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COMITET DE REDACŢIE Redactor şef: Dan PRELIPCEANU Redactor-şefi adjuncți: Dragoş MARINESCU Aurel NIREŞTEAN COLECTIV REDACŢIONAL Doina COZMAN Liana DEHELEAN Marieta GABOŞ GRECU Maria LADEA Cristinel ŞTEFĂNESCU REVISTA Cătălina TUDOSE Secretar de redacţie: Valentin MATEI CONSILIU ŞTIINŢIFIC Vasile CHIRIŢĂ (membru de onoare al Academiei de Ştiinţe Medicale, ROMÂNĂ Iaşi) de Michael DAVIDSON (Professor, Sackler School of Medicine Tel Aviv Univ., Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York) Virgil ENĂTESCU (membru al Academiei de Ştiinţe Medicale, Satu Mare) Ioana MICLUŢIA (UMF Cluj-Napoca) Şerban IONESCU (Universitatea Paris VIII, Universitatea Trois- Rivieres, Quebec) Mircea LĂZĂRESCU (membru de onoare al Academiei de Ştiinţe Medicale, Timisoara) Juan E. MEZZICH (Professor of Psychiatry PSIHIATRIE and Director, Division of Psychiatric Epidemiology and International Center for Mental Health, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York University) Teodor T. POSTOLACHE, MD (Director, Mood and Anxiety Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore) Eliot SOREL (George Washington University, Washington DC) Maria GRIGOROIU-ŞERBĂNESCU (cercetător principal gr.I) ARPP ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY ASOCIAŢIA ROMÂNĂ Vol XX Nr. 2 June 2018 DE PSIHIATRIE ŞI PSIHOTERAPIE QUARTERLY CNCSIS B+ p-ISSN: 1454-7848 e-ISSN: 2068-7176
CUPRINS ARTICOLE DE SINTEZĂ & Modelul atașamentului la adult. Influența asupra abilităților parentale 47 Carmen I. Truțescu, Iuliana Dobrescu ARTICOLE SPECIALE & Personalitatea și strategiile de adaptare în dinamica vârstelor 52 Aurel Nireștean, Andra Oltean, Emese Lukacs & Dimensiunea conștiinței și personalități patologice 55 Emese Lukács, Aurel Nireștean, Andra Oltean & Perspectiva dimensională a subvariantelor tulburării obsesiv-compulsive 57 Emese Lukács, Aurel Nireștean, Tudor Nireștean, Andra Oltean ARTICOLE ORIGINALE & Relația dintre depresie și factorii socio-economici 59 Ioana A. Pacearcă, Floris P. Iliuță, Oana Manea, Mirela Manea & Comorbidități ale consumului abuziv de alcool 63 Maria Bonea, Mădălina C Neacșu, Ioana V Micluția & Biomarker-ii tratamentului de monitorizare al alcoolismului cu comorbiditate hepatică. Un studiu observațional 68 Claudiu I. Vasile & Monitorizarea pacienților alcoolici folosind Testul Audit 75 Claudiu I. Vasile CAZ CLINIC & Diagnostic diferențial: tulburare delirantă - tipul somatic vs anorexia nervosa 83 Ana-Anca Talașman, Alexandra Dolfi INSTRUCŢIUNI PENTRU AUTORI 86 Revista Română de Psihiatrie este indexată de Consiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior la categoria B+. Apare trimestrial. Colegiul Medicilor din România acordă abonaţilor la această publicaţie 5 credite EMC/an. Articolele ştiinţifice publicate în revistă sunt creditate cu 80 credite EMC/articol. Revista Română de Psihiatrie este editată de Asociaţia Română de Psihiatrie şi Psihoterapie şi Asociaţia Medicală Română
REVIEW ARTICLES ADULT ATTACHMENT PATTERN. INFLUENCE ON PARENTING SKILLS Carmen I. Truțescu1, Iuliana Dobrescu2 Abstract exercising the profession of parent and parental The role of parents in raising and educating attachment pattern. children is fundamental, and, in recent years, there is an Specialists in child psychology and psychiatry increase in mentioning their active participation in carefully evaluate the attachment of young individuals, maintaining the mental health of children. being considered an important determinant of the pattern Beyond the rational approach to problems in of subsequent social relationships. The adult attachment is raising the children, different structural factors, however a controversial topic, many authors assimilating personality traits, and personal life experiences, it with personality traits while other sustain its substantial sometimes with traumatic effects, can interfere with impact on social relationships, especially on couple and adherence to the chosen parenting style. Adopting an family relationship. inconsistent attitude in the application of self-imposed or This paper aims to review the data on adult recommended educational rules or principles, emotional attachment and its relation to the individual's functionality instability or expression of fluctuating feelings, as a parent. alternating between guilt and aggression may represent Key words: adult attachment, parenting, just a few examples of behaviors that launch the hypothesis personality traits of a fundamental relationship between the way of The assessment of adult functionality includes behaviors. Inappropriate behaviors are sanctioned by the global analysis of several perspectives. The role of coherent, not arbitrary or violent measures. Often parent, with clearly defined goals related to the growth and behaviors are not punished, but the consequences of the education of children, is fundamental. There are more and child's actions are explored and discussed, and the child more debates in recent years about the more complex can see that behavior is inappropriate and should not be implications of the adult personality in the psycho- repeated. (3) However, when a child is punished, the emotional development of the offspring, directly and parent will explain the reason for the punishment adopted. indirectly, the psychological balance of the parent Children respond to parental punishment because it is contributing to the maintenance of the mental health of the reasonable and fair. As a result, children with democratic children. education style parents are more likely to be successful, The parenting style can be considered the result will be appreciated by those around them, generous and of the educational process to which the adult who became a capable of self-determination. (2, 4, 5) parent had access. Personal beliefs and parental values Authoritarian style. The parent has a low influence and delineate the set of rules, expectations of response capacity and his requirements are absolutist; performance, and interventional patterns used in education their children must follow the instructions formulated of children. without any explanation. (3, 4) Body punishment is a Darling and Steinberg, in a 1993 paper, bring common form of discipline. Some supporters of this clarifications towards distinction between parenting parental style believe aggression from someone in the practices and parenting styles; in the author's opinion, outside world will be less shocking for a child who is parenting practices are defined as specific behaviors that accustomed to these forms of relationship. parents use to socialize their children while parenting style Children raised using this type of parenting may as the emotional climate in which parents grow up their have weaker social skills, tend to be conform, very children. (1) obedient, quiet, but not very happy, with feelings of self- Depending on the child's responsiveness and the culpability and being at risk for depression, which may urgency of the requirements formulated for children, persist until maturity. Those who manage to develop self- Diana Baumrind (2) defines three different types of confidence can present behavioral changes in teenagers, parenting styles: democratic style, authoritarian style and while under-developed teenagers with low self-efficacy permissive style. may resort to substance abuse or suicide. (4, 5) Democratic style. The parent has a high Permissive style. Marked by high reactivity and receptivity; the requirements and limits set out are clear, low absolutist requirements. (3) Studies on pre-school allowing children to develop their autonomy, working children with permissive parents indicate that they tend to maturely, independently, and developing appropriate child be immature, with poor or absent impulse control (5). In 1 MD, medic specialist psihiatrie pediatrică, Institutul Național pentru Sănătatea Mamei și Copilului – Alessandrescu-Rusescu, București 2 Prof. Univ., medic primar psihiatrie pediatrică, Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie “Alexandru Obregia”, UMF” Carol Davila” București, Received February 26, 2018, Revised February 28, 2018, Accepted March 17, 2018 47
Carmen I. Truțescu, Iuliana Dobrescu: Adult Attachment Pattern. Influence on Parenting Skills adolescence, they have a three times higher risk for another person. Attachment relationship refers to the pathological alcohol consumption compared to the same connection one has developed with the person who age population (6). represents the primary attachment figure, mainly the Parenting (parenting practices) is a specific person providing the care; toward this person the child behavior - taken over or acquired - that a parent chooses to reach or maintains the approach in a differentiated and use in the care, growth and education of his child. (2) usually preferred way. (14) Attachment and care systems are often activated There are two concepts of attachment simultaneously. (7) development; on the one hand, the behaviorist, according Apart from the parental attitudes mentioned to which attachment is learned, and the one detached from above, special attention has been paid to Neglect; these psychoanalysis, which considers that individuals are born parents have no expectations and do not react adequately with the ability to form their attachment. to children's interactions, neglect the emotions and The behaviorist theory argues that attachment opinions of the child, most of the times their parents and patterns are developed through classical or operative children have contradictory behavior; the child will be full conditioning processes, as follows: of resentment, and the parent will be indignant, lacking in ·Classical conditioning, in which emphasis is placed on authority. Children get retreated into social situations, the importance of stimulus - response: children are born with school absenteeism or delinquency. (3, 5) with hunger reflexes, and when fed, this reflex is Literature data shows that there is a strong link diminished and a well-being, pleasure is established, between the parent's attachment style and the parenting which is then associated with the person providing the style to which he / she will adhere, the parent with secure food, searching for that person perpetuating beyond the attachment, adopting an autocratic (democratic) moments of hunger, which leads to the learning of the educational style, gives the child the opportunity to make attachment. choices and to develop in a flexible, democratic, safe and ·Operational conditioning: behavior which leads to assertive manner, while parents with anxious attachment rewards will be repeated, unlike the one that draws an style tend to develop permissive parenting techniques. (7) unpleasant result that will not repeat itself. Feeding leads Similar results have also been reported by Millings et al., to positive feelings that will lead to the perpetuation of the who also emphasized that there are no significant generating behavior and will create a secure attachment. differences between mothers and fathers, the type of For example, the child will show desire for proximity with attachment being a predictor of the parenting style (8). a smile, looking for the mother, as she responds with the Psychotherapy, particularly psychodynamic and same type of reaction, thus enhancing his behavior. (15, systemic, recognize the importance of understanding the 16, 17) intrapsychic dynamics of the adult becoming a parent and Behaviorism therefore supports the idea that any rewarded addressing the family. Therefore, we start from behavior will be reproduced. (15) The hypothesis was recognizing that previous experiences of the individual taken up and supplemented by further research which make their presence felt in all inter-human relationships, considers that parents teach their children to love them including in the parent-child relationship, both at the level through three mechanisms (Theory of Social Learning): of educational principles and at the level of ·Direct training, when asking the child to show his communication and emotional relationship. (9, 10) attachment, for example by telling them to embrace them; Personality traits, individual communication ·Modeling by mimicking emotional behavior of parents, skills, developed and trained coping techniques, as when the parents caress the child, and he does the same assertiveness level, or pre-clinical psycho-emotional gesture; conditions all can be considered variables that interfere ·Social encouragement which parents apply after with the parenting style practiced (5). observing children's behavior towards others, trying to From the perspective of attachment, adequate modify behavioral errors by explaining why it is not good parenting skills require the congruent action of the areas of to act in a certain way. For example, when a child reacts sensation and perception, reward, executive functions, violently when another takes his toy, parents explain that it motor skills and learning abilities. (10) The authors also is not good to scream and hit the other child. (15, 18) talk about the role of working memory in allowing parents One of the limitations we can observe regarding to plan their parental actions based on the information behaviorist theory is that it is unable to explain why transmitted to the child, the context and previous attachment relationships persist for long periods of time, experiences, and correlates them with the mother's ability even when persons to which an individual shows to focus and keep attention in the tasks as well as her attachment are missing and they don't meet his needs. (9, spatial memory. (11) 15) Personal experiences at the expense of an Psychoanalytic theory, explaining the mother- attachment relationship, such as childhood mistreatment child relationship centered on the need for food, sees this or neglect, can reduce the feeling of safety among peers feeding relationship as a means rather than as a goal. From and may exacerbate reactions to later tensions or the point of view of psychoanalysis, satisfying the basic conflictual situations. (7, 10) Although it seems to need of the child gives him the opportunity to shift his influence the relationship with age equals, the state of attention from the primary needs, for which he knows he insecurity may appear in relation to one's own children, of will always have support, to the environment, which he which, approaching a persistent attitude can be difficult. begins to discover, and in which gradually establishes its (12, 13) own position, thus achieving a strong affection towards In general terms, attachment can be understood as the mother, based on safety and trust, which goes beyond an emotional bond that an individual can establish with 48
Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XX, No.2, 2018 the physiological dependence relationship. The early 1.Anxious-preoccupied attachment - Children with this mother-child relationship is imperative for the type of attachment have a dual, duplicate attitude towards harmonious development of the child's subsequent their parents. They will develop a "sticky" and addictive personality, the emotional safety that mother transmits to behavior, but when they interact with their parents, they her child being responsible for the cognitive ability of the reject them. (16) They are unable to develop feelings of child and also for his social assessment skills. safety in relation to attachment figures, unable to move Supplements to psychoanalytic theory have argued that away from them to explore the environment. newborns, like animal babies, are born with a series of When a stressful situation occurs, they cannot be abilities which form a psychological system that dissuaded and do not want to relate to their parents. This is facilitates the creation of an attachment behavioral system caused by the inconsistency of parents in meeting their with respect to the primary caregiver. (14, 19) needs, these children not knowing when their requests will Growing, the inner work pattern of the Ego and of be heard and when they will be ignored. All these others is gradually developed, especially of their relationship traits between children and parents will caregivers, and children can differentiate behaviors and gradually lead to the creation of a negative self-image of emotional feelings associated with them, simultaneously the child and to a series of exaggerated actions and appropriating some of the observed behavioral reactions. manifestations to achieve attention (12, 25). (14, 19) 2.Avoiding attachment - In this psychological context, These behavior patterns end up being biologically children lose their confidence in adults, do not feel that rooted and activated throughout their later life by various they can provide the help they need and then they start to environmental stimuli and conditions generated by avoid the significant person. Also, these children do not different social circumstances, such as the need for have the necessary safety to explore the environment in protection and care. The attachment theory emphasizes which they live, they are independent of the parents' learning through observation and reinforcement, which presence, both physically and emotionally. (12) They do children take in their future interactions with their not seek contact with a person in a stressful situation. classroom mates, in the classrooms, and ultimately in their Parents of these children refuse to help when they family relationships (17, 20), and the role that attachment ask for it, they are insensitive, and evade when facing more plays it as a buffer against stress (12). difficult tasks, most often their support is mossing in Moreover, the attachment theory represented other emotional stresses situations (26). processes by which parents can lead to social competence, Therefore, children with an avoidant attachment arguing that safe relationships with caregivers in early are considered unworthy and unacceptable by others childhood predicted later competence in several areas (21, because of the parental rejection. (12, 25) 22). Social competence is also associated with attachment 3.Anxious-avoiding attachment - This type of attachment security, attachment among infants being a good predictor is absolutely dysfunctional and installs in children who for social competence during childhood and adolescence have been abused and who have been deprived of the (20). presence of an attachment figure. The behavior of these Considering the fact that the individual's children is unpredictable, it is lacking coherence and interpersonal relationships and experiences are unique, a predictability towards others. It's named also a multitude of variables that relate both to that person and to disorganized attachment type. Their reactions are his / her relational, social and economic background, can generally difficult to predict. (12.26) influence the development of the attachment. (14, 19) By reviewing the above attachment types, Depending on the degree of deviation from normality, attachment can be said to be an evolutionary mechanism, attachment is classified into two broad categories: secure developed at the individual's psychological level, to and insecure. overcome the stressful situations that they encounter Secure attachment is the ideal attachment type in throughout their lives. Among the protagonists of this which all the information received by the individual has process are the people who constitute the early universe of induced the idea of security, self-confidence and freedom the individual, respectively the mother. (26) Their of knowledge. Children who have developed such an unavailability or abuse will result in an insecure attachment are those who have always felt that someone is attachment pattern, each defining some subsequent near to help them and that the family is a secure behavior and representing a risk factor for it (27). environment. As a form of manifestation, these children The attachment theory, as described by Bowlby are those who get upset when the mother / parents leave, in 1969, refers to the attachment of children to the primary trying to resist, but after a few minutes they can be easily attachment figure, (14) but it can be extended to personal reconciled by someone else and continue their activities relationships developed in adulthood (13, 28). because they know that separation is a temporary one and The child, in the relationship he develops with that parents will always come back. the caregiver, develops working patterns and relationships From a relational point of view, these children with others, influencing the patterns of cognitive, learn to express their needs and emotions directly, they emotional and behavioral response. These attachment feel able to create social relationships and enjoy it. The models are characterized by two dimensions, called basis of this attachment is a healthy emotional process, anxiety and avoidance (9, 29). which includes empathy, harmony, emotional resonance, When the comfort and safety needs are all mediated by the brain and associated with a positive constantly met, the child develops a secure connection to affective state (23, 24). the attachment figure (15) characterized by a positive In turn, insecure attachment is divided into three image of the self. However, if the attachment figure does types (12, 16, 19): meet his needs, it develops a relationships pattern in which 49
Carmen I. Truțescu, Iuliana Dobrescu: Adult Attachment Pattern. Influence on Parenting Skills individual fears are manifested, and the individual expects childhood violence (10, 38). rejection from others. People with this type of attachment, Anxiety disorders are characterized by named anxious-fearing, feel the anxiety at high level, dysfunctions of the stress control system and response to mostly the anxious preoccupation for relations with fear that develop in the context of life experiences and others. (12, 30). persist throughout life, generating the idea of involving If the individual experience is a neglect one, early attachment to the etiology of subsequent anxiety which is repeated consistently enough, the individual can disorders. (10, 13, 15) Activation of the attachment system develop the belief that the relationship with others is accompanies therefore anxiety and stress response. (27, untrustworthy, considering himself as autonomous and 37) self-sufficient. These people can then avoid, during the A comparative analysis of the relationship development close relationships, fearing that the between communication skills and the parental relationship with others will only bring them relationship in parents of ADHD's children versus typical disappointment. People with this model of work are at risk children's parents shows that exaggerating personal for developing the evasive attachment, defined as a weaknesses and coercive behavior as well as promoting tendency to dismiss or avoid intimate relationships (30). self-devaluation makes parents with anxious attachment Preoccupation for adult attachment relationships to engage in non-constructive communication in began in the early 1970s with studies on responses toward relationship with the child with ADHD (39), while loses, initially death of partners (31) and marital mothers with secure attachment more often have the separation (32). More recently, the interest in adult ability to overcome stressful moments and adapt to attachment has been extended to include marital parental status requirements (7, 11, 17). relationships that have translated attachment models Knowing the association between individual described by Ainsworth in models encountered at adults. psychological variables and the relational-educational Thus attachment patterns (security, avoidance or style that an adult develops in parenting provides the ambivalence) are recognized in terms of romantic possibility of early psycho-educational intervention relationships, patterns that can also be reported to the (primary screening and prophylaxis of psychological parent-child relationship. (19, 32) disorders and even some of the psychiatric disorders of When discussing the adult's attachment, it is a children and adolescents) as well the implementation of matter of differentiating it from personality, making it some complex psychotherapies programs that include not difficult to establish the causal relationship between the only the child's symptomatology but also the modification two aspects and, above all, their correspondence, if we of the psycho-familial framework. accept that they exist. (15) There are some individual personality traits that clearly do not come from attachment References: experiences. These features, called temperamental or constitutional, apparently result from genetic factors or 1.Darling N, Steinberg L. Parenting style as context: An integrative model. Psychological Bulletin, 1993, 113: 487–496. other biological factors. (22, 33) 2.Baumrind D. Parenting styles and adolescent development. In J. 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SPECIAL ARTICLES PERSONALITY AND COPING STRATEGIES IN AGE DYNAMICS Aurel Nireștean1, Andra Oltean1, Emese Lukacs1 Abstract of interpersonal relationships. They sustain the subjective Any attempt to describe the human personality wellbeing, and thus the self-esteem of the human person. always implies looking a the roles and stages of life. In the From the dimensional perspective of the Big-Five model, various stages of life, the coping mechanisms that must be agreeability and openness, along with self-determination developed are the ones that prove to be the most efficient underlie the most important coping mechanisms and give and valuable in the shaping of a personal destiny. In their value to the human person. great diversity, coping mechanisms express the level of Key words: personality, coping mechanism, Big Five individual maturity. Irregardless of age, they are dimensional model conditioned by the personality dimensions and the quality Any attempt to describe personality necessarily Mind theory says that human beings have the implies looking at life roles and the temporal dimension of capacity to intuit and anticipate the psychic content of the human existence. The latter is the foundation of personal people around them, which constitutes a major coping destiny, and influences self-awareness and the ways in attribute. There is a complex inter-conditioning between which one connects with others. A person's subjective the dimensions of the individual personality and the wellbeing, in both its cognitive and affective components, psyche. Thus, the psychic functions and the dominant is dependent upon the quality of human relationships, and personality structures mature and manifest themselves favors coping capacities in the diversity of life roles simultaneously, and sustain a person's coping abilities (1). throughout all its stages. The relationship between the emotional life of Considered to be a major existential aim, being the individual and the diversity and hierarchy of personal “yourself” means self-knowledge and self-acceptance. motivations plays a special role. Precocious affective Likewise, it implies a harmony between self-image and experiences decisively influence ulterior biological and self-esteem, and gives a person the natural feeling of socio-cultural motivations, as well as the ways a person belonging to humanity. Human nature includes the responds or reacts to external stimuli. The ability to cope individual dimension of personality as well as an and resonate emotionally, their depth and persistence are important part of the personal and collective archetypes, particularly involved in the representation of the self and confirming in a special way the concept of “unity in of the outside world – inner working model. They diversity”. Thus, being yourself favors and at the same determine self-knowledge and self-esteem as well as the time transcends inter-human differences. Genetics, society coping ability and the ways in which one influences one's and culture simultaneously determine these differences surroundings. and confirm the diversity of the human condition. The process of individual maturation is also Throughout the various stages and in the diverse determined by the ability for self-determination – a roles one plays in life, the personal attributes that should be personological character dimension whose value rises developed are the ones that favor the most efficient coping progressively – in normal people – throughout the various mechanisms, while also taking into account the fact that stages of maturation (2). This is confirmed also by the fact age can enhace or diminish them. that self-determination is optimized by cognitive- Man is not born an adult, and all childhood behavioral therapies and the administration of anti- experiences - among which the relationship with family depressants. and people close to you play a major role – form the Whether we look at it as reality or myth, foundations of a person's emotional life, cognitive adulthood/maturity implies the passage/progression from strategies, and major existential motivations for the an immature and dependent human condition/state, to an following stages of life. Man also has one body – independent and socially inter-dependent one, in which biological maturation precedes the psychological one, and an individual is free to make decisions and select decisively influences it. Together they shape one's self- interpersonal relationships and existential values and image. But man is also a social being, one's internal world beliefs. being a projection of the external one. The binoms Individual self-determination – whose major activism/passivity, dominant/submissive, interpersonal aim is self-fulfillment – constitutes thus a tiered process closeness/detachment dominate the individual's life and that is partially conscious and partially unconscious. Such shape the maturation process. is the passage of human beings from one age to another. 1 Psychiatric Clinic No.II, UMF Tg.Mures Received February 26, 2018, Revised February 28, 2018, Accepted March 17, 2018 52
Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, vol. XX, No.2, 2018 Personhood is thus a temporary structure whose professional one being dominant – nowadays for females dimensions are conditioned both genetically and socio- as well – and has complicated relationships with others. culturally. Genetically they are stable throughout life, An enhanced sense of responsibility for one's opinions and while environmental and interpersonal relationship actions is present, and self-esteem goes hand-in-hand with factors shape the dimensional facets which are dominantly self-image. thrown into the dynamics of existence (2). The 3rd age is characterized usually by a certain In the contemporary social and cultural context devolution of the somatic state and of the ability to dominated by post-modern attributes, man is a duplicitous function in the various life roles. They are diminished, as being who simultaneously cultivates narcissistic are social contacts and relationships. The fear of tendencies and pro-social abilities. It grabs selfishly what dependency, of poverty, and of death can appear at this is “good” and tackles “evil” subjectively as being the stage along with the various ways of dealing with exclusive attribute of others. In relating to others, morality impotence and of accepting it. The tendency to undervalue is conjectural/relative, egocentric or altruistic. Virtues are oneself, lower self-esteem, and social isolation are often displayed – often ostensive – only to enhance one's value. evident at this stage. But this stage of life also means The destiny of an individual is in great measure psychological maturity and spiritual growth, the influenced by one's coping abilities, which in turn are acceptance of one's personal biography, the capacity to undergirded by the personality dimensions, the quality select what is valuable in life, and the promotion of its true and complexity of interpersonal relationships, the quality sense. The wisdom which inspires and guides those who of one's motivations, and last but not least, by the specific are younger can protect against age discrimination which stages of life. is so present nowadays. The elderly can also pursue a The coping mechanisms of the individual allow symbolic “eternal life” through their children's the anticipation and control of the negative and positive accomplishments or through religion (6). events of life. They consist of stable personality traits as The life coping abilities of the human person well as the ability to consciously mobilize one's affective, integrate the levels and ways of self-expression, their cognitive, volitional and motivational resources (3). dominant existential motivations, and their age-specific Coping mechanisms are individual traits. From the personological dimensional perspective of psychological attributes that play a major existential role the Big Five model – neuroticism and extraversion are the manifested throughout a person's life, and which produce most studied dimensions at any age. Together with a great variety of strategies and behaviors. They are aimed conscientiousness, they condition and differentiate the at more or less specific aspects of one's life such as states of subjective wellbeing (7). This subjective personal safety, interpersonal relationships, reproduction, wellbeing is enhanced but fragile in youth, less strong in parental attributes, professional options and involvement, adults, and once again higher in the elderly, mostly in its social status (4). affective/emotional component. The subjective wellbeing In the constant search for self-fulfillment – grows in time, provided that adulthood is lived at higher happiness – as a support for one's subjective wellbeing, the level of conscientiousness, agreeability and openness to contemporary human being feels the need to surpass experience (8). oneself. That is why, in the spirit of competitiveness which The level of extraversion diminishes with age has been promoted since the first stages of life, - the need leading to a less active social life, except for people with to be “someone” in other people's eyes is born and high levels of openness. The heightened level of becomes dominant. The attachments people form with introversion can become an important coping mechanism others are thus based only on common interest. when the environment is uncertain or dangerous. The most intense and complex implication of a Enhanced extraversion spells success in finding a partner person in life's roles takes place in adulthood, while or a friend, but is also risky. When the environment is relating in the most meaningful way to life's experiences harmonious and safe, the heightened levels of and events happens in youth and with the elderly. The extraversion are coping factors and favor exploring the quality of the involvement in existential roles depends environment, especially in youth. Together with thus on the quality of the coping mechanisms which agreeability, extraversion influences interpersonal differs from person to person and from age to age, relationships no matter the age. especially in the presence of stress factors. Neuroticism grows with age – especially in In youth, the processes of biological and females – and it means affective instability, pessimism, psychological maturation harmonize, emotional life is low sense of wellbeing and self-esteem. Extreme intense, and self-knowledge is in its beginning stages. neuroticism is expressed by hypervigilance toward danger Special aptitudes and talents often become evident and in adults and the elderly, but at the same time it favors professional options are being formulated. While self- episodes of anxiety and depression. The depression and searching, young people are curious, non-conformist, anxiety are aggravated when associated with low levels of thirst for novelty, give importance to appearance, are conscientiousness. Dysfunctional relationships between pragmatic and idealistic, and often abuse drugs. Self- youth and adults – especially parents – appear frequently esteem is fragile and inter-personal relationships are many when, in this context, the level of extraversion is also low. and mostly short-lived and shallow (5). On the other side, high levels of both neuroticism and Adulthood is the age of maturity, in which self- agreeability favor work efficiency in adults and enhance knowledge and self-acceptance are reached. It is the age of the cognitive component of their subjective wellbeing (9). stable, adaptable emotions, of introspection and Besides, low neuroticism associated with high reflection, and of elaborate cognitive strategies. The adult levels of conscientiousness and extraversion enhance the is intensely involved in a multitude of roles – the diversity and quality of interpersonal relationships in youth and adults. Low neuroticism and low extraversion 53
Aurel Nireștean, Andra Oltean, Emese Lukacs: Personality and Coping Strategies in Age Dynamics favor the ability to climb in the social and professional magical thinking, faith, a capacity for self-transcendence, hierarchy in adults, while high levels of extraversion are a and is, at any age, a major adaptive factor. Its heightened supportive factor in the commercial and artistic levels sustain artistic abilities, the ability for self- professions, as is openness to experience. transcendence, and a heightened state of subjective Neuroticism ad extraversion are believed to be wellbeing in both its affective and cognitive forms. These shaped at any age by material gain. In adults they are heightened levels can also explain the high intensity of shaped also by the quality of personal relationships, and in certain depressive episodes, especially in women. Still, the elderly, especially males, by their marital status. At the correlation between age and openness to experience these stages, if the levels of neuroticism and extraversion remains strictly individual, thus underlining the are also joined by an enhanced level of openness, an specificity of the other. efficient coping mechanism appears which protects a The human person's coping mechanisms are person's state of subjective wellbeing and emotional shaped by structural dimensions of personality and balance (8). psychological peculiarities of age. In this context, self- T h e d i m e n s i o n s o f a g r e e a b i l i t y, determination together with agreeability and openness to conscientiousness and openness to experience are less the experience constitute the most relevant elements of subject of study as they relate to age, but their levels must adaptive support. constantly be related to those of neuroticism and extraversion with which they correlate in complex ways. REFERENCES: For example, high agreeability associated with high 1. Nirestean, A., Lukacs, E., Buicu, G., Bilca, M., Pokorny, V. The extraversion positively influence subjective wellbeing. spiritual dimension of personality and its role in mental health. Romanian Journal of Psychiatry, 1, pp.1-4, 2016 The low values of agreeability and conscientiousness 2. Lazarescu, M., Nirestean, A. Tulburarile de personalitate, Iasi, Ed. favor disinhibited behavior and delinquency. Polirom, 2007 High levels of conscientiousness have a 3. Ionescu, S., Jacquet Marie-Madeleine, Lhote, C. Mecanismele de multitude of adaptive effects. For example, they influence aparare, Iasi, Ed. Polirom, 2007 4. Norbert, S. Dictionar de psihologie, Bucuresti, Ed.Univers the professional orientation in youth, and ensure Enciclopedic, 1996 heightened efficiency in conventional activities. They also 5. McCrae, R.R. & Costa, P.T., Jr. Age, personality, and spontaneous self- ensure stability in professional roles and the quality of concept. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 43, S77-S185, 1988 marital status with the elderly. High quality academic 6. Laplanche, J., Pontalis, J.B. Vocabularul psihanalizei, Bucuresti, Ed.Humanitas, 1994 performance is associated with high levels of openness to 7. McCrae, R.R., Costa, P.T., Jr. The Five Factor Theory Of Personality, experience, especially in young people, while low levels in John, O.P., Robins, R.W., Pervin, L.A. (Eds) Handbook of Personality, of conscientiousness explain in great measure the The Guilford Press, pp.159-181, 2008 behavioral disorders in youth and ADHD in adults (8). 8. Costa, P.T, Jr., Widiger, T.A. (Eds) Personality Disorders and the five- facto Model (2nd ed.), Washington DC: American Psychological The openness to experience is a special Association, 2002 dimension which evens out the differences between 9. McCrae, R.R. The maturation of personality psychology: Adult individuals and often compensate for the maladaptive personality development and psychological well-being. Journal of values of the other dimensions of personality. It implies Research in Personality, 36, 307-317, 2002a originality, curiosity, artistic and aesthetic sense, as well as *** 54
SPECIAL ARTICLES CONSCIENTIOUSNESS DIMENSION AND PATHOLOGICAL PERSONALITIES Emese Lukács1, Aurel Nireștean1, Andra Oltean1 Abstract Thus, the psychobehavioral manifestations of Obsessive- Personality disorders must also be approached from a Compulsive Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality dimensional perspective always, as it allows more subtle Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Narcissistic assessments of the dominating temperament and Personality Disorder, but also of Avoidant Personality character. Disorder and Histrionic Personality Disorder may be As it has both genetic conditionings and social-cultural dimmed, exacerbated or nuanced by the values of ones, the Conscientiousness dimension – closely related to Conscientiousness. These are also predictive factors for a activism – centers the personality's structure and it may diversity of episodes and mental illnesses, in the case of favor or disadvantage the individual destiny. which the therapeutic compliance influences in a decisive The adaptive variants of Conscientiousness favor manner. personal self-directedness process, self-control and the Key words: subjective well-being. In return, the maladaptive variants Conscientiousness, personality disorders, self- – in terms of extremely high or low values, accompany directedness most of the personality disorders. 3 front of obstacles. Usually prefers an organized and well- The Conscientiousness dimension – a component of the structured style of activity, is cautious in his decisions, Big Five model, also called Five Factor Model – is one responsible, perseverant and completes all the assumed of the basal dimensions of personality, easy to tasks. His emotional manifestations are controlled, investigate by means of the current instruments of slightly expansive and contagious, less flexible and personological assessment. It may be correlated both to spontaneous. Such a person is trustworthy, complies the Persistence dimension – temperament factor – and to easily with norms and authorities and adopts very easily a Self-directedness – character factor – from Cloninger's 7 balanced and healthy lifestyle regimen. factors model. So, Conscientiousness – both genetically An excessive high Conscientiousness transforms conditioned and shaped by interpersonal and educational these traits in their maladaptive variants. Thus, a person experiences within the personogenesis – is a mouldable with very high values of this dimension has in perspective dimension (1)(5). a higher and higher level of performance, and he self- Its assessment, allows to estimate the self-control imposes exaggerated and unrealistic standards. He ability, a must in any personological characterization. prefers algorithmic actions, but rigid and monotone ones, Conscientiousness represents the foundation of Self- has much difficulty in adapting to any change and to directedness on a medium and long-term basis of the novelty in general. He is disadvantaged by indecision, human person and conditions – along with the meticulousness and difficulty in synthesizing. Due to his agreeableness dimension – the person's ability to learn great effort, mostly wasted, his actions are less lucrative. from experience (2). His excessive and disturbing need of order is a Its extreme variants in a positive or negative sense, compensatory one, that gives him the feeling of having may define pathological personality traits, which are everything under control (4). easily recognized from a clinical point of view. However, A person with a high Conscientiousness in a they are also frequently encountered in the absence of a maladaptive sense, is dominated by professional proper categorical diagnosis. ambitions at the expense of the interpersonal relationships The Conscientiousness dimension characterizes best quality, which remain distant and formal. He always gives the manner in which the person relates to activity. It himself credit to know the best variant and action strategy contains several facets such as trust in one's own abilities – and does not make any compromise. Despite the that correlates best with self-esteem – to which is added exaggerated perfectionism, he is not satisfied with the caution, need of rigor and order, responsibility, results of his involvement. He abides excessively by persistence, efficiency in action and moral integrity. norms and regulations, and as a consequence of the lack of A person with high values of Conscientiousness – in spontaneity and flexibility, he can never unwind, his an adaptive sense – is characterized by a high level of self- relaxation abilities being always limited. control and trust in his own abilities, high expectations and A person with a low Conscientiousness – adaptively standards, being always eager to rise and progress. He is a – is less interested in a professional rising career. He is neat and pedantic person, meticulous and tenacious in 1 Psychiatric Clinic No2 Târgu Mureș, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu Mureș Received February 26, 2018, Revised February 28, 2018, Accepted March 17, 2018 55
Emese Lukács, Aurel Nireștean, Andra Oltean: Conscientiousness Dimension and Pathological Personalities characterized by a high flexibility, spirit of adventure, In the case of the other pathological personalities, the prefers assuming risks and frequent changes. He has a Conscientiousness dimension may be commented more high tolerance to unstructured tasks and adapts himself from the quality point of view, according to its various easily and quickly to new situations. He is a spontaneous, facets, its values, overall, are not near to the extreme ones casual and nonconformist person who tends to resist any (3). form of authority when he feels restrained from The perfected self-control of the paranoid manifesting himself freely and naturally. personality, decreases under the circumstances in which Low Conscientiousness in a maladaptive sense, he loses control over the entourage that he usually selects manifests itself by a very low self-control, lack of and dominates. The schizoid is restrained and professional enthusiasm and a total lack of respect to hypercontrolled apparently, in fact being indifferent and social norms and regulations. A person with excessive low affectively detached. The schizoid is meticulous and values of this dimension lacks discipline and perseverant only in his eccentric and bizarre behavior. perseverance, is unpredictable, and does not respect his The narcissistic personality controls his attitude promises and initial plans. He is very easy to distract, selectively according to the “quality and value” of the excessively relaxed as to the tasks received, disorganized entourage. and inefficient in actions. He is characterized by In the avoidant personality, reserved and retreated, immaturity, deficiency in searching the meaning of life the exaggerated self-control derives from the lack of trust and irresponsibility. From a professional point of view, in his own abilities, especially in the social and relational his achievements are usually below the level of his ones. The dependent personality, also with low self- aptitudes. He is a stubborn person, hard to lead, who takes esteem, is undecided, lacks initiative and spontaneity, he decisions impulsively ignoring the consequences and who may be resistant and perseverant in routine activities, often commits toxic excesses and immoral acts (4). sometimes even in unpleasant tasks if the dependence The high or low values of the Conscientiousness relation imposes it. dimension, in an adaptive sense, substantiates specific Knowledge and assessment of the Conscientiousness personological attributes that can be commented and dimension allow the recognition of a specific individual understood always in connection with the other vulnerability with a predictive and prophylactic role, dimensions of the person (1). particularly within the context of some of its extreme Maladaptive Conscientiousness is sometimes a values, even in the absence of a categorical personological characteristic of pathological personalities. In its extreme diagnosis. variants is defining for the obsessive-compulsive It may condition the clinical and evolutional feature personality, at its the opposite pole being the borderline of the psychopathological pictures and the therapeutic and antisocial type personalities. They are the most compliance, that its high values may simultaneously favor representative correspondences of personological or disadvantage. categorical diagnosis, uniting attributes that derive The dysfunctionality corresponding to the extreme directly from the high or low values of the variants – may be potentiated, masked or compensated by Conscientiousness dimension. the other dimensions. Thus, a very high Conscientiousness, in the case of As it is tightly connectable to activism, the obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, it manifests Conscientiousness dimension is a measure of efficiency in through the tendency of controlling his own behavior and roles of the human person and a permanent support of self- that of the persons around him, in an exaggerated manner, determination. in excessive devotion for work, perfectionism, rigidity, excessive preoccupation for organization, order and References: details, joining social norms and beliefs, incapacity to 1.Lăzărescu, M., Nireștean, A. (2007) – Tulburările de personalitate. relax and enjoy himself. In borderline and antisocial type (Personality Disorders) Polirom Publishing, Iași 2.Lăzărescu, M., Bumbea, O. (2008) – Patologie obsesivă. (Obsessive personality disorders, an excessively low Pathology) Academiei Române Publishing, Bucharest Conscientiousness is manifested by total lack of self- 3.Lukacs, E., Nireștean, A. (2012) – Primul episod psihotic între control due to pathological impulsiveness and dimensiuni și categorii personologice. (First psychotic episode between disconsideration for the other persons around him, dimensions and personological categories) PhD Thesis, Târgu-Mureș 4.Lukacs, E., Nireștean, A. (2018) – Obsesionalitatea – între ego- affective and attitudinal instability, relational sintonie și ego-distonie în Persoana umană – un model de diversitate hypersensitivity and low tolerance to frustration. Severe antropologică (Obsessionality – between ego-syntonic and ego-dystonic behavior disorders are associated with the violation of in the Human Person – a model of anthropological diversity), University legal and moral norms, irresponsibility, ignoring the Press Publishing, Târgu Mureş 5.Sava, F. (2008) – Inventarul de personalitate DECAS. Manual de hazard, incapacity to learn from experience (2). utilizare. (DECAS Personality Inventory. User Manual.) ArtPress, The histrionic personality disorder is characterized Timișoara by such low values of Conscientiousness that explain low self-control and recurrent impulsive conducts in case of *** this personality. 56
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