Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the ...

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Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the ...
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021                  
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090302

     Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics
     Materials for High School / Vocational High School
      Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the
                    Covid-19 Pandemic
            Oktariyana1,*, Moch. Asmawi1, Iman Sulaiman1, Oktariyani2, Noviria Sukmawati3,
                             Muhsana El Cintami Lanos4, Hikmah Lestari4

                         Faculty of Post Graduate Sports Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
  English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Social and Humaniora, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Indonesia
                          Sport Education Study Program, Universitas Bina Darma, Palembang, Indonesia
                             Physical Education Study Program, Universitas PGRI Palembang, Indonesia

                       Received December 14, 2020; Revised February 6, 2021; Accepted March 12, 2021

Cite This Paper in the following Citation Styles
(a): [1] Oktariyana, Moch. Asmawi, Iman Sulaiman, Oktariyani, Noviria Sukmawati, Muhsana El Cintami Lanos,
Hikmah Lestari , "Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School
Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic," International Journal of Human Movement and
Sports Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 394 - 402, 2021. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090302.
(b): Oktariyana, Moch. Asmawi, Iman Sulaiman, Oktariyani, Noviria Sukmawati, Muhsana El Cintami Lanos, Hikmah
Lestari (2021). Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School
Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Human Movement and
Sports Sciences, 9(3), 394 - 402. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090302.
Copyright©2021 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract This study used a survey method, collecting            validation of the learning experts were 81% in the very
data used observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The      good category. While the results of field trials in both
data analysis technique used in this study is qualitative       small-scale and large-scale trials, the overall results show
descriptive statistics. The results of observations of          that the mobile learning design is attractive, easy to use
questionnaires and interviews are that; 1) There is a need      and students can practice the gymnastics movements that
for innovations in designing or developing a                    have been developed. This shows that the mobile learning
media/learning model based on mobile learning that is           design is suitable for use as a distance learning medium in
adapted to the times and technological advances,                the high school / vocational high school level rhythmic
especially in the subject of rhythmic gymnastics at the         gymnastics material during the Covid-19 pandemic
high school / vocational high school level so that students     because the media is easy to use and useful in the learning
can learn independently safely and healthily during the         process so that learning objectives can be achieved
Copid-19 pandemic. 2) Design of mobile learning                 properly.
material for high school / vocational gymnastics is
feasible to be used as a media for distance learning during
                                                                Keywords    Mobile Learning; Rhythmic Gymnastics;
                                                                Learning Media, Distance Learning; The Copid-19
the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the results of expert
validation and field trials, namely; 1) the results of the
validation of the gymnastics material expert explained that
the series of rhythmic gymnastics movements were
feasible because they could be applied, 2) the results of
the validation by the media expert obtained a value of
80% in the very good category, and 3) the results of the
Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the ...
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021                    395

1. Introduction                                                 rhythmic gymnastics material at the SMA / SMK level is
                                                                expected to be useful as a medium for distance learning
   The Covid-19 pandemic is currently endemic in almost         during the Covid-19 pandemic as well as for the future.
all countries, one of which is Indonesia. With the              Also, the use of innovative, creative, and independent
problems that occur, teaching and learning activities are       learning models is needed in the learning and teaching
usually carried out face-to-face and carried out in schools.    process of physical education in schools, especially for
However, as a result of this pandemic, learning has turned      SMA / SMK level on rhythmic gymnastics material.
to distance learning (PJJ). Distance education, hereinafter     Rhythmic gymnastics as a choice of rhythmic activity in
referred to as PJJ, is education where students are             the basic competencies of physical education learning, in
separated from the educator and whose learning uses             its implementation, must refer to educational goals,
various learning resources through information and              including developing self-skills in psychomotor
communication technology and other media [1]. The               development and maintenance of physical fitness and
Covid-19 pandemic has negated all activities in Indonesia       healthy lifestyles through various rhythmic activities in
that have the potential to gather mass, including               schools. Also, the goal of physical education is to
educational activities at all levels. As a result, almost all   understand the concept of physical activity and exercise in
formal education institutions organize online learning [2].     a clean environment as information to achieve perfect
In modern times, distance education is becoming a more          physical growth, a healthy lifestyle and fitness, skill, and
popular and accepted approach to education [3]. Also,           have a positive attitude. From the description above it can
nowadays digital technology has become an inseparable           be concluded that physical education through rhythmic
part of the world of education [4]. Digital technology here     gymnastics in rhythmic activities aims to develop basic
includes a variety of computer hardware and software,           psychomotor movement skills and improve physical
such as cell phones, web tools, application software,           fitness and healthy lifestyles for students.
communication services, and storage [5].                           Rhythmic gymnastics is a gymnastic movement that is
   Distance learning, especially in the provision of            carried out to the rhythm of the music, the movements can
rhythmic gymnastics at the SMA / SMK level, will be fun         be varied according to the accompaniment of music,
if the teacher uses media that is interesting and fun for       singing, or counting. Husnul [12] explained that rhythmic
students. According to AECT [6] explains that "learning         gymnastics is gymnastics that is done to channel a sense
media is anything people use to transmit messages".             of art or a sense of beauty to foster and improve the art of
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the most appropriate              movement. The emphasis that should be put on rhythmic
media to use is mobile learning-based learning media. In a      gymnastics is rhythmic, body flexibility, and continuity of
mobile learning and teaching environment, where students        movement. Also, Ahmad [13] explained that rhythmic
can interact and review resources "anytime, anywhere,"          gymnastics is a movement of steps and body exercises
the learner and the instructor become clients for               that are formed in such a way as to produce the beauty of
interactive learning and instruction centers. These centers     regular motion from one movement to another. The
can support teachers with the provision of controlling,         objectives of teaching gymnastics include: 1) developing
monitoring, and guiding activities for learning and             physical skills, 2) developing physical fitness, 3) instilling
teaching. In such a mobile environment the role of the          knowledge and awareness of physical fitness, 4)
teacher is that of mediator, supporter, or facilitator, or to   developing emotional skills and social talents, 5)
guide learning. To be successful in such a dynamic              developing attitudes and personality) [14].
environment, a teacher must engage and monitor students'
learning processes, assist them in their learning activities
and help them to make meaningful connections with the           2. Materials and Methods
real world and with prior and new knowledge [7]. Mobile
learning is "unique learning because learners can access        2.1. Mobile Learning
learning materials, directions, and applications related to
the course anytime and anywhere [8]. Mobile learning as            Any device that is small enough can work alone, can be
instant and optionally accessible, anywhere and anytime         carried around at any time in everyday life, and can be
learning, which helps us create our knowledge, satisfy our      used for some form of learning. This small device can be
curiosity, collaborate with others, and enrich our              seen as a tool for accessing content, either stored locally
experiences "[9]. Meanwhile, according to Crompton [10],        on the device or accessible via interconnection. This
mobile learning is e-learning that is performed through         device can also be a tool for interacting with other people,
mobile devices. Mobile learning as taking place when the        either through voice or exchanging written messages, still
learner is not at a fixed, predetermined location, or when      images, and moving images [15]. The term mobile
the learner takes advantage of the learning opportunity         learning (m-learning) refers to the use of handheld and
offered by mobile technologies [11].                            mobile information technology (IT) devices, such as
   With the existence of mobile learning products,              PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), mobile phones,
Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the ...
396       Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels
                                 as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic

laptops, and tablet PCs, in teaching and learning. Mobile       2.3. Learning Media
learning (m-learning) is part of electronic learning
(e-learning) so that by itself it is also part of distance         The use of instructional media at the learning
learning (d-learning). M-learning is learning across            orientation stage will greatly assist the effectiveness of the
multiple contexts, through social and content interactions,     learning process and the delivery of messages and lesson
                                                                content. In addition to generating student motivation and
using personal electronic devices [16]. Mobile learning is
                                                                interest, learning media can also help students improve
a facility or service that provides electronic information in
                                                                understanding, present data by attracting and condensing
general to learners and with educational content/material
                                                                information. Media is an intermediary or messenger from
that can help in attaining knowledge regardless of location
                                                                the sender to the recipient of the message [20]. Meanwhile,
and time [17]. Mobile learning can be defined as the use
                                                                Suhartati [21] explained that media is anything that can
of mobile devices as a mediator in the process of learning
                                                                transmit information from information sources to
and teaching "[18]. Mobile learning is a new learning
                                                                information recipients. Meanwhile, learning is the
method that maximizes the use of mobile device
                                                                teacher's effort to make students carry out learning
technology or smartphones. The development of mobile
                                                                activities. It can be concluded that learning media is
learning media must be developed as attractive as possible
                                                                anything that can be used to transmit information from
so that student learning motivation can increase.               teachers to students so that it can stimulate the thoughts,
                                                                feelings, attention, and interests of students and in the end
2.2. Rhythmic Gymnastics                                        can make students carry out learning activities, especially
                                                                in distance learning during the Copied pandemic. 19 this.
   Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that can be done
individually or in groups. Rhythmic gymnastics is very          2.4. Distance Learning
good for body fitness and the formation of body parts.
Good and appropriate movements in rhythmic gymnastics              The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
will produce maximum results as expected. Caine [19]            Organization (UNESCO) explained that more than 91% of
explained that gymnastics is a sport characterized by early     the world's student population has been affected by school
intensive practice. It can represent the most demanding         closures due to the Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)
sport in which performance excellence is reached during         pandemic. The impact of the Copid-19 pandemic was the
childhood and early adolescence. Childhood and                  Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud)
adolescence are periods of enormous skeletal growth (at         through the Minister of Education and Culture Circular
the end of adolescence, the major part of adult bone mass       Number 4 of 2020 containing directions regarding
is acquired). In principle, rhythmic gymnastics aims to         learning from home through distance learning. Distance
make the body fit, supple, and make the heart happy. The        education or what is called distance education (in English)
freedom of movement obtained through movement will              is an institution-based formal education in which students
result in balance, timing, strength, and coordination. Or it    and instructors are in separate locations so that it requires
can also be interpreted as rhythmic gymnastics, where the       an interactive telecommunications system to connect the
movements are performed rhythmically, a combination of          two and the various resources needed in it. Electronic
the various rhythmic movements that accompany them,             learning (e-learning) or online learning (online) is part of
the accompaniment can be in the form of clapping, beats,        distance education that specifically combines electronic
singing, music, and so on. In rhythmic gymnastics, we           technology and internet-based technology [22]. Simply
need to master movement techniques to achieve                   put, distance learning is education that is taught remotely,
                                                                without a physical classroom.
movements that are harmonious and beneficial to both
body and spirit. This is following the goals of gymnastics,
namely shaping the beauty of the body, fitness, and             2.5. Methodology
strength. When doing rhythmic gymnastics movements, it            This study used a survey method. Collecting data using
is hoped that students can do it cheerfully and happily. So     observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The data
that the goal to increase the work of the heart and body        analysis technique used in this study is qualitative
metabolism is achieved. Also, doing rhythmic gymnastics         descriptive statistics. This research has been carried out in
properly and correctly can provide other benefits such as       high school / vocational high school in the city of Baturaja,
burning excess fat in the body, is a weight loss program,       South Sumatra, which consists of 3 schools, namely SMA
improves the appearance of the muscles of the thighs,           Muhammadiyah 1 Baturaja, SMK Negeri 2 OKU, and
arms, waist, abdomen, and chest.                                SMK Negeri 3 OKU.
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International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021                            397

3. Results and Discussion                                       3.2. Product Design Results
                                                                   The design of mobile learning products for rhythmic
3.1. Results of Needs Analysis                                  gymnastics material as a medium for distance learning
                                                                during the Copid-19 pandemic is in the form of an
   The next step is to conduct a needs analysis. This stage
                                                                application that can be downloaded by users online. In the
is also carried out as a basis for developing a mobile
                                                                material menu, besides displaying a description of the
learning model in rhythmic gymnastics at the high school
                                                                material in the form of text, it also displays examples of
/ vocational high school level so that it can facilitate
                                                                rhythmic gymnastics learning movements as outlined in
students in participating in rhythmic gymnastics learning,
                                                                the learning videos so that students can better understand
especially during the Copid-19 pandemic. The needs
                                                                following the rhythmic gymnastics learning movements
analysis was carried out by distributing questionnaires and
                                                                that the researcher has developed. In brief, the description
simple interviews to students who were taking rhythmic
                                                                of the design of mobile learning in the form of a rhythmic
gymnastics subjects.
                                                                gymnastics learning application can be described as
   The following is an explanation of the results of the
needs analysis and the findings in the field that there are
several important points so that it is necessary to develop
a Mobile Learning Design for Rhythmic Gymnastics
Materials at the high school / vocational high school level
as a Distance Learning Media during the Copid-19
Pandemic, including; 1) out of 50 students, 100% of the
students stated that rhythmic gymnastics subjects at
school were only given once a week. So thus students'
understanding of rhythmic gymnastics material is quite
low, without any assistive media that makes it easier for
students to learn independently who can study anywhere
that does not only rely on teaching by teachers at school. 2)
Of the 50 students, only 10% of students open learning
applications, 68% of students open Facebook applications
more often, and 22% of students open Instagram
applications. 3) Of the 50 students, 40% of students chose
                                                                    Figure 1. Logo of Rhythmic gymnastics learning application
mobile learning media, 32% chose printed books and 28%
chose to learn VCDs. This means that students are very
enthusiastic about mobile-based media that is adapted to
the progress of the times and technological developments
in the present era, which can learn anytime and anywhere
regardless of time and place. 4) Out of 50 students 90% of
students already have an Android cellphone, and only
10% of students do not have an Android cellphone. So
that if the rhythmic gymnastics learning media is
packaged in the form of an Android-based application
there are no obstacles for students to access and learn it.
and 5) out of 50 students 96% of students agreed that
rhythmic gymnastics learning was packaged in the form of
mobile learning.
   Departing from these points, it can be concluded that
there is a need for innovations in designing or developing
a media/learning model based on mobile learning that is
adapted to the times and technological advances,
especially in the subject of rhythmic gymnastics at the
high school / vocational high school level so that students
can learn independently safely and healthily during the
Copid-19 pandemic.                                              Figure 2. Display of Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Application
                                                                Program Title
Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the ...
398         Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels
                                   as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Figure 3. Display of Rhythmic Gymnastics Learning Application Entry        Figure 5. Rhythmic Gymnastics Menu Display

                  Figure 4. Main Menu Display                                Figure 6. Simulation Video Menu Display
Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the ...
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021                              399

                                                Figure 7. Rhythmic Gymnastics Video Show

3.3. Results of the Validation of Gymnastics Material                3.4. Validation Results of Media Experts
                                                                       Based on data from the results of the media expert
   The following are the results of validation by                    validation instrument, the values obtained are; 1) the app
gymnastics material experts on the initial design that has           appearance attractiveness is 80% with a very good
been compiled. The results show that the overall results of          category, 2) the suitability of the audio music used is 80%
the series of movements in rhythmic gymnastics are                   with the very good category, 3) the attractiveness of the
feasible because they can be applied, but some                       video content is 82% in the very good category, 4) the use
movements must be replaced. So the rhythmic gymnastics               of media as an alternative to learning is 80 % with very
movement sequence model deserves to be continued at the              good category, and 5) aspect of media functionality by
next stage of the trial. However, gymnastics experts still           80% with a very good category. The results of the media
provide notes in the form of input and suggestions on the            expert's validation can also be illustrated in the following
model of the rhythmic gymnastics movement series to be               pie chart:
revised before proceeding to the next stage. The following
is a table of several revisions (notes in the form of
suggestions and input) from gymnastics experts and the
follow-ups from researchers are as follows:
                Table 1. Revision and Follow Up
            Expert Response
   No                                        Revision
          (Input Suggestions)
         Pay attention to the     The demonstrators have trained
         movements made           again so that the gymnastics
    1    with power and           movements are carried out
         precisely so that you    properly and correctly, are
         don't get injured.       compact, and interesting.
         When shooting, pay
         attention to the
                                  Improve the formation of
    2    instructor's formation
         so that all movements
         are visible.
                                                                           Figure 8. Pie Diagram of Media Expert Validation Results
                                  The songs are arranged from
         Music is already         South Sumatra regional songs,        Based on the pie chart above, thus the overall design of
         good, especially         namely, the song dik sangke,
         developing folk          ombay akas, pempek lenjer,         the mobile learning material for high school / vocational
         songs.                   cuhup tenang, cuk mak ilang, and   high school rhythmic gymnastics is a very good category,
                                  gending Sriwijaya.                 which means that the mobile learning product of rhythmic
                                  The initial duration of ± 15
    4    Duration added again     minutes after the revision was     gymnastics material for SMA / SMK in the form of a
                                  changed to ± 20 minutes.           rhythmic gymnastics learning application is feasible for
         The movement is                                             continued at the next trial stage, but media experts still
         systematic, good, and
         varied according to
                                                                     provide notes in the form of input and suggestions that
    5    the characteristics of                  -                   need to be revised on the product that has been developed.
         high school /                                               The notes in the form of input and advice from media
         vocational school
                                                                     experts on mobile learning design products for high
                                                                     school / vocational high school level rhythmic gymnastics
                                                                     are as follows:
Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels as a Distance Learning Media during the ...
400          Design of Mobile Learning Rhythmic Gymnastics Materials for High School / Vocational High School Levels
                                    as a Distance Learning Media during the Covid-19 Pandemic

                                     Table 2. Revision and Follow-up of Application Products by Media Experts

       No                Expert Response (Input Suggestions)                                                  Revision
               Fixed in the introduction & title section, there was a typing
        1      error and the font color was adjusted to the background on the                    Revised according to suggestions
               In the background in the main menu, the color is changed
        2                                                                                        Revised according to suggestions
               according to the theme
               In the hint menu, each point is given an icon and the image is
        3                                                                                        Revised according to suggestions
               adjusted accordingly.
               In the video background simulation menu, the image is             Make revisions and add one button/button so that users can see
               adjusted to the video theme.                                      the full video of Batara exercises from heating, core, and cooling.
                                                                                 Add a description of each movement to the exercise video in the
        5        And the video button/button is added again "full video".
                                                                                 Choose an attractive and conducive shooting location. In the
                                                                                 initial product, the shooting location was in a poor school location
               The shooting location is chosen as an interesting and
        6                                                                        which was then improved by selecting a shooting location at the
               conducive place for gymnastics.
                                                                                 Jakabaring Stadium, Palembang-South Sumatra.

3.5. Learning Expert Validation Results                                         namely small-scale trials and large-scale trials with notes
                                                                                after the revisions according to the suggestions.
   The     following     are    the     results    of    the
assessment/validation by learning experts on the initial
product design of mobile learning for high school /                             3.6. Field Trials (Small Scale & Large Scale)
vocational high school level rhythmic gymnastics                                   This mobile learning design product for high school /
materials. (a) on the indicators of the formulation of                          vocational high school level rhythmic gymnastics has
learning objectives, a value of 80% was obtained with                           been evaluated and validated by experts, then revised
very good criteria, (b) on the indicators of the delivery of                    according to the experts' notes, after the initial product
learning material, a value of 83% was obtained in the very                      draft was revised then tested on a small scale involving N
good category, and (c) on the indicators of learning                            = 20 students, namely from SMA Muhammadiyah 1
management, a value of 80% was obtained with very good                          Baturaja. And conducted a large-scale trial involving N =
category. Based on the data above, an average percentage                        80 SMA / SMK students consisting of 3 schools, namely
of 81% is obtained with a very good category, which                             SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Baturaja, SMK Negeri 2 OKU,
means that the product that has been developed is feasible                      and SMK Negeri 3 OKU. This small and large scale trial
to be tested at a later stage. The results of the learning                      is an empirical feasibility test to obtain data about the
expert validation can also be illustrated in the following                      attractiveness and ease of practicing the design of mobile
pie chart:                                                                      learning products that have been developed. In the results
                                                                                of small-scale trials and large-scale trials, it was found
                                                                                that the product design of mobile learning, rhythmic
                                                                                gymnastics material as a whole was suitable for use
                                                                                because all test subjects, namely students, were able to
                                                                                implement and apply all development products that the
                                                                                researchers compiled.
                                                                                   The results of small and large-scale trials that have been
                                                                                carried out have resulted in several field notes to be used
                                                                                as material for correction and evaluation, especially in the
                                                                                implementation of model products on a large scale in
                                                                                learning rhythmic gymnastics in schools. The following
                                                                                are some of the notes that have been compiled including; a)
                                                                                Researchers must take precautions regarding the
                                                                                application of mobile learning design products for
      Figure 9. Pie Diagram of Learning Expert Validation Results               rhythmic gymnastics learning because not all students
                                                                                bring or have Android cellphones and anticipate internet
  From the results of the validation of the experts, both                       networks that are quite smooth so students can download
media experts, material experts, and learning experts as a                      products in the form of rhythmic gymnastics learning
whole, it can be concluded that the mobile learning design                      applications during learning, b) in general the product
product for the rhythmic gymnastics material at the SMA /                       mobile learning design of rhythmic gymnastics learning
SMK level is feasible to be tested at the next stage,                           can be applied in learning, because it helps students in the
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 9(3): 394-402, 2021                     401

learning process, learning interactions, and student            gymnastics learning application in which there are
learning motivation, as a whole the product can be applied      examples of rhythmic gymnastics movements with
and used by all subjects on a small and large scale, c) the     gymnastic movements that have been arranged according
equipment used must be well prepared, d) there are              to the characteristics of high school / vocational high
several models of a series of rhythmic gymnastics               school students. 3) the music used in the rhythmic
movements that need to be considered in their                   gymnastics video in the application is music composed of
implementation, e) order and discipline must always be          South Sumatra regional songs.

3.7. Discussion
                                                                4. Conclusions
                                                                   Based on the results of the survey and field trials that
   The development of information and communication             have been carried out, it can be concluded that; 1) there is
technology has encouraged the creation of innovations in        a need for innovations in designing or developing a
all fields. One of the fields that have not escaped this        media/learning model based on mobile learning that is
development is the field of education where the concept of      adapted to the times and technological advances,
mobile learning (m-learning) was born. The time that is         especially in the subject of rhythmic gymnastics at the
owned by the teacher to meet face to face with students in      high school / vocational high school level so that students
the classroom can be assisted in the use of mobile learning     can learn independently and safely, healthy during the
which can be accessed anytime and anywhere because              Copid-19 pandemic. 2) The design of mobile learning
mobile learning uses mobile technology devices that can         material for high school / vocational high school level
provide convenience to each user in accessing knowledge.        gymnastics is feasible to be used as a medium for distance
One of them is the design of the rhythmic gymnastics            learning during the Copid-19 pandemic, based on the
mobile learning material at the high school/vocational          results of expert validation and field trials. 3) It is the
high school level which has been developed into a               answer to the problems that occurred during the Copid-19
multifunctional learning model, which can be both a             pandemic which demanded that learning be carried out
source and a learning medium. The mobile learning               online or virtual which is often referred to as distance
design product for high school / vocational high school         learning. So that the learning objectives of rhythmic
level rhythmic gymnastics material that has been                gymnastics can be achieved properly, namely improving
developed is a multi-functional learning model, both as a       the physical fitness of high school / vocational high school
source and as a learning medium. With a product in the          students.
form of this learning exercise, an active, creative, and fun
learning interaction can be realized during the Covid-19
pandemic. With the concept of mobile learning, learning         Acknowledgements
will not be limited by time and space because of the
flexibility and portability of the devices used so that            We are very grateful to the Postgraduate Program at the
students are more enthusiastic and have the opportunity to      State University of Jakarta, the sports education study
learn in new, easy, useful, and fun learning spaces [24].       program, and all those who have contributed to the writing
   According to Lu'mu [25] in his research, he states that      of this article.
learning media applications using Android-based
smartphones are proven to be feasible, practical, and
efficient for use in learning. Learning applications that are
accessed via mobile smartphones are effectively used as         REFERENCES
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