RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore

Page created by Pamela Figueroa
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
R I G H TS L I ST 2020
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
2 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           TERRE.IT 3
                                                                                                                                                FRANCIGENA ROUTES                                       BOLOGNA
                                                                                        CANTERBURY                                                                                               PONTREMOLI
                                                                                                                                                6 La Via Francigena                                                                              RAVENNA
                                                                                                                                                                                                   15          22                  23
                                                                                                                                                 7 La Via Francigena                         6                                          8
                                                                                                                                                		 in Valle d’Aosta                                   LUCCA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                19                          LA VERNA
                                                                                                                                                		 e Piemonte
                                                                                                                                                                                             PISA                FIRENZE                                                 PORTONOVO
                                                                                                                              10                8 La Via Romea                                                    6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                17 FABRIANO
                                                                                                                                                		Germanica                                                                  19                           18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   8                                14
                                                                                                                                                 9 La Via Francigena                                       SIENA             19             ASSISI
                                                                                                                                                		 del Sud                                                                                                 25

 Percorsi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   18                      NORCIA
                                                                                                                                                10 La Via Francigena                                                          6
                                                                                                                                                                                       PORTOFERRAIO                                                     11 13
                                                                                                  SANTIAGO WAYS                                 		 da Canterbury alle Alpi                                        19                                                 25

 Series                                                                                            1 Guida al Cammino
                                                                                                  		 di Santiago
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12         L’AQUILA

                                                                                                  		 de Compostela                                                                                            ORBETELLO                     6                                    12
 Terre di mezzo Editore is a leading                                                               2 A Santiago lungo                                                                                                                                 17
                                                                                                                                                                    BRENNERO                                                                                    13
 publishing company in Italy in the                                                               		 il Cammino del Nord

 guidebook sector, specialized in long                                                             3 A Santiago lungo                                                                                                                             ROMA
                                                                                                  		 il Cammino                                                                                                                                                 9
 trails on foot and by bicycle. Over the                                                          		Portoghese                                                        8                                                                                MONTECASSINO
 past fifteen years, it has mapped and                                                             4 A Santiago lungo
                                                                                                                                       GRAN SAN BERNARDO
 contributed towards building over                                                                		 il Cammino Primitivo               6
                                                                                                  		 e il Cammino Inglese
 7,000 kilometres of trails with hostels                                                                                                         VERCELLI
                                                                                                   5 A Santiago lungo la Via                            PAVIA                  8
 and signage – publishing more than                                                               		 della Plata e il Cammino
 30 constantly-updated guidebooks.                                                                		Sanabrese                                           15      6

            FERROL                                 OVIEDO
    A CORUÑA                                                            2                 SAINT-JEAN-PIED-DE-PORT
FINISTERRE      4                     4                                     LOYOLA
                                  1           ASTORGA
      SANTIAGO           MELIDE
 DE COMPOSTELA                                                      1
                           5                   5
                                                                                                     16                                                                                                    12                     MONTE SANT’ANGELO
                                                    DE MORERUELA                                                                                                               ROMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                              9                          9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   26              BRINDISI
                                                              WITH THE SAINTS                                                                          OTHER ITALIAN WAYS                                              MATERA
                     3                                        11 Di qui passò Francesco                                                                18 Italia coast to coast
                                          5                   12 Con le ali ai piedi                                                                   19 Toscana a piedi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SANTA MARIA
                                                              13 Il Cammino                                                                            20 Il Cammino minerario                                                                         DI LEUCA
                                                              		 di san Benedetto                                                   IGLESIAS           		 di santa Barbara
                                                              14 La Via Lauretana                                                                      21 La Magna Via Francigena
                                                              15 Guida alla Via degli                                                                  22 Guida alla Via degli Dei
                                                              		Abati e del Volto Santo                                                                24 Da Palermo a Messina                                          MESSINA

                                                              16 Il Cammino                                                                            		per le montagne                              24
                                                              		 di sant’Ignazio                                                                       25 Il Cammino
                                                              17 La Via di Francesco                                                                   		 nelle Terre mutate
                                                              23 Il Cammino                                                                            26 Il cammino Materano
                                                              		 di sant’Antonio
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
4 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                  TERRE.IT 5

Discovering Italy, one step at a time
All the useful information needed before    leave, description of the route, detailed
and during the journey: how to get ready,   maps, altimetry, progressive mileage,
what to put in your backpack, when to       accommodation and sights to see.

                     1                                               2






1   DETAILED MAPS        2   ALTIMETRY:     3   TECHNICAL DATA:          4   SIGNAGE,         5   DESCRIPTION          6   SIGNIFICANT     7   CULTURAL,
    OF THE ROUTE             DISTANCES,         TERRAIN, DISTANCE,           DIRECTIONS           OF THE ROUTE:            LOCATIONS           SPIRITUAL
                             ALTITUDES,         TRAVEL TIME,                 FOR CYCLISTS,        WITH WAYPOINTS           AND MONUMENTS       AND LANDSCAPE
                             LOCATIONS.         ELEVATION GAIN,              WHERE TO SLEEP       AND PARTIAL              TO VISIT.           INSIGHTS.
                                                DIFFICULTY.                  AND STOCK UP.        MILEAGE.
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
6 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                           TERRE.IT 7

                             La Via
                                                                                                                      By bike                                        On foot
                                                                                                                   DISTANCE: 1,200 km                                By bike

                                                                                                                   STAGES: 23                                    DISTANCE: 1,000 km
                                                                                                                   REGIONS: Aosta                                STAGES:    46,    19
                             The Via Francigena                                                                    Valley, Piedmont,                             REGIONS: Trentino A.
                                                                                                                   Lombardy, Emilia                              Adige, Veneto, E.
                             1,000 km on foot from Great San            On foot                                    Romagna, Liguria,                             Romagna, Tuscany,
                             Bernard to Rome                         DISTANCE: 1,000 km                            Tuscany, Lazio                                Umbria, Lazio
                             A whole month, a week or just           STAGES: 45
                             a few days: an extraordinary            REGIONS: Aosta
                                                                                          6                                             8
6                            journey towards the discovery of        Valley, Piedmont,
                             unexpected landscapes, medieval         Lombardy, Emilia
                             parishes and stretches of Roman         Romagna, Liguria,
                             roads, travelling across some of        Tuscany, Lazio
                             the most picturesque towns in
                             Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy,                           GUIDA ALLA VIA FRANCIGENA                     LA VIA ROMEA GERMANICA
                             Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Tuscany                             IN BICICLETTA                                 Romea Germanica Way
                             and Lazio. Including detailed                                Guidebook to Via Francigena
AUTHOR   Roberta Ferraris
                             maps, altimetry, official variants,                          by Bicycle                                    1,000 km from Brenner Pass to Rome
ITALIAN/3 RD EDITION: 2018   accommodation and places to                                                                                During the Middle Ages, all those who
ENGLISH/2 ND EDITION: 2018   visit. The official guidebook for the                        Over 1,000 km from the Alps to Rome           left north-eastern European countries
(NEW EDITION: 2020)          cultural itinerary of the European                           All the useful information needed by          travelled over the Romea Way. A trail
FRENCH/1 ST EDITION: 2018    Council.                                                     cyclists: detailed maps, places to visit,     that witnessed the transit of pilgrims,
264 PAGES FULL COLOR                                                                      accommodation and bicycle workshops.          wayfarers, merchants and kings. One
                             ENGLISH AND FRENCH EDITION
SOFTCOVER                                                                                 The route describes both pathways             that crosses Italy from north to south,
ISBN 978-88-6189-462-4                                                                    setting off from Montgenèvre and Great        brushing up against some beautiful
18,00 EUR                                                                                 San Bernard, in addition to all the           cities of art such as Padua, Ferrara,
                                                                                          possible variants.                            Ravenna, Orvieto, Montefiascone, as
                                                                                                                                        well as small hamlets and valleys. A
                                                                                          AUTHOR   Roberta Ferraris
                                                                                                                                        month and a half on foot or by bike,
                                                                                          4TH EDITION: 2018                             through some of the most beautiful
                                                                                          216 PAGES FULL COLOR                          landscapes of the peninsula.
                                                                                                                                        AUTHOR   Simone Frignani
                                                                                          ISBN 978-88-6189-461-7
                                                                                          18,00 EUR                                     1 ST EDITION: 2016
                                                                                                                                        296 PAGES FULL COLOR
                                                                                                                                        ISBN 978-88-6189-376-4
                                                                                                                                        18,00 EUR
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
8 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                                 TERRE.IT 9

                                                                                                                               La Via
                                                                                   On foot
                                  On foot                                          By bike

                                                                                                                               di Francesco
                                  By bike                                      DISTANCE: 500 km
                                  On horseback                                 STAGES:    25,
                              DISTANCE: 350 km                                    10                                           The Way of St. Francis
                              STAGES:    18,   7                               REGIONS: Lazio,
                              REGIONS: Tuscany,                                Abruzzo, Molise,                                From La Verna and Rome to Assisi             On foot
                              Umbria, Lazio                                    Apulia                                          The two itineraries towards Assisi           By bike
                                                                                                                               are now together for the first time in   DISTANCE: 450 km
11                                                 12                                                                          one guidebook: from La Verna (in the     STAGES:    24,   9
                                                                                                  17                           north) and Rome (in the south). A        REGIONS: Tuscany,
                                                                                                                               total of 450 km on foot or by bicycle    Umbria, Lazio
                                                                                                                               through the green heart of Italy,
                                                                                                                               between Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio,
                                                                                                                               through the Foreste Casentinesi
 DI QUI PASSÒ FRANCESCO                             CON LE ALI AI PIEDI                                                        national park, the Alpe della Luna
On the Road With Saint Francis                     With Wings On Your Feet                                                     nature reserve, the upper valley of
                                                                                                                               the Tiber River and the Sacred Valley
                                                                                                   AUTHORS Gianluigi Bettin,
350 km between La Verna, Gubbio,                   In the places of St. Francis and Michael                                    in Rieti. Including variants towards
                                                                                                   Paolo Giulietti,
Assisi... all the way to Rieti                     the Archangel                                                               Perugia and Terni. The guidebook
                                                                                                   Nicola Checcarelli
Seventeen days on foot, by bicycle or              From the Lazio region, all the way to the                                   also includes a road book for those
on horseback across Tuscany, Umbria                boulders of Monte Sant’Angelo suspended        1 ST EDITION: 2017           travelling by bicycle. In addition to:
and Lazio; through millennial forests              over the sea in Gargano: 25 stages towards      (NEW EDITION: 2020)         detailed maps, altimetry, gradients,
and valleys full of history. A new                 one of the most fascinating and ancient         296 PAGES FULL COLOR        accommodation, description of the
updated version of the first guidebook             pilgrimage destinations in Europe. This         SOFTCOVER                   route and places to visit.
on the “roads of Francis” on foot. The             guidebook is the natural sequel to “Di qui      ISBN 978-88-6189-440-2
fundamental events in the life of                  passò Francesco” (“On the Road With Saint       20,00 EUR
Francis are described for every stage              Francis”). An exciting hiking or bicycle
of the trail. A whole chapter is entirely          trail across Abruzzo, Molise and northern
dedicated to bicycle preparation and               Apulia – through unknown valleys, cities
maintenance.                                       of art and breath-taking landscapes.
                                                   Destination: the fascinating grotto of
 AUTHOR   Angela Maria Seracchioli
                                                   the appearances and worship of Saint
 ITALIAN/7 TH EDITION: 2018                        Michael, located just a few kilometres
(NEW EDITION: 2020)                                away from San Giovanni Rotondo.
                                                    AUTHOR   Angela Maria Seracchioli
 SOFTCOVER                                         2 ND EDITION: 2015
 ISBN 978-88-6189-464-8                            192 PAGES FULL COLOR
 18,00 EUR                                          SOFTCOVER
                                                    ISBN 978-88-6189-338-2
                                                   18,00 EUR
                                                    RIGHTS SOLD: GERMAN
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
10 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                               TERRE.IT 11

                              Il Cammino                                                                                                                                     On foot

                              di san Benedetto
                                                                                                                               On foot                                       By bike
                                                                                                                               By bike                                   DISTANCE: 400 km
                                                                                                                           DISTANCE: 180 km                                         18,  9
                              The Way of Saint Benedict                                                                                                                  STAGES:
                                                                                                                           STAGES:    6,   3                             REGIONS: Tuscany,
                              300 km from Norcia to Montecassino                 On foot                                   REGIONS: Emilia                               Umbria, Marche,
                              Sixteen days on foot (or by bicycle)               By bike                                   Romagna, Tuscany                              Lazio
                              along a fascinating itinerary through          DISTANCE: 300 km
                              the Umbria and Lazio regions, following        STAGES:    16,  7
                                                                                                 22                                            18
13                            in the footsteps of Saint Benedict – the       REGIONS: Umbria,
                              patron saint of Europe. The itinerary          Lazio
                              will be touching upon three of the
                              sites that were most significant in the
                              Saint’s lifetime. They are: Norcia, his
                              place of birth, at the foot of the Sibillini                        GUIDA ALLA VIA DEGLI DEI                      ITALIA COAST TO COAST
                              Mountains; Subiaco, where Benedict                                  The Way of Gods Guidebook                     Italy Coast to Coast
                              laid down the foundations of his Rule;
 AUTHOR   Simone Frignani
                              and Montecassino, in the Lower Lazio                                From Bologna to Florence and back             400 km from the Adriatic to the Tyrrhenian
 ITALIAN/4TH EDITION: 2019    region, where he lived the last years of                            On foot or by bicycle through the Emilia      The charm of central Italy united with
 ENGLISH/3 RD EDITION: 2017   his life and established the Abbey that                             and Tuscany regions, from Piazza              an actual coast-to-coast adventure. A
 176 PAGES FULL COLOR         survived four destructions. A trail that                            Maggiore to Piazza della Signoria: one        unique and charming itinerary envisaging
 SOFTCOVER                    makes its way through a land rich in                                week travelling over Roman slab stone         eighteen days on foot (or nine by bicycle)
 ISBN 978-88-6189-415-0       history and natural charm.                                          roads of the Flaminia Military Trail,         along paths and dirt roads, leading
 18,00 EUR                                                                                        amidst the woods of the Apennine              from the Monte Conero promontory to
                              RIGHTS SOLD: GERMAN
                                                                                                  Mountains. Then climbing up the               the Monte Argentario one – on the road
                              ENGLISH EDITION
                                                                                                  mountains dedicated to ancient gods,          towards the discovery of underground
                                                                                                  such as Monte Adone (Adonis) and              cities and ancient roads. Including visits
                                                                                                  Monte Senario. Complete with the              to medieval towns such as Nocera Umbra,
                                                                                                  description of the itinerary in both          Assisi, Todi (perched as a guard over the
                                                                                                  directions: from Bologna to Florence and      Tiber River), Orvieto (with its splendid
                                                                                                  vice-versa.                                   Gothic cathedral) and then the tuff cities
                                                                                                                                                called Sorano, Sovana and Pitigliano,
                                                                                                  AUTHOR   Simone Frignani
                                                                                                                                                all the way to the nature reserve of the
                                                                                                  2 ND EDITION: 2019                            Orbetello lagoon (in the Maremma area).
                                                                                                 112 PAGES FULL COLOR
                                                                                                                                                AUTHOR   Simone Frignani
                                                                                                  ISBN 978-88-6189-460-0                        3 RD EDITION: 2018
                                                                                                 14,00 EUR                                      (NEW EDITION: 2020)
                                                                                                                                                168 PAGES FULL COLOR
                                                                                                                                                ISBN 978-88-6189-481-5
                                                                                                                                                18,00 EUR
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
12 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                                TERRE.IT 13

                                                                               On foot                                        Il Cammino
                                                                               By bike
                             On foot                                       DISTANCE: 350 km
                         DISTANCE: 110 km                                  STAGES:    15,  6                                  The Balteo Way
                         STAGES: 8                                         REGIONS: Lombardy,
                         REGIONS: Piedmont,                                Emilia Romagna,                                    350 km to discover Valle d’Aosta           On foot
                         Val d’Aosta                                       Tuscany                                            All the beauty of the Aosta Valley at   DISTANCE: 350 km
                                                                                                                              a slow pace.                            STAGES: 23
                                                 15                                                                           A circular route, among chestnut        REGION: Valle
                                                                                                                              trees, vineyards and woods.             d’Aosta
                                                                                                                              Nature, culture, food and wine:
                                                                                                                              the patois and the Roman remains
                                                                                                                              of Aosta; open-air museums, like
                                                                                                                              those of Challand and Chemp; the
IL CAMMINO DI OROPA                               GUIDA ALLA VIA DEGLI ABATI                                                  fortresses - from Bard to the castle
The Oropa Trail                                   E DEL VOLTO SANTO                                                           of Fénis - and the small villages
                                                 Guidebook to the Via degli Abati                                             where you can taste fontina, Arnad
                                                                                                  AUTHORS Roberta Ferraris,
On foot from Santhià to Sacro Monte              and del Volto Santo Trails                                                   lard and Muscat.
                                                                                                  Franco Faggiani
For over four centuries, hikers and                                                                                           A path within everyone’s reach,
pilgrims have been climbing up to Oropa          350 km from Pavia to Lucca                       1 ST EDITION: 2020          also suitable to a weekend with the
to admire the Black Virgin. A trip through       Eight days on foot over the roads once           192 PAGES FULL COLOR        family.
the Piedmont region: from rice paddies           travelled during the Middle Ages by monks        SOFTCOVER                   The best way to discover Valle
in Vercelli, all the way to the Alps in          from the San Colombano abbey; then               ISBN 978-88-6189-627-7      d’Aosta, outside the most popular
Biella. Comprising four stages suited for        another week’s journey, all the way to the       18,00 EUR                   high-altitude resorts.
expert and non-expert hikers, for enjoying       crucifix of Il Volto Santo (Holy Face) that is
the nature intrinsic to these places,            venerated all over Europe. Together these
encountering the monastic community in           two trails give life to an evocative “Mountain
Bose or participating in the re-enactment        Francigena trail” through the Oltrepò Pavese
of the Passion of Christ in Sordevolo. The       area, Lunigiana and Garfagnana. Their
guidebook also describes ancient roads           destination is Lucca, a splendid city of art,
that are still enlivened by emotional            from which one may continue on towards
nocturnal pilgrimages from Fontainemore          Rome. An itinerary that should not be
in Valle del Lys and from Rassa in Valsesia.     missed by all those who love hardly-trodden
In addition to a series of day trips for those   paths, silent woods, towns and castles in
who want to continue their hike once             the Apennine mountains.
they’ve reached their destination.
                                                  AUTHORS Niccolò e Luciano Mazzucco,
AUTHOR   Alberto Conte                            Guido Mori
1 ST EDITION: 2019                               2 ND EDITION: 2019
128 PAGES FULL COLOR                             176 PAGES FULL COLOR
SOFTCOVER                                         SOFTCOVER
ISBN 978-88-6189-578-2                            ISBN 978-88-6189-414-3
15,00 EUR                                        18,00 EUR
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
14 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                                  TERRE.IT 15

                                                                                                                                  Il Cammino
                                                                                   On foot                                        Materano
                                  On foot                                          By bike                                        Materano Trail
                              DISTANCE: 180 km                                 DISTANCE: 370 km
                              STAGES: 11                                       STAGES: 20                                         On foot along Via Peuceta                 On foot
                              REGION: Sicily                                   REGION: Sicily                                     On the road towards Matera, the        DISTANCE: 160 km
                                                                                                                                  2019 European Capital of Culture:      STAGES: 7
21                                               24                                                                               a 7-day journey between the            REGIONS: Apulia,

                                                                                                  26                              Puglia and Basilicata regions,         Basilicata
                                                                                                                                  between past and present, from
                                                                                                                                  the historical legacies of Frederick
                                                                                                                                  II to the infinite horizons of the
                                                                                                                                  Murge plateau that has been
 LA MAGNA VIA FRANCIGENA                          DA PALERMO A MESSINA                                                            shaped by the work of man over
Magna Via Francigena Trail                        PER LE MONTAGNE                                                                 the course of centuries. Hiking
                                                  Through the Mountains,                                                          during the day involves walking
                                                                                                   AUTHORS Angelofabio
Sicily on foot from sea to sea                    from Palermo to Messina                                                         through olive and almond groves,
                                                                                                   Attolico, Claudio Focarazzo,
From the Gulf of Palermo to the Valley of                                                                                         vineyards and drywalls; whereas
                                                                                                   Lorenzo Lozito
Temples, along ancient roads once travelled       370 km hiking along the Via Francigena                                          evenings involve discovering the
by Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Normans.             Trails in Sicily                                 1 ST EDITION: 2019             flavours of traditional dishes
Nine stages towards the discovery of              On foot from Palermo to Messina in               128 PAGES FULL COLOR           prepared in masserie farmhouses.
Sicily: the famous one with Monreale and          a matter of 20 days, through Norman              SOFTCOVER                      Until suddenly coming upon the
Agrigento, but even that made up of the           fortresses, arabesque domes, nature              ISBN 978-88-6189-525-6         most famous Sassi in the world: a
Sicani Mountains with their breath-taking         reserves and culinary delights. Towards          15,00 EUR                      unique kind of beauty, suspended
landscapes, or Sutera that is one of the “most    the discovery of the Apennines in Sicily,                                       between the earth and the sky.
beautiful villages in Italy”. Walking through     speckled with splendid hamlets and
nature parks, fields of wheat and small           surprising glimpses of the sea. A historical
towns perched on hilltops, this is a coast-to-    itinerary through the Madonie peaks, the
coast journey uncovering the traditions and       Nebrodi woods and the summit of the
history of an unforgettable land.                 Peloritani mountain range, all the way to
                                                  the Strait of Messina – the island’s ancient
 AUTHOR   Davide Comunale
                                                  gateway to the Orient.
                                                  AUTHOR   Davide Comunale
 FRENCH/1 ST EDITION: 2020                        ITALIAN/1 ST EDITION:2018
 96 PAGES FULL COLOR                              ENGLISH/1 ST EDITION: 2020
 SOFTCOVER                                        132 PAGES FULL COLOR
 ISBN 978-88-6189-441-9                           SOFTCOVER
 15,00 EUR                                        ISBN 978-88-6189-479-2
                                                  18,00 EUR
                                                  ENGLISH EDITION
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
16 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                           TERRE.IT 17

                         La Via Francisca
                         del Lucomagno
                                                                                                                                                                    On foot
                                                                                                                    On foot                                      DISTANCE: 250 km
                         The Via Francisca of Lucomagno                                                             By bike                                      STAGES: 14
                                                                                                                DISTANCE: 630 km                                 REGIONS: Marche,
                         135 kilometers from Varese to Pavia           On foot                                  STAGES: 31                                       Umbria, Abruzzo,
                         The first official guide to the Italian       For all                                  REGION: Tuscany                                  Tuscany
                         ancient way that, from Constance,         DISTANCE: 135 km
                         crosses Switzerlandand Lombardy and       STAGES: 8
                                                                                      19                                             25
                         then connects to the Via Francigena.      REGIONS:
                         A Roman-Lombard route that, from          Lombardy
                         Lake Lugano to the Sacro Monte of
                         Varese up to the abbey of Morimondo,
                         winds through Unesco and Fai heritage
                         assets, natural parks and waterways.                          TOSCANA A PIEDI                                IL CAMMINO
                         With detailed cartography, hosts                              Tuscany on Foot                                NELLE TERRE MUTATE
                         contacts and all useful information to                                                                      Terre Mutate Trail
AUTHORS Alberto Conte,
                         travel.                                                       630 km between Pisa, Florence, Arezzo,
Marco Giovannelli
                         And in addition, an appendix dedicated                        Siena and Elba                                250 km on foot from Fabriano
1 ST EDITION: 2020       to the stages in Germany and                                  Hiking for a month, a week or even            to L’Aquila
128 PAGES FULL COLOR     Switzerland, and indications to enter                         simply for a weekend through the entire       The Long Trek for L’Aquila, an annual
SOFTCOVER                the Via Francigena.                                           Tuscany region: including historical          solidarity trek that brings hundreds of
ISBN 978-88-6189-626-0                                                                 trails, cities of art and nature. Pisa,       hikers to the places hit by earthquakes
18,00 EUR                                                                              Florence, Siena, Arezzo and then the          between 2009 and 2017, has now become
                                                                                       trails and dirt roads in the Valdarno         an actual route: from Camerino to
                                                                                       area, the hills in Chianti and Val d’Orcia.   Piana di Castelluccio, from Norcia to
                                                                                       In addition to Etruscan settlements           Amatrice with the aim of becoming
                                                                                       in Pitigliano, Sorano and Sovana, the         acquainted with these beautiful and
                                                                                       Maremma area and Via dei Cavalleggeri         fertile places, the stories of those who
                                                                                       along the coastline. All the way to the       have decided to stay. An itinerary
                                                                                       last stage: the wild and fascinating          contributing towards the rebirth of a
                                                                                       island called Elba.                           land that has been transformed, both in
                                                                                                                                     its outward appearance and in its soul,
                                                                                       AUTHORS    Milena Romano, Vincenzo
                                                                                                                                     and returning from the hike as changed
                                                                                       2 ND EDITION: 2017
                                                                                                                                      AUTHOR   Enrico Sgarella
                                                                                      170 PAGES FULL COLOR
                                                                                       SOFTCOVER                                     1 ST EDITION: 2019
                                                                                       ISBN 978-88-6189-420-4                         (NEW EDITION: 2020)
                                                                                      19,00 EUR                                       144 PAGES FULL COLOR
                                                                                                                                      ISBN 978-88-6189-523-2
                                                                                                                                      18,00 EUR
RIGHTS LIST 2020 - Terre di Mezzo Editore
18 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                                 TERRE.IT 19

                                                                            On foot                                         On foot
                              On foot                                       By bike                                         Family-friendly                               On foot
                          DISTANCE: 180 km                              DISTANCE: 150 km                                DISTANCE: 75 km                                DISTANCE: 75 km
                          STAGES: 9                                     STAGES: 7                                       STAGES: 10                                     STAGES: 20
                          REGIONS: Umbria,                              REGIONS: Marche,                                REGION:                                        REGION: Piedmont
                          Marche                                        Umbria                                          Piedmont

IL CAMMINO FRANCESCANO                        LA VIA LAURETANA                                IL TREKKING DEL LUPO                            SULLE STRADE DEI VALDESI
DELLA MARCA                                  Lauretana Trail                                  The Wolf’s Trek                                 The Way of the Waldensians
Franciscan Way of Marca
                                             150 km on foot from Assisi to Loreto             From the Maritime Alps                          20 days on foot between France
180 km from Assisi to Ascoli Piceno...       A 7-day hike that can be covered two             to Mercantour Park                              and the Piedmont region, travelling
and back                                     ways – either on foot or by bicycle              A family-friendly itinerary, one that is        in the footsteps of Waldensians
Eighty years from the proclamation of        – through the Umbria and Marche                  unique thanks to the undisputed charm           returning from exile
Saint Francis as patron saint of Italy,      regions, amidst unscathed nature and             exercised by wolves on children of all          On the night of 17 August 1689, one-
an itinerary has been taken up once          charming locations such as Spello,               times. One week through the Maritime            thousand Waldensian men set off
again. It follows his footsteps along the    Tolentino and Macerata. Complete                 Alps Park in the Piedmont region, all the       along the shores of Lake Geneva with
Apennines, between the Umbria and            with detailed maps, description of               way to the Mercantour Park in France            the hope of returning to their valleys
Marche regions; going from Foligno to        the route, altimetry, places to visit,           where one may catch a close-up glimpse          in the Piedmont region – from which
Muccia, from the San Liberato convent        accommodation and even nature/                   of wolves – without any danger at all.          they had been exiled in the year 1687.
(where he wrote The Little Flowers), all     spiritual insights.                              The return trip envisages travelling over       Today hikers can once again travel
the way to Amandola through natural                                                           ancient royal hunting roads. Including          over that same historical route: twenty
                                              AUTHORS     Chiara Serenelli, Paolo Giulietti
parks and medieval towns. A unique                                                            all the useful information needed when          stages on foot through beautiful
occasion for discovering lands full of       1 ST EDITION: 2015                               embarking upon this itinerary even in           valleys and snow-capped mountains,
art and history, but even the places and      128 PAGES FULL COLOR                            the company of children.                        along the roads of the heroic return of
communities that have risen up again          SOFTCOVER                                                                                       Waldensians from exile. Complete with
                                                                                              AUTHORS Franco Voglino, Annalisa
after being hit by earthquakes in 2016        ISBN 978-88-6189-322-1                                                                          the day-by-day report of an endeavour
and 2017.                                     18,00 EUR                                                                                       that took place over three centuries ago.
                                                                                              1 ST EDITION: 2014
AUTHORS     Maurizio Serafini, Luciano                                                                                                        AUTHORS     Riccardo Carnovalini, Roberta
                                                                                              96 PAGES FULL COLOR
Monceri                                                                                                                                       Ferraris
1 ST EDITION: 2019-2020                                                                       ISBN 978-88-6189-295-8                          1 ST EDITION: 2020
128 PAGES FULL COLOR                                                                          13,50 EUR                                       208 PAGES FULL COLOR
SOFTCOVER                                                                                                                                     SOFTCOVER
ISBN 978-88-6189-577-5                                                                                                                        ISBN 978-88-6189-588-1
15,00 EUR                                                                                                                                     19,00 EUR
20 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                                TERRE.IT 21

                                                                                                                                On foot
                                                                                                                             DISTANCE: 430 km
                                                                                  On foot                                    STAGES: 22                                        On foot
                            On foot                                            DISTANCE: 400 km                              REGIONS: Veneto,                               DISTANCE: 650 km
                         STAGES: 23                                            STAGES: 24                                    Emilia Romagna,                                STAGES: 32
                         REGION: Sardinia                                      REGION: Sardinia                              Tuscany
                                                 20                                                23

SARDEGNA A PIEDI                                  IL CAMMINO MINERARIO                              GUIDA AL CAMMINO                            IL CAMMINO DI SANT’OLAV
Sardinia on Foot                                  DI SANTA BARBARA                                  DI SANT’ANTONIO                             The St. Olav Way
                                                 The Mining Way of Santa Barbara                    The Saint Anthony Trail
13 spectacular itineraries along the                                                                                                            The downfall of a king and the birth of
coastline                                        400 km in Sardinia, amidst history and             430 km on foot from Padua to La Verna       a legend
Rocky headlands, centuries-old juniper           nature                                             Twenty-two days towards the discovery       An ancient route following in the
trees, dunes and beaches of white sand,          From the crystal-clear waters of Sant’Antioco      of spirituality and the life of St.         footsteps of a warrior who became king,
nestled in nature that has gone practically      to the thick forest in Marganai, from              Anthony. From Camposampiero to the          saint and legend. The impassioned
unscathed; and, of course, its emerald           the white sand dunes in Piscinas to                Basilica in Padua, and then across the      and ironical voice of an expert pilgrim
and turquoise sea. One-day or weekend            the spectacular Is Zuddas caves – an               Apennines to the sanctuary in La Verna      narrates his days of hiking in Norway.
excursions, or actual routes in stages; trails   unforgettable journey towards the discovery        – the crossroads of Franciscan paths. An    From Oslo, for 650 km made up of lakes
suited for one and all, towards the discovery    of south-western Sardinia. A journey               itinerary that joins together some of the   and boundless forests, going further
of a nearly unknown Sardinia. Solitary           through suggestive abandoned mines,                most beautiful cities in the Veneto and     and further, all the way to the fjords in
coves and landscapes of rare beauty that can     galleries overlooking the cliffs, ghost towns      Emilia-Romagna regions to locations         Trondheim and Stiklestad – the Finis
sometimes be found just around the corner        and ancient railroads that disappear into the      of meditation and peace, such as the        terrae (end of the earth) of the north.
from the most crowded places. From Gallura       woods. And as a devotional common thread:          Camaldoli hermitage.                        Complete with all the information
to Cala Gonone, from Capo Spartivento to         the worship of Saint Barbara (patron saint of                                                  needed to get started.
the island called Caprera. A book that is the    miners) whose churches are scattered over          1 ST EDITION: 2018
                                                                                                                                                AUTHOR   Roberto Montella
outcome of an extraordinary adventure            this splendid ring-shaped itinerary.               168 PAGES FULL COLOR
experienced by its authors: walking the                                                             SOFTCOVER                                   1 ST EDITION: 2019
                                                  AUTHOR   Giampiero Pinna
entire perimeter of the island in 80 days.                                                          ISBN 978-88-6189-463-1                      200 PAGES TWO COLORS
                                                  ITALIAN/1 ST EDITION: 2017 (NEW EDITION: 2020)    18,00 EUR                                   SOFTCOVER
AUTHORS     Riccardo Carnovalini, Roberta
                                                  ENGLISH/1 ST EDITION: 2020                                                                    ISBN 978-88-6189-576-8
                                                  180 PAGES FULL COLOR                                                                          15,00 EUR
3 RD EDITION: 2019                                SOFTCOVER
216 PAGES FULL COLOR                              ISBN 978-88-6189-251-4
SOFTCOVER                                         18,00 EUR
ISBN 978-88-6189-243-9
                                                  ENGLISH EDITION
18,00 EUR
22 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                TERRE.IT 23

                            Guida al Cammino                                                                       Guida al Cammino
                            di Santiago de Compostela                                                              di Santiago per tutti
                            Camino de Santiago de Compostela Guidebook                                             Camino de Santiago for All guidebook
                            Over 800 km on foot from the                On foot                                    A barrier-free trail!                     On foot
                            Pyrenees to Finisterre                   DISTANCE: 900 km                              In the year 2018, 27,000 Italians         For all
                            On foot for 30 stages along the French   STAGES: 30                                    reached Santiago on foot and          DISTANCE: 900 km
                            Trail, from the Pyrenees and all the                                                   increasingly more intend to           STAGES: 33

1                           way to Santiago, in the north of                            1                          embark upon the journey: people
                            Spain, setting off from Roncesvalles                                                   with mobility and sensory
                            or from the harsher and more                                                           impairments, the elderly, those
                            solitary Somport Pass. Thirty days                                                     who have undergone transplant
                            “away from the world”, or better yet                                                   surgery, people with minor yet
                            away for the normal pace of everyday                                                   debilitating diseases. Thirty days
                            life. From the Navarra woods, going                                                    of travelling may represent a
                            through the Mesetas desert plateaus,                                                   problem for them, but one that
AUTHORS Alfonso Curatolo,                                                               AUTHORS Pietro Scidurlo,
                            all the way to luxuriant Galicia.                                                      can be overcome thanks to this
Miriam Giovanzana                                                                       Luciano Callegari
                            Spending every night in an equipped                                                    guidebook. Three different routes:
12 TH EDITION: 2019         shelter where one can sleep and                             2 ND EDITION: 2016         over paved roads (by handcycle);
(NEW EDITION: 2020)         enjoy the hospitality of pilgrims from                      328 PAGES FULL COLOR       mixed terrain (for wheelchairs);
232 PAGES FULL COLOR        way back when.                                              SOFTCOVER                  along the classic Camino (for those
SOFTCOVER                                                                               ISBN 978-88-6189-385-6     with minor disabilities).
ISBN 978-88-6189-488-4      2021 The Compostela Holy Year                               20,00 EUR
18,00 EUR
24 PATHWAYS SERIES                                                                                                                                                      TERRE.IT 25

                                                                                                                        A Santiago lungo
                                                                                                                        il Cammino Portoghese
                                On foot                                     On foot                                     To Santiago along the Portuguese Way
                                By bike                                     By bike
                            DISTANCE: 900 km                            DISTANCE: 520 km                                With variants for the coast and            On foot
                            STAGES: 33                                  STAGES: 18                                      Fatima                                     By bike
                                                                                                                        One month carrying a backpack          DISTANCE: 650 km
2                                              4                                                                        over ancient Portuguese roads.         STAGES: 26

                                                                                           3                            The first guidebook for travelling
                                                                                                                        over this very well-marked and
                                                                                                                        flagged trail, which includes the
                                                                                                                        long variant towards Fatima
                                                                                                                        (destination for thousands of
A SANTIAGO LUNGO                               A SANTIAGO LUNGO                                                         pilgrims on a yearly basis). Those
IL CAMMINO DEL NORD                            IL CAMMINO PRIMITIVO                                                     who love the ocean will find Senda
Towards Santiago                               E IL CAMMINO INGLESE                                                     Litoral and Variante Espiritual
                                                                                           AUTHORS Giovanni Caprioli,
Along the Northern Way                         To Santiago, Along the Primitive                                         in this new updated edition, for
                                                                                           Luciano Callegari, Irina
                                               Way and the English Way                                                  walking along the sandy beaches
Over 800 km on foot from Irún to                                                                                        of Portugal and the jagged coasts of
Compostela                                     Two alternative routes towards              4TH EDITION: 2018            Galicia.
Enchanting beaches, high cliffs,               Compostela                                  (NEW EDITION: 2020)
unscathed nature between the sea and           The Primitive Way, the oldest route         264 PAGES FULL COLOR
the mountains in northern Spain: one           travelled by pilgrims, sets off from        SOFTCOVER
month on foot, facing onto the ocean,          the fascinating city called Oviedo and      ISBN 978-88-6189-452-5
towards Santiago – following in the            brushes up against historical Lugo:         19,00 EUR
footsteps of pilgrims from the past. The       thirteen days on foot between the
first complete and updated guidebook           Asturias mountains and sunny Galicia.
to one of the best-known Jacobean              But you can also reach Compostela
routes: for those who have already             along the English Way: five days on
completed the French Way or those              foot, setting off from A Coruñao Ferrol
who are searching for the solitude and         located on the western coast of Spain,
charm of ancient pilgrimages. Complete         where pilgrims from northern Europe
with all the variants by bicycle and the       used to land during the Middle Ages.
possibility of requesting GPS data.
                                               AUTHOR   Donatella Capizzi Maitan
AUTHOR        Luciano Callegari
                                               3 RD EDITION: 2018
5   TH
         EDITION: 2017                         (NEW EDITION: 2021)
(NEW EDITION: 2020)                            192 PAGES FULL COLOR
240 PAGES FULL COLOR                           SOFTCOVER
SOFTCOVER                                      ISBN 978-88-6189-451-8
ISBN 978-88-6189-416-7                         19,00 EUR
19,00 EUR
VIA CALATAFIMI 10         Eleonora Armaroli           Davide Musso
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