-optimal solution fixed-dimensional multimodal optimization problems.
obtained by the proposed algorithm is available. The The performance results of the RTGBO and eight
implementation steps of the proposed RTGBO other optimization algorithms in solving this type of
algorithm are shown as a flowchart in Fig. 1. objective functions are presented in Table 3. The
 optimization results show the optimal performance of
4. Simulation studies and discussion the RTGBO in solving fixed-dimensional
 optimization problems.
 In this section, the ability of the proposed RTGBO Also, comparing the results obtained from the
algorithm to solve optimization problems and provide RTGBO with other optimization algorithms shows
appropriate quasi-optimal solutions is evaluated. For that the proposed RTGBO algorithm is more
this purpose, the RTGBO is implemented on a set of competitive than other eight optimization algorithms.
twenty-three standard objective functions of three
different types including unimodal, high-dimensional 4.4 Discussion and theoretical explanation
multimodal, and fixed-dimensional multimodal
functions. These objective functions have been exploitation and exploration are two very
adapted from [31]. Also, the optimization results important and key indicators in evaluating and
obtained by the RTGBO algorithm are compared with comparing the performance of optimization
eight other optimization algorithms including Genetic algorithms.
Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO),
Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), Teaching
Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO), Gray Wolf

International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.3, 2021 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0630.46

 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0630.46
 Table 1. Results of RTGBO and other algorithms for unimodal test functions
 Ave. 0 4.36×10-36 6.74×10-35 5.71×10-28 2.81×10-1 7.86×10-10 3.55×10-2 4.98×10-9 1.95×10-12
 std 0 6.84×10-37 9.17×10-36 8.31×10-29 1.11×10-1 8.11×10-9 1.06×10-1 1.40×10-8 2.01×10-11
 Ave 2.65×10-218 5.89×10-49 7.78×10-45 6.20×10-40 3.96×10-1 5.99×10-20 3.23×10-5 7.29×10-4 6.53×10-18
 std 6.84×10-318 3.25×10-46 3.48×10-45 3.32×10-40 1.41×10-1 1.11×10-17 8.57×10-5 1.84×10-3 5.10×10-17
 Ave 3.26×10-245 6.85×10-26 2.63×10-25 2.05×10-19 4.31×10+1 9.19×10-5 4.91×10+3 1.40×10+1 7.70×10-10
 std 6.57×10-243 4.52×10-29 9.83×10-27 9.17×10-20 8.97 6.16×10-4 3.89×10+3 7.13 7.36×10-9
 Ave 6.31×10-181 2.15×10-27 4.65×10-26 4.32×10-18 8.80×10-1 8.73×10-1 1.87×10+1 6.00×10-1 9.17×10+1
 std 1.74×10-211 5.68×10-30 4.68×10-29 3.98×10-19 2.50×10-1 1.19×10-1 8.21 1.72×10-1 5.67×10+1
 Ave 3.21×10-1 3.42×10-1 5.41×10-1 5.07 1.18×10+2 8.91×10+2 7.37×10+2 4.93×10+1 5.57×10+2
 std 3.26×10-4 3.84×10-2 5.05×10-2 4.90×10-1 1.43×10+2 2.97×10+2 1.98×10+3 3.89×10+1 4.16×10+1
 Ave 0 2.69×10-26 8.03×10-24 7.01×10-19 3.15×10-1 8.18×10-17 4.88 9.23×10-9 3.15×10-1

 International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.3, 2021
 std 0 5.62×10-28 5.22×10-26 4.39×10-20 9.98×10-2 1.70×10-18 9.75×10-1 1.78×10-8 9.98×10-2
 Ave 2.51×10-12 1.85×10-9 3.33×10-8 2.71×10-5 2.02×10-2 5.37×10-1 3.88×10-2 6.92×10-2 6.79×10-4
 std 6.52×10-11 1.05×10-7 1.18×10-6 9.26×10-6 7.43×10-3 1.89×10-1 5.79×10-2 2.87×10-2 3.29×10-3
Revised: April 16, 2021.

 Set number of population (N) and iterations (T).
 Variables, constraints, and objective function.
 Input information of optimization problem:



 Figure. 1 Flowchart of RTGBO algorithm
 Calculate , using Eqs. (4) and (5).
 Update SB matrix using Eq. (3).

 Select score bar for i'th ring.

 using Eq. (6).
 Evaluate initial population.

 Output: print best solution.
 Create initial population.

 Update using Eq. (7).

 Start RTGBO




Received: March 23, 2021.

 Update , 


 DOI: 10.22266/ijies2021.0630.46
 Table 3. Results of RTGBO and other algorithms for fixed-dimensional Multimodal test functions
 Ave 5.61×10-6 9.91×10-1 9.98×10-1 1.08 9.98×10+1 1.26 6.79 2.77 4.39
 std 4.67×10-14 5.25×10-12 7.64×10-12 4.11×10-2 9.14×10-1 6.86×10-1 1.12 2.32 4.41×10-2
 Ave 2.81×10-6 1.25×10-4 3.3×10-4 8.21×10-3 7.15×10-2 1.01×10-2 5.15×10-2 9.09×10-3 7.36×10-2
 std 5.67×10-7 2.15×10-5 1.25×10-5 4.09×10-3 1.26×10-1 3.75×10-3 3.45×10-3 2.38×10-3 2.39×10-3
 Ave -1.03 -1.03 -1.03 -1.02 -1.02 -1.02 -1.01 -1.02 -1.02
 std 4.85×10-12 3.26×10-10 5.12×10-10 9.80×10-7 4.74×10-8 3.23×10-5 3.64×10-8 0.00 4.19×10-7
 Ave 3.98×10-1 3.98×10-1 3.98×10-1 3.98×10-1 3.98×10-1 3.98×10-1 3.98×10-1 3.98×10-1 3.98×10-1
 std 5.62×10-23 2.45×10-21 4.56×10-21 5.39×10-5 1.15×10-7 7.61×10-4 9.45×10-15 9.03×10-16 3.71×10-17
 Ave 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
 std 5.42×10-21 4.61×10-19 1.15×10-18 1.15×10-8 1.48×10+1 2.25×10-5 1.94×10-10 6.59×10-5 6.33×10-7
 Ave -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.86 -3.77 -3.75 -3.73 -3.80 -3.81
 std 6.32×10-11 6.23×10-11 5.61×10-10 6.50×10-7 3.53×10-7 2.55×10-3 9.69×10-4 3.37×10-15 4.37×10-10

 International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.14, No.3, 2021
 Ave -3.36 -3.31 -3.31 -2.81 -3.23 -2.84 -2.17 -3.32 -2.39
 std 6.52×10-7 2.95×10-5 4.29×10-5 7.11×10-1 5.37×10-2 3.71×10-1 1.64×10-1 2.66×10-1 4.37×10-1
 Ave -10.15 -10.15 -10.15 -8.07 -7.38 -2.28 -7.33 -7.54 -5.19
 std 1.41×10-8 1.05×10-3 1.25×10-2 2.29 2.91 1.80 1.29 2.77 2.34
 Ave -10.40 -10.40 -10.40 -10.01 -8.50 -3.99 -1.00 -8.55 -2.97
 std 2.38×10-11 3.25×10-8 3.65×10-7 3.97×10-2 3.02 1.99 2.89×10-4 3.08 1.37×10-2
 Ave -10.55 -10.55 -10.53 -3.41 -8.41 -4.49 -2.46 -9.19 -3.10
 std 4.86×10-10 2.91×10-6 5.26×10-6 1.11×10-2 3.13 1.96 1.19 2.52 2.37
Revised: April 16, 2021.

 Table 2. Results of RTGBO and other algorithms for high-dimensional Multimodal test functions
 Ave -1.2×10+4 -1.2×10+4 -1.2×10+4 -8.76×10+2 -6.92×10+2 -4.69×10+1 -3.81×10+2 -5.01×10+2 -5.11×10+2
 std 1.51×10-14 8.72×10-12 9.14×10-12 5.92×10+1 9.19×10×10+1 3.94×10+1 2.83×10+1 4.28×10+1 4.37×10+1
 Ave 0 5.62×10-4 8.76×10-4 6.90×10-1 1.01×10+2 4.85×10-2 2.23×10+1 1.20×10-1 1.23×10-1
 std 0 3.21×10-2 4.85×10-2 4.81×10-1 1.89×10+1 3.91×10+1 3.25×10+1 4.01×10+1 4.11×10+1
 Ave 6.51×10-23 2.61×10-20 8.04×10-20 8.03×10-16 1.15 2.83×10-8 1.55×10+1 5.20×10-11 5.31×10-11
 std 4.36×10-25 2.14×10-18 3.34×10-18 2.74×10-14 7.87×10-1 4.34×10-7 8.11 1.08×10-10 1.11×10-10
Received: March 23, 2021.

 Ave 0 1.56×10-10 4.23×10-10 4.20×10-5 5.74×10-1 2.49×10-5 3.01×10-1 3.24×10-6 3.31×10-6
 std 0 4.15×10-7 5.11×10-7 4.73×10-4 1.12×10-1 1.34×10-4 2.89×10-1 4.11×10-5 4.23×10-5
 Ave 1.32×10-9 4.87×10-5 6.33×10-5 5.09×10-3 1.27 1.34×10-5 5.21×10+1 8.93×10-8 9.16×10-8
 std 3.74×10-10 3.96×10-4 4.71×10-4 3.75×10-3 1.02 6.23×10-4 2.47×10+2 4.77×10-7 4.88×10-7
 Ave 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.25×10-8 6.60×10-2 9.94×10-8 2.81×10+2 6.26×10-2 6.39×10-2
 std 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.61×10-7 4.33×10-2 2.61×10-7 8.63×10+2 4.39×10-2 4.49×10-2
Received: March 23, 2021. Revised: April 16, 2021. 551

 Exploitation means the ability of an quasi-optimal solutions. Unimodal objective
optimizationalgorithm to provide a suitable quasi- functions are used to evaluate the exploitation ability
optimal solution as well as close to the global optimal. of optimization algorithms. High-dimensional
Therefore, in the analysis of optimization algorithms, multimodal, and fixed-dimensional multimodal
the algorithm that can provide the most suitable objective functions are applied in order to evaluate
quasi-optimal solution has a higher exploitation exploration ability of optimization algorithms. Based
power. The F1 to F7 objective functions have only on the results of implementing the RTGBO on
one main optimal solution and are therefore very standard objective functions, it is determined that the
suitable for evaluating the exploitation index. The RTGBO has a high ability to search for problem-
results of the RTGBO operation and the other eight solving space as an exploration index and to achieve
algorithms are presented in Table 1. Based on the a quasi-optimal solution very close to the global
results in this table, RTGBO has provided global optimal as an exploitation index.
optimizations for F1 and F6, as well as much better- For further analysis, the results obtained by the
suited quasi-optimal solutions for F2, F3, F4, F5, and RTGBO algorithm were compared with eight other
F7 than other optimization algorithms. Analysis of well-known optimization algorithms including GA,
the optimization results of the proposed algorithm PSO, GSA, TLBO, GWO, EPO, HOGO, and SGO.
and its comparison with competing algorithms The simulation results showed the desirable
indicates the acceptable and high exploitation ability performance of the RTGBO for solving various
of RTGBO. optimization problems and also the superiority of the
 Exploration means the ability of an optimization proposed algorithm over the other eight optimization
algorithm to accurately search the search space. An algorithms.
optimization algorithm must be able to scan different The authors suggest some ideas and perspectives
areas of the search space and be able to bypass local for future studies. Design of the binary version as
optimized areas. This indicator is especially well as multi-objective version of RTGBO is an
important for solving optimization problems with interesting topic for future investigations. Moreover,
several optimal local solutions. The F8 to F23 implementing RTGBO algorithm on various
objective functions, in addition to the global optimal optimization problems and real-world optimization
solution have also several quasi-optimal solutions. problems could achieve some significant
The F8 to F23 objective functions, in addition to the contributions, as well.
global optimal solution have also several quasi-
optimal solutions and are therefore very suitable for Conflicts of Interest
evaluating the exploration index. The results of the
 The authors declare no conflict of interest.
exploration power evaluation of different
optimization algorithms are presented in Tables 2 and
3. Based on the analysis of the results of these tables,
 Author Contributions
RTGBO has provided the optimal global solution for Conceptualization, S.A.D and H.G.;
F8, F9, F11, F13, F6, F17, F18, F19, F20, F21, F22, methodology, M.D.; software, S.A.D. and M.D.;
and F23 by overcoming local optimal solutions. validation, H.G., O.P.M., and M.D.; formal analysis,
RTGBO has also shown good performance in O.P.M. and H.G.; investigation, M.D., S.A.D., and
optimizing other multimodal objective functions. The O.P.M.; resources, M.D.; data curation, H.G.;
performance analysis of the proposed algorithm in writing—original draft preparation, S.A.D.;
the objective functions with local optimal solutions writing—review and editing, O.P.M. and H.G.;
indicates the acceptable exploration ability of visualization, M.D; supervision, M.D.; project
RTGBO in accurate search of the search space. administration, S.A.D.; funding acquisition, O.P.M.

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