Review to Renew the public consultation of the Review of the National Development Plan - Cork Chamber
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RE VIE W TO RENE W - THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION OF THE RE VIE W OF THE NATIONAL DE VELOPMENT PL AN Review to Renew the public consultation of the Review of the National Development Plan Submission | February 19, 2021
2 CORK CHAMBER SUBMISSION RE VIE W TO RENE W - THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION OF THE RE VIE W OF THE NATIONAL DE VELOPMENT PL AN 3 Introduction Cork Chamber is the leading business representative organisation in Cork, This commitment is supplemented and further developed through our Sustainable Cork Programme (SCP) which focusses on the sustainable and resilient recovery of the Irish economy and society in the short proactively working to identify and progress developments that are facilitative to medium term, but also the longer term as we transition to a low to zero carbon society. Developed of sustainable economic development. in considerable detail through significant member and community engagement, the Building Economic Resilience report1 sets forth a strong and sustainable vision for the future of Cork and clearly indicates the Representing an employer base of close to 1,200 businesses and over 100,000 employees across the appetite of the business community to engage and be progressive in addressing social and environmental region, Cork Chamber is the largest business representation organisation in the south of Ireland. At the concerns and identifying the pivotal infrastructure needed to enable and advance the sustainable outset we take this opportunity to strongly urge the continued commitment from Government to the development of the region. It is the role of Government to enable this ambition. delivery on the objectives of the National Development Plan. The need for investment now and the The following graphic illustrates the clarity of vision displayed in the findings of the SCP Building continued delivery of enabling economic and social infrastructure, that addresses national imbalances, Economic Resilience Report. and years of underinvestment, which supports a shift in our national carbon profile to dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, will define our collective futures and those of future generations. The National Development Plan has the potential to be transformational, and we must take this Your Top 3 asks for what The differentiators for opportunity to embed the strong foundations for a future that aligns seamlessly with the sustainable development goals. you want to see more of living and working in Cork This submission has been guided by our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Five specific goals have been identified which we actively advocate for throughout our work; in the next 5 years: 1. 57% Connected public transport networks (bus, light rail, and suburban rail) Quality of life 2. Cycleways, greenways & enhanced walking environment 42% The tourism, cultural & hospitality scene 3. (café, theatre, gallery, Green spaces, trees, wildflower restaurants, heritage) planting & green infrastructure such as living walls 34% Diverse business types & This is followed by more outdoor dining, activities (from indigenous amenity access to the river and coastline from home grown to large Cork City, enhanced resourcing for An Garda multinational) Síochána for urban centres. 1
4 CORK CHAMBER SUBMISSION RE VIE W TO RENE W - THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION OF THE RE VIE W OF THE NATIONAL DE VELOPMENT PL AN 5 Review of the National Development Plan Is the overall level of Rationale What should the capital • International connectivity from the Port of Cork continues to grow with new routes to public spending on capital Failure to invest appropriately, will lead to serious budget be spent on? the US, Belgium and France proving market capacity constraints that will damage economic demand. Investment in Customs and Border investment correct? resilience and recovery. There are significant infrastructure at the Port would deliver a major infrastructural deficits resulting from the previous Answer boost in operational potential as new patterns approach to austerity. There is also significant continue to be established post EU-UK TCA. Answer economic stimulus associated with capital If Cork is to remain globally competitive and fulfil it’s role nationally as set out in the National • The viability of apartments continues to be In the wake of the current pandemic, and the expenditure, providing the most proactive and Planning Framework, significant Government a major challenge for the delivery of density infrastructural deficit created by the severe legacy inducing form of government support investment in areas from the Cork Metropolitan targets set out in Ireland 2040. The lack of austerity measures triggered by the 2008 available. Area Transport Strategy, to regional & viability of apartments continues to be a economic crash, it is essential that investment international connectivity, housing, health, culture, If Cork is to remain globally competitive and major challenge for the delivery of density in capital projects continues to be increased education & innovation, energy, water, resilience, fulfil it’s role nationally, significant Government targets set out in Ireland 2040, consigning the to meet capacity constraints and to realise the climate mitigation, URDF & RRDF will be required. investment in areas from the Cork Metropolitan region exclusively to reliance on lower density full potential of Cork, as set out in the National Area Transport Strategy, to regional & models of development. It is also a significant Planning Framework2, RSES3 and Cork 2050, the • The Cork Metropolitan Area Transport international connectivity, housing, health, culture, economic inhibitor, damaging talent attraction, complementary vision set by Cork stakeholders.4 Strategy5 will deliver multi modal connectivity education, energy, water, climate mitigation, URDF regeneration and the quality of life appeal Capital investment must be directed to regional that is fit for purpose for a contemporary & RRDF will be required. of the region. A Cork Chamber report, from growth centres, and be reflective in level of metropolitan area. It is essential that all July 2020 centring on economic recovery, investment to the current scale and future growth Priority given to capital expenditure would streams are progressed with urgency through presents quality of life as the characteristic projections set out in national policy. also support the NPF objective of delivering design and planning, enabling timely final that will define the future of Cork.6 The lack of infrastructure led development. This approach investment decisions as each project progresses It is the role of Government to gauge the level apartment viability is documented alongside would provide Ireland with an opportunity to apply successfully. Intensity of approach across of national spend that is appropriate relevant a range of solutions in an EY-DKM report international best practice to the development all streams of CMATS is required to ensure to barometers such as sovereign credit ratings. commissioned by CIF Southern Region and of our cities and towns as attractive places to adequate levels of delivery. However, Cork Chamber recommends that the Cork Chamber.7 Integrating the concept of live. In 2018 Ireland had one of the lowest compact growth into all investment decisions most ambitious approach is taken to capital • Regional connectivity still bears the scars of public spending to GDP ratios in the OECD will improve quality of life and help to address investment spending. austerity. The M28, N22, Dunkettle Interchange, spend per capita behind the average for the climate action. N25 and M20 route corridors must all be EU. We must move apace not only to correct for significantly improved in capacity, not soley Housing commitments such as Help to Buy previous austerity, but to keep pace with ongoing for private vehicles but in terms of multimodal and Shared Ownership must continue to be international capital spend profiles. connectivity also. pursued. LIHAF has delivered for Cork and equivalent models should be retained and • International connectivity from Cork Airport enhanced. has been severely curtailed by the pandemic. Significant capital investment is required to ensure that the infrastructure, including the runway is poised for the return of significant volume. Research tells us that full recovery will take up to five years in the sector and Cork Airport must be supported by multi-year operational and capitals supports under the Regional Airports Capex Programme. 2 5 3 area-transport-strategy/ 4 6 7
6 CORK CHAMBER SUBMISSION RE VIE W TO RENE W - THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION OF THE RE VIE W OF THE NATIONAL DE VELOPMENT PL AN 7 • The Urban Regeneration and Development • There should be discretion for adding creative • At primary and second level the funding • The recommendations of the Cork Harbour Fund and the Rural Regeneration and and innovative new projects to the scope of currently provided to meet additional school 2025 Ready to Float Offshore Wind should be Development Fund must be strengthened the NDP. Outdoor, quality of life-oriented accommodation is insufficient. As result, it is the implemented by supporting Cork as a strategic further and align to the National Planning infrastructure is increasingly important. For norm that new schools are opened in temporary hub for floating offshore wind and accelerating Framework, delivering proportionately for the example, in Cork, there is a growing body of accommodation. The NDP should commit development of floating offshore wind farms.13 vision set for Cork. The mechanism for funding support for a lido or outdoor swimming baths. additional funds to the building of schools. For must provide stronger multiannual commitment Public outdoor baths were once a focal point example, Cork ETB is dealing with areas where • National, and international energy transmission and certainty. of culture and community in the city, and now the level of accommodation is significantly infrastructure investment such as the Celtic that demand has returned. Feasibility and insufficient in East Cork, Ballincollig, Bandon Interconnector will continue to be essential. • The provision of water infrastructure, both in conceptual support should be on offer for this and Buttevant. terms of supply, and wastewater management, • The rollout of the National Broadband Plan is or other initiatives and the multiple benefits welcome and essential in the context of the is a significant inhibiting factor in the rollout of they would bring to amenity, civic pride and • Research and Development funding must multiple infrastructural ventures from housing to be increased to 2.5% of GNP as set out in pandemic and shift in working preferences that quality of life. will ensue. The delivery speed of the NBP in industry in Cork. Investment must be targeted Innovation 2020, and the prioritisation of a in growth areas with clear plans and timelines • Further Education and Training requires replacement strategy, and implementation Cork should be increased to meet this demand. set out. It is essential not only for development, significant capital investment in the programme as this expires.10 Certain sections of the central business district but for the environmental and amenity assets of infrastructure for apprenticeships, which is of Cork are not covered by high quality fibre our rivers, lakes and unrivalled harbour. currently at capacity, and expects a significant • Support for capital projects critical to the long- connectivity and this must be addressed. Fine increase. Capital investment for online delivery, term competitiveness of the MTU and UCC, grain appraisal of this urban connectivity must • With population growth and population aging, to support individuals and communities including the UCC Business School, Tyndall, be undertaken and addressed in the context of the necessity for significant health infrastructure where access (physical) to Further and Higher the sports facilities at the MTU Bishopstown overall national broadband provision. is certain. Commitment to a new elective Education should be improved. Campus must be strengthened in line with hospital and acute hospital in Cork must be the planned growth and ambition of each • Support the implementation of the IDA Ireland strengthened and progressed with urgency. • Capital funding to support the development institution. Strategic Plan alignment to Ireland 2040 by of the FET College model as set out in the providing further strategic employment sites in • Culture and creativity remain deeply intertwined National Further Education and Training • Cork is home to Ireland’s Energy cluster, Energy Cork. with innovation, quality of life, mental health Strategy8, through investment in existing and Cork11 and has significant potential to develop and civic pride. The commitments to the further. National policy should support the • Continue to support and strengthen the new FET facilities is required. Regional Enterprise Fund. Cork Event Centre, Crawford Art Gallery, deepening of ambition for this energy cluster and to creative funds and supports must be • The current level of funding is not sufficient and support the significant growth potential strengthened as the sector will play a significant for additional accommodation at both primary of renewables such as floating offshore wind Rationale role not only economically, but psychologically and secondary level. The overall demographic anaerobic digestion12, green hydrogen, solar as we seek positivity and inspiration on the road peak is currently passing through the post PV and wind which have potential to generate Cork is the fastest growing region in Ireland as set to recovery. primary system and will reach a peak in 20259. significant economic value and employment, out in the National Planning Framework. To invest This combines with a major shift in the location and contribute immeasurably to the sustainable in Cork is to ensure the success of the Planning of the population towards larger urban areas credentials of the region and nationally. The Framework and the success of the economic leading to acute demand. recent public consultation on a Microgeneration driver of the Southern region. Conversely, failure Subsidy Scheme for Ireland has the potential to align capital investment with the region, would to be a crucial step in achieving the target of severely undermine the Planning Framework, and 70% renewable electricity by 2030 set out in the damage the potential of the region to deliver on 2019 Climate Action Plan. It is crucial that an it’s national role. ambitious scheme is delivered. 8 10 9 11 12 13
8 CORK CHAMBER SUBMISSION RE VIE W TO RENE W - THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION OF THE RE VIE W OF THE NATIONAL DE VELOPMENT PL AN 9 What types of capital • Local Authorities should receive a multi-annual capital envelope to ensure a more streamlined, • Regional private sector and senior Government representation on the Ireland 2040 delivery In the wake of the current pandemic, it is critical to ensure that delivery is the focal point, with all investment should be consistent and certain planning and board. associated processes and mechanisms open to procurement process. The current application further streamlining and urgency. Lack of delivery prioritised? process to central Government Departments • Emphasis on planned and infrastructure led will damage confidence in the whole of the Ireland for capital investment projects can be slow, development. 2040. uncertain and lacks certainty. Answer • Multiannual commitment for significant Rationale Rationale: Capital investment across all sectors should be projects. For example, for the docklands to To ensure clarity, certainty, support and capacity aligned to the growth centres set out in Ireland NA reach its potential the URDF would benefit from for delivery. 2040. significant total commitment on a staggered investment basis. Rationale • Use of PPP models for appropriate projects. How is the NDP is affecting What is your feedback To successfully deliver on the national planning framework and all aligned national and local • Ensure alignment with the National Planning your region? on Project Ireland 2040 Framework and the regional centres identified. Government policy. communications? • Alignment of investment priorities of Infrastructure Delivery Agencies. Answer • Visibility of the location (region) where the In alignment with the National Planning Answer Framework, the NDP provides spatial and How can the management money is being spent. investment policy certainty to the region, It is essential that Ireland 2040, the National Planning Framework and the National and governance of public • Alignment of all investment with the United creating a predictable environment in which Development Plan, are committed to thoroughly Nations Sustainable Development Goals. built environment and commercial investment investment be improved? decisions can be made. With further momentum, by the current and successive Governments. • Alignment of all investment with a positive It is the job of each Government to deliver on refinement, expansion and precision it can deliver outcome in the Happiness Index ranking milestones for the vision set forth for Ireland in for the region. Answer through the setting and reporting on a 2040. progressive set of national societal wellbeing However, delivery of significant NDP projects to • Periodical quarterly review and assessment of Acknowledging impediments to the vison indicators. date has been frustrated by planning processes capital investment in line with national policy. of Ireland 2040, such as brownfield viability, which have delayed projects and by piecemeal • Consideration of climate change, extreme planning and funding mechanisms, in parallel with funding application and decision-making • Ensuring transparency of timelines and funding weather events, and future pandemics in implementing solutions is fundamentally important processes. gateways. infrastructural planning and design. to communications, confidence and support for The effects of prior approaches to austerity are Ireland 2040. Without this the credibility of the • Seeking the best possible outcome in public still causing capacity constraints. For example, plan will be undermined over time. procurement rather than being defined by the significant investment in Cork, in projects such as lowest possible price. the N22 and Dunkettle Interchange are now only commencing, following more than a decade of anaemic regional investment.
10 CORK CHAMBER SUBMISSION RE VIE W TO RENE W - THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION OF THE RE VIE W OF THE NATIONAL DE VELOPMENT PL AN 11 Stronger engagement with business groups such as Chambers is essential to effectively Is there anything else you Cork’s Metropolitan area has a population of 305,000 at the 2016 census and population Rationale communicate the merits of planned capital would like to add? growth has accelerated. It is the only regional It is clear that a significant shift to multi modal is investment and spatial planning alignment set out urban centre of this scale and therefore should required and that significant investment in CMATS in Ireland 2040. be prioritised for infrastructural investment. In and strategic transport corridors will ensure that Answer our view the investments identified in the Cork Cork meets demand and is globally competitive The maintenance of an active and detailed project Metropolitan Area Transport Study and those across the diversity of transport modes required tracker is essential to certainty and transparency.14 The 2:1 public transport spend ratio identified in in the National Development Plan must be for a functioning, thriving, contemporary city the Programme for Government15 offers a great accelerated. region. opportunity for Cork in terms of the progression Rationale of long-standing strategic roads projects, and It is also clear that long standing strategic road The alignment of a national planning framework, the commitment to the Cork Metropolitan Area projects play a critical role in a functional multi made strong by a national development plan, Transport Strategy, which includes rail, light rail, modal region. The M28 for example, not only Conclusion regional economic and spatial strategies, and local bus connects, cycle, greenway, and pedestrian unlocks the potential of the Port of Cork and IDA authority development plans, each backed by investment. lands, but unlocks the city docklands and Tivoli Cork Chamber strongly supports the broad- statutory instruments and established protocols for high density brownfield regeneration. The ranging and positive economic, societal, and It is clear that all new projects must incorporate offers a stability and tenacity of vision that is quite M20 corridor upgrade will support multimodal environmental impacts of the delivery of the multi modal elements, to meet with dynamic user unique internationally. It creates a stable and transport connecting Ireland’s second and third National Development Plan. preferences and climate obligations. predictable environment for investment. largest city regions, while removing intense traffic The Cork region has been one of the fastest levels and HGV’s from town centres along the We believe that the proactive engagement with With the right Government interventions to existing route. the business community can be instrumental to growing regions in the state in terms of population provide market confidence and project viability, in facilitate fully representative discussions of future and employment growth over the last 20 years. parallel with a strong private sector, there is every Following European examples of urbanism it pathways and actions that are informed via ground Between 1996-2016 the population of Cork reason for delivery to be successful. must be acknowledged the role that certain types up engagement. has grown by 122,000 people. Unfortunately of road projects can play in developing a more It is essential that the vision and delivery of this investment in transport and water services sustainable urban environment by facilitating the vision is carefully and relentlessly communicated infrastructure in particular has not kept pace relocation of Ports and associated heavy goods in a clear manner to ensure stakeholder with this level of growth and therefore in the vehicles, the construction of ring roads to facilitate understanding, support and success. prioritisation of projects the analysis of projects the removal of trucks and other heavy goods must include an analysis of the historical as vehicles from the City Centre which in turn creates well current infrastructural spending profiles. the space for large scale urban regeneration, the A prioritisation analysis of the spending construction of parks, cycle ways and other active Departments must also align with the aims of the travel measures. National Planning Framework to develop a major urban centre outside of Dublin that can act as a counterbalance. 14 15
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