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RESPONDING TO THE 2 CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 RESPONDING TO THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE ADRIAN MORGAN Although the report revealed that global GLOBAL HEAD OF natural disaster events during H1 2021 caused ADVANTAGEGO total economic losses estimated at $93 billion – 32 percent lower compared to the 10-year average ($136 billion), insured losses were estimated at $42 billion – two percent higher than the 10-year average ($41 billion). Perhaps more pertinently, looking to the longer term, insured losses were 39 percent higher than the 21st century average ($30 Experts may continue to debate on the extent billion) and 101 percent higher compared to to which climate change is attributable to the average since 1980 ($21 billion), while human intervention, or indeed on the degree economic losses were 16 percent lower ($110 to which we can expect continued global billion) and nine percent higher ($85 billion) warming as the century progresses. However, for the same periods respectively. from the (re)insurance industry’s perspective, what is absolutely undeniable is the growing frequency and severity of natural catastrophe- related losses this century. Just look at the latest analysis: the insured cost of global natural catastrophes hit the ten year high for the first half of the year and over 100% higher than the average for the past 30 years, according to figures from broker Aon in its Global Catastrophe Recap: First Half of 2021 report.
3 RESPONDING TO THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 EXTREME HEAT The recent experience has continued to be According to the World Weather Attribution challenging for many geographies. At the end (WWA) – an international research of June, Pacific Northwest areas of the US institute supported by Oxford University’s and Canada experienced temperatures never Environmental Change Institute; the Royal previously observed, with records broken Netherlands Meteorological Institute (RNMI); by several degrees Celsius in many places. and the Red Cross Crescent Climate Centre Multiple cities in the US states of Oregon – although an event such as the Pacific and Washington and the western provinces Northwest 2021 heatwave is still rare or of Canada recorded temperatures far above extremely rare in today’s climate, it would be 40ºC (104 ºF), including setting a new all-time virtually impossible without human-caused Canadian temperature record of 49.6ºC in the climate change. village of Lytton. Indeed, in a stark warning following the From a risk perspective, the consequences weather, the WWA suggested that such an were severe: shortly after setting the record, event will become increasingly common: Lytton was largely destroyed in a wildfire, “Our results provide a strong warning: our for example, while the exceptionally high rapidly warming climate is bringing us into temperatures led to spikes in sudden deaths, uncharted territory that has significant and sharp increases in hospital visits for consequences for health, well-being, and heat-related illnesses and emergency calls. livelihoods.” It added that the future will be characterized by more frequent, more severe, and longer heatwaves, highlighting the importance of significantly reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the amount of additional warming.
RESPONDING TO THE 4 CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 EUROPEAN FLOODS Of course, climate change gives rise to an From an insurance perspective, losses are extensive range of weather phenomena expected to be severe: the German Insurance beyond just extreme heat. Extensive and, Association has estimated the floods to have in many instances, unprecedented flooding caused damages amounting to EUR 4bn to across vast swathes of Northern Europe EUR 5bn, which would make the event one in July was described as a “wake-up call” of the costliest ever insured losses for the with regard to climate change by Katrin country, on a par with the 2002 floods when Goering-Eckardt, the parliamentary leader of the River Elbe in eastern Germany burst its Germany’s Green party. banks, leading to insured losses of some EUR 4.65 billion. “This is already the impact of the climate catastrophe and this is another wake-up call to make us realize: this is already here,” she said. A slow-moving weather system released two months’ worth of rain in two days over western Germany and wide swathes of Northern Europe, causing rivers to burst their banks, sweeping away homes and inundating cellars. The floods causing some 200 deaths, with another 764 people and 155 people missing.
5 RESPONDING TO THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 EVIDENT INCREASE “We’ve certainly seen an increase in natural He says that severity is even more difficult to catastrophe events at PCS over the past few address: “Climate change may increase the years, with records for frequency set in both frequency and intensity of weather events, 2019 and 2020,” says Tom Johansmeyer, head but event severity – as measured in insurance of PCS. terms – also requires a geographical component. A major hurricane that hits an “Canada has been at or near record levels, underpopulated or underinsured region as well,” he adds, “Since beginning to report could be indicative of climate change, but events in Japan, PCS has seen several major it may not have the severity needed to events since 2018. Although it’s still early for make the insurance industry take note. As us there, we do see a recent concentration the protection gap is closed, for example, relative to the historical record. As an we may see more manifestation of a link organization focused on retrospective between climate change and industry loss activity (we estimate what happened, severity. The same could be true for exposure rather than what will), we’re cautious about inflation.” attributing such changes in catastrophe activity to climate change or any other drivers. It’s just not our sweet spot. However, we do encourage further research into the links between climate change and PCS- designated catastrophe activity.”
RESPONDING TO THE 6 CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 RISING IMPACT Others also confirm an increase. “Total “In practice, for several companies, that is losses from natural catastrophe events reflected in reduced exposures in property have been increasing in a sustained way nat-cat risks, with a shift toward higher for several decades,” Carlos Wong-Fupuy, protection layers. Retention levels have senior director, AM Best. “The impact from increased and limits reduced. Pricing has secondary perils (convective storms, wildfires, improved but is not yet considered sufficient floods) as a proportion of total nat cat losses or as attractive as for other lines of business is steeply on the rise. Volatility of losses is (e.g. E&S). After several years of fluctuating becoming more of an issue. Last year, for results, removing volatility is a priority.” example, was characterized by the high frequency of medium-sized losses, without a Use of retro capacity from ILS markets is dominant exceptionally big event.” resurging, in particular cat bonds, he adds. “There are still long-term investors prepared He adds that there seems to be a growing to accept volatility at the highest levels of the consensus that although climate change is reinsurance tower in exchange for the higher a key contributing factor, it is not the only coupon to expected loss multiples seen one. Also, while the variability of losses in the market. A broadening of alternative seems to have increased, given the relatively opportunities in a recovery economy may, short time history, it is difficult to distinguish however, affect investor appetite.” between random fluctuations, short-term factors, and long-term trends. However, what is clear, he suggests, is that in the short term, traditional reinsurers are focused on improving and stabilizing underwriting margins:
7 RESPONDING TO THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 MARINE & ENERGY EXPOSURES One area of the market that is particularly Given such large exposures and increasingly exposed to the possible effects of climate large loss events for the market, it would be change is the marine & energy sector, somewhat surprising to discover that the (re) especially for those writing onshore and insurance market is burying its head in the offshore risks in the Southern US and sand. Yet, according to Hoare, the dominant Gulf of Mexico. dynamic continues to be commercial considerations: Dominick Hoare, group chief underwriter for Munich Re Syndicate and a veteran of “I think underwriters are looking at their the marine & energy sector, says that he is exposures, and they are all talking about observing an increase in the frequency and climate change and a specific problem severity of property catastrophe losses for around the corner. But I’m not sure how both risks that they write and across the much the market is doing, to be honest. The wider market: insurance and reinsurance market is driven by looking in the rear-view mirror; we look “From my view as an underwriter, with at what has happened for the last 25–30 hurricanes being close to my heart... if you years. The models we rely on for property look at hurricane activity last year, and this and property reinsurance are all based on year we’re already seeing some activity with empirical data. We know that things are fairly active storms. But then we can also changing, but there is a reluctance to price revert back to the data – and we’re very that in, and also perhaps an inability to price lucky at Munich Re because we have a nat that in. We are commercial animals, and if cat service which has a fantastic dataset – we price it in and others don’t, then we lose that actually shows an increased frequency our portfolio.” of loss events since 1980, so I think both the gut underwriting feel and also the data point to more activity.” It’s not just hurricanes, he adds. “They are the obvious ones, but we had winter storm Uri at the beginning of the year. Was that climate change? It was a pretty odd storm. These European floods, which have been tragic recently, particularly in Germany, look odd to me… and I would have thought an expert could probably link that back to climate change as well.”
8 RESPONDING TO THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 MODELING THE FUTURE Despite the inherent difficulties faced by However, to what extent this holistic climate change to the property catastrophe approach will be one adopted on a company- sector, in some regards, it is well positioned by-company basis, or one that is more of to meet the challenge head-on, however. a collaborative approach, remains a key Yes, finding a balance between ensuring conundrum. affordability and availability on the one hand, and managing financial stability on As AM Best’s Wong-Fupuy suggests, the other, may get tougher for insurers if modeling and pricing risk has become extreme weather conditions continue to more challenging, as prior experience is escalate. Yet as Kristen Sullivan, partner and not sufficient to project future trends: “A Americas Region Sustainability Services proprietary view of risk, availability and leader at Deloitte & Touche suggests, insurers granularity of company-specific data are should focus on fortifying their assessment likely to be essential going forward. Only of climate-related risks while taking long- companies with these capabilities will be able term actions to alleviate and mitigate such to feel comfortable with the risk they assume exposures, as well as using a holistic approach and differentiate themselves from the rest.” toward managing climate-related risks. LOW SULFUR Aside from weather events themselves, “While we are generally supportive of the the marine market faces a series of other move to greener energy, it’s important to challenges in relation to climate change on bear in mind that ‘alternative’ fuels may also the regulatory front, not least of which is a bring with them an element of risk,” he says. recent European Union directive that requires “So what the market is really saying is there member states to implement legislation that is a need for a review of the risks associated restricts the amount of Sulfur in fuels burnt with the new fuels and propulsion methods.” by ships while in an EU port. According to one experienced market player at a marine agency, such moves do not come without their own potential downsides.
RESPONDING TO THE 9 CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 COLLECTIVE EFFORT? Perhaps the market is still some way off from According to Hoare, Lloyd’s is beginning a truly collaborative approach to tackling to respond, “but it’s evident from their climate change. As Dominick Hoare says, the statements that they want to be in the insurance industry is looking to tackle climate peloton; they don’t want to be leading the change, and statements have been made with race. The statements are strong, but are not regard to oil sands and the like, but it is not as strong as a lot of insurers or reinsurers. really looking collectively at how to address There is an acceptance that Lloyd’s always the risk to its business: “They support net has difficulty mandating a behavior amongst zero in their statements, yes, but what are we the managing agents. This is one of the few actually doing in our business to price it more occasions in which they have, but I think effectively and make sure that we are on top that they have done it in a reasonably soft of this?” manner to allow managing agents to review and determine their own tactics.” Nonetheless, he adds, Lloyd’s is making a statement as it is the largest insurer of oil and gas worldwide, it’s about 10% of the book, and it’s the most profitable 10% of the book. “Like all these things, you have business on one side, what society wants on the other, and then you have our own livelihood and what’s going to happen to the risk itself, and it’s trying to balance all these things out,” he adds. “But Lloyd’s is not, in its oversight of underwriting, asking the question ‘have you factored in a price for climate change?’. We’re not there yet; they leave it up to our own discretion.”
10 RESPONDING TO THE CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 A SUFFICIENT RESPONSE? All of which begs the question as to what Of course, he adds, further climate change would happen if the (re)insurance market could have consequences for the insurability does not adequately respond to the risks of personal and commercial property. posed by climate change? Would other Insureds located in key risk areas, over time, markets and/or governments step in to could conceivably become uninsurable, assume risk? which would offer a top-line impact, he suggests. Also, he adds, “the possibility of According to Tom Johansmeyer at PCS, innovative start-ups coming into the space to there are two problems here: “One is the find ways to insure coastal risk remains but is problem of climate change itself, and the dulled by the worst-case scenarios that can other is modeling, pricing, and developing be conceived. processes to adjust for the implications of climate change. As to the former, the simple Ultimately, any population shifts answer is that nature will respond. If (re) geographically could result in profound insurers and other sectors don’t respond industry changes beyond the insurability of to climate change risk, then we can expect risks in regions traditionally seen as prone to sea surface temperatures to rise and all catastrophes.” the consequences that come with it. As to the latter, there are narrow issues, such as dislocation of price relative to expected loss, that could leave re/insurers exposed to financial performance issues. And there’s the possibility that they could be rendered less competitive than their peers.”
RESPONDING TO THE 11 CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGE 2021 TWO-WAY STREET As of today, climate change would appear Yes, this can be done through pricing as to present a considerable risk for the wider well as underwriting strategy, but carriers market. Already this year we have seen can also intervene in many ways before weather extremes: the extraordinary damage and after extreme events, it suggests. caused by extreme cold weather of Storm Such intervention can take the place of Uri, while in recent weeks, large parts of prevention and awareness campaigns North America, Scandinavia and Siberia have among policyholders to prevent damage witnessed record high temperatures. And of from occurring, or to limit the damage once course, more recently still, we have had the it occurred; models and studies to improve Northern Europe floods along the Rhine and the knowledge of the risks for both their Meuse rivers. policyholders and public authorities; and the raising of public awareness of new Alongside the challenge, however, comes construction standards and techniques that opportunity. As a recent report by the contribute to the resilience of buildings. It European Insurance and Occupational is clear that the potential contribution the Pensions Authority points out, (re)insurers market can make in response to climate can contribute to both climate change change is considerable. mitigation and adaptation.
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