Residents Survey 2021 - Ask Cardiff - Cardiff Council
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Ask Cardiff is an annual survey undertaken by Cardiff Council. The survey gives people living and working in Cardiff and those visiting the city the chance to share their experiences of public services: the good experiences and where things could be improved. Your experiences and ideas for your neighbourhood, as well as Cardiff as a whole, are really important to help us plan the future of our city. We want to hear from as many people as possible, please encourage your friends, family and neighbours to complete the survey - all ages, all backgrounds and from all areas of the city. By taking around 20 minutes to complete this survey, you will help us to: - better understand how people experience the city and our public services. - understand what is important to you and your local community. - make changes and improvements to our city’s public services. Last year almost 5,000 people shared their views with us - make sure your voice is heard. You can enter the Prize Draw to win one of ten £40 Love2Shop Vouchers, which can be spent in a wide variety of high street shops. The survey is open until 28th November 2021 The information that you provide in completing this form will be treated as confidential, in line with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Principles. Any data supplied by you on this form will be processed in accordance with Data Protection Act requirements and in supplying it you consent to the Council processing the data for the purpose for which it is supplied. All personal information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used by the Council or disclosed to others for a purpose permitted by law. If you wish to withdraw consent at any time, please email For further information on how we process your personal data please refer to our Privacy Policy - or contact the Data Protection Officer, Room 357, County Hall, CF10 4UW, email:
CITY LIFE & PUBLIC SERVICES 1. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Cardiff as a place to live? Very satisfied Neither Very dissatisfied Fairly satisfied Fairly dissatisfied Don’t know/Not Applicable 2. Overall, how satisfied are you with the following? Please tick one box for each statement Very Fairly Fairly Very Don’t Neither satisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied know The quality of public services in Cardiff The services the Council provides 3. How much do you agree that the Council gives residents good value for money? Strongly agree Neither Strongly disagree Tend to agree Tend to disagree Don’t know YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 4. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local community as a place to live? Very satisfied Neither Very dissatisfied Fairly satisfied Fairly dissatisfied Don’t know/Not Applicable 5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement: My neighbourhood is a place where people get on well together and help each other? Strongly agree Neither Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Don’t know/Not Applicable 6. To what extent do you agree that you are able to have a say on local issues or how Council services are run in your community? Strongly agree Neither Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Don’t know/Not Applicable 1
7. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the following in your neighbourhood? Please tick one box for each Very Fairly Fairly Very Don’t know/ Neither satisfied satisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied Not Applicable Adult education Anti-social behaviour Care for the elderly Children’s play areas Frequency of dog fouling Frequency of vandalism and graffiti Libraries/Hubs Parks & open spaces Pavement maintenance Public transport Road maintenance Services for the disabled Street lighting Street cleansing Youth services and clubs/activities for young people 8. Did you visit a library or Hub in the last 12 months? Yes No 9. What services delivered within your local Hub/Library do you find most helpful to you? Please tick all that apply Money Advice Author talks Housing & Benefit Advice Reading Groups Into Work Services Book loan Job clubs Health & wellbeing materials (including Books on Prescription/information leaflets Training courses Exercise classes Coffee mornings ESOL classes Volunteer opportunities PC use & digital assistance Community events E Reader loan Café provision Childrens activities incl story & rhyme time Friends & neighbours groups None of these Is there anything that is not available to you in your local Hub/Library that you think would be beneficial to you and your community? 2
10. Do you currently volunteer? Yes No 11. Listed below are a number of ways that you could contribute to the wellbeing of your community. Please tell us if you are, or would like to be, involved in each of the following: I am I would Unable Not already like to be to get interested involved involved involved Community Volunteering e.g. litter picking/ community gardening Act as a school governor Helping others in my neighbourhood e.g. shopping or visiting elderly or vulnerable people Learning more about how to reduce your carbon footprint, or use of sustainable travel (public transport/cycling/walking) Supporting vulnerable young people by becoming a foster carer Supporting vulnerable young people by becoming a respite carer Supporting vulnerable young people by becoming a supported lodgings carer Formal volunteering for an organisation or public service such as in a Hub or in a Hospital Become a member of a social support group by delivering a project or activity in my community, or by sharing similar interests Offering apprenticeships or work experience opportunities as a business owner Improving community safety as part of a Neighbourhood Watch COVID Mutual Aid group If there is something else that you would like to get involved with, please tell us: If you would like to be involved, please provide your contact details at the end of the survey so we can send you more information. 12. How much do you agree with each of the following statements? Since the start of the pandemic... Agree Tend to Tend to Disagree Don’t Neither strongly agree disagree strongly know I have been spending more time in my local neighbourhood I have been using more local services I have done more shopping in local shops I have been spending more time discovering places near my home 3
13. Do you have a device to access the internet? Please tick all that apply Yes, a smartphone Yes, a PC/laptop No, I can’t / don’t want to access the internet Yes, a tablet No, but I use a computer in my local Hub Other Please specify 14. Do you have access to affordable broadband? Please tick all that apply Yes, at home Yes, elsewhere Don’t Know FAMILY SERVICES AND SOCIAL CARE 15. Have you used Cardiff Council Parenting Services in your area? Yes No Not applicable If No or Not applicable, go to Q16 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Cardiff Council Parenting Services in your area? Very satisfied Neither Very dissatisfied Fairly satisfied Fairly dissatisfied How would you prefer to access Cardiff Parenting Services? Within your local community In your own home Virtually 16. Are you aware of Cardiff Family Advice and Support Service? Yes No Don’t Know 17. Have you used Cardiff Family Advice and Support Service within the last 12 months? Yes No Not applicable If No or Not applicable, go to Q18 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Cardiff Family Advice and Support Service? Very satisfied Neither Very dissatisfied Fairly satisfied Fairly dissatisfied 18. Are you a parent of a child under 25 with additional needs? Yes No If No, go to Q19 Have you accessed support for your child? Yes No If No, go to Q18a Please tell us what kind of support you accessed How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the services you received? Very satisfied Neither Very dissatisfied Fairly satisfied Fairly dissatisfied 18a. Please tell us why you have not accessed support 4
Are you aware of the Disability Index? Yes No 19. Has anyone in your household accessed social care from the Council? Yes, a child/young person Yes, an adult No If No, go to Q20 How satisfied was the child/young person with the service they received? Very satisfied Neither Very dissatisfied Fairly satisfied Fairly dissatisfied Not sure How satisfied was the adult with the service they received? Very satisfied Neither Very dissatisfied Fairly satisfied Fairly dissatisfied Not sure HOUSING 20. To what extent do you agree that you have access to good quality housing? Strongly agree Neither Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Don’t know/Not applicable 21. Over the last 12 months, has your housing situation: Improved Remained the same Declined JOBS & THE ECONOMY 22. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement: Cardiff has a thriving and prosperous economy? Strongly agree Neither Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Don’t know 23. Over the last 12 months would you say your employment situation has: Improved Remained the same Declined Don’t know 24. How confident are you about your future job/career prospects in Cardiff? Very confident A little unconfident Don’t know Somewhat confident Very unconfident Not applicable 25. Over the last 12 months would you say your personal financial situation has: Improved Remained the same Declined Don’t know 5
26. How much do you agree with each of the following statements? Since the start of the pandemic... Strongly Strongly Not Agree Neither Disagree agree disagree applicable My employment situation hasn’t changed I feel my job is secure I have been working from home I have visited the city centre ENVIRONMENT 27. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Strongly Strongly Don’t Agree Neither Disagree agree disagree know The air quality in Cardiff is good Cardiff has a clean environment 28. Over the last 12 months, would you say the cleanliness in your local area has: Improved Remained the same Declined 29. How concerned are you about climate change? Very concerned Not very concerned Don’t know Fairly concerned Not concerned at all 30. Do you feel the Council is doing enough to respond to the challenge of Climate Change? Yes No Don’t know 31. How much do you agree with each of the following statements? Since the start of the pandemic... Strongly Strongly Not Agree Neither Disagree agree disagree applicable There has been less traffic The air has been cleaner Cardiff has been quieter/more peaceful There have been more people using parks/open spaces There have been more people walking and cycling I’ve been more aware of wildlife where I live 6
COMMUNITY SAFETY 32. To what extent would you agree or disagree that the police and other local public services are successfully dealing with anti-social behaviour and crime in your local area? Strongly agree Neither Strongly disagree Agree Disagree Don’t know/Not applicable 33. How safe or unsafe do you feel in the following situations? (If any option does not apply to you e.g. public transport, cycling, please leave this blank) Very safe Fairly safe A bit unsafe Very unsafe At home in the daylight At home after dark Walking in your neighbourhood in daylight Walking in your neighbourhood after dark Walking in the city centre in daylight Walking in the city centre after dark Travelling by bus in daylight Travelling by bus after dark When cycling in Cardiff in the day When cycling in Cardiff after dark Speak up about crime. Stay safe. 100% anonymous. Always. Tell our charity what you know. We take information in over 150 languages. We won’t ask your name. Won’t judge. Just listen. And pass it on for you. Visit or call us on 0800 555 111 You say that you feel unsafe at home - please tell us why 7
You say that you feel unsafe when walking in your neighbourhood - please tell us why You say that you feel unsafe when walking in the city centre - please tell us why You say that you feel unsafe when travelling by bus - please tell us why You say that you feel unsafe when cycling - please tell us why 8
HEALTH & WELL-BEING 34. How would you describe your...? Very good Good Neither Poor Very poor Physical health Mental health 35. Thinking about your health since the start of the pandemic, which of the following applies? Much better A little better No change A little worse Much worse My physical health has been... My mental health has been... I’ve been exercising... Much more A little more No change A little less Much less My diet has been... Much healthier A little healthier No change A little less healthy Much less healthy 36. Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? (This includes problems related to old age). Yes, limited a lot Yes, limited a little No 37. Below are some questions about feelings. Please give a score of 0 to 10 where 0 represents the lowest and 10 the highest. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays? Overall, how happy did you feel yesterday? Overall, how anxious did you feel yesterday? Overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile? 38. Over the specified period, would you describe your sense of well-being as having: Remained Improved Declined Don’t know the same Over the last seven days Over the last twelve months 9
39. In the last 12 months, have you been to any of the following in Cardiff? Once or No A few times Many times twice Theatre Live music or concert Museum Art Gallery Cinema Other cultural activity 40. How frequently would you typically visit each of the following in the spring/summer? Once or No A few times Many times twice Woodland or forest farmland Hills, mountains or moorland Local park or other local space River, lake or canal Beach, sea or coastline Other outside space How frequently would you typically visit each of the following in the autumn/winter? Once or No A few times Many times twice Woodland or forest farmland Hills, mountains or moorland Local park or other local space River, lake or canal Beach, sea or coastline Other outside space BENEFITS & ADVICE 41. Are you aware that the Council offers help with benefits and income, help with debts, Into Work and housing advice? Please tick all that apply Yes, in Hubs/Libraries Yes, at Welfare Liaison Team Yes, the Adviceline for those with no access to the internet Other No If other, please specify 10
42. Which of the following statements regarding advice on money management, debt, benefits, Into Work or housing advice applies to you? Yes No Don’t know I have accessed advice in the past I may need advice in the future If you need support with money management, debt, benefits, Into Work or housing advice, please visit www. or call the Adviceline on 029 2087 1071 43. In the last 6 months, have you or anyone else in your household done any of the following because you couldn’t AFFORD food: Please tick all that apply Had smaller meals than usual, or skipped meals Been hungry but not eaten Not eaten for a whole day Received food from a food bank or charity None of these If you need support accessing food, please call our Adviceline on 029 2087 1071 TRAVEL 44. Please tell us how your usual patterns of travel changed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic: for each of the following situations A lot A little No A little Much more more Change less less For shopping / groceries.... To run errands (e.g. medical appointments, post office, bank etc.)... Leisure day trips (including visiting family & friends)... I've been driving... I've been cycling... I’ve been walking... I’ve been using the bus... I’ve been using the train... 11
BUDGET PRIORITIES 45. The Council is facing a budget gap of £21.3 million next year and £80.9 million over the medium term. Each year the Council must set a balanced budget that reflects the priorities of residents and ensures statutory services can continue to be provided within the limited resources available. The Council provides discretionary and statutory services in all of the areas listed below. Please rank these services in order of importance, with 1 being the most important, showing how you would prioritise the Council’s available resources for the next financial year (2022/23 budget). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Schools and Education including Youth Services Supporting vulnerable children and families Supporting vulnerable adults and older people Recycling and Waste Services including collections, disposal and Recycling Centres Neighbourhood Services such as street cleansing and improvements to the public realm Housing and Homelessness Services including the delivery of high quality sustainable low carbon housing Libraries and Community Hubs Highways and Transport including delivery of the Transport White Paper and One Planet Cardiff Strategy Culture, Venues and Events showcasing and celebrating the diversity, culture and history of our city Parks and Sport including investment in new and existing green spaces and the city’s waterfront Major projects including infrastructure to support businesses, local economy, city centre and local community centres Digital Services - accelerating the Council’s Digitalisation programme to facilitate Online Services and Hybrid Working throughout the city 12
Now, please rank these services to show how you prioritise the Council’s resources in the longer term, with 1 being the most important. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Schools and Education including Youth Services Supporting vulnerable children and families Supporting vulnerable adults and older people Recycling and Waste Services including collections, disposal and Recycling Centres Neighbourhood Services such as street cleansing and improvements to the public realm Housing and Homelessness Services including the delivery of high quality sustainable low carbon housing Libraries and Community Hubs Highways and Transport including delivery of the Transport White Paper and One Planet Cardiff Strategy Culture, Venues and Events showcasing and celebrating the diversity, culture and history of our city Parks and Sport including investment in new and existing green spaces and the city’s waterfront Major projects including infrastructure to support businesses, local economy, city centre and local community centres Digital Services - accelerating the Council’s Digitalisation programme to facilitate Online Services and Hybrid Working throughout the city 46. Do you have any other feedback for us? This could include comments about Cardiff’s recovery from COVID-19, what you’d like to see in the future, or any comments about your experiences of Council services. 13
ABOUT YOU The following questions help us to make sure that we hear the views of people from all backgrounds, and from all parts of the city, so that everyone’s voice is heard. We’d be really grateful if you could answer the questions in the following section, but it’s OK if there’s a question you’d rather not answer - just leave it blank and move on to the next. All of the answers you give us will be treated in the strictest confidence, and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - if you give us your contact details, we’ll only use it to contact you if you win the Prize Draw or join our Citizen’s Panel. There’s a link to our Privacy Policy at the end of the survey 47. Please provide your full postcode below (e.g. CF10 4UW). This allows us to more accurately pinpoint respondents’ views and needs by area, and to make sure we’ve heard from people in all parts of the city:- 48. What was your age on your last birthday? Please tick one box only Under 16 35-44 65-74 16-24 45-54 75+ 25-34 55-64 Prefer not to say 49. Are you…? Please tick one box only Female Male Other Prefer not to say If ‘Other’ please specify 50. Do you identify as Trans? Yes No Prefer to self-describe Prefer not to say If you prefer to self-describe, please specify 51. Do any children live in your household? Please select all that apply No children Yes, under 5 years old (pre-school) Yes, aged 5 - 11 (primary school) Yes, aged 11 - 16 (secondary school) Yes, aged 16 - 18 in full-time education, or working Yes, aged 16 - 18 but not in full time education or working 14
52. Are you pregnant, or have you given birth within the last 26 weeks? Yes, I’m pregnant Yes, I’ve given birth No Prefer not to say 53. Do you care unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without your support? Yes No Prefer not to say 54. Which of the following best describes what you are doing at present? Please tick one box only Working full time (30+ hours per week) On a zero hour contract Working part time (less than 30 hours per week) Permanently sick or disabled person In full time education Wholly retired from work On a government training scheme Looking after home Unemployed - Registered Job Seeker Caring for a child or adult Unemployed - Unregistered but seeking work Other If ‘Other’ please specify 55. Which of the following best describes your housing tenure? Please tick one box only Owned outright Rented from a Housing Association Owned with a mortgage Private rented Rented from the Local Authority Other If ‘Other’ please specify 56. Are you or a member of your household: Please tick all that apply You A member of your household Currently serving in the armed forces An armed forces service leaver (veteran) 57. Do you identify as a disabled person? Please tick one box only Yes No Prefer not to say 15
58. Please tick any of the following that apply to you: Deaf/ Deafened/ Hard of hearing Visual impairment Long-standing illness or health condition (e.g. cancer, diabetes, or asthma) Mental health difficulties Wheelchair user Learning impairment/ difficulties Mobility impairment Prefer not to say Other If ‘Other’ please specify 59. Do you regard yourself as belonging to any particular religion? No, no religion Muslim Buddhist Sikh Christian (Including Church in Wales, Catholic, Protestant and all other Christian denominations) Hindu Other Jewish Prefer not to answer 60. How would you describe your sexual orientation? Bisexual Heterosexual/ Straight Gay Woman/ Lesbian Gay Man Other Prefer not to answer 61. Are you: Single Separated/divorced or legally separated if formerly in a same-sex Civil Partnership In a same-sex Civil Partnership Widowed Married Living together/Co-habiting Other 62. How would you describe your Welsh language skills? Fluent Moderate Basic Learner None 63. Do you consider yourself to be Welsh? Please tick one box only Yes No 16
64. What is your ethnic group? Where the term ‘British’ is used, this refers to any of the four home nations of Wales, England, Northern Ireland and Scotland, or any combination of these. Please tick one box only White - Welsh/English/Scottish/Northern Irish/British Asian/Asian Welsh/British - Bangladeshi White - Irish Asian/Asian Welsh/British - Indian White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller Asian/Asian Welsh/British - Any other White - Any other white background Black/African/Caribbean/Black Welsh/British - African Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups - White & Asian Black/African/Caribbean/Black Welsh/British – Caribbean Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups - White and Black Caribbean Black/African/Caribbean/Black Welsh/British - Any other Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups - White and Black African Arab Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups - Any other Any other ethnic group (please specify) Asian/Asian Welsh/British - Chinese Prefer not to say Asian/Asian Welsh/British – Pakistani If other, please specify 65. Are you are interested in taking part in further consultations from Cardiff Council? Yes, I would like to Join the Citizens’ Panel and be contacted about other Cardiff Council consultations No 66. Would you like to be entered into the Prize Draw to win one of ten £40 Love2Shop vouchers? Yes, please No, thanks If you have expressed an interest in volunteering (Q11), would like to join the Citizens’ Panel or have chosen to enter the prize draw then please leave your details below: 67. Please provide your contact details below. Name: Email: Phone number: 17
Thank you for your time. The results of this survey will be published on in due course. Please return this questionnaire to: Freepost CRC Alternatively complete online at Please return by 28th November 2021
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