Reversibility of lychee pericarp red color in relation to pericarp pH, activity of polyphenol oxidase, and particle size of brown pigment
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Original article Reversibility of lychee pericarp red color in relation to pericarp pH, activity of polyphenol oxidase, and particle size of brown pigment C.L. George CHUa*, S.K. Eric LEUNGb, Masahiro KAWAJIb a Department of Plant Reversibility of lychee pericarp red color in relation to pericarp pH, activity of Agriculture, polyphenol oxidase, and particle size of brown pigment. University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Abstract –– Introduction. The peel of lychee fruit turns from its attractive bright red color to Canada a dull brown color when the fruit starts to age. This study reports how the color change of lychee pericarp from red to brown is associated with several factors and may be reversed depending on its pH, anthocyanin content and brown pigments. Materials and methods. After transport b by air transit from China to Canada, arriving 4 d after harvest, the anthocyanin, brown pigment Department of Chemical concentrations and the pH values in the lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) pericarp were deter- Engineering and Applied mined over a period of 5 d at 25 °C and 65% RH. The macromolecular sizes of the brown pigment Chemistry, extract were measured in solutions between a pH of 4 and 6. Results and discussion. The acid- University of Toronto, ity in the lychee pericarp decreased from a pH of 4.3 to 5.3, at the end of the 5-day period. The Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E4, anthocyanins in the lychee pericarp decreased and the brown pigment increased. Polyphenol Canada oxidase in the pericarp was active when its pH was between 4.1 and 4.6, and became less active when its pH was above 4.6. The diameter of the brown pigment molecules in the solutions increased when the pH of the solutions was increased and maintained for 5 d. The anthocyanins returned to their original redness and concentrations if they were placed in solutions with a pH value ranging between 4 and 6 for 10 min or they were placed in solutions with a pH value of 4 for 5 d. However, the anthocyanins did not return to their original redness and concentration if they were placed in solutions with a pH value ranging between 5 and 6 for 5 d. Conclusion. This study suggests that the bright red color of lychee peel could be maintained if its pericarp pH could be maintained at a pH of 4. If the pericarp pH is above 4, the reversibility of its bright red color from brown pigments is dependent on storage time. Canada / Litchi chinensis / fruits / coloration / pigments / anthocyanins / browning Réversibilité de la couleur rouge du péricarpe de litchi en fonction du pH, de l’activité polyphénol oxydase et de la taille des particules de pigments bruns. Résumé –– Introduction. La peau du litchi tourne d’une belle couleur rouge vif à une couleur brune mate quand le fruit commence à vieillir. Notre étude montre que, dans le péricarpe de litchi, le changement de couleur du rouge au brun est associé à plusieurs facteurs et qu’il peut être réversible selon le pH et la teneur en anthocyanes et en pigments bruns de l’écorce du fruit. Matériel et méthode. Quatre jours après la récolte du fruit transporté par avion de Chine au Canada, les concentrations en anthocyanes et en pigments bruns et les valeurs de pH du péri- carpe de litchis (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) entreposés à 25 °C et 65% d’humidité relative ont été suivies pendant 5 j. La taille macromoléculaire des pigments bruns ont été mesurées dans des solutions de pH 4 à 6. Résultats et discussion. En 5 j de stockage, le pH dans le péricarpe de * Correspondence and reprints litchi a diminué de 4,3 à 5,3. Dans le même temps, les anthocyanes ont diminué et la teneur en pigments bruns a augmenté. La polyphénol oxydase du péricarpe a été active pour un pH compris entre 4,1 et 4,6 et elle est devenue moins active lorsque le pH de l’épicarpe a dépassé la valeur de 4,6. Le diamètre des molécules de pigments bruns des extraits analysés a augmenté Received 7 January 2003 quand le pH des solutions augmentait et était maintenu pendant 5 j. Les anthocyanes ont récu- Accepted 27 June 2003 péré leur couleur rouge et leur concentration initiale lorsqu’elles ont été placées dans des solu- tions avec un pH s'échelonnant de 4 à 6 pendant 10 min, ou avec un pH de 4 pendant 5 j. Ce même phénomène n’a pas été observé en solutions maintenues à pH 5 ou 6 pendant 5 j. Fruits, 2004, vol. 59, p. 17–23 Conclusion. Cette étude suggère que la couleur rouge vif de la peau de litchi pourrait être con- © 2004 Cirad/EDP Sciences servée si le pH de son péricarpe pouvait être maintenu à 4. Au-dessus de cette valeur, la réver- All rights reserved sibilité de la couleur rouge à partir des pigments bruns dépend du temps d'entreposage. DOI: 10.1051/fruits:2004002 Canada / Litchi chinensis / fruits / coloration / pigment / anthocyane / RESUMEN ESPAÑOL, p. 23 brunissement Fruits, vol. 59 (1) 17
C.L. Chu et al. 1. Introduction 2. Materials and methods Lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) fruit is an 2.1. Lychee fruit exotic fruit, which originates from Southern China. The freshly picked fruit has a bright ‘Yook Ho Pow’ lychee fruits (also called ‘San red pericarp (peel) and sweet white pulp. Yue Hong’ in Mandarin) were picked in a Lychee fruit normally have 3 d of shelf life commercial orchard in China, and they were at 25 °C. The pH of lychee pericarp increases shipped immediately in sealed polyfoam during storage [1–3]. When the fruit starts to boxes filled with ice bags by air cargo trans- age, the peel of lychee fruit turns from its port, arriving 4 d after harvest in the labo- attractive bright red color to a dull brown ratories at the University of Toronto and the color [2]. University of Guelph. The fruits were then The discoloration process of the red sorted visually for uniform pericarp color anthocyanins in lychee is pH-dependent. and size. The acidification of lychee pericarp modi- fies the anthocyanins of lychee, thereby 2.2. Pericarp color inhibiting the degradation of the pigments [2]. Anthocyanin pigments from lychee Fifteen lychee fruits, five in each of three change from highly colored cations in a replicates, were used to examine their peri- strong acid media to a colorless carbinol carp color at 25 °C and 65% relative humid- base as the pH of the media increases [4, 5]. ity (RH) over a period of 5 d. The pericarp The stability of the red anthocyanins in redness was graded visually [9] as grade 1: lychee is a direct function of pH [6, 7]. < 10% red area; grade 2: 25% red area; Anthocyanins are also very unstable and lose grade 3: 50% red area; grade 4: 75% red their red appearance over time [8–11]. Cya- area; and grade 5: > 90% red area. nidin-3-glucoside, which has a maximum absorbance at 515 nm, is the major mono- meric red anthocyanin in lychee [12–14]. 2.3. Pericarp pH The color of the anthocyanin pigments is Fifteen lychee fruits, five in each of three changeable between the red color at a pH replicates, were used to prepare samples for of 3 and the dull brownish color at a pH of the measurement of pericarp pH. From five 4.5 [15]. In addition, anthocyanins in the fruits, 6 g of pericarp tissue were peeled and lychee pericarp might be recovered from finely sliced, and washed in distilled water their brown pigment product upon low pH to remove excessive juice. The sliced peri- acidification with 1 M HCl [2]. carp tissues were homogenized in 50 mL of The browning of lychee pericarp is asso- distilled water for 1 min with a homogenizer ciated with enhanced polyphenol oxidase (Waring–7011, CT, USA) [2, 3]. While stirring (PPO) activity [9, 11, 16, 17] and the oxida- the homogenate, the pH was measured tion and polymerization of the degraded red using a pH meter (Model Accumet-610, anthocyanins in lychee pericarp [18]. The Fisher Scientific, PA, USA) with a combina- acidification of lychee pericarp has been tion pH probe (Orion 91–05, MA, USA). known to greatly reduce the PPO activity [10]. 2.4. Anthocyanin The objectives of our study were: (1) to examine the change in pH, anthocyanin, Fifteen lychee fruits, five in each of three and brown pigments in lychee pericarp at replicates, were used to prepare anthocy- 25 °C for 5 d; (2) to examine the change in anin samples. Pericarp (5 g) from five size of the brown pigments at various pH lychee fruits were finely sliced, extracted levels, and (3) to study the reversibility of and well stirred with 50 mL of 1% weight HCl anthocyanin redness at various pH levels for 2 h at a pH of 1 [15]. The extract was cen- over a 5-d period. trifuged at 4500 rpm for 20 min and filtered 18 Fruits, vol. 59 (1)
Reversibility of lychee pericarp red color through Whatman #1 paper. The absorbance pigments for 5 d before any measurements reading of the anthocyanins was then meas- were conducted. The particle size distribu- ured spectrophotometrically at 515 nm [2]. tion of lychee pigment under different acidic conditions (i.e., pH of 4, 5 and 6 adjusted using phosphate buffer/ potassium hydrox- 2.5. Brown pigments ide) was analyzed. The detection limit for the device was between 2 nm and 10 nm. Pericarp browning was measured spectro- The data were analyzed using Particle Sizing photometrically according to Jiang et al. [10]: software, ver. 2.31 (Brookhaven Instrument, 5 g of pericarp tissue from five peeled fruits NY, USA). in each of three replicates were finely sliced, ground and extracted with 17 mL of 60% methanol (v/v) in a 0.1 M sodium phosphate 2.8. Reversibility of anthocyanin buffer (pH 6.8) and 0.5 g of polyvinylpyr- degradation from its brown pigment rolidone (PVP). The extract was centrifuged at 4500 rpm for 20 min and filtered through Fifteen lychee fruits, five in each of three Whatman # 1 filter paper, and the superna- replicates, were used to prepare samples tant collected and diluted to a 1:4 ratio with for determining anthocyanin reversibility. a phosphate buffer and measured spectro- Three milliliters of anthocyanin extract from photometrically at 410 nm (Model 8452, five fruits were mixed with buffer solutions Hewlett Packard, CA, USA) [3]. (phosphate buffer/ potassium hydroxide) to achieve a combined volume of 30 mL 2.6. Polyphenol oxidase with an endpoint pH of 4, 5 or 6. Each solu- tion was mixed thoroughly for either 10 min Fifteen lychee fruits, five in each of three or 5 d, followed by a pH adjustment to 1 replicates, were used to prepare PPO activ- using HCl. Spectrophotometric measure- ity samples. Peeled and finely sliced lychee ments at 410 nm (for brown) and 515 nm pericarp (4 g) from five fruits was frozen (for red) were recorded. The visual color of with liquid nitrogen and stored overnight at each extract solution at different pH values –20 °C. The frozen pericarp was powdered was also determined and recorded before the next day and homogenized with 30 mL and after their pH adjustment. of a 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer at a pH of 6.8. The supernatant was collected after 20 min of centrifugation at 4500 rpm. The 2.9. Statistical analysis solution was filtered through Whatman #1 filter paper and the PPO activity was assayed SPSS software (SPSS® Inc., IL, USA), release using 4-methycatechol. One unit of PPO 7.5.1, was used for linear and nonlinear activity was defined as a change in 0.001 regression analyses in all experimental runs. absorbance units per min at 410 nm at 25 °C under a pH of 6.8 [11]. 3. Results and discussion 2.7. Brown pigment size analysis One milliliter of anthocyanin extract solu- 3.1. Pericarp redness tion was mixed with 9 mL of buffer solutions to achieve a pH value of between 4 and 6. After air transit from China to Canada, arriv- Each mixture was transferred into a cuvet ing 4 d after harvest, the pericarp redness of and the size of the solute particles in the lychees then stored at 25 °C and 65% RH solution was analyzed optically by using a decreased rapidly during the first day of light scattering particle analyzer (Model 90 shelf life (figure 1). Jiang and Fu [3] and plus, Brookhaven Instrument, NY, USA). Underhill and Critchley [2] also reported The anthocyanin extracts in the solutions similar results from storage at 25 °C and 60% were allowed to degrade and form brown RH. However, our study showed that over Fruits, vol. 59 (1) 19
C.L. Chu et al. Figure 1. Critchley [2]. We realized the 4-d delay Changes in red color in the peri- 5 Y = 2.91 x2 – 30.4 x + 80.22 before the initiation of our experiments carp of lychee stored at 25 °C R2 = 0.97 could limit the interpretation and applica- and 65% RH for 5 d in the labo- Visual color rating 4 tion of our results. However, a 4-d delay of ratory, after transport by air tran- sit from China to Canada, a postharvest treatment is very likely in a arriving 4 d after harvest. Each 3 commercial operation if lychee can be ice- data point and its corresponding cooled and stored in cold storage (at vertical bar represent the mean 2 approximately 5 °C) immediately after its and standard error of three repli- picking. cates. Regression equation is 1 based on data points between 4 5 6 7 8 9 day 0 and day 1 (Visual color Days after harvest 3.2. Effect of pH on PPO activity scale: 1: < 10% red area; 2: 25% red area; 3: 50% red area; 4: 75% After air transit from China to Canada, arriv- red area; 5: > 90% red area). ing 4 d after harvest, the pH value of the pericarp of lychees then stored at 25 °C and 5.4 65% RH changed from 4 to 5.3 during the Figure 2. 5.2 5-d period (figure 2). The PPO activity Changes in the pH values of the 5.0 declined from 160 units·mL–1 of extract to pericarp of lychee stored at 4.8 80 units·mL–1 during the first day and then 25 °C and 65% RH for 5 d in the remained essentially at the same level after pH 4.6 laboratory, after transport by air 4.4 the second day (figure 3). These results transit from China to Canada, Y = 0.25 x + 3.14 4.2 show that the PPO in the pericarp was arriving 4 d after harvest. Each R2 = 0.98 4.0 active when its pH was between 4.1 and data point and its correspond- 3.8 4.3 during the first day, and became less ing vertical bar represent the mean and standard error of 4 5 6 7 8 9 active after that, when its pH was between Days after harvest 4.3 and 5.3. This may suggest that the three replicates. senescence, the desiccation, and the pH of the pericarp might interactively affect the PPO activity in the pericarp. Jiang [19] y = – 2.55 x3 + 56.17 x2 – 411.76 x + 1066.2 reported that the optimum pH to obtain R2 = 0.99 the maximum PPO activity was 6.8 with 4-methylcatechol, and the relative activity Figure 3. Polyphenol oxidase activity 160 of PPO increased from 0% to approxi- Changes in polyphenol oxidase mately 20% when the pH of the pericarp (unit•mL–1 extract) activity in the pericarp of lychee 130 changed from 4.0 to 5.0. Our results show stored at 25 °C and 65% RH for 5 d in the laboratory, after that, in natural conditions, PPO activity 100 transport by air transit from could be affected by many factors and not China to Canada, arriving 4 d 70 by the pH of the pericarp alone. after harvest. Each data point and its corresponding vertical 40 3.3. Anthocyanin and brown pigment bar represent the mean and 4 5 6 7 8 9 standard error of three Days after harvest After air transit from China to Canada, arriv- replicates. ing 4 d after harvest, anthocyanins in the pericarp of lychees then stored at 25 °C and 65% RH decreased significantly during the 50% of the original pericarp redness disap- first 3 d (figure 4). However, the lychee peared within 0.5 d as compared with 3 d pericarp lost its red color in 1 d (figure 1). [3] and 1.5 d [2]. We used ‘Yook Ho Pow’ In other words, the lychee pericarp lost its lychee as compared with ‘Wai Chee’ lychee visual red color much faster than the loss [3] and ‘Bengal’ lychee [2]. Lychee fruit sam- of its anthocyanin content. Underhill and ples were transported to our laboratories in Critchley [2] also reported that visual color approximately 4 d as compared to within and Hunter a values were not consistent 1 h with Jiang and Fu [3] and Underhill and with the total anthocyanin concentration. 20 Fruits, vol. 59 (1)
Reversibility of lychee pericarp red color Brown pigment increased during the 5 d Figure 4. 1.4 Changes in anthocyanin in the (figure 5). The absorbance of brown pig- y = 0.05 x2 – 0.87 x + 3.89 ment at 410 nm almost doubled from day 1 1.2 R2 = 0.99 pericarp of lychee fruits stored Absorbance 515 nm at 25 °C and 65% RH for 5 d in to day 2. The presence of brown pigment 1.0 the laboratory, after transport might mask the red color that could have 0.8 by air transit from China to been revealed from the presence of anthocy- Canada, arriving 4 d after anins, therefore showing the brown peri- 0.6 harvest. Each data point and its carp color after the first day. 0.4 corresponding vertical bar 0.2 represent the mean and Jiang [19] found that lychee PPO showed 4 5 6 7 8 9 standard error of three activity when the pH of the pericarp was Days after harvest replicates. above 4.0. In addition, we would expect that lychee could rapidly lose water while stored at 25 °C and 65% RH for 5 d. Brown- ing of the pericarp could be enhanced due Figure 5. to the increase in water loss. y = – 0.0052 x3 + 0.1055 x2 – 0.5877 x + 1 Changes in brown pigment R2 = 0.99 content of lychee fruits stored 0.6 at 25 °C and 65% RH for 5 d in 3.4. Brown pigment size 0.5 the laboratory, after transport Absorbance 410 nm by air transit from China to 0.4 Canada, arriving 4 d after The mean diameter of the brown pigments harvest. Each data point and its analyzed under different acidic conditions, 0.3 corresponding vertical bar after 1 mL anthocyanin extract solution was 0.2 represent the mean and mixed with 9 mL of buffer solutions to standard error of three 0.1 achieve a pH value of between 4 and 6, replicates. was less than 2 nm in a pH 4.5 solution; 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 however, it increased to approximately Days after harvest 1 µm in a pH 6 solution (figure 6). While the pH of the lychee pericarp increased from 4.1 to 5.5 during the 5 d (figure 2), the size of brown pigment also increased from Figure 6. less than 2 nm to approximately 400 nm. y = 46.08 x3 – 372.38 x2 + 742.76 x Mean diameter of the brown R2 = 0.98 pigment of lychee fruits after This change in brown pigment size might being in solutions of various pH have contributed to the change from red 1.4 values for 5 d. Each data point peel color to brown peel color. 1.2 and its corresponding vertical bar represent the mean and Diameter ( m) 1.0 3.5. Reversibility from brown color 0.8 standard error of three replicates. to red 0.6 0.4 The absorbance at 515 nm of samples 0.2 placed in solutions at a pH of 4, 5, and 6 0.0 decreased after 10 min. When the pH of 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 these solutions was adjusted to a pH of 1, pH the absorbance at 515 nm increased to a level similar to that obtained from samples maintained at a pH of 1 all the time (i.e., the control sample) (figure 7). In the mean- similar absorbance levels at 515 nm as the time, the absorbance at 410 nm was essen- control sample after the pH adjustment (fig- tially unaffected by the pH change, remain- ure 8). The extract solutions exposed to a ing at about the same level as the control pH of 5 or 6 for 5 d showed a loss in sample. However, when the exposure time anthocyanin absorbance and an increase in was lengthened from 10 min to 5 d, only brown pigment absorbance after the adjust- extract solutions exposed to a pH of 4 had ment of pH to 1. Fruits, vol. 59 (1) 21
C.L. Chu et al. 4. Conclusion 0.8 Brown pigment Our study suggests that the bright red color 0.7 Absorbance 410 nm 0.6 of lychee could be obtained from acidifica- 0.5 tion (to pH 1) of the fruit, if the pH of the 0.4 pericarp was maintained at a pH of 4 for 5 d 0.3 or less. The effectiveness of acidification 0.2 could be decreased significantly if the pH of 0.1 the lychee pericarp reached 5 or 6 for 5 d. 0.0 This could be due to the larger size of the 0.8 brown pigment developed in such pH con- Anthocyanin 0.7 ditions, limiting the reversibility of brown Absorbance 515 nm 0.6 peel color to red peel color. Our results also Figure 7. 0.5 suggest that the PPO-induced brown peel Anthocyanin (515 nm) and 0.4 color, while the pericarp pH was less than brown pigment content 0.3 4, could be reversed by acidification. (410 nm) of lychee fruits before 0.2 and after placement of samples 0.1 in various pH solutions for 0.0 10 min, followed by pH 1 4 5 pH of extracted solution 6 References adjustment to 1. Each data point and its corresponding Before adjustement to pH 1 [1] Tongdee S.C., Scott K.J., McGlasson W.B., vertical bar represent the mean After adjustement to pH 1 Packaging and cool storage of litchi fruit, and standard error of three CSIRO Food Research Quarterly 42 (1982) replicates. 25–28. [2] Underhill S., Critchley C., Anthocyanin decolorisation and its role in lychee pericarp browning, Aust. J. Exp. Agr. 34 (1994) 115– 122. [3] Jiang Y.M., Fu J.R., Postharvest browning of 0.8 litchi fruit by water loss and its prevention by Brown pigment 0.7 controlled atmosphere storage at high rela- Absorbance 410 nm 0.6 tive humidity, Lebensm-Wiss. Technol. 32 0.5 (1999) 278–283. 0.4 [4] Jurd I., Some advances in the chemistry of 0.3 anthocyanin type plant pigments. The chem- 0.2 istry of Plant Pigments, Academic Press, 0.1 New York, USA, 1972, pp. 123–142. 0.0 [5] Zauberman G., Ronen R., Akerman M., 0.8 Anthocyanin Weksler A., Rot I., Fuchs Y., Post-harvest 0.7 Absorbance 515 nm retention of red color of litchi fruit pericarp, 0.6 Sci. Hortic.-Amsterdam 47 (1991) 89–97. 0.5 Figure 8. [6] Lukton A., Chichester C.O., Mackinney G., 0.4 Anthocyanin (515 nm) and The breakdown of strawberry anthocyanin brown pigment content 0.3 pigment, Food Chem. 10 (1956) 427–432. (410 nm) of lychee fruits before 0.2 and after placement of samples 0.1 [7] Jiang Y.M., Zauberman G., Fuchs Y., Partial in various pH solutions for 5 d, 0.0 purification and some properties of polyphe- 1 4 5 6 nol oxidase extracted from litchi fruit peri- followed by pH adjustment to 1. pH of extracted solution Each data point and its carp, Postharvest Biol. Tec. 10 (1997) 221– corresponding vertical bar Before adjustement to pH 1 228. represent the mean and After adjustement to pH 1 [8] Campbell C.W., Storage behavior of fresh standard error of three ‘Brewster’ and ‘Bengal’ lychee, Proc. Fla. replicates. State Hortic. Soc. 72 (1959) 356–360. 22 Fruits, vol. 59 (1)
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