Westfield Washington Schools - Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook 2019-20

Page created by Edith Miller
Westfield Washington Schools - Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook 2019-20
Westfield Washington Schools

     Elementary School
Board of School Trustees                      School Board Meetings                                              The Board of School Trustees
Duane Lutz        lutzdu@wws.k12.in.us                                                                           approves and authorizes all items
                                          The scheduled of board meetings and
Amy Pictor        pictora@wwsk.k12.in.us                                                                         in school handbooks. As a result,
                                           summaries of proceedings can be
Rebecca Ogle      ogler@wws.k12.in.us                                                                            the School Handbook represents
Bill Anderson     andersonb@wws.k12.in.us
                                                 found on our website:
                                                                                                                 the legal and formal policies that
Amber Willis      willisa@wws.k12.in.us           www.wws.k12.in.us                                              will guide activity in the Westfield
                                                                                                                 Washington Schools.

 Carey Ridge Elementary School                     Maple Glen Elementary School                         Monon Trail Elementary School
          317-867-6200                                      317-896-4700                                         317-867-8600
    Mr. Andy Hilton, Principal                     Mrs. Mary Beth Riley, Principal                           Mr. Mike Hall, Principal
        16231 Carey Road                                  17171 Ditch Road                                   19400 Tomlinson Road
       Westfield, IN 46074                              Westfield, IN 46074                                    Westfield, IN 46074
 Attendance Line: 317-867-6201                     Attendance Line: 317-896-4701                         Attendance Line: 317-867-8601
  Oak Trace Elementary School                      Shamrock Springs Elementary                        Washington Woods Elementary School
          317-867-6400                                      317-867-7400                                         317-867-7900
   Mrs. Robin Lynch, Principal                       Mr. Robb Hedges, Principal                             Mr. Tom Hakim, Principal
     16504 Oak Ridge Road                                747 W. 161st Street                               17950 Grassy Branch Road
       Westfield, IN 46074                              Westfield, IN 46074                                    Westfield, IN 46074
 Attendance Line: 317-867-6401                     Attendance Line: 317-867-7401                         Attendance Line: 317-867-7901
  Westfield Intermediate School                       Westfield Middle School                                Westfield High School
          317-867-6500                                      317-867-6600                                         317-867-6800
  Mrs. Annette Patchett, Principal                  Mr. Ryan Haughey, Principal                           Dr. Stacy McGuire, Principal
        326 W. Main Street                              345 W. Hoover Street                                  18250 N. Union Street
       Westfield, IN 46074                              Westfield, IN 46074                                    Westfield, IN 46074
 Attendance Line: 317-867-6501                     Attendance Line: 317-867-6601                         Attendance Line: 317-867-6801

         District Office, 1143 East 181st Street ............................................................................ 317-867-8000
         Dr. Sherry Grate, Superintendent ...................................................................................... 317-867-8010
         Mr. Brian Tomamichel, Chief Financial Officer .............................................................. 317-867-8013
         Mr. Chris Baldwin, Director of Human Resources and Safety ......................................... 317-867-8012
         Dr. Joe Montalone, Director of Operations ....................................................................... 317-867-8045
         Mrs. Carrie Alday, Dir. of Elem. Curriculum, Instruction, & Talent Development ......... 317-867-8009
         Ms. Brooke Watkins, Dir. of Sec. Curriculum, Instruction & Talent Development ......... 317-867-8000
         Dr. Chase Stinson, Director of Special Education and Student Services .......................... 317-867-8006
         Mrs. Kate Snedeker, Co-Director - Strategic Partnerships and Communications............. 317-867-8032
         Mrs. Carrie Cason, Co-Director - Strategic Partnerships and Communications ............... 317-867-8032
         Mr. Larry Johnson, Director of Transportation ................................................................. 317-867-8041
         Mr. Brian Kelly, Operations Manager - Sodexo School Services ..................................... 317-867-8048
         Mrs. Karen Ogden, Manager - Sodexo Food Services ...................................................... 317-867-8060

DISTRICT DIRECTORY .................................................................................................................................. 2
MISSION & VISION ........................................................................................................................................ 3
    Social and Emotional Learning ...................................................................................................................................... 3
DRESS CODE ................................................................................................................................................... 3
SCHOOL DAY .................................................................................................................................................. 3
    School Hours ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
    Arrival and Dismissal of Students ................................................................................................................................. 4
    Planned Early Dismissal ................................................................................................................................................ 4
    Vehicle Idling ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
    Emergency School Delay/Cancellation/Dismissal ......................................................................................................... 4
    School Visitors............................................................................................................................................................... 5
GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 5
    Accident Insurance for School-Aged Children .............................................................................................................. 5
    Birthdays ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
    Blackboard ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
    Classroom Assignment .................................................................................................................................................. 6
    Contacting a Teacher ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
    Curricular Materials and Student Fees ........................................................................................................................... 6
    Desks/Books/School Property ....................................................................................................................................... 6
    Electronic Devices ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
    Every Student Succeeds Act .......................................................................................................................................... 6
    Field Trips...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
    Lost and Found .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
    Messages to Students and Teachers ............................................................................................................................... 7
    Money ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
    Technology Guidelines (Policy 13000-03) .................................................................................................................... 7
    Textbook Assistance/School Meal Assistance ............................................................................................................... 7
    Tobacco Products........................................................................................................................................................... 7
    Toys ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
    Volunteers ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
CAFETERIA...................................................................................................................................................... 8
    Cafeteria Expectations ................................................................................................................................................... 8
    Breakfast/Lunch ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
    Allergy Guidelines ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
STUDENT SUPPORT PROGRAMS ................................................................................................................ 9
HEALTH SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................ 9
    Health Clinic .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
    Health Conditions and/or Emergency Medical Needs & Procedures ............................................................................ 9
    Vision & Hearing ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
    Reports to Child Protective Services (Policy 7000-23) ............................................................................................... 10
    Illness/Injuries at School .............................................................................................................................................. 10
    Exclusion from School................................................................................................................................................. 10
    School Required Immunizations .................................................................................................................................. 11
    Administration of Medication at School ...................................................................................................................... 11
    Body Safety Programs ................................................................................................................................................. 12
    Head Lice ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
ENROLLMENT/WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES....................................................................................... 13
ACADEMICS .................................................................................................................................................. 14
    eLearning ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
    Grade Reporting to Parents/Guardians ........................................................................................................................ 14
    High Ability ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
    IREAD-3, ILEARN Remediation & Preventive Remediation Opportunities/Title I ................................................... 15
    Kindergarten Entrance ................................................................................................................................................. 15

Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences ........................................................................................................................ 15
   Release of Directory and Student Records/Privacy Act Information (Policy 10000-02)............................................. 15
   Special Education Services .......................................................................................................................................... 16
PROMOTION AND RETENTION PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 17
ATTENDANCE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ........................................................................................ 18
   Reporting Absences ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
   Make-Up Work ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
   Excused Absences ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
   Other Educational Activity .......................................................................................................................................... 19
   Excessive Absences ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
   Habitual Truant ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
STUDENT BEHAVIOR .................................................................................................................................. 21
   Classroom Expectations ............................................................................................................................................... 21
   Supporting Student Behavioral Needs ......................................................................................................................... 21
   Recess .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
   WWS Behavior and Disciplinary Policy (Policy 10000-05) ....................................................................................... 22
   Anti-Bullying (Policy 10000-49) ................................................................................................................................. 22
   Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) (Policy 10000-50) .................................................................................... 22
   Criminal Organizations (Policy 10000-52) .................................................................................................................. 22
   Due Process ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
   Legal Settlement (IC 20-33-8-17) (Policy 10000-03).................................................................................................. 23
   Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion ......................................................................................................................... 23
   Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment (Policy 13000-01) ....................................................................................... 25
BUS BEHAVIOR ............................................................................................................................................ 25
   Bus Expectations ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
   Bus Ridership .............................................................................................................................................................. 26


WWS Mission
Provide rigorous and engaging experiences to prepare all children—socially, emotionally, and academically—for their

WWS Vision
To be an exemplary learning organization focused on collaboration, innovation, and continuous growth for all.

Social and Emotional Learning

Westfield Washington Schools fosters the social and emotional development of students by providing a variety of
opportunities for students to acquire and apply the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to navigate life challenges
in an ethical and productive way. WWS cultivates five core student competencies: Self-Awareness, Social-Awareness,
Self-Management, Responsible Decision Making, and Relationship Skills.

Social and emotional learning is an integral part of WWS mission and intentionally builds a caring, participatory, and
equitable learning environment. By utilizing a variety of social and emotional learning practices, programs, and
processes, WWS actively strives to develop the necessary skills students need to be successful academically and
ultimately in life.

Student dress is the responsibility of both the student and the parent/guardian. A student is expected to be dressed
properly for the activities in which he/she is to participate. Good personal hygiene is expected. Clothing should not
have disrespectful or vulgar pictures or sayings. Clothing which might damage school

property is prohibited (e.g. black soled shoes which might mark floors, cleats of any type, etc.).

Any article of clothing, jewelry, tattoo, or body painting depicting and/or advertising tobacco, drugs, alcohol, obscenities,
illegal activity or that which is otherwise inappropriate or disruptive, is not to be worn or displayed at school or to any
school-sponsored function. Backless halters, bare midriff blouses or shirts, tank tops, mesh shirts; wheeled shoes and
pants worn low are considered unacceptable. Headwear (caps, scarves, bandanas, etc.), sunglasses, coats, and jackets are
not permitted in the classroom, halls, or other areas during the school day without the permission of the classroom teacher.
Any jewelry that is disruptive to the educational process will be considered unacceptable. Hats are not permitted to be
worn in the school building at any time except for spirit days as designated by the principal.

The building principal, or designee, may determine whether or not the attire creates a disruption to the learning


School Hours
                                                                 Tardy: 7:50 Students must be
    Elementary Schools                                                                               Office Hours:
                                         7:50 - 2:30             signed in at the office by a
    Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri                                                                            7:15 – 3:30
                                                                 Tardy: 8:20 Students must be
     Elementary Schools                                                                              Office Hours:
                                                                 signed in at the office by a
           Wed                           8:20 – 2:30                                                 7:15 – 3:30

If you bring your child to school, please do not drop off your child at school before the start time. No supervision
is provided.

Arrival and Dismissal of Students

Before/After School
    •    Please drop your students off at the designated doorway.
    •    Please park in a single file line and pull up to the next car as far as possible to allow more cars in line.
    •    Please leave only when the car in front of you has moved forward. Do NOT pull around the car in front of you
         as children could run between the cars unseen.
    •    Please do NOT leave unattended cars in the drop-off line so that traffic can move freely. If you find it necessary
         to park and leave your vehicle, please find a designated parking space in the lot.

After School⎯All students are to leave school at their designated time. No student should be in the building unless
participating in an activity supervised by a teacher or parent/guardian. If a student is to stay for such an activity, a note
must be sent to the classroom teacher and the bus driver must be notified that the child will not be riding the bus home.
Children without such notes will follow their usual dismissal procedure.

Parents/Guardians meeting students finished with after-school activities should follow the dismissal procedure set up by
each club.

Planned Early Dismissal
If it is necessary for a student to leave school during the school day, a written note stating the reason for this absence must
be presented to the teacher at the beginning of the school day. These notes are forwarded to the school office so an early
dismissal slip may be completed.

Parents/Guardians must come to the school office to pick up students for these early dismissals. NO
parent/guardian will go to the classroom for student dismissals. The office staff will call the classroom for the student
to be dismissed to the office. Students should report back to the school office if they return the same day so a re-admit
slip may be issued. A separate note or phone call should be made to the bus driver whenever a student will not be
riding the bus.

If an unexpected situation arises and a parent/guardian needs to make special dismissal arrangements with a student, they
may call the school office and speak to an office staff member. The office must be called no later than 1:00 p.m. to
complete such special arrangements. Please do not leave special dismissal messages on teachers’ voicemail or email.

Vehicle Idling
Drivers of all public and private vehicles are to turn off the engine if the vehicle is to be stopped more than five (5)
minutes in locations where vehicle exhaust may be drawn into the building or while on school grounds.

Emergency School Delay/Cancellation/Dismissal
The cancellation or late beginning of school will be broadcast via the best method available. Parents will also be contacted
through Blackboard, our emergency contact system. Parents are encouraged to keep phone contacts updated in
PowerSchool. Please do not call the superintendent’s office or school office to ask about the closing of school.

Certain situations may require releasing students from school before the end of the day or relocating them from one school
building to another. If students are released early or relocated, the school district will notify parents by providing
information via Blackboard. Information will also be available on the school corporation website and through social
media channels.

If there is an emergency school closing during school hours, it is imperative that your child knows exactly what he/she is
supposed to do.

Example 1: If your child is to go home he/she would always have a key or know where one is kept.

Example 2: If your child is not to go home he/she must know where he/she is supposed to go.

Example 3: If your child attends BAC, please make sure that he/she knows to attend BAC as normal.
If you transport your child to and from school, please make arrangements with someone who will always be able to pick
him/her up.

Emergency closing arrangement information on each student is requested from each parent/guardian the first week of
school. Please keep this and other emergency information up to date during the school year in PowerSchool.

If a bus driver or other school person believes a child may be harmed by releasing him or her from a bus or school, and
the parent or guardian is not present, alternative arrangements may be made. The parent or guardian will pay any cost for
these services.

No preschool classes meet in the event of a two-hour delay.

School Visitors
A SafeVisitor background check will be required for anyone who visits our schools, including family members of our
students. Examples of activities in the schools where visitors will need a completed SafeVisitor background check are
listed below:
          Lunch Guests
          Classroom Parties
          Classroom Volunteers/Helpers/Room Parents
          Field Trip Chaperones
Examples of activities that will not require a formal background check are listed below (these visitors will still follow
normal school check-in procedures):
          Classroom Guest Speakers
          Parent/Teacher Conferences/Case Conferences
          Special Events (Grandparent’s Day/Famous Hoosiers/etc.)
          School Programs
          Visiting school office area or dropping off items at the school
Background checks are good for three years at any school in the district. These background checks will cost $12.95 and
can be acquired via the link below.
Please note - this process could take 3 to 6 business days. Once approved, please be on the lookout for a badge
notification email from “info@safevisitorsolutions.com.” Your badge will be attached as a PDF. You can either print it,
save it on your phone, or download the SafeVisitor app. A photo will be required and added upon your first visit to the
Web address for SafeVisitor process:
You can find more information at www.wws.k12.in.us/Page/1474


Accident Insurance for School-Aged Children
Student accident insurance is an inexpensive type of insurance that should be considered as a supplement to your regular
insurance plan since it is very limited in scope. This insurance is made available as a courtesy to you and is not sponsored
by the school.

The school carries no coverage on your child and can make no payments to cover medical costs. The insurance plan
offered covers accidents that require medical attention that happen at school and on the bus. An application can be
completed on the district website under Parents/Important Documents.

We recognize that birthdays are a special time. We will acknowledge students’ birthdays. However, as a result of our
district’s Wellness Policy, we have changed our procedures for celebrating student birthdays at the classroom level. Please
do not send in or bring in food treats, flowers, balloons, etc. Each elementary school will have its own guidelines for
celebrating birthdays. Guidelines will be explained through “Meet the Teacher” nights and newsletters. No birthday
party invitations may be distributed to students during the school day.
Blackboard is the WWS electronic parent/guardian notification system. Voice, text, email messages and documents are
sent to parents/guardians regarding emergency notifications, weather delays, closings, general school and district
information, and student documentation to the phone numbers and email addresses provided. Email is generally used
for non-emergency situations, as an example, weekly elementary newsletters. For an emergency or immediate activity,
the system calls the parents/guardians’ listed number and sends a text to the cell phone number provided. Please be
sure to keep email addresses and phone numbers updated in PowerSchool. Parents/guardians can update their email
and phone number by notifying the front desk of their child’s school.

Classroom Assignment
Many factors are taken into consideration when determining class assignments. The teachers, assistant principal,
counselor, and principal work together to plan for the grouping of students for the upcoming school year. We try to
balance the number of boys and girls in each class. Consideration is also given to ability levels, compatibility, special
needs, learning styles, and teaching styles. Each spring, parents/guardians are invited to send in a letter or complete a
form to share information with the school about your child’s learning needs. Our intent is to provide the best learning
situation for all students. This is not intended to be a teacher request letter. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Contacting a Teacher
If you need to contact a teacher, please call the teacher directly and leave a voicemail message for the teacher. Your call
will be returned as soon as possible. A staff phone directory will be sent home during the first week of school. Staff can
also be reached by email. Staff email addresses are listed on the school’s website under Staff Directory.

Curricular Materials and Student Fees
Parents will be invoiced for curricular materials and student fees associated with the individual courses their student has
chosen. Full payment or a payment contract should be completed by the end of the first six weeks of school.
Westfield Washington Schools' requires all unpaid fees, that are not on a payment plan, be sent to a collection agency
by the end of October. Any account that is turned over to collections will have an additional $10.00 fee added to their
outstanding balance.

If a student is withdrawn from school, the parent will receive a prorated refund on curricular materials that are returned
to the school. However, many consumable materials used in classes lose all of their value once they have been used for
any part of a class.

Desks/Books/School Property
The Board of School Trustees authorizes the principal or his/her designee to examine school desks and their contents
when deemed appropriate. Students are expected to properly care for all school property including desks, library books,
textbooks, etc. If a student destroys or loses school property he/she and his/her parents/guardians are responsible for the
replacement cost of the lost or destroyed property.

Students are also expected to respect the property of their classmates and teachers.

Electronic Devices
Students are welcome to bring technology to school as a tool for learning if approved by the classroom teacher and/or
administration. If you or your child decides to send such devices, understand that the school is not liable for any loss or
damage to the device. All devices should be clearly labeled with owner's name.

Every Student Succeeds Act
Westfield Washington Schools must comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act. Information regarding out-of-school
suspensions and/or expulsions will remain part of each student’s permanent record that begins in kindergarten and
concludes when a student graduates, transfers outside the district, or is expelled. Information about in-school suspensions
or punishments by individual teachers, such as an after-school detention, is not part of the permanent record. These
records will not appear on transcripts of grades that colleges receive. This information will be shared with other schools
only when the student transfers. For more information, contact the Director of Student Services at 317-867-8006.

Field Trips
Each grade level plans field trips that relate directly to the curriculum being studied. A fee is assessed for admission and
transportation costs. When space allows, there may be opportunities for parents/guardians to chaperone on field trips.
All parents/guardians serving as chaperones must complete the Safe Visitor background check as described above in the
“School Visitor” section. For safety and supervision reasons, younger siblings are not permitted to attend field trips.

It is School Board policy that all children going on field trips have a signed permission slip. These forms must be signed
by the parent/guardian and returned by the day of the trip. *A student without proof of proper immunizations is considered
in violation of IC 20-34-4-5 students will not be allowed to attend field trips and/or extracurricular activities until
immunization records are up to date and on file with the school nurse.

Lost and Found
Articles found in and around the school should be turned in to the lost and found box. Owners may claim their property
by identifying it. Please check with the school office if your child loses an item at school. Many valuable items go
unclaimed each year. Periodically, unclaimed items are given to charity.

Messages to Students and Teachers
If a parent/guardian wishes to get a message to a student or teacher during school hours, he/she may call the teacher’s
voicemail or send an e-mail. If the message is about a dismissal change, please call the school office by 1:00 p.m.to
be sure that the message is received rather than calling the classroom teacher. A complete telephone directory is
available online. Students and teachers are not called to the telephone except in emergency situations. It is preferred that
Parents/Guardians should be sure that pick-up arrangements for after-school activities are finalized in the morning so the
use of a telephone is not necessary. Teachers are with students throughout the day and may not be able to return your
message promptly.

Children should not carry money to school unless there is a specific purpose for it. The school is not responsible for the
loss of money.

Technology Guidelines (Policy 13000-03)
Any damage to, interference with, and/or unauthorized use of computers, the internet, software, technology, or any
related equipment may result in suspension and/or expulsion. Students are required to follow the district’s Acceptable
Use of Technology Policy 13000-03 when using any technology. Parents will agree to the Acceptable Use guidelines in
the Power School Demographic Update under the Technology Use Tab.

Textbook Assistance/School Meal Assistance
Financial assistance is available to parents who complete a Household Application for Free and Reduced Price School
Meals form and qualify for assistance. The forms are available during registration, online or at the administration
building. The form completed must be for the current school year. If the parent wants textbook assistance, that
question on the form will need to be answered and signed.
A child is eligible if the total household income and the amount and source of income received by each household
member fall within federal guidelines for Free/Reduced Meals and/or Textbook Assistance.
 Curricular materials fees are established each spring following state guidelines. Payment is collected at the district
level. Payment can be made at the administration building with cash, check, credit card (Visa/Mastercard/Discover), or
by completing a payment contract. Payment can also be made online through a PowerSchool interface.

Tobacco Products
Smoking and tobacco use are prohibited in and on school grounds. Tobacco and nicotine-based products and look-a-like
products such as electronic cigarettes are specifically prohibited by Indiana Statute and Westfield Washington
Schools. Tobacco includes, but is not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine,
nicotine delivering devices, chemicals, or devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances;
and any other tobacco or nicotine innovations. Violations will result in serious consequences as outlined in the due
process section of this handbook.

All toys should be left at home unless a note is received from your child’s teacher allowing toys to be brought to school.
Toys and/or games brought to school without such permission may be kept by the teacher or school office until a
parent/guardian picks them up.

Sports equipment for recess may be brought to school only after the classroom teacher approves it. Any equipment
brought in must be labeled with the child’s name, and the child must plan to share the equipment with the other students.
The equipment must remain in the backpack, cubby, cabinet, or locker during the rest of the day. The school is not
responsible for any lost or misplaced toys.

Volunteers are welcomed and always needed in our school. Those volunteers who work directly with students or supervise
a group of students on a field trip must complete the SafeVisitor background check. Please see the section on School
Visitors in this handbook.


Cafeteria Expectations
We want the cafeteria to be a place where the children can enjoy themselves and their lunch. Parents/Guardians are
encouraged to eat lunch with their children but are required to have a Safe Visitor background check completed prior to
eating lunch in the cafeteria. Arrangements for this can be made through the school office or the child’s teacher. These
expectations for the cafeteria are designed to make lunch time a pleasant experience for all. They are as follows:

Ask permission to leave the table once seated.
Use a quiet voice and observe non-verbal signals for announcements.
Use good manners. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Listen and follow the directions of the person supervising.
Do not share food. Due to the variety of allergies in the building, it is not safe for children to share food.
Soda/carbonated beverages in cans or bottles are not allowed to be brought in lunches for safety reasons.
We encourage children to make healthy choices.
A special table is used for visitors eating lunch with a student.
*These are general expectations for all elementary buildings. Individual school building’s expectations may vary.
The elementary lunch/breakfast prices are sent home in the summer registration packets. Breakfast/lunch money should
be sent with your child in an envelope marked with the child’s name, the teacher’s name, and the amount sent. Money
can be added to your child’s account at any time by going online to, www.wws.k12.in.us Parents/Lunchtime. Parents
will have access to viewing what purchases are made and child’s account balance all in real time.

The breakfast/lunch program is on the computer system that records when each child eats and keeps track of the money
in his/her account. If your child packs their lunch and buys a milk, the milk is charged to their account as an a la carte
item. All charges will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Students will not be allowed to charge any a la carte
items if their account is in the negative. Notification will be sent when negative balances occur. If account balances
exceed $50.00, parents/guardians will be contacted by the Director of Operations. Any outstanding balance at the end of
the school year will be turned over to collections. At that time a $10.00 collection fee will be added to the outstanding
balance. At no time will a child be denied a full meal.

We serve hot breakfast every day, at all schools. If you ride the bus, please let the bus driver know that you wish to exit
the bus to eat school breakfast.

Any parent/guardian who may need financial assistance to pay for breakfast/lunch may contact the Administration Office
at 317-867-8019 or the Student Nutrition Office at 317-867-8062 to apply for Free/Reduced benefits.

Allergy Guidelines
Our Student Nutrition department makes every effort to provide peanut free products that will be served from the cafeteria
food line. However, you should be aware that manufacturer’s disclaimers on their products are constantly changing. We
monitor these changes diligently for your child’s protection. Our goal is to build a safe environment for all of our students.
Peanut/nut products will be allowed to be sent in a child’s lunch from home. Children with nut allergies will have a “nut
free” table where they may choose to sit. The child with allergies may choose two friends to sit with them at the “nut
free” table. All lunches must be nut free in order to sit at this table.

Gluten, seafood, soybean and dairy are the other most common allergies. Allergies can be tracked/checked by our app
SoHappy. Based on individual student’s needs schools may need to put additional precautions in place if needed.

If you are ever in question of a menued item, please do not hesitate to contact your Student Nutrition Department at 317-
867-8062. Any questions or concerns may be directed to the Food Services Director at 317-867-8060.

WWS is committed to our partnership with our families. Student Support Programs offers many fee-based services,
which extend our support beyond the school day and school year. Before and After Care (BAC) programs are offered
from 6:45 a.m. to the start of the school day and from the end of the school day to 6:00 p.m., as well as on late start and
extended break days. BAC summer camp offers many experiences for a fun and enriching summer for all Westfield
students from three years through high school

Preschool, a three-year-old program, offers children both academic and social preparedness based on the Indiana Early
Learning Foundations for developmentally appropriate practices. Preschool is available to families who currently have
children attending Westfield Washington Schools.

The All Aboard Program is a pre-kindergarten experience based on Indiana Early Learning Foundations for
developmentally appropriate practices which align with Indiana state standards for Kindergarten and above. All Aboard
provides an enriched preparedness for the Westfield Washington kindergarten classroom. Families who live in the
Westfield Washington School district are eligible for All Aboard.

Information for all of the Student Support Programs is available on our website at: www.wws.k12.in.us, by selecting
Departments then Student Support Programs. For questions regarding billing, enrollment, program information or
concerns email: mychild@wws.k12.in.us, or call the administrative office at 317-867-8017.


Health Clinic
The health clinic is staffed by a Registered Nurse, licensed to practice nursing by the State of Indiana. The health clinic
is provided to take care of illness and injuries that occur during the school day. Please update your student’s medical
information by logging onto PowerSchool found under PARENTS on your school building website. Every school year
you will need to verify, update and date the form online form. This form is used to provide care for your child, provide
information to emergency services, if needed, and allow the school nurse permission to administer the listed school
provided over the counter medications.

Health Conditions and/or Emergency Medical Needs & Procedures
If your child has a health condition (e.g. diabetes, asthma, severe food allergy, seizures) that requires the use of medication,
emergency treatment, or a medical procedure during the school day, please contact the school nurse. An individual health
care plan or emergency care plan for school and/or school sponsored events will need to be completed by the school nurse.
All procedures including administration of prescription medication, and emergency treatment plans must have a medical
order that is completed annually or as needed to ensure up-to-date information.

Vision & Hearing
Vision and hearing screenings will be conducted for students in designated grades as mandated by the State of Indiana.
If appropriate, parents/guardians will be notified if a student is in need of professional consultation following a screening.
Hearing Screenings are performed by the district Speech and Language Pathologists.

Reports to Child Protective Services (Policy 7000-23)
As a school district, we are under duty by State Law to submit a report of any suspected child abuse or neglect to the
Indiana Department of Child Services who handle all investigations. Such a report is made directly to the Department of
Child Services and they handle the investigation.

Illness/Injuries at School
To help your student focus on their studies and classroom work we ask that all known illnesses or injuries be treated at
home prior to arriving at school. If a student becomes ill or seriously injured at school and requires special medical
attention, the following steps shall be taken:

1.   First aid will be given as appropriate.
2.   The principal, school nurse, or volunteer health aide will be notified and the student will be sent to the health clinic
     for medical attention.
3.   If the student is not able to continue the school day due to a medical illness or injury, the parent/guardian will be
     a. If contact cannot be made with the parent or guardian at the first report of an illness or injury, the school may
          send the child home with the person whom the parent/guardian has indicated. Please remember to keep all
          emergency contact information current in PowerSchool by updating home, cell, and work phone numbers, as
          well as, the names and phone numbers of friends and/or relatives who can be reached if the parent/guardian is
          not available.
     b. If a parent/guardian has no means of getting the child home, the school may send the child home in accordance
          with the parent’s request.
     c. If a parent or guardian cannot be contacted and there is serious injury or illness, the school may secure the
          services of emergency medical services or any person previously designated in writing by the parent/guardian.
          The school assumes no responsibility for the emergency services or fees.
     d. All school personnel should be informed (on a need to know basis) of children who have special health problems
          that may require special attention when an injury or illness occurs (hemophilia, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies, etc.).
          It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to inform school personnel of any health problems and update
          information on a yearly basis or as needed.
4.   All personal injury accidents that require special medical attention occurring at school, on the way to or from school,
     or at related activities are to be reported in writing using the Incident Report Form.
     a. The Incident Report Form will be completed as soon as possible.
     b. One copy of the Incident Report Form will be retained in the health clinic and one filed within three (3) days of
          the incident at Westfield Washington Schools Central Office.
5.   Students who are ill may visit the clinic with a pass provided by the teacher. A daily log is kept of students’ reasons
     for visiting the clinic and the treatment provided.

Exclusion from School
A child with a contagious illness, disease or fever should not be sent to school. Please specify on the school attendance
line if your child is absent due to a fever, contagious disease, or chronic illness.

District exclusion criteria states students are to be excluded from school for one or more of the following medical
conditions or at the school nurse’s discretion.
    o Fever—documented temperature of 100 F or above. Your child must be fever free (less than 100 F) for at
         least 1 full school day after being sent home with a fever. After the full day they may return to school once they
         are fever free (
o   Scabies—the student should remain home until treatment has been given for at least 24 hours. Please notify the
         school nurse of this condition and provide a note from your physician.
     o   Ringworm—the student should remain home until treatment has been started; upon returning to school the area
         must remain covered at all times, if the area is too large or cannot be covered the student must remain home until
         the ringworm is gone.
     o   Chicken pox—the student should remain home until all vesicles (blisters) have scabbed over and no new ones
         are appearing or lesions are fading
     o   Strep Throat—the student should remain home until they have had at least a FULL 24 hours of antibiotic
         treatment and is fever free (
School Provided Medications
        • In order to treat mild illnesses and injuries, the school health clinic provides a limited supply of medication
            listed on the Student Health History Form.
        • These medications will only be given to students who have a current parent/guardian signed Student Health
            History Form on file with the nurse. The Student Health History Form must be completed every school
            year and expire at the end of the school year.
    Parent/Guardian Provided Medication Transportation of Medication
        • By Indiana State Law-all medication, both prescription and non-prescription, must be transported to and
            from the health clinic by a parent or guardian. This includes over the counter medications. All medications
            brought to the school by a student will be held in the health clinic until proper written permission has been
            obtained. No medication will be given without proper written permission.
        • Students are not permitted to have any medication or drugs in their possession, exception see Emergency
            Medication information below.
    Storage of Medication
        • All medication, prescription and non-prescription, must be in the original container and stored in the health
        • All prescription medication must be in a prescription bottle with a current label including the name of the
            student, name of the medication, correct dosage, and when to administer medication. All prescription
            medication requires a medical order from a physician to the school nurse with specific time to be given and
            dose at school.
        • All non-prescription medication (over the counter) must be in the original container with the student’s name
            written on the label.
        • Parents/guardians may provide the clinic medication inventory for up to a 30-school day supply of
            medication or if less than 30 days left in the school year the maximum number of remaining school days.
    Parent/Guardian Permission to Give Medication at School
        • If a non-prescription medication request is for a dose greater than that listed on the label, a signed physician’s
            medical order is required.
        • Prescription medication must have a physician medical order indicating time and dose to be given during
            the school day to the nurse prior to administering any medication; this includes emergency medication, daily
            medications, and as needed medication.
        • All medication that can be given prior to and after school should be given at home.
    To Stop a Medication or Change Dose
        • Parents/Guardians should notify the school nurse by phone or provide a written note to stop the medication
            if it is no longer needed at school.
        • If a prescription dose is to be changed, it will require an updated medical order from your physician to the
        • All medication must be picked up by the parent/guardian by the last day of school. Any medication left in
            the health clinic after the last day of school will be properly disposed of.
        • All discontinued medication must be picked up from the health clinic within 1 week of notification.

    Emergency Medication and Self-Administered Medications
       • Students with a disease or medical condition may carry and self-administer medication for the chronic
           disease or medical condition when they have an authorization form on file with the school nurse. The
           authorization must be completed by the physician and state the following:
           o the student has a disease or medical condition for which the medication is prescribed,
           o the student has been instructed on how to self-administer the medication, and
           o the disease or medical condition requires emergency administration of the medication.
       • Contact the school nurse for a copy of the authorization form.
           Homeopathic medication, over the counter herbs, minerals, essential oils, vitamins, and other non-
           FDA approved medications: Requests to administer these products by parent/guardian at school will not
           be honored, as there is no standardization, no FDA approval, and no guidelines regarding safety of these

Body Safety Programs
In July 2018, the Indiana General Assembly passed legislation that expands the grade levels for body safety education in
schools to grades Kindergarten through Grade 12. (Previously the law required education in grades 2-5). Each school
corporation shall make available for inspection to a parent all of the instructional material used in connection with
instruction on human sexuality. Prior to a school providing instruction on human sexuality, the school must provide a
written request for consent of instruction from an emancipated student or a student’s parent(s). This allows the parent or
emancipated student to opt out of the instruction.

Head Lice
Parents/Guardians have the prime responsibility of assisting in the prevention and management of head lice cases through
regular checks of their child’s hair and starting immediate treatment when head lice are detected.

While head lice are a nuisance, they do not spread disease and are not a health issue. Should a case of head lice be brought
to the school’s attention, the school nurse will maintain confidentiality at school, verify presence of an active infestation,
and bring it to the child’s parent’s/guardian’s attention. Parents/Guardians, students and school staff will be educated
about head lice identification, treatment and prevention.

If at all possible, students should not be excluded from school for having head lice as the management of head lice should
not disrupt the educational process of the child. The need to exclude students from school will be determined on a case-
by-case basis.

The policy is supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Association of School Nurses, and the
Hamilton County Health Department.

All registration at Westfield Washington Schools is submitted online. The link for online registration can be found at
www.wws.k12.in.us under Parents/Registration. The following documents can be uploaded during online registration,
or the documents can be brought to your child’s school or the administration office within 10 days of completing the
online process. If a parent/guardian does not have access to a computer, they may use computers at the district office at
1143 E 181st Street.

Please have the following documents available:
1. Provide one of the following at the time of enrollment for proof of Washington Township residency.
    a. Current purchase, rental, or lease agreement
    b. Property tax statement
    c. Copy of filed IRS form
    d. Voter registration
    e. Recent utility bills in the name of the parent/guardian
2. Indiana driver’s license
3. Birth certificate (signed by county health official, hospital records cannot be accepted)
4. Proof of custody (if applicable)
5. Immunization records
6. List of child’s medications (if applicable)
7. Emergency contact information
8. Transcript from previous school
9. IEP (if applicable)
10. Grades in progress (if applicable)
11. Withdrawal papers from previous school (if applicable)
12. Current psycho-educational evaluation (if applicable)
13. ILEARN results

Westfield Washington Schools recognizes and complies with the McKinney-Vento Act.

Withdrawal of a student during the year may be arranged through the building secretary. Please call the school office to
arrange for a withdrawal.


eLearning days are held in place of cancellation days which would need to be made up later, often in June, by adding
days onto the end of the school calendar. When these make-up days are at the end of the school year they do not reflect
the learning that was needed at the time of the day off. WWS eLearning days allow students to continue to make
educational progress. This is especially important when faced with high stakes tests (ILEARN, AP, IREAD-3, etc.)
which have fixed testing dates regardless of the number of cancellation days.
       1.   School cancellation days will be eLearning Days unless otherwise communicated.

       2.   All classroom work will be posted by 9:00 AM on the day of the cancellation. If the cancelled day begins
            with a 2-hour delay delay, all work will be posted by 11:00 AM. K-4 students will find their work posted
            on Google Classroom and have a designated window to complete the work. 5-12 students will find their
            work on Canvas and have two school days to complete. For those students who do not have device or
            internet access, school lab hours will be posted. In addition, WWS partners with local business to provide
            students the opportunity to use WiFi during operating hours of the business.

       3.   Teachers will have set office hours to provide students with instruction and technical support that will be
            communicated to students and parents. A tech hotline is also available to support students and parents as
            issues arise.

       4.   Completed eLearning assignments will be used to determine attendance on an eLearning Day.

       5.   Lists of Frequently Asked Questions, staff office hours, Westfield WiFi Partners, and other information can
            be found on each school's website under the Parents tab.

Grade Reporting to Parents/Guardians
Students in kindergarten and grades one and two receive a standards-based report card showing the progression of skill
development (+, o, -) on state and local curriculum standards (+=Achieved the skill, o=Ongoing-working to achieve the
skill, and -=Skill not yet achieved). S, N, or U are assigned in special area subjects. (S=Satisfactory, N=Needs
Improvement, U=Unsatisfactory)

Students in grades three and four receive letter grades each trimester in academic subjects. S, N, or U are assigned in
non-academic and special areas.

The grading scale is as follows:

             A     =   93%-100%
             A-    =   90%-92%
             B+    =   87%-89%
             B     =   83%-86%
             B-    =   80%-82%
             C+    =   77%-79%
             C     =   73%-76%
             C-    =   70%-72%
             D     =   65%-69%
             F     =   64% & below

Mid-term reports and report cards are available on PowerSchool. Throughout the trimesters, parents/guardians should
check their child’s progress in PowerSchool and talk to their child about their social, emotional and academic progress.
If you feel that a conference to discuss your child’s progress is needed, please call your child’s teacher.

High Ability
Westfield’s high ability services fall under a range of K-12 services in the RtI (Response to Instruction) process. Official
identification occurs in late spring for grades K, 2, and 6, with additional qualifications in 8th grade for specific high
ability courses at Westfield High School. Early services include flexible grouping, differentiation, and enrichment within
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