Page created by Allen Norris


                2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                   1
PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK ..................................................................................................... 5
MISSION STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................ 5
PHILOSOPHY ................................................................................................................................................ 5
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF HANDBOOK ........................................................................ 5
ADMISSION POLICIES................................................................................................................................ 6
    PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOR NEW AND TRANSFER STUDENTS ......................................................................... 6
AIDS ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 7
ASBESTOS ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ........................................................................................................................ 10
ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................................................. 10
    EXCUSED ABSENCES .................................................................................................................................... 10
    UNEXCUSED ABSENCES ............................................................................................................................... 10
    EARLY DISMISSALS ...................................................................................................................................... 11
CALENDAR 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR ................................................................................................... 11
CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONIC MOBILE DEVICES ....................................................................... 12
CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................ 12
CHILD ABUSE / NEGLECT ....................................................................................................................... 12
CHILD CUSTODY ....................................................................................................................................... 12
CHILD PROTECTION ................................................................................................................................ 13
COMMUNICATION ..................................................................................................................................... 13
COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY - ACCEPTABLE USE GUIDELINES ..................................................... 13
DISCIPLINE POLICY................................................................................................................................. 14
    ACCEPTABLE CORRECTIVE MEASURES: ......................................................................................................... 14
    BULLYING PREVENTION ............................................................................................................................... 15
DRESS CODE............................................................................................................................................... 16
    OUT OF UNIFORM DAYS ............................................................................................................................... 17
EARLY DISMISSAL .................................................................................................................................... 17
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................. 17
    SCHOOL CLOSURE........................................................................................................................................ 17
    SCHOOL EMERGENCY................................................................................................................................... 18
    SCHOOL ACCIDENT/INJURY/ILLNESS ............................................................................................................ 18
EXCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................. 18
EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM .................................................................................................................... 18
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................ 19

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                                                                                2
FIELD TRIPS ............................................................................................................................................... 19
   FIELD TRIP CHAPERONES ............................................................................................................................ 19
FUNDRAISING EXPECTATIONS ............................................................................................................ 19
GANG POLICY............................................................................................................................................. 20
GRADING SCALE ....................................................................................................................................... 20
GRADUATION ............................................................................................................................................. 20
HARASSMENT............................................................................................................................................. 20
HEAD LICE .................................................................................................................................................. 21
HEALTH RECORD REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................... 21
HOMEWORK ................................................................................................................................................ 21
JUNIOR BETA CLUB ................................................................................................................................. 22
LOCKERS AND DESKS.............................................................................................................................. 22
MEDICATION .............................................................................................................................................. 22
NON-DISCRIMINATION IN HIRING....................................................................................................... 23
PARENT CLUB ............................................................................................................................................ 23
PARENT/GUARDIAN CONDUCT ............................................................................................................. 23
PUBLIC SCANDAL INVOLVING STUDENTS ........................................................................................ 23
REGISTRATION.......................................................................................................................................... 24
RELEASE OF STUDENT FROM SCHOOL.............................................................................................. 24
RELIGION COURSES ................................................................................................................................ 24
   LITURGIES ................................................................................................................................................... 24
   SACRAMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 24
   PRAYER ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
REPORTING OF SCHOOL PROGRESS .................................................................................................. 25
RETENTION ................................................................................................................................................ 25
ROOM PARENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 26
SCHOOL BOARD ........................................................................................................................................ 26
SCHOOL SECURITY .................................................................................................................................. 26
SCHOOL VISITATION RIGHTS ............................................................................................................... 26
SCHOOL VISITORS .................................................................................................................................... 26
SCHOOL ORGANIZATION 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR ......................................................................... 27
STUDENT COUNCIL .................................................................................................................................. 27
STUDENT NON-UNIFORM DAYS ............................................................................................................ 28
STUDENT RECORDS ................................................................................................................................. 28
SUBSTANCE ABUSE .................................................................................................................................. 28
SUMMER SCHOOL ..................................................................................................................................... 28
SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS ................................................................................................................ 29

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                                                                             3
TARDINESS ................................................................................................................................................. 29
TECHNOLOGY USE OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL ......................................................................................... 29
TELEPHONE CALLS.................................................................................................................................. 30
TRANSFER................................................................................................................................................... 30
TUITION AND FEES 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR ................................................................................... 30
TUTORING ................................................................................................................................................... 33
VOLUNTEERS ............................................................................................................................................. 33
WEAPONS .................................................................................................................................................... 33
PARENT / GUARDIAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... 34
   RECEIPT OF PARENT AND STUDENT HANDBOOK ........................................................................................... 34
PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM ................................................................................................. 35
   ACCEPTABLE USE OF SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY BY STUDENT* .......................................................................... 35
PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM ................................................................................................. 36
   PHOTO/VIDEO/ACADEMIC WORK PERMISSION .............................................................................................. 36

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                                                                        4
This handbook is intended for the families of St. Maria Goretti School. It comes to you as a guide and source of
information concerning procedures which relate to students and parents.
Statements in this handbook are subject to amendment with or without notice. The school will attempt to
keep the parent/guardian informed of all changes as soon as practical. Some changes might be made
immediately due to unforeseen circumstances.
The parent/guardian is asked to read this document thoroughly, share it with the student/s and return the last
page of acknowledgement to the school.

                                       MISSION STATEMENT
St. Maria Goretti School is a diverse and caring, Catholic elementary school serving Prekindergarten through
eighth grade students and their families. As a vital ministry of St. Maria Goretti Parish, we are dedicated to
providing academic excellence infused with Catholic social teachings, as we work in partnership with parents,
who are the motivational force in the development of their child’s faith and education. Through a progressive
and integrated curriculum, we strive to educate the whole child, in order to prepare him/her to become active
participate and effective leaders in the Church, country and world.

We at St. Maria Goretti School, as part of the parish and surrounding communities, are dedicated to providing
academic excellence infused with Catholic values. We commit ourselves to the education of the whole child:
physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially. In a safe and caring environment, the life skills of the child
will be developed so that he/she will achieve success in meeting the challenges of the future.
In a shared partnership, parents and teachers serve as models of Gospel values and as educators who will
provide challenges, which encourage the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Our children are active participants in a faith-centered, academic environment. Through experiences in the
classroom, which foster a sense of self-worth, students are enabled to do their best, thus achieving their
With an emphasis on peace, justice, and Catholic social teachings, we at St. Maria Goretti School are
committed to developing an awareness of the needs of our school, parish, local, and global communities. The
graduate of St. Maria Goretti Catholic School will be prepared to take an active role in Church and society, with
an appreciation of the past, an understanding of the present, and a vision for the future.

Parents/guardians are required to read all procedures and policies stated in this handbook, share the contents
with your children, sign the final three (3) pages of this handbook, and return them to school by Friday,
September 14, 2018.

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                                   5
                                       ADMISSION POLICIES
St. Maria Goretti School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, citizenship or disabilities
to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available in this school.
St. Maria Goretti School does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national and ethnic origin,
citizenship or disabilities in administration of educational policies, loan programs, or other school-administered
programs. St. Maria Goretti School endeavors to educate students within the limits of the school’s educational

All new and transfer students are welcome and will be accepted on a probationary period of 90 school days at
St. Maria Goretti School. During this probationary period, students are expected to maintain passing grades,
have no major disciplinary issues, or require accommodations that the school physically or financially is
incapable of supporting. Students with special learning needs may be accepted if the school has the staff and
ability to make the necessary accommodations for the child’s academic growth and success. During the 90-day
probationary period, if the school determines the student is unable to perform with adequate growth in this
environment, any prepaid tuition will be prorated and refunded.
  Archdiocesan schools may admit students who are not Catholic provided these students will not displace
   Catholic students and that both students and parents clearly understand that participation in Catholic
    religious instruction and school activities, related to the Catholic identity of the school, are required.
In the admission of students to St. Maria Goretti School, the order of priority shall be as follows:
    q   Children from families with children already enrolled
    q   Children of parishioners
    q   Children from neighboring parishes without schools
    q   Transfer students from other Catholic schools
    q   Others
All new and transfer students applying for our intermediate and junior high program, the school principal will:
    q   Do an in-depth interview with the parent/guardian;
    q   Explain the purpose of the 90-day probationary period for all new/transfer students;
    q   Consult with the Office of Catholic Schools’ Director of Inclusive Services as necessary
    q   Document the accommodations (if applicable) the school will make for the student
The Archdiocese of Chicago schools shall follow the State of Illinois school age requirement for admissions. A
non-refundable registration fee is required each year to enroll students at St. Maria Goretti School.
 It is expected that each family become actively involved in the school and Church in order to reinforce the
values and attitudes for living a truly Christian life. For Catholic families, mass attendance is an expectation.

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                              6
Current law protects the right of privacy of parent/child regarding the AIDS virus. However, the
parent/guardian should report to the school administration when their child has been diagnosed as having
AIDS, ARC, or any other illness caused by HIV. St. Maria Goretti School follows Archdiocesan Policy responding
to this disease.

                           ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL PROCEDURES
The following attendance regulations have been developed to promote discipline and good habits.
    q   School doors open at 8:00am for students in preschool through grade 8. Students in school before
        8:00am are not allowed to linger outside the building unsupervised. Parents should stay to supervise
        students until the entrance bell rings.
    q   The entrance bell will ring at 8:00am and students will proceed to their classroom. Teachers will be
        ready and, in their classrooms, to supervise the children.
    q   Children are to be dropped off in the morning at the back doors of school (parking lot). Parents are
        asked to pull up to the curb, forming a single lane, to let their children out, alleviating the danger of
        crossing the parking lot or walking in front of other cars.
    q   If parents must help their children out of the car, they must park in the lot and walk them to the back
        doors, using the designated crosswalk area. Cars should always park closest to the field and facing
        the open field.
    q   At dismissal, parents are asked to park away from the first row of parking spaces.
    q   Parents are obligated to inform others, who may be driving their children, about our arrival and
        dismissal procedures, which all drivers are expected to observe.
    q   Any students entering the classroom after 8:15am must present a tardy slip from the office, or the
        teacher should send the student to the office if they enter your room without one.
    q   A student will be marked tardy for the day if they are not in their homeroom when the attendance
        folders are placed outside their rooms. Students will not be marked tardy if there is written
        verification of an early doctor appointment or if there is a delay in bus transportation.
    q   Please be on time for school. Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated. After receiving a fourth (4)
        tardy, tardiness will result in a substantial fee which increases after multiple infractions.
    q   The dismissal bell will ring at 3:00pm and students will proceed to their designated exit door.
    q   A student that is not picked up by 3:10pm will proceed immediately to the after-school program and
        parents will be charged the appropriate fee. Payment is required by the end of the school week.

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                               7
Each year the Federal Asbestos Law requires that schools notify parents about our local asbestos management
plan. At St. Maria Goretti School asbestos materials are contained and asbestos work is done according to
guidelines. The principal is trained and qualified in asbestos management.
The following letter is shared with parents yearly, in accordance with the Federal Asbestos Law.

Facilities and Construction Department
835 N. Rush Street
Chicago, Illinois 60611-2030
MAIN (312) 534-8342
FAX (312) 534-9805

DATE:           September 5, 2018
TO:             Parent, Teachers and all other School Employees
FROM:           Kevin O’Malley / Claudia Mendez
RE:             Notification Letter Concerning Asbestos Content & Management Plan for Your School
In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act. (AHERA). That law requires all schools,
kindergarten through twelfth grade, to be inspected and identify and asbestos-containing building materials.
The law further requires the development of a Management Plan, based upon the findings of the inspection,
which outlines our intent in controlling the potential for exposure to asbestos fibers in our schools.
In the past, asbestos was used extensively in building materials because of its insulating and fire retarding
capabilities. Virtually any building built before the late 1970’s contains at least some asbestos in pipe insulation
and structural fireproofing. We too have buildings that contain asbestos material. The primary concerns arise
when these materials begin to deteriorate or become damage.
Your school has been inspected and some asbestos containing materials were identified in your building. The
materials are distributed in various locations and include floor tile, pipe insulation and mechanical areas not
readily accessible to building occupants or students.
Your school’s Inspection Report and Management Plan outlines in detail the methods used to maintain the
materials in a safe manner. In addition, as required by law, appropriate school staff members have been trained
to administer this program.
A copy of the inspection report and the management plan is on file at your local school office for review if you
so desire.
Mrs. Claudia Mendez
Designated Person

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                             8
                                                                                                                 835 N. Rush Street
                                                                                                        Chicago, Illinois 60611-2030


         Ta:        Building Occupants

         From: Archdiocese of Chicago

         Date: August 9, 2018

         Re:        Building Occupant Notice

                    St. Maria Goretti School Asbestos Abatement Project

                    This is to inform you that a State licensed environmental contractor, COVE Remediation will

         perform removal of asbestos containing insulation from approximately 60 pipe fittings in
         Classrooms 101, 102, 107, 108, corridor, cafeteria, and the lower foyer of the School beginning

         August 24, 2018, and ending September 12, 2018.
                    Areas will be isolated from the remaining parts of the school until final air quality standards are

         achieved.      The Illinois Department of Public Health, from Federal Regulations has adopted these standards.

                    During the removal process, air-scrubbing machines will be running 24 hours, and an independent,

         State licensed, environmental consultant will be in the work area managing the process and taking daily air

         quality samples.

                    At the completion of the work an Asbestos Project Managers' report will be prepared and submitted to

         the School, the Archdiocese of Chicago and Illinois Department of Public Health.           This is a permanent record

         of the work activity and all sampling data.

                    The School's copy will be in the School's administrative office and is available to the public for reviewing.

         An appointment should be made to review this document. It cannot be removed from the Administration

         Offices.     Upon request a copy can be purchased from the School.

                    All the removal, management and documentation work will be performed in accordance with Illinois

         Department of Public Health's Rules and Regulations.

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                                                  9
The Athletic Association is organized to provide an instructional and competitive sports program for the
students of St. Maria Goretti School. All students in grades 4-8 are welcomed to participate. Adult volunteers
serve as officers and coaches. Open meetings are announced in advance. All parents are welcomed to attend
open meetings. Help with concessions, practices, and special pizza lunch fundraisers are expected of parents
with children in the athletics program.

Every student is expected to attend school and classes every day. When a student is absent, the
parent/guardian must contact the school between 7:30-9:00am each day that the student is absent.
According to State law, upon a student’s return to school, the parent/guardian must send a note to the office
explaining the reason for the absence. If a child has been absent due to a serious contagion or disease for a
period of more than one week (5 school days), a doctor’s note of re-admission must be presented. Ten (10)
absences from school may result in mandatory participation in our summer tutoring program if academic
achievement is deemed poor due to excessive absences.
Doctor and dental appointments should be made outside of school time. Parents must make every effort to
avoid appointments which cause the student to arrive late or leave before dismissal. Parents are asked to plan
vacations which correspond to the school’s vacation period.
Teachers should not be asked to provide instructional materials in advance for extended absences. It is the
responsibility of the student to make up school work upon their return to class. Whenever possible, teachers
may provide school work when requested by the parent. Work is usually sent with a sibling who attends our
school or the parent/guardian often picks up the work from the main office.

                                          EXCUSED ABSENCES
    q   Circumstances which cause reasonable concern to the parent for the safety/health of the child.
    q   Communicable disease - Doctor’s note required
    q   Death in immediate family
    q   Exclusion due to school policies (financial, quarantine, suspension, etc.)
    q   Family emergencies
    q   Personal illness
    q   Required court appearances
    q   Written request approved in advance by administration (shadow day at Catholic HS, etc.)

                                       UNEXCUSED ABSENCES
    q   Absences for vacations are unexcused. Vacations must be planned around the school calendar.
    q   Doctor and dental appointments.
    q   Time during the regular school day for service work is not excused.

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                          10
For an unavoidable early dismissal, a phone call or written note from the parent/guardian is to be made to the
main office preferably one day in advance or by 9:00am. An early dismissal requires the parent/guardian or
approved emergency contact to pick up the student. This person must sign the student out in the main office.
Students will not be taken out of the classroom until the designated person has arrived.
No student may attend any school event in the evening after having been absent from school on the day of
the event. Evening events include and are not limited to extracurricular activities, clubs, organization events,
athletic contests and athletic practices, dances, performances and ceremonies.

                         CALENDAR 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR
August 15               Faculty Orientation
August 16-17            Faculty Professional Development
August 20               First Day of School – Kindergarten to Grade 8 (8:00am-3:00pm)
August 22               First Day of Pre-Kindergarten (8:00-11:00am)
August 28               Opening of School Mass (8:30am)
September 3             No School – Labor Day
September 5             Parent Night – Mandatory Meeting (7:00pm)
September 5-26          School Candy Sale – Mandatory Fundraiser #1
September 21            No School – Faculty Professional Development
September 23            Grade 5 Family Mass (9:00am)
September 26            School Picture Day (Lifetouch)
September 30            55th Anniversary Mass & Banquet (12:00-4:00pm)
October 1               First Communion Parent Meeting (7:00pm)
October 8               No School – Columbus Day
October 14              Grade 6 Family Mass (9:00am)
October 19              Confirmation Rehearsal (7:00pm)
October 21              Confirmation Mass (3:00pm)
October 26              Parent Club Halloween Party (7:00pm), Grade 8 Haunted House
October 27              Holy Fire (Grades 6-7)
October 28              First Communion Commitment Mass (9:00am)
November 2              No School – Faculty Professional Development
November 18             Grade 8 Family Mass (9:00am)
November 21-23          No School – Thanksgiving Break
November 26             Reconciliation for First Communion (7:00pm)
Nov 26-Dec 2            Fall Scholastic Book Fair
November 30             No School – Parent-Teacher Conferences & Report Cards (12:00-7:00pm)
December 1              Catholic High School Placement Exam (8:00am)
December 2              Grade 7, Preschool & Kindergarten Family Mass (9:00am) & Breakfast with Santa (Grade 8)
December 18             Christmas Concert (7:00pm)
Dec 24-Jan 4            No School – Winter Break
January 7               Classes Resume
January 21              No School –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 26              Science Fair (9:00am-12:00pm)
January 27              Catholic Schools Week Mass (9:00am) and Open House (10:00am-12:00pm)
January 27-March 18     Spring Raffle – Mandatory Fundraiser #2
January 28              Graduation Portraits (9:00am)
February 2              Confirmation Meeting (4:00pm), Commitment Mass (5:00pm)
February 4              First Communion Meeting (6:30pm)
February 8              No School – Faculty Professional Development
February 13             Spring Pictures (Siblings)
February 18             No School – President’s Day
February 24             Grade 4 Family Mass (9:00am)
March 4                 No School – Religion Professional Development
March 6                 Ash Wednesday
March 9-17              Spring Scholastic Book Fair

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                             11
March 11                   First Communion Portraits (6:00pm Boys; 6:30pm Girls), Confirmation Meeting (7:00pm)
March 15                   No School – Parent-Teacher Conferences & Report Cards
March 17                   Grade 3 Family Mass (11:00am)
March 25-29                No School – Spring Break
April 2-17                 ACT Aspire (Grades 3-8)
April 7                    Confirmation Meeting with Sponsors (5:00pm)
April 14                   Palm Sunday - Grade 1 & 2 Family Mass (9:00am)
April 18                   Living Stations, Grade 8 (2:00pm)
April 19                   No School - Good Friday; Living Stations, Grade 8 (3:00pm)
April 22                   No School – Easter Monday
April 23-24                No School – Faculty Professional Development
May 6                      Confirmation and Service Hours Meeting (7:00pm)
May 10                     First Communion Rehearsal (6:00pm)
May 11                     First Communion Mass (11:00am)
May 14                     May Crowning and Living Rosary Prayer Service with Grade 2 & 8 (9:30am)
May 17                     No School – Faculty In-service
May 21                     Farewell Mass with Grade 7 & 8 (8:30am)
May 27                     No School – Memorial Day
June 5                     Grade 8 Last Day (Early Dismissal 10:30am)
June 6                     Pre-K Last Day & Celebration (9:00am)
June 7                     Kindergarten Last Day & Celebration (9:30am)
June 9                     Grade 8 Graduation Mass (11:00am)
June 14                    Grade 1-7 Last Day; Prayer & Awards (1:00pm); Early Dismissal (2:00pm)

Total Student Attendance: 181 Days

Cell phones or electronic mobile devices are not permitted at school during school time nor on the school
grounds at dismissal time. Those found on students during these times will be confiscated and brought to the
principal, until a parent comes to school to claim them.

St. Maria Goretti Catholic School is fully recognized and certified by the Illinois State Board of Education and
the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Catholic Schools.
The faculty is comprised of state certified administrators and teachers. Compliance with state certification
requirements is supervised by the Regional Director for the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Catholic Schools.

                                       CHILD ABUSE / NEGLECT
When school personnel suspect child abuse or neglect by a person responsible for a student’s welfare, they
shall follow the procedures of the Illinois Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act which mandates that school
personnel promptly report it to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).

                                               CHILD CUSTODY
As provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and Illinois law, regardless of custody, both
parents have the right to inspect and receive a copy of school records and reports in the absence of a court
order to the contrary. The school shall release a student to either parent unless the school has a copy of a
court order giving one parent exclusive custody. Generally, in situations where there are concerns regarding

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                              12
the release of a child to a non-custodial parent, it is best to contact the Regional Director and/or the
Archdiocesan Office of legal services.

                                        CHILD PROTECTION
St. Maria Goretti School follows the requirements of the Archdiocese of Chicago in requiring the following:
background checks, DCFS CANTS forms, Code of Conduct, and Protecting God’s Children, or “VIRTUS” training
for all school employees and volunteers in school.

At St. Maria Goretti School we believe in the importance of communication with parents. To avoid disruption
of classes, however, teachers are not available for questions or conferences during class time. To assure
mutual availability, appointments are recommended. Parents are asked to come to the office or call to make
an appointment to speak with a teacher. The administration has an open-door policy regarding parent
concerns. Feel free to call or make an appointment for a meeting with the teacher or principal.
Children can be contacted for extreme emergencies only. When it is necessary to leave a message, parents are
asked to call school or stop in the office.

    All persons using the computers are required to follow the correct procedures and rules for the use of the
internet. When conducting research on the internet or using the computer lab, all must observe the following:
    q   Use the internet for legitimate educational purposes.
    q   Send e-mail only at the direction of the teacher.
    q   Do not register the name, home address, or telephone number of yourself, or anyone else in any
        location or website, on the internet.
    q   Do not search for, download, or print any material that contains or displays inappropriate, offensive,
        or vulgar material, or assist any other student in such activities.
    q   Do not save files to the computer without teacher permission.
    q   Do not attempt to join any chat rooms or instant messages via Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat,
        YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit or Google Hangouts, or internet sites, without teacher permission.
    q   Do not damage or alter computers, computer operating systems, network, computer hardware,
        computer application software, or computer work stations.
    q   Do not attempt to download programs onto computers without permission (they may contain viruses).
    q   Do not violate any copyright laws.
    q   Do not alter another person’s saved files, publications or presentations.
Violations of these internet and computer policies will result in disciplinary action and, depending on the
nature of the offense, possible loss of access privileges to the internet and computer lab and/or restitution for

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                            13
School is a continuation of the child’s development of respect and responsibility learned in the home.
Students at St. Maria Goretti are expected to respect themselves, other students, and adults at all times. Our
children are taught to take responsibility and should be encouraged to be self-disciplined. Each student is
made aware of and is expected to follow the teacher’s specific discipline plan, as well as the general school
rules. Discipline will be administered in a way that is positive and consistent. Cooperation and support from
parents is essential. Discipline letters will be sent home, when necessary, to help parents become aware of
inappropriate student behavior. Infractions of any school rules could result in detention, suspension, or
expulsion, at the discretion of the principal.
In order to promote an atmosphere conductive to learning and to maintain a safe learning environment,
students are expected to comply with behavior guidelines and will be held accountable for behavior that is not
compatible with the mission and philosophy of St. Maria Goretti School.

                            ACCEPTABLE CORRECTIVE MEASURES:
    q   Personal interview with student
    q   Conference with parent/guardian
    q   Consultation with principal
    q   Loss of minor privileges
    q   Detention before or after school with communication and cooperation from the parent/guardian
    q   Written statement of expected behavior
    q   Probation for a period of time
    q   Suspension
    q   Expulsion
The expulsion of a student is a serious matter and is preceded by suspension until all facts are reviewed.
Communication and documentation with parents/guardians are essential to the process. Consultation with
the Regional Director and Legal Services is required before the expulsion of a student. Expulsion from a
Catholic School in the Archdiocese of Chicago is the most serious sanction that can be imposed on a student.
An expulsion is defined as any time a student is asked to leave the school for any reason: poor academics;
inappropriate/unacceptable behaviors; lack of improvement during a probationary period; substance abuse;
bullying; lack of respect for school authorities; serious damage to school or student property; theft; physical
harm to student/staff; and any other harmful misconduct to individuals in the school/parish community.
Students may also be mandated to withdraw due to his/her parent’s/guardian’s failure to pay tuition or other
school fees, lack of parental cooperation with school policies, or chronic unacceptable conduct with staff
and/or students.
Compassion for the student and his/her family should always be considered, in particular when an eighth-
grade student is the concern. In some cases, alternatives to expulsion may be possible. However, the safety of
the student body, staff and school community must outweigh the individual need of a noncompliant student
whose expulsion is possible.

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                             14
As Catholics, we believe in the dignity and respect of each individual created in the image of God. Bullying is
contrary to Gospel values and has no place in the Catholic school community. Bullying is: any intentional,
repeated, hurtful act or conduct (physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual) including communications made in
writing or electronically, occurring on campus or off campus during non-school time, directed toward another
student or students, that has or can be reasonably predicted to place the student or students in an
unreasonable fear of harm to the student or student’s person or property cause a substantially detrimental
effect on the student or student’s physical or mental health; interfere substantially with the student or
student’s academic performance; interfere substantially with the student’s ability to participate in or benefit
from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the school.
Bullying can take many forms, including violence, harassment, threats, intimidation, stalking, cyber stalking,
theft, public humiliation and retaliation for asserting or alleging an act of bullying. Cyber bullying can include
all of the above as well as the use of electronic tools, devices, social media sites, blogs and websites to harm a
student or students with electronic text, photos, or videos. Bullying acts or conduct described above can
include the following:
    q   Physical which includes, but is not limited to, punching, poking, stalking, destruction of property,
        strangling, hair puling, beating, biting, spitting, pinching, and excessive tickling, theft, destruction of
    q   Verbal which includes, but is not limited to, name-calling, teasing, taunting, gossip, and threats
        whether in person or through any form of electronic communication or social media, the internet or
        written communication;
    q   Emotional which includes, but is not limited to, intimidation, rejecting, terrorizing, extorting,
        defaming, humiliating, blackmailing, rating/ranking of personal characteristics such as race, disability,
        ethnicity, perceived sexual orientation, manipulation of friendships, isolating, ostracizing and peer
    q   Sexual which includes, but is not limited to many of the emotional acts or conduct described above (in
        person or through electronic communication or social media) as well as exhibitionism, voyeurism,
        sexual propositioning, gestures, sexting, sexual harassment and abuse involving actual physical contact
        or sexual assault.
No student shall be subjected to bullying during any school-sponsored education program or activity, while in
school or on school property, on school buses or school vehicles, at school bus stops waiting for the school
bus, or at school sponsored or sanctioned events and activities or through the transmission of information
from school, home, or public computer network, or other similar electronic school, home, or public
All members of the Catholic school community, parents/guardians, teachers, staff, administrators and others,
are expected to work together in preventing bullying and promoting Gospel values in a Christ centered
environment. Students are expected to participate in age appropriate educational programs developed by the
school that address bullying and teach respect for all. Bullying by a student or students may result in
suspension and/or expulsion from the school.

UPDATED - AUGUST 2018                                                                                                 15
    q No Uniform Required – Wear comfortable clothes and shoes

Boys: Kindergarten to Grade 8
   q Navy uniform pants
           o Plain, straight leg, no decorative pockets or zippers
   q Fall and Spring Season (Optional) – Navy uniform shorts
           o Plain, knee length, no pockets or zippers
   q Belt worn with pants/shorts (brown or black)
   q White polo shirt – short or long sleeves (no logos, no turtlenecks); Tuck in shirt at all times
   q Socks – solid white or navy (above the ankle)
   q Dress shoes (Brown or Black)
   q Optional – Navy blue school sweater with SMG logo (purchased through Land’s End)

Girls: Kindergarten to Grade 8
    q Uniform jumper for Kindergarten to Grade 5 – (purchased through Land’s End)
    q Uniform A-line or box pleated skirt for Grade 6-8 – (purchased through Land’s End)
    q December 1 to March 1 (Optional) – Navy uniform pants may be worn instead of jumper/skirt
    q White polo uniform shirt – rounded collar for Kindergarten to Grade 5; Worn under jumper
    q White polo shirt (pointed collar); Tuck in shirt at all times if worn with skirt or navy pants
            o or White polo shirt (banded bottom) for Grade 6-8
    q Optional – Red school sweater with SMG logo (purchased through Land’s End)
    q Socks or tights – solid white or navy; No leggings
    q Dress shoes (Navy or Black)

Physical Education (Gym) – All Students: Kindergarten to Grade 8
   q Fall and Spring Season – Red shorts and white short sleeve t-shirt, both with school logos (purchased
        through Land’s End)
   q Winter Season – Red sweatpants with red sweatshirt or red zippered hoodie or long-sleeved white
        shirt, all with school logos (Purchased through Land’s End)
   q Gym Shoes
   q White Socks (socks must be worn above the ankle)

Hair – All Students: Prekindergarten to Grade 8
    q Hair should be neat and clean.
    q The following are not allowed: Dyed or highlighted hair (girls or boys), hair longer than collar length for
        boys, hair dangling over the eyes, hair shaves above the ear or designs shaved into the hair.
    q Boys must be well groomed and faces clean-shaven (no sideburns, mustache, beard).

Make-up, Earrings or Piercings
   q Make-up or distracting jewelry may not be worn by any student.
   q Girls may wear small earrings (only one in each earlobe) but no piercings.
   q Boys may not wear earrings or piercings.
   q Nail polish or fake nails may not be worn by any student.

Only St. Maria Goretti logo’d outerwear (sweatshirts, cardigans, sweater vests, and hoodies) are allowed in
class from our Land’s End School Outfitters and the Athletic Association Spirit Wear.

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Occasionally, students are given the opportunity for an Out of Uniform Day. On Out of Uniform days, all make-
up and hair rules still apply. Shorts, short skirts, tank tops, and flip-flop shoes may not be worn by any student.
See: Student Non-Uniform Days

                                           EARLY DISMISSAL
               No child is to leave the classroom or the building before the 3:00pm dismissal bell.
Parents who wish to have their child excused from school before the regular dismissal must request
permission in a written note to the teacher. All notes requesting excused absences during school days are to
be read by the teacher and sent to the principal for approval.
        A verbal request may be made in emergency situations by calling the school office at 847-678-2560.
When it is time for the child to be dismissed from school, he/she should be sent to the office when called by
the office, and will be released from there to the parent/guardian. Children should not wait in the office for
parents too early ahead of the early dismissal time. This is disruptive to the classroom routine and often
results in unnecessary loss of instructional time.
         Please do not request an early dismissal within fifteen (15) minutes of the regular dismissal time.

                                   EMERGENCY PROCEDURES

                                             SCHOOL CLOSURE
Every local school must have emergency closing procedures. The decision to close a school for weather-
related or other emergencies is the local principal’s decision based on the situation with regard for the health
and safety of the entire school community. There may be situations in which late arrivals, early dismissals, or
other solutions will work best.
Rarely does the Office of Catholic Schools make a general announcement regarding emergency closings. As a
suburban school, we are advised to adhere to the policy of the local public schools, if possible. In extreme
situations, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools reserves the right to close some or all Catholic Schools of
the Archdiocese of Chicago. The announcement by the superintendent will be communicated to the school
community as efficiently as possible.
Emergency school closures, weather-related, lack of heat, broken water lines, more than half the faculty due
to illness and other emergencies must be communicated to the entire school community in the most efficient
way by one or more of the following:
    q     An automated e-mail, phone call, or text from the school will notify parents of an emergency closing.
    q     It is essential that parent contact information (email, home phone and/or mobile) is accurate.
    q     In the event of inclement weather, or a “snow day,” parents can access information online at
 Just scroll down to find the list of schools that are closed.
    q     In the event of inclement weather, an announcement may be made through AM and FM radio
          stations, and through television statements that transmit notifications.
    q     If possible, the school closing notice will be on the front page of our school website

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q   After the above-mentioned procedures have been tried with no response, as a last resort, a parent
        may call the school office. Otherwise, no calls should be made to the school or rectory.

                                          SCHOOL EMERGENCY
In preparation for dealing with emergencies, St. Maria Goretti School observes the following:
    q   Monthly practice of fire drills
    q   Seasonal practice of tornado drills
    q   Yearly practice of community evacuation drill
    q   Yearly practice of lock-down drills
    q   Written school crisis management plan for all types of emergencies, designed in June 1996, revised in
        June 2000, May 2003, August 2016, and updated/reviewed with staff annually.
Parents are requested to complete an emergency release form and identification form for each child in the
case of a necessary evacuation at the beginning of the school year. This form has an ID badge that is worn by
students and only the names of the parents on the badge are authorized to pick up the student in case of a
real emergency.

                               SCHOOL ACCIDENT/INJURY/ILLNESS
In the event that a child becomes ill or injured at school, the office will try to contact the parent/guardian.
Should that not be possible, the persons listed on the school emergency card will be notified. Be sure that
your child’s emergency card in the office has your current phone numbers.
           Incident reports of minor student injuries are sent home and kept on file at the school.
When a student is seriously injured/ill in the absence of a parent/guardian, a school representative will call
paramedics and accompany the student to the hospital. The accident is reported to the Office of Catholic
Schools through the Student Incident Reporting System.

This measure is defined as the short-term removal of a student from attendance in regular classes, specials,
such as, computer science, music, physical education, or permanent removal from school, usually for non-
disciplinary reasons. Examples of reason for exclusion are: communicable disease, infestation with parasites,
failure to comply with compulsory immunization laws, failure of the parents to uphold their financial
obligations with the school, etc.
Exclusion cases usually do not directly involve the behavior of the student and are, therefore, different from
disciplinary cases. Notice in writing to the parents detailing the reasons for and conditions for the exclusion
will be provided. Exclusion is considered an involuntary extended absence from school.

                                  EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM
Before- and after-school care are available in the Children’s Center attached to the school. Before-school
hours are 6:30-8:00am, and after-school hours from 3:00-6:00pm. Three and four-year old students may use
the Children's Center during the part of the day they are not in school. The Children's Center is available on
school days off and for full-time Summer Camp. Program charges are separate from tuition costs and are paid

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directly to the Children's Center. Further description of Children's Center procedures is available in the
Children's Center Handbook. For more information contact Mrs. Dorothy Nasti, Director, at 1-847-928-1406.

                            EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES
Extra-curricular activities available at St. Maria Goretti Catholic School include: Junior Beta Club, Student
Council, Band for Today, Athletics (Basketball, Volleyball, Cheerleading), Amigos Club and Chess Club.
Participation requirements shall be determined by the organization the student wishes to join.
When a student is absent from school on the day of an extra-curricular activity, he/she shall not be allowed
to participate in that activity that evening.
Academics at St. Maria Goretti School are first and foremost. While we support all extra-curricular activities, it
must be clear that a student must take responsibility for all work assigned, in order to remain involved in after-
school activities. Participation in after-school activities could be suspended, under the discretion of the
principal and/or parent.

                                               FIELD TRIPS
Field trips should be of an educational nature and may be planned with other grade level classrooms. Fees are
kept within reason so that students are not excluded because of cost.
 Chaperones are chosen as needed per grade level by the classroom teacher from the list of room parents.
Written parental permission is necessary before a child is permitted to attend. Overnight field trips are
discouraged by the Archdiocese; therefore, they are not allowed by this administration.

                                       FIELD TRIP CHAPERONES
    q   Chaperones must be at least 21 years of age and must complete the archdiocesan requirements for
        school volunteers before the first event/activity is scheduled.
    q   Chaperones must be approved by the principal/administrator of the school for each school trip.
    q   Prior to the field trip, the lead teacher will provide chaperones with information regarding the trip,
        expectations for supervising students, and emergency procedures.

                               FUNDRAISING EXPECTATIONS
A major responsibility of the School Board shall be to assure the financial stability of the school through
fundraising. The School Board shall collaborate with the principal and pastor in the selection, organization,
and administration of the fundraising activities. Parents are expected to participate in fundraising activities.
The following are the mandatory fundraising activities as stipulated in the Tuition Contract for each family:
    q   Fall Candy Sale (September) – Sell $240 worth of chocolates or Opt-out and pay the $120 profit
    q   Spring Raffle (January to March) – Sell or buy $150 worth of tickets
    q   Auction Night (April) – Sell or buy two (2) tickets to the event (Approx. cost $50)
Smaller fundraisers from school organizations are recommended but not mandatory.

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The presence of gangs, gang activity, and gang related materials foster anti-social behavior and attitudes, and
disrupt the educational process. Although gangs and gang related activity involvement have not yet been a
problem in our school, we feel committed to take a pro-active approach as a means of prevention. No student
shall wear, possess, use, distribute, or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblems, symbols, signs, or other things
which may be viewed as evidence of membership or affiliation in any gang. No student shall use any speech,
either verbal, gesture, or written, showing membership in or affiliation with a gang.
The principal has the responsibility and authority to gather data on the above violations, and may confiscate
any such materials. Such violations may result in probation, suspension, and/or expulsion.

                                          GRADING SCALE
        The grading scale used by St. Maria Goretti teachers is as follows:
        A 93-100%                        C 77-84%                         U Under 70%
        B 85-92%                         D 70-76%

As a requirement for graduation, each student shall receive a passing grade on an examination covering the
Constitution of the United States and the State of Illinois. The fulfillment of the requirement shall be
documented on the student’s permanent record.
A simple graduation ceremony may be held in conjunction with a Eucharistic liturgy or an appropriate religious
service. School diplomas will be awarded to those students who have:
    q   Completed the school’s academic requirements
    q   Achieved a passing grade on the Constitution of the United States and the State of Illinois examination
    q   Adhered to the school’s code of conduct
    q   Returned all school materials
    q   Maintained no outstanding balances on tuition or other required financial obligations
A diploma may not be denied as a disciplinary measure for a student who has completed the requirements for
graduation from elementary or secondary school. However, a student may be denied the privilege of
participation in the formal graduation ceremony as determined by the principal, pastor and School Board for
criminal or egregious actions contrary to the mission of the school and church community.
If a student has forfeited the privilege of participating in the graduation ceremonies due to egregious actions
or incomplete coursework, families should be advised of the consequences well in advance of the graduation.

The Pastor, administration, and staff of St. Maria Goretti School believe that all students and employees are
entitled to work and study in school-related environments that are Christ-centered and free of harassment.
The school will treat complaints of harassment seriously and will respond to such complaints in a prompt,
confidential, and thorough manner.

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