Review Wealth Management - RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

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Review Wealth Management - RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Wealth Management

                                        Review | April 2021

                                        Reopening optimism
                                        By Jim Allworth

                                        The Canadian and U.S. economies are clearly in the
                                        “recovery” phase. Usually, once a recession is left behind,
                                         economic activity accelerates for several successive
We’re listening to your                  quarters. Pent-up demand, restocking of depleted
feedback                                 inventories, easy credit conditions and people going back
Based on feedback from our               to work all act in concert to bring the economy roaring
clients, we have made some recent        back to life. This period usually features the fastest GDP
updates to RBC Wealth Management         growth rates of the new economic cycle.
Online. As before, you can safely
access your account information
                                        Corporate profits and stock prices        Classic pattern
online, whenever and wherever
                                        follow the same path, collapsing          Despite being unique in so many
it’s convenient for you. From your
                                        in the recession and rebounding           ways, this recession and subsequent
desktop, tablet or mobile device,
                                        energetically as the economy begins       recovery have so far followed the
you can send secure messages,
                                        to recover. Typically, the stock market   classic pattern. And there may be
make fund transfers and view your
paperless account documents,            overdoes it in both directions, falling   more upside for GDP and earnings.
including your tax slips.               further than earnings decline in          Governments have committed to
                                        the recession, and then rising more       more stimulus. Importantly for every
With the latest updates, you can        steeply and sooner than earnings
view more information within tables
                                                                                  other economy, including Canada’s,
                                        recover.                                  the U.S. has added a $1.9 trillion relief
quickly and easily. Plus, we’ve added
more options to your Watchlists,                                                  package on top of the $2.9 trillion
                                        At some point a year or so into the
including the ability to create                                                   last year, as well as a probable large
                                        new cycle, “roaring” growth gears
hypothetical portfolios complete                                                  infrastructure initiative, although
                                        down to a more sedate pace of
with transaction details.                                                         the latter likely wouldn’t have a big
                                        economic expansion. The transition
                                                                                  impact before 2022. Government
To learn more, or to gain access to     from “fast” to “sustainable” growth
                                                                                  spending initiatives in Canada and
RBC Wealth Management Online,           usually provokes some soul-
                                                                                  elsewhere will keep the economic
please contact your Investment          searching about whether it is a
                                                                                  fire well fueled as vaccine rollouts
Advisor team.                           portent of something worse. This is
                                                                                  progress into the summer.
                                        often accompanied by volatility in
                                        equity markets.

                                                                                                          Continued on page 2

                                                                                  RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Review Wealth Management - RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
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Reopening optimism
Continued from page 1

But the largest stimulus will come        U.S. GDP growth rate YoY %
from the reopening of the global           10
economy. Sectors hardest hit                8
                                                                                                                            Shaded areas
by social distancing and travel             6
                                                                                                                            indicate recessions

restrictions will have a chance             4
to reopen with positive knock-on            2
effects for many other sectors,             0
employment and confidence. Much                                                                                                                     ?
of the money transferred from              -4
governments to households is sitting       -6
                                                       GDP rebounds strongly coming out of recession

in bank accounts. Some significant         -8
proportion of that will be spent in the   -10
coming couple of years as conditions            1980   1984    1988     1992     1996     2000     2004     2008     2012        2016        2020

become more normal.                       Source: Federal Reserve; National Bureau of Economic Research

On top of all this, surging corporate     recession is on the way are saying the                       inflation is likely to be stronger in the
profits, the pressing need for            opposite. This economic expansion                            coming 12 months than previously
inventory restocking and the desire to    appears to have room to run for some                         anticipated. Agricultural commodity
lessen reliance on Asian supply chains    time yet. In our view, that pushes the                       prices are also climbing, portending
are driving capital spending in the       next bear market out somewhere                               higher food prices down the road.
U.S., which should also yield positive    beyond the horizon.
benefits to the Canadian economy.                                                                      If these inflation increases look as if
                                          Curveballs                                                   they are becoming persistent rather
Estimates rising in                       Corrections, however, are another                            than transitory, then investors will
anticipation of reopening                 matter. We see at least two risks                            start to worry that central bank rate
Index earnings estimates for this year    (among many) that could induce                               hikes could begin sooner than the late
in both the U.S. and Canada have          unsettling volatility in equity markets.                     2023 timeframe currently priced into
been rising, reflecting better times      One is the pandemic. Recent months                           debt markets. Inflation expectations
arriving in the second half of the        have provided a reminder that the                            are also an important component
year. Markets have priced in much of      virus remains capable of tossing                             of the equity valuation equation—a
this improving outlook—some would         nasty curveballs. With new, more                             dollar of earnings earned 10 years
say all of it in the case of the U.S.     challenging variants, vaccine                                from now is worth approximately 13%
market, where the S&P 500 sits at 22x     production/delivery issues, vaccine                          less today than it otherwise would
consensus earnings estimates for this     hesitancy forestalling the arrival of                        be if inflation runs over that interval
year, although that consensus number      herd immunity and the possibility of                         at 3% per annum rather than today’s
continues to rise. Price-earnings         some vaccine shortcomings revealed                           prevailing rate of 1.5%.
(P/E) multiples for Canada and other      over time, the road to convincingly
                                                                                                       Favour equities
developed country markets mostly sit      vanquishing the pandemic is likely to
much lower, in the mid-teens.             be a bumpy one.                                              Considering all of the above, we are
                                                                                                       left with a positive outlook for global
We expect the momentum provided by        The other risk is inflation and the                          equities for the coming 12 months. We
reopening, the delayed impact of fiscal   effect it can have on monetary policy                        expect the impact of the pandemic
and monetary stimulus, infrastructure     and P/E ratios. We are about to                              will continue to subside over the
spending, and strong business capital     encounter some larger-than-usual                             remainder of this year and into 2022.
spending will provide further solid       increases in consumer price indexes                          The forecast rising tide of GDP and
GDP and earnings gains in 2022. In        mostly because of comparisons with a                         earnings should permit broad market
anticipation, share prices should         year ago when consumer prices were                           indexes to advance further from
advance over the coming 12 months.        falling in April and May. In addition,                       today’s levels, worries about near-
                                          gas prices are surging. The Fed has                          term overvaluation notwithstanding.
Our long-term investment stance can       made it clear it sees these inflation
be stated succinctly: “If there is no     increases coming but expects them to                         For our most current outlook for the
U.S. recession in sight, give global      subside later in the year and further                        markets, please ask for our latest
equities the benefit of the doubt.”       in 2022. However, the prices of many                         issue of Global Insight.
Most of our leading indicators that       industrial commodities are also on                           Jim Allworth is co-chair of the RBC Global
would warn us in advance that a           the rise, suggesting finished goods                          Portfolio Advisory Committee.
Review Wealth Management - RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
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Dealing with dementia
How to help safeguard the financial well-being of
loved ones facing the disease
Dementia is a disease suffered by over 500,000 Canadians.* In its various forms –
including its most common, Alzheimer’s – dementia is much more than the loss of memory
or recall often associated with aging. The disease has a debilitating impact on sufferers,
leading to a loss of awareness, basic math skills, judgement and planning. What’s more, it
can leave them highly vulnerable when it comes to their financial affairs.

                                                                                                       and annuity payments can help
                                                                                                       ensure their safe and timely
                                                                                                       delivery – and are also easier to
                                                                                                       track online.

                                                                                                   •   Keep track of key financial
                                                                                                       documents. Collecting bank,
                                                                                                       investment and insurance
                                                                                                       documents in specific and well-
                                                                                                       labelled locations can help reduce
                                                                                                       stress, and improper use or theft
Here are some ways to manage the                    simplifying the structure of a                     of important financial information.
emotional and financial hardship that               dementia sufferer’s portfolio.
dementia can cause:                                 This reduces the need for them                 •   Watch out for financial fraud
                                                    to make constant investment                        and scams. Setting up online
•   Plan ahead. Especially as the                   decisions that can overwhelm                       transaction alerts can help
    risks increase (e.g., age, injury,              them and lead to increased stress.                 provide early warnings of
    gender, hereditary factors), it’s                                                                  improper, ill-advised or mistaken
    critical to have a plan in place to         •   Ensure proper authorizations for                   financial activity before it’s too
    quickly transfer financial and legal            financial decisions are in place                   late. Also, minimizing possible
    capacity to someone you trust in                to empower trusted caregivers.                     interactions with scammers can
    the event of incapacity.                        Power of Attorney and health care                  help reduce the opportunity
                                                    directives are critically important                for fraud and abuse. To reduce
•   Get a proper diagnosis. If you or               to protect those suffering from                    telemarketing scams, add your or
    someone you know is concerned                   dementia. Putting these in place,                  your loved one’s phone number
    about memory loss, or problems                  ideally well in advance, can help                  to Canada’s national “Do Not Call”
    with thinking and completing                    ensure that the right people                       list. Also consider unsubscribing
    familiar tasks, talk to your doctor.            have the proper legal authority                    to unnecessary email and social
                                                    to protect a dementia sufferer                     media sources.
•   Advise key financial advisors.
                                                    in the event of incapacity, and
    Make sure you inform your key
                                                    that their heath care wishes are               This is not an exhaustive list, and
    financial advisors, such as
                                                    understood and respected. Ask us               ongoing and consistent contact with
    investment advisors and bank
                                                    about how we can help you plan                 those suffering from dementia can
    managers, of your or your loved
                                                    for incapacity.                                help their loved ones and caregivers
    one’s condition following a proper
                                                                                                   monitor and prevent financial issues
    diagnosis. They can work with you           •   Simplify financial transactions.               from arising.
    to help manage the financial well-              Automatic bill payments and
    being of a dementia sufferer, and               preauthorized debits can ensure                Ask us how we can help you protect
    safeguard them against financial                that bills get paid on time, avoiding          your financial well-being, and that
    self-harm and/or fraud.                         loss of service and financial                  of your loved ones, in the event of
                                                    penalties. In addition, direct                 incapacity due to conditions such as
•   Establish a straight-forward
                                                    deposits of pension, investment                dementia.
    investment plan. Consider
*Alzheimer Society of Canada, Prevalence and Costs of Dementia in Canada (Toronto: 2016), 22-23.
Review Wealth Management - RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
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Cyber smart: Six steps to stay safe
in an increasingly digital world
Our digital world provides ever-increasing conveniences, from shopping online to
managing finances. While it helps save time, it also means we need to take reasonable
precautions to protect ourselves from cyber criminals.

Unfortunately, scammers are                                                                                          streaming sites), using a reputable
constantly devising new ways to                                                                                      password manager can help.
access and exploit your valuable
personal and financial data. And,                                                                                4. Be Wi-Fi smart. At home, check
according to a recent RBC poll,                                                                                     your router’s settings and
there has been a significant surge                                                                                  passwords. On the go, be careful
in online fraud since the beginning                                                                                 how you use public internet (it’s
of the COVID-19 pandemic. More                                                                                      often not secure).
than one in five Canadians have
                                                                                                                 5. Arm yourself with information.
noticed more scam attempts, and
                                                                                                                    Stay up to date on current scams.
44% reported that they had received
                                                                                                                    Trending now: romance scams,
a call from someone claiming to be                           about you than ever before.
                                                                                                                    fake job offers and COVID-themed
from a reputable source, like a bank                         Mitigate your risk by guarding your
                                                                                                                    scams. Before you act, do a quick
or government, asking for personal or                        private data. Be careful where
                                                                                                                    web search or check government
financial information.                                       you share your email address,
                                                                                                                    and law enforcement sites.
                                                             phone number and any personal
Fortunately, a few simple online                             information that could be used                      6. Take a breath and slow down. Are
habits can help minimize risks for you                       for fraudulent purposes. Regularly                     you being asked to do something
and your loved ones:                                         back up anything you can’t afford                      urgently? Stop and think before
                                                             to lose.                                               you act. Scammers prey on
1. Take care with any email, text,
   website or phone call. Scammers                                                                                  emotions like fear and loneliness.
                                                         3. Use complex passwords and
   are becoming increasingly                                                                                        Listen to your gut if something
                                                            don’t reuse them for multiple
   sophisticated – and everyone is                                                                                  feels off. And report any fraud
                                                            accounts, especially your
   a target. Always think before you                                                                                quickly to authorities.
                                                            financial and email accounts.
   click on a link, open an attachment,                     Over one in three Canadians admit                    Visit to learn more
   respond to a text or provide                             to using the same password for                       about protecting yourself online.
   information over the phone. The                          online banking as they use for
   person at the other end may not                          other online accounts, and one
   be who you think they are.                               in five have used easy-to-guess
                                                            passwords for eTransfers. Where
2. Protect your information. Data
                                                            it’s hard to remember multiple
   breaches and social media allow
                                                            logins (e.g. shopping, news,
   cyber criminals to know more

This information is not investment advice and should be used only in conjunction with a discussion with your RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Investment Advisor.
This will ensure that your own circumstances have been considered properly and that action is taken on the latest available information. The information
 contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable at the time obtained but neither RBC Dominion Securities Inc. nor its employees, agents,
 or information suppliers can guarantee its accuracy or completeness. This report is not and under no circumstances is to be construed as an offer to sell or the
 solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. This report is furnished on the basis and understanding that neither RBC Dominion Securities Inc. nor its employees,
 agents, or information suppliers is to be under any responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect thereof. The inventories of RBC Dominion Securities Inc. may
 from time to time include securities mentioned herein. Using borrowed money to finance the purchase of securities involves greater risk than a purchase using
 cash resources only. Should you borrow money to purchase securities, your responsibility to repay the loan as required by its terms remains the same even if
 the value of the securities purchased declines. RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated.
*Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank
 of Canada. ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. © 2021 RBC Dominion Securities Inc. All rights reserved. 21_90081_1232

                                                                                                                                                   94938 (04/2021)
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