RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger

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RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
  Autumn 2
RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger

                                           Dear Colleagues and Friends
                                           and Collectors of our Catalogues,
                                           this is nr 11 – just for the records.

                                           Again, this catalogue offers a wide range of books for readers of all ages. Please pay
                                           special attention to our cover illustrations which are taken from the first picture book
                                           by the duo Eva Dax and Sabine Dully “You Are Oh So Horribly Handsome!” (p.12).
                   Renate Reichstein
                    Rights Director        For readers aged 10+ we have a bestselling new series to offer: “Alea Aquarius. The Call
r.reichstein@verlagsgruppe-oetinger.de     of the Water” (p.19). Author Tanya Stewner already is an internationally reknown writer.
Phone: + 49 40 607 909 713
                                           A dead girl, who seems very much alive, a sleepless heroine whose nightmares come
                                           true: the first book in a super-special mystery trilogy for girls – awakened your interest?
                                           Then please take a closer look at Krystyna Kuhn’s new series “Monday Club” (p.25).

                                           And of course there is much more to discover on the following pages. Just browse through
                                           and feel free to ask for reading copies and sample translations.
                   Bianca Kuchenbrod
                   Junior Rights Manager   With this catalogue we introduce the first titles published by Oetinger34, a new imprint
b.kuchenbrod@verlagsgruppe-oetinger.de     of Verlag Friedrich Oetinger. Those titles are not just books, they are the results of intensive
Phone: + 49 40 607 909 782                 collaboration between young authors, illustrators, editors and readers. For more details
                                           on this innovative way of publishing, please see page 30.

                                           As some of you already know: Katharina Depken has been on maternity leave again since
                                           June and will be back next summer. We expect our second “department-baby” to be born
                                           by the end of August. Bianca Kuchenbrod stepped in for Katharina and you will have
                   Gabriele Schoepe        the chance to meet her in Frankfurt.
                   Rights Department
g.schoepe@verlagsgruppe-oetinger.de        Best wishes
Phone: + 49 40 607 909 753

                                           Renate Reichstein
                                           Rights Director

RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
Table of Contents

                    Table of Contents
                    Board Books Age 18–24 Months  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .            4–6
                    Stories to Read Aloud Age 3/4  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .        7–8
                    Activity Pads Age 5  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
                    Picture Fairy Tales Age 3  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .    9
                    Maxi Picture Books Age 3/4  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .         10
                    Picture Books Age 3/4  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11–12
                    Beginning Readers Age 6/7  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
                    Children‘s Fiction Age 5–11  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14–21
                    Young Adults Age 12–16  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 21–29
                    Oetinger34  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       30
                    Contact Addresses  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 31

RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
Board Books Age 18 Months +                                                         Board Books Age 18 Months +

                                           The Goodnight Book by
                                           Paul Maar and Dagmar Geisler!
                                           Light-hearted rhymes from the masterly
                                           Paul Maar and amusing, adorable
                                           illustrations from Dagmar Geisler!

Paul Maar · Dagmar Geisler                                                          Susanne Weber · Tanja Jacobs                     Anne-Kristin zur Brügge · Marina Rachner
All The Animals Are Asleep                                                          Beaver Has a Fever                               When the Animals Celebrate Christmas
16 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-6900-7                                                   16 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7880-1                16 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7040-9

Do animals really sleep just like people? Some do, but many don’t!                  “Oh no,” says the beaver. “I think I have a      At Christmas, everyone comes together, and
The bat uses its feet to hang upside down from the rafters to sleep,                fever!” Straight away, all of his friends want   the little piglet, the big, fat bear and lots of other
the baby rabbits huddle together in their warren, the lamb sleeps in                to help him. The ferret sends him to bed, the    funny animals have a big party. First they
the meadow near its mummy and the calf lies safe and warm in the                    snail gives him a blanket, the rabbit provides   decorate a tree and then they guzzle gorgeous
stable. And where do children dream the sweetest dreams?                            a cold compress and they all get together to     food, sing and dance. Hurray! Christmas is
                                                                                    cook him a hot soup! How could the beaver        simply wonderful!
                                                                                    fail to get better now!
                                                                                                                                      A heart-warming story of Christmas
                                                                                     Large, clear pictures, delightful                and best friends with festive rhymes
                                                                                     funny rhymes for the children to                 and charming illustrations
                                                                                     repeat and empathise with.
                                                                                     For everyone with a big heart.

                                                                                                 ALSO AVAILABLE:
                                                                                                 “Ow!” Said The Owl
                                                                                                  150.000 copies sold!                                   ALSO AVAILABLE:

                                                                                                  The Mouse with the Louse                               How Baby Animals Go To Sleep
                                                                                                  978-3-7891-6707-2                                      978-3-7891-7843-6

                                                                                                The Lobster is a Sobster                                 More than 70.000 copies sold
4                                                                                               978-3-7891-7879-5                                        English world rights sold
RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
Board Books Age 18 Months +

Lena Kleine-Bornhorst · Anna Marshall       Lena Kleine-Bornhorst · Anna Marshall           Lena Kleine-Bornhorst · Heike Vogel               Lena Kleine-Bornhorst · Heike Vogel
Pull & Discover: Vehicles                   Pull & Discover: My World                       Pull & Discover: Farm                             Pull & Discover: Woodland Animals
16 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-6898-7           16 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-6899-4               16 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7264-9                 16 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7265-6

Who has loaded everything onto the lorry?   Where on earth are my wellingtons?              Where is farm dog Max running off to?             Do you know where the baby rabbits sleep?
And why aren’t the cars moving along the    And someone is riding on Daddy’s shoulders.     And someone is cheekily pinching a carrot         And someone is saying hello to the little
road? Can you see why? Pull on the slider   Can you see who it is? Pull on the slider now   from the vegetable garden. Can you see            hedgehog family. Can you see who it is?
now and find out.                           and find out.                                   who it is? Pull on the slider now and find out.   Pull on the slider now
                                                                                                                                              and find out.

                                                                                    Brightly coloured pictures,
                                                                                    peephole on the cover and
                                                                            interactive sliders on every page

RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
Board Books Age 24 Months +

Martina Badstuber                               Susanne Lütje · Nina Hammerle                 Meike Haberstock                                Kerstin M. Schuld
Crosspatch Brown Bear                           The Little Pig Is Not Alone                   Listen Closely! What Sounds                     My Day & Night Discovery
16 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7783-5               16 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7937-2             Does Your Body Make?                            Picture Book of the City
                                                                                              12 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-6649-5               10 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7172-7

The brown bear is being a real crosspatch       The little pig is tired of being all on his   How does your heartbeat sound? When             Sophie and Ben are looking forward to a visit
today. He’s so cross and grumpy that none       own so he packs his things and sets out       does your heart beat slowly and when does       from Grandma and Grandpa, who are coming to
of his friends’ attempts to cheer him up        into the world to find himself a friend.      it pound? Little children are fascinated by     sell fruit and vegetables from their farm at the
make any difference. They offer him good        Sadly, his first attempts with a chicken      their own body and the many different noises    market. But Sophie and Ben discover so many
food, honey and a outing in the car, but        and a beaver are unsuccessful, but then       it makes. When do we sneeze? Why do we          other exciting things during the day and the night.
nothing helps, not even a fishing trip. He      the pig meets the little mouse and the pair   have to fart? And how does it sound when we
just stays as grumpy as ever. In the end, his   end up romping and playing and the pig        eat with our mouth open? Meike Haberstock        The second book in the My Day &
friends come up with a wonderful idea to        brushes the mouse’s fur while the mouse       takes children on a journey of their body and    Night discovery picture book series
make him laugh.                                 brushes the pig’s bristles. That’s how        even invites them to try things out any time.
                                                happy you can be if you have a friend!                                                         Hide and seek for the very young
 Delightful and heart-warming,                                                                 The first body knowledge book                   with extra-large fold-out pages and
 this story will soon blow away any              A heart-warming story about                   with innovative illustrations and               the objects to look for depicted along
 bad temper. With clear, colourful               friendship with charming rhymes               sound elements for many realistic               the edge of the picture. Super, detail-
 illustrations. A must for all families          to repeat and delightful pictures             noises enables children to get to               packed discovery pictures!
 and nursery schools.                                                                          know their own body as they play.

                                                                                                                                                           ALSO AVAILABLE:
                                                                                                                                                           My Day & Night Farmyard
                                                                                                                                                           Discovery Picture Book
6                                                                                                                                                          10.000 copies sold
RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
Stories to Read Aloud Age 3+                                                                        Stories to Read Aloud Age 4+

Henriette Wich · Barbara Korthues                 Marliese Arold · Stéffie Becker                   Maja von Vogel · Tina Schulte                     Usch Luhn · Dagmar Henze
Little Angel Stories to Read Aloud                3-5-8 Minute Goodnight Stories                    Stories About Strong Girl Characters              A Read-Aloud Classic –
32 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-3708-6                 144 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-2117-7                to Read Aloud                                     Alice in Wonderland
                                                                                                    48 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-2116-0                 128 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-3163-3

Angel girl Nike is excited. Today is her first    Here you are sure to find the right story for     The little mermaid Mimi shows courage             One lovely summer’s day, Alice spots a
day of being a guardian angel. And before she     every bedtime ritual. Like the one about          when she rescues her friends from the mean        small, white rabbit with a waistcoat and
knows it, her first emergency call has come in.   Nellie, for example, who cannot decide which      cuttlefish. And Emma is a great character,        a pocket watch. She tries to follow him
All the while, angel girl Aurora is dreaming of   of her cuddly toys she likes best.                too. When a bigger boy bullies Max, Emma          and suddenly tumbles down a hole in the
one day being allowed to sing with the angel                                                        stands up for him. That’s because true friends    ground only to find herself in an amazing
choir. And Ian makes fun of his best friend        The fifth volume in the successful               always help each other! And Ida musters all       land. There she meets the Cheshire cat,
Eric for wearing his angel amulet. He is quite     series, with bedtime stories in                  her courage when she gets lost – and finds that   who never stops grinning, the Mad Hatter
certain there’s no such thing as angels. Or do     three lengths, heart-warming and                 asking the way is not so difficult, after all.    and the Dormouse, and is hauled up in
they exist?                                        delightfully illustrated.                                                                          front of the strangest court she has ever
                                                                                                     Set in a world seen through the                  seen by the scarily capricious queen.
 Lovingly illustrated with modern                                                                    eyes of four-year-olds; these
                                                                   ALSO AVAILABLE:
 pictures of guardian, football and                                                                  stories come with wonderful,                     A classic children’s book retold for
 many other kinds of angels                                        3-5-8-Minute Laugh and            light-hearted illustrations                      small ears and with illustrations
                                                                   Giggle Stories
                                                                   978-3-7707-2499-4                                                                  filled with Wonderland atmosphere
                                                                   3-5-8-Minute Stories to
                                                                                                                                                      by Dagmar Henze.
                                                                   Cuddle Up with at Bedtime
                                                                   978-3-7707-2919-7                                                                  Many more titles available in this series
                                                                   3-5-8-Minute Stories for
                                                                   Young Adventurers
                                                                   3-5-8-Minute Christmas Stories
                                                                   978-3-7707-2115-3                                                                                                              7
RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
Stories to Read Aloud Age 4+                                          Stories to Read Aloud Age 4+                            The Read-Aloud/Interactive Series Age 4+

                               Have a Very Special
                               Christmas With Maluna
                               A Christmassy Maluna story with
                               biscuit recipes and a Christmas song

Andrea Schütze · Tina Kraus                                           Petra Maria Schmitt · Christian Dreller · Heike Vogel   Maren von Klitzing · Joëlle Tourlonais
Maluna Moonlight – Christmas Excitement                               Where Does the Astronaut go to                          Cosy Read-Aloud Stories –
in the Enchanted Forest                                               the Toilet? Read-Aloud Stories for                      Dreams, Stars, Rainy Days
96 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-4027-7                                     Inquisitive Children                                    80 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-2922-7
                                                                      128 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-4021-5
Soon Christmas will be here! What a good job Maluna has                                                                       ,What a lovely idea: Cuddle up at home, read
realised that just in time. But now she needs to hurry up and         Does a millipede really have a thousand feet?           stories aloud and immerse yourself in fabulous
decorate the fairy´s den before she goes to Ranuncula, the            Why doesn’t it hurt when you have your hair             worlds by following the book’s suggestions.
little witch, to bake Christmas biscuits. On her way there, she       cut? And how does the rain get into the clouds?         This read-aloud book gets you into a cosy mood
meets the raggedy-baggedy trummtrapses, who have actually             This book playfully answers 19 questions                with stories about kittens, rainy weather, soft
had the impudence to steal the wish lists of the children from        children often ask. That’s because this is not a        blankets, and fall-asleep magic
the Enchanted Forest. This simply won’t do! Maluna needs to           knowledge book as such, but a truly wonderful
intervene straight away.                                              storybook that is sure to teach the adults who          The fourth volume in the
                                                                      read them aloud one or two new things.                  successful Read Aloud / Activity
                                                                                                                              series, beautifully atmospherically
                ALSO AVAILABLE:
                                                                       A new book in the popular series:                      illustrated by Joëlle Tourlonias
                                                                       Fascinating facts woven into child-
                     Maluna Moonlight –
                     The Little Goodnight Fairy                        appropriate stories with beautiful                                     ALSO AVAILABLE:
                     978-3-7707-4020-8                                 illustrations by Heike Vogel
                                                                                                                                              Fantastic Read-Aloud Stories –
                     20.000 copies sold!
                                                                                                                                              Witches, Dragons, Magicians
                     Maluna Moonlight –                                Translation rights sold to Poland                                      978-3-7707-2647-9
                     Stories from the Enchanted Forest
                                                                                                                                              Wild Read-Aloud Stories –
                                                                       Many more titles available in this series                               Pirates, Knights, Robber Gangs
                   Maluna Moonlight –                                                                                                          978-3-7707-2732-2
                   Enchanting Goodnight Stories
                                                                                                                                                Enchanting Read-Aloud Stories –
                                                                                                                                                Princesses, Fairies, Mermaids
8                  ... and many more titles                                                                                                     978-3-7707-2921-0
RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
Activity Pads Age 5+                                                                                  Picture Fairy Tales Age 3+

Christian Becker · Lieve Baeten · Margret Lieser   Christian Becker · Lieve Baeten · Margret Lieser   Illustrated by Monika Parciak                   Illustrated by Yayo Kawamura
My Magical Paint Pad                               My Witchy-Wonderful Puzzle Pad                     My Favourite Picture Fairy Tales –              My Favourite Picture Fairy Tales –
80 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-7658-0                  80 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-7660-3                  The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,            Cinderella, Rapunzel, Little Red
                                                                                                      The Bremen Town Musicians, Puss in              Riding Hood, Snow White
With these cute activity pads, boredom disappears		   as if by magic. Each pad has                    Boots, The Hare and the Hedgehog                40 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-2923-4
40 age-appropriate puzzles that are heaps of fun to solve and colour in – a super                     40 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-5503-5
idea, especially for passing time on the move! And with the correct answers on the                                                                    The perfect book for passing on traditional
other side of the page, the children can easily find out whether they got it right.                   There are already countless anthologies of      knowledge to young children. The book
                                                                                                      Grimm fairy tales in print – but often they     provides readers with a short text version
                                                                                                      feature the original texts, which are too       of the fairy tale as a basis on which to tell
                                                                                                      difficult for younger children to understand.   the story in their own words. Children love
                                                                                                      This special book offers readers the chance     hearing a story over and over again and also
                                                                                                      to tell the fairy tales in their own words.     being able to join in. This is very good for
                                                                                                      And the children can also easily retell each    their language development, and it’s also
                                                                                                      story with the help of the pictures.            lots of fun, of course.

                                                                                                       Animal fairy tales told in pictures,            Picture stories with strong girl
                                                                                                       delightfully illustrated and ideal              characters in a large-format book
                                                                                                       for children of 3 and up                        for the children to follow as the
                                                                                                                                                       adult tells the story.
                                                                                                                                                       With cute, cheeky illustrations.

RIGHTS CATALOGUE AUTUmn 2015 - Verlagsgruppe Oetinger
MAXI Picture Books Age 3+

Christian Dreller · Iris Hardt                  Petra Kummermehr · Antje David                     Petra Steckelmann · Martina Hoffmann            Anne Ameling · Kai Schüttler
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves                  Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp                     Little Lord Fauntleroy                          Gulliver’s Travels – A Voyage to Lilliput
24 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-7595-8               24 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-7594-1                  24 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-7593-4               24 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-7596-5

Open Sesame! Deep in the forest, Ali Baba       Aladdin is locked away in a magical cave by        When little Cedric discovers that he is         Gulliver is shipwrecked and finds himself
discovers a secret thieves’ hideout - a cave.   a dastardly wizard. While looking for a way        actually a lord, he travels to England to see   stranded on the strange island of Lilliput.
He opens it up and cannot believe his eyes –    out, he happens upon a dented old lamp. To         his grandfather, a wealthy count. But the       But what’s this? Gulliver cannot believe his
there are mountains of gold and diamonds        his surprise, a genie living inside it offers to   count is grumpy and bad-tempered, and           eyes: All of the people there are no bigger
hidden inside the cave. Ali Baba sneaks         make three wishes come true for Aladdin.           he treats his servants very badly. With his     than his thumb! Gulliver’s adventures in the
some treasures into his pocket, but the 40                                                         cheery nature and carefree manner, Cedric       land of the little people make this book one
robbers find out. In the end, clever Ali Baba                                                      ultimately succeeds in softening the old        of the most popular children’s classics.
manages to outwit the robbers.                                                                     man’s heart.

Picture Books Age 3+                                                                                    Picture Books Age 4+

Susanne Weber · Catharina Westphal               Susanne Weber · Catharina Westphal                     Elisabeth Zöller · Anne-Kathrin Behl          Ute Krause
Jan and Julia Go Shopping                        Jan and Julia Want a Pet                               The Chaos Monster                             The Father Christmas Conspiracy
24 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7285-4                24 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7288-5                      32 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7707-5967-5             32 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-7831-3

There’s lots of shopping to do today! As well    Sophie is really lucky – she’s got two guinea pigs!    You must be kidding! Tidy Up? What child      No one would have dreamt it possible, but when
as that, Jan and Julia need new shoes and a      But then it turns out that she has an allergy to the   wants to do that? Max and Mara are no         a headline announces that there are absolutely
birthday present for their friend Paul. So the   animals and needs to find a new home for them.         exception here. They would much rather        no Father Christmases to be found, everyone
whole family drives first to the department      Jan and Julia are allowed to keep them for a trial     make everything untidy. But when the little   believes it. The children and even the grown-ups
store and then to the market. It’s amazing how   of four weeks, and the two children have loads         chaos monster suddenly turns up, tidying      are deeply disappointed. Only Rupert is simply
many things are on sale there. And Jan and       of fun looking after Molli and Polli and playing       becomes child’s play. How to create order     not prepared to accept it. He decides to find the
Julia are even allowed to buy the vegetables     with them. Will their parents also learn to love       with fun and a host of good ideas – but you   Father Christmases even if it means travelling all
all on their own. But what on earth is Mummy     the guinea pigs and will they be allowed to move       have to know the chaos monster if you want    over the world to do so.
going to do with so many cucumbers?              in with Jan and Julia for good?                        to discover the secret.
                                                                                                                                                      Cheeky, lovable, original and always
Book 7 and 8 in the popular series of Oetinger picture                                                                                                on eye level with children. Wonderfully
book classics with a fresh, new look and updated texts!                                                                                               illustrated with a wealth of amusing
                                                                                                                                                      details by Ute Krause!

                       ALSO AVAILABLE:                                                                                                                ALSO AVAILABLE:
                       Jan and Julia Help Mummy 978-3-7891-7286-1                                                                                     Oscar and the Very Hungry Dragon
                        Jan and Julia Go on Holiday 978-3-7891-7287-8                                                                                 978-3-7891-6748-5
                        Jan and Julia Go To Nursery School 978-3-7891-7167-3                                                                                          Translation rights sold to Denmark,
                         Jan and Julia Have a Birthday 978-3-7891-7166-6                                                                                              Japan, South Africa, Spain
                         Jan and Julia are Ill 978-3-7891-7165-9                                                                                                      (Spanish and Catalan), Sweden
                         Jan and Julia Celebrate Christmas 978-3-7891-7168-0                                                                                          and The United Arab Emirates
                         The Series has been sold to Denmark, Spain and Sweden                                                                                         English World Rights sold   11
Picture Books Age 4+                                                            Picture Books Age 4+

                                          The Loveliest, Smelliest
                                          Feet in the World!
                                          Translation rights sold to
                                          Denmark and The Netherlands

Eva Dax · Sabine Dully                                                          Anna Schindler · Billy Bock                     Xóchil A. Schütz · Christoph Feist
You Are Oh So Horribly Handsome!                                                A Jar of Time                                   Pia Likes Pineapple.
32 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-3392-3                                               32 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-002-9               Taste and Discover
                                                                                                                                32 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-004-3
Gregor is a little monster. He’s terribly strong, dreadfully loud and awfully
fast. But is he also a pretty monster? Gregor sets off to ask his mummy, his    Nobody wants to play with Zoe. Mummy,           Pia likes pineapple. Laurence loves croissants.
daddy and all the other monsters, who love him. They all give Gregor cuddles    Daddy and her big brother and sister both       And Jeanette adores baguette. Every child
and kisses – because doesn’t he just have the podgiest tummy, the scaliest      have important things to do. So Zoe sets        likes something different and that sparks
skin and the smelliest, cheesiest feet you could wish for?                      off for the park all on her own. Luckily, she   an acrobatic word journey across the well-
                                                                                bumps into old Alfred there. He has so much     stocked breakfast table – at last, children can
 A story about being loved and being                                            time that he can just sit on the park bench     play games with food and paint pictures with
 just right that turns conventional                                             and gaze at the clouds. He even watches         sounds to their heart’s content.
 beauty ideals upside down!                                                     the snails. Perhaps Alfred could give Zoe’s     Breakfast is ready! Fun and games with words
                                                                                family some of his time?                        at the table.

                                                                                 Sharing time in a jam jar:                      Innovative, surprising and creative –
                                                                                 philosophy for children,                        encourages children to come up with
                                                                                 touchingly told and illustrated                 their own ideas
                                                                                 with a refreshingly light touch
                                                                                                                                 Short one-liners and amusing
                                                                                                                                 pictures invite young children, who
                                                                                                                                 all love silly games, to join in and
                                                                                                                                 think up their own rhymes

Beginning Readers Age 6+                                                        Beginning Readers Age 7+

Rüdiger Bertram · Heribert Schulmeyer   Erhard Dietl                            Salah Naoura · Sabine Büchner         Paul Maar                                Ursel Scheffel · Julia Gerigk
Coolman and Me.                         The Ogglies Go On A                     Superhugo Catches                     The Sat and the Blue                     Paula at the Pony Stables.
Chaos On The School Outing              Class Outing                            the Thief!                            Wish Dot                                 Don’t Be Afraid, Little Pony!
64 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-2434-1       64 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-2431-0       64 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-2427-3     64 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-2426-6        64 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-2387-0

Kai is going on a school outing to      This is enough to drive even the        Hugo can hardly believe his eyes:     Mr Pocketbeer doesn’t believe the        Paula’s the only one who can help.
a museum with COOLMAN and               hardiest of Ogglies mad! Schoolgirl     one minute it’s there, the next       Sat can make any wish come true          Tom is the new pony on the farm,
his class. Something is bound to        Greta has run away from the coach       minute it’s gone! Who is constantly   for him and loses a wish dot every       but he’s so timid he won’t let anyone
go wrong! COOLMAN is only ever          taking her class on a school trip and   stealing his delicious bones from     time. That’s why he decides to make      near him. That’s because his previous
interested in what the children are     now she’s playing Oggly tricks on       under his nose? What a good job       a wish for something completely          owner left him alone far too often.
not supposed to look at and making      the Ogglies themselves. The Ogglies     he has the power to turn himself      impossible: he asks for snow! And        But Paula doesn’t give up and keeps
trouble for Kai.                        are very relieved when Greta’s          into a superdog and track down the    before he knows it, he and the Sat are   on inching closer to Tom.
                                        teacher turns up to collect her         thief. But even a superdog has his    knee-deep in a freezing snowstorm
 Book 3 in the cool series of           again. But then the Oggly kids have     limitations!                          in their flat.                            Book 3 in the new pony series
 beginning readers all about            a bright idea: they always wanted                                                                                       featuring Paula: a book all
 Kai and his invisible friend.          to go on a class trip. In a flash,       A book crammed with                   The second Sat adventure                 about horses and friendship
 Packed with cheeky,                    they climb aboard the coach as           slapstick humour:                     revised for beginning readers            that girls are sure to love!
 colourful illustrations                stowaways. This class trip is going      Superhugo’s third adventure           and with lots of new
                                        to be the best fun ever!                 with hilarious illustrations          illustrations by the author             ALSO AVAILABLE:
                                                                                                                                                                            Paula at the Pony Stables.
           ALSO AVAILABLE:               Many more titles                                  ALSO AVAILABLE:                                                                  Last-Minute Rescue
           Coolman and Me.               available in this series                          Superhugo                                                                        978-3-7891-2385-6
             Off to School!                                                                  Saves Lives!                                                                     Paula at the Pony Stables.
             978-3-7891-2388-7                                                               978-3-7891-2378-8                    ALSO AVAILABLE:                             Fancy Dress Time
                                         Perfect beginning reader
                                                                                                                                  A Diving Suit for the Sat                   978-3-7891-2386-3
              Coolman and Me.            fun with the Ogglies!                               Superhugo
              Off to the Zoo!                                                                Takes Off!                                                                       Many more Paula
              978-3-7891-2376-4                                                              978-3-7891-2377-1                    15.000 copies sold!                         titles available     13
Children‘s Fiction Age 5+                         Children‘s Fiction Age 6+

Paul Maar                                         Eva Dax · Melanie Groger                            Cally Stronk                                      Illustrations by Daniela Chudzinski
One Sat Too Many                                  George and His Fabulous Travels.                    The Maffels – Here we go!                         Wondrous Christmas
144 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-4298-7                12 New Adventure Stories to Read                    128 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7915-1956-2                256 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-5134-7
The Sat gives Mr Pocketbeer a very precious       144 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-4199-7                  Max thinks his new stepsister Lara is stupid      Is it all right to fib at Christmas? Kirsten
present for his birthday: a very last wish dot.                                                       – just like the old house he and his dad are      Boie and Salah Naoura tell us that sometimes
But what does Mr Pocketbeer go and do with        George and his friends Mo, the dung beetle,         living in now. What a good job there’s a soft,    it is allowed. Top German-language authors
it? He makes a wish for the wrong thing, of       and Belle, the dragonfly, have “itchy feet”; they   cuddly creature with brightly coloured hair       invite readers to rediscover Christmas.
course - namely, a Sat for his pesky neighbour,   can’t wait to go travelling again and explore       that’s no bigger than his index finger living     There are stories about live Christmas cribs,
Mrs Redcabbage. And straight away, there’s        foreign countries. They want to find out what       there: a maffel. Together, Max and the maffel     children waiting for snow to fall, about how
a second Sat sitting at their dining table. It    it’s like in Transylvania, Iceland and Spain.       think up new tricks to play on spoilt Lara. But   often you can celebrate Christmas, and how
is scarily well behaved, but it poses a huge      But flying is never as easy as you think, and       they have no idea that Lara also has some help    aliens would probably feel at a Christmas
challenge for the Pocketbeer Sat!                 George and his friends experience more than         when it comes to playing pranks.                  market. Fascinating Christmas facts as well
                                                  one turbulent adventure!                                                                              as Christmas recipes and poems complete
 At last: a Sat read-aloud book by                                                                     Entertaining everyday stories                    this festive compendium.
 Paul Maar, written especially for                 The second book all about the                       for beginning readers: irresistibly
 younger children! Perfect preparation             adventures of George, the lovable                   cuddly, colourful little creatures                A Christmas treasure trove of
 for the iconic Sat books and super                mascot of GEOmini magazine,                         in cheeky illustrations by Nina                   a book with beautiful colour
 for reading aloud!                                with 12 read-aloud stories and lots                 Hammerle                                          illustrations that will retain its
                                                   of colour illustrations                                                                               fascination for many years

                                                                                                                                                         Amazing Stories and Poems by
                                                                                                                                                         Erhard Dietl, Martina Wildner,
                                                                ALSO AVAILABLE:                                                                          Antonia Michaelis, Salah Naoura,
                                                                George and His Fabulous Travels.                                                         Paul Maar and many more
                                                                Fifteen adventure stories
14                                                              978-3-7891-4198-0
Children‘s Fiction Age 5+                                                                Children‘s Fiction Age 8+

                                Anton is the Greatest!
                                The second book about lovable little Anton:
                                philosophical, humorous, warm-hearted

                                With lots of colour pictures,
                                collages and speech bubbles.

Meike Haberstock                                                                         Katja Frixe · Franziska Walther                   Astrid Göpfrich · Barbara Korthues
Cheer Up, Anton! Things Aren’t That Bad…                                                 Rocco & Pepe – Run For Your Lives!                The Stable Girl Gang –
128 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-3730-3                                                       112 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7915-2919-6                Ask No Ponies, Hear No Lies
                                                                                                                                           192 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7915-0756-9
After solving the great time puzzle, Anton now has to deal with the timid bunny.
What he really wants to do is finally show everyone that he‘s as brave as a lion!        Stupid neighbours, big sisters – no one is safe   A fat pony that not only talks, but does so
But to begin with, the lion hides away inside his timid bunny skin – and it’s no easy    from Rocco and Pepe and their jokes. These        with a French accent? Fran and her friends
matter getting him out again. That’s because Anton is really only medium-sized,          twins are cheeky, noisy and absolute masters      can´t believe their ears when they come
medium-old and medium-brave. And now he has to spend three days at the youth             in thinking up tricks, pranks and nonsense.       across Meurtelle, as the pony calls herself,
hostel without his mummy. But if there’s one thing Anton and his friends do              So when Tiffy the tortoise disappears, it’s no    while working at Apple Farm stables. She
know, it’s that fear is as stupid as a metre of field track, get over it once and it’s   surprise that they are immediately suspected      even claims to be the best show pony from
much easier the next time. And real courage,                                             of having something to do with it. But at the     the Moulin Rouge in Paris. It’s just a bit odd
as Anton knows full well, makes us even bigger.                                          time she went missing, Rocco and Pepe were        that the pony’s ballet skills don’t seem to be
At least a couple of centimetres!                                                        busy trying to kidnap the skeleton from the       up to much – and that two strange characters
                                                                                         general knowledge classroom.                      from a small travelling circus turn up looking
                                                                                                                                           for their pony just now.
                                                                                          This is a children’s book debut that
                                                                                          doesn’t miss a trick: modern stories              A horse book with a difference –
                                                                                          about cheeky little rascals with amu-             also for fans of novel animal
                                                                                          sing illustrations, brilliant characters          stories – with illustrations by
                                                                                          and some marvellous pranks                        Barbara Korthues
               ALSO AVAILABLE:
               Anton Has Time.
               But No Idea Why!
               Translation rights sold to
               Turkey and South Korea.                                                                                                                                                 15
Children‘s Fiction Age 6+

Sabine Ludwig · Susanne Göhlich                   Rüdiger Bertram · Heribert Schulmeyer          Marliese Arold · Barbara Scholz                  Erhard Dietl
Class reunion at Miss Braitwhistle`s              Pizza Riota. A Scary Encounter                 Welcome to Ghost Park                            The Ogglies. Hunting the Phantom
208 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7915-1245-7                124 Pages | ISBN 978-3-8415-0352-7             224 Pages | ISBN 978-3-8415-0384-8               160 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-3393-0

A for “absolute nightmare”, that’s what the       Anselmo and Bogart, his talking toy            Max and Sophie are friends and they share        Smelliville is in a state of uproar:
old 4a used to be called. Now all the kids from   cat, find themselves having the craziest       a really unusual part-time job, they work        A phantom has been haunting the town at
4a go to different schools. But luckily there     adventures of all time. Delivering the last    in an enchanted garden – in fact, it’s a park    night, wreaking damage and destruction –
will be a class reunion soon, where Frank,        order of the day with Marco the pizza          full of ghosts! Not all of the ghosts are very   who is the phantom and wherever it can?
Aki, Paula and the others can meet up again.      delivery boy, they end up at a villa that is   nice to them … but when the mysterious           And where is Professor Bubbly? The brilliant
                                                  anything but normal. There, they not only      new lord of the manor tries to get rid of Max    inventor disappeared without trace days
 School life – Sabine Ludwig’s and                encounter a snoring armchair, a mop that       and Sophie, the pair are very relieved to        ago. The Ogglies do all they can to catch
 her readers’ favourite subject:                  sings love songs, a fibbing staircase and      find that their new ghost friends are there      the phantom and find Bubbly again. After
 a wonderful reunion in the fourth                a whacky professor, but also discover a        to help them.                                    all, Smelliville’s 700th anniversary is just
 volume of this bestselling series,               rocket. Only the notorious Pizza Riota can                                                      around the corner and they don’t want the
 refreshingly told with the typically             save them now!                                  Two books in one                                festivities to be ruined, toad-fart it all.
 light-hearted Ludwig humour
                                                                                                  Translation rights sold to                       More than 4.7 Million
                                                                                                  Hungary, Russia and Thailand                     Oggly-products sold
               ALSO AVAILABLE:
               The Fabulous Miss Braitwhistle                                                                                                      Translation rights
               978-3-7915-1239-6                                                                                                                   sold to 14 countries
               Miss Braitwhistle Gets Going
                 Miss Braitwhistle Lifts Off
                 Total sales of the series:
16               165.000 copies
                        Erhard D

        E T E C T I V E S                                 ction Age 8

                                            Children’s Fi

                          The Oggly Detectives Solve Every Case!                                                                           Pure suspense and plenty of Oggly action
                                                                                                                                               in handy pocket size: each crime story
                                                                                                                                              comes with a collector’s corner, English
                                                                                                                                                   vocabulary list and detective tips!
                          Erhard Dietl · Barbara Iland-Olschewski · Christoph Schöne
                          Oggly Detectives No 20 – The Gangster Tunnel                                                                                      Book 20–24 in the series
                          48 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-3387-9                                                                                               featuring Paddock and co!

                          TOOOTOOOT! A historical steam engine is on loan from the transport museum and
                          will take part in the birthday celebrations for the oldest underground railway in the
                          world. But then the tube train is abducted! Promising to retrieve it, the Oggly detectives
                          set off in hot pursuit through London’s tunnels, where everything is pretty scary.

 Erhard Dietl · Barbara Iland-       Erhard Dietl · Barbara Iland-          Erhard Dietl · Barbara Iland-          Erhard Dietl · Barbara Iland-
 Olschewski · Christoph Schöne       Olschewski · Christoph Schöne          Olschewski · Christoph Schöne          Olschewski · Christoph Schöne
 Oggly Detectives No 21 –            Oggly Detectives No 22 –               Oggly Detectives No 23 –               Oggly Detectives No 24 –
 Commotion in the Monkey House       Zombie Attack!                         Winning Greyhound                      Duel of the Giants
 48 Pages | 978-3-7891-3388-6        48 Pages | 978-3-7891-3389-3           48 Pages | 978-3-7891-3390-9           48 Pages | 978-3-7891-3391-6

Children‘s Fiction Age 9+

Alexander Smoltczyk · Stefanie Reich             Anja Fröhlich                                      Kerstin Rottland · Mara Burmester                  Ariane Schwörer · Meike Hamann
Who Changed the Clock?                           Oh Honestly, Philippa! The Pet Bet                 Agatha Bond.                                       Ballet with Börek
208 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7915-1967-8               224 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7915-2920-2                 As Cool as the Water in the Pool                   192 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-000-5
                                                                                                    224 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-006-7
How does she know all of this? And why does      “I bet you won’t manage to go for a week without                                                      Opposites attract: German-Turkish
the new girl in class 6b have such an odd        telling anything but the truth!“ Cooper says       Her name is Bond – Agatha Bond. And before         friendship between pink satchels, hip-hop
diary? Greta is happy about her new classmate    to Philippa. And Cooper normally doesn’t say       anyone here starts asking dopy questions: 197      and turbulent family life. Every afternoon,
– and what she finds out is even more amazing:   a word – but now, in the pitch-dark cellar they    is no age at all! And most certainly not for the   Lara sits in the tree outside Hakan’s
Manù is not from Bavaria or anywhere like        both happen to be locked up inside, he does. And   brightest top agent ever. There is one problem,    house and watches television through the
that. No, she comes from the future! She is      while everyone in their class suddenly thinks      though: Agatha’s most important secret             window. After all, watching television is
here to do a stint of time experience in the     Cooper is silently cool, Philippa makes herself    weapon has gone missing, tortoise muck and         strictly not allowed at her house. There’s
present. But no one is really supposed to know   more and more unpopular by telling nothing         lettuce leaves! Luckily for her, 11-year-old       a programme about dancing on right now,
that. Luckily, Manù always has an emergency      but the truth.                                     Georgie Dumplegreen stumbles across her            just the thing for ballet-mad Lara – and
chewing gum ready to hand, in case there is                                                         path. He’s a bit shy, the young‘un, but he does    also for Hakan, it seems. Hard to believe
something to forget.                              A light-hearted everyday story, bright            come up with some flipping good ideas. If only     that Hakan, the terrible show-off who
                                                  and amusing, but sensitively told.                he didn’t have such a chaotic family!              makes such a thing of hating girls’ stuff, is
 A hilarious time travel adventure:               A really enjoyable read that deals with                                                              dancing – and really badly! But someone
 the latest fun read from the author              the subject of inclusion “along the                                                                  who dances can’t be all that bad, after all,
 of Popes Don’t Fart                              way”, too.                                                                                           can they?

            ALSO AVAILABLE:
            Popes Don’t Fart                                 ALSO AVAILABLE:
            978-3-7915-1928-9                                Lou and Rokko and the
                                                             Chaos with the Cats
18                                                           978-3-7915-2918-9
Children‘s Fiction Age 10+

                                                  Marine Mystery, Adventure
                                                  and a Wonderful Friendship!

                                                  The first book in the cool mermaid
                                                  series by bestseller author Tanya Stewner
                                                  (author of Liliane Susewind)

                                                  Translation rights sold to: Japan and The Netherlands

                                                  English sample translation available!

Tanya Stewner · Claudia Carls
Alea Aquarius. The Call of the Water
320 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-4747-0

For as long as she can remember, Alea has felt drawn to the sea. But she is also
afraid of it because coming into contact with water could be fatal to her – that’s what
Alea’s mother told her foster mother before she disappeared. Then Alea joins
the Alpha Cru kids, who sail the sea on a yacht. One day, Alea is swept overboard in
a storm. After that, nothing is the same again.

                                 Volumes 2 and 3 of the
                                 series will be published in
                                 Spring 2016 and 2017.

Children‘s Fiction Age 10+                                                                       Children‘s Fiction Age 10+

                                                                                                                                  Friendship, Magic
                                                                                                                                  and Adventure
                                                                                                                                  Original characters, an exciting plot, amusing
                                                                                                                                  and at the same time, profound: a glimpse
                                                                                                                                  behind the circus scenes with Nina Weger!

Antonia Michaelis · Claudia Carls                 Juma Kliebenstein · Monika Parciak             Nina Weger
The Bilberry House                                The Magical Eyes of Stonehill                  Trick 347 or The Bravest Boy in the World
352 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-4300-7                272 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-4059-4             320 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-5135-4

No electricity. No running water. Nothing but     Long, black hair, always dressed in purple:    Eleven-year-old Tom lives alone with his mother. His father died before he
the great outdoors. The two cousins Leo and       Viola joined Lucy’s class not long ago and     was born – at least, that’s what Tom had always thought. Then suddenly an
Imogen, both ten years old, are spending their    since then there’s hasn’t been a dull moment   old circus ticket Tom finds at his grandparents’ home calls everything into
holidays in the house of an aunt, who has died.   at Stonehill, where Lucy lives with her five   question. Could Arthur Merlini, the famous circus artist, be his father?
But they have barely been there a few days when   brothers and sisters and her parents.          Tom sets out in search of his roots. In a world that’s full of magic and seems
the two find themselves caught up in a great                                                     to have a false bottom, he is forced to face his greatest fears and finds
adventure.                                         A story full of surprises and                 himself catapulted into the adventure of his life!
                                                   humour that simply races along:
 A fantastic holiday adventure                     a gripping children’s novel by
 by Antonia Michaelis about a                      popular author Juma Kliebenstein
 wonderful childhood friendship,
 magic, fantasy and reality

                                                  ALSO AVAILABLE:
              ALSO AVAILABLE:                                 The Day I Started to be Cool
              The Secret Voyage Of
                                                              More than 90.000 copies sold
              The Mariposa
                  978-3-7891-4286-4                             The Night I Was Supercool
                                                                                                              ALSO AVAILABLE:
                  The Night of                                                                                A Crocodile Takes a Dive
                                                                20.000 copies sold
                  Imprisoned Dreams                                                                           (and I Follow)
                  978-3-7891-4261-1                            Translation rights for both
                  Translation Rights sold                      titles sold to Lithuania
20                to South Korea.                   English sample translation available!                     Translation rights sold to China
Children‘s Fiction Age 10+                        Children‘s Fiction Age 11+                     Young Adults Age 12+

Rüdiger Bertram · Heribert Schulmeyer             Thomas Mendl                                   Sarah Lilian Waldherr                            Maike Stein
The Boys from S.W.A.P. Zombie Alarm               Lord of the Crowmen                            Star Diamond.                                    We Are Invisible
240 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-2032-9                336 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-4277-2             The Legend of the Jewel King                     192 Pages | ISBN 978-3-8415-0309-1
                                                                                                 450 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95927-940-6
Bob and Tim had always thought that they          Leon is bored and it’s no wonder. For as
had finally put paid to the machinations of the   long as he can remember, he has been           Whatever’s got into Fana? Suddenly she’s         The tingly butterfly feeling is amazing.
megalomaniac Baron von Funeral on their           twelve years old and forbidden to leave the    hiccupping butterflies and now she’s turned      The sky looks even bluer. You could move
last mission. But already there’s bad news        village of Valmot, where he lives. Then one    herself into a live piglet! The truth is that    mountains – and all thanks to your first
awaiting them at the S.W.A.P. headquarters:       day, old Morelli takes Leon with him to the    Fana isn’t a human being at all, but a magical   time in love! And Valeska really could
a zombie disaster is threatening the world!       nearest town, but his wonderful outing         Aurion, whose powers of enchantment              move entire mountains. But not Inken,
                                                  becomes a journey on the edge between          are now beginning to show. And that is by        her new steady girlfriend. She doesn’t feel
 Book 4 in the phenomenally cool                  life and death. Morelli is kidnapped by a      no means the only thing turning her life         she could set even a tiny pebble in motion
 and action-packed secret agent                   stranger and Leon discovers the existence      completely upside down. What secrets does        because she doesn’t want anyone to know
 series complete with lots of hilarious           of a mysterious pact that threatens the life   the floating school ship Simalia hold? And       she is a lesbian. Instead, she wants their
 cartoons that reduce readers to                  of all his relatives and friends in Valmot.    what does it have to do with the mysterious      love to be invisible. In her efforts to keep
 helpless laughter!                                                                              jewel king? Before Fana knows it, she finds      the relationship secret for Inken’s sake,
                                                   Fantastical and highly inventive,             herself back in the maelstrom of old legends     Valeska finds herself telling more and
                                                   dark and atmospheric, that’s                  that are more connected with her than she        more lies until she reaches a point, where
              ALSO AVAILABLE:
                                                   Austrian author Thomas Mendl’s                would ever have thought possible.                she has to decide: for or against Inken.
              The Boys from S.W.A.P.
              Space Agents
                                                   second adventure story for children
              978-3-7891-2031-2                                                                   Sarah Lilian Waldherr’s fantastic
              The Boys from S.W.A.P.                                                              debut – brimming with humour,
                Operation Deep Water                                                              magic and absurd complications
                978-3-7891-2021-3                              ALSO AVAILABLE:
                The Boys from S.W.A.P.                         In the Land of the
                Flaming Inferno
                                                                                                  In Germany published
                                                               Time Thieves
                                                                                                  as ebook-only version
                978-3-7891-2022-0                              978-3-7891-4294-9                                                                                                                 21
Young Adults Age 12+                        Young Adults Age 13+

Heike Abidi                                 Katrin Bongard                         Mascha Matysiak                        Anja Fröhlich                              Doris Fürk
Suddenly 14                                 Manhattan Magic                        Butterfly Kiss                         Lucky in Love                              Pretty in Paris
192 Pages | ISBN 978-3-86430-047-9          192 Pages | ISBN 978-3-86430-044-8     192 Pages | ISBN 978-3-86430-041-7     192 Pages | ISBN 978-3-86430-046-2         192 Pages | ISBN 978-3-86430-048-6

Henrietta really could be completely        New York, New York! Ronya can          Mimi is so madly in love with Chris    Lucky was a real childhood star,           Helena thinks she must be
happy; she’s been with Nick for over        hardly believe her luck. Her father    that her stomach seems to have         but now she’s 15 and sadly right           dreaming: her host family lives right
a year and her book, “Everything girls      has been asked to write a travel       thousands of butterflies fluttering    out of the picture. That could soon        on the Champs-Élysées, the famous
need to know before they turn 13”, is       guide on New York and he is taking     around in it. The only problem is      change: Lucky has been invited to          Parisian boulevard! The only hitch
soon to be published. Also, her new         her with him to the city of cities.    that Chris lives at the other end of   the auditions for “One-day love”, her      is that they are far too busy to go
blog all about love is doing really well.   There Ronya meets Jonathan, who        Germany. Will their romance last       favourite director’s new film. All she     shopping with her. So it’s pretty cool
But then from one day to the next,          is supposed to be playing city guide   even if she only sees her boyfriend    needs is a new coach now that she has      that she gets to know cute André
everything goes wrong: Nick goes on a       for her and her father. Jonathan       in the holidays? Everything would      sent her old drama teacher packing.        straight away, and he is only too
school exchange trip to Scotland and        and Ronya really get on each other’s   be so much easier if it weren’t for    That Lucky’s new coach is her              happy to show her the City of Love.
finishes with her. And things aren’t        nerves to start with, but the longer   her stupid jealousy! But somehow       schoolmate constantly lovelorn Iago,       What she doesn’t suspect is that her
right between Henrietta and her best        they spend exploring New York          all the other girls seem to know       does not make things easier – but it       exchange partner, Fabienne, also
friend, Jill, either, even though the       together, the closer they become.      Chris far better than she does.        does make them more exciting.              has her eye on André.
two will soon be turning 14 and are
planning a huge party … the long-            A love story from two angles
awaited sequel to the Pink bestseller        and a fast-paced tour of New
Suddenly 13.                                 York with lots of insider tips!
                                                                                                                                               ALSO AVAILABLE:
                                                                                                                                               Miss Krassikovski 1
              ALSO AVAILABLE:                                ALSO AVAILABLE:                                                                   978-3-86430-003-5
              Suddenly 13                                    Street. Art. Love.                                                                Miss Krassikovski 2
              978-3-86430-025-7                              978-3-86430-021-9                 ALSO AVAILABLE:                                 978-3-86430-007-3
              More than 10.000                               Subway Sound                      Butterfly Heart                            Miss Krassikovski 3
22            copies sold!                                   978-3-86430-012-7                 978-3-86430-029-5                          978-3-86430-015-8
Young Adults Age 13+                                                              Young Adults Age 13+

                                           Authentic.                                                                           Being Happy is
                                           Literary.                                                                            What Really Matters!
                                                                                                                                Explosive topical theme and a
                                                                                                                                touching romance at the same time
                                           A novel with a powerful story,
                                           powerfully written

                                           The 22-year-old author tells a story
                                           of torment, power and control with
                                           oppressive realism, but not without
                                           humour and a light touch

Silas Matthes                                                                     Vera Kissel
Lousy Victims                                                                     Looking for Happiness
192 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-014-2                                                256 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7915-1118-4

Summer holidays. Two best friends. Comics, computer games,                        After Lucas lost his father years ago, his father’s partner became a
music and girls. And then the first day back at school comes round                friend and father figure for him. Because Lucas is shy, especially when it
and the monster is back. How much can you stand before you                        comes to girls, that is exactly what he needs. His friend Birol is involved
have to defend yourself and if you defend yourself, how                           in some shady dealings, but Lucas only has eyes for the lovely young
far should you go? The downward spiral of violence spins                          Kurdish woman Gülbahar – until an accident occurs, that is, and then
increasingly out of control.                                                      Lukas is forced to realise that while some calamities bring people
                                                                                  together, others tear them apart.
 An extraordinary debut novel
 on the subject of bullying

                                                                                                ALSO AVAILABLE:
                                                                                                What the Wave Took
                                                                                                English sample
                                                                                                translation available!                                              23
Young Adults Age 13+                                                                            Young Adults Age 14+

Anke Weber                                        David Fermer                                  Katrin Bongard                              Katrin Bongard
Damn Chaos in the Microcosm                       California Dreaming.                          Kissing                                     Kissing more
288 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-5132-3                100 Brilliant Days in San Diego               320 Pages | ISBN 978-3-8415-0363-3          320 Pages | ISBN 978-3-8415-0364-0
                                                  240 Pages | ISBN 978-3-8415-0368-8

Inspired by something she read on a packet of     No girls, no flirts, no risk. No way to       Like Jane Austen’s Emma, Emmy is            Emmy and Noah were a couple until
cornflakes and fearful of losing her beloved      love. After splitting with his girlfriend,    a dedicated matchmaker. Her latest          Emmy broke up with him after a
home, 16-year-old Milla decides to keep the       17-year-old Valentin flies off to San Diego   victim: her best friend, Julian. He likes   dramatic night. »We’ll stay friends,«
death of the grandfather she grew up with a       for three months. He is hoping to mend        boys, and when Emmy meets attractive        says Noah. »I can be a good friend,« says
secret. Milla buries his body in the garden and   his broken heart in southern California,      Noah, she thinks she’s found the            Emmy. A friendship is nice and safe
only confides in her best friends. Soon after,    where the sun always shines. And one          perfect candidate for him. But Noah is      with no risk involved, which seems just
she meets Tim. Tim is terminally ill, and he      thing he definitely doesn’t want to do,       far more interested in Emmy herself         right for Emmy and Noah, who have the
and Milla even plan the details of his funeral    is fall in love again. Easy peasy lemon       and doesn’t seem to be quite the sunny      shadows of their past to contend with
together. But the better she knows Tim, the       squeezy? If only! In San Diego, Valentin      boy she thinks he is. But perhaps that      – until a moving event forces them to
more the two feel drawn to each other and         not only meets a cute girl called Trinity,    is precisely the reason why she feels       admit their true feelings.
discover how wonderful life can be.               but also gets caught up in his host           irresistibly drawn to him.
                                                  brother Conor’s tangled love life.
 Fresh and endearing, optimistic
 and life affirming with a likeable                Special concept: German-English
 heroine and a cool guy who’s                      novel – the story also features
 pretty irresistible! A book about                 video clips.
 death, friendship and first love.

                                                                                                            ALSO AVAILABLE:
24                                                                                                          978-3-8415-0348-0
Young Adults Age 14+

                                                Can a Person Die Twice?
                                                A Treacherous Game of Reality and Madness!

                                                English sample translation available

                                                A dead girl, who seems very much alive, a sleepless
                                                heroine whose nightmares come true: the first book
                                                in a super-special mystery trilogy for girls

Krystyna Kuhn
Monday Club. The First Victim
384 Pages | ISBN 978-3-7891-4061-7

Since early childhood, sixteen-year-old Faye Mason has suffered from
idiopathic insomnia, a rare sleeping disorder. Her sleepless nights have made
their mark on her and Faye is often unable to distinguish between
reality and fantasy. Then something terrible happens: Faye’s best friend,
Amy, is killed in a car accident, but only a short time later, she meets the
supposedly dead Amy in the street. Is Faye hallucinating? Or is Amy still alive?
It would be better for Faye not to ask too many questions, not even at
the Monday Club, of which all the important people in town are members.

                                  Volumes 2 and 3 of this
                                  trilogy will be published
                                  in Spring 2016 and 2017.

Young Adults Age 14+

Fantasy That’s
More Monumental Than
Game of Thrones

Kings & Fools reinvents the fantasy genre!     Silas Matthes                                    Natalie Matt                                     Silas Matthes
High fantasy coupled with mystery told in a    Kings & Fools                                    Kings & Fools                                    Kings & Fools
compelling and modern narrative style.         Vol. 1: Cursed Kingdom                           Vol. 2: Disturbing Dreams                        Vol. 3: Cursed Graves
Potentially addictive with real cliffhangers   160 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-069-2               160 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-070-8               160 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-071-5
and sequels following in rapid succession.
                                               When Lucas finds a blood-red cross on his        There’s just one thing Estelle wants, and that   Royal messengers are fast approaching the
 A modern high-fantasy series with             door, he knows they are on their way. “They”     is to escape! To get away from Favilla, away     cemetery. Inexorably, and in increasing
 elements of mystery. For readers              are the men in dark robes, who will carry him    from the visions that haunt her. She stopped     numbers. At night, someone or something
 who simply cannot get enough of               off to a place no one has ever returned from.    trusting people a long time ago. And even        is digging up the graves. Noel and Sam keep
 Game of Thrones!                              They take him to an underground boarding         Sam, the close friend she confides in, has a     a night watch to avert the worst, but the
                                               school, where Lucas discovers a world in         dark secret.                                     danger is not only coming from outside the
 An exceptional project from                   which knowing the wrong things can be                                                             boarding school.
 young writers Silas Matthes and               fatal. He and eight other pupils form a secret
 Natalie Matt mentored by best-                circle. But neither he nor the daring Noel,
 selling author Bernhard Hennen                the beautiful Estelle nor the mysterious Sam
 (The Elven series).                           know the purpose of the school – or what
                                               role they are expected to be playing in this
                                               perfidious game …

Young Adults Age 14+

Evelyn Uebach                                     Pia Sara                                        Pia Sara                                            Pia Sara
Arbitrium. Whatever you want                      The Chosen. What We Hope                        The Chosen. What We Fear                            The Chosen. What Remains To Us
423 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95927-900-0                180 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95927-971-0              180 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95927-972-7                  180 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95927-973-4

Cel and Gray are soulmates and, as such,          In the year 2316, the earth has become a        Jeanne and yachtsman Ian are growing                Life without Ian has no meaning for Jeanne,
destined to protect the kingdom. Never has        hostile wilderness rather than a good place     closer. But before the pair have time to seize      and since the Biospherians took her and her
that been such a dangerous undertaking as         to live: vast expanses of land have been        their happiness with both hands, a spaceship        brothers captive, all her hope is gone. The
it is today because Risomente, who plans to       radioactively contaminated by nuclear           belonging to the Biospherians lands in the          prospect of a life on Biosphere 5 is worse than
control the will of his opponents and take the    disasters, water resources are dwindling        village. The Biospherians are friendly towards      death to her. Only Dakar seems to be able to
throne, is living in the woods. When a strange    and bloody civil wars are raging. Every day,    the villagers at first and suggest carrying out a   connect with her. He, too, used to live on earth
man with very dubious motives enters Cel’s        Jeanne and her family struggle for mere         series of tests with them, ostensibly purely for    and understands Jeanne’s fears only too well.
life, she suddenly feels the need to be clear     survival. In this hostile world, Jeanne meets   scientific reasons. But little by little, Jeanne    But Jeanne feels she has nothing left to lose
about her feelings. What she doesn’t realise is   yachtsman Ian, a boy with golden skin, and      finds out what really brings the Biospherians       and is prepared to risk everything to save her
that in the process, she becomes dangerously      immediately feels drawn to him. Could there     to the village …                                    brothers and herself.
close to her greatest enemy.                      still be hope for the future on this earth?
                                                                                                   The Chosen – the second book                        The Chosen – the gripping final
 A young woman between freedom                     The Chosen – the grandiose first                in this moving story of implacable                  episode in this story of a battle for
 and obligation and between two men                volume in the series, breathtakingly            resistance, immense hope and                        survival, a longing for freedom and a
 who could not be more different                   exciting and emotionally gripping:              undying love.                                       great love. Fast moving and bursting
                                                   an oppressive vision of the future but,                                                             at the seams with suspense!
 A great romantic read for fantasy                 at the same time, a great love story!
 fans, who love strong female
 characters and exciting love stories

                                                                                                                   All four titles published
                                                                                                                   as ebook-only version in
Young Adults Age 13+

Sandra Da Vina · Kirsten Gattermann    Jasper Diedrichsen · Martina Liebig     Fee · Ellenaar                          David Friedrich · Inka Vigh            Meral Ziegler · Romina Birzer
Fall in Love. #textgold                Flip Out! #textgold                     Make Mistakes! #textgold                Put it there! #textgold                Celebrate Yourself! #textgold
96 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-021-0      96 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-025-8       96 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-027-2       96 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-022-7      96 Pages | ISBN 978-3-95882-023-4

Love. A moment in which nothing        Anger. A moment in which                Guilt. A moment in which gaping         Friendship. A moment in which          Pride. A moment in which you have
else matters.                          everything explodes.                    abysses open up.                        only the important things survive.     the world at your feet.

Kathie has fallen madly in love with   Niels has only ever really wanted       There are lots of things good friends   Perhaps Augustine really was           When she sets out, she has luck in
Marten von Hanneshausen – even         Helena. But he is never in the right    just don’t do – and yet they seem to    the love of Torge’s life – but now     her pockets. The mountain towers
though she has never spoken to him.    place at the right time. And then the   happen to Maraike, Kim and Sina.        she’s gone. And although he can        high above her, the ascent can begin.
                                       day arrives when he really loses it …   Somehow.                                sometimes be quite annoying,
                                                                                                                       Yorek is still a pretty good friend.

Slam poetry meets illustration:
young authors write about
grand emotions. New territory
for words and images!

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