RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University

RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University
RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University
Welcome...................................................... 3
from the Director, Housing Services......... 3
What is a College?.......................................... 5

Who’s Who in Your Community.............. 6
Housing Services Office Staff...................... 6
Service Centre Assistants.............................. 6
Residence Life Staff.........................................7
Dining Plan & Trent Foodservices.............. 8

Your Experience.......................................... 9
Getting Involved............................................. 9
College Residence Council......................... 9
  Living Learning Communities................ 9
		Active Living............................................... 9
		Trent Global Living................................... 9
		Forensics..................................................... 9
		Environmental Sustainability................ 10
		Business Administration........................ 10
		Endahying................................................. 10
   Expressions.............................................. 10
		Leadership & Civic Engagement........ 10
		Nursing...................................................... 10
  Trent-Swansea Law................................ 10
Colleges ........................................................... 11
		Catharine Parr Traill College................. 11                        Student Support Services.......................20                       Residence Standards...............................29
		Champlain College.................................12                     Student Wellness Centre............................20                   Section A – Preamble.................................29
		Peter Gzowski College..........................13                        Counselling Services...................................20               Section B – Resident Rights
		Lady Eaton College................................ 14                    Health Services..............................................21         					 and Responsibilities..............30
		Otonabee College..................................15                     Student Accessibility.................................... 22            Section C – Residence Standards........... 32
                                                                           Card Office..................................................... 23     Section D – Community Support
Living in Residence.................................. 16                   Transit .......................................................... 23   					 System ....................................40
Service Centres............................................. 16            Parking .......................................................... 23   Section E – Appeal Process......................44
Bikes ............................................................... 16
Fridges .......................................................... 16      Safety & Security......................................24               Important Dates.......................................46
Decorating......................................................17         Phone Numbers........................................... 24
Roommates ..............................................17                 Medical Emergencies.................................. 25                Common Trent Acronyms...................... 47
Check-Out Procedure..................................17                    TUEFRT........................................................... 25
Cleaning & Maintenance............................ 18                      Fire Safety....................................................... 25
Laundry .......................................................... 18      Residence Security.......................................26
Maintenance Request................................. 18                    Asbestos.......................................................... 27
TVs ............................................................... 18     Personal Safety & Mental Health.............. 27
Mail ............................................................... 18    Sexual Violence.............................................28
Ordering Food ............................................. 19             Walk Home....................................................28

RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University
On behalf of the Housing Services     guided by public health, municipal,
team I am pleased to welcome          provincial, and federal authorities,
you to your new home for the          takes further action to prevent
2020-2021 academic year.              the spread of COVID-19, Housing
During your stay with us, you will    Services will provide updates to
have opportunities to make life-      you through email to your trentu.
long friendships, get involved in     ca email account about additional
residence and college life, and       safety measures in residence.
discover yourself through your
academic and non-academic             Living in residence means being
pursuits.                             part of the incredible Trent
                                      community. You are joining a
This Guidebook is designed to         diverse community of people
assist you in getting to know your    with similarities, differences,
community, and within you will        preferences, needs and beliefs.
                                                                             will experience your time with
find valuable information about       Part of the journey will be about
                                                                             us, and each resident bears the
your college, safety procedures,      becoming an integral member
                                                                             duty to understand how their
policies, and contact information     of our community, where you
                                                                             choices impact the community.
that will help guide you throughout   have influence on, and ownership
                                                                             The Housing Services team is
the year.                             of, its development. Housing
                                                                             here to assist and support you in
                                      Services embraces, appreciates,
This year, in the unique                                                     making choices to ensure you
                                      and celebrates the diversity of our
circumstances of the COVID-19                                                can be successful and overcome
                                      students and fosters an inclusive
pandemic, the Housing Services                                               challenges you may face.
                                      community within the residences.
team continues to be committed        Every person has equal worth           If you have a question or concern,
to ensuring the residence             and deserves to be treated with        please don’t hesitate to reach out
experience is safe, personal,         dignity and respect. Discrimination    to any member of the Housing
supportive and dynamic. We            and harassment have no place in        Services team. We are always
value the health and safety of our    residence.                             happy to help.
residents and strive to provide a
safe, clean, and well-maintained      All of us have a responsibility        I wish you the very best for the
space for students to learn. This     to contribute to creating              upcoming academic year.
guidebook provides you with           and upholding an inclusive,
information to ensure the safety      respectful, and strong residence       Jen Coulter,
of all students in residence as of    environment. As a resident, you        Director, Student Housing
June 2020. As the University,         will have choices about how you        & Residence Life

                       The Housing Services team is excited
                       to welcome you to your new home!

                                                                                  Trent University Residence Guidebook   3
RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University
“I love living in residence at Trent University because students
    are provided with opportunities to engage with their residence
    college and the Trent community. Trent residence helps
    students make a smooth transition to the biggest challenge
    that university presents – living away from home!”
    		– Sara Beech, Otonabee College

RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University
A college is your home away from home.                      What do the colleges have to offer?
Trent University has five colleges: Catharine Parr Traill   The Colleges offer many resources, ways to get
College; Champlain College, Lady Eaton College,             involved, and ways to advocate for student issues.
Otonabee College, and Peter Gzowski College. A              The five College Offices offer services such as
college is more than a residence building; it is a place    academic advising and academic skills. The College
where you can grow, learn, thrive, connect with             Principals and Principal of Traill College have their
upper year students, and stay connected once you            offices in the College Offices. The College Heads and
have moved out of residence.                                Principal organize events, support student leadership
                                                            initiatives, and collaborate with other student services
Each of the Colleges has its own unique personality
                                                            to create community building opportunities within
and architecture. You’ll find that students at Trent
                                                            the College.
are passionate about their affiliations and these carry
through to graduation; students remain affiliated with      The College Office also hosts a series of student
the college they called home in first year. As you          employees and volunteers who facilitate college
meet new students, and Trent University Alumni, the         life and program events specific to your college.
first question they will often ask is, “So, what college    These students, like Dons, receive training on how to
are you?”                                                   answer your questions and assist you with whatever it
                                                            is you need, whether it be some help finding a class,
Residence Life Staff, alongside the staff and student
                                                            or someone to talk to during a rough time.
volunteers of the College Office, work to create a
smaller, more intimate community within the Trent           Each of the colleges also has its own student
Community as a whole. You’ll see that this spurs            governing body known as a College Cabinet. Each
rivalries, competition, and collaboration with the          College Cabinet has elected volunteer positions
other colleges, which reinforces your passion for           where students can run events to foster community
your home college and solidifies that your college is       building and vote on committees to foster positive
your home away from home.                                   change. Through services offered, as well as
                                                            volunteer and employment opportunities, the
The ability to change affiliations is possible if you
                                                            colleges are a great place to start if you are looking to
think you might identify better with another college;
                                                            get involved and stay passionate about your college
the form to do so can be found through myTrent.
Many different people have many different opinions
about which college is best, but know that all of           For more information on the Colleges and the
Trent’s colleges are equal in their glory, simply           services you can access in your college check out:
because they are, together, a major facet to what 
makes Trent University so amazing!

                TRENT UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK   5                           Trent University Residence Guidebook   5
RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University

Housing Services Office
Housing Services office staff are responsible for all facets of the student experience in housing. The staff is available to
assist you with whatever you need.

Housing Services Office Staff
Housing staff contact information is also available through our website:

Director, Housing Services .......................................ext. 7129             Occupancy Management Coordinator ................ext. 7149
Financial Officer ..........................................................ext. 6432   Facilities Coordinator ................................................ ext. 7548
Assistant Director, Residence Life & Education....ext. 7277                             Housing Admissions Assistants ................................ ext. 7127
Residence Life Coordinators..................................... ext. 7127              Operations Coordinator.............................................ext. 6177
Residence Conduct Coordinator............................ ext. 7402                     Service Centre Assistants............................................ ext. 7127
Residence Education Coordinator......................... ext. 7587                      Service Centre West................................................... ext. 6431
Assistant Director, Operations ................................ext. 6428                Service Centre East.....................................................ext. 6430
                                                                                        Recruitment & Admissions Coordinator .......... . ext. 7068

RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University
Service Centre Assistants                                    Senior Residence Life Dons
Service Centre Assistants work at our service centres to     Residence Life Dons are experienced leaders within
help students with any residence inquiries they might        the Residence Life Staff who work closely with the
have. From lost keys to lock outs – they are there to help   Residence Life Coordinator. Residence Life Dons are not
point you in the right direction.                            assigned to a community but provide broader support
                                                             to the students and Residence Life Staff in the College
Residence Life Coordinator                                   Residence to which they are assigned. Residence Life
The Residence Life Coordinators are full-time, live-in,      Dons assist in facilitating College Residence Council
professional staff who are responsible for the operations    to deliver student-led initiatives to residence students,
of the Residence on their bank of campus. They work          and work closely with the College Office and College
to maintain Trent University’s Residence Standards           Cabinet to communicate College-wide events to
and supervise the Residence Life Dons. Residence Life        residence students. Residence Life Dons facilitate broad
Coordinators provide support for emergency situations        community building and learning experiences amongst
at all times.                                                students in an effort to co-create a positive educational
                                                             experience in residence. Residence Life Dons may meet
To connect with the Residence Life Coordinator
                                                             with residence students in an educational capacity to
responsible for your residence, please call Housing
                                                             discuss violations of the residence standards and/or
Services at 705-748-1011 ext. 7127, to be redirected
                                                             overall student wellbeing. Residence Life Dons live in
                                                             their assigned College Residence and hold office hours
                                                             in order to best serve residence students.
Residence Education Coordinator
The Residence Education Coordinator is a full-
                                                             Residence Life Dons
time professional staff member who is dedicated to
                                                             The Residence Life Dons are located in each residence
creating and enhancing existing co-curricular learning
                                                             community across campus. Your Don is your point
opportunities within the College Residence environment.
                                                             person for support that you may need, and they are able
Through the creation of meaningful and engaging
                                                             to help connect you with the many services offered at
initiatives, the Residence Education Coordinator strives
                                                             Trent University. Residence Life Dons run programs
to provide an environment that fosters community
                                                             and events and help to establish students’ sense of
engagement, academic exploration, and personal growth.
                                                             community within residence. Residence Life Dons are
                                                             on duty and provide after hours support every evening.
Residence Conduct Coordinator
The Residence Conduct Coordinator is a full-time
                                                             Living Learning Community Dons
professional staff member who is responsible for
                                                             Living Learning Community Dons have the same roles
coordinating the student conduct process in residence.
                                                             and responsibilities of Residence Life Dons; however
They support individual students needs, conduct high-
                                                             their communities revolve around the specific interest
level investigations and provide assistance to Residence
                                                             or academic theme of their Living Learning Community.
Life Staff on conduct related issues. The Residence
                                                             These Dons specialize in their area and work to enrich
Conduct Coordinator also plans preventative education
                                                             the educational environment in residence. Their
                                                             experiences bring students towards the interests of
                                                             the community and provide residence students with a
Residence Education Facilitator
                                                             leadership role.
The Residence Education Facilitators are student staff
that enhance the educational experience for students
living within the College Residence. With engaging
displays and interactive and fun events, the Residence
Education Facilitators will ensure that your time in
residence is both memorable and engaging.

                                                                                    Trent University Residence Guidebook   7
RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University
Dining Plan & Trent Food Services        Traditional Style Rooms in               Trent Cash
                                         Lady Eaton College, Gzowski
Each residence room type is                                                       Trent Cash is your ticket to dining
                                         College, Gzowski College Annex,
associated with a specific non-                                                   beyond the basics. Trent Cash can be
                                         Otonabee College, Champlain
refundable Residence Dining Plan                                                  used to:
                                         College, Otonabee College Annex,
(see figure 1 in your residence                                                   • Supplement your basic dining plan
                                         and Traill College have a $3875
agreement). All Residents must                                                       if you are a larger eater or if you
                                         declining balance with the option
subscribe to the plan associated                                                     intend to stay on campus most
                                         of adding Trent Cash to enhance
with the room type to which they                                                     weekends
                                         your dining options.
are assigned. Residence dining                                                    • Purchase some convenience
privileges are for the exclusive use     Suite Style Rooms at the Lady               and snack items that cannot be
of the Resident paying fees and may      Eaton College Annex, Gzowski                purchased as part of your basic
not in whole or in part be transferred   College Annex, Lady Eaton                   dining plan
to any other individual. Dining Plans    College, Champlain College and           • Dine off-campus at one of our
have no cash value and are non-          Champlain College Annex ave a               partnered restaurants or have pizza
refundable.                              $2360 declining balance with the            delivered to your residence,
                                         option of adding Trent Cash to                                •   Osmow’s
                                                                                    •   Black Honey
                                         enhance your dining options.                                  •   El Calmino’s
                                                                                    •   Natas Café
                                         Students living in our Otonabee            •   Pizza Pizza    •   Whistle Stop
                                         College Annex will have access to          •   Whistle Stop   •   YoYo’s
                                         a $2675 declining balance as well          •   Subway         •   Call-A-Cab
                                         as 3 meals per-week in the on-site
                                                                                  Any funds that are left in your Trent
                                         dining hall.
                                                                                  Cash account at the end of a year
                                         Students living in residence at Traill   automatically carry forward to the next
                                         College (Wallis Hall and Crawford        year. Trent Cash is refundable upon
                                         House) will have access to a $2875       withdrawal or graduation. Please see
                                         declining balance as well as $1000 for details.
                                         Trent Cash.
                                         Have dietary restrictions? Ask to
                                         speak with the chef at your Dining
With student groups                      Hall about meal options available
                                         to you and to ensure that there
covering a wide array of                 are always options! For more
interests, from music to                 information about menu items,
                                         locations and hours of operation,
politics, it is easy to get
                                         visit your Dining Hall or email
involved at Trent University.  
If a club doesn’t already
exist for your interest, you
can always start your own!

RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University

GETTING INVOLVED                           • Active Living Community
                                             This community is designed for
College Residence Council                    students who share an interest
                                             or a passion for being physically
Residence Council is an opportunity          active, exploring and adventure.
for residents to engage with and             Champlain College is known
meet new people in your residence            for their rich spirit of adventure,
while planning and implementing              discovery and global citizenship
events. Run by the Senior Don,               – making it the ideal home for
Residence Council meets regularly            students with these interests.
to plan events and co-coordinate
the Excalibur Residence Cup. Being         • Global Living Community
a member of Residence Council has            Members of this community
a lot of benefits in that the student        will be encouraged to be open
volunteers will develop their event          to different ideas and opinions
planning and leadership skills along         regarding world issues, all the
with their time management skills,           while challenging their own
organizational abilities, and gain           assumptions of what it means
strategies to successfully work as           to be a global citizen. A great
a team. These skills are useful to           community for students who
succeed at Trent and into your
                                             are studying International
career! Members of the Residence                                                   participate in forensic-related
                                             Development Studies, have an
Council can also gain recognition for                                              experiences and connect with
                                             interest in studying and living
their efforts through Trent University’s                                           faculty and your peers. Students
                                             abroad, have experiences living
Co-Curricular Record.                                                              in this community share a
                                             internationally, and a general
                                             interest in our impact on a global    passion for forensic science and
Living Learning Communities                                                        comparable educational and
Living Learning Communities are                                                    career goals. Join this community
themed living environments that            • Forensics Community                   to advance your educational
provide students the opportunity to          Designed to engage, excite,           interests and sense of community
live with students who share similar         and inspire, this community           within the Forensic Sciences
interests or academic major.                 will provide opportunities to         programs at Trent University.

                                                                                   Trent University Residence Guidebook   9
RESIDENCE GUIDEBOOK 2021-2022 - Trent University
“The Nursing LLC provides students with an opportunity to get ahead
                     of the game and build meaningful connections with faculty, campus
                     partners, and each other. It creates a supportive environment that will be
                     your home away from home!” – Andriy Palyukh, Nursing LLC Don 2018-2020

• Environmental Sustainability Community                     • Creative Expressions Community
  Members of this community share a strong passion             Members of this community share a passion for the
  for ‘thinking globally and acting locally.’ Through a        visual and performing arts. Past members have shown
  connection to the School of the Environment and              an interest in music, painting, dancing, theatre, and
  Sustainable Trent, students will learn more about            writing (to name a few). This community provides
  environmental issues that they are passionate about in a     students with the unique opportunity to connect
  forum where they are encouraged to evoke change. The         to and collaborate with other students who share a
  Environmental Sustainability Community takes to heart        passion for creativity.
  what it means to bleed Trent green
                                                             • Leadership and Civic Engagement Community
• Business Administration Community                            Students who share a passion for leadership and
  Within the business world, there are several pathways a      positively contributing to the communities around
  student will consider when choosing their emphasis for       them will find a natural fit in this community. Trent
  their studies. This community will connect students with     University has a long history of producing Alumni who
  upper year students, faculty and staff within the School     are engaged citizens and students in the Leadership &
  of Business to explore valuable experiential learning        Civic Engagement Community are a part of this rich
  opportunities. Students enrolled in programs with the        history.
  School of Business are encouraged to consider this
  Living Learning Community their home.                      • Nursing Community
                                                               Students enrolled in the Trent-Fleming School of
• Endahying Community                                          Nursing programs and show interest in exploring
  Meaning “Our Home,” the Endahying Community                  nursing in depth by connecting with peers and
  provides a space for students to grow through shared         faculty, have found much success in the Nursing
  experiences, storytelling and exploration of Indigenous      LLC. Together, this group of dedicated students are
  knowledge and understanding. Students who have an            provided an avenue to take their learning beyond the
  interest in Indigenous culture and knowledge, identify       classroom and engage with it at a deeper level for
  as being Indigenous and/or are enrolled in the Chanie        continued academic success.
  Wenjack School for Indigenous Studies, are encouraged
  to consider this community their home.                     • Trent Swansea-Law Community
                                                               In Peterborough, all law dual degree students call
                                                               Traill College home. More than just classrooms
                                                               and residence spaces for law students, the Traill
                                                               experience brings the study of law to life. The Trent-
                                                               Swansea Law learning community is designated for
                                                               students of the Law-Arts or Law-Business dual degree
                                                               programs, with the goal to establish their cohort and
                                                               support one another while studying at Trent University
                                                               and abroad at Swansea University. Applicants to
                                                               the Trent-Swansea Law Living Learning Community
                                                               must be enrolled in the Trent-Swansea Law Arts/
                                                               Business dual degree program to live in the Traill Law
                                                               Community (TLC).

#TraillWow! One of Trent’s original colleges and the only college located in downtown
Peterborough, Traill is a community of forward-thinking and creative “Traillblazers.”

Named after nineteenth-century author and naturalist Catharine Parr Traill, our College
is a student oasis situated five minutes away from the centre of Peterborough. The
College feels like a small university within the larger university and that’s the point. Here,
students may lose themselves in their books, but they will never be lost in the crowd!
Traill has great spaces, including modern residences, lecture halls and study nooks, and
a traditional college library. Traill’s identity is also closely linked to the departments of
English Literature, Canadian Studies, Cultural Studies, Media Studies and Law that call
the college home. Most importantly, Traill has great people who look out for each other,
learn together, and have a lot of fun at the same time.

A downtown hub, Traill is a place where students of all years of study congregate
together to create an environment where diversity and blending of ideas thrive.

Please refer to our website:           Located in downtown Peterborough, Traill College                  offers both the perks of home-style meals and
                                       dine-out culinary adventures. With an intimate
                                       on-location eatery and many local restaurants
                                       just minutes away, Traill offers an exciting culinary
                                                                                                               “Traill is non-conforming.
                                       Traill students get access to $1000 Trent Cash that                      It has always had a
                                       they can use at many local restaurants and popular                       rambunctious spirit,
                                       chains to diversify their dining!                                        and that gives it a fun
                                                                                                                atmosphere as well,
                                                                             because Trail does get to
                                                                                     be quite different. Traill
                                                                                                                has smaller buildings, a
                                                                                                                small café, and it’s just a
                                                                                                                good place to meet and
                                                                                                                be met.”

                                                                                                                AMELIA MUNDAY    ’11,
                                                                                                                English & Geography

                                                                                                 Trent University Residence Guidebook   11
                             At Champlain College, we find the right balance between academic excellence and a
                             loud, proud spirit. Our namesake Samuel de Champlain recognizes his travels through
                             the region and is a symbol of close relations with Québec and the blending of cultures
                             and traditions. As our motto, his words “continue mes decouvertes” (“continue my
                             discoveries!”) reflect the possibility and wonder of life as a Champlainer.

                             Champlain is a monument to Canadian architectural design that offers a haven for
                             solitary study and a stirring setting for building community. Champlainers hold
                             close their college traditions (broomball at Bon Temps Winter Carnival anyone?)
                             and champion strong values through active living and global perspectives. Diversity
                             rules at Champlain, as the home to Trent International and the Study Abroad office.
                             Our academic programs include International Development Studies, Politics and
                             the many majors encompassed in the School of the Environment. Whatever your
                             major, at Champlain we welcome Discovery, Adventure, Reflection, and Engagement
                             (epitomized by the beloved Pax, a six-foot fibreglass Gorilla who appears at most of
                             our College events).

                             DARE to be Champlain.

                             ROOM + DINING PLAN COST*              DINING AT CHAMPLAIN
                             Please refer to our website:          Champlain offers an impressive array of local
                                    and global food options. The Ceilie is a licensed
                                                                   restaurant where you may find yourself enjoying
“Across campus,
                                                                   a relaxed meal, or grabbing a pint with your prof
 Champlainers are
                                                                   after class. Thai Express gives you that on-the-go
 definitely known as the
                                                                   travel option. Seasoned Spoon is a vegetarian-
 energetic ones. Home
                                                                   based student-run café, taking many of its
 to many international
                                                                   ingredients from right here on campus. 100 mile
 students, Champlain
                                                                   diet? More like 5 mile diet (or less!).
 also has a rich cross-
 cultural community,
                                                                   Eating your way through the vegetable patch
 and is really inclusive.
                                                                   and around the world won’t increase your
 All of this allows those
                                                                   environmental footprint either as Champlain
 who are part of the
                                                                   College is Fairtrade Certified.
 college to discover
 the world differently:
 through connections
 with people from diverse

School of Business student
from Mexico

Gzowski College is named after distinguished Canadian broadcaster and former Trent
Chancellor, Peter Gzowski (pronounced zaw-skee). Adored by Canadians, he was most
famous as someone who listened and welcomed conversation and diverse opinions.
That makes it appropriate that Gzowski College is housed within Trent’s Enwayaang
Building, an Anishnaabek word meaning “the way we speak together.”

Indigenous knowledge is central to our spirit and influences our programming and
collaborations with departments in our collegiate community – the First Peoples
House of Learning, School of Business, Departments of Economics and Mathematics,
Office of Research and Innovation, and the Chanie Wenjack School for Indigenous
Studies. Field trips, craft fairs and community lunches are held alongside guest lectures
and workshops to support our students’ academic development, career aspirations,
leadership and sense of belonging. Our Enwayaang building (affectionately called “the
Big Cheese”) is known for its bright yellow colour, “Ochre Number 33.”

Listen, share, “speak” and learn with us. We move into the future speaking together.

Please refer to our website:              If you care about the consequences of your                     consumption, choose to dine at Gzowski
                                          College, home to the only 3 Star Green
                                          Certified restaurant on a university campus
                                          in Canada. The chefs at Gzowski College
                                                                                                          “At Gzowski I have built
                                          treat students’ taste buds to homestyle
                                                                                                           lifelong friendships and
                                          meals comprised of locally-raised protein
                                                                                                           professional connections
                                          and veggies grown right here on campus.
                                                                                                           that I would not have
                                          From homemade sandwiches and organic
                                                                                                           otherwise. These
                                          salads, to vegan soups and gourmet meals,
                                                                                                           opportunities have
                                          Gzowski’s best meal options are made with
                                                                                                           shown me who I am
                                          local ingredients. An added bonus? Over one-
                                                                                                           and Gzowski truly has
                                          quarter of the meals served up at Gzowski’s
                                                                                                           become a part of my
                                          dining hall are vegan.
                                                                                                           identity. I fully agree
                                                                                                           with the college’s motto
                                          Don’t miss this! Once a month, the Gzowski
                                                                                                           that the minds of the
                                          College café treats students to an all-out
                                                                                                           future are made great,
                                          premium meal! Lobster tail, prime rib, and
                                                                                                           beginning today.”
                                          steak, they do it all!

                                                                                                           RACHEL SMYLIE   ,
                                                                       International Development

                                                                                            Trent University Residence Guidebook   13
                             At Lady Eaton College, tradition meets youthful passion in a welcoming, energetic
                             community that bursts with “LEC” pride and the spirit of Gemütlich (a warm, friendly
                             place where you feel comfortably at home and surrounded by friends). Our namesake
                             is a brilliant and inspiring Canadian, Lady Flora McCrea Eaton, who challenged us to
                             “Have an open mind, trust, learn every day, and keep doing it as long as you live.”

                             Truly interdisciplinary, our programs include the Medical Professional Stream, History,
                             Philosophy, Social Work, Ancient Greek and Roman Studies, French, and Gender and
                             Women's Studies. And, yes, it all takes place in a triumph of modernist architecture,
                             artfully designed to sit snuggled in a breathtaking natural setting. We affectionately
                             refer to LEC as “Toad Hall” and we are known for our Great Toad Hunt whose secret
                             traditions have been passed on to LEC members for 50 years.

                             LECers live the motto in our heraldry, Sapientia et Humanitas, striving for wisdom
                             and humanity in all that we do.

                             ROOM + DINING PLAN COST*              DINING AT LEC
                             Please refer to our website:          At the LEC dining hall, sustainability is key.
                                    We are proud of our 1 Star Green Certified
                                                                   restaurant status. Here, your LEC dining
                                                                   experience combines great taste with positive
                                                                   environmental impact, including efforts to
                                                                   reduce waste and conserve water. All dietary
“My favourite part of LEC?
                                                                   restrictions are also accounted for with plant-
 The way the sun shines
                                                                   based options for vegan diners, as well as halal,
 through the vines on
                                                                   nut and seed specifications. Combine all of
 residence windows, the
                                                                   this with a space that has spectacular outdoor
 smell of coffee and hash
                                                                   courtyard views and it won’t be long before
 browns reaching every
                                                                   you are dining as comfortably here as you do at
 corner of the building in
                                                                   home…maybe more so.
 the morning, the sound
 of drums in the music
 room, and knowing you’ll
 pass at least one person
 you know on your way
 to class.”

Philosophy graduate

At Otonabee College, we agree with the ancient saying that you cannot step into the
same river twice – because it is always changing. Our motto, tempora mutantur nos et
mutamur in illis (the times are changing and we change with them), inspires OC students
as they lead change with heart. Their passion exemplifies the name of our river and our
college – “the Otonabee” – an Ojibwe word meaning “the river that beats like a heart.”

Proud to be Trent’s largest college, OC welcomes a diverse group of learners,
researchers, and practitioners to its picturesque home atop the ridge of the East
Bank. Civic engagement, scientific and technological discovery, digital innovation
and change for a better world infuse our programs in Nursing, Education, Forensics,
Psychology, Computer Studies, Anthropology and Sociology.

Watch for our college mascot Ottie the Otter at the many College events we hold
throughout the year. And follow the adventures of the Betties – our resident family of
groundhogs on Instagram!

Please refer to our website:               If you’re a foodie who loves classics, then                      Otonabee is the dining place for you. Home
                                           to a Subway, Tim Horton’s and Pizza Pizza,
                                           the OC caf gives you access to a range of
                                           familiar and finance-friendly menu options.
                                           When you’re craving something unique,
                                                                                                          “If you think of Trent’s
                                           Otonabee’s dining hall also dishes out a taste
                                                                                                           colleges as cities,
                                           of home. The café develops a changing menu
                                                                                                           Otonabee College
                                           with a range of sustainable and customizable
                                                                                                           would be Toronto. There
                                           food options based on student dietary needs.
                                                                                                           is always something
                                                                                                           happening. In the hallways
                                                                                                           you will always find
                                                                                                           different student groups
                                                                                                           and community partners
                                                                                                           promoting events and
                                                                                                           exciting ways to get
                                                                                                           involved. At OC, you have
                                                                                                           every opportunity to dive
                                                                                                           headfirst into the fantastic,
                                                                                                           close-knit community of
                                                                                                           dedicated and passionate
                                                                                                           people here.”

                                                                                                          NICK OWEN  , Otonabee
                                                                                                          College Cabinet President

                                                                                            Trent University Residence Guidebook      15

Service Centres                                                                         Bikes
Service Centres are your one-stop       Our Service Centre Locations are:               There is plenty of bike storage across
shop for any residence inquiries                                                        campus with bike racks stationed
                                        Service Centre – West
you might have! We have friendly                                                        outside of most main entrances.
                                        Monday – Friday...................... LEC 211
Service Centre Assistants who are                                                       Unfortunately, there is no storage
                                        8 am – 8 pm
there to answer your questions,                                                         available within the residences or
                                        705-748-1011 ext. 6431
and point you in the right direction.                                                   other campus buildings.
Want to pick up mail? Locked out        Service Centre – East
of your room? Lost your keys? Have      Monday – Friday..................... GCS 212    Fridges
a question about how to fill out a      8 am – 8 pm
Maintenance Request Form? We’ve         705-748-1011 ext. 6430                          Many of our students choose to
got you covered.                                                                        rent from the Coldex Fridge Rental
                                        Service Centre – Traill                         Company. Coldex provides mini
                                        Tuesday & Thursday........................ WH   fridges of a variety of sizes that
                                        5 pm – 8 pm                                     have all been approved by Ontario
                                        705-748-1011 ext. 0000                          Universities. Once your reservation
                                                                                        and payment has been made, Coldex
                                        Please note that hours may vary                 will have your fridge delivered directly
                                        during Reading Weeks and exam                   to your residence room! Coldex
                                        periods.                                        is also responsible for picking the
                                                                                        fridges back up at the end of the
                                                                                        school year making your move-in and
                                                                                        move-out procedure as simple as
                                                                                        To book your fridge, please follow this

Decorating                              do not fill out this form, your room    One method of prevention is to
                                        will be determined to be in good        make a roommate contract. This is
Every student wants to make their
                                        condition upon moving in.               an agreement all roommates develop
residence room their own with a
                                                                                together, sign and follow to ensure
variety of decorations. We encourage    An inspection of your room will be
                                                                                a positive residence experience.
students to make their residence        completed by Housing Services
                                                                                Breaking this contract can lead
room feel like home, and we do          staff once you have departed from
                                                                                to personal meetings with a Don,
have some criteria that we wish for     residence to assess the cleaning
                                                                                personal meetings with a RLC, and
students to follow when adding          conditions and identify any damage
                                                                                a more formal community support
decorations to their rooms by           or maintenance concerns. Additional
                                                                                process if the contract is continually
asking that students use removable      charges related to the cleanliness
adhesives when hanging posters and      concerns, damages, or concerns
pictures on the walls.                  with the contents of the room (i.e.     Under extreme cases, room changes
                                        missing furniture), may be added to     may be facilitated to ensure the
Sticky tack and removable LED
                                        your student account. If you receive    wellbeing of all roommates. It is
lights should not be used as it does
                                        a damages email upon moving out         encouraged that roommates address
damage the walls. If you do put up
                                        of residence, an appeals process will   concerns with each other in a
hooks, like command hooks, they
                                        be outlined to you at that time.        constructive way, but roommates
must be removed before moving
                                                                                should also make their Don aware of
                                        Roommates                               roommate conflicts as some specific
Room Inspections & Damages                                                      conversations may need to take
                                        Trent University’s residences have      place.
When you move into your residence       traditional and suite style rooms,
room, you have 48 hours to fill out     so for many students, living with
a room inspection form online. You      roommates is a reality.
can find it on MyTrent -> Supports
-> Housing -> Housing Portal. This      We recognize that in some cases
allows you to mark any damage           conflicts do arise, and we have a
or concerns in your room so our         series of steps we follow to mediate
facilities team can follow up. If you   them to improve your experience.

                                                                                   Trent University Residence Guidebook   17
Check-Out Procedures                      Students within our suite style            Mail
                                          residence buildings will be required
Mid-Year                                                                             A mailbox key will be provided to
                                          to clean their spaces within their unit,
Once a student has filled out the                                                    you in your move-in day package
                                          however, maintenance services will
residence cancellation form on                                                       as every residence student receives
                                          still be provided.
the Housing Portal, all personal                                                     access to a mailbox on campus. Mail
belongings must be removed from           Signage and educational materials,         is collected and distributed Monday
your residence room, including            such as cleanliness guidelines for         to Friday, except on holidays. Within
garbage. When you are ready to            students, will also be placed around       the five colleges, anything larger than
leave, please go to the Service           all residence spaces and provided          the size of your assigned mailbox
Centre closest to you and one of the      by the Residence Life Dons to              will be kept at your Bank or College
Service Centre Assistants will help       educate students on proper cleaning        Service Centre and a package
you. You will bring your keys back        and hygiene, while highlighting            delivery notice will be sent to your
to the Service Centre, and the staff      appropriate physical distancing in a       TrentU email address directing you
will complete the check out process       residence environment.                     to pick it up. You must show photo
upon your departure. An inspection                                                   identification to retrieve your delivery.
                                          Housing Services will be increasing
of your room will be completed after      hand hygiene stations across               All mail and packages should have
your departure from residence to          residence buildings and will take          the below address for proper
note any damages, cleaning required       further precautions that follow            delivery.
or missing furniture/items.               appropriate physical distancing
                                                                                     Symons & Traill Campus Colleges:
                                          measures and directives.
End of Academic Year                                                                 Student Name/College
When moving out at the end of the                                                    2089 East Bank Drive
school year in April, instructions will                                              Peterborough, ON
be provided by your Residence Life        Laundry facilities are available to        K9L 1Z8
Don and Residence Life Coordinator.       students in each residence free of
                                                                                     Living at Champlain, Lady Eaton,
All personal belongings must be           charge. Students are responsible for
                                                                                     Otonabee or Gzowski Annex? You
removed from your residence               providing their own detergent and
                                                                                     will have a mailbox located in your
room, including garbage. Further          laundry softener.
                                                                                     College Residence Mail Room. Your
instructions on how to check                                                         mailbox will be labeled with your
out and the process in which to           Submitting a Residence                     suite/room number.
return your keys will be provided in      Maintenance Request
late March. An inspection of your                                                    Students living at Traill College in
                                          If you notice any facilities concerns in   Wallis Hall or Crawford House will
room will be completed after your         your building, residence community,
departure from residence to note                                                     have a mailbox at Traill College,
                                          or residence room, complete a              located in Wallis Hall.
any damages, cleaning required or         Residence Maintenance Request
missing furniture/items.                  Form through the Housing Portal
                                          which is accessed through MyTrent.
Cleaning & Maintenance                    The Housing Portal icon is located
All measures and directives are           under the Support Tab in the Housing
and will be guided by public health       Services section. When you open the
advice, and in accordance with            link, it will take you to the Housing
appropriate federal and provincial        Portal where you will be able to access
                                          the Residence Maintenance Request
government directives. Housing
Services is and will continue to
provide regular cleaning and              Work orders are processed Monday
maintenance services to all public/       to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. If your matter
shared spaces within residence.           is of an urgent nature we encourage
There will be a particular emphasis       students to contact their Residence Life
on high-touch surfaces for cleaning.      Don or Campus Security.
TVs                                  Ordering Food
Students are welcome to bring        (Please note: This is different from your mailing address.)
personal televisions into their
                                     Ordering food and having it delivered to campus is a very common
residence rooms, however, cable
                                     occurrence in residence. When you are ordering, you may need the specific
is only available in the Gzowski
                                     address of the building you are living in. These are listed below.
College, Gzowski College Annex,
Lady Eaton College Annex             Champlain College                          Traill College
and Champlain College Annex          Trent University                           310 London Street
residences, at the discretion of     1770 West Bank Drive                       Peterborough, ON K9H 2Z4
the student. Students in the above   Peterborough, ON K9L 1Z7                   Champlain College Annex
Colleges who wish to have cable
                                     Lady Eaton College                         1555 Water Street
in their residence rooms, must
                                     Trent University                           Peterborough, ON K9H 0H6
contact Cogeco Cable Company for
                                     1755 West Bank Drive                       Lady Eaton College Annex
pricing and set-up information and
                                     Peterborough, ON K9L 1Z6                   1633 Water Street
                                     Otonabee College                           Peterborough, ON K9H 0C7
All common rooms in all on-campus
                                     Trent University                           Otonabee College Annex
residences have Smart TVs that are
                                     2151 East Bank Drive                       780 Argyle Street
accessible to students 24/7.
                                     Peterborough, ON K9L 1Z8                   Peterborough, ON K9H 5T2
                                     Gzowski College                            Gzowski College Annex
                                     Trent University                           1633 Water Street
                                     1 Gzowski Way                              Peterborough, ON K9H 0C7
                                     Peterborough, ON K9J 8S6

                                                                                 Trent University Residence Guidebook   19
The mission of the Student Wellness Centre is to provide        What We Do
integrated services to address the holistic needs of            Counselling Services offers counselling on an
students studying at Trent. The Wellness Centre is made         individual basis to help students with personal
up of Counselling Services, Student Health Services, and        concerns that interfere with academic performance
Student Accessibility Services (SAS). You can find all of the   and emotional wellbeing. Often, a few sessions are
resources available through the Wellness Centre at https://     sufficient to find a solution or at least view the issue                                         from a more manageable perspective.

Counselling Services                                            To book an appointment:
                                                                During COVID-19 all counselling services will be
Our Mission Statement                                           delivered through teletherapy by audio or video link.
The Trent University Counselling Services provides personal     Appointments can be made by
counselling services to full and part-time undergraduate        email
and graduate students. Counselling Services acknowledges
and celebrates the strengths and fragility of the human         Virtual Drop-Ins Wednesdays 3-4 pm to ask
spirit. We are committed to providing services which            questions about mental health and get more
respect the dignity and value of all people inclusive of age,   information about available supports and how to
gender, ethnicity, physical qualities, sexual identity and      connect.
ability.                                                        Click here to connect!

Who We Are                                                      Please note Drop-ins are not intended for crisis
Services are provided by qualified professional counsellors     support or therapeutic intervention.
and supervised graduate interns or practicum students.          Counselling Services is now offering Single Session
Full time and contracted clinical staff are credentialed        Therapy for students who want to address specific
professionals whose practice is governed by their               concerns. Learn more here or visit “Is single session
respective professional colleges and/or associations. All       right for me?” and let us know on your intake form if
of our counsellors are very familiar with the wide range of     you want to see our Single Session Therapist.
personal issues that can interfere with a student’s academic
success and quality of life.

Student Health Services                       Student Accessibility Services
Trent Student Health Services is a team       Trent has a human rights obligation      To see information on the
of caring, dedicated, multi-disciplinary      to accommodate students with             services SAS provides to students
professionals with expertise in university    disabilities (e.g. hearing, visual,      and to review documentation
health issues.                                learning, mental health or mobility).    requirements and the registration
                                              Trent’s Human Rights Policies and        process, visit
As part of the Student Wellness Centre,
                                              Procedures are intended to reflect
they support a diverse student population                                              To see what specific services SAS
                                              the university’s response to the
through the provision of confidential                                                  provides to students, visit
                                              Ontario Human Rights Code and
primary health care, health promotion,                                       
                                              the Canadian Charter of Human
disease prevention, and wellness education.                                            Contact Information:
                                              Rights and Freedoms.
To book an appointment:                                                                Student Accessibility Services
                                              All members of the Trent
• Call 705-748-1481 during office             community have a responsibility to       Suite 132, Blackburn Hall,
  hours and speak to our Medical Office       ensure that students with disabilities   Phone: 705-748-1281
  Secretary                                   are accommodated. For faculty            Fax: 705-748-1509
• During COVID-19 Health Services is          and teaching assistants, this means      Email:
  offering a hybrid model of virtual and      providing test/exam and other            Hours of Operation:
  in-patient care.                            academic-related accommodations
                                              to students with disabilities whose      Fall and Winter Term
Please note: Appointments cannot be                                                    (September 1 to April 30):
                                              needs have been duly assessed and
made by email, or by leaving a voice                                                   Monday through Friday
                                              approved by SAS.
message.                                                                               9 am – 4 pm; closed for lunch
                                              Who we are & What we do                  from 12 pm – 1 pm
When making an appointment,
you will be asked:                            Student Accessibility Services           Summer Term
•   Your first and last name                  (SAS) is a team of interdisciplinary     (May 1 to August 31)
•   Your student number                       professionals who provide support        Monday through Friday
•   Your current telephone number             to students with disabilities through    9 am – 3 pm; closed for lunch
•   The reason for your visit                 one-on-one advising, referrals to        from 12 pm – 1 pm
                                              campus supports, and adaptive
To cancel an appointment:                     technology. SAS supports include:
• Call 705-748-1481 at any time day or        • Developing individualized
  night and leave a detailed message            accommodation plans for
  with your full name, student #,               registered students;
  appointment date and time                   • Working with students to
                                                develop approaches and
We request at least two hours prior             strategies that use students’
notice if you are cancelling an                 strengths to help them engage
appointment.                                    with their coursework;
Failure to keep an appointment or to          • Offering support through an
provide adequate notice will result in a        Adaptive Technologist, using
fee being charged, equal to the purpose         a hands-on approach which
of the appointment booked.                      allows students to learn how
                                                their technology works and how
Office Hours                                    it can be used in their studies;
Monday to Friday:                             • Directing and connecting
9 am – 12 pm and 1:30 pm – 4 pm                 students to appropriate campus

                                                                                       Trent University Residence Guidebook   21
“I love residence because of how easy it is for
                  students to access numerous forms of support,
                  including student, peer, and academic support
                  services. This creates a fun and educational
                  experience for all students!”
                 				     – Chenelle Pinto - Housing Admissions Assistant

CARD OFFICE                              TRANSIT                                   PARKING
The TrentU Card is your official Trent   Trent Transit is run exclusively          If you are bringing a car with you,
University student card that provides    through the Trent Central Student         please refer to the parking website
access to your Dining Plan, Trent        Association (TCSA) in collaboration       for all pertinent information:
Cash (campus debit card), Campus         with Peterborough Transit. Buses
Store and so much more!. The             run every day campus is open for
TrentU Card provides students with       classes including reading week,
safe, convenient access to their         exam periods, and weekends from
money. Visit for    September to April. Every student
more details.                            registered in more than 1.5 credits
                                         pays a non-refundable levy to the
TrentU Card Tips
                                         TCSA for transit and will receive a
• Do not hole-punch your cards –         transit pass that works from move-in
  they will deactivate.                  day all the way through until the start
                                         of the next academic year (including
• Add money to your Trent Cash by
                                         the summer). Your Trent Transit pass
  making a selection through the
                                         works on all Peterborough transit
  Housing Room Selection process,
                                         routes regardless if they service
  or online through the MyTrent
                                         campus. For more information on
                                         the Transit routes and schedules
• Lost card? Deactivate your card        please see the TCSA’s transit website
  online through your MyTrent            at or send a
  Portal.                                text or email to
Office Hours
Blackburn Hall, Suite 104
Monday through Friday
9 am – 12:30 pm and 1 pm – 4 pm
705-748-1011 ext. 7431

                                                                                        Trent University Residence Guidebook   23

Residence Life Don Support Phone (8 pm to 8 am):        Trent University Campus Security:

Champlain College: .................... 705-931-2307    University Emergency/TUEFRT:...705-748-1333
Champlain College Annex: ....... 705-931-1683           Non-emergency: ............................ 705-748-1328
Lady Eaton College: .................... 705-931-0378   ....................... ..................... .....
Lady Eaton College Annex:........ 705-760-4316          Walkhome: ....................................... 705-748-1748
Peter Gzowski College:............... 705-931-0831
Peter Gzowski College Annex:.. 705-875-0469             Community Contacts
Otonabee College: ...................... 705-931-1439   4 County Crisis: ............................... 866-995-9933
Otonabee College Annex:.......... 705-927-7091          Good2Talk:........................................ 866-925-5454
Catharine Parr Traill College:......705-872-7395        Telecare Distress Response .......... 705-745-2243
                                                        Centre of Peterborough:

Medical Emergencies                                              Trent University Emergency First Response Team
Medical emergencies are taken very seriously in
residence. All Residence Life Staff are trained in First Aid     TUEFRT consists of a number of volunteers who are
and CPR and are ready to help in crisis situations. Trent        on call 24/7 during the portions of the academic
University also has a series of on-campus services that          year when Trent University is open. These volunteers
can assist in medical emergencies. Students are advised          receive very intensive training in emergency medical
to use their judgement when responding to a medical              response and crisis response and can respond to a
emergency, calling 911 is always a first priority.               medical emergency anywhere on campus in a matter
                                                                 of minutes. TUEFRT is often one of the first responders
After calling 911, call Trent University Campus Security/        to a medical emergency and will either treat a student
TUEFRT and/or the Don Support Phone to ensure                    themselves or forward the student’s care to the
the professional EMS staff is guided to the student              appropriate authorities such as local Emergency Medical
needing assistance. A resident should only attempt to            Services.
help directly if they are sober, fully qualified, and feel
confident to do so. It is advised that students maintain         TUEFRT: 705-748-1333
regular appointments with a doctor (these can be
arranged through Trent University Health Services) and
notify their Don of any medical conditions they have or
accommodations they require. The best way to avoid
an emergency is to be proactive and aware of risks in

Fire Safety
All Trent University buildings and all     you may receive serious fines                 lock them in case the fire
residence rooms are equipped with          from the fire department and/or               department needs access to
fire detection systems. Each building      serious residence outcomes under              that room
has slightly different fire detection      the Residence Standards. If your         •    Evacuate to an area a safe
and alarm systems and these                accessibility needs make it difficult         distance from the affected
include at least one of: fire alarms,      for you to exit the building in case          building and make sure your
sprinklers, smoke detectors, and/          of fire (Example: you are not able to         evacuation is not a podium or
or heat detectors. Some residence          access an elevator) an individualized         roof of a building
rooms also have accessible systems         plan will be designed and followed.      •    Follow the instructions of
present that can alert students                                                          security and present residence
who are not able to respond to             What to do if a fire is present:              life staff, they will be wearing
traditional fire alarming systems.                                                       clothing to identify themselves
The fire evacuation process is very        •   If the alarm is not sounding and
                                                                                         (vests/jackets) and are trained
simple at Trent University.                    you see fire, sound the alarm
                                                                                         on safely evacuating students, if
                                           •   If you sound the alarm evacuate
If you see a fire, trigger the                                                           weather is not ideal for standing
                                               the building, call Campus
alarm, and if you sound the                                                              outdoors, they will work on
                                               Security and/or Don Support
alarm evacuate the building,                                                             gaining access to a nearby,
                                               Phone and notify them of where
call campus security and/or                                                              unaffected building
                                               the fire is; security will need to
Don Support Phone. Note that                                                        •    Do not enter the building on
                                               direct the fire response team to
this also applies to residence                                                           fire or in which the alarm is
                                               the appropriate area of campus
fire drills.                                                                             sounding until it has been
                                           •   If you hear the alarm anywhere
                                                                                         deemed safe by the fire
If you refuse to leave a building              on campus leave the building
                                                                                         department and until residence
during a fire alarm or fire drill you          as soon as possible, close
                                                                                         life staff allow you to enter.
are breaking the law and as a result           doors behind you but do not

                                                                                        Trent University Residence Guidebook   25
You can also read