Return To Play Guidelines - Chinguacousy Curling Club

Page created by Everett Ryan
Return To Play Guidelines
These Guidelines have been developed based on guidance from the City of Brampton in
consultation with Peel Public Health and CurlON’s Return to Play Guide.

On September 1, 2021 the Government of Ontario announced proof of COVID-19 vaccinations
to enter select settings including “Facilities used for sports/fitness activities and personal
fitness training, such as gyms, fitness and recreational facilities with the exception of youth
recreational sport.”
As of September 22, 2021 sport facilities will be required to verify that ALL people over the
age of 11 entering their facility are fully vaccinated (two doses plus 14 days) by reviewing
their paper or pdf vaccine receipt along with a government issued photo ID (Health Card or
Driver’s License).
Accepted Proof of Vaccination Methods
Beginning September 22, 2021, the following methods of proof of vaccination status will be
accepted when visiting a City of Brampton Recreation Centre, along with one additional piece of
personal identification:
1. Proof of immunization vaccine receipt: This can be obtained from the provincial booking portal,
   or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Booking Line at 1-833-943-3900.
2. Ontario enhanced digital vaccine receipt: The Ontario government is introducing this option
   in October 2021. The digital vaccine receipt can be kept on your mobile phone and easily
   used to show that you’ve been vaccinated. More information will be provided regarding this
   option when it is made available.
Please note that the City of Brampton continues to review operational requirements and while
they will do their best to ensure the screening process moves as quickly as possible, they ask that
you plan to arrive early for your activity to ensure there is adequate time to complete the neces-
sary checks. We appreciate your patience during this transition.
Individuals who cannot receive the vaccine due to medical exemptions will be permitted entry
with a doctor’s note clearly indicating a COVID-19 vaccination exemption. This will be recognized
until medical exemptions can be integrated as part of a digital vaccine certificate made available
by the provincial government in October.
Note: Proof of a negative COVID-19 test will not be accepted as an alternative to proof of
full vaccination.

Created - Sept 4, 2021 | Revised Sept 23, 2021                           CCC Return to Play | Page 1
Frequently Asked Questions
Visit here for a list of frequently asked questions related to proof of vaccination status when visiting
a Recreation Centre.

What does this mean for our club and club members?
All registered members of Chinguacousy Curling Club or anyone participating in our club events
must be fully vaccinated with a Health Canada approved Covid vaccine (two doses plus 14 days -
any combination of two vaccines is acceptable) in order to curl/participate.
Anyone with an exemption please contact Shelley Higgerty or Lisa Bailey to confirm validity
of exemption.
The City of Brampton staff will ask to see identification and proof of double vaccination each time
we enter the building. There will be a security guard at the door checking vaccination status.

•   Masks (a non-medical mask or face covering) must be worn when entering the facility, wash-
    rooms, change rooms, kitchen areas, lobby, lounge area and hallways;
•   The use of masks are recommended during play, but must be worn at all times when leaving
    the ice area and when physical distancing cannot be maintained;
•   In the Lounge area masks must be worn at all times when not seated.

Waiver(s) and Declaration of Covid Compliance will need to be signed before being able to curl.
Contact Tracing will need to be done at the start of every game. This will be managed by
Chinguacousy Curling Club/League Conveners. More information on this will follow shortly.
We are looking to use CurlON’s app for Contact Tracing which uses a unique QR code for each
member of the club. This will also be able to include your vaccination status as well. We are still
in the process of working this out and will provide more information shortly.
Please print off and sign the Covid-19 Waiver and return it to your league convener. It can be-
found on the website.

Main Facility Guidelines
•   Change rooms will be available with a reduced capacity to help maintain physical distancing
    (room capacity will be posted at each change room entrance);
•   Where applicable, showers will be available with limited capacity;
•   Lockers will only be available for seasonal rental through the club or the City of Brampton
    (please note that lockers will not be available for individual day use);
    Chris Nowak will be available the first day of each league for lockers. The fee is $25.00. Please
    bring cash. After that you will need to see the staff at the Sandra Hames Centre to get a locker.
                                                                             CCC Return to Play | Page 2
•   Participants are requested to arrive at the facility no more than 10 minutes prior to their
    scheduled start time, and exit the change rooms no more than 10 minutes after their permit
    end time. This is to avoid crossover for groups and allow for cleaning;
•   It is recommended that participants arrive dressed (with the exception of footwear) and ready
    to curl to prevent any delays in the start of game play;
•   Spectators will not be permitted at this time;
•   Protective shields have been installed in Customer Service areas;
•   Hand sanitizing stations are available at facility entrances and exits.

COVID-19 Symptoms & Exposure
Members or anyone participating in our club events must not come to the centre if they meet
any of the following conditions:
•   If they have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days;
•   If they have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting results (UNLESS they did not have
    any symptoms when they were tested and do not currently have any symptoms);
•   If they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 , even mild symptoms;
•   If they are self-isolating according to public health guidance, or if they have been instructed
    to self-isolate by public health officials;
•   If they have had close physical contact in the past 14 days with someone who has or is
    suspected to have COVID-19, or who has experienced symptoms and who is self-isolating as
    a result of those symptoms; OR
•   If they have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days and have been told to quarantine
    (per the federal quarantine guidelines).
Please DO NOT violate isolation protocols just to make it to your game!

Exposure at the Club
If any member or staff tests positive for COVID-19, the Club will follow the guidance of Peel Public
Health. Periodic shutdowns may be required to complete enhanced disinfecting procedures.

Curling Rink Guidelines
•   Play will be permitted on all 6 sheets, with a maximum of 48 people per draw;
•   The use of masks are recommended during play, but must be worn at all times when leaving
    the ice area and when physical distancing cannot be maintained;
•   A minimum 30 minute buffer is required between each draw to avoid participant crossover;
•   The maximum capacity of the Curling Rink is 48 people, there is to be no entry into the
    Curling Rink until all previous players have left the Rink;
•   Markings will be added on and off ice to manage traffic flow and maintain physical distancing;

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•   All participants are required to provide their own curling equipment for play as there will be
    no City provided equipment available for use and shared equipment is not permitted (i.e.,
    Brooms / Stabilizers / Grippers / Sliders, etc.);
•   Hands-free water bottle re-fill stations will be available for use in the lobby at the centre;
•   Curling Leagues / Groups will be required to disinfect curling stone handles, measuring stick
    etc. after each use and at the end of each draw;
•   Disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizing stations and Kleenex will be provided in the curling rinks;
•   The City of Brampton will complete a thorough disinfection prior to play at the beginning of
    each day.

Game Play
1. Games will be 6-ends or 1.5 hrs long, whichever comes first. There will be no exceptions.
2. Masks are recommended on the ice at all times.
3. Players must adhere to physical distancing at all times in the rink.
   a. Distancing markers will be installed in the ice on the divider lines. While not involved in
      the play, players should position themselves on a marker until it is safe to proceed to the
      throwing end of the sheet.
4. Instead of a handshake, give a friendly wave or broom tap to start the game.
5. Hammer and rock colour should be determined if possible prior to going onto the ice in or-
   der to minimize time spent on the boards before the start of the game.
   a. To determine hammer in the first end, use Rock-Paper-Scissors or Evens-Odds on your
      stopwatch, or use an online tool:
6. Players must throw their assigned rocks for the entire game (i.e. teams may not change rock
   order mid-game).
   a. Players should not touch any stones other than their own. Let the player delivering the
      next stone retrieve their own stone.
7. Players should stay on the same side of the sheet. For example, if you are playing on sheet 2,
   always walk or position yourself on the sideline to sheet 1. This will keep players 10 feet apart.
8. Non-Delivering Team: The two sweepers of the non-delivering team should be positioned on
   the distancing markers while the other team is throwing. The player of the nondelivering team
   whose turn it is next to deliver should be positioned at hogline on the same side as the two
   sweepers. The Skip (or Vice-Skip) will stand on the backboards but no closer than the hack.
9. Delivering Team: The Skip has control of the house. The player whose turn it is to deliver is in
   the hack. The non-sweeping player is on the backboards. The sweeping player is at the T-Line.
   a. Once the stone has been released, the player who delivered the stone proceeds down the
      centre line of the ice until the halfway point where the distancing marker is or to the hog
      line if it is their turn. The sweeper proceeds to the halfway markings. The non-sweeper
      travels to the halfway mark or the hog line depending on their turn to deliver or not.
   b. Once a player finishes throwing their rock they will go to a distancing marker to wait for
      their next turn.

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10. Only one sweeper may take the rock down the ice. Once the sweeper is finished, they must
    return to a physical distancing marker.
    a. You may alternate sweepers as long as only one sweeper takes the rock.
11. Only one person may be in the house at a time. As the sweeper approaches the house, the
    person in control of the house must back away from the area of play to maintain a 6-foot dis-
    tance from the sweeper.
    a. Skips/vices are still required to catch rocks that are set in motion toward an adjacent sheet.
12. No player, other than the designated sweeper, may sweep a rock that is set in motion by the
    delivered rock or sweep behind the tee-line.
13. One player on the sheet shall be designated the game’s Scorekeeper and will be responsible
    for keeping score.
    a. Scoresheet to be provided by League Convener(s).
    b. Pen should be the designated scorekeeper’s.
14. Players must not touch other players’ equipment, unless from the same household
15. Measuring a stone is as follows:
    a. Remove gloves and sanitize hands before touching the measuring device;
    b. Conduct the measurement (only one player in the house at all times);
    c. Use Disinfectant wipe to sanitize the measuring device.
    d. Return measuring device to the measuring station;
    e. Sanitize hands and return to the game.

For a diagram of curling play, see page 7.

Lounge Guidelines
•   The Lounge and bar will be open after the game;
•   Lounge space will be limited to a maximum of 48 players for a period of 60 minutes following
    the completion of the draw. This will allow time to clean the lounge areas prior to the next
    group’s use;
•   Furniture in the lounge areas has been reduced to assist with maintaining physical distancing.
    Placement of furniture should not be altered;
•   All members are required to remain seated in Lounge areas, except when going to the bar
    area, washrooms, etc;
•   When not seated, masks must be worn at all times;
•   Protective barriers have been installed at bar areas;
•   Hand sanitizing stations are available in the lounge areas;
•   Where possible, electronic payment is the preferred method of payment;

                                                                           CCC Return to Play | Page 5
•   Buffet-style food service will not be permitted;
    a. There will be no food nights for this season;
    b. Sharing food will not be allowed;
•   Food storage will not be permitted on site and all food must be removed daily;
•   It is recommended that disposable plates, cups, and cutlery be provided and used onsite;
•   Use of shared coffee urns will not be available.

Bonspiels are permitted provided that all the above guidelines for capacity within the facility
including the curling rink and the lounge area are maintained.

The City of Brampton will be undertaking a heightened cleaning and disinfection schedule of
high touch areas, washrooms, Lounge areas etc. Additional signage and markings will be in place
to maintain physical distancing.

These guidelines are subject to change and will be reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis.

                                                                         CCC Return to Play | Page 6
Appendix 5: Distancing Illustrations
  Ready to Deliver              2

                       1                                                       Hog Line

                                                              New Ice Markings

                                3                  Hog Line


                           Back Line

                                                                   4           4

  Stone is Delivered                                                   3


                 1                     3

                                                    CCC Return to Play | Page 7
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