ISSUE 1. JUNE 2021 - Infrastructure New Zealand
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Kia ora koutou katoa, Welcome to our first edition of InfraRead, a monthly newsletter designed to keep you up to date with key happenings in the infrastructure space. In this dispatch: is the government making strides toward a more joined up approach to solving the dual challenges of climate change and our infrastructure deficit; and which ball will master juggler Grant Robertson toss in the air next? Ngā mihi, Claire Edmondson I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 2
CONTENTS What’s on the policy horizon? 4 The Hon Grant Robertson’s second act 6 NEWS 9 Water reform will create jobs and boost GDP 10 Government struggles to reliably prioritise projects 11 Long term thinking needed to lift our standard of living 13 Green light given to Bill which will encourage innovation 14 TEAM 15 I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 3
The government faces a critical test in infrastructure in the next five years that will burn as much financial capital and as much political goodwill as it can muster. In the last few weeks, with the The Commission’s recent consultation Climate Commission’s final advice to document on a national infrastructure the government sitting in the Prime strategy has brought together several Minister’s in-tray and Te Waihanga’s issues, such as climate change, that draft 30-year strategy about to arrive in have previously been discussed Grant Robertson’s inbox, it has become either in isolation or in parallel to one apparent the government is facing: another. The consultation document steers clear of taking a stand on • A shortfall in capital to address some of the more gnarly matters. the 30-year demands of Nonetheless, to see issues like value New Zealand under climate capture and a population strategy change and Three Waters being discussed in the same document • Pressure in the cities and is encouraging. It demonstrates an regional centres where Three attempt at a holistic approach to Waters makes sense in policy, addressing our infrastructure woes. but not necessarily politically More immediately, 2021-2022 has • Medium-term demands in public shaped up to be a busy year, fast. We and private transport, with New expect to see an exposure draft of Zealand Upgrade jumping nearly 30% the Natural and Built Environment Bill in total capital in just 18 months to be released in the third quarter for public submission potentially, work The issue of climate change has on the Strategic Planning and Climate very quickly taken centre stage. The Change Adaptation Bills will be initiated extensive work of the Climate Change in some form, the Three Waters Review Commission has generated much is gaining significant momentum, and debate and discussion. Infrastructure there will be an opportunity to get decisions will have a significant impact involved in and influence the review on climate change adaptation, mitigation into the future of local government. and resilience. While the government has used the COVID-19 pandemic to justify canning some critical projects from the New Zealand Upgrade Programme, we are encouraged to see the Infrastructure Commission giving climate change serious consideration. I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 5
I often wonder what it must be like to work in Minister Grant Robertson’s office. In the last few weeks, I suspect it has been like being a circus juggler. The Finance and Infrastructure Minister has more balls in the air than perhaps any minister since Bill Birch pushed through Think Big in the early 1980s. As Minister Robertson notches up New Zealand Infrastructure Commission: his fourth Budget (2018 was his Te Waihanga will present Minister first – it seems a long time ago Robertson with its proposed 30- now), he has shepherded into life: year strategy for New Zealand this September and is currently engaging • Three Waters, alongside on a consultation document. The Minister Nanaia Mahuta government will table the final • Te Waihanga, with assistance strategy to Parliament before the end from then-ministers Shane of March 2022. Our pick is that the Jones and Phil Twyford September version of the strategy will • New Zealand Upgrade Programme be 99% of the story – Te Waihanga and Minister Robertson will not • A proposed resurgence of rail want any surprises next March. and rolling stock-making in New Zealand, with assistance from Expect to see Te Waihanga make Transport Minister Michael Wood a strong play for the idea of lead infrastructure, which is identifying • A housing acceleration fund, and prioritising the big builds that with assistance from Housing produce significant results. Minister Megan Woods New Zealand fast fibre – which has • A renewed assessment of light been a success in anyone’s rail for Auckland proposed to books and an enormous credit report before Christmas. to Crown Infrastructure Partners and its contractors – is the On top of all that, he threw a few class-act in this regard. curveballs in Budget 2021 – $306 million to rebuild Scott Base, and a $300 million fund to encourage the uptake of low-emissions vehicles. Some saw Scott Base coming, but the low-emissions vehicles piece was a surprise. Three Waters received an additional $296 million, to take the total available to just $1.1 billion. I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 7
Finessing delivery The big question for Minister Robertson In the 1990s, then UK Prime Minister – who is proving to be remarkably Tony Blair had a group of senior officials adept at juggling – is what next? who worked on what was known as With the assistance of a handful of Deliverology – the art of taking an others, he has catalysed a lot of action approved piece of policy and getting in a short time. He must now be thinking action on the ground. Indeed, Sir about his second act and what he can Michael Barber, Blair’s deliverology do in the remainder of this term. As Te leader, went on to make an entire school Waihanga opens consultation on its of thought out of the subject. Delivery strategy, here’s our summary of Minister is one of Minister Robertson’s most Robertson’s medium-term choices: problematic areas. The government will raise its capital investment to near- Private capital or not? record levels in the following year, but PPPs have proved to be a vexed – as the national budget shows – the thing for this government. One of the government is increasingly caught Minister’s tasks is to figure out how between rising project costs, skills the government can accept more shortages, and a lack of prioritisation. private capital. Budget 2021 shows the government’s balance sheet will be stretched right through to 2028 or so, which means the minister has little room to raise capital via the government’s own means. I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 8
Water reform will create jobs and boost GDP Three Waters Reform Programme On 2 June, the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) released a and metropolitan councils, bills could second tranche of evidence-based reach between $1,700 and $3,500 reports, commissioned to inform per annum in today’s dollars. the case for change for the Three Waters Reform Programme. Auckland would be among the centres gaining the least from efficiency, Infrastructure New Zealand welcomes partly because Watercare has already these reforms as they anticipate having picked-up much of the potential gain significant positive impacts on the since the merger of local authorities in economy, including increasing gross Auckland in 2010. WICS has advised domestic product (GDP) by $14.4 billion the government that the biggest to $23 billion in present value terms efficiency gains in water are made with a over the next 30 years compared to population base up to 800,000 people. the likely outcomes without reform. Without service delivery reform and the But the risks in Three Waters are big, associated efficiency gains, the real cost and the capital cost is high. WICS increases to communities (households states New Zealand needs to invest and businesses) of meeting the required $120–$185b in water services over 30 investment would be significant and years if it is to reach the same service likely unaffordable for many smaller standards as the United Kingdom communities and low-income customers. which is between four and six billion of capital, year-on-year, over 30 years. The reforms expect to create a significant number of jobs spread Cabinet expects to make decisions, across all sectors. The WICS Phase including the number and 2 analysis shows the affordability boundaries of new water services challenges that local authorities entities, in the coming months. would likely face without reform. Infrastructure New Zealand will partner For some small, rural local authorities, with DIA to provide several workshops average household costs in 2050 on the reform programme in the coming could reach as high as $9,000 months. The complete reports are per annum in today’s dollars and published here. For the key findings would be unaffordable for many of each report click here. households. In the larger provincial I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 10
Government struggles to reliably prioritise projects New Zealand Upgrade Programme were costed at $12.8 billion, roughly double the original estimates for that The government announced the tranche. That led the government New Zealand Upgrade Programme to a series of adjustments and (NZUP) in January 2020, a $12 billion cutbacks, to get the top 16 projects programme of 32 investments. under $7 billion total capex. The majority of expenditure was The government has said these in public and private transport. projects will result in the reduction of There were lesser amounts for a vehicle emissions and decarbonising handful of hospitals, a modest injection of our transport system. of capital into schools, and the first of a series of clean-powered public The National Party has made its sector projects, mostly aimed at displeasure clear and has accused closing coal-fired heating in hosptials. the government of deliberately downplaying the programme’s costs Eighteen months later, and the top in an election year and now using the 16 projects - mostly in road and rail - higher, more realistic costs to cancel I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 11
projects it ideologically opposed. has been drastically cut back to focus The government has added a very on safety issues and possibly involving big project in Auckland, a walking and an upgrade of two lanes instead of the cycling link between Auckland’s City four between Flat Bush and Alfriston. Centre and the North Shore named The government’s announcements ‘Northern Pathway’, which is 90% bigger reveal that it continues to struggle with in cost than its predecessor and a very one of the most vexingpolicy issues ambitious piece of engineering. Indeed, New Zealand faces in infrastructure – the revised and much-bigger Northern the reliable prioritisation of projects. The Pathway in Auckland – effectively a decisions underline how difficult it is for second bridge alongside the existing the government to hold to its original one – surprised many Aucklanders priorities and maintain confidence in when the government announced it, cities and towns, and with the sector. partly because of the scale and also One of the purposes of robust because of the proposed capital cost, prioritisation is to provide certainty – at near-$700 million, excluding the $100 both locally, and to the infrastructure million for the land section. We support sector regarding the quality and a walking and cycling connection over depth of the pipeline of work. the Waitematā Harbour, but without seeing the business case, it’s hard to People who were hoping to see the see how a new bridge would be justified. government’s climate policy tested in court will have to wait for another Similarly, the $692 million SH1 day. All Aboard Aotearoa had initiated Whangārei to Port Marsden Highway proceedings in the High Court, – an upgraded 22km four-lane arguing Mill Road is a breach of the corridor – has been canned in favour government’s obligations under the of safety improvements along the Paris Accord and under the Zero existing highway and the construction Carbon Act 2019. It is hard to see that of a new rail line from Northport case proceeding now, given the extent to the North Auckland rail line. to which Mill Rd has been reduced. Projects such as the $1.3 billion Mill Details of the updated NZUP Road transport corridor in South can be accessed here. Auckland – a 21.5km new four-lane corridor with separated walking and cycling facilities that would have served as a new connection from Manukau to Drury South and provided better access for the 120,000-plus people – I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 12
Bold strategy needed to meet our infrastructure expectations now and into the future Infrastructure Commission consultation on ‘Infrastructure for a Better Future’ • Consultations closed on 2 July 2021. that result from the infrastructure) that • Infrastructure New Zealand improves New Zealanders’ wellbeing. has made a submission The Commission is required to prepare • Member workshops held across a 30-year infrastructure strategy. It June where Infrastructure sought feedback on a consultation Commission presented document titled He Tūāpapa ki te ora: Infrastructure for a Better Future to New Zealand infrastructure deficit help develop the draft Infrastructure is around $20 billion and results Strategy. The commission will submit from decades of underinvestment a draft strategy to the Minister for by successive governments. This Infrastructure in September 2021 deficit is affecting our wellbeing, (which will eventually be tabled in costing New Zealanders in lost Parliament). It will contain a set of income and productivity. recommendations for the Minister to The matter is not helped by a constant consider and provide a response. focus on the short-to-medium term. Our submission supported most of Our Budget 2021 commentary outlined the findings and options identified. that the Budget’s attempts are primarily concentrated in the 2021 and We also held member workshops 2022 years, with capital investment to allow the commission to present trailing off by 2025, see here. and engage directly with members. These workshops were well attended The Aotearoa New Zealand and provided a unique opportunity Infrastructure Strategy could act for members to influence the as a critical catalyst to changing commission’s strategy directly. this. The Infrastructure Commission: Te Waihanga was established in 2019 to coordinate, develop, and promote an infrastructure approach that encourages infrastructure (and services I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 13
Green light given to Bill which will encourage innovation Building Act reforms The Building (Building Products and Methods, Modular Components, and Other Matters) Amendment Bill, which represents the first of a suite of reforms to the Building Act 2004, was passed by Parliament on 3 June. The Bill seeks to lift the efficiency and quality of building work, provide fairer outcomes if things go wrong, (iv) improved offences and and support the building sector to penalties; and shift to new and more effective ways (v) expanding the use of of working. The Bill will help support the Building Levy. productivity improvements by lifting efficiency and quality of building work A key change that could significantly and to improve trust and confidence speed up the building consenting in the building regulatory system. process is a new modular component The Bill has two parts: the first part manufacturer scheme allowing amends the Building Act 2004, and offsite building manufacturers who the second part makes consequential meet specific requirements to be amendments to other legislation. certified, allowing them to sign off their designs and construction. The changes to the first part are in five categories: The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is consulting with (i) strengthening the existing the sector to develop new regulations product certification scheme to support the modular component known as CodeMark; manufacturing scheme, CodeMark (ii) creating a new scheme for modern changes and the new building methods of construction; product information requirements. (iii) better information for building products and methods; I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 14
Your Policy Team If you would like us to develop or advocate on a policy issue, please contact Claire: 09 377 5570 Claire Edmondson, Azeem Khan, Senior Chief Advisor Policy Advisor Claire has over 18 years’ experience as a consultant Azeem’s extensive experience includes specialising in central and local government public infrastructure funding and financing, ministerial policy advice and has worked on some tough and policy advice, and strategic insights and policy issues – most recently the Wage Subsidy transport advice. He was involved in shaping Scheme and the Resurgence Support Payment. several responses to Productivity Commission She held several roles in Christchurch following inquiries, including critiquing Bills. Azeem the earthquakes, including Chief Advisor to the also has spatial planning experience and CEO of CERA, Acting Chief of Staff to the Mayor worked as a drafter of the Homes and Places of Christchurch, Strategic Advisor to the Crown outcome of the Auckland Plan 2050. Manager of Christchurch City Council following the loss of their accreditation, Establishment Lead for communications and governance in the crown company Otakaro, and Senior Advisor on the Canterbury Royal Commission. She was also Senior Ministerial Advisor to the Minister of Education. I S S U E 1 . J U N E 20 2 1 15
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